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The Scientific and Technical Bulletin of the Institute of Animal Science NAAS of Ukraine
Latest Publications





Published By Institute Of Animal Science Of The National Academy Of Agrarian Sciences Of Ukraine


Anatoliy Paliy ◽  
Andriy Paliy ◽  
K. V. Ishchenko K. V. ◽  
S. A. Mikhalchenko

Effective control of the quality and safety of livestock products is possible only with the implementation of a scientifically grounded complex of veterinary and sanitary and general economic measures. The goal of our work was to develop effective ways to sanitize clothing and footwear of workers in the livestock industry. The studies were carried out following the current methodological approaches that are used in agriculture and veterinary medicine. Based on the results of the research carried out, two methods and one device have been developed to ensure a high level of veterinary and sanitary measures in animal husbandry. It has been proven that for the sanitization of clothing of workers in the animal husbandry industry, it is effective to use a disinfectant, which includes the sodium salt of dichloroisocyanuric acid (0.09–0.36%), adipic acid (0.01–0.04%), sodium bicarbonate (0.01–0.04%), sodium carbonate (0.003–0.01%), water (99.887–99.55%) when exposed for 30 minutes. For disinfection of workers' footwear, it is advisable to use disinfectants filled with a disinfectant that contains dichlorantin (0.021–0.21%), 5,5-dimethylhydantoin (0.0164–0.164%), a dispersant (0.012–0.12%), anionic surfactants (0.005–0.05%), corrosion inhibitor (0.01–0.1%), filler (0.0356–0.356%) and water (99.9–99.0%). An innovative device for cleaning and disinfection is proposed - a shoe disinfector, which consists of a waterproof box with a bottom wider than the top, filled with a disinfectant solution, a branch pipe for removing waste solution, a brush shaft, which is fixed in the upper part of the waterproof box, an electric motor with a rotational speed 2 rev/s., Which serves as a drive shaft brush, control panel with a start button and a stop button. The proposed developments complement the existing regulations on veterinary and sanitary measures at livestock farms and complexes.

A. Zolotarov ◽  
I. Sediuk ◽  
V. Piskun ◽  
S. Zolotarova

One of the important parts of the technology of industrial milk production is the organization of the technology of feeding dairy cows, as in the cost of milk feeding costs reach 70%. To determine the effectiveness of the introduction of new approaches to the organization of feeding dairy cows, it is necessary to conduct a more detailed analysis – not only to determine the impact on dairy productivity, but also to take into account the economic component. Obtaining high milk yields is impossible due to unbalanced rations, poor quality feed and imperfect feed preparation technology. The use in practice of new approaches in balancing feeding rations allows to achieve the tasks at lower cost. The elements of feeding technology of dairy cows were introduced and the efficiency of using high-energy protein supplement with protected protein TEP-mix on two groups of dairy cows with a productivity of 15–20 kg per day was determined. The introduction of the proposed supplement to the diet provided an increase in the content of undigested protein in the rumen from 24.0 % to 34.0 % in the diet. This allowed not only to increase the milk productivity of cows, but also to improve the quality of milk. It was found that with the introduction of supplements in cows of the experimental group, in the rations of which used TEP-mix, the daily milk yield of cows increased by an average of 3.68 kg (from 12.0 to 15.68 kg), and in terms on the basic fat content – by 5.45 kg (from 13.24 to 18.68 kg), the fat content – by 0.30 abs. % (from 3.75 to 4.05 %), protein – by 0, 27 abs. % (from 2.95 to 3.22). At the same time, the average daily income per 1 cow in the sale of basic fat milk increased by UAH 41.65. (from UAH 26.46 to UAH 68.11), and the profit per 1 kg of milk of basic fat content – by UAH 1.65. (from UAH 2.00 to UAH 3.65). Based on multicriteria analysis, it was found that when using different approaches to the organization of feeding technology for dairy cows, the one that uses the additive TEP-mix with protected protein is more profitable.

N. Kurhaluk ◽  
H. Tkachenko ◽  
V. Honcharenko ◽  
V. Nachychko ◽  
A. Prokopiv ◽  

A convincing number of investigations that indicate that thymol with other metabolites exhibited potent antimicrobial, antifungal, antibacterial, and antiparasitic properties prompted us to verify the antibacterial efficacy of four species and one interspecific hybrid of the Thymus genus collected in the western part of Ukraine against Staphylococcus aureus subsp. aureus (ATCC® 29213™) strain. Considering the points highlighted above and based on previous results obtained in our laboratory, in the current study, we decided to evaluate the antimicrobial efficacy of five ethanol extracts obtained from leaves of Thymus representatives against Staphylococcus aureus subsp. aureus (ATCC® 29213™) strain. Fresh leaves were washed, weighed, crushed, and homogenized in 96 % ethanol (in proportion 1:19) at room temperature. The extracts were then filtered and investigated for their antimicrobial activity. Antimicrobial activity was determined using the agar disk diffusion assay. The ethanol extracts obtained from leaves of Thymus plants showed different antibacterial activities against Staphylococcus aureus subsp. aureus (ATCC® 29213™) strain. The antibacterial activity of extracts was greatest for Th. serpyllum followed by Th. pannonicus followed by Th. pulegioides, Th. alpestris, and then by Th. x porcii. Since the antibacterial effectiveness of medicinal plants varies dramatically depending on the phytochemical characteristics of plant families and subfamilies, it is not surprising to note the difference in this efficacy even when using samples taken from the same plant, but from two different regions. The antimicrobial activity of the crude ethanol extracts obtained from leaves of Thymus plants may be attributed to specific compounds or a combination of compounds. The present study lays the basis for future research, to validate the possible use of Thymus species as a candidate in the treatment of infections caused by Staphylococcus aureusin medicine and veterinary.

Y. K. Oliinychenko ◽  
V.I. Rossokha ◽  
O. A. Boyko ◽  
G. N. Tur ◽  
O. A. Zaderikhina ◽  

Marker-Assisted Selection is getting increasing attention in Ukrainian animal breeding as an effective tool for choosing animals with desirable traits. Identification of molecular markers which are related to major genes is a promising approach for improving economic traits and has to be checked for further gene-trait associations. Single nucleotide polymorphisms are genetic markers that can be associated with production traits. SNP genotyping has to be done additionally for each breed to see if they are polymorphic and have significant associations with certain traits. Among the candidate genes that influence the expression of productive traits, special attention is drawn to RYR1, ESR1 and PRLR genes. Gene RYR1 is associated with muscle hypertrophy and other meat quality defects in pigs. ESR1 and PRLR genes influence reproduction and affect the litter size in pigs. SNPs RYR1 g.1843 C>T, ESR1 SNP c.1227 C>T and PRLR g. 1789 G>A have been receiving increasing attention as potential markers for improving quality and pig performance traits. This study investigated the allele variants in three genes (RYR1, ESR1 and PRLR) in Ukrainian Large White pigs of different inside breed types (ULW-1 and ULW-2). The study was performed on 200 pigs. Genotyping was performed using PCR–RFLP method. SNP RYR1 g.1843 C>T was not polymorphic in ULW-1 and ULW-2 inside breed types, when ESR1 SNP c.1227 C> T and PRLR g. 1789 G>A were highly polymorphic. SNPs in ESR1 and PRLR genes had high PIC and χ2 values which indicates the relevance of further associative studies in ULW-1 and ULW-2. Informativeness of the genetic markers in ESR1 and PRLR genes was optimal for associative studies in Ukrainian Large White pig breed of first and second inside breed type.

V. M. Lytvynenko ◽  
N. I. Yukhymchuk N. I

To improve the adaptation of the pancreatic microflora to changes in the diets of calves and for the rational use of feed, in intensive cultivation, it is desirable to change the composition of feed probiotic supplements according to the age of the animals. Each age group of calves responds differently to live weight gain on probiotic feed additives. Feed supplement Immunobacterin-D containing Bacillus subtilis, Bacillus licheniformis has a positive effect on natural resistance, increases the average daily gain and has a preventive effect on diseases of the digestive tract of calves. But for 2 months of continuous feeding can cause suppression of natural resistance of some animals. When baker's yeast is added to the feed additive (B. subtilis, B. licheniformis 1 × 1010 CFU / g, Sascharomyces cerevisiae 1 × 109 CFU / g), the dry form of the product makes it possible to feed it with compound feed. The use of immunobacterin-D with yeast in 3-month-old calves in experimental animals in the clinical examination for fatness and coat condition looked better. Calves of the experimental group during this period added in increments of 276 g in the previous month, the arithmetic mean of the average daily gain of live weight was 820 ± 180 g, and in the current 1096 ± 90 g, which indicates a positive effect of yeast (especially live) on the productivity of calves at this age. For studies on heifers in a farm with lower average daily gains in live weight, we received a smaller percentage increase in gains with the use of feed probiotic supplement Immunobacterin-D with baker's yeast. When adding to the feed additives at a dose of 40 g and 20 g to heifers 350–400 kg live weight of the animal had an average daily gain of live weight in the first group of 500 ± 17 g, in the second 440 ± 30 g, and in the control 414 ± 12 g, which is 20.8 and 6.3 % more than in the control group. The use of yeast in feed additives confirms the pattern of increasing the percentage of additional average daily gain. That is, with higher average daily gains, we get a higher percentage of additional growth from feeding a probiotic feed additive containing baker's yeast.

O. M. Tsereniuk ◽  
O. V. Akimov ◽  
M. Babicz ◽  
K. Kropiwiec-Domańska

The analysis of the facilities for breeding for Landrace and Wales pigs in Ukraine was carried out; it was established that as of 01.01.2021 there were 16 breeding facilities for Landrace pigs in Ukraine. It identifies that in comparison to last year the number of facilities has decreased by one. Heterogeneity in geographical location was identified; so out of 25 regions (together with the ARC), 13 have breeding facilities for breeding Landrace pigs and in one region there is a breeding facility for breeding Walsh pigs. Accordingly, in 12 (together with the ARC) regions, there are no breeding facilities for both breeds. There is a disproportion in the number of boars and sows in some breeding facilities. So the average number of breeding stock at 1 breeding plant for Landrace pig breed is 350 heads. However, at the same time, in the Ternopil region within one breeding plant there are 1080 sows, and in the Mykolaiv region 70 heads. Assessment of the level of reproductive qualities of sows indicates the need for further improvement of these indicators in most farms. Thus, the analysis of the multiple fertility rate between the facilities for the Landrace breed proved that the difference between the farms with the smallest and largest fertility indicator is 9.1 heads or 206 %. It should be noted that in most farms this indicator is 11–12.3 heads. In terms of litter weight at 2 months, there is also a significant difference between the farms with the smallest and largest indicators and it is 141 kg or 187 %. Accordingly, the SIVYAS index in farms ranged from 76.5 to 147.1. Although in Ukraine there is only one farm for breeding pigs of the Welsh breed, the animals have rather high indicators of reproductive qualities. So the multiple fertility was 12.8 heads, the weight of the litter at 2 months was 210 kg, respectively, the SIVYAS index was 109.5.

M. G. Povod ◽  
О. G. Mykhalko ◽  
V. F. Andreychuk

The article compares the reproductive qualities of sows of Danish selection obtained by different breeding methods during their seven farrowings in one farm. It was found that local sows F1 obtained from mothers of Landrace breed and boars of Danish Large White breed had a significant excess of the total number of piglets at birth over analogs obtained by backcrossing of two-breed sows with boars of Danish Landrace breed by 0.90 head or 5.92 % (p<0,001). Both purebred sows of Danish Landrace and local sows significantly exceeded their peers obtained by the method of backcrossing by the number of stillborn piglets by 1.17 heads or 45.88% (p<0.001) and 0.5 heads or 26.60% (p<0.001) respectively. The probable lag of sows obtained by backcrossing in terms of the proportion of stillborn piglets from both purebred analogs by 5.03% (p<0.05) and from local analogs – by 9.29% (p<0.05). The complex indicator of reproductive qualities, calculated as an evaluation index, showed that the best such qualities were possessed by livestock for purebred breeding, where animals scored 0.05 and 0.74 points more than their peers F1 and Fr, respectively. The calculation of the estimated selection index of reproductive qualities of sows allowed to state that sows obtained from backcrossing had a higher value of 109.66 points, which is more than their purebred peers – by 4.48 points and local peers – by 3.96 points. According to the results of the first farrowing, a significant difference in the total number of piglets at birth, fertility, number of piglets at weaning, safety, nest weight at weaning, the weight of 1 head at weaning between livestock groups is not established but found that purebred sows relative to analogs obtained from backcrossing had a significantly higher number of stillborn piglets by 0.75 head or 60.00% (p<0.01) and the proportion of stillborn piglets by 5.09% (p<0.01). Evaluation of the data of the second, fourth, fifth and seventh farrowings revealed no significant difference in the bulk of the indicators of reproductive qualities of sows between the livestock of all groups. The study of the third farrowing allowed claiming that the number of stillborn piglets in this period was probably higher in sows of the first control group relative to analogs of the second experimental (F1) by 0.73 heads or 31.88% (p<0,05) and relative to analogs Experimental III (Fr) by 0.97 heads or 42.36% (p<0.01). According to the sixth farrowing piglets of the II experimental group (F1) exceeded the number of births by 1,77 heads or 12.46% (p<0.05) – control analogs, the fertility rate – by 2.32 heads or 19.66% (p<0.01) – analogs of the control and 1.41 head or 9.99% (p<0.05) – analogs of the III experimental group (Fr), but at the same time inferior in terms of safety to peers of the control group by 13.25% (p<0.01). Intergroup analysis of data showed that during the sixth farrowing piglets of the II experimental group (F1) exceeded the fertility rate – by 2.32 heads or 19.66% (p<0.01) – control analogs and 1.41 heads or 9.99% (p<0.05) – analogs of the III experimental group (Fr). The study of the dynamics of absolute, average daily, and relative growth of piglets revealed that both in the control group (purebred Danish Landrace) and in the third experimental group (Fr) in terms of seven farrowings, the indicators did not differ statistically. However, piglets of group II (F1) during the sixth farrowing had the highest values: the absolute increase was 6.18 kg, exceeding the first by 0.58 kg or 10.36% (p <0.05), the average daily gain – 221 g, which is higher than the average for the first farrowing in the group by 20 g or 10.50 % (p<0.05) and a relative increase of 138.62%, which is higher than the results of the first by 7.23% (p <0.01).

I. Polieva ◽  
I. Korkh

The article presents the results of studies of protein composition and nutritional milk value of Ukrainian Black-and-White dairy cows with different genotypes of kappa-casein. It was found that the milk of cows with the BB genotype contained more total protein by 0.41 and 0.28 %, the mass fraction of protein (Pro Total) – by 0.37 and 0.25 %, with a probable advantage over the protein content (casein) – by 0.46 and 0.29 % (p≤0.001) and the total amount of casein and globulin – by 0.39 and 0.27 % (p≤0.001) against analogs with genotypes AA and AB. There are differences in the chemical composition and physicochemical properties of milk. In particular, the difference in mass fractions of lactose and dry matter in milk between cows with the genotype BB and AA and AB was respectively 0.16 % (p≤0.001) and 0.11 % (p≤0.01) and 0.64 % (p≤0.001) and 0.37 % (p≤0.01). No less valuable in terms of mass fraction of dry matter was the milk of cows with genotype AB, in which the growth of this indicator against animals with genotype AA was at the level of 0.28 % with a statistically significant difference between them (p≤0.01). Freezing point and density as marker criteria that characterizing the presence of falsification were practically unchanged and did not exceed the permissible norms and amounted to 0.551–0.553 °С and 1028.04–1028.45 kg/m3. The content of somatic cells in the milk of cows of different genotypes of kappa-casein was within the permissible level according to the state standard, which indicates the absence of mastitis. Cows with genotype AA had an increased level of titrated acidity and concentration of free hydrogen ions (p≤0.01 – p≤0.001) against analogs with genotypes AB and BB. However, in general, the hydrogen pH of the milk of cows of all groups had a weakly acidic environment, the values of which ranged from 6.66 units. pH in cows with genotype BB up to 6.71 units. pH – in animals with genotype AA.

V. I. Khalak ◽  
B. V. Gutyj ◽  
I. V. Korkh

The article presents the results of studies of reproductive qualities of sows of different classes of distribution according to some evaluation indexes, the level of their discreteness and correlation. The study was conducted in agricultural enterprises of the Dnipropetrovsk region and the laboratory of animal husbandry of the State Institution «Institute of Grain Crops of NAAS of Ukraine». The work was performed according to the research program of NAAS №30 «Pigbreeding». Evaluation of sows for reproductive qualities was carried out taking into account the following characteristics: fertility, goal; high fertility, kg, milk yield, kg; nest weight at the time of weaning at the age of 28 days, kg, safety, %. The level of discrete features of reproductive qualities was calculated by the method of V. V. Seromolot, S. I. Svyatchenko (1984), indexes of reproductive qualities (I) – by the method of M. D. Berezovsky (quoted by P. A. Vashchenko, 2019), IRQ – according to the method of I. P. Sheiko and others (2006), biometric processing of research results – according to the methods of G. F. Lakin (1990). It is established that sows of the Large White breed of the controlled herd are characterized by high indicators of reproductive qualities. Taking into account the class of distribution of animals according to the index Berezovsky M. D. and the index of reproductive qualities of the sow (IRQ) a significant difference was found in fertility (4.1-4.2 goals), milk yield (23.5–23.7 kg) and nest weight at the time of weaning at the age of 28 days 25.2 kg). The discreteness factor (D) of reproductive traits in sows of the experimental groups ranged from 0.028 to 0.288. The number of significant correlation coefficients between the traits of reproductive qualities of sows and evaluation indices is equal to 90.00 %. The relationship between the index Berezovsky M. D. and the index of reproductive qualities of the sow (IRQ) is equal to 0.990 ± 0.0017 (tr=580.12; p<0.001). This indicates the effectiveness of their use in further breeding and breeding work with pigs of Large White breed. The use of sows of class M+ provides additional products at the level of +16.79–16.98 % or +421.06 -+416.35 UAH/head.

V. Ya. Lykhach ◽  
A. V. Likhach A. V.

Pork production today is based on intensive management of the industry and quality improvement of breeds. In our country, there are changes in the breed structure in the direction of the predominant focus on breeds of meat productivity. In this regard, an important place is given to pigs of the Duroc breed, which have been used in Ukraine for a long time. Numerous studies have shown that under the same conditions of feeding, keeping fattening and meat qualities of pigs of different breeds and interbreed combinations at different weight conditions are not the same. The purpose of the work is to study the fattening and meat qualities of the intra-breed type of Duroc pigs of the Ukrainian selection «Stepovy» (DUSS) with different methods of breeding during fattening to high weight conditions. The study of fattening and meat qualities of pigs of interbreed type «Stepovy», Large White foreign (LW (FS)) and Landrace of French (L (FS)) selection took place in the conditions of SVC «Agrofirm «Mig-Service-Agro» of the Mykolaiv region. A comparative assessment of fattening and meat qualities of young animals of the following combinations: I – DUSS×♂DUSS – control group, II – ♀LW(ZS)×♂DUSS, III – ♀DUSS×♂LW(ZS), IV – ♀L(FS)×♂DUSS, V – ♀DUSS×♂L(FS) – experimental groups, when animals reach a live weight of 100, 120 and 140 kg. The highest fattening rates for three variants of fattening had young animals obtained from a combination of sows of the interbreed type «Stepovy» with boars of the Landrace breed. The expediency of fattening these pigs to high weight conditions was noted, as they maintained a high growth rate during fattening to a live weight of 140 kg. The greatest value of the complex index of fattening and meat qualities had animals of the V experimental group in the range of 211.9-203.6. When the animals reached a live weight of 100-140 kg, the lowest value of this indicator was characterized by animals of the II experimental group. It was found that the relative rate of meat yield at the slaughter of 100-140 kg was different and depended on the genotype of the animals and was in terms of groups – 64.12–53.81 %. After the meat came out of the carcass, purebred animals of the interbreed type of the Duroc breed of the Ukrainian selection «Stepovy» (I control group), local young growth of a combination ♀DUSS×♂L(FS) were better, at them at slaughter in 100–140 kg relative exit m was: 63.90–56.14 % and 64.12–57.53 %, respectively.

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