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Integration of traditional and innovative scientific researches: global trends and regional aspect
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Published By Publishing House “Baltija Publishing”


Ganna Khimicheva ◽  
Antonina Volivach ◽  

The article presents the results of research for the mathematical model for estimating the probability of risk of incompetent specialist graduation. The mechanisms and tools to determine the probability of risk of incompetent specialist graduation have been developed in the course of the research. The goal tree method has been used as a mechanism to determine the relationship between the structural components of the educational process and the educational program. Using this method, the structuring of 9 criteria by which the educational program quality is evaluated has been carried out. That is, its strengths and weaknesses have been identified. In turn, as a tool for estimating the probability of an educational process (educational program) risks and the graduation of an incompetent specialist, it has been proposed to use a regression mathematical model. To build a mathematical model, an active experiment, a qualimetric approach, a method of regression analysis, and 16 conditional educational programs that met the "Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area" (ESG) have been used. The construction of the model has been carried out according to a specially designed scheme, which included 5 stages. In the first stage, a group of experts was formed and their consistency was determined with the help of the "HEI Experts" software. In the second stage, six groups of indicators were identified, which further estimated the educational process (educational program) quality. For this purpose, the experts used the method of pairwise comparison to select 9 unit indicators, which further estimated the levels of compliance of 16 conditional educational programs. The estimation was conducted according to standardized quality indicators that are inherent in the real educational process (educational program). In the third stage, a robust plan of the experiment was constructed using the method of pseudo-random LP-τ numbers uniformly distributed in multidimensional space. According to the plan, a working matrix of the experiment was formed. Then, the group of experts formed in the first stage carried out the percentage estimation of the probability of risk of incompetent specialist graduation. In the fourth stage, a mathematical model was built using the PRIAM (planning, regression, and model analysis) software. This model allows us to assess nine factors that affect the probability of risk of incompetent specialist graduation. In the fifth stage, the statistical characteristics of the model were tested. According to the test results, it was proved that the model is informative, adequate, and stable, both in terms of structure and calculations. At the same stage, the marginal surfaces were constructed and the forces of influence of regressors (indicators) on the probability of risk of competent/incompetent specialist graduation were determined. According to the results of research, it has been proved that such indicators as compliance of the applicants (bachelors) level with the second Master's level and the level of considering labor market employers (stakeholders) requirements have the strongest impact on the competence of the future specialists. The proposed model allows us to estimate the factors influencing the efficiency (effectiveness) of the educational process and to determine the probability of the risk of competent/incompetent specialist graduation.

Iryna Klymchuk ◽  
Olena Shtraikher ◽  

The study examines the peculiarities of the implementation of gender policy in the field of security and defense by the example of the UN and NATO. To achieve this goal, we considered the legal regulation of gender equality in the field of security and defense of the UN and NATO; analyzed the work of institutional mechanisms for the implementation of gender policy in the field of security and defense by the example of the UN and NATO; characterized the peculiarities of cooperation between Ukraine, the UN and NATO in ensuring gender equality in the field of security and defense. The legal regulation of gender equality at the UN and NATO levels was considered, in particular a number of resolutions (UN Security Council Resolutions on Women, Peace and Security No. 1325, No. 1820, No. 1888, No. 1889, No. 1960, No. 2106, No. 2122, No. 2422, No. 2467, No. 2493), which recognizes the importance of involving women and gender mainstreaming in peace negotiations, humanitarian planning, peacekeeping, post-conflict peacebuilding, governance, and equal participation of women at all levels of conflict prevention or protection from sexual violence. Also the authors analyzed the work of institutional mechanisms responsible for the implementation of gender policy of the UN and NATO, in particular, their expertise and scope of activities. It was clarified that the following persons responsible for the implementation of UN Security Council Resolutions in NATO: Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Women, Peace and Security; NATO Gender Office; Gender Adviser at the International Military Staff; a number of advisory committees and working groups led by NATO Strategic Command; Civil Society Advisory Council on Women, Peace and Security. At the same time, the UN has seven expert institutions and regional independent human rights experts to combat discrimination and gender-based violence against women and girls: UN Special Rapporteur on Violence against Women; UN Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women; UN Working Group on Discrimination against Women and Girls; Committee of Experts on the Follow-up Mechanism to the Belem-Par Convention; Expert Group on Combating Violence against Women and Domestic Violence; Special Rapporteur on Human Rights in Africa of the African Commission on Human Rights; Human Rights Rapporteur. In addition, a number of sub-organizations and programs have been established at the UN level to achieve gender equality in all spheres of life, such as the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), the HeForShe IMPACT 10x10x10 movement and the UN-Women. Aspects of Ukraine's cooperation with the UN and NATO in ensuring gender equality in the field of security and defense are highlighted separately. The importance and effectiveness of cooperation between Ukraine and the Alliance during the war in Eastern Ukraine have been established. The support by the UN of Ukraine in fulfilling the obligations within the international regulatory framework on the introduction of gender equality and women’s rights was also analyzed.

Lina Karlova ◽  
Olena Lesnovska ◽  
Roman Mylostyvyi ◽  

The aim of the research was to evaluate the influence of the type of the nervous system on the productive and reproductive qualities of animals. The type of nervous system (strong, weak) of cows of the Ukrainian red dairy breed was determined by the index of the nervous system, which is based on the variability of the fat content in the morning milk yield after changing the conditions of cows keeping. Under the new conditions of keeping cows with a strong type of nervous activity, the coefficients of variability of the morning milk yield and the fat content in milk practically remained at the same level (their slight increase was noted at the level of 4.5 and 3.1%). In cows of a weak type under similar conditions of keeping, a significant increase in the variability of milk yield (by 53.6%) and fat content in milk (by 266.7%) was found. In animals of both types, in the first days of summer-camp keeping, in comparison with winter-stall keeping, there was an increase in milk yield and a decrease in fat content in milk. In cows of the strong type, the fat content decreased by 0.08% and of the weak type by 0.12%. The average index of the nervous system type in animals of the strong type is 1.18, and in cows of the weak type 2.71 (P> 0.999). Before and during milking, the pulse rate in the cows of weak type was higher by 8.0 and 10.8 beats / min. (P> 0.999), compared with the strong type. The animals of strong type of the nervous system, in comparison with the weak type, had a smaller thickness of the concha and skin, a higher pulse and respiratory rate, and a lower rectal body temperature. In cows of a strong type of the nervous system in postnatal ontogenesis, the formation of productive traits took place more rapidly and they better adapted to the conditions of the external environment. This is evidenced by their high coefficient of relative decline in the growth at the age of one (85.0) than in animals with a weak type of nervous system (78.5). The advantage of cows with a strong type of nervous activity over a weak one in milk yield was 348 kg (P>0.95) and in milk fat 8.0 kg. The service period in animals with a strong type of nervous activity was 6.3 days shorter. The animals with a strong type of nervous activity during the first lactation had a higher adaptation index compared with animals of a weak type. The difference for this indicator is 0.49 (or 3.7%). They also had a higher productivity index for the first (3.1%) and second (4.0%) lactation. Thus, the typological features of the nervous activity of cows affect the formation of the most important functions of the body, which can be used in breeding work to improve the herd.

Viktor Nyzhnyk ◽  
Olha Hromova ◽  

Every year, more and more scientists and practicing economists explore such categories as «marketing» and «management», providing material for further reflection and analysis. Currently, the interpretation of marketing as a function of management is inferior to understanding it as a holistic concept of management, the so-called business philosophy. New directions of economic development to ensure its long-term economic growth require a deeper rethinking of the role of marketing in the activities of industrial enterprises in order to increase their competitiveness and identify it as a powerful factor in modernizing individual businesses and the economy. Strategic marketing today is necessary for the company, as it facilitates its rapid adaptation in the face of intense competition and the presence of a non-price aspect of this struggle. The purpose of the study is to study and combine strategic management and marketing, forming such a category as strategic marketing. Because it is known that strategic marketing emerged at the last stage of the evolution of marketing management. The basis of strategic marketing is to achieve sustainable competitive advantages in the market. During the development of a competitive marketing strategy, the company strives for successful and long-term work in the market. There is no one-size-fits-all strategy. It all depends on various factors: the industry in which the company operates, the capital and experience of the firm, competitors in this field, the creative approach of each company to stand out among others and the innovative approach. Only by considering all these factors, the company can build its personal, unlike all others, marketing strategy. Thanks to the management carried out by means of achievements of modern management and on the basis of marketing philosophy of management and control, the modern enterprise can achieve realization of the strategic purposes and increase not only own level of competitiveness, but also economy as a whole. Thus, modern economic development makes it possible to assert that the management of the enterprise and the adoption of not only operational but also strategic management decisions are significantly influenced by the marketing activities of the enterprise. Here it is necessary to understand not the narrow influence of various elements of marketing (advertising, sales, distribution, etc.), but its complex manifestation. This is due to the fact that until today, marketing has been closely linked to management, as marketing technologies and tools are evolving and beginning to penetrate and be used in the work of all departments at all levels of enterprise management. This gives grounds to assert that through a comprehensive assessment of the effectiveness of marketing activities can assess the effectiveness of management decisions and the success of enterprise management, as well as to give an opinion on the prospects for further development.

Andriy Demyanchuk ◽  

The purpose of the study pertains to the technology and techniques of ancient and modern icon painting. In particular, their principal processes that are presented on the basis of the author's experience and practical application tested by the well-known scientists-fine art experts. Methodology. The study was conducted using a complex of methods, such as historical, comparative, typological, analysis and generalizations, descriptive, visual, technological (chemical properties and physico-chemical processes); documentary (official and unofficial recorded information, books, manuscripts, etc.); artistic and stylistic (analysis of the manner of individual masters, their schools, separate fine arts periods); philosophical (metaphysical method: essence and phenomenon; substance and form); theological (church canons; divinity of the icon); method of artistic analysis. Research results. A unique author's technology of producing icons was developed and described on the basis of the study of the best methods of ancient and modern technological processes. This technology has been tested by the well-known students of the sacred art. Scientific novelty of the obtained results is that valuable materials dealing with the use of the ancient techniques and technological processes in modern sacred art have been contributed to the Ukrainian fine arts science, particularly, icon painting using the ancient egg-tempera techniques (taking into account the author's experience). Recommendations. The study of the ancient techniques and technological processes and their application in contemporary painting still require further theoretical research.

Oleksiy Tkachenko ◽  
Olena Havrylina ◽  

The active spread of respiratory infections in pig farms raises the issue of differential pathomorphological diagnosis of diseases related to a single syndrome of respiratory pathologies. Pathological autopsy and histopathological examinations of organs from 72 carcasses of pigs during the fattening period were performed. Pathological autopsy of pigs was performed by complete evisceration. Histologically examined 360 lung samples with regional lymph nodes. The presence of bacterial and viral infections was confirmed by bacteriological and PCR studies. The aim of the study is to establish the characteristic differential features at the macro- and micro-level in the lungs of domestic pigs for viral and bacterial pathogens. The main tasks of the work are to determine the morphofunctional features and dynamics of pathomorphological changes in the parenchyma and immune formations of the lungs in respiratory pathology. As a result of complex pathomorphological studies of the lungs in respiratory infections of pigs found that structural and functional changes in the body have different localization, stage and nature of the pathological process, which depend on the direct action of the etiological factor. Acute catarrhal bronchopneumonia is registered in respiratory mycoplasmosis (enzootic pneumonia), which in a prolonged course turns into chronic catarrhal or catarrhal-purulent pneumonia. Hemorrhagic necrotizing pneumonia is a manifestation of actinobacillary pleuropneumonia. Interstitial (diffuse proliferative) pneumonia develops with viral pathogens - circovirus infection and reproductive and respiratory syndrome of pigs (PRRS). Serous fibrinous and fibrinous pleurisy develop in hemophilic polyserositis and actinobacillary pleuropneumonia. Pathomorphological changes of the lungs in the reproductive and respiratory syndrome of pigs are polymorphic and are manifested by the gradual progressive development of the inflammatory process from congestive hyperemia, acute catarrh to diffuse interstitial pneumonia. Pathomorphological changes of the lungs in mycoplasmosis (enzootic pleuropneumonia) of pigs are polymorphic and are manifested by the gradual progressive development of the inflammatory process, which is localized in the cranial, middle and peripheral parts of the diaphragmatic particles and is characterized by acute catarrhal bronchopneumonia. In actinobacillary pleuropneumonia pathohistological studies revealed a pronounced stage of morphological changes in the lungs and regional lymph nodes in actinobacillary pleuropneumonia. Depending on the form of the disease, serous-hemorrhagic exudation is exacerbated by fibrinogen exudation and increased migration of lymphocytes and mononuclear cells. In subacute and chronic forms of the disease, necrotic phenomena prevail in combination with areas of serous-fibrinous inflammation. In the future, further studies of immunohistochemical analysis to establish the tropism of the pathogen and the study of markers of lymphoid cells.

Mykola Sanakuiev ◽  

The subject of the study is information as a mobilizing factor in social activity. Taking into account the subject of the research and the corresponding national peculiarities of this complex social phenomenon, structural and functional, historical-comparative, comparative-critical methods of research were used. In particular, the comparative-critical approach was used in the analysis of existing concepts and versions of mobilization in the philosophical and historical context. Structural-functional approach was used in the analysis of elements of social capital, as a system of social interaction. The historical-comparative approach was used in the format of the analysis of the genesis of the concept of informative communication, for tracking historically predetermined trends of development and changes in society, depending on the growth of the amount of information. The purpose of this article is to study the mobilization qualities of the phenomenon of information space in the life of modern Ukrainian society. The results of the research reveal the causal links of the functioning of the state information policy of modern Ukraine, as a stimulating factor for the development and mobilization of human capital. On the way to the information society in Ukraine, there are a number of obstacles that need to be taken into account when developing the state information policy. Among them, it should be noted: the lack of digital information resources, low electronic literacy of the population, the lack of public television and radio broadcasting sites, the confrontational tone of socially important topics, the existence of biased journalism and prohibited topics.

Іnna Melnyk ◽  
Oleksandr Moisak ◽  

The article is devoted to the problems of psychological and pedagogical preparation of future educators and primary school teachers for professional activity. The aim of the article is to highlight the results of the study of the peculiarities of future teachers' awareness of the need to acquire psychological competencies for further work with children and outline the basic principles of interdisciplinary and integrated approach to teaching psychological and pedagogical disciplines in universities. A brief theoretical overview of modern research on professional and personal growth of teachers is given. The results of an empirical study of the peculiarities of students' awareness of the need to acquire psychological competencies for further work with children of preschool and primary school age are highlighted. It was stated that a significant part of the surveyed students are generally aware of the need to apply psychological knowledge in the future profession, but such awareness is significantly "blurred" and unstructured. It has been found that the vast majority of students are not fully aware of the purpose for which psychological and pedagogical disciplines are combined into a common integrated course, which may indicate a lack of work to implement integrated and interdisciplinary approaches. It is determined that psychological knowledge is practically used more by students to improve their own lives and personal self-development, rather than directly in working with children. In this regard, some practical aspects of the integration of psychological and pedagogical knowledge in the training of specialists in the field of preschool and school education, in particular, in the study of such an integrated course as "Anthropology". The purpose, tasks and structure of the course are described, strategies of combination of psychological and pedagogical knowledge in the process of its teaching are defined, which consist in clear understanding by teachers of disciplines of psychological and pedagogical cycle of necessity of interaction among themselves and orientation on practical side of their subject application. The view of such structuring and teaching of this course is described, when the study focuses on psychological concepts and categories, that is the complete system of psychological research and indicates the possibility and method of application of this research in the pedagogical process.

Hanna Svydlo ◽  
Iryna Sierova ◽  

Due to the difficult socio-economic situation and worsening of demographic situation, including the consequences of hostilities and ongoing occupation of the part of Ukraine, today the importance of population study and the research on the factors influencing its changes is increasing. During the study of demographic processes on the basis of a thorough analysis, strategic decisions relevant to the use and reproduction of the country's labour potential, stimulation of the birth rate, reduction of mortality, increase of natural population growth, prevention of depopulation processes, providing effective employment and improvement of social protection of the people are made. The demographic factor is one of the determinants for ensuring sustainable and safe development of the country, and the issue of demographic development should be considered as a factor and at the same time as a result of the functioning of the state. The main purpose of the study is to identify trends in the changes of the main indicators characterizing demographic processes in the country. Methodologically and informationally, this paper is based on the scientific works, the materials from reccurent publications and Internet, the laws and regula-tions and the data of the State Statistics Service of Ukraine and Ptoukha Institute for Demography and Social Studies of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. The methods used in the study are structural and dynamic analysis, comparison and generalization of the data collected by the State Statistics Service of Ukraine and Ptoukha Institute for Demography and Social Studies of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. During a study of a phenomenon or a process, first of all, the categorical apparatus is determined. Based on the purpose of the study, the concept of reproduction and natural movement of the population is defined and their theoretical description is given. This paper considers the reproduction of the population as the historically and socio-economically conditioned process of constant and continuous renewal of hu-man generations. Since the natural movement of the population is a process analysis of the birth and death of people, this paper considers such types of population reproduction as archetype, traditional type, transitional type and modern type. For the analysis of the natural movement of the population as a component of demographic safety, the following indicators were evaluated: average life expectancy at birth; depopulation rate; the overall mortality rate of the country's population; in-fant mortality (child mortality up to the age of 1); total birth rate; net reproduction rate; marriage rate; divorce rate. The findings of the analysis show that the main rea-son of the worsening of demographic situation is decrease in the birth rate and in-crease in the mortality rate. Currently, the birth rate in Ukraine is largely limited by both economic factors (insufficient wages, shortage of jobs) and social factors (changes in reproductive habits and norms expressed in the popularity of single-parent families). The analysis revealed socio-economic factors influencing the demo-graphic situation in Ukraine.

Vadym Tarasov ◽  

Regulations for assessment of workable bed hazardous characteristics during the mining operations include the coal metamorphic grade classification indices borrowed from the industrial classifications without any proper scientific justification. For true forecasting the workable bed hazardous characteristics during the mining operations, the method to detect the metamorphic grades by changing the content of main components and moisture in the organic matter has been developed. Purpose. Development of the forecasting technique logical sequence for workable bed liability to spontaneous ignition in different stages of coal metamorphic conversion and their chemical activity during the mining operations. Methods. They are based on assumption of spontaneous fires with three blocks of factors independent of each other. The factors of block one describe the chemical activity of coals. They are defined by their elemental composition and properties at the different stages of bed metamorphic conversion. The second group of impacting factors characterizes the mining and geological conditions of bedding. It includes the coal beds position relative to each other, their occurrence depth, thickness and degree of inclination, presence of geological breaches and adjacent strata properties. The factors of block three is independently connected with the mining operation conditions. The forecasting technique for workable bed liability to spontaneous ignition avoids any stable correlation relationships between the factor parameters of three blocks under consideration. It allows separate consideration of each block and avoid their random correlations with factors of other blocks. Results. The statistical processing result analysis of more than 1000 coal samples with carbon content of 80÷94% has allowed establishing the relationship between the organic matter components and total moisture, as well as their share of participation in carbonization process that reflects the Donets Basin coal metamorphic conversions. Compliance of the initial data with analytical data of different coal deposits has been established. For the first time, the technique has been developed; and organic matter separate components and total moisture participation shares in coal carbonization process indices creation, which is one of evaluation criteria for workable bed metamorphic conversion degree for different deposits, have been established. The revealed regularities of change ambiguity for organic matter elemental composition components and their different participation shares together with the moisture in carbonization process have allowed establishing the distinctive features of the coal metamorphic conversion different stages for true forecasting the workable bed hazardous characteristics during the mining operations. In the course of this approach, the real chemical activity of coals is established by their elemental composition in different stages of bed metamorphic conversions; certain places of long-term contacts between the mine air and coal are differentially forecasted in the mine field. It enables the enhanced automated monitoring of mine air condition and revealing of spontaneous combustion places in early stages of their creation. Scientific novelty. The pattern of change for classification indices of coal industrial classification has been revealed to establish the workable bed hazardous characteristics during the mining operations. Practical relevance. Opportunity to improve the regulatory framework for safe processing of workable beds by establishing the interrelation between fossil coal metamorphic conversions and their elemental composition.

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