The purpose of the article is to analyze the main requirements for the organization and management of various types of restaurant facilities, taking into account the need to ensure the cultural and leisure needs of the population. Research methodology. The basis of the research is the general scientific interdisciplinary methodology, which is based on the fundamental provisions of management, cultural studies, design, and other sciences. Common scientific methods are used: analysis, synthesis, generalization, classification, etc. The scientific novelty of the obtained results is that the main tendencies of the reorientation of catering establishments, in particular in Ukraine, in the original centers of culture, with their functions of leisure centers and entertainment, which is reflected in the National Standard, are also revealed. Conclusions. Despite the importance and numerous variations of the communication and entertainment and visual and artistic component of the interior space of restaurant enterprises, the main function of their catering is the priority of their internal arrangement. In the XX - the beginning of the XXI century, several basic types of functional types of institutions have been formed, with their inherent features of creation, zoning, and arrangement in accordance with the interests of clients of certain strata of the population, which imposes specific requirements for their organization, in particular, taking into account the leisure-time orientation.