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methods of control
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Y. Martynov ◽  
O. Petrenko ◽  
B. Liubarskyi

The article assesses the current state of the city elevator industry, analyzes statistical data that reflect the number of overtime workers in accordance with the established norms of time norms of safe operation and non-working elevators. A comparative analysis of the characteristics of typical elevator drives. It is noted that on the basis of the study it is possible to draw the following conclusions and provide recommendations. In the conditions of budget deficit the organizations servicing elevators need to try to find means for updating or modernization of this type of transport independently that will lead to growth of acceleration of terms of performance of technical works. For example, private investment can be such a source of funding. In the absence of sufficient funding, service organizations can lease the necessary equipment. An important issue is to increase the level of training for quality maintenance of elevators. It is necessary to gradually replace elevators that have served their standard service life (first of all, these are elevators that have worked for more than 35 years, then 25 years, and so on). The renewed elevators should be based on modern innovative technologies that would ensure energy savings and be equipped with the latest methods of control, monitoring the technical condition of the elevator system remotely, it will significantly increase the level of quality and speed of service.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 30-35
Oleksandr Bon

Since the establishment of the Bolshevik regime, intellectuals as holders of knowledge, ideology and historical experience, were under systematic and constant pressure. Special attention was paid to political control over higher education institutions, particularly in Kyiv. This control concerned reorganization of Ukrainian universities (Russian universities were not reorganised). That is why particular attention should be paid to higher education changes during the early totalitarism period. Kyiv University served as a basis for establishment of Kyiv Higher Institute of People’s Education and other educational institutions. Besides, there was political and ideological purge of teachers and students at the same time. The forms of control over lecturers were detailed questionnaires and reports. Such famous scientists as Hryhoriy Pavlutskiy, Klyment Kvitka, and others were among those lectures. Students were controlled through commissions on political level checks (political registration). Those commissions were the ones that carried out a purge in 1921–1923s. All those actions changed the political and ideological situation in Kyiv Higher Institute of People’s Education.The subject matter of this article is to show forms and methods of control over the lecturers and students in Kyiv Higher Institute of People’s Education. The main sources used in the article are the documents of the fund P-346 (R-346) of the State Archives of Kyiv.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (12) ◽  
pp. 1071
Artemii A. Ivanov ◽  
Egor O. Ukladov ◽  
Tatiana S. Golubeva

Phytophthora infestans (Mont.) de Bary is one of the main pathogens in the agricultural sector. The most affected are the Solanaceae species, with the potato (Solanum tuberosum) and the tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) being of great agricultural importance. Ornamental Solanaceae can also host the pests Petunia spp., Calibrachoa spp., as well as the wild species Solanum dulcamara, Solanum sarrachoides, etc. Annual crop losses caused by this pathogen are highly significant. Although the interaction between P. infestans and the potato has been investigated for a long time, further studies are still needed. This review summarises the basic approaches in the fight against the late blight over the past 20 years and includes four sections devoted to methods of control: (1) fungicides; (2) R-gene-based resistance of potato species; (3) RNA interference approaches; (4) other approaches to control P. infestans. Based on the latest advances, we have provided a description of the significant advantages and disadvantages of each approach.

Ivan Kostjukov

The article provides an overview of the most common methods for monitoring the technical state of electrical insulation, based on the applying of absorption phenomena arising in dielectric materials under the influence of DC voltage. The main provisions of the control method based on determining the voltage at the electrodes of the investigated capacitive control object, which is recovering after a short-term discharge of its capacity, are described. The main aspects of the application of the polarization index and the absorption coefficient for determining the technical state of insulation by using the coefficients characterizing the change in time of the current through the dielectric when a constant test voltage is applied to it are analyzed. The advantages of using absorption methods for monitoring the technical state of electrical insulation, first of all, are the ability to carry out testing without the necessity of applying of relatively high test voltages, which greatly simplifies all the necessary technical operations. Such control methods show a significant dependence of the informative parameters used in them on the technical state of insulation on the degree of development of slow polarization processes in the material under study and, therefore, are successfully used to determine the degree of moisture in tested electrical insulation.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (166) ◽  
pp. 146-150
Y. Abramov ◽  
V. Kryvtsova ◽  
A. Mikhailyuk

Methods of control of technical condition of gas generators of systems of storage and supply of hydrogen based on use of their phase-frequency characteristics are considered. Methods of control of gas generators are divided into two groups depending on the mathematical models used to describe the operation of such gas generators. It is shown that when using as such a mathematical model the transfer function of the gas generator in the form of an inertial link, it is possible to implement control algorithms both by its phase-frequency characteristics and by its time constant. In the first case, the phase-frequency characteristic is measured at an a priori set frequency. In the second case, there is no such restriction. When using as a mathematical model of the gas generator the transfer function in the form of a fractional-rational function of the second order, the implementation of algorithms for its control can be carried out directly using the phase-frequency characteristics of the gas generator. With this implementation of algorithms for monitoring the technical condition of gas generators, the measurement of the values of their phase-frequency characteristics is carried out at several frequencies. This approach to the control of gas generators can increase the reliability of its results. All methods of monitoring the technical condition of gas generators of hydrogen storage and supply systems are focused on the use of tolerance criteria. The parameters of the tolerance criteria can be both the values of the time constants of gas generators of hydrogen storage and supply systems, and fixed values of the phase-frequency characteristics of such gas generators. In the latter case, control algorithms are implemented that cover the entire operating frequency range of gas generators.

2021 ◽  
Vol 18 (4) ◽  
pp. 45-52
Wenhua Huang ◽  
Yan Huang ◽  
Juan Ren ◽  
Jinglong Jiang ◽  
Marischa Elveny

One of the challenges facing drilling companies in the completion and production of oil and gas wells is sand production from the formation. The ability to predict sand production in the wells of a reservoir, to decide to use different methods of control is considered a fundamental issue. Therefore, analysis and study of sand production conditions and selecting the optimal drilling route before drilling wells are significant issues that are less considered. According to the findings of this study, due to the sand grains adhesion issue, saturation increase has caused to increase in the intermolecular uptake, and therefore moisture has been decreased. It leads to reduction in the sand production rate. Pressure increase has a direct relationship with the sand production rate due to increased induced drag forces. Moreover, phenol–formaldehyde resins provided an acceptable measurement as there are no significant changes in porosity and permeability.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (48) ◽  
pp. 5-5
Dmitry Surinsky ◽  
Sergey Egorov ◽  
Ilya Shchinnikov

This article is considered used and newly developed rodent control devices, taking into account operating experience with patented structures, and analyzes the options for their use to control the pests. The analysis of the currently used methods for protection showed that there is a need not only to use devices for scaring and destruction, but also to design a device for research is required taking electrophysical methods for consideration. As a result, a model of an electrocontact grid has been proposed that plays the role of a stun gun to scare off rodents. Keywords: DERATIZATION, DERATIZER, ULTRASOUND, RODENTS, METHODS OF CONTROL, STUN GUN

2021 ◽  
Vol 2094 (2) ◽  
pp. 022058
M F Noskov

Abstract The method of seam welds quality control using X-ray is considered. The X-ray methods of control are based on the capability of gamma radiation to penetrate through a metal including welded areas. Regions having defects - pores, faulty welds, cracks, scale inclusions - look darker on images. Appearance, linear dimensions and depths of the defects usually are determined by a visual examination comparing the X-ray image with standard defects images. It is known that a human eye can distinguish not more than 12-15 shades on a black and white image but more than a hundred on a colored image. The paper considers possibilities of the developed method by the author and based on the optical mixing of two or three complementary colors - red, blue and green. The method can use only one pair of the colors at a time, i.e. it is possible to have three various pairs for a pseudo-color image. The obtained pseudo-color image has the same informational capacity as the original black and white image. But the greater fraction of the saved information becomes available for visual examination of the X-ray image. In the end the efficiency of the seam weld quality control increases.

PeerJ ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 9 ◽  
pp. e12045
Joan Fuster ◽  
Toni Caparrós ◽  
Lluis Capdevila

In team sports, load management has become one of the most common areas of investigation, given that effective control over load is the key to being able to optimize performance and avoid injuries. Despite the constant evolution and innovation in the latest theories, we can see a clear tendency in load management that focuses on physiological and mechanical aspects and neglects its cognitive character, which generates the variability inherent in the performance of athletes in a changing environment. Indicators of response that inform methods of control over cognitive load can include cognitive, physiological and behavioral indicators. However, limited investigations exist to support the reliability of each indicator regarding cognitive load. For this reason, the objective of this literature review is to present strategies used to manage cognitive load in team sports, as well as the indicators utilized for such a proposition and their relationships in specific contexts.

ANRI ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 0 (3) ◽  
pp. 3-14
Valeriy Dreyzin ◽  
Artyem Sviridov ◽  
Vyacheslav Varganov ◽  
Dmitriy Logvinov

The current state of non-destructive testing of radioactive waste (RW) packed in sealed containers by the energy spectrum of gamma radiation coming out of the container is considered. A brief analysis of the methods used in existing installations for the control and certification of containers with RW for conducting nuclide analysis of RW with the determination of the specific activities of the radionuclides contained in them is carried out, and their shortcomings are shown. More effective methods of RW characterization are proposed: the problems of controlling hard – to-detect radionuclides (alpha-and beta-emitting nuclides) and the disadvantages of the “scaling coefficients”method recommended by MAGATE for their control are considered. More promising methods are proposed, which are a further development of the”nuclide vector method”. The list of “reference” gamma-emitting nuclides used in their implementation is justified.

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