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Физика и техника полупроводников
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Published By Ioffe Institute Russian Academy Of Sciences


С.Н. Гарибова ◽  
А.И. Исаев ◽  
С.И. Мехтиева ◽  
С.У. Атаева ◽  
Р.И. Алекперов

Specifics of "amorphous state - crystal" phase transitions in dependence on the samples obtaining method and thermal processing, as well as changes in the structure and close range order in the arrangement of the atoms of Ge20Sb20.5Te51 chalcogenide semiconductors have been studied by the x-ray diffraction and Raman spectroscopy. It has been shown that Ge20Sb20.5Te51 films obtained by thermal evaporation on an unheated substrate are amorphous; after heat treatment at 220 and 400 °C, transform into a crystalline phase with a cubic and hexagonal structure. The chemical bonds and the main structural elements that form the matrix of the investigated objects, as well as the changes that occur in them during heat treatment, have been determined.

Л.С. Басалаева ◽  
А.В. Царев ◽  
К.В. Аникин ◽  
С.Л. Вебер ◽  
Н.В. Крыжановская ◽  

Resonance reflection of light from the ordered arrays of silicon nanopillars (Si NP) was investigated. The height of Si NP was 450 nm. The effect of Si NP oxidation in concentrated nitric acid on the position of resonances in reflection spectra was studied. A weak influence of the additional polymeric coating on the characteristics of reflection from the structures was proven. It is established on the basis of the results of experimental investigation and direct numerical modeling by means of three-dimensional finite difference time domain algorithm (3D FDTD) that the dependence of the resonant wavelength for Si NP on the diameter of Si NP is a linear function with nonzero displacement depending on the pitch.

С.Ю. Давыдов ◽  
О.В. Посредник

Estimates of charge transfer between adsorbate monolayer and SiC substrate based on account of the dipole-dipole repulsion and exchange interactions are presented. It is demonstrated that all the interaction channels lead to adlayer depolarization. Role of the band and local adatoms states are analyzed. Methods of experimental verification of the obtained results are proposed.

В.П. Смагин ◽  
А.А. Исаева ◽  
Е.А. Шелепова

Nanoscale particles ZnS:Nd3+, CdS:Nd3+ and (Zn,Cd)S:Nd3+ were synthesized and doped in a polymerizing methyl methacrylate medium during the production of optically transparent polyacrylate composites of the composition PMMA/ZnS:Nd3+, PMMA/CdS:Nd3+ and PMMA/(Zn,Cd)S:Nd3+. The excitation of photoluminescence (FL) and FL of semiconductor structures in composites is associated with the transition of electrons from the valence band to the conduction band and to the levels of structural defects of semiconductor particles, followed by recombination at these levels. Based on changes in the excitation spectra of FL and FL composites, assumptions are made about the structure of particles, the distribution of Nd3+ ions in it and their effect on photoluminescence.

А.Ю. Маслов ◽  
О.В. Прошина

Abstract The specific features of the interaction of charged particles with polar optical phonons have been studied theoretically for quantum wells with the barriers that are asymmetric in their dielectric properties. It is shown that the interaction with interface phonon modes makes the greatest contribution in narrow quantum wells. The parameters of the electron-phonon interaction were found for the cases of different values of the phonon frequencies in the barrier materials. It turned out that a significant (by almost an order of magnitude) change in the parameters of the electron-phonon interaction can occur in such structures. This makes it possible, in principle, to trace the transition from weak to strong interactions in quantum wells of the same type but with different compositions of barrier materials. The conditions are found under which an enhancement of the electron-phonon interaction is possible in an asymmetric structure in comparison with a symmetric one with the barriers of the same composition.

Н.К. Морозова ◽  
И.И. Аббасов ◽  
Е.М. Гаврищук ◽  
М.А. Мусаев ◽  
Дж.И. Гусейнов ◽  

Изучены спектры фотолюминесценции поликристаллического CVD (chemical vapour deposition) ZnSe, выращенного с большим избытком селена и содержащего комплексы \O*Se-Cu+i\ на дефектах упаковки. Измерено поглощение, дополняющее эти данные. Рассмотрены особенности спектров фотолюминесценции по сравнению с катодолюминесценцией. Показано, что идентичные полосы фотолюминесценции наблюдаются как несколько более коротковолновые, чем полосы катодолюминесценции. Для исследованных кристаллов представлена зонная модель согласно результатам, полученным в данной работе. Длинноволновое смещение спектров фотолюминесценции при уменьшении энергии возбуждения соответствует сдвигу по энергетической шкале зонной модели с соответствующим изменением типа излучательных переходов. Внесены изменения, определяющие природу группы эквидистантных полос 477-490 нм, характерных для образцов ZnSe с избытком кислорода и Se. Результаты могут быть полезны для более полного изучения структуры многофононных экситонных спектров фото- и катодолюминесценции кристаллов АIIВVI. Ключевые слова: зонная модель, узколинейчатые многофононные спектры, экситонное излучение, дефекты упаковки, изоэлектронная примесь кислорода, несущая эффективный отрицательный заряд.

М.М. Соболев ◽  
Ф.Ю. Солдатенков

The results of experimental studies of capacitance– voltage characteristics, spectra of deep-level transient spectroscopy of graded high-voltage GaAs p+−p0−i−n0 diodes fabricated by liquid-phase epitaxy at a crystallization temperature of 900C from one solution–melt due to autodoping with background impurities, in a hydrogen or argon ambient, before and after irradiation with neutrons. After neutron irradiation, deep-level transient spectroscopy spectra revealed wide zones of defect clusters with acceptor-like negatively charged traps in the n0-layer, which arise as a result of electron emission from states located above the middle of the band gap. It was found that the differences in capacitance–voltage characteristics of the structures grown in hydrogen or argon ambient after irradiation are due to different doses of irradiation of GaAs p+−p0−i−n0 structures and different degrees of compensation of shallow donor impurities by deep traps in the layers.

В.Л. Матухин ◽  
А.Н. Гавриленко ◽  
Е.В. Шмидт ◽  
С.Б. Орлинский ◽  
И.Г. Севастьянов ◽  

Рассмотрены легированные соединения халькопирита. Приведены результаты изучения спектральных параметров методом ядерного магнитного резонанса 63,65Cu в локальном поле, а также методом электронного парамагнитного резонанса в интервале температур 15-300 K. Наблюдаемое уширение резонансных линий спектров ядерного магнитного резонанса и обнаружение парамагнитного сигнала в образце при температуре 15 K свидетельствуют о появлении антиструктурных дефектов. Быстрое изменение формы линии спектра электронного парамагнитного резонанса в интервале температур 100-130 K связывается со структурно-фазовым переходом. Ключевые слова: термоэлектрики, соединения халькопирита, антиструктурные дефекты.

И.А. Ларкин ◽  
Ю.Н. Ханин ◽  
Е.Е. Вдовин

The behavior of the photocurrent in GaAs / AlAs p-i-n heterostructures is studied in a magnetic field parallel to the heterolayers in the wavelength range from 395 to 650 nm. A strong dependence of the non-oscillating component of the photocurrent on the radiation wavelength associated with the suppression of the diffusion current by the magnetic field was found. It is shown that the behavior of the oscillating component of the photocurrent in a magnetic field does not depend on the wavelength of light and is determined by the transfer of electrons through the dimensional quantization level in a triangular near-barrier well. It is shown that the suppression of the oscillating component by the magnetic field is due to the smearing of the level in the triangular well due to the motion of electrons parallel to the walls of the well and perpendicular to the magnetic field.

Ч.И. Абилов ◽  
М.Ш. Гасанова ◽  
Н.Т. Гусейнова ◽  
Э.К. Касумова

The results of studying the temperature dependences of electrical conductivity, thermoelectric coefficient, Hall mobility of charge carriers, total and electronic thermal conductivity, as well as phonon thermal resistance of alloys of (CuInSe2)1-x(In2Te3)x solid solutions at x=0.005 and 0.0075 are presented. The values ​​of these parameters for certain temperatures were used to calculate the values ​​of the thermoelectric figure of merit of the indicated compositions. It turned out that as the temperature rises, the thermoelectric figure of merit tends to grow strongly, from which it can be concluded that these materials can be used in the manufacture of thermoelements.

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