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large water
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Biosensors ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 34
Sakandar Rauf ◽  
Nouran Tashkandi ◽  
José Ilton de Oliveira Filho ◽  
Claudia Iluhí Oviedo-Osornio ◽  
Muhammad S. Danish ◽  

Biological water contamination detection-based assays are essential to test water quality; however, these assays are prone to false-positive results and inaccuracies, are time-consuming, and use complicated procedures to test large water samples. Herein, we show a simple detection and counting method for E. coli in the water samples involving a combination of DNAzyme sensor, microfluidics, and computer vision strategies. We first isolated E. coli into individual droplets containing a DNAzyme mixture using droplet microfluidics. Upon bacterial cell lysis by heating, the DNAzyme mixture reacted with a particular substrate present in the crude intracellular material (CIM) of E. coli. This event triggers the dissociation of the fluorophore-quencher pair present in the DNAzyme mixture leading to a fluorescence signal, indicating the presence of E. coli in the droplets. We developed an algorithm using computer vision to analyze the fluorescent droplets containing E. coli in the presence of non-fluorescent droplets. The algorithm can detect and count fluorescent droplets representing the number of E. coli present in the sample. Finally, we show that the developed method is highly specific to detect and count E. coli in the presence of other bacteria present in the water sample.

2022 ◽  
pp. 63-75
Ahmet Altın ◽  
Süreyya Altın

Central Asia is a term that defines a very large region including Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, North-West China, and Mongolia, known as the Land of Turks. The water needs of the population within the borders of Central Asia are met by more than 6000 lakes of various sizes and rivers pouring into these lakes. Climate change, which has been heavily felt in the region in the last 50 years, negatively affects water resources and human life in large lake basins. In this study, how the water resources in the large lake basins in Central Asia, especially in the Aral and Balkhash basins, are affected by climate change and how the climate change scenarios will develop were investigated. In addition, conflicts caused by the use and sharing of water between the countries have been identified, and the effects of these conflicts on social life, especially migration, have been discussed.

2022 ◽  
Vol 130 ◽  
pp. 110508
Weiliang Kong ◽  
Liping Wang ◽  
Peixiang Bian ◽  
Hong Liu

2021 ◽  
Keirnan Fowler ◽  
Natasha Ballis ◽  
Avril Horne ◽  
Andrew John ◽  
Rory Nathan ◽  

“Bottom-up” methods are increasingly used to assess the vulnerability of water systems to climate change. Central to these methods is the climate “stress test”, where the system is subjected to various climatic changes to test for unacceptable outcomes. We present a framework for climate stress testing on a monthly timestep, suitable for systems whose dominant dynamic is seasonal or longer (eg. water resource systems with carry-over storage). The framework integrates multi-site stochastic climate generation with perturbation methods and in-built rainfall runoff modelling. The stochastic generation includes a low frequency component suitable for representing multi-annual fluctuations. Multiple perturbation options are provided, ranging from simple delta change through to altered seasonality and low frequency dynamics. The framework runs rapidly, supporting comprehensive multi-dimensional stress testing without recourse to supercomputing facilities. We demonstrate the framework on a large water resource system in southern Australia. The Matlab/Octave framework is freely available for download from https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.5617008.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (B) ◽  
pp. 1730-1738
Kamal Saidi ◽  
Othmane Kaanouch ◽  
Hanae El Gouach ◽  
Mohamed Reda Mesradi ◽  
Mounir Mkimel ◽  

Electron beam measurement comparison between TrueBeam STx® and Clinac iX® established. Data evaluation of eMC-calculated and measured for TrueBeam STx® performed. Dosimetric parameters measured including depth dose curves for each applicator, percentage depth dose (PDDs) curves without applicator, the profile in-air for a large field size 40×40 cm2, and the Absolute Dose (cGy/MU) for each applicator using a large water phantom (PTW, Freiburg, Germany), employing Roos and Markus plane-parallel ionization chambers. The data were examined for five electron beams of Varian’s TrueBeam STx® and Clinac iX® machines. A comparison between measurement PDDs and calculated by the Eclipse electron Monte Carlo (eMC) algorithm was performed to validate Truebeam STx® commissioning. The measured data indicated that electron beam PDDs from the TrueBeam STx® machine are well matched to those from Clinac iX® machine. The quality index R50 for applicator 15×15 cm2 was in the tolerance intervals. However, Surface dose (Ds) increases with increasing energy for both accelerators. Comparisons between the measured and eMC-calculated values revealed that the R100, R90, R80, and R50 values mostly agree within 5 mm. Measured and calculated bremsstrahlung tail Rp correlates well statistically. Ds agrees mostly within 2%. Electron beams were successfully validated for TrueBeam STx®, a good agreement between modeled and measured data was observed.

Molecules ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 26 (23) ◽  
pp. 7239
Parise Adadi ◽  
Alastair Harris ◽  
Phil Bremer ◽  
Patrick Silcock ◽  
Austen R. D. Ganley ◽  

This study investigated the impact of varying sound conditions (frequency and intensity) on yeast growth, fermentation performance and production of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in beer. Fermentations were carried out in plastic bags suspended in large water-filled containers fitted with underwater speakers. Ferments were subjected to either 200–800 or 800–2000 Hz at 124 and 140 dB @ 20 µPa. Headspace solid-phase microextraction (HS-SPME) coupled with gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) was used to identify and measure the relative abundance of the VOCs produced. Sound treatment had significant effects on the number of viable yeast cells in suspension at 10 and 24 h (p < 0.05), with control (silence) samples having the highest cell numbers. For wort gravity, there were significant differences between treatments at 24 and 48 h, with the silence control showing the lowest density before all ferments converged to the same final gravity at 140 h. A total of 33 VOCs were identified in the beer samples, including twelve esters, nine alcohols, three acids, three aldehydes, and six hop-derived compounds. Only the abundance of some alcohols showed any consistent response to the sound treatments. These results show that the application of audible sound via underwater transmission to a beer fermentation elicited limited changes to wort gravity and VOCs during fermentation.

2021 ◽  
Vol 25 (11) ◽  
pp. 6001-6021
Tommaso Pivetta ◽  
Carla Braitenberg ◽  
Franci Gabrovšek ◽  
Gerald Gabriel ◽  
Bruno Meurers

Abstract. Monitoring the water movements in karstic areas is a fundamental but challenging task due to the complexity of the drainage system and the difficulty in deploying a network of observations. Gravimetry offers a valid complement to classical hydrologic measurements in order to characterize such systems in which the recharge process causes temporarily accumulation of large water volumes in the voids of the epi-phreatic system. We show an innovative integration of gravimetric and hydrologic observations that constrains a hydrodynamic model of the Škocjan cave system (Slovenia). We demonstrate how the inclusion of gravity observations improves water mass budget estimates for the Škocjan area based on hydrological observations only. Finally, the detectability of water storage variations in other karstic contexts is discussed with respect to the noise performances of spring and super-conducting gravimeters.

2021 ◽  
Kang Zhang ◽  
Yunduo Zhang ◽  
Jiangli Zheng ◽  
Zhipeng Ma

The measurement of farmland irrigation water efficiency is an important part of the evaluation of agricultural water saving. Since the method of econometrics research on the relationship between input and output was introduced to the evaluation of irrigation water efficiency, it has provided a new perspective for evaluating irrigation water efficiency. This study takes Guizhou in southwest China as an example, using the SFA method to calculate the technical efficiency of food production and irrigation water from 2011 to 2018, and compares the technical efficiency of irrigation water with the measured irrigation water effective utilization coefficient analysis. The analysis shows that: (1) Guizhou’s multi-year average irrigation water technical efficiency value is 0.730, and the difference between cities is large. 20.8% of the urban irrigation water technical efficiency is lower than the average level, and there is a large water saving potential; (2) The correlation coefficient between the irrigation water technical efficiency calculated by the SFA method and the measured irrigation water effective utilization coefficient is 0.804, which is highly positively correlated, and the simulation calculation validity is 70.6%; (3) The SFA method can provide an effective reference for the study of the change trend of the effective utilization coefficient of farmland irrigation water in the absence of measured data.

Huiyuan Li ◽  
Dehu Cheng ◽  
Aijun Liu ◽  
Kang Jiao ◽  
Tiejun Cui ◽  

V. V. Sakhvon ◽  
M. E. Nikiforov

The structure of bird population of urbanized areas is determined by the diversity of habitats within the city, the diversity of bird species in suburban biotopes, and regional processes of dispersal of birds closely associated with human settlements. The analysis of the dynamics of the breeding bird species richness in Minsk showed that its formation progressed in different ways. All in all, since 1946, 141 bird species have been recorded nesting (including allegedly) in the territory of Minsk.The breeding bird assemblages is dominated by dendrophilous (45.0 % of all species) as well as wetland and semi-aquatic (29,3 %) bird species, with more than half of all the breeding bird species (50.3 %) associated with trees and shrubs. In different periods, the breeding bird species richness varied, by now, it has noticeably increased (from 77 to 132 species). This happened due to the expansion of the administrative boundaries of the city with the inclusion of bird species of suburban habitats, an increase in the diversity of habitats suitable for bird nesting (for example, the formation of large water bodies) as well as due to active colonization of urban ecosystems by various bird species. At the same time, after 2000, 9 bird species stopped nesting and 17 bird species started nesting. Active processes of synurbization of some bird species on the European continent observed in recent decades have become the reason for the addition of new species to the avifauna in Minsk, although the basis of the current structure of bird population was formed back in 1986–1999. At the same time, the synurbized groups of various bird species may be of autochthonous, allochthonous, or mixed origin.

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