Demand Planning Functions
Demand Planning Functions
Demand Planning Functions
Demand Planning
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Demand Planning
December 1999
Demand Planning
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Demand Planning: State-of-the-Art Forecasting Introduction Overview of SAP Advanced Planner & Optimizer The SAP Business Framework Benefits of SAP Advanced Planner & Optimizer Key Features of SAP Advanced Planner & Optimizer Demand Planning The SAP APO Demand Planning Architecture An Integrated Demand Planning Solution Demand Planning Features and Functions Data Storage and Representation Planning Environment Consensus-Based Forecasting Multiple Views Causal Analysis Multitier Forecasting Statistical Forecasting Toolbox Forecast Accuracy Analysis Conclusion
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Demand Planning
Data-Driven Process
Huge amounts of data drive these planning and scheduling processes. Much of it comes from the organization itself, but other data comes from outside the organization from suppliers, partners, and even customers. Unlike the data models used by existing Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems, supply chain decision support systems require a new breed of memory resident data model that can handle vast amounts of complex data in real time. Until now, if you wanted an end-to-end solution, you had to integrate specialized software with your existing ERP system and built custom interfaces to handle outside data sources. This can work, but only at an enormously high cost.
Demand Planning
factors that affect demand, delivering context-based demand planning, which raises forecasting to a new level of sophistication and accuracy. Like the Supply Chain Cockpit, Demand Planning uses the Alert Monitor to report exceptions, like orders that exceed forecasts or orders that fall short of forecast and therefore may lead to excess inventory if production is not adjusted accordingly. Using Demand Planning, you can:
n Perform collaborative forecasting
You can collect forecast data from multiple sources and store it in a common repository so planners from marketing, sales, logistics, and even third-party vendors and suppliers can work together on a consensus forecast.
n Manage product life cycles
You can manage the life cycles of your products according to such factors as product supersession, substitution, and cannibalization.
n Plan promotions
You can model promotional demand based on profitability goals, product availability, and historical patterns. You can even predict how price increases or decreases will affect future demand.
n Forecast new product demand
You can develop accurate forecasts for new products based on models from similar products, demand histories, and other factors. You can monitor the launch of a new product and the end of a products life using point-of-sale data.
n Perform causal analysis
You can identify and predict how such factors as demographic changes, environmental variables, and social or political factors affect demand for your products. You can analyze actual demand using a variety of tools, such as multiple linear regression, and incorporate causal factors such as price.
Demand Planning
Accurate Forecasting
The Demand Planning component is a toolkit of statistical forecasting techniques and demand planning features that helps you create accurate forecasts and plans. Demand Planning is tightly linked to the SAP Business Information Warehouse, so you can use advanced Online Analytical Processing techniques to drill down to detailed levels of data and analyze historical, planning, and business intelligence. Because it integrates such a wide set of data, Demand Planning gives you a sound understanding of all the
Demand Planning
Drawing on data in liveCache, a high-performance memory-resident technology, and using algorithms, user-developed rules, and policies, the Deployment component helps you dynamically rebalance and optimize your distribution network. It also helps you dynamically determine how and when to distribute inventory. Using the Supply Network Planning and Deployment component, you can:
n Model plans at aggregate and detailed levels n Perform what-if analysis n Dynamically match supply and demand using
Global Available-to-Promise
Match Supply and Demand with Global Available-to-Promise
The Global Available-to-Promise (ATP) component uses a rules-based strategy to ensure you can deliver what you promise to your customers. Global ATP performs multilevel component and capacity checks in real time and in simulation mode to ensure that you can match supply and demand. You can also perform these ATP checks against aggregated, memory-resident data for even better performance. Global ATP maintains simultaneous, immediate access to product availability along the supply chain, so you can be confident that you can meet your delivery commitments. Global ATP draws on a number of criteria to arrive at a commitment, including:
n Product substitution
product substitutions
n Use vendor-managed inventory techniques n Determine the optimum distribution of supply to
If a finished product or component is not available, the system automatically selects a substitute using rules-based selection criteria.
n Selection of alternative locations
As with product substitution, Global ATP can source materials from alternative locations. You can also integrate this logic with the product substitution rules.
n Allocation
You can allocate products or components that are in short supply to customers, markets, orders, and so on. The ATP calculation and response take these allocations into consideration.
multiple levels
n Perform detailed capacity planning and material
planning simultaneously
n Synchronize schedules and make scheduling
Demand Planning
SAP APO Demand Planning is integrated with the R/3 System and the SAP Business Information Warehouse. Data can be automatically transferred between SAP BW and SAP APO Demand Planning. SAP APO Demand Planning uses multidimensional data structures that support many different levels and dimensions. Using tree selection and drill-down capabilities, you can navigate through these multidimensional structures. SAP APO Demand Plannings decision-support tools allows you to perform what-if analysis and online simulation to create, store, and compare different planning versions. In Release 2.0 the Notes Management tool enables the documentation of planning activities by multiple users.
SAP APO supports all of the key supply chain planning and optimization functions and processes traditionally found in stand-alone advanced planning and scheduling solutions.
n Performance
The SAP liveCache memory resident computing technology enables forecasting, planning, and optimization functions to be executed in real time.
n Independence
SAP APO performs planning functions and processes outside of the OLTP system, ensuring greater flexibility and high availability of the SAP APO server.
n Openness
Best-of-Breed Solution
SAP APO Demand Planning embodies all of the advantages of a best-of-breed demand planning solution with the following features:
n Multilevel planning n Life cycle management n Promotion planning n Causal analysis n Multitier forecasting n Phase-in and phase-out forecasting n The Statistical Forecasting Toolbox n Forecast accuracy reporting.
SAP built SAP APO to function in heterogeneous environments. It interoperates with SAP R/3, thirdparty, and legacy OLTP systems.
n Integration
SAP APO is seamlessly integrated with the R/3 System so you can integrate all the links in your supply chain. A robust and sophisticated integration layer facilitates the use of SAP APO with additional optimization and forecasting algorithms.
Internet Communications
Using the SAP APO OpenForecast tool, you can collaborate with your business partners using Internetbased interfaces and technology; share event information, such as promotions and store openings; and compare and resolve variances within forecasts. It supports supply chain partnerships, such as VendorManaged-Inventory (VMI), Efficient Consumer Response (ECR), and Collaborative Planning, Forecasting and Replenishment (CPFR).
Demand Planning
The graphical user interface contains the planning views. The planning and analysis engine contains the Online Analytical Processing processor, the Business Planning Library, and the Statistical Forecasting Toolbox. The data mart contains infocubes, the time series catalog, and notes. The data mart stores different data types in different database structures using a relational database.
Demand Planning
An InfoCube is a multidimensional data structure and the primary container of data used in planning, analysis, and reporting. InfoCubes contain two types of data: key figures and characteristics. Key figures are quantifiable values, such as sales in units. Characteristics determine the organizational levels at which you do aggregation and reporting. Typical characteristics for sales are products and customers.
Notes Management
Maintain an Audit Trail
Figure 4: Example of an InfoCube
The Notes Management tool maintains all notes entered by planners. The notes discuss planning data, such as promotions and consensus forecasts. You can use the notes to create an audit trail of all demand planning activities, which is especially helpful when multiple sources and people are involved, such as in consensus forecasting.
Planning Environment
Easy Data Access with Planning Books
You access the information in InfoCubes and Time Series Management using planning books and reports. Using slice-and-dice techniques, you can define how information is displayed in a planning book. Demand Planning provides you with a uniform planning
Demand Planning
environment that supports full multilevel planning with top-down, middle-out, and bottom-up reconciliation strategies. Within this planning environment, you can use a wide range of demand planning and forecasting techniques.
Planning Books
Easy-to-Use Planning Books
A planning book is an easy-to-use tree control for selecting data and a frame with a grid and a chart. The tree control in the planning books allows you to explore data easily and to change the perspective of the view by simply clicking the mouse. Tree control provides all data from the various dimensions and hierarchies that matches the given set of selection criteria. For example, you can initially select a general view, jump to a view that is more detailed, and then jump again to a more aggregated view.
Aggregate functions include SUM and AVERAGE. The information content of many types of data is greater when viewed on an aggregate level. For example, product sales are most useful when viewed on a regional or national level.
n Disaggregate functions
Disaggregate functions include disaggregation based on quotas, proportional distribution, and equal distribution. In many cases, planning results, such as forecasts and promotions, are output on an aggregate level and must be disaggregated to the detailed level.
n Comparison functions
Comparison functions include difference, ratio, percent, and so on. These functions are essential for determining the difference between forecasts and actual results so you know quickly how far forecasts deviate from your actual results.
n Financial functions
Financial functions include conversion from units into revenue, currency conversion, and business period conversion.
n Time-series functions
Time-series functions include the time-phased merge of time series, time series averages, and time-series weighted averages. Time-series functions work with planning techniques, such as composite forecasting.
Demand Planning
period or periods
n Write macro results to a row, a column, or a cell n Write the results of one macro step to a row,
column, cell, or variable, and use them only in subsequent iterations, macro steps, or macros.
n Analyze forecasting or business data at a glance
Advanced Macros
Quick and Easy Macros
You can use advanced macros to perform complex spreadsheet calculations quickly and easily. The macros are extremely flexible, so you can use them to model your planning environment based on your
n Trigger an alert in the Alert Monitor to inform you
Demand Planning
Multilevel Planning
Synchronize Forecasts and Promotions
Multilevel planning capabilities allow you to forecast and plan on any level and in any dimension. Demand Planning provides consistent planning capabilities that synchronize forecasting and promotional data on any level in real time. You can plan from the top down, from the bottom up, and from the middle out. You can base disaggregation of data on user-defined timephased quotas, proportional distribution relative to user-specified data streams, and equal distribution.
Consensus-Based Forecasting
Consensus Planning Drives the Business
SAP APO Demand Planning supports consensus-based sales and operations planning. Its planning and forecasting features allow you to create plans for different business goals (such as a strategic business plan, tactical sales plans, and the operative supply chain plan) and integrate them into one consensus plan that drives the business. The planning books and reports help you gain consensus in meetings because they allow you to see the effects of your decisions.
Multiple Views
View Data from Multiple Angles
The multidimensional data structure of the InfoCubes allows you to view past sales and forecasts in many different dimensions, using varying units of measure and degrees of granularity, including:
n Product levels for marketing n Sales areas and accounts or channels for sales n Distribution centers and plants for operations n Business units for finance
different stages?
n Should the product be eliminated, and if so, when? n Should a follow-up product be introduced?
Consensus Plan
Create Multiple Versions of Plans
The forecasting techniques in SAP APO Demand Planning allow you to create many planning versions on any level and in any dimension using the same or similar data. For example, you can maintain multiple demand plans, such as a marketing plan, a sales plan, and an operational plan, so you can tailor them to individual situations and needs.
n Should a product be relaunched and when? n Will introducing a new product cannibalize sales
of existing products?
Demand Planning
In Demand Planning, you can represent the launch, growth, and discontinuation phases by using phasein and phase-out profiles. A phase-in profile reduces demand history by ever increasing percentages during a specified period or periods, thus mimicking the upward sales curve that you expect the product to display during its launch and growth phases. A phaseout profile reduces the demand forecast of a product by ever decreasing percentages during a specified period or periods, mimicking the downward sales curve that you expect the product to display during its discontinuation phase.
Promotion Planning
Factor Price into Promotional Projections
Promotions of all kinds have a major impact on consumer sales behavior. The impact of promotions must be projected separately from standard forecast components that are based on historical sales data. Promotion-driven components are generated on top of a baseline forecast. Demand Planning extends classical volume-based promotional planning so that you can take prices into account when doing profitability analysis for promotional calendars. You can plan promotions on any level, and you can aggregate or disaggregate them using the Business Planning Library. Reporting capabilities allow you to track promotional activities and related costs and, therefore, assess the efficiency of your companys promotional campaigns.
Demand Planning
Promotion Patterns
Isolate Promotional Patterns
You can define promotional uplifts in units or percentages with promotion patterns. Using historical sales or estimates, the system can automatically detect a promotion pattern that occurred in the past. You can archive a promotion pattern in a promotion catalog, so you can reuse it if you repeat the promotion at a later date. The promotion catalog has a copy function that you can use to model like products, like regions, and so on. Demand Planning provides several techniques for estimating the effect of a promotion, such as multiple linear regression with or without a trend or seasonality.
Causal Analysis
Include Causal Factors in Forecasts
To predict consumer behavior, you must first understand all the factors that influence it. With Demand Planning, you can include all significant causal factors in your models and determine how they affect your customers behavior. Causal factors include price, number of displays, number of stores, temperature, and working days. You can even forecast the unknown future of causal factors using Demand Planning forecasting techniques. Breaking down sales to determine the impact of causal variables allows you to model the virtual consumer and simulate sales development according to the mix of causal factors.
Multitier Forecasting
Multitier forecasting integrates sell-in data, like pointof-sale data, into the process of forecasting sell-through data, like shipments. You can use a causal model based on all significant causal factors to forecast POS. You then use a second causal model to forecast shipments. The shipment model uses past POS data and the POS forecast as the main causal factor while taking the time lag between POS and shipments into account. You can also consider other causal factors, such as forward buys and trade promotions.
Data Analysis
Identify Missing Values
With Demand Planning, you can identify missing values and outliers in the data that drives the forecast and adjust the data or the applied forecasting method. This improves the quality of the statistical forecast.
Demand Planning
Pick-The-Best Option
With the pick-the-best option, the system either runs all of the available forecasting methods or uses the planner-specified forecasting methods and applies the best one. You can specify the horizon for the fit criteria based on short-term, medium-term, or long-term forecasting goals.
Composite Forecasting
Composite forecasting creates a weighted average of the forecasts of multiple forecasting methods to create one forecast. You can determine the weights as equal (simple average) or using multiple linear regression by taking the residuals of the multiple forecasts into account. In addition, you can time-phase the combination so that short-term and medium-term forecasts are combined with respect to their horizons.
Stochastic Models
Accurate Forecast with Sporadic Demand
When sporadic demands exist, the time series models always produce inappropriate stock levels as a result of the high mean absolute deviation from periods without demands. The Crosten method accounts for this inaccuracy by using exponential smoothing to estimate the size of demand during periods in which demands occur as well as the demand frequency. The final forecast values are determined by distributing the size of demand according to the demand frequency.
Demand Planning
Multidimensional data mart The data mart is based on the star schema. The star schema is a structure that supports efficient use of storage space and of CPU cycles, minimizing query response time. You can update long-running mass forecast updates as a batch process so you do not impede online performance.
n Batch forecasting
Demand Planning provides multiple benefits that help you match supply and demand and manage the entire length of your supply chain. Demand Planning is:
n A fast solution
Because Demand Planning is a component of the SAP Business Framework, you can implement it rapidly and at a low cost.
n An open solution
You can sort reports by forecast error or restrict them to products with a forecast error greater than a userspecified threshold.
SAP APO Demand Planning does not limit you to using SAP R/3 or R/2. Using open interfaces, you can integrate SAP APO Demand Planning with nonSAP data sources and non-SAP tools to create the best solution for your business.
n A function-rich solution
Performance is of vital importance in any demand planning solution if users are to benefit fully from available information. Demand Planning architecture includes several features that ensure high performance:
Dedicated server SAP APO resides on its own dedicated server. Like the SAP R/3 System, there are a number of configuration options to provide highly scalable performance as the number of users increases. SAP APO takes full advantage of the flexibility of SAP R/3s three-tier client/server technology. All SAP APO server components can reside on the same hardware system, or you can place the database on a dedicated database server. You can also add multiple application servers as the number of users increases.
SAP APO Demand Planning has the tools you need so you dont need to assemble them from multiple, specialized software packages. Demand Planning can improve forecast quality, model consumer sales behavior and market dynamics, integrate processes that drive the forecast, share information, and enable collaborative forecasting with business partners.
n An adaptable solution
If your needs or your IT environment change and they will SAP APO Demand Planning can adapt to these changes.
n A robust, business-driven solution
Based on SAPs proven expertise in SAP R/3 client/ server technology and in real-world business processes, Demand Planning is built to answer the specific demand planning and information requirements of planners and forecasters in all industries, reliably and effectively.
Demand Planning
Demand Planning