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grain losses
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2021 ◽  
pp. 452-464
Patrick Wamalwa ◽  
Christopher Kanali ◽  
Erick Ronoh ◽  
Gareth Kituu

In Kenya, threshing of common beans is mainly by traditional method using sticks and animal tramping, which are slow, inefficient and tedious. Consequently, there is a need to develop portable threshers locally available in the market for small and medium-scale farmers. The objective of this study was to simulate design variables effect on the performance of a common beans portable thresher. Sizing of design variables and parameters was key in development of bean thresher. This could be achieved by costly experiments or use of prediction mathematical model equation. The later method was used by developing mathematical models from combination of Buckingham pi theorem and reference to other similar work in literature. The predicting equation for power requirement, grain losses, grain damages, efficiency and throughput capacity were developed and validated using experimental thresher from the same study. The results showed that there was a positive correlation with R2 of 0.9. Based on actual data and 10% absolute residual error interval, the prediction performance of the developed models were above 77%. The results noted that increase in cylinder peripheral speed of the pegs resulted into increase in power requirement, bean grains damages, threshing efficiency and throughput capacity. Also increase in effective cylinder diameter caused increase in threshing efficiency and grain damages.

2021 ◽  
Vol 937 (3) ◽  
pp. 032091
N N Pashkang ◽  
A B Martynushkin ◽  
A G Krasnikov ◽  
I V Fedoskina ◽  
E A Strokova

Abstract Based on the identified trends, patterns and features of the development of the grain production industry in Ryazan region, a conclusion was made about the existing potential and the prospect of support for agricultural organizations specializing in the production of grain, the development of seed production of winter wheat and spring barley, the use of innovative technologies for their cultivation and harvesting. The team of authors revealed that one of the main problems in the development of the grain production industry both in Ryazan region and in Russia was a decrease in the level of technical equipment of agricultural enterprises with modern grain harvesters. To solve this problem, it is proposed at the level of the regional government to purchase a license from developers for the production of devices that reduce grain losses during threshing and cleaning, create jobs for the production of these devices and modernize grain harvesters in the region, that will allow getting a larger percentage of high-quality food and seed grain, to replenish the regional budget with an additional amount of taxes, the receipt of which will exceed the costs of purchasing a license and organizing additional jobs.

2021 ◽  
pp. 75-87
M. Kundenko ◽  
A. Rudenko ◽  

According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), which provides annual grain losses of 10% in developed countries and 30-50% in underdeveloped countries. Most of the grain losses occur during the storage process, where the main pest is collar pests. Collar pest control is performed by generally accepted methods that have the right to live in a modern market economy, but I have many contraindications. Therefore, there is an urgent issue of replacing them with innovative treatment methods that have an effective effect on pests and do not harm the human body. In light of the development of electrophysical processing methods compared to other methods, this is a highly productive, energy-intensive, safe for staff and the environment method. The purpose of the study is to determine the optimal method of disinfection of grain mass by analyzing the existing method of grain processing. The analysis of literature sources is carried out and the comparison of all methods of grain mass disinfection is performed. The analysis showed the advantages of the electrophysical method of influencing grain mass with high and ultrahigh frequency and the need for further research, because there are no universal models that would take into account all components of the phenomena affecting the pest cell, tissues and biological fluids. Key words: electromagnetic field, high frequency, collar pests, grain losses, chemical treatment

I.V. Fadeev ◽  
I.A. Uspensky ◽  
M.N. Chatkin ◽  
V.Ya. Goltyapin ◽  

It is shown that the main parameters that determine the quality of a combine harvester operation are the amount of grain loss and its purity. The total loss of grain is the sum of losses through loose joints during the processes downstream the header and the thresher and separator. It has been established that control over the quality the combine harvester operation during direct combining should be performed in a comprehensive manner with the development of recommendations for reducing grain losses.

Wondale Endshaw ◽  
Berhanu Hiruy

Faba bean is the most important legume grown in Ethiopia. But, insect pests have been causing its substantial loss under farmers’ storages. A survey to assess the farmers’ pest protection practices of stored faba bean was conducted in its selected major growing peasant associations of the Farta District from 4 January 2019 – 15 May 2020. Semi-structured questionnaires and farmers’ participatory discussion were used to conduct the study. Accordingly, the majority of farmers (66.7%) harvested their grain in usual time (in December) fearing insect pests infestation. A substantial proportion of the farmers (25%) used a combination of cultural and botanical methods, followed by botanicals (20.83%) for grains protection. Eucalyptus globlus, Croton macrostachyus and Otostegia tomentosa were the three most commonly used botanicals and suggested to be potent. Threshing was done most commonly by livestock (66.7%), followed by beating with sticks (25%) both of which are not recommended as they might lead to grain losses. The insect infestation level was high in threshed and un-threshed forms of faba beans after 3 and 7 months storage periods, respectively. Consequently, the farmers’ traditional practices were ineffectual for storing beans for longer periods. Therefore, planning pest management strategies of stored beans are desirable.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (20) ◽  
pp. 202103
Marcelino Silva Farias Filho ◽  
Juan Guilherme Costa Siqueira ◽  
Willane Da Silva Rodrigues ◽  
Aldenice Correa Duarte

GRAIN LOSSES IN TRANSPORT BY THE BR-135 AND BR-222 HIGHWAYS IN THE STATE OF MARANHÃOPÉRDIDAS DE GRANOS EN EL TRANSPORTE POR LAS BR-135 Y BR-222 EN EL ESTADO DE MARANHÃORESUMOO transporte da soja e de outros grãos é realizado no Brasil, predominantemente, em caminhões por estradas com infraestrutura precária, o que conduz a perdas significativas de parte da produção. O presente artigo analisa o desperdício de grãos, especialmente os de soja, pelas rodovias BR-135 (trecho entre São Luís até o entroncamento com a BR-222 em Itapecuru Mirim) e BR-222 (trecho Entroncamento até município de Anapurus) no Estado do Maranhão. Para desenvolvimento deste artigo foi realizada pesquisa bibliográfica e levantamentos de campo para identificação dos fatores que influenciam o desperdício nestas rodovias. Ao longo da pesquisa, identificou-se que as condições de infraestrutura para o escoamento das commodities não acompanhou o desenvolvimento do agronegócio no Estado. O excesso de carga, aliado às irregularidades asfálticas, assim como as más condições do modal utilizado, constituem os principais motivos para o desperdício de grãos e, muitas vezes, resultam em acidentes envolvendo animais domésticos e silvestres que são atraídos pelos grãos caídos às margens das rodovias. Os dados e as informações obtidos reforçam a necessidade do aperfeiçoamento dos sistemas de transportes e recuperação das rodovias para que os desperdícios de grãos sejam minimizados e vários danos socioambientais sejam evitados.Palavras-chave: Transporte de Soja; Desperdício de Grãos; Estado do Maranhão.ABSTRACTTransport of soybeans and other grains is carried out in Brazil, predominantly in trucks on roads with poor infrastructure, which leads to significant losses of part of the production. The present article analyzes the wastage of grains, especially soybean, by the BR-135 highways (stretch between São Luís to the junction with BR-222 in Itapecuru-Mirim) and BR-222 (Entroncamento stretch to Anapurus municipality) of Maranhão state. For the development of this article was carried out bibliographical research and field surveys to identify the factors that influence the waste in these highways. Throughout the research, it was identified that the infrastructure conditions for the flow of commodities did not accompany the development of agribusiness in the State. Excess cargo combined with asphaltic irregularities as well as the bad conditions of the modal used are the main reasons for grain wastage and often result in accidents involving domestic and wild animals that are attracted by the grains deposited along the roadsides. The data and information obtained reinforce the need to improve transportation systems and road rehabilitation so that grain wastes are minimized and several socio-environmental damages are avoided.Keywords: Soy Transportation; Grain Waste; State of Maranhão.RESUMENLa soja y otros granos se transportan en Brasil, principalmente en camiones por carreteras con poca infraestructura, lo que conduce a pérdidas significativas en parte de la producción. Este documento analiza el desperdicio de granos, especialmente soja, por la BR-135 (tramo entre São Luís hasta la unión con la BR-222 en Itapecuru Mirim) y la BR-222 (Entroncamento al municipio de Anapurus) en el Estado de Maranhão. Para el desarrollo de este artículo, se llevaron a cabo investigaciones bibliográficas y encuestas de campo para identificar los factores que influyen en los desechos en estas carreteras. A lo largo de la investigación, se identificó que las condiciones de infraestructura para el flujo de productos no acompañaron el desarrollo de los agronegocios en el Estado. La sobrecarga, junto con las irregularidades del asfalto, así como las malas condiciones del modo utilizado, son las principales razones del desperdicio de granos y a menudo resultan en accidentes que involucran animales domésticos y salvajes que son atraídos por los granos caídos en los bordes de las carreteras. Los datos y la información obtenidos refuerzan la necesidad de mejorar los sistemas de transporte y la recuperación de carreteras para que se minimice el desperdicio de granos y se eviten diversos daños sociales y ambientales.Palabras clave: Transporte de Soja; Residuos de Cereales; Estado de Maranhão.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (4) ◽  
pp. 682
Mohamad Syazwan Ngalimat ◽  
Erneeza Mohd Hata ◽  
Dzarifah Zulperi ◽  
Siti Izera Ismail ◽  
Mohd Razi Ismail ◽  

As a major food crop, rice (Oryza sativa) is produced and consumed by nearly 90% of the population in Asia with less than 9% produced outside Asia. Hence, reports on large scale grain losses were alarming and resulted in a heightened awareness on the importance of rice plants’ health and increased interest against phytopathogens in rice. To serve this interest, this review will provide a summary on bacterial rice pathogens, which can potentially be controlled by plant growth-promoting bacteria (PGPB). Additionally, this review highlights PGPB-mediated functional traits, including biocontrol of bacterial rice pathogens and enhancement of rice plant’s growth. Currently, a plethora of recent studies address the use of PGPB to combat bacterial rice pathogens in an attempt to replace existing methods of chemical fertilizers and pesticides that often lead to environmental pollutions. As a tool to combat bacterial rice pathogens, PGPB presented itself as a promising alternative in improving rice plants’ health and simultaneously controlling bacterial rice pathogens in vitro and in the field/greenhouse studies. PGPB, such as Bacillus, Pseudomonas, Enterobacter, Streptomyces, are now very well-known. Applications of PGPB as bioformulations are found to be effective in improving rice productivity and provide an eco-friendly alternative to agroecosystems.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 91-104
James Matheus Ossacz Laconski ◽  
Paulo Henrique da Silva Nogueira ◽  
Lucas Belcamino Vila Real ◽  
Adriana Rodrigues de Melo ◽  

A research aims to study and analyze which factors contribute to grain losses in the transport logistics chain. For this purpose, a descriptive research was carried out, through the application of a questionnaire, involving aspects related to transport logistics. The results indicate that, for the interviewees, the factors that most contribute to the loss of grains in the transport logistics chain are the use of vehicles in inadequate transport conditions, and that do not have adequate maintenance of the bodies. In addition, the factors least related to losses are the lack of tire calibration and the short scheduling windows for unloading grains at ports.

2021 ◽  
Vol 258 ◽  
pp. 04006
Kukhmaz Kukhmazov ◽  
Vladimir Konovalov

The aim of the research was to check the possibility of using and the justification of design and operating parameters of the proposed chain-and-slat conveyor of the feeder house for harvesting grain crops on the example of wheat. The research methodology included the determination of grain losses and crushing behind the combine thresher when varying the slat pitch of the chain-and-slat transporter (153.6; 307.2 and 460.8 mm), the speed of moving these slats (2.0...5.0 m/s) and the speed of the combine (1.2...2.4 m/s). The researches made on chain-and-slat conveyor of the combine harvester’s feeder house have shown that it can be used in the harvester’s design. The rational values of design and mode parameters of chain-and-slat conveyor of the combine harvester’s feeder house have been justified by laboratory and field studies. At a pitch of stamped slats of the chain-and-slat conveyor of 307.2 mm, a speed of chain-and-slat conveyor slats of 2.8...3.6 m/s and a working speed of the combine of 2.2 m/s, grain losses behind the threshing machine and grain crushing amount to less than one percent that meets the agricultural requirements.

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