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Zoologia (Curitiba)
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Published By Pensoft Publishers

1984-4689, 1984-4670

2021 ◽  
Vol 38 ◽  
pp. 1-11
Álvaro J.B. de Freitas ◽  
Carine A.M. Bezerra ◽  
Yuri C. Meneses ◽  
Marcia Cristina N. Justo ◽  
Diego C. Viana ◽  

Three new species of Urocleidoides Mizelle & Price, 1964 are described from the gills of characiform fishes in the Tocantins River and its tributaries. Urocleidoides boulengerellae sp. nov. is described from Boulengerella cuvieri (Spix & Agassiz, 1829) and differs from all its congeners by the dorsal bar with a long posteromedial projection; male copulatory organ with 2–3 counterclockwise rings and a base with a flange; an accessory piece comprising a robust Y-shaped unit and a sheath-like unit; and a highly sclerotized vaginal canal. Urocleidoides paratriangulus sp. nov., described from Psectrogaster amazonica Eigenmann & Eigenmann, 1889, Cyphocharax gouldingi Vari, 1992, Caenotropus labyrinthicus (Kner, 1858) and Mylesinus paucisquamatus Jégu & Santos, 1988, is most similar to Urocleidoides triangulus (Suriano, 1981) Rossin & Timi, 2016 based on the shape of the anchors and bars but differs from U. triangulus in the morphology of the projection of the dorsal bar, the number of rings of male copulatory organ, and by the smaller size of members of hook pairs 1 and 5 compared with those of the remaining pairs. Urocleidoides tocantinensis sp. nov. is easily distinguished from all other species of the genus by the morphology of the vagina, which present a vaginal vestibule with a membranous cap. Urocleidoides triangulus is reported from its type host in the Guandu River, state of Rio de Janeiro. The present study increases the number of Urocleidoides species to 37 recognized species that fit all the generic characters.

2021 ◽  
Vol 38 ◽  
pp. 1-22
Rodrigo S. Bouzan ◽  
Luiz Felipe M. Iniesta ◽  
João Paulo P. Pena-Barbosa ◽  
Antonio D. Brescovit

This study concerns the diplopod genus Eucampesmella Schubart, 1955, widespread in Brazil. After this work, the genus includes 12 valid species, and three incertae sedis: E. pugiuncula (Schubart, 1946), E. brunnea Kraus, 1959 and E. schubarti Kraus, 1957. The type-species, Eucampesmella tricuspis (Attems, 1931), is redescribed based on the holotype, and the following six new Brazilian species are added: Eucampesmella macunaima sp. nov. from the states of Rondônia, Pará, and Piauí; E. capitu sp. nov. from the states of Piauí and Paraíba; E. brascubas sp. nov. from the state of Sergipe; E. iracema sp. nov. from the state of Pernambuco; E. pedrobala sp. nov. from the state of Ceará; and E. lalla sp. nov. from the state of Rio Grande do Norte. Furthermore, E. lartiguei ferrii (Schubart, 1956) is recognized as a junior synonym of E. lartiguei lartiguei (Silvestri, 1897), which also had its status changed, and E. sulcata (Attems, 1898) is revalidated, prevailing under the name Leptodesmus tuberculiporus Attems, 1898. In addition, drawings, diagnoses, and distribution maps for all species of the genus are provided.

2021 ◽  
Vol 38 ◽  
pp. 1-9
Yuan-Gang Yang ◽  
Guo-Zhen Shang ◽  
Xue-Qin Wu ◽  
Hui-Qing Chen ◽  
Yan Wu ◽  

Growing evidence suggests that parasite-infected prey is more vulnerable to predation. However, the mechanism underlying this phenomenon is obscure. In small mammals, analgesia induced by environmental stressors is a fundamental component of the defensive repertoire, promoting defensive responses. Thus, the reduced analgesia may impair the defensive ability of prey and increase their predation risk. This study aimed to determine whether coccidia infection increases the vulnerability to predation in root voles, Microtus oeconomus (Pallas, 1776), by decreased analgesia. Herein, a predator stimulus and parasitic infection were simulated in the laboratory via a two-level factorial experiment, then, the vole nociceptive responses to an aversive thermal stimulus were evaluated. Further, a field experiment was performed to determine the overwinter survival of voles with different nociceptive responses via repeated live trapping. The coccidia-infected voles demonstrated reduced predator-induced analgesia following exposure to predator odor. Meanwhile, pain-sensitive voles had lower overwinter survival than pain-inhibited voles in enclosed populations throughout the duration of the experiment. Our findings suggest that coccidia infection attenuates predator-induced analgesia, resulting in an increased vulnerability to predation.

2021 ◽  
Vol 38 ◽  
pp. 1-18
Nathália Del G. da R. Celli ◽  
Lúcia M. Almeida ◽  
Daniel S. Basílio ◽  
Camila F. Castro

Among the predatory ladybird beetles (Coccinellidae: Coleoptera), members of the Coccinellini, predators of aphids and psyllids, stand out. Although the beneficial status of these beetles has been acknowledged by biological control researchers, there are no keys or detailed studies on the immature stages of South American Coccinellidae, especially Coccinellini. We provide descriptions and illustrations of the immatures and adults of major predatory Coccinellini species in southern Brazil along with an identification key for fourth instar larvae and pupae. The following species are included: Cycloneda sanguinea (Linnaeus, 1763), Eriopis connexa (Germar, 1824), Harmonia axyridis (Pallas, 1773), Hippodamia convergens Guérin-Méneville, 1842 and Olla v-nigrum (Mulsant, 1866). The morphological study, which included the use of scanning electron microscopy, revealed new characters such as the type of tarsal claws, spiracles, chalazae, parascoli and strumae. The identification key provided here may be useful in biological control programs.

2021 ◽  
Vol 38 ◽  
pp. 1-10
Bárbara Branches ◽  
Janice Muriel-Cunha ◽  
Marcus Vinícius Domingues

Two new monogenoidean species of Unilatus Mizelle & Kritsky, 1967 found in the gills of loricariids in the Lower Xingu-Iriri rivers are described: Unilatus humboldtii sp. nov. from Baryancistrus niveatus (Castelnau, 1855), Panaque armbrusteri Lujan, Hidalgo & Stewart, 2010, Pseudacanthicus sp. (type-host), and Scobinancistrus aureatus Burgess, 1994; and Unilatus luciarappae sp. nov. from P. armbrusteri. Unilatus humboldtii sp. nov. is distinguished from other congeneric species due to its anterior anchor with well-developed superficial root with depressed or truncated distal portion, and inconspicuous or reduced deep root; anterior bar with posteromedial projection; hooks of pair 1 with dilated shaft comprising 2/3 of the hook length; spiraled male copulatory organ with approximately 16–18 counterclockwise loops. Unilatus luciarappae sp. nov. is characterized by having anterior anchor with well-developed superficial root and reduced deep root, slightly curved shaft, elongated, slightly curved, and tapered point; spiraled MCO with approximately 18–19 counterclockwise loops, with median distal bulbous portion and remaining portion tapered and elongated, comprising 1/4 of the body length; and accessory piece comprising approximately 2/3 of the MCO length. More than fifty years after the description of the type species of Unilatus from an artificial environment (U.S. aquaria), this study represents the first formal record and description of Unilatus species from hosts collected in natural habitats in the Xingu River. Considering the impact of the Belo Monte dam on the formerly pristine conditions of the study region and the importance of loricariids for the ornamental fish trade, we recommend monitoring monogenoidean diversity, parasite-host interaction, as well as the dispersion patterns and pathogenicity of these parasites.

2021 ◽  
Vol 38 ◽  
pp. 1-14
Vitor Osmar Becker

Bardaxima Walker, 1858 includes 12 species, eight of them occurring in Brazil. The Brazilian species are treated here, including diagnoses and illustrations of both adults and genitalia to allow their identification: B. donatian (Schaus), B. fulgurifera (Walker, 1869), stat. rev. (= demea (Druce, 1895)); B. ionia (Druce, 1900) (= albolimbata (Dognin, 1909), syn. nov., B. ambigua (Dyar, 1908), syn. nov., B. metcalfi (Schaus, 1928), syn. nov.); B. lucilinea Walker, 1858; B. marcida (C. Felder, 1874); B. procne (Schaus, 1892) (= meyeri (Schaus, 1928), syn. nov.); B. sambana (Druce, 1895), stat. rev. (= belizensis Thiaucourt, 2010, syn. nov., bolivari Thiaucourt, 2010, syn. nov., coloradorum Thiaucourt, 2010, syn. nov., panamensis (Draudt, 1932), syn. nov.); B. subrutila (Dognin, 1908); and B. terminalba Jones, 1908 (= oakley (Schaus, 1939)). Bardaxima perses Druce, 1900 is transferred to Elasmia Möschler, 1883 as a new combination, Elasmia perses (Druce, 1900). Stragulodonta gen. nov. is proposed to accommodate Heterocampa stragula Möschler, 1883, comb. nov. (= belua (Draudt, 1932), syn. nov.).

2021 ◽  
Vol 38 ◽  
pp. 1-7
Mengmeng Liu ◽  
Zejian Li ◽  
Meicai Wei

Five species of Strongylogaster Dahlbom, 1835 are recorded from Zhejiang Province, China. They are four known species, S. formosana (Rohwer, 1916), S. macula (Klug, 1817), S. takeuchii Naito, 1980 and S. xanthocera (Stephens, 1835), and a new species. Strongylogaster tianmunica sp. nov., collected from Mt. Tianmu in Zhejiang Province, is here described and illustrated. This new species resembles S. nantouensis Naito, 1990, but differs from the latter by the following characters: female body length 10–12 mm, male body length 8–10 mm; tegula brown to dark brown; pronotum largely yellowish-white; trochanters black, apical half of hind femora and of hind tibiae yellowish-white; malar space as long as radius of median ocellus; antennomere 3 as long as antennomere 4; and ovipositor apical sheath with distinct lateral scapes. A key to the five species of Strongylogaster from Zhejiang Province is provided.

2021 ◽  
Vol 38 ◽  
pp. 1-10
Carlos A. Contreras-Díaz ◽  
Leroy Soria-Díaz ◽  
Yuriana Gómez-Ortiz ◽  
Rogelio Carrera-Treviño ◽  
Claudia C. Astudillo-Sánchez ◽  

Jaguars, Panthera onca (Linnaeus, 1758), and pumas, Puma concolor (Linnaeus, 1771) are the largest felids in the neotropics. Both can overlap in niche axes (time, space and prey), and are therefore potentially competing species. Segregation mechanisms presented by a low overlap in one of these axes of niche can facilitate the coexistence. Our aim was to analyze jaguar and puma temporal and spatial overlap for understanding their segregation mechanisms. Between 2015 and 2017, twenty-six camera trap stations were located in five habitat types of El Cielo Biosphere Reserve (ECBR) in northeastern Mexico. Temporal activity was analyzed using circular statistics and time overlap analysis. Spatial overlap was calculated with the Pianka index and a selectivity habitat analysis. Our results showed that jaguars and pumas were nocturnal and that the temporal overlap was high (∆4 = 0.77). We found an intermediate spatial overlap (Pianka index = 0.61). Jaguars were more selective and preferred the deciduous forest. In comparison, pumas preferred oak-pine forest, but also used oak and deciduous forest. Our results indicate that spatial segregation best explains the coexistence of jaguars and pumas in our study area, probably due to both habitat diversity in the reserve and the generalist habits of the puma.

2021 ◽  
Vol 38 ◽  
pp. 1-9
Wei Wang ◽  
Yongzhong Cui ◽  
Xiaoming Chen ◽  
Nawaz Haider Bashir ◽  
Hang Chen

Plants and insects have co-existed for millions of years. Although research has been conducted on various insect species that induce galls on various plant tissues, information is particularly scarce when it comes to insects that form galls on the tough trunk of their host plants. This contribution describes the gall-inducing aphid Nipponaphis hubeiensis sp. nov. from the Zhushan County, Shiyan City, Hubei Province of China. This aphid induces enclosed galls with woody external layer on the trunk of Sycopsis sinensis (Saxifragales: Hamamelidaceae), an uncommon ecological niche in the aphid-plant interaction system. Morphological features for the identification of new species are provided. In addition, a partial sequence of the nuclear gene EF1α was amplified and sequenced to construct a cluster graph. Based on the clustering graph combined with morphology traits, the gall-forming aphid was classified into Nipponaphis. The unique ecological habits of this new aphid will bring innovative perspectives to the study of the evolution and diversity in aphid-host interaction.

2021 ◽  
Vol 38 ◽  
pp. 1-50
Yihai Zhong ◽  
Zejian Li ◽  
Meicai Wei

The flavipes group of Pachyprotasis Hartig, 1837, with twenty-four species recognized in China, is reviewed. This number includes two newly described species, Pachyprotasis rufodorsata sp. nov., from Sichuan, Hubei, Ningxia, and Shaanxi provinces, and Pachyprotasis nigritarsalia sp. nov., from Hunan province. The mesopleuron and metapleuron of the two new species are reddish-brown, distinguishing them from other similar species of the P. flavipes group. Thirty-four species of this group have been recorded from China, one species (P. variegate Fallén, 1808) was found to be widespread throughout Europe and Siberia, twenty-four were originally described from the China and Burma-Yunnan frontier, eleven from India, and five from Japan. A key to the species of this group from China is provided.

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