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Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus Biological Series
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Published By Publishing House Belorusskaya Nauka

2524-230x, 1029-8940

N. A. Kopylova ◽  
N. A. Laman ◽  
H. L. Nedved ◽  
J. N. Kalatskaya ◽  
I. I. Filatova ◽  

 The effect of treatment of seeds with a high-frequency (HF) electromagnetic field and HF plasma on the qualitative and quantitative composition of isoflavones in the leaves of soybeans in the phases of branching, flowering and seed filling has been studied.It was found that the treatment of soybean seeds leads to a change in the quantitative content of isoflavone aglycones in the leaves, but does not affect their qualitative composition. The maximum content of daidzein was found in the flowering phase when the seeds were treated with an electromagnetic field, genistein ‒ in the branching phase, while a particularly high content of this component was found in plants whose seeds were treated with plasma.

P. V. Kuzmitskaya ◽  
K. S. Karaleva ◽  
O. Yu. Urbanovich

The Trihelix family of transcription factors plays an important role in the plant’s response to various abiotic stress types. In this work in apple Golden Delicious genome we identified apple gene MD13G1109800 as a member of Triheilx family in silico. Analysis of chromosomal localization showed that it is located on chromosome 13 and has four introns. The hypothetical protein encoded by it has a length of 365 amino acid residues, a molecular weight of 42097.23 Da, an isoelectric point pI = 6.21 and located in the nucleus. Analysis of the promoter region of the MD13G1109800 gene indicates that its product is a member of many signaling pathways triggered by both external and internal factors. The expression level of the MD13G1109800 gene increases under drought, low and high temperatures, as well as salinity in the MM-106 apple rootstock.

A. V. Butenka ◽  
Z. B. Kvacheva ◽  
I. B. Vasilevich ◽  
A. Ch. Chasnoit ◽  
I. D. Volotovski

The nature and ways of isolation and cultivation in vitro of keratinocytes and fibroblasts, the main cellular components of skin to prepare a new biomedical product, tissue dermal equivalent were considered. The main attention was payed to optimization of upbuilding dermal cell biomass including selection of medium compositions and conditions of cultivation. The information was given on main parameters of cell cultures as proliferation activity, viability and phenotype of the cells. Genotoxicity of fibroblasts and biocompatibility of the cells with organic matrixes to find the optimal carrier for cellular elements of tissue dermal equivalent were studied. The composition, the process of preparation of tissue dermal equivalent and perspectives of its practical application were discussed.

I. I. Lapuka ◽  
V. V. Vezhnavets

The changes abundance zoobenthos at the heated zone and non-heated zone on the different depths in summer and autumn was studying in this article. In the heated zone, the abundance was 1.5‒2 times higher than in the non-heated zone in summer and autumn. The basis of the number zoobenthos was oligochaete-chironomid complex. Number distributions zoobenthos was similar to the heated zone and non-heated zone in the summer and autumn.

T. V. Ryabtseva ◽  
D. A. Makarevich ◽  
A. D. Taganovich

The aim of the study was the design, characteristics and analysis of the TNFα interaction with oligopeptideanalogs of the interaction site of TNFα with TNFα-R2. Here are the results of the analysis contact zone of TNFα with TNFα-R2, determination of the potentially most effective oligopeptides, study of the binding free energy of oligopeptides and its changes depending on the number of amino acid residues in the peptide chain, as well as the TNFα form (monomer or trimer). Here are described the most typical loci of oligopeptides interaction with cytokine. To confirm the calculations, the effectiveness of the selected oligopeptides was evaluated in experiments in vitro.For visualization of the molecular complex and work with the pdb file we are used Chimera 1.14 software with AutoDocVina utility. For in vitro studies, were used indirect enzyme immunoassay reagent kits. The initial concentration of oligopeptides is 10 µM, the initial concentration of TNFα (×10–8): 0; 0.0287; 0.0862; 0.2300; 0.5750; 1.4370 µM. When oligopeptides interact with mTNFα, the binding efficiency increase was observed with an increase in the number of amino acid residues in the chain. With tTNFα, such dependence was not observed. A statistically significant difference was  observed in the binding energy of di-, tri-, and tetra peptides with mTNFα, with tTNFα, the differences found were not statistically significant.Thus, the data were obtained, which allowed us to come to the following conclusions: 1) the energy of interaction of oligopeptides with tTNFα does not depend on the number of amino acid residues in the oligopeptide; 2) the trimerized form of TNFα interacts most effectively with oligopeptides in comparison with mTNFα; 3) oligopeptides containing the -Trp- and being a spatial analogue of the TNFα-R2 fragment (-Trp65-Asn66-Trp67-Val68-Pro69-) interact most effectively; 4) it was selected three oligopeptides are the most promising for the binding of TNFα. The experiments in vitro confirmed the effectiveness only one oligopeptide

Ya. I. Mashkou ◽  
H. S. Gajduchenko

The paper presents the original data of the chromosomal and molecular-genetic (by PCR typing) analysis of cryptic species of the genus Microtus on the territory of Belarus. The aim of the study is to perform chromosomal labeling of common vole populations in various localities in Belarus to identify Microtus arvalis s. l. twin species in natural ecosystems. Based on the karyological analysis, 2 representatives of the cryptic group were identified in the study area: the Eastern European vole (2р = 54, NF = 56) and the common vole (2р = 46, NF = 86). Also, to confirm the species identity of the twin species, a molecular genetic analysis was performed by PCR typing. It was established that one studied individual from the cryptic group Microtus arvalis s. l. belongs to the species Microtus rossiaemeridionalis. A fragment of the cyt b mitochondrial gene was amplified in the size of 469 bp in the remaining individuals (n = 105), and a fragment of the cytochrome b mitochondrial gene in the size of 842 was amplified, which indicates that these representatives belong to the Microtus arvalis form “arvalis”. In conclusion, the results of the work done are summed up, and tasks are set for further research of cryptic species of the genus Microtus in Belarus. 

V. V. Sakhvon ◽  
M. E. Nikiforov

The structure of bird population of urbanized areas is determined by the diversity of habitats within the city, the diversity of bird species in suburban biotopes, and regional processes of dispersal of birds closely associated with human settlements. The analysis of the dynamics of the breeding bird species richness in Minsk showed that its formation progressed in different ways. All in all, since 1946, 141 bird species have been recorded nesting (including allegedly) in the territory of Minsk.The breeding bird assemblages is dominated by dendrophilous (45.0 % of all species) as well as wetland and semi-aquatic (29,3 %) bird species, with more than half of all the breeding bird species (50.3 %) associated with trees and shrubs. In different periods, the breeding bird species richness varied, by now, it has noticeably increased (from 77 to 132 species). This happened due to the expansion of the administrative boundaries of the city with the inclusion of bird species of suburban habitats, an increase in the diversity of habitats suitable for bird nesting (for example, the formation of large water bodies) as well as due to active colonization of urban ecosystems by various bird species. At the same time, after 2000, 9 bird species stopped nesting and 17 bird species started nesting. Active processes of synurbization of some bird species on the European continent observed in recent decades have become the reason for the addition of new species to the avifauna in Minsk, although the basis of the current structure of bird population was formed back in 1986–1999. At the same time, the synurbized groups of various bird species may be of autochthonous, allochthonous, or mixed origin.

O. M. Maslovsky

To assess the spatial distribution of bryophyte species in Eastern Europe, more than 53,000 localities of 1296 species were analyzed in 397 squares of 100×100 km. In terms of frequency of occurrence, rare species (from 6 to 25 squares) and very rare (from 1 to 5 squares) prevail in Eastern Europe. It was shown that more than 60 % of the taxonomic diversity of bryophytes is in a threatened or close to threatened state in the region. Based on biogeographic zoning, 6 regions (alpine, arctic, boreal, nemoral, arid, subtropical) and 12 subregions were identified. The characteristics of the taxonomic diversity of bryophyte regions and subregions are given, specific species are given and the centers of concentration of bryophyte species diversity in Eastern Europe are identified. There are 162 species in only one subregion, and 68 bryophyte taxa are found in all regions and subregions. The maximum species diversity is observed in the Alpine region (1066 species), which is explained by the general nature of the biological characteristics of bryophytes, the variety of ecological conditions in this region and the presence in Eastern Europe of 4 geographically different mountain subregions: the west of the Kola Peninsula, the Urals, the Carpathians and the foothills of the Caucasus.

N. V. Paklonskaya ◽  
T. V. Amvrosieva ◽  
Yu. A. Shilova ◽  
E. P. Kishkurno

Enterovirus genetic variability underlies the variety of clinical forms of diseases they cause. The aim of the presented study was to establish the genetic diversity of enteroviruses (EVs) that caused acute respiratory infection (ARI) in 2016–2019. Biological samples were obtained from 203 patients with various forms of ARI, EV detection was carried out by RT-PCR, followed by sequencing of the main capsid protein gene and phylogenetic reconstruction. EV RNA was detected in 34.4 % of samples, most often in children aged 1–6 years (53.1–54.8 %). Coxsackieviruses B were found in patients with respiratory enterovirus infection (EVI) significantly more often than other EVs, the dominant serotypes were Coxsackievirus B4, B5. Despite the significant genetic diversity of EVs identified in patients with ARI (three genetic lines of Coxsackievirus B5, two genotypes of Coxsackievirus B2, one genotype of Coxsackievirus B3, three genovariant Coxsackievirus B4, one genovariant Coxsackievirus B1), there is no evidence of their connection with the formation of the respiratory form of EVI.The high level of genetic variability of EVs requires regular molecular-epidemiological surveillance for the identification of emerging genetic variants and assessment of their epidemic potential.

G. A. Soltani

Problems and prospects of botanical gardens in a changing climate are discussed in the article. An increase in the average annual surface air temperature, changes in seasonal indicators and the length of the growing season require action from botanical gardens. Decisions on the management of natural and man-made ecosystems, with the aim of their conservation and sustainable development, must be taken taking into account the ecological situation. The knowledge and experience concentrated in botanical gardens makes it possible to assess the threats and opportunities for climate change and develop adaptation measures to them. All activities of botanical gardens should be aimed at counteracting climate change, include preventive measures based on the expected plant responses and compensatory measures. Research work in all areas should take into account the situation with changing climatic parameters. Special attention should be paid to endemic rare and endangered species, historical landscapes, and changes in the assortment of resistant species, cultivation technologies, and biological invasions. Botanical gardens must be proactive by providing information, plant materials and technologies for national and global climate change adaptation programs.

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