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Joon Pio Hong ◽  
Joon Hur ◽  
Hyung Bae Kim ◽  
Changsik John Park ◽  
Hyunsuk Peter Suh

Abstract Background The local flaps, especially perforator and keystone flaps, are used as first-line treatment option in reconstruction of small tomoderate-sized defect of the extremity. However, the high complication rate associated with these flaps may hinder this usage. Methods This article reviews the technical and clinical aspect of using color duplex ultrasound )CDU) in the preoperative, intraoperative, and postoperative period for propeller and keystone flaps. Results CDU allows the surgeon to understand the anatomical aspect of the perforator such as the location, point of penetration on the deep fascia, subcutaneous pathway )axiality) and physiological aspect such as velocity and flow volume. Understanding and utilizing this information will allow accurate preoperative design, intraoperative decision making, and postoperative monitoring, leading to better outcome. Conclusion Carefully designed local perforator flaps based on anatomy and physiology using CDU will be a powerful armamentarium for reconstruction of the lower extremity.

2021 ◽  
Vol 40 (3) ◽  
pp. 131-140
V. V. Koloda

Farmstead planning of Mokhnach П settlement during the time of existence of the Saltiv cultural historical community within the second half of the 8th — mid-9th centuries is analyzed in the paper. The settlement was included into the residential agglomeration (microregion) with the center in Mokhnach hillfort. Some categories of household living buildings and ways of their location in relation to this or other dwelling are distinguished within the bounds of the largest excavation site 1. Generally, 36 Saltiv sites were identified on the mentioned area; among them there are 4 dwellings, 4 slightly deepened household buildings, 3 summer kitchens, 4 constructions for harvest storage (1 vault, 2 cellars and 1 box room) and 21 household pits (two of them were used to prepare clay for ceramics production). The planography analysis of the present complexes of the excavation site 1 allows to admit that in the south eastern part of the settlement there were 4 farmsteads that belonged to separate families which did their own housekeeping. The usable area was not large (12—18 m2). It points to the fact that a so-called «small family» consisting of 4—6 persons owned a certain household. Borderlines of these farmsteads do not overlap one another — it shows that they coexisted together at the same time. There is enough space for passage of people or transport vehicles between the farmsteads. Structure of household buildings is generally similar. The dwelling was accompanied by a slightly deepened household building, a summer kitchen, a construction for harvest storage, and a certain amount of household pits. At the same time, some differences are also can be observed. In two cases (farmstead 2, 4), a small household pit located very close to a household building has been discovered. In the farmsted 3 no summer kitchen was identified, and in the farmstead 1 no construction for harvest storage was found as well. In three other cases (farmsteads 2—4), buildings for harvest storage differed between one another by a form, construction and storage capacity. In the each farmstead the amount of household pits that could coexist at the same time did not exceed 5 units. Thus, it can be noticed that the square of the identified farmsteads, the characteristics of the household buildings, amount of supportive household pits and their location point to the quite convenient organization of the living space and the opportunity to do housekeeping successfully.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 41-43
Murniati Ningsih ◽  
Helmi yetti ◽  
R. Irpan Pahlepi

Research has been carried out on the types and abundance of mosquitoes in Kahyapu Village, Enggano Island, Northest Bengkulu in December 2018 – May 2019 with the goals to knowing the types and abundance of mosquitoes found in Kahyapu Village, Enggano Island, Northest Bengkulu. The research location points were determined by purposive sampling and the mosquito collection at each other location point was determined using the Human Landing Collection method. The mosquitoes obtained were grouped by genus and species, the data obtained were analyzed descriptively. From the results of the study obtained 4 species of mosquitoes, namely Aedes albopictus, Armigeres subalbatus, Culex fuscocephala and Culex quinquefasciatus. mosquito with high abundance are Aedes albopictus.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 35-42
Abdul Hakim Zakkiy Fasya ◽  
Priyo Mukti Pribadi Winoto ◽  
Dwi Handayani ◽  
Mursyidul Ibad ◽  
Nur Masruroh ◽  

The limited management of the surveillance system in Trenggalek caused the absence of an early warning alert and response system (EWARS) if the infectious disease situation leads to outbreaks. The current condition in the community, that there were still many confusing issues related to Covid19, which caused paranoia to occur. It will be difficult to do early detection and immediate treatment as a form of prevention of severity. Using the InaRISK Personal application, participants were invited to conduct an independent assessment of Covid19 transmission risks. Providing materials, mentoring, and evaluating, did this method. The results knew that participants feel the use of the application in awareness and preventing the transmission of Covid19. However, there were still complaints about application operations, such as disturbances, errors, and difficulty in determining the location point. Therefore, it is necessary to improve the functions and features of the application, which are used easily and comfortably.

2021 ◽  
Vol 22 (9) ◽  
Ketut Ayu Yuliadhi ◽  

Abstract. Yuliadhi KA, Supartha IW, Darmiati NN, Bangun A, Yudha IKW, Utama IWEK, Wiradana PA. 2021. Silba adipata (Diptera: Lonchaeidae) parasitoids on cayenne pepper (Capsicum frutescens) in Bali, Indonesia. Biodiversitas 22: 3929-3935. The black fig fly (Silba adipata) is newly emerging pests that attack cayenne pepper (Capsicum frutescens L.) plants in Bali Province, Indonesia. This study aimed to determine the parasitoid type, community structure, distribution, and parasitization rate of the parasitoids of S. adipata on cayenne pepper in Bali. The sampling method employed in this study involves purposive sampling techniques on 100-150 pieces of cayenne pepper infested with S. adipata at each location point, with the emerging parasitoids identified morphologically. Three types of parasitoid species were associated with S. adipata, which include Asobara japonica Belokobylskij, Fopius arisanus (Sonan), and Diachasmimorpha longicaudata (Ashmead). The parasitoid community structure associated with S. adipata had a low abundance index, low diversity index, and a moderate dominance index. Based on the distribution of the three parasitoids, D. longicaudata is distributed evenly in Bali, whereas F. arisanus was not found in Jembrana . Conversely, A. japonica was only found in Badung, Bangli, Gianyar, and Klungkung. As summary, D. laungicaudata had the highest parasitization rate compared to the F. arisanus and A. japonica. D. longicaudata is a potential parasitoid, which can be studied for the future biological control of S. adipata.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 17
Linda Safira ◽  
Paulus Harsadi ◽  
Sri Harjanto

Cleanliness is one of the requirements to create a healthy living environment. But in reality, not everyone have a concern for environmental hygiene and health. For this reason, learning about the importance of caring for environmental cleanliness must be instilled early on. One interesting method to provide learning about environmental cleanliness can be through games. With the 3D visualization of this environmental cleanliness game, it is an effort to raise awareness of the importance of environmental hygiene and health in the community. The location used in making this game is Campus 1 Poltekkes Surakarta. The purpose of this study is implementation of Navmesh with the A Star (A*) Pathfinding Algorithm on the characters so that players can find the trash location point and the location point of the tree with the shortest route. Making this game uses the GDLC (Game Development Life Cycle) method with stages of Initiation, Pre Production, Production, Testing, Beta and Release. This game can be played on desktop and mobile devices. The results of the research that has been done are seen from the algorithm simulation testing is the nodes that are passed by as many as 50 nodes, where there are duplicate data as many as 7 nodes due to real time systems that read nodes over and over. Thus, the application accuracy rate reaches 86%.Keywords: Educational Games, A * Pathfinding, Navmesh

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 7837-7845
H. Hendriko ◽  
G. Kiswanto ◽  
A. Akhyan ◽  
J. Y. Zaira ◽  
I. Idris ◽  

This paper presents a simple analytical approach to define cut geometry of multi-pass rough milling during a free-form surface milling. The shape of in-process workpiece surface was identified using the coordinate of corner points that are found in every step of stair-surface. In every instantaneous tool location, the workpiece sections that have possibility intersecting with the cutting edge were identified based on the coordinate of cutter location point. The algorithm was developed for machining using indexable flat end-mill by considering the effect of helix angle to the cut geometry. The proposed method was successfully used to determine the length of cut and generate the shape of cuts. The implementation test also demonstrated that helix angle tends to produce larger cut.The validation of the accuracy was carried out by comparing the length of cut measured using CAD software with those generated by the proposed approach. The results showed that the differences were very small or less than 0.4%. Therefore, it can be taken into conclusion that the method was accurate. The comparison test on computational time was conducted. ABS took only 1.63 second for calculating cut geometry during one tool pass, while Z-mapping method spent 23.21 second. This result proved that ABS is computationally more efficient.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 105-112
Diana Dwi Aulia ◽  
Warisa Warisa ◽  

The increase in sales of meatballs from year to year, seen from a strategic location point of view, and the relatively cheap selling price of meatballs among the community, this meatball shop is a place to eat that is never empty of people visiting to eat. In the business world, actors or business owners are always looking for new opportunities in developing their business, therefore business owners will easily find customers. The more developing or increasing meatball stalls, with this the author aims to see the increase, sales, and customer demand in the meatball shop. And because of the large number of customers, it will definitely increase the material and production costs. In this study, data processing was made using the Mamdani fuzzy method or what is commonly called the Min-Max method. To get the largest production cost output in 2019 - 2020, it can be obtained from the calculation of production costs and the results of available products with several stages of the necessary methods, namely; a) Formation of fuzzy sets; b) Application function implication; c) Composition of rules; d) Defuzzification. The results of defuzzification, we can determine the increase in the production of meatball stalls

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 202-219
Imam Asmarudin ◽  
Imawan Sugiharto ◽  
Ratna Riyanti ◽  
Hamidah Abdurrachman

The purpose of this research is to explore how the potential of local native income from the sector of structuring the management of expertise in Tegal Regency. Taxes and levies are one of the sources of local income that can be returned to the community as a form of welfare, the form of return from local government are to provide good public services, orderly, safe and comfortable, one of which is in parking, management and arrangement of parking is a business that has income value. This research uses an empirical juridical approach where primary data is the main data, data obtained through observation and interview, then data processed descriptively analytically. Retribution is one of the sources of revenue Tegal regency should be selectively optimized. The arrangement of parking, management is expected to increase the income of the area as the original income of the region and vice versa for the community to feel its benefits, comfort, order, and security in parking. Based on data in 2020 Tegal district government has a total parking location point of 269 with parkers as many as 412 people, if the levy is carried out correctly and by the nominal deposited estimated Local Native Income from the parking management sector reaches Rp. 697,488,000,000. Seeing this potential requires policy breakthroughs for local governments in managing to park, one of which is by making Local Regulations on Parking Arrangement and Management

Kukuh Winarso ◽  
Sabarudin Akhmad ◽  
Rachmad Hidayat ◽  
Anis Arendra

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