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SAP Business Planning & Consolidation For SAP S/4HANA: Warning

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SAP Business Planning & Consolidation

Generated on: 2020-05-25

SAP S/4HANA | 1909 FPS01 (Feb 2020)


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SAP Business Planning & Consolidation for

SAP Business Planning & Consolidation (BPC) for SAP S/4HANA provides a consistent view of the planning process. All
planning applications can be accessed by a Microsoft Excel front-end to provide a homogeneous look and feel. There are no longer
silos for the planning data since all planning data is contained in a real-time info cube of the local SAP Business Warehouse (BW),
which is optimized for SAP S/4HANA. Actual data and master data are accessed directly in real time without any replication that
would be necessary in a standalone BW.

Implementation Considerations
Set up SAP BPC for SAP S/4HANA according to 1972819 .

Before you run any reporting app for management accounting, you rst need to specify your controlling area. As a
controller, you usually report on a single controlling area only.

Click the user icon in the upper left hand corner to switch to the user screen.

Chose Settings and then Default Values.

Enter your controlling area as default value in the corresponding eld.

 Note
The system saves this controlling area in your user settings and you don’t have to specify it again in any analytical app.
This action needs to be done once only, but it needs to be done separately by each controller.

Why Yet Another Planning Solution?

If you are an experienced SAP Expert, you may wonder why we have decided to develop another planning solution. Aren't there
enough already?

Planning Solutions in SAP S/4HANA

SAP S/4HANA provides many planning solutions, such as for Cost Centers (CO-OM-CCA), Internal Orders (CO-OM-OPA),
Enterprise Controlling (EC-BP), Product Costs (CO-PC-PCP), Pro tability Analysis (CO-PA), General Ledger Accounting (FI-GL), or
Asset Accounting (FI-AA).

These planning solutions are very powerful and well-established among our customers. However, they each store their plan data in
different tables, creating independent plan data silos. You have to reconcile these plan data silos to get a full view on the planning

Planning Solutions in SAP BW

To overcome the drawbacks of independent plan data silos, SAP offers SAP Business Planning & Consolidation (SAP BPC). This
solution uses a standalone SAP Business Warehouse (SAP BW) as a single data store for all plan data.

The advantages compared to the planning solutions in SAP S/4HANA are the following:

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No need to reconcile separate planning solutions with each other

Shorter planning cycles

You can navigate through all planning dimensions to get a holistic view.

You can simultaneously enhance all planning applications with additional elds by adding the new elds to the single data

However, in SAP BPC the plan data is decoupled from the SAP S/4HANA system since it is located on separate hardware. If you
want to refer to actual data and master data in the planning process, you have to replicate this data from the SAP S/4HANA
system to the SAP BPC system. No real-time access to SAP S/4HANA master data is possible and consequently no real-time
plan/actual analyses can be performed.

Introducing SAP BPC for S/4HANA

As one component in S/4HANA we present a totally new nancials solution. Due to the enormous aggregation and computing
power of SAP HANA, nancial transactions and analytics can be performed based directly on line items. Furthermore, S/4HANA
combines all data which formerly was stored in different line item tables (such as BSEG, COEP, CE4*) into a new table called
ACDOCA. This table no longer makes a distinction between G/L accounts and cost elements. Cost elements are just G/L accounts
of a special type.

These and other changes dramatically simplify the architecture for actual data and makes it more exible. To re ect this also for
plan data, a new planning solution has become necessary.

We developed SAP BPC for S/4HANA, which uses the SAP BW system that is part of the SAP NetWeaver belonging to the
operational S/4HANA system. A standalone system is no longer required. The advantages are signi cant.

No need to replicate data between the S/4HANA system and SAP BPC.

You can perform real-time analysis on plan data and actual data.

You can plan based on real-time S/4HANA master data.

The simpli ed system landscape reduces hardware and administration costs.

Running on SAP HANA enables us to offer additional advantages as well: By using the Planning Application Kit (PAK), planning
functions such as disaggregation are run completely in-memory directly on SAP HANA. No ABAP processing is required. This
provides much faster performance, especially if you have a lot of planning data, and makes simulations and predictions possible.

SAP BPC for S/4HANA offers various features (All Features in a Nutshell) to enable you to build different type s of planning
processes (Planning - a la Carte).

All Features in a Nutshell

SAP BPC for SAP S/4HANA offers the following features:

Standard BI Content on the Model Level

A virtual InfoProvider accessing the ACDOCA table.

To store plan data you have the following options:

A Real-Time InfoProvider with almost the same elds as the ACDOCA table

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An ACDOCP table for plan data with almost the same elds as the ACDOCA table and a virtual InfoProvider to access

A MultiProvider combining actual and plan data.

Standard BI Content on the Business Level

You can perform analytics in a web browser. For cost centers, internal orders, projects, functional areas, market segments,
pro t centers, and the P&L statement, we provide analytical apps based on the following queries: actuals, plan/actuals,
plan/actuals YTD, and plan/actuals with currency translation.

You can also run these queries with Microsoft Excel.

You can plan with Microsoft Excel as a familiar desktop tool. For cost centers, internal orders, projects, functional areas,
market segments, pro t centers, the P&L statement, and the balance sheet, we provide standard planning workbooks for
planning on years and on periods.

Aggregation levels, planning lters, planning functions, planning sequences, and variables, which supplement the other
standard planning content objects to genuine planning applications.

Planning Features
Copy actual to plan

Delete plan

Distribute year values across periods with self reference

Distribute year values across periods with equal distribution

Allocate planned overhead based on allocation factors

Allocate the costs of planned services (activities) based on planned services and cost rates

Allocate the consumption of planned costs from a sending cost center to a receiving cost center.

Calculate planned sales revenue based on planned sales quantities and planned sales prices

 Note
The system always distributes plan data down to the level of company and account even if you entered it on a higher level. This
makes the plan data available with the nest granularity and allows you to aggregate it for any dimension.

Adaptation Support
You can easily add new elds from the ACDOCA table to the InfoProviders using a model extension tool.

You can use the standard BI content objects as templates to create your own planning applications.

You can enter plan data for provisional master data that do not yet exist in the SAP S/4HANA system.

You can store comments for your plan data.

You can use audit queries to track when and how the plan data was changed, and who changed it.

You can use the Business Rule Framework (BRF) plus to create functions for data validation, derivation of dependent data,
calculations, and generation of new planning data. You can integrate these functions into the SAP BPC planning

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You can use the Business Process Flow (BPF) to control the overall planning process by a guided work ow.

Integration With Other Systems

To and from SAP S/4HANA :

For cost centers, internal orders, and projects, you can use a tool to transfer plan data from the real-time InfoProvider to
SAP S/4HANA and back. This allows you to include some of the process steps of the planning solutions in SAP S/4HANA in
your planning process, if desired.

From external systems:

You can use a Fiori app to import external plan data into the ACDOCP table.

From a standalone SAP BPC:

You can transfer plan data from a standalone SAP BPC system into SAP BPC for SAP S/4HANA to allow plan/actual

Planning - a la Carte
You can use the features of SAP BPC for S/4HANA as process steps to create different kinds of planning processes.

Options for Planning Steps

1. Plan Data Entry:

You can use the planning workbooks that come with SAP BPC for S/4HANA.

These planning workbooks allow you to plan costs and revenues with the familiar spreadsheet features of Microsoft
Excel plus planning features such as the following:

Copy previous year's actual data to the current year's plan data

Perform aggregations and disaggregations for periods and hierarchies

Plan on master data available real-time in your S/4HANA system. No master data replication is required.

Plan on master data that do not yet exist in your S/4HANA system

Enter comments for your plan data

Any other function you develop with the Business Rule Framework (BRF)

You can use your well established planning system to enter the plan data.

Export it into a CSV le and import it to SAP BPC for S/4HANA using the Import Financial Plan Data app.

2. Plan Data Allocations:

You can use the new allocation features provided by SAP BPC for S/4HANA. Again you can enter and run these
allocations with Microsoft Excel workbooks.

Overhead distribution and overhead allocation for planned costs based on allocation factors

Allocation of planned service costs (activities)

Allocation of planned cost transfers between cost centers

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The new overhead allocation is very fast and is especially recommended if you are planning on huge amounts of
master data, for example a very big cost center hierarchy. The speed of the new overhead allocation even enables
you to perform simulations of the result of different future scenarios, for example the increase of certain service

You can use the traditional allocation features of SAP S/4HANA . We support this with special workbooks to trigger
the plan data transfer:

a. Transfer the plan data from SAP BPC for S/4HANA to SAP S/4HANA .

b. Perform the traditional allocations

c. Transfer the plan data from SAP S/4HANA back to SAP BPC for S/4HANA.

This is recommended if the allocations for plan data shall exactly mirror the allocations for actual data or if the new
allocation features don't meet your requirements.

 Note
You can also combine new and traditional allocation features.

3. Plan Data Analytics:

You may need to analyze the plan data at any point during the planning process. For example, to review the plan data
initially entered by the planners, to check the result of simulations and allocations, or to follow up on any changes made to
the data. The tools available to perform these analytics mainly depend on the location the data resides.

To analyze data in SAP BPC for S/4HANA, you can use analytical apps or Microsoft Excel workbooks for different
types of master data, such as cost centers, pro t centers, or market segments.

To analyze data you transferred to SAP S/4HANA , you can use the traditional SAP reporting tools; for example
report painter reports.

 Note
You can control the whole planning cycle using the Business Process Flow (BPF):

Examples for Typical Planning Processes

All done with SAP BPC for S/4HANA

You are using our planning workbooks to plan and allocate costs and revenues. You analyze the plan data with our
analytical apps or queries. You control the planning cycle using BPF.

This is recommended if you don't need the complex allocation algorithms of SAP S/4HANA and prefer to work with the
basic allocation features provided by SAP BPC for S/4HANA.

SAP BPC for S/4HANA combined with allocations in SAP S/4HANA

You are using our planning workbooks to enter plan data. To perform allocations, you transfer the plan data to SAP
S/4HANA . After the allocation, you transfer the plan data back to SAP BPC for S/4HANA and analyze the plan data using
our analytical apps or queries. You control the planning cycle using BPF.

This is recommended if you are already using SAP S/4HANA to perform plan allocations and want to continue with it. On
the other hand, you may like the integrated planning and analytics capabilities of SAP BPC for S/4HANA.

BW Objects for Analytics and Planning

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SAP BPC for S/4HANA offers the following tools for analytics and planning:

Workbooks for Analysis for Microsoft Excel

Analytical Apps

Both tools access the required data using BEx queries. BEx queries retrieve data from InfoProviders.

The following InfoProviders are available:

Actual data:

Virtual InfoProvider S/4HANA Financials: Actual Data from ACDOCA (/ERP/SFIN_V01)

This virtual InfoProvider accesses the journal entries in the ACDOCA table. Queries which only report on actual data are
based on this InfoProvider.

Plan data:

Real-Time InfoCube S/4HANA Financials: InfoCube for Plan Data (/ERP/SFIN_R01)

This real-time InfoProvider offers the same elds as the ACDOCA table but for plan data.

 Note
By default, the system uses the real-time InfoCube S/4HANA Financials: InfoCube for Plan Data(/ERP/SFIN_R01)
to store plan data.

However, the system also offers the virtual InfoProvider S/4HANA Financials: Plan Data from ACDOCP
(/ERP/SFIN_V20). This virtual InfoProvider stores the plan data records in the ACDOCP table, which has almost the
same structure as the ACDOCA table.

Before you start your planning cycle, you can choose to store your plan data in the virtual InfoProvider instead of the
real-time InfoCube. You have two options:

To switch to the virtual InfoProvider centrally for all planning applications, change the default value of variable
/ERP/P_0INFOPROV to value /ERP/SFIN_V20.

For more information, see Choosing the InfoProvider for All Planning Applications.

To switch to the virtual InfoProvider for speci c planning applications only, assign the value /ERP/SFIN_V20
directly to the 0INFOPROV characteristic in the planning lters of the speci c planning applications.

For more information, see Choosing the InfoProvider for Speci c Planning Applications.

Future developments will bring more planning functionalities for the virtual InfoProvider. However, currently storing plan
data in the real-time InfoCube has some advantages:

The real-time InfoCube can be enabled to use planning functionalities, which are optimized for SAP HANA. This
is possible with the Planning Applications Kit (PAK). For more information about using PAK, see SAP note
1637199 - Using the planning applications KIT.

The real-time InfoCube offers an audit functionality. This means you can use audit queries to track who, when,
and how somebody changed the plan data.

You can use the real-time InfoCube to enter plan data for provisional master data. For more information, see
https://scn.sap.com/docs/DOC-59000 .

You can enhance the real-time InfoCube to store comments for plan data. For more information, see
https://scn.sap.com/docs/DOC-59001 .

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 Caution
Be aware that you must stick to your decision which plan data storage you use. Do not switch back and forth between
the two storages. Switching the plan data storage would require a migration of the data from one storage to the other.

Actual & plan data:

MultiProvider S/4HANA Financials: Plan and Actual Data (/ERP/SFIN_M01)

This MultiProvider combines the data of the InfoProviders for actuals and plan data. It allows the following:

Queries which provide plan/actual comparisons

Input-ready queries which display actual data and allow you to enter plan data. The input-ready query must be
based on an aggregation level which de nes the level of characteristics on which you can plan.

The graphic below shows the interaction of the BW Objects.

Choosing the InfoProvider for All Planning

If you want to set the plan data InfoProvider for all planning applications, you can just globally set the /ERP/P_0INFOPROV
variable to the desired InfoProvider. No dedicated editing transaction for variables is available. Therefore, you have to use a
workaround to get to the variable's editing dialog.

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 Note
Since variables belong to the model level of our BI content, you can modify them using the BW versioning concept. For more
information, see Adaptations for SAP BPC for S/4HANA.

1. Start transaction RSPLAN (Modelling BI Integrated Planning) and choose .

2. In the Filter eld, enter any lter which uses the variable /ERP/P_0INFOPROV, for example, any lter starting with
/ERP/SFIN_. Choose .

 Note
You don't really want to edit the lter but this procedure is a way to get to the editing dialog of the
/ERP/P_0INFOPROV variable.

3. Locate the InfoObject 0INFOPROV (InfoProvider) in the Selections screen area. Choose right next to the Restriction

4. In the View eld, choose Variables from the dropdown list.

5. Choose the /ERP/P_0INFOPROV variable in the Variables of Single Values table. Then choose .

 Note
You nally are in the editing dialog of the /ERP/P_0INFOPROV variable.

6. Choose twice to get to the Default Value(s) eld. Choose right next to it.

7. Choose the InfoProvider of your choice and con rm with .

InfoProviders for Plan Data

You can use the following InfoProviders for storing plan data:

/ERP/SFIN_R01 S/4HANA Financials: InfoCube for Plan Data

Real-time InfoProvider which offers the same elds as the ACDOCA table but for plan data.

/ERP/SFIN_V20 S/4HANA Financials: Plan Data from ACDOCP

Virtual InfoProvider which stores plan data records in the ACDOCP table, which has almost the same structure as the
ACDOCA table.

 Note
Don't use the InfoProvider /ERP/SFIN_V01 S/4HANA Financials: Actual Data from ACDOCA. This virtual InfoProvider
accesses the journal entries in the ACDOCA table and therefore you can't use it for plan data.

Related Information
Choosing the InfoProvider for Speci c Planning Applications

Choosing the InfoProvider for Speci c

Planning Applications
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If you want to use a different InfoProvider for a speci c planning application, instead of using the /ERP/P_0INFOPROV variable
you specify that InfoProvider explicitly in two locations:

In the lters of the planning applications

In the queries of the planning applications

 Note
You can identify the lters and queries belonging to your planning application with the help of the documents in the Appendix:
Standard Planning Objects.

Since planning lters and planning queries belong to the business level of our BI content, you should not modify them using the
BW versioning concept but copy and change them. For more information, see Adaptations for SAP BPC for S/4HANA.

Specifying the InfoProvider in a Filter

1. Start transaction RSPLAN (Modelling BI Integrated Planning) and click .

2. In the Filter eld, enter your copy of the lter belonging to the planning application for which you want to change the
InfoProvider. Click .

3. Locate the InfoObject 0INFOPROV (InfoProvider) in the Selections screen area. Click right next to the Restriction

You are now in the editing dialog for the lter values of the InfoObject 0INFOPROV (InfoProvider).

4. Click to remove the /ERP/P_0INFOPROV variable from the Chosen Selections table. You don't use the variable for
this lter.

Click to add the InfoProvider of your choice to the lter.

Click .

 Note
Repeat these steps for each lter in the planning application.

Specifying the InfoProvider in a Query

1. Open the copy of the query belonging to your planning application with the BEx Query Designer.

2. Click the Rows/Columns tab. In the Columns area, double click any key gure which displays plan data. The Change
Selection dialog box opens.

3. In the Details of the Selection area, you see that the query uses the InfoObject 0INFOPROV (InfoProvider) to select the
key gure amount from the right InfoProvider.

Double click the InfoObject 0INFOPROV (InfoProvider). The Select Values for InfoProvider dialog box opens.

You are now in the editing dialog for the selection values of the InfoObject 0INFOPROV (InfoProvider).

4. Click to remove the /ERP/P_0INFOPROV variable from the Chosen Selections table. You don't use the variable for
this query.

Click to add the InfoProvider of your choice to the query.

Click .

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 Note
Repeat these steps with all queries of the planning application.

InfoProviders for Plan Data

You can use the following InfoProviders for storing plan data:

/ERP/SFIN_R01 S/4HANA Financials: InfoCube for Plan Data

Real-time InfoProvider which offers the same elds as the ACDOCA table but for plan data.

/ERP/SFIN_V20 S/4HANA Financials: Plan Data from ACDOCP

Virtual InfoProvider which stores plan data records in the ACDOCP table, which has almost the same structure as the
ACDOCA table.

 Note
Don't use the InfoProvider /ERP/SFIN_V01 S/4HANA Financials: Actual Data from ACDOCA. This virtual InfoProvider
accesses the journal entries in the ACDOCA table and therefore you can't use it for plan data.

Related Information
Choosing the InfoProvider for All Planning Applications

Working with SAP BPC for S/4HANA

The documentation in this section describes how you can work with SAP BPC for S/4HANA using standard BI objects provided as
local BI content.

Local means that this BI content runs on the S/4HANA system directly using the SAP Business Warehouse (BW) available in SAP
NetWeaver. Local BI content does not need a separate BW installation. It is shipped with S/4HANA and not with the BI content
delivered with SAP Business Warehouse (central BI content).

If you start working with SAP BCP for S/4HANA, you rst use the BI content as delivered to familiarize yourself with the product's
features and functionalities. In a second step, you can adapt the BI content to t it to your needs. For more information, see
Adaptations for SAP BPC for S/4HANA.

Analytics for Management Accounting

SAP BPC for S/4HANA offers two ways to run a query in analytics for management accounting:

Running a Query as a Microsoft Excel Sheet

Running a Query as an SAP Fiori App

Running a Query as a Microsoft Excel Sheet

This procedure explains how to run a query using SAP BusinessObjects Analysis.

1. Choose Start All Programs SAP Business Intelligence SAP BusinessObjects Analysis Analysis for Microsoft Excel .

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2. Microsoft Excel opens.

Switch to the Analysis ribbon and choose Insert Data Source Select Data Source .

3. A Logon to SAP BusinessObjects BI Platform dialog box opens.

Choose Skip.

4. A Select Data Source dialog box opens which lists all the systems that are available.

Select the system to which you want to connect and choose Next.

5. A Logon to System dialog box opens.

Enter the Client to which you want to logon and enter a User and a Password. Choose OK.

6. If the logon was successful, a Search and a Folders tab page appear on the Select Data Source dialog box.

On the Search tab page, search for the query you want to start, select it, and choose OK to start it.

Related Information
Standard Queries for Management Accounting

Running a Query as an SAP Fiori App

This procedure explains how to run a query as an SAP Fiori app.

1. Open the URL of the SAP Fiori launchpad.

2. Logon with a User who has the role of a controller assigned. This role should be an adapted copy of one of the delivered

3. Click the tile, which represents your query to start it.

Related Information
Analytical Apps for Management Accounting

Analytical Apps for Management Accounting

With all Analytical Apps for Management Accounting you can report on actual and plan data for different entities relevant for
management accounting. The name of the app indicates the entity as well as the type of data, for example Cost Centers -

Key Features
Specify the search criteria using variables or lters

Display the query results in a grid format

Export the query results to Microsoft Excel

Manipulate the query results grid by moving available characteristics to and from the grid axes

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Display read-only information about the underlying query, such as its technical name and when it was last updated

Grant authorization on the level of company codes

 Note
If your app does not work with a screen reader, you can add a separate, accessible version of this app to your SAP Fiori
launchpad. Go to the App Finder in your Me Area and search for the name of your app.

How-to Video (English Only)

Open this video in a new window

 Note
Captions/subtitles are available for multiple languages. Simply click the CC button at the bottom right of the video player to
see which languages are supported.

This How-To Video shows one of the analytical apps that were developed as Web Dynpro apps. Analytical apps developed with
the Design Studio work similarly.

This app contains in-app help for key elds and concepts. To display the help while working in the app, press F1 or choose the
question mark displayed in the app header.

Table of Apps
All the apps listed in this section are analytical apps for management accounting.

To analyze plan and actual data on balance sheets, you can use the Display Financial Statement app. Since balance sheets do not
belong to management accounting, we don't describe the app here. For more information, see Balance Sheet / Income Statement.

 Note
We offer two different app types for each of the analytical apps listed below:

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Analytical apps developed with the Design Studio tool. These analytical apps are state-of-the-art, but currently they
don't work together with screen reader software.

We use these apps as default and you can nd them in the business catalogs.

Analytical apps developed as Web Dynpro apps. This is an older, but well-established technology and can also be used
together with screenreader software. These apps have the same name but with the subtitle Accessible.

You won't nd these app in the business catalogs. If you need to use a screenreader, use the App Finder to nd and
assign them.

The following apps are analytical apps for management accounting. A click on one of the app titles will bring you to app-speci c
implementation information in the SAP Fiori apps reference library.

Actuals Plan/Actual Plan/Actual YTD Plan/Actual with

Currency Translation

Cost Centers Cost Centers - Actuals Cost Centers - Cost Centers - Cost Centers -
Plan/Actual Plan/Actual YTD Plan/Actual with
Currency Translation

Functional Areas Functional Areas - Functional Areas - Functional Areas - Functional Areas -
Actuals Plan/Actual Plan/Actual YTD Plan/Actual with
Currency Translation

Internal Orders Internal Orders - Actuals Internal Orders - Internal Orders - Internal Orders -
Plan/Actual Plan/Actual YTD Plan/Actual with
Currency Translation

Market Segments Market Segments - Market Segments - Market Segments - Market Segments -
Actuals Plan/Actual Plan/Actual YTD Plan/Actual with
Currency Translation

P&L P&L - Actuals P&L - Plan/Actual P&L -Plan/Actual YTD P&L - Plan/Actual with
Currency Translation

Pro t Centers Pro t Centers - Actuals Pro t Centers - Pro t Centers - Pro t Centers -
Plan/Actual Plan/Actual YTD Plan/Actual with
Currency Translation

Projects Projects - Actuals Projects - Plan/Actual Projects - Plan/Actual Projects - Plan/Actual

YTD with Currency

Sales Orders Sales Orders - Actuals Not available Not available Not available

The apps with the Actuals-suffix display actual costs for a selected period.

Please be aware that the apps display the real postings as well as the statistical postings. You can distinguish between the
two with the <object> Is Statistical column. This column helps you to nd the real postings, for example by ltering. The
value X means that the posting is statistical; the value # means that the posting is real.

The apps with the Plan/Actual-suffix allow you to analyze the deviations of actual costs from plan cost for a selected

The apps with the Plan/Actual YTD-suffix allow you to analyze the deviations of actual costs from plan cost for the current
year to date (YTD).

They also calculate a forecast for the whole year and allow you to compare it with the year’s plan cost.

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The apps with the Plan/Actual with Currency Translation-suffix allow you to analyze the deviations of actual costs from
plan cost for a selected period and translated into any analysis currency.

Since gures can be displayed in any currency, this feature is very interesting for companies operating in multinational

Every analytical app for management accounting is based on a BEx query with the same name, which you can run with Analysis
for Microsoft Excel. For more information, see Running a Query as a Microsoft Excel Sheet.

If your business has an extensive number of master data and you experience performance problems, have a look at our Tips for
Better Analytics Performance.

 Note
If you have created hierarchies for the entities on which you want to report, some apps enable you to navigate and analyze data
using these hierarchies.

How to create hierarchies depends on the entity:

For G/L account hierarchies, create nancial statement versions.

For hierarchies for cost centers, pro t centers, cost elements, internal orders, functional areas, or projects, create
hierarchy sets. Afterwards, you have to declare the hierarchy sets as relevant for analysis by using the Set Report
Relevancy app.

The apps read the hierarchies from special tables that are optimized for analysis. You must replicate the hierarchies into these
tables using the Replicate Runtime Hierarchy app.

Component for Customer Incidents


Supported Device Types


More Information
The SAP Fiori apps reference library has details about the content necessary for giving users access to an app on the SAP
Fiori launchpad. The SAP Fiori apps reference library is available here: https:// oriappslibrary.hana.ondemand.com

To see this app’s Fiori content, search for the app. Then select SAP S/4HANA as the product. On the Implementation
Information tab, select the correct release. The details are in the Con guration section.

It is also mandatory to check this document for more implementation information: Additional Implementation Activities for
All Finance Apps.

Related Information
Standard Queries for Management Accounting
Tips for Better Analytics Performance
Replicate Runtime Hierarchy
Import Financial Plan Data
Balance Sheet / Income Statement

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Tips for Better Analytics Performance

With S/4HANA, the enormous aggregation and calculation power of SAP HANA makes it possible to perform analytics based on
line items. Analytics in other S/4HANA systems need preaggregations, such as continuously updated account balances, as a
basis. This makes the architecture complicated and error-prone.

Analytics based on line items enables you to analyze your data for any dimension available. However, if you start a report and don’t
lter or aggregate the data enough, SAP HANA returns a huge number of resulting data rows. This of course slows down your

Generally, analyzing data is an interactive process to nd the information you are interested in. Usually, you can't do this in a single
step. Instead, you need several consecutive steps to analyze multidimensional data. If you perform these steps in a speci c
sequence, you can substantially reduce the number of resulting data rows.

1. Start with a high degree of aggregation

If you start with a high degree of aggregation, the number of resulting data rows is low. Enter as many lter values as
available into the Prompts dialog box, which comes up right after you opened the app. If you want to call up the Prompts
dialog box at a later time, choose Settings Show Prompts... . To avoid having to enter this data every time you start the
report, you can save your prompt values as a new tile by choosing Actions Save as Tile .

 Note
If the initial layout of the report comes with too many measures, it will already produce an excessive number of data
rows right at the start. In this case, you may nd that a different report serves your purpose just as well but has fewer
dimensions in the initial layout.


You need an overview on the current actual costs on your cost centers.

The obvious app might seem to be Cost Centers - Actual. However, the initial layout of the report shows the
measures of the cost centers by G/L account. If you have, say, 300,000 cost centers and 50,000 G/L accounts,
this may result in 15 billion data rows.

A better option is to use the P&L - Actuals app. Here, the initial layout shows just the measures of the G/L
accounts according to the nancial statement structure. You can lter on the account group which you are
interested in and then add the costs centers as an additional dimension.

2. Hide measures if possible

Every measure in the report may be the result of an extensive calculation. The system only calculates visible measures.
Therefore, hide all measures that are not absolutely necessary.

This is how you do this:

a. Click Filters to open the Filters dialog box.

b. Scroll down the Filters list to the very bottom where you nd the Measures dimension.

c. Open the value help for this eld and enter the Key Figures dialog box.

d. Select the measures you want to display.

 Note
If you didn't select any measures, the app displays all measures available.

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3. Filter to focus on a certain dimension value

If you want to dig deeper into the numbers of a certain dimension value, such as an account group, lter on it before going
any further. You have two options:

Open the context menu on that dimension value and click Filter Filter Member .

The app stores that value into the lter of that dimension.

Open the context menu on that dimension value and click Filter Filter Member and Remove from Axis .

The app stores that value into the lter of that dimension. In addition, the app removes the ltered dimension from
the result.

If you want to analyze the measures of a speci c dimension value, such as cost center 1000, for an additional
dimension, such as G/L accounts, do the following:

Open the context menu on the speci c dimension value for which you want to do the drill down (for example, Cost
Center 1000), and click Filter Drill Down... . The app opens a Drill Down dialog box in which you can select the
dimension which you want to open in the drill down, for example, G/L Account.

The app stores the speci c dimension value into the lter of that dimension. In addition, the app adds the drill down
dimension to the rows.

4. Defer Layout Update

To avoid unnecessary waiting time, only update your report result when you are done with your layout changes. To do this,
click Pause in the Navigation Panel. Now the app doesn't update the report result until you click Refresh.

 Note
These tips are valid for every S/4HANA system. However, they are of special importance for S/4HANA since the analytical apps
don't retrieve their data from preaggregations but directly from the line items as the nest degree of aggregation.

Planning for Management Accounting

You have installed Microsoft Excel and SAP BusinessObjects Analysis, edition for Microsoft Office.

You have assigned your controlling area to the Set/Get Parameter ID CAC. For more information, see Saving Characteristic
Values as User Parameters.

You open a planning workbook using SAP BusinessObjects Analysis, edition for Microsoft Office. For more information,
see Opening a Planning Workbook with Analysis for Microsoft Excel.

For a list of all standard planning workbooks, see the appendix for Standard Planning Workbooks.

After you opened the planning workbook, a Prompt dialog box opens which allows you to enter selection variables for your
planning. For more information, see Prompting Characteristic Values.

You enter the plan data and use the Recalculate function to automatically aggregate or disaggregate your entered data. For
more information, see Entering Plan Data.

 Note

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Instead of using the planning workbooks, you can also use the Import Financial Plan Data app. This allows you to perform your
planning in an external system, such as Microsoft Excel, and upload the data stored in a comma-separated values le (CSV

Authorizations for Planning

To ensure that your planning re ects your company structure and business needs, it is critical that you establish who is authorized
to access what data. Authorizations can be inserted into roles that are used to determine what type of content is available to
speci c users or user groups.

There are two different concepts for this depending on the role and tasks of the user: Standard authorizations and analysis

Standard authorizations refer to the artifacts that make up the planning application, for example, queries, planning
sequences and Analysis Office workbooks. They are required by all users that adapt and change these artifacts with the
respective tool, for example, with the planning modeler and query designer. But the standard authorizations are also
needed by the users that execute the planning application. However, they typically only need the Execute activity of the
respective authorization object.

Analysis authorizations are authorizations on the transaction data, that is, the plan and actual data that is accessed within
a planning application. They are required by all users that must execute a planning application. With these authorizations
one grants the access rights to the transactional data of cost centers, pro t centers, company codes, customer groups,
and so on.

The minimum requirements for standard authorizations are as follows:

Authorization Object Authorization

S_RS_COMP Authorization for Info Area, Info Cube, Query, and so on

S_RS_COMP1 Authorization for Query components with reference to a user

S_RS_ALVL Authorization for working with aggregation levels

S_RS_PLSE Authorization for working with planning functions

S_RS_PLSQ Authorization for working with planning sequences

S_RS_PLST Authorization for working with planning function types

S_RS_AO Authorizations for Analysis Office Workbooks

For analysis authorizations, you must perform the following procedures:

Make Characteristics Relevant for Authorization

You have to select characteristics that you want to protect as authorization-relevant in InfoObject maintenance.

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1. In transaction RSD1, under Type, click the Characteristic radio button. Under Editing Function, click the InfoObject radio
button and enter the technical name of the InfoObject that you want to edit. Alternatively, select the InfoObject from the
dropdown list

2. On the Business Explorer tab page, select the Authorization Relevant checkbox. Unless you do select this checkbox, each
user has full authorization for the InfoObject

Maintain Authorizations for Characteristics

1. In transaction RSECADMIN, on the Authorizations tab page, click Ind. Maintenance.

2. In the initial screen, enter an authorization from the dropdown list. You can also create one of your own (Z* in the customer
namespace) by clicking Create and entering your own details

3. Click Change.

Enter short, medium, and long texts for your authorization.

4. Press the Insert Special Characteristics button and insert the following special characteristics:

0TCAACTVT Activity in Analysis Authorizations

Grant authorizations to different activities such as Change or Display. Default setting is 03 Display

0TCAIPROV Authorizations for InfoProvider

Grant authorization to particular InfoProviders. Default setting is *

0TCAVALID Validity of an Authorization

De ne when authorizations are valid or not valid. Default setting is *

Add characteristics (/ERP/*) and, if your authorizations are to be client-dependent, add special characteristic 0MANDT to
restrict the authorization to your needs.

Using Detail Maintenance of Characteristic/Dimension, you access the maintenance of values and intervals for the
characteristic. Instead of using a single value or interval, you can also use variables of type customer exit in authorizations. Using
customer exit variables lets you create complex authorizations that can also be used for multiple users.

For more information about exit variables for authorizations, perform the following steps:

1. Go to http://help.sap.com.

2. Search for SAP Business Warehouse, powered by SAP HANA and open its product page.

3. Choose Application Help SAP BW Documentation (English)

4. Both of these paths offer more information:

Choose SAP Business Warehouse Data Warehousing Data Warehouse Management Authorizations Analysis
Authorizations Management of Analysis Authorizations De ning Analysis Authorizations Authorizations with

Choose SAP Business Warehouse SAP Business Explorer BEx Query Designer Reusable Query
Components Variables Variable Processing Types Customer Exits

Maintain User Assignment

You have two options for assigning an authorization to a user:

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Direct Assignment of an Authorization to a User

1. In transaction RSECADMIN, on the User tab page, click Indvl Assignment.

2. In the initial screen, enter a user and click Change.

3. Under Manual or Generated, manually assign authorization for InfoObjects to the user. This is sufficient for the
authorization to be valid for the user.

Assignment of an Authorization Using Authorization Pro les

Alternatively, you can use the authorization object S_RS_AUTH to assign authorizations. The entries in this object are
analysis authorization names. You can use roles to assign analysis authorizations to a user, rst by assigning
authorizations to a role, then by assigning that role to a user. To do this, do the following:

1. In transaction PFCG, enter the role to which you want to assign authorizations, and a role description. Then click
Change Authorization Data.

2. In the Change Roles: Authorization screen, under BI Analysis Authorizations in Role (which is the nontechnical
name for S_RS_AUTH), click the Edit icon and add the required authorizations to the role, then save your data.

3. In transaction SU01, assign the role you just edited to your user (or to the user who requires the authorizations in
that role).

4. On the Pro les tab page, check that the role has been assigned properly.

Related Information
Security Concepts and Tools

Starting a Planning Application

In SAP BPC for S/4HANA, you have two options to start a planning application:

Opening a Planning Workbook with Analysis for Microsoft Excel

Opening a Planning Query as Web Dynpro Application

Opening a Planning Workbook with Analysis

for Microsoft Excel
1. Choose Start All Programs SAP Business Intelligence SAP BusinessObjects Analysis Analysis for Microsoft Excel .

2. Microsoft Excel opens.

In the File menu, choose Analysis Open Workbook from SAP NetWeaver .

3. An Open Document dialog box opens and displays all systems that are available in your local SAP Logon.

Select the system to which you want to log on and choose Next.

4. A Logon to System <system ID> dialog box opens.

Enter a Client, a User, and a Password. Choose OK.

5. If the logon was successful, a Search and a Folders tab page appear on the Open Document dialog box.

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On the Search tab page, enter the workbook area in which you want to work or use a wildcard search, for example,
*sfin*, and press the Return key.

6. The Open Document dialog box displays all workbooks that match your search criteria.

Select the workbook you want to use and choose OK to start it.

Opening a Planning Query as Web Dynpro

Most controllers prefer planning in Microsoft Excel but you can also execute a planning workbook as a Web Dynpro app.

1. Log on to the system using the SAP GUI.

2. In the SAP Easy Access menu, right-click on Favorites.

In the context menu, choose Add Other Objects.

3. An Add Additional Objects dialog box appears listing all objects that you can add to your favorites.

Double-click Web Dynpro Application.

4. A Web Dynpro Application dialog box appears.

Enter FPM_BICS_OVP in the Web Dynpro Application eld. This value stands for a generic Web Dynpro application that
allows the automatic generation of an analytical Web Dynpro application based on a query.

Enter a Description for the Web Dynpro application.

Enter FPM_BICS_OVP in the Con guration eld.

5. In the Parameter table, enter the parameter BSA_QUERY in the Name column.

6. In the Value eld, enter the technical name of the planning query, for example /ERP/SFIN_A01_IRQ0001 for Cost
Center Planning on Periods.

Choose Continue (Enter).

7. The Web Dynpro application appears in your Favorites with the description you entered.

You can open it with a double-click.

8. Your web browser opens and displays the Web Dynpro for your planning query.

As an example for a planning app, we provide Plan Cost Centers on Periods.

Plan Cost Centers on Periods

With this app you can enter and calculate plan data on cost centers for posting periods. The app supports you in different ways:
You can enter plan data on the deepest level (cost center, period, and G/L account), and the app aggregates the values. You can
enter plan data on the highest level (cost center, year) and the app disaggregates the values to periods and G/L accounts. You can
also enter plan data on intermediate levels and the app aggregates and disaggregates, as required.

Key Features

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Enter plan data for cost centers on various levels.

Aggregate or disaggregate plan data for various characteristics.

Supported Device Types


Related Information
Additional Implementation Activities for All Finance Apps
App-Speci c Implementation Information in the SAP Fiori apps reference library

Prompting Characteristic Values

After you opened a workbook, a Prompt dialog box appears. It allows you to enter values for a list of characteristics to limit the
data that you want to display. Characteristics for which a value is mandatory are indicated by an asterisk (*). After you have
entered all characteristic values you require, choose OK to continue working with the workbook.

The dialog box has two main screen areas:

In the Specify Values for Prompts screen area, different types of value elds offer different options to enter characteristic

Single value elds

You can enter only one characteristic value.

Multiple value elds

You can enter several characteristic values. Press to add an additional value eld and to delete a value

Boolean operator value elds

Selecting a boolean operator from the dropdown box in front of the value eld, allows you to select all characteristic
values with speci c properties:

Equal to a value: =

Not equal to a value: !=

Greater or equal to a value: >=

Greater than a value: >

Less than or equal to a value: <=

Less than a value: <

Between two values: []

Not between two values: ![]

You can even combine boolean operators by adding new lines pressing

Hierarchy value elds

You can select a hierarchy from a dropdown box.

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Derived value elds

The system derives values of some characteristics from values of other characteristics and automatically lls the
value eld. For example, the value for the currency is derived from the controlling area that you assigned to the
corresponding set/get parameter in the user pro le. For information, see Relationships Between Characteristics.

Most value elds offer a value help when you press .

The Prompt Summary screen area lists all available characteristic elds.

You can hide characteristic elds from the Specify Values for Prompts screen area by pressing .

Hiding characteristic elds is only possible in two cases:

The characteristic is optional.

The characteristic is mandatory but the value eld is lled.

In the lower left corner, there is a Display dropdown box. You can select one of the following options to change the display in the
Specify Values for Prompts screen area:

Show All: All characteristic elds are displayed.

Hide All: All characteristic elds are hidden, except the mandatory elds that are not yet lled.

Hide Optional Prompts: All optional characteristic elds are hidden, all mandatory characteristic elds are displayed.

If you want to save the characteristic values so that you don’t have to reenter them every time you open a workbook, you have the
following options:

Saving Characteristic Values in Variants

Saving Characteristic Values as User Parameters

Relationships Between Characteristics

Some characteristics have a relationship to other characteristics, for example, a cost center is assigned to a pro t center. These
relationships allow the system to do the following:

Automatically derive certain characteristic values from the values of other characteristics

Check if the combination of characteristic values you entered is allowed

See the following table lists the relationships between characteristics relevant for SAP BPC for S/4HANA.

Source Characteristic Derived or Checked Characteristic

Cost center, Controlling area Company code

Order number Company code

WBS element Company code

Cost center, Controlling area Pro t center

Order number Pro t center

WBS element Pro t center

Pro t center, Controlling area Segment

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Source Characteristic Derived or Checked Characteristic

Cost center, Controlling area Business area

Order number Business area

WBS element Business area

Cost center, Controlling area Functional area

Order number Functional area

WBS element Functional area

WBS element Project de nition

Controlling Area Currency

Selected Characteristics
By using categories, you can distinguish actuals from plan data as well as different versions of plan data. For instance, you can
de ne an optimistic category that de nes a planning scenario under optimistic assumptions, and a pessimistic planning scenario
under pessimistic assumptions.

You can create and edit categories in Customizing under Controlling General Controlling Planning Maintain Category for
Planning or by accessing the view FCOMV_CATEGORYX using the Edit Table Views transaction (SM30).

 Note
The category ACT01 is shipped by SAP and denotes the actual data. Do not change it.

The currency on the prompt screen is the currency in which you want to plan your report. The default for this eld is the currency
of the controlling area but you can enter any currency by overwriting the default.

To bring different currencies together, use either the currency translation function in the BW query or use a planning function for
currency translation if you want to persist the translated result.

G/L Accounts, G/L Account Groups, and G/L Account Hierarchies

The G/L accounts used in S/4HANA combine the following:

All G/L accounts from Financial Accounting (balance sheet accounts and P&L accounts)

All cost elements from Controlling (primary and secondary cost elements)

On the Prompts dialog box of an Analysis Workbook, you can then enter the following to report on speci c G/L accounts or G/L
account groups:

In the G/L Account Hierarchy eld, you can enter a nancial statement version.

In the G/L Account / G/L Account Group eld, you can use the multiselect options to enter any nodes within the nancial
statement versions as G/L account groups or directly specify any G/L accounts.

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To de ne and maintain nancial statement versions, see Customizing under Financial Accounting (New) General Ledger
Accounting (New) Master Data G/L Accounts De ne Financial Statement Versions .

For more information about nancial statement versions in the product assistance, choose the following steps:

1. Open https://help.sap.com/viewer/p/SAP_S4HANA_ON-PREMISE

2. Select your release in the Version drop-down eld on the top right area of the page.

3. Scroll down to the Product Assistance area and select your language.

4. Choose Enterprise Business Applications Finance Accounting and Financial Close Financial Accounting (FI) General
Ledger Accounting (FI-GL) (New) Reporting Financial Statements Financial Statement Versions .

Saving Characteristic Values in Variants

1. Open a planning workbook with Analysis for Microsoft Excel.

2. You are on the Prompts dialog box.

Enter the values for all characteristics you want to save.

In the Use Variant eld, enter a name for the variant.

3. Choose .

The system saves your values as a user-speci c variant, which means that only you are able to see and use it.

 Note
Choose next to the icon to edit the variant.

You have the following options:

Choose to delete a variant.

Choose to do one of the following:

Change the Name of the variant.

In the Type column, select Global to make the variant available for every user. In this case, you also have
to enter a Technical Name for the variant.

After changing the variant settings, either choose or . Then choose Close.

To use a variant on the Prompts dialog box, choose it from the selection list of the Use Variant eld. The system automatically lls
the prompt characteristics with the values saved in the variant.

Saving Characteristic Values as User

1. Choose System User Pro le Own Data

2. You are on the Maintain User Pro le screen. The screen displays your own user pro le.

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Choose the Parameters tab page.

3. You are on the Parameters tab page. In the Parameters table, you can enter parameters in the Get/Set Parameter ID
column to save the values you enter in the Parameter Value column.

SAP BPC for S/4HANA supports the following parameters:

Get/Set Parameter ID Parameter Value

CAC Controlling Area

 Note
Setting this parameter is mandatory for every planning user.

BUK Company Code

GJR Fiscal Year


KSG_HIER Cost center hierarchy

KSG Cost center group

KOS Cost Center

FCOM_FUNCAREA_HIER Functional area hierarchy

FCOM_FUNCAREA_GRP Functional area group

FCOM_GL_ACCT_HIER G/L Account Hierarchy

FCOM_GL_ACCT_GRP G/L Account Group

PRC Pro t Center

PSP Project

Structure of Planning Workbooks

All planning workbooks consist out of one or more worksheets with the same structure:

A header

A data table

The header of the worksheet consists of the following elements:

Title of the workbook and current date

Selected values of prompt characteristics

Buttons to execute functions on the data

For descriptions of the most typical buttons, see Functional Buttons on a Worksheet.

The data table of the worksheet displays the plan data already existing for your selected prompt characteristics and is available
for Entering Plan Data.

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Functional Buttons on a Worksheet

Most worksheets have the following buttons or at least some of them:

Prompt Variables: If you choose this button, the Prompts dialog box appears again. In this dialog, you can change
the prompt characteristics as desired.

Save: Press this button after you have entered or changed the plan data on the worksheet and want to save it to the
back-end system.

Clear Plan: Press this button to delete all data planned for you current prompt characteristics from the back-end

Back to Saved State: Press this button if you want to go back to the latest saved state from the back-end system.
Be aware that action overwrites all current entries in the input cells with the saved data from the back-end.

Copy Actual to Plan: Press this button to copy the actual values of your current prompt characteristics from the
previous year to the current plan category. You can use the actual values as a starting point for your planning

Recalculate: If you entered new lines or changed existing values, press this button to transfer the new lines into the
sort order of the existing lines and aggregate or disaggregate your new values.

 Note

The buttons perform their actions for all worksheets of the workbook at the same time. For example, if you click
Clear Plan, the workbook clears the plan data on all worksheets.

For large planning workbooks, it is convenient to place the functions of the buttons into a Microsoft Excel ribbon.
For more information, see Adding Functions to the Microsoft Excel Ribbon.

Adding Functions to the Microsoft Excel

In large planning workbooks, it is inconvenient if you have to repeatedly scroll to the top of the workbook in order to click the
buttons. In this case, you can place the functions of the buttons into a Microsoft Excel ribbon, which is easier to access.

1. In the File menu, select Options. An Excel Options dialog box opens.

2. You are on the Excel Options dialog box. Choose Customize Ribbon.

3. In the Customize the Ribbon column on the right-hand side, select the tab in which you want to place the functions and
choose New Group. Give the new group a meaningful name.

 Note
Optionally, you can even create a new tab for the new group.

4. On the left-hand side, choose Macros from the Choose commands from: dropdown list. Select the macro from the column
and add it to the new group. After adding the macro, you can rename it.

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 Note
The following macros are available:

Macro Corresponing Button

onClickPrompt Prompt Variables

onClickSetVariables Back to Saved State

onExecuteFYCopy Copy Actual to Plan

onExecuteFYInit Clear Plan

onExecuteFYRecalculate Recalculate

onExecuteFYSave Save

Entering Plan Data

The data table of the planning worksheet displays the plan data already existing for your selected prompt characteristics. If the
elds are not grayed out, they are input-ready and you can change the plan data or enter new plan data, as required.

If period values are available for any key gure (actual or plan), you can display the columns for period values. Click the [+] sign
next to one of the columns for year values to display the period columns. You can again hide the period columns by clicking on the
[-] sign.

 Note
If you want to enter plan data for a new combination of characteristic values, enter a new line for this combination directly
below the last line of the existing plan data.

You can use the value help to enter the correct values for the characteristics. The values must be in the range of the prompt

After you entered your plan data, press Recalculate. This does the following:

In case you entered new lines:

If the new combination of characteristics does not yet exist in the workbook, the workbook moves the entry to the
correct position.

If the new combination of characteristics already exists, the workbook adds the new values to the existing values.


If you entered data for single values of a characteristic, the workbook calculates the total across all values.

 Example
You planned costs for the single periods of the year. The workbook calculates the plan costs for the whole year.


If you entered the total for a characteristic, the workbook distributes the total to the single values of that characteristic.

 Example
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You planned total costs for a cost center. The workbook distributes the plan costs to the single G/L accounts.

The workbook distributes the total according to the ratio of existing data planned on the single characteristics.

 Caution
Ensure that you already have any data on the single characteristic values before you trigger the recalculation.
Otherwise, the workbook raises an error because there are no distribution ratios it can use for disaggregation.

The data is not saved to the back-end. You have to explicitly choose Save.

 Note
The recalculation can handle multiple aggregations and disaggregations at the same time. However, to follow the single
calculations, you should perform a recalculation after you planned on a plan level before continuing with the next level.

Activity Planning
The workbook Cost Center Activity Planning (/ERP/SFIN_A03_WB01) allows you to post the allocation of plan costs for
planned quantities of internal services (activities) performed between cost centers.

 Note
The types of available services that cost centers provide to other cost centers are called activity types in the system.

Activity planning is based on the following input values:

Prices for activity types, which you plan for the providing cost centers. The cost rate that they charge to the receiving cost
centers is referred to as the price.

Activities as quantities of activity types in a certain unit of measure, which you plan to be provided from some cost centers
to other cost centers.

The Cost Center Activity Planning (/ERP/SFIN_A03_WB01) workbook offers two worksheets:

1. Prices

2. Activities

The structure of both worksheets is identical to the structure of other planning worksheets as explained in Structure of Planning

 Caution
The standard planning sequences attached to the buttons in the header perform their actions for both prices and activities at
the same time. For example, if you click Clear Plan, the workbook clears the plan on the Prices and on the Activities sheet.

 Note
If you click Copy Actuals to Plan, the workbook copies the activities from actual to plan per period. For prices, however, the
workbook copies the average actual price to all plan periods, which you then can edit.

You can enter data manually as described in Entering Plan Data.

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After you enter the input values, you can post the allocation to the MultiProvider S/4HANA Financials: Plan and Actual Data
(/ERP/SFIN_M01). The workbook performs the following steps:

1. It calculates the planned costs of the planned activity types (planned cost = planned prices x planned activities).

2. It posts a credit to the providing cost center.

3. It posts a debit to the receiving cost center.

Fixed Consumption Planning

The workbook Cost Center Fixed Consumption Planning (/ERP/SFIN_A03_WB10) allows you to post the allocation of xed
amounts of plan costs from a sending cost center to a receiving cost center

The structure of the worksheet is identical to the structure of other planning worksheets as explained in Structure of Planning

The worksheet contains a data table, with the following columns:


Cost Center (Key and Text)

Receiver Cost Center (Key and Text)

G/L Account (Key and Text)

Key Figures

Total Actual

Total Plan

You can enter data manually as described in Entering Plan Data.

After you enter the input values, you can post the allocation to the MultiProvider S/4HANA Financials: Plan and Actual Data
(/ERP/SFIN_M01). The workbook performs the following steps:

1. It posts a credit to the providing cost center.

2. It posts a debit to the receiving cost center.

Sales Planning
The workbook Sales Planning on Periods (/ERP/SFIN_A51_WB02) allows you to plan sales quantities and sales prices for
different product groups and customer groups per period. This enables you to create a well-founded estimate of your expected
sales revenue.

In contrast to the planning workbooks for primary costs, the person responsible for creating this plan is the sales representative or
account executive rather than the controller.


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Apart from the usual prompts for Fiscal Year, Category, Company Code, and Currency, the dialog box asks for the following

Material or Product Group: The product groups for which you want to plan.

Customer Group: The customer groups for which you want to plan.

Sales Planning: GL Accounts: The G/L accounts on which you want to plan your revenue.

Sales Planning Unit: The sales unit of measure with which you want to plan your quantities.

 Note
Be aware that your company may use different revenue accounts for its various product groups or customer groups. Ensure
that you plan on the correct combinations of product groups, customer groups, and revenue accounts. Otherwise, your
characteristics for plan and for actual won't match.

The structure of the worksheet is identical to the structure of other planning worksheets as explained in Structure of Planning
Workbooks. As for all planning applications, this is just one possible sales planning scenario but you can adapt it according to your

The work sheet contains a data table, with the following columns:


Material Group (Key and Text)

Customer Group (Key and Text)

G/L Account (Key and Text)

Unit of Measure

Key Figures

The workbook offers seven key gure columns for year values:

Actual Values

Total Actual Quantity (Period Values and Total)

Average Actual Price (Period Values and Total)

Calculated as actual (per period) / actual quantity (per period)

Total Actual (Period Values and Total)

Plan Values

Total Plan Quantity (Period Values and Total)

Average Plan Price (Period Values and Total)

Total Plan (Period Values and Total)

Difference Plan Actual (Period Values and Total)

Planning Activities

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You can enter data manually as described in Entering Plan Data.

You can plan the quantities and the prices for the current year.

For the quantities, you can enter plan values for the periods or for the whole year. If you click Recalculate, the workbook
aggregates or disaggregate the values, as required.

For the prices, you can only enter plan values for the periods. If you click Recalculate, the workbook calculates the Average
Plan Price.

If you click Recalculate, the workbook calculates the periodic plan amounts by multiplying the plan quantities by the plan prices.
It then sums the plan amounts to calculate the Total Plan of the year.

If you click Copy Actuals to Plan, the workbook copies the actual quantities to the plan quantities and the actual prices to the plan
prices. Then, the workbook recalculates the plan amounts and the Total Plan.

To compare the current plan with the actual values of the previous year, the workbook calculates the Difference Plan Actual by
subtracting Total Actual from Total Plan.

If you press Save, the workbook saves the plan data to the MultiProvider S/4HANA Financials: Plan and Actual Data

 Note
If you don't want to plan directly on G/L accounts but prefer to plan on more descriptive revenue types, such as Domestic
Sales, Foreign Sales, or Deductions, you can follow the steps described in this how-to guide: How To: Replacing the Account
Column with a Descriptive Revenue Type Column in the Workbooks for SAP BPC for S/4HANA

Import Financial Plan Data

With this app, you can upload plan data stored in a comma-separated values le (CSV le). This feature allows you to perform your
planning in an external system, such as Microsoft Excel. After you uploaded the plan data you can compare it with your actual data
using one of the Analytical Apps for Management Accounting.

 Note
The app uploads the plan data into the ACDOCP table and not into the InfoCube S/4HANA Financials: InfoCube for Plan Data
(/ERP/SFIN_R01). To enable the Analytical Apps for Management Accounting to report on these data, you must set the
variable /ERP/P_0INFOPROV to value /ERP/SFIN_V20.

For more information, see BW Objects for Analytics and Planning.

Key Features
Import plan data records stored in a CSV le.

Include all elds from Fields for Financial Plan Data Import.

Automatically validate all values from the CSV le before the import.

 Note

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This app contains in-app help for key elds and concepts. To display the help while working in the app, press F1 or choose the
question mark displayed in the app header.

Supported Device Types



 Note
This app works with Google Chrome only.

Background Information
To successfully work with this app and to understand its inner workings, read the following information.

Which prerequisites must be ful lled?


How must the source le be structured?

Structure of the Source Files

Are there any templates available?

Download Templates

Which rules do you need to follow when lling your source le with plan data?


Which values does the app derive automatically?

Derivations During Plan Data Import

How does the plan data import deal with currencies?


How do I use this app?

How to Import Financial Plan Data

How do I check the imported plan data?

Financial Plan Data

Which elds can I use for plan data import?

Fields for Financial Plan Data Import

I created an extension eld. How do I include it in the plan data import?

How to Upload Extension Fields?

More Information
The SAP Fiori apps reference library has details about the content necessary for giving users access to an app on the SAP
Fiori launchpad. The SAP Fiori apps reference library is available here: https:// oriappslibrary.hana.ondemand.com

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To see this app’s Fiori content, search for the app. Then select SAP S/4HANA as the product. On the Implementation
Information tab, select the correct release. The details are in the Con guration section.

It is also mandatory to check this document for more implementation information: Additional Implementation Activities for
All Finance Apps.

Analytical Apps for Management Accounting

This topic describes the prerequisites for importing nancial plan data.

The source les must be available as CSV les. The source les must have the correct structure and format and contain the
plan data records as data rows.

All organizational units and all master data for which you want to plan exist in the system.

For time-dependent organizational units or master data, the following applies:

It must exist in the period speci ed in the same data row.

If period 0 is speci ed, the master data must exist in period 1.

If a special period is speci ed, the master data must exist in the last normal period of the scal year.

If only the scal year is provided, the master data must exist at some time during the scal year.

It must be possible to import data into the plan categories that are used in the CSV le.

This means that the plan categories must be agged as Import Allowed in the Maintain Category for Planning
con guration step.

If a category stores budgets instead of regular plan data, such as for projects, the new plan value must be higher than the
actual values that have already been posted.

The Project Budgeting category usage must be selected for the category in the Maintain Category for Planning
con guration step. In addition, budget checks must be de ned in the De ne Budget Checks for Categories con guration

Your key user can nd these con guration steps in the Manage Your Solution app under Con gure Your
Solution Finance General Settings Planning .

Structure of the Source Files

This topic describes the structure of the source les used to import nancial plan data.

The source les must have the following structure:

1. Row: The technical name of the eld for which you want to import data

2. Row: Any explanatory text, for example, the eld description

3. Row: The characteristics de ning the plan data scope of the source le agged by an X (capitalized or noncapitalized).
For any combination of the values of these characteristics, the plan data from the source le will overwrite the existing plan

The app reads the nancial plan data starting from the fourth line.

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Category Company Code Fiscal Year Account Number Amount in Company Company Code
Code Currency Currency


PLN 1000 2016 800000 100.00 € EUR

... ... ... ... ... ...

 Note
The example displays the source le of an annual plan. You can see this from the fact that the table contains the eld Fiscal
Year (RYEAR). A source le for monthly plans, must contain the elds Fiscal Year (RYEAR) and Fiscal Period (POPER). As
an alternative for monthly plans, you can use the eld Period/Year (FISCYEARPER). These elds must be lled in every row.

The values in the CSV le can be separated by one of the following special characters:

, (comma)

; (semicolon)

. (period)

| (vertical bar)

The app automatically identi es the separator from the le.

Related Information
Derivations During Plan Data Import

Download Templates
You can download templates for source les of typical planning scenarios (such as Cost Center Planning)

1. Click Download Templates.

2. Select the separator.

3. Click one of the planning scenarios to download the import template.

The app marks the following elds as characteristics de ning the plan data scope in the templates:

Category (CATEGORY)

Company Code (RBUKRS)

Fiscal year (RYEAR)

Ledger (RLDNR)

The characteristics describing the planning scenario, for example, cost center and partner cost center for Cost Center

 Note

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If you use Microsoft Excel to ll the CSV le, you can verify the separator to be used by Microsoft Office in your Microsoft
Windows Control Panel. Choose Region Formats Additional Settings . The separator is displayed in the List separator

If the separater displayed in this eld isn't the same you choose when downloading the templates, the CSV le won't
display correctly in Microsoft Excel.

The templates use character encoding UTF-8. Therefore, ensure that the application with which you edit the template,
for example Microsoft Excel, supports UTF-8. Otherwise, the application may not correctly display the template.

The following decimal marks or thousands indicators may be used:

European format, for example 1.234.567,89

Comma (,) as decimal mark

Point (.) as thousands indicator

US format, for example 1,234,567.89

Point (.) as decimal mark

Comma (,) as thousands indicator

No decimal mark and no thousands indicator (for example 12345)

The upload accepts only two decimal digits.

The amounts may have a currency sign (for example €). The import cuts it off and reads the currency code from the
corresponding currency eld.

Every currency eld (for example RHCUR) must use one of the currency IDs used by the system (for example EUR).

 Note
Currency Conversion

To convert transaction currency to company code currency and controlling area currency, ensure the following

Use one of the categories PLN, PRO01, or PRO02.

Include the company code in the plan data record.

Enter the exchange rates of exchange rate type P using the Maintain Exchange RatesMaintain Exchange Rates app.

To prevent the plan data scope of a source le from becoming too big, the app expects a minimal set of characteristics de ning
the plan data scope. You must at least ag the following characteristics:

Category (CATEGORY)

Fiscal year (RYEAR)

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Company Code (RBUKRS) or Controlling Area (KOKRS), if they are part of the source le

Ledger (RLDNR), if it is part of the source le

 Note
If the third row contains other characters than X, the system assumes that the third row contains plan data and starts reading
from there.

In this case, the system uses the following default set of characteristics de ning the plan data scope:

Category (CATEGORY)

Company Code (RBUKRS)

Fiscal year (RYEAR)

Ledger (RLDNR)

The following elds are mandatory. This means, you must include them in the source data table and enter a valid value in every
plan data record. Unassigned or blank are not allowed.

Mandatory elds:

Category (CATEGORY)

Account Number (RACCT)

Fiscal year (RYEAR) or Period/Year (FISCYEARPER)

At least one eld for amount or quantity

The currencies for all included amounts

The units for all included quantities

 Note
If you do not at least include the Controlling Area (KOKRS), Company Code (RBUKRS), or Plant (WERKS) eld, the
Controlling Area (KOKRS) is set to the value of SET/GET parameter CAC and the derivations are applied as outlined in
Derivations During Plan Data Import.

You can include optional elds. However, you must take the following rules into account:

If you include additional amount elds, also include their currency elds.

If you include quantity elds, also include their unit elds.

If you include compounded elds, also include their compounds.

If you include the Activity Type (LSTAR), also include the Cost Center (RCNTR).

If you include the Partner Activity Type (PLSTAR), also include the Sender Cost Center (SCNTR).

If you include the CO Debit/Credit Indicator (CO_BELKZ), you must use the indicator used in your logon language.


In logon language EN: D (debit) and C (credit)

In logon language DE: S (Soll) and H (Haben)

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 Note
You can use all elds listed in Fields for Financial Plan Data Import.

Derivations During Plan Data Import

This topic describes how the Import Financial Plan Data app derives missing import values. The app derives these values either
from other import values or from system settings.

You use the Import Financial Plan Data app to import plan data contained in a source le. If entries are missing in this source le,
the app derives the missing values from either other import values or from system settings:

Derivation of Fields

Sequence What is derived? From what?

1 Company Code (RBUKRS) Valuation area of Plant (WERKS)

2 Controlling Area (KOKRS) Company Code (RBUKRS)

3 Ledger (RLDNR) Leading Ledger

4 Fiscal Year Variant (PERIV) Derived by the following sequence:

1. Company Code (RBUKRS) and

Ledger (RLDNR)

2. If the Ledger is not available:

Controlling Area (KOKRS)

5 Chart of Accounts (KTOPL) Derived by the following sequence:

1. Company Code (RBUKRS) and

Ledger (RLDNR)

2. If the Ledger is not available:

Controlling Area (KOKRS)

6 CO Debit/Credit Indicator (CO_BELKZ) Default value S

7 Whichever of these elds may be missing ... … it will be derived by the available elds:


Period (POPER) Period (POPER) and

General Ledger Fiscal Year (RYEAR) General Ledger Fiscal Year (RYEAR)

8 Posting Date (BUDAT) Derived by the following sequence:

1. The rst day of Period (POPER)

2. The rst day of General Ledger

Fiscal Year (RYEAR), if Period
(POPER) is missing

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Sequence What is derived? From what?

9 Account Assignment Type (ACCASTY) Account assignment type of the true

account assignment object

Cost Center (RCNTR) leads to


Sales Order (KDAUF) and Sales

Order Item (KDPOS) lead to

WBS Element (PS_POSID) leads to


Internal Order (AUFNR) leads to


Cost centers usually are true account

assignment objects. For an important
exception, please see below.

WBS elements can be marked as true or

statistical in their master record.

If there is more than one true account

assignment object, the ACCASTY remains
empty. Subsequent derivations based on
the ACCASTY are not possible.

Exception: If there are two true account

assignment objects and one of them is a
cost center, the cost center becomes
statistical. The import lls the ACCASTY
with the type of the remaining true account
assignment object.

10 These organizational units... … are derived from the Account Assignment

Object speci ed by the Account
Pro t Center (PRCTR)
Assignment Type (ACCASTY).

Company Code (RBUKRS)

If the app cannot determine the pro t
center, the app sets it to the dummy pro t
Plant (WERKS)
center of the controlling area.

11 Functional Area Derived in the following order:

1. From the G/L Account (RACCT)

2. From the Account Assignment Type

(ACCASTY) (see step 8)

12 Segment (SEGMENT) Derived from the master record of the Pro t

Center (PRCTR)

13 Project De nition (PS_PSPID) Derived from the de nition of the WBS

Element (PS_POSID)

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Sequence What is derived? From what?

14 CO-PA characteristics Derived in the following order:

1. from a pro tability segment that is

referred to 100% by the settlement
rule of an account assignment

2. from CO-PA derivation

15 Amounts in (WSL) in Transaction Currency Derived in the following order:

1. 1. Amount (CO_OSL) in CO Object
Currency (RCO_OCUR)

2. Amounts (HSL) in Company Code

Currency (RHCUR)

3. Amounts (KSL) in Controlling Area

Currency (RKCUR)

16 Calculated though currency translation of

Amount (KSL) in Controlling Area
Amount (WSL) in Transaction Currency
Currency (RKCUR) (RWCUR)

Amount (HSL) in Company Code

Currency (RHCUR)

Related Information
Import Financial Plan Data
Structure of the Source Files

How to Import Financial Plan Data

1. You receive the plan data les from the planners responsible and store them within your local network.

2. Open the Import Financial Plan Data app and select a source le. The app performs the following checks and

a. Validity: The app checks whether the values in the source le are valid. If required, it returns a list of error
messages. Correct the values in the source le until they are all valid before you can proceed.

b. Mandatory elds: If the following elds are not included in the source le, the app automatically determines their
values from the system settings:

If you did not enter the Company Code (RBUKRS) directly, the Plant (WERKS) determines the Company
Code (RBUKRS).

If you did not enter the Controlling Area (KOKRS) directly, the Company Code (RBUKRS) determines the
Controlling Area (KOKRS).

If you did not enter the Controlling Area (KOKRS), the Company Code (RBUKRS), or the Plant (WERKS),
the Controlling Area is set to the value of SET/GET parameter CAC.

The Company Code (RBUKRS) and the Ledger (RLDNR) determine the following characteristics:

Fiscal Year Variant (PERIV)

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Chart of Accounts (KTOPL)

 Note
If the Ledger (RLDNR) is not available, the Controlling Area (KOKRS) determines the following

Fiscal Year Variant (PERIV)

Chart of Accounts (KTOPL)

The app sets the CO Debit/Credit Indicator (CO_BELKZ) to the default value S.

c. Plan Data Scope: If all values are valid, the app selects the distinct values for all characteristics of the plan data
scope (as de ned the third row of the source le):

If no plan data exists in the system for any combination of these characteristic values, you can directly
import the plan data.

If plan data exists in the system for any combination of these characteristic values, the app displays the
affected values. It assumes that you want to completely replace the existing plan data by the new plan data

 Note
One source le should therefore always contain full plan data sets for a certain combination of the
characteristics you speci ed in the third row (the plan data scope). For example, a source le contains a
full plan data set for one speci c category, one speci c ledger, one speci c company code, and one
speci c scal year.

3. Choose Import Source Fileor Test Import Source File. When you test the import, the app performs the following steps
without saving:

a. It reverses the plan data records existing in the system for all combinations of the displayed values (the plan data

b. It posts the imported plan data records with the CO Debit/Credit Indicator you entered in column CO_BELKZ. If
you did not specify a value in column CO_BELKZ, the system posts the data records as a debit (internal value S).

c. Optional elds not included in the source le: If the following elds are not included in the source le, the app
automatically determines their values from the system settings:

Periods: The Period/Year (FISCYEARPER) eld is determined by the Period (POPER) and the General
Ledger Fiscal Year (RYEAR) eld or the other way round.

Posting Date (BUDAT): The app sets the posting date to either the rst day of the period or the rst day of
the rst year

Account Assignment Type (ACCASTY): The account assignment type is the type of the true account
assignment object.

Cost Center (RCNTR) leads to ACCASTY = KS.

Sales Order (KDAUF) and Sales Order Item (KDPOS) lead to ACCASTY = VB.

WBS Element (PS_POSID) leads to ACCASTY = PR.

Cost centers usually are true account assignment objects. For an important exception, please see below.

WBS elements can be marked as true or statistical in their master record.

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If there is more than one true account assignment object, the ACCASTY eld remains empty. Subsequent
derivations based on the ACCASTY eld are not possible.

Exception: If there are two true account assignment objects and one of them is a cost center, the cost center
becomes statistical. The import lls the ACCASTY eld with the type of the remaining true account
assignment object.

These organizational units are derived from the account assignment object speci ed by the account
assignment type (ACCASTY).

Pro t Center (PRCTR)

Company Code (RBUKRS)

Plant (WERKS)

If the app cannot determine the pro t center, the app sets it to the dummy pro t center of the controlling

Functional Area: The Functional Area (RFAREA) is determined by the G/L account (RACCT). If this is not
successful, the true account assignment object determines the functional area.

Segment: The Segment (SEGMENT) is determined by the Pro t Center (PRCTR).

Project: The Project De nition (PS_PSPID) is determined by the WBS Element (PS_POSID).

CO-PA Characteristics: The CO-PA Characteristics are determined from a pro tability segment that is
referred to 100% by the settlement rule of the true account assignment object. If this is not successful, the
app processes the CO-PA derivation.

Currencies: The system behavior depends on the currency you have used in your source le.

If you entered the plan amounts as amounts (HSL) in Company Code Currency (RHCUR) or as
amounts (KSL) in Controlling Area Currency (RKCUR):

The app copies one of these amounts to amounts (WSL) in Transaction Currency (RWCUR):

1. Priority: the amounts (CO_OSL) in Company Code Currency (RCO_OCUR).

2. Priority: the amounts (HSL) in Company Code Currency (RHCUR).

3. Priority: the amounts (KSL)in Controlling Area Currency (RKCUR)

If you entered or derived the plan amounts as amounts (WSL) in Transaction Currency (RWCUR):

The app converts these amounts into amounts (HSL) in Company Code Currency (RHCUR) and
amounts (KSL) in Controlling Area Currency (RKCUR).

d. Optional elds included in the source le: If you include optional elds in the source le, the app accepts their
values and doesn't overwrite them with derived values.

The app also accepts an empty eld as “unassigned”.

4. Check the imported data. Choose Check Financial Plan Data.

The analytical app Financial Plan Data opens in a separate window. It only displays the plan data which you have just

You can use this analytical app to check the completeness of your import.

 Note
This app is not available for the launchpad.

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Financial Plan Data

With this app, you can report on actual or plan data for all types of entities relevant for accounting.

Key Features
Specify the search criteria using variables or lters

Display the query results in grid format

Export the query results to Microsoft Excel

Manipulate the query results grid by moving available characteristics to and from the grid axes

Display read-only information about the underlying query, such as its technical name and when it was last updated

Grant authorization on the level of company codes

How-to Video (English Only)

Open this video in a new window

 Note
Captions/subtitles are available for multiple languages. Simply click the CC button at the bottom right of the video player to
see which languages are supported.

This How-To Video shows one of the analytical apps that were developed as Web Dynpro apps. Analytical apps developed with
the Design Studio work similarly.

Supported Device Types

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Related Apps
This app is not available in any business catalog and you can't add it to the launchpad. There are only two ways to open the app:

Import Financial Plan Data:

The Financial Plan Data app supports you to check the nancial plan data you have just imported using the Import
Financials Plan Data app. The app only displays the plan data which you have just imported.

Balance Sheet / Income Statement:

The Financial Plan Data app lets you analyze nancial plan data by clicking on a plan amount in the Display Financial
Statement app.

Analyzing With Hierarchies

If you have created hierarchies for the entities on which you want to report, some apps enable you to navigate and analyze data
using these hierarchies.

How to create hierarchies depends on the entity:

For G/L account hierarchies, create nancial statement versions.

For hierarchies for cost centers, pro t centers, cost elements, internal orders, functional areas, or projects, create
hierarchy sets. Afterwards, you have to declare the hierarchy sets as relevant for analysis by using the Set Report
Relevancy app.

The apps read the hierarchies from special tables that are optimized for analysis. You must replicate the hierarchies into these
tables using the Replicate Runtime Hierarchy app.

Component for Customer Incidents


Related Information
Additional Implementation Activities for All Finance Apps
App-Speci c Implementation Information in the SAP Fiori apps reference library

Fields for Financial Plan Data Import

This is a table with the most important elds to be used for the nancial plan data import.

Most Important Fields For Financial Plan Data Import

Group Fieldname Description

Account Assignments PS_PSPID Project De nition

Account Assignments PS_POSID WBS Element

Account Assignments LSTAR Activity Type

Account Assignments AUFNR Order Number

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Group Fieldname Description

Account Assignments PAUFNR Partner Order Number

Account Assignments PLSTAR Partner Activity Type

Account Assignments PPS_PSPID Partner Project De nition

Account Assignments PPS_POSID Partner WBS Element

Account Assignments RCNTR Cost center

Account Assignments SCNTR Partner Cost Center

Account Assignments ACCASTY Account Assignment Type

Account Assignments WORK_ITEM_ID Work Item ID

Accounting RLDNR Ledger in General Ledger Accounting

Accounting RACCT G/L Account Number

Accounting RBUKRS Company code

Accounting CO_BELKZ Debit/Credit Indicator CO

Accounting PBUKRS Company code of partner

Accounting CATEGORY Version/Category

Accounting RYEAR General Ledger Fiscal Year

Accounting POPER Posting period

Accounting FISCYEARPER Fiscal year / period

Accounting KTOPL Chart of Accts

Accounting PERIV Fiscal Year Variant

Accounting RMVCT Transaction Type

Amounts and Currencies WSL Amount in Transaction Currency

Amounts and Currencies HSL Amount in Company Code Currency

Amounts and Currencies KSL Amount in Global Currency

Amounts and Currencies RWCUR Transaction Currency

Amounts and Currencies RHCUR Company Code Currency

Amounts and Currencies RKCUR Global Currency

Amounts and Currencies RCO_OCUR CO Object Currency

Amounts and Currencies CO_OSL Amount in CO Object Currency

Org Units and Partners PRCTR Pro t center

Org Units and Partners RFAREA Functional Area

Org Units and Partners KOKRS Controlling area

Org Units and Partners SEGMENT Segment

Org Units and Partners PPRCTR Partner Pro t Center

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Group Fieldname Description

Org Units and Partners SFAREA Partner Functional Area

Org Units and Partners RASSC Company ID of trading partner

Org Units and Partners PSEGMENT Partner Segment for Segmental Reporting

Pro tability Analysis KONZS Group Key

Pro tability Analysis WERKS Plant

Pro tability Analysis KUNNR Customer

Pro tability Analysis VKORG Sales Organization

Pro tability Analysis VTWEG Distribution channel

Pro tability Analysis SPART Division

Pro tability Analysis MATNR_COPA Product for pro tability analysis

Pro tability Analysis MATKL Material Group

Pro tability Analysis KDGRP Customer group

Pro tability Analysis LAND1 Country Key

Pro tability Analysis BRSCH Industry key

Pro tability Analysis BZIRK Sales district

Pro tability Analysis RSRCE Resource

Quantity and Unit of Measure VMSL Quantity

Quantity and Unit of Measure RVUNIT Unit of Measure


The ACCASTY eld (Account Assignment Type) speci es the type of the account assignment object that is true.

Account Assignment Objects

Account assignment objects can be of the following types:

OR: order

OP: order and order item

KS: cost center

KL: cost center and activity type

VB: sales order and sales order item

PR: WBS element

True and Statistical Account Assignment Objects

Account assignment objects can be true or statistical:

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True account assignment objects can allocate their values to other account assignment objects.

Statistical account assignment object cannot allocate their values to other account assignment objects.

Cost centers usually are true account assignment objects. For an important exception, please see the note in the section Values
of the ACCASTY Field.

Internal orders and WBS elements can be marked as true or statistical in their master record.

Values of the ACCASTY Field

If the ACCASTY eld is included as a table column in the source le, there are two options:

The ACCASTY eld contains an account assignment type:

The plan data import will use this account assignment type for subsequent derivations or assignment checks. This is valid
regardless whether the account assignment object is true or statistical.

The ACCASTY eld is empty:

In this case, subsequent derivations based on the ACCASTY eld are not possible.

If the ACCASTY eld is not included in the source le, the plan data import needs to decide which of the given account assignment
objects shall be the true account assignment object. The plan data import lls the ACCASTY eld by the following logic.

If there is only one true account assignment object in the plan data record, the plan data import lls the ACCASTY with the
type of this object.

If there is more than one true account assignment object in the plan data record, the ACCASTY eld remains empty. In this
case, subsequent derivations based on the ACCASTY eld are not possible.

 Note
Exception: If there are two true account assignment objects and one of them is a cost center, the cost center becomes
statistical. The plan data import lls the ACCASTY with the type of the remaining true account assignment object.

Controlling Area and Account Assignment

If the true account assignment object is of one of the following types, it determines the controlling area:

OR: order

OP: order and order item

VB: sales order and sales order item

PR: WBS element

If the controlling area is already lled, the plan data import determines whether the combination of the true account assignment
object and the controlling area is valid. If the combination is invalid, the plan data import raises an error.

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Organizational Units and Account

Assignment Objects
If the true account assignment object is of one of the following types, it determines the other organizational units:

OR: order

OP: order and order item

KS: cost center

KL: cost center/activity type

VB: sales order and sales order item

PR: WBS element

The other organizational units are the following:

pro t centers

company codes

If the plan data import cannot determine the pro t center from the true account assignment object, the plan data import sets it to
the dummy pro t center of the controlling area.

If the organizational units are already lled, the plan data import determines whether the combinations of the true account
assignment object and the organizational units are valid. If the combinations are invalid, the plan data import raises an error.

How to Upload Extension Fields?

If you created an extension eld for the business contexts JEI (journal entry item) or COB (coding block), this eld is
automatically available in ACDOCP (besides others).

This makes it possible to import values into the new extension eld if you add the extension eld to the source le:

1. Row: Combination of the following elements:

a. YY1

b. The technical name you gave the extension eld

c. The suffix of the business context you used for the extension eld

Example: YY1_new eld_JEI

2. Row: Any explanatory text, for example, the eld label

3. Row: X (capitalized or noncapitalized), if the eld is one of the characeristics de ning the plan data scope

 Note
Before you can import the extension eld, you must enable it for the Import Financial Plan Data app.

Copy Financial Plan Data

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Use this app to select nancial plan data in a source category and copy it to a target category.

Key Features
You can use this app to:

Search for existing nancial plan data

You need to at least enter a value in the Plan Category eld. The plan data in the table is adjusted whenever you change an
entry in a lter eld.

Copy nancial plan data from a source category to a target category

Select the data you want to copy by lling in the lter values and copy the data to a target plan category. If your target
category already contains data for the lter selections you entered for the elds Ledger, Ledger Fiscal Year, Fiscal Period,
and Company Code, the data of the target category will be overwritten by the data that is copied from the source category.
In particular data in the target category that matches the lter values for which no corresponding source data exists will be

If you copy plan data to a plan category that is used for budget availability control, the new plan value must be higher than
the actual values that have already been posted.

For more information, please see Budget Availability Control.

The following plan data exists in the PLN plan category:

Ledger 0L

Ledger Fiscal Year 2020

Fiscal Periods 1-12

Company Codes 0001, 0002, and 0003

The following plan data exists in the OPTIMISTIC plan category:

Ledger 0L

Ledger Fiscal Year 2020

Fiscal Periods 1-12

Company Codes 0001, 0002, 0003, and 0004

When you copy the data, the system responds with a con rmation dialog stating that it will overwrite all plan data in OPTIMISTIC
category de ned by these lter values because plan data already exists in the OPTIMISTIC plan category for ledger 0L and ledger
scal year 2020.

In this example, the plan data that belongs to company code 0004 in the OPTIMISTIC category is deleted because it is contained
in the selection de ned by the lter values and no data exists for this company code in the PLNplan category.

If you want to keep the plan data for this company code, you have to restrict the lter for company code to 0001, 0002, and 0003.

Effects on Customizing

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To use this app, the Copying Another Plan Category checkbox must be selected for each plan category into which you want to
copy plan data in the Maintain Category for Planning customizing activity. In the Implementation Guide, go to
Controlling General Controlling Planning Maintain Category for Planning .

Supported Device Types


Delete Financial Plan Data

Use this app to ensure data consistency by resetting nancial plan data to a speci ed point in time (timestamp). This makes it
possible to correct previous, erroneous plan data imports, for example. Resetting plan data deletes the data permanently and
irrevocably. Please ensure that you archive any nancial plan data that you are no longer using. Do not delete such data using this

Key Features
You can use this app to:

Search for nancial plan data using a timestamp

A timestamp represents an event such as an import of plan data which changed existing plan data. The app displays the
delta data, which are the differences between the previous plan data and the last imported plan data. The delta data is
displayed starting from the selected timestamp until the current point in time, based on the search criteria.

Restrict search results using plan categories, ledgers, scal year, scal period, and company code

This enables you to further re ne the erroneous delta data that you want to delete.

Delete selected nancial plan data to ensure data consistency

To reset erroneous nancial plan data, you can delete the delta data of an import by selecting a timestamp, or you can
delete selected delta data of an import by restricting the delta data by further search criteria, such as ledger scal year.
The delta data is permanently deleted starting from the selected timestamp until the current point in time. Once you have
deleted the delta data, it cannot be restored.

 Note
If you delete budget data from a plan category that is used for budget availability control, it is possible that actual data
cannot be posted any more due to the changed budget.

For more information, please see Budget Availability Control.

Effects on Customizing
To use this app, the Deleting Financial Plan Data checkbox must be selected for each plan category from which you want to delete
plan data in the Maintain Category for Planning customizing activity. In the Implementation Guide, go to Controlling General
Controlling Planning Maintain Category for Planning .

Supported Device Types


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Plan Data Transfer Between SAP ERP And

With SAP BPC for S/4HANA you have the following options to perform plan allocations:

You can use the new plan allocation features provided by SAP BPC for S/4HANA.

You can use the traditional plan allocation features of SAP ERP.

You may use the traditional plan allocation features in the following cases:

You require that the allocations for plan data precisely match the allocations for actual data.

The new plan allocation features don't meet your requirements.

To enable you to use the traditional plan allocation features, you can transfer plan data between SAP BPC for S/4HANA and SAP

If you enter and analyze plan data with SAP BPC for S/4HANA but want to use the traditional plan allocation features of SAP ERP,
you perform the following steps:

1. You enter plan data into SAP BPC for S/4HANA with either the planning workbooks or the app Import Financial Plan Data.

2. You transfer the plan data from SAP BPC for S/4HANA to SAP ERP.

3. You perform the plan allocations in SAP ERP.

4. You transfer the processed plan data from SAP ERP back to SAP BPC for S/4HANA.

5. You analyze the plan data in SAP BPC for S/4HANA.

Only plan data which it is possible to enter manually can be transferred to SAP ERP. This comes with the following restrictions:

The plan data records must be debit data records (debit/credit indicator CO = D).

The cost elements must have the following cost element categories:

Primary costs or revenue

01: Primary costs/cost-reducing revenues

04: Accrual/deferral per debit = actual

11: Revenues

12: Sales deduction

Secondary costs

21: Internal settlement

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43: Internal activity allocation


90: Statistical cost element for balance sheet accounts

Depending on the cost element category, the plan data records must ful ll the following conditions:

For plan data records with cost elements of category 43 (internal activity allocation), sender cost center and
sender activity type must both be lled and the sender activity type must be of category 1 (manual entry, manual

For plan data records with cost elements of category 1, 4, 11, 12, or 90, no sender elds (for example, partner cost
center) may be lled.

For plan data records with cost elements of category 21, one of the two conditions above must be ful lled.

Plan data in SAP BPC for S/4HANA doesn't have to full l the restrictions, but if it doesn't, you cannot transfer it to SAP ERP.

However: If you transfer plan data in the opposite direction (from SAP ERP to SAP BPC for S/4HANA), the workbook transfers all
plan data records, that is, debit and credit records. If necessary, it even lls the partner elds (for example, partner cost center).

 Note
Costs in SAP ERP are stored as xed costs and variable costs. SAP BPC for S/4HANA doesn't have this distinction. It only has
one amount eld.

The workbook copies the costs as follows:

If you copy from SAP ERP, the workbook copies the total of xed costs and variable costs to SAP BPC for S/4HANA.

If you copy from SAP BPC for S/4HANA, the workbook copies the cost amount as xed costs to SAP ERP.

Transferring Plan Data

Plan data transfer lets you copy nancial plan data created in SAP BPC for S/4HANA to SAP ERP and the other way around.

You have installed Analysis for Microsoft Excel.

You have set the user parameter CAC to your controlling area.

To facilitate ltering the plan data that you want to copy, also set the following user parameters:

GJR (Fiscal year)


For more information see Saving Characteristic Values as User Parameters.

You have the standard authorizations in SAP ERP and SAP BI. There are no new authorizations speci c to plan data

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Open the workbook for plan data transfer you want to use.

Follow the procedure described in Opening a Planning Workbook with Analysis for Microsoft Excel.

The following workbooks for plan data transfer are available in Analysis for Microsoft Excel:

Plan Data Transfer for Cost Centers (/ERP/A09_WB01)

Plan Data Transfer for Internal Orders (/ERP/A19_WB01)

Plan Data Transfer for Projects (/ERP/A29_WB01)

Plan Data Transfer for Cost Centers (Group Crcy) (/ERP/A09_WB02)

Plan Data Transfer for Internal Orders (Group Crcy) (/ERP/A19_WB02)

Plan Data Transfer for Projects (Group Crcy) (/ERP/A29_WB02)

Price and Activity Transfer for Cost Centers (Group Currency) (/ERP/SFIN_A08_WB01)

For more information, see Workbooks To Transfer Plan Data.

After you open the planning workbook, a Prompt dialog box appears. It allows you to select the plan data that you want to
copy, for example, a speci c cost center, order, or project.

For more information, see Prompting Characteristic Values.

To transfer plan data from SAP BPC for S/4HANA to SAP ERP, click Copy BPC to ERP.

 Note
During the plan data transfer to SAP ERP, the ERP system performs standard checks:

Existence Checks: If you are using provisional master data, these are only available in SAP BPC for S/4HANA. In
that case, existance checks in SAP ERP will fail.

Access Checks: If the receiving tables are currently in use by another user, the system returns a lock error.

To transfer plan data from SAP ERP to SAP BPC for S/4HANA, click Copy ERP to BPC.

When you are satis ed that the plan data has been copied correctly, click Save.

 Note
There is no report to compare plan data from SAP ERP and SAP BPC for S/4HANA side by side. You can use the queries
underlying the workbooks above and enhance them, if required.

Workbooks To Transfer Plan Data

 Note
The naming convention for the workbooks is /ERP/SFIN_<identi er of the aggregation level>_WB<sequntial number>.

Workbooks to Transfer Costs and Activities in Transaction Currency

The following workbooks allow you to transfer costs and activities planned on cost centers, internal orders, or projects in
transaction currencies:

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/ERP/SFIN_A09_WB01 Plan Data Transfer for Cost Centers

/ERP/SFIN_A19_WB01 Plan Data Transfer for Internal Orders

/ERP/SFIN_A29_WB01 Plan Data Transfer for Projects

You use these workbooks in one of the following cases:

You enter your plan costs into SAP BPC for S/4HANA in several currencies. In this case, the receiving SAP ERP system
interprets these currencies as transaction currencies.

You enter your plan costs in just one currency, but this currency differs from the group currency used in SAP ERP.

The planning functions in the workbooks work as follows:

1. To transfer plan data from SAP BPC for S/4HANA to SAP ERP, a planning function transfers the amount from SAP BPC for
S/4HANA to the transaction currency amount eld of SAP ERP. The SAP ERP system converts the transaction currency
amount into group currency and stores it in the group currency amount eld.

2. To transfer plan data from SAP ERP to SAP BPC for S/4HANA, another planning function transfers the transaction
currency amount from SAP ERP to the amount eld of SAP BPC for S/4HANA.

Workbooks to Transfer Plan Data in Group Currency

The following workbooks allow you to transfer activities and activity cost rates and planned on cost centers, internal orders, or
projects in group currency:

/ERP/SFIN_A09_WB02 Plan Data Transfer for Cost Centers (Group Crcy)

/ERP/SFIN_A19_WB02 Plan Data Transfer for Internal Orders (Group Crcy)

/ERP/SFIN_A29_WB02 Plan Data Transfer for Projects (Group Crcy)

You would use these workbooks if you enter your plan costs in one currency and this currency is identical to the group currency
used in SAP ERP.

The planning functions in the workbooks work as follows:

1. To transfer plan data from SAP BPC for S/4HANA to SAP ERP, a planning function transfers the amount from SAP BPC for
S/4HANA into the transaction currency amount eld of SAP ERP. The SAP ERP system converts the transaction currency
amount into group currency and stores it in the group currency amount eld.

 Note
This is the same planning function as described in Workbooks to Transfer Plan Data in Transaction Currency.
Transferring the plan data directly into the group currency amount eld is not allowed in SAP ERP. The group currency
amount eld must always be converted from the transaction currency amount.

2. To transfer plan data from SAP ERP to SAP BPC for S/4HANA, another planning function transfers the group currency
amount from SAP ERP to the amount eld of SAP BPC for S/4HANA.

Workbook to Transfer Planned Activities and Planned Prices

The following workbook allows you to transfer activities and prices planned on cost centers in group currency:

/ERP/SFIN_A08_WB01 Price and Activity Transfer for Cost Centers (Group Currency)

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 Note

Transferring activity quantities to SAP ERP allows you to run the price calculation in SAP ERP based on the activity
output planned in SAP BPC for S/4HANA.

Transferring activity prices to SAP ERP allows you to use these prices within SAP ERP to valuate actual postings.

After being transferred, the prices and activities appear in transaction KP26 (Change Activity Type/Price Planning) in the
Price (Fixed) and Plan Activity columns.

BW Objects for Plan Data Transfer

Planning Queries
The seven workbooks listed in Workbooks To Transfer Plan Data are based on seven planning queries:

/ERP/SFIN_A09_Q0001 Plan Data Transfer for Cost Centers (Transaction Crcy)

/ERP/SFIN_A19_Q0001 Plan Data Transfer for Internal Orders (Transaction Crcy)

/ERP/SFIN_A29_Q0001 Plan Data Transfer for Projects (Transaction Crcy)

/ERP/SFIN_A09_Q0002 Plan Data Transfer for Cost Centers (Group Crcy)

/ERP/SFIN_A19_Q0002 Plan Data Transfer for Internal Orders (Group Crcy)

/ERP/SFIN_A29_Q0002 Plan Data Transfer for Projects (Group Crcy)

/ERP/SFIN_A08_Q0001 Price and Activity Transfer for Cost Centers (Group Currency)

 Note
The naming convention for the planning queries is /ERP/SFIN_<identi er of the aggregation level>_Q<sequential number>.

Aggregation Levels
The InfoProviders for the planning queries are four aggregation levels:

/ERP/SFIN_A09 Plan Data Transfer for Cost Centers

/ERP/SFIN_A19 Plan Data Transfer for Internal Orders

/ERP/SFIN_A29 Plan Data Transfer for Projects

/ERP/SFIN_A08 Price and Activity Transfer for Cost Centers

 Note

The naming convention for the aggregation levels is /ERP/SFIN_<identi er of the aggregation level>.

Also, the planning functions, and the plannimg lters are based on these aggregation levels. For more information on
the planning functions and the plannimg lters, see Plan Data Transfer - Technical Details.

MultiProvider und InfoProvider

The aggregation levels are based on the MultiProvider /ERP/SFIN_M09.

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This MultiProvider has access to the following:

Plan data of SAP BPC for S/4HANA stored in one of these InfoProviders:

/ERP_SFIN_V20: A Virtual InfoProvider, which connects to the table ACDOCP

/ERP_SFIN_R01: A Real-time InfoProvider, which contains your plan data

You use variable /ERP/P_0INFOPROV to specify which of these two InfoProviders stores the plan data. For more
information, see BW Objects for Analytics and Planning.

The planning tables in SAP ERP

The MultiProvider accesses several Virtual InfoProviders, which are connected to the SAP ERP planning tables.

Two buttons in each workbook trigger planning functions, which transfer the plan data from the plan data store in SAP BPC for
S/4HANA to the planning tables in SAP ERP and vice versa.

BW Objects for Plan Data Transfer

Adaptations for SAP BPC for S/4HANA

You can use the SAP BI content right away without modi cations or adapt it according to your needs.

Options When Adapting SAP BI Content

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To adapt the SAP BI content, you have two options for every BI object:

Modifying SAP BI content objects

You activate and modify the SAP BI content object without copying it. The BW versioning concept allows the modi ed BI
object and the SAP BI content object to exist side by side. If you activate the SAP BI content object again (maybe because
SAP has delivered a new version), the system merges the SAP BI content object with the modi ed version. However,
although this merge functionality works for BI objects of the model level, it is not available for most objects of the business

Copying and changing SAP BI content objects

You copy the SAP BI content object to your namespace and change the copied BI object.

Categories of BI Objects
BI objects can be classi ed into two groups:

BI objects on Model Level:

They de ne how the system provides the data for planning and reporting scenarios.

BI objects on the model level include:




 Recommendation
If you need to adapt SAP BI content objects of the model level, modify them.

For more information, refer to Adapting the Model Level.

BI objects on Business Level:

They de ne how different planning and reporting scenarios use the data provided by the model level.

BI objects on the business level include:

Aggregation levels

Planning lters

Planning functions

Planning sequences



Workbooks for Analysis Office

 Recommendation
Since the merge functionality is not available for most SAP BI content objects of the business level, copy and change
them, if you want to adapt them.

You can do this as described in Appendix: Copying BI Objects.

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For more information, also refer to Adapting the Business Level.

More Information
For more information about the BW Versioning concept, choose the following steps:

1. Open https://help.sap.com/viewer/p/SAP_BUSINESS_WAREHOUSE to open the product page of the SAP Business


2. Select your release in the Version drop-down eld on the top right area of the page.

3. Scroll down to the Application Help area and select your language when clicking on SAP BW Documentation.

4. Choose SAP Business Warehouse Generic Tools and Services Transporting BW Objects, and Creating, Delivering and
Copying BI Content BW Versioning Concept .

Adapting the Model Level

If you need to adapt BI objects on the model level (InfoObjects, InfoProviders, and MultiProviders), you can use standard BW tools.
However, to support you with the common use case that you want to include an additional eld, we provide the model extension
tool. This tool not only creates the required InfoObjects and maps them to the InfoProviders, it also creates the required HANA

You access the tool in Customizing under Controlling General Controlling Planning Setup for Planning Enhance InfoProviders
with Additional Fields .

Please refer to the customizing documentation.

Extending the Model Level for Reporting Purposes Only

If you want to extend the model for reporting purposes only, you just add the eld to Virtual InfoProvider S/4HANA Financials:
Actual Data from ACDOCA (/ERP/SFIN_V01).

Extending the Model Level for Reporting and Planning Purposes

If you want to extend the model also for planning purposes, extend the actual data provider (/ERP/SFIN_V01) as well but also
extend your plan data provider:

If you store your plan data in the Real-Time InfoProvider S/4HANA Financials: InfoCube for Plan Data
(/ERP/SFIN_R01), add the eld to that InfoProvider.

If you store your plan data in the ACDOCP, add the eld to Virtual InfoProvider S/4HANA Financials: Plan Data from

Additionally, add the eld to the MultiProvider S/4HANA Financials: Plan and Actual Data (/ERP/SFIN_M01).

Adapting the Business Level

If you need to adapt BI objects on the business level, you should copy them and change the copied object according to your needs.

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Adapting Analytics
The only BI objects on business level relevant for reporting are queries.

Adapting Reporting Queries

Standard Reporting Queries
As standard, SAP provides the reporting queries for different entities and different purposes. For a list of all available reporting
queries, see Standard Queries for Management Accounting.

Required changes may be:

If you have removed characteristics from the InfoProvider, remove them from the queries as well.

If you have added characteristics to the InfoProvider, add them to the queries as well.

Change the name of the queries to re ect your use case.

Add or remove columns

Change sequence of row characteristics

Use other variables

Change settings such as sort order and hierarchy settings

You can perform these changes using the BEx Query Designer, which is a standard BW tool.

 Recommendation
We recommend that you copy the query you want to change and adapt the copy to your needs. To copy the query, follow the
procedure described in Copying Queries.

Related Information
Creating Queries

Working With Your New Query

To work with your new query, you have two options:

You open your new query using SAP BusinessObjects Analysis as explained in Running a Query.

You open your new query with a new analytical app.

Developing a New Analytical App

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The development of new analytical Web Dynpro app is based on a generic Web Dynpro application. This generic Web Dynpro
application allows the automatic generation of an analytical Web Dynpro application based on your query.

The generic Web Dynpro app uses its own ICF service FPM_BICS_OVP.

 Note
To call a Web Dynpro app, you use a dedicated URL, which accesses your back-end system. The URL calls a service in the
Internet Communication Framework (ICF) on your back-end system. The ICF service executes one or more ABAP programs to
compile the requested data and returns it to the web browser.

For security reasons, all ICF services initially are inactive and you have to activate them rst. We recommend that you only
activate the services for the apps you want to use.

The following activities are essential for the development of new analytical Web Dynpro apps based on the generic Web Dynpro

On your back-end server, activate the ICF service FPM_BICS_OVP of the generic Web Dynpro app. In the HTTP Service
Hierarchy Maintenance transaction SICF, you nd the ICF service under the path

To run the new analytical Web Dynpro apps, you have two options:

Start the Web Dynpro app from a URL

Follow the procedure described in Opening a Planning Query as Web Dynpro Application.

Start the Web Dynpro app from a tile on the Fiori launchpad

On the front-end server, you de ne the new Web Dynpro app in transaction LPD_CUST. Enter the name of the
generic application FPM_BICS_OVP in the Application eld and bsa_query=<your BW query> as the Target
App. Parameters. This parameter connects the generic Web Dynpro application with your BW query.

Adapting Planning Applications

SAP provides standard planning applications, which you can adapt to suit your needs.

Standard Planning Applications

As standard, SAP provides the following planning applications:

Cost center planning

Project planning

Internal order planning

Market segment planning

Pro t center planning

Functional area planning

P&L planning (income statements)

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Balance sheet planning

Each planning application allows to create plans for years or months.

Elements of a Planning Application

A planning application consists of the following:

Aggregation levels

Planning functions

Planning lters

Planning sequences

BEx queries

Workbooks for Analysis Office

SAP deliver standard planning objects, which you can use as they are or adapt to your needs. Please refer to Appendix: Standard
Planning Objects for lists of all standard planning objects.

Activities to Adapt a Planning Application

To adapt a planning application, identify all standard planning objects belonging to that planning application. Use them as
templates as you do the following:

1. Adapting Aggregation Levels

2. Adapting Planning Functions

3. Adapting Planning Filters

4. Adapting Planning Sequences

5. Adapting Planning Queries

6. Adapting Planning Workbooks

Adapting Aggregation Levels

Aggregation levels are InfoProviders designed speci cally for planning purposes:

In an aggregation level, you de ne the characteristics for which you want to plan on speci c values. This means the following for
the resulting plan data records in the basis InfoProvider:

All characteristics available in the aggregation level have speci c values.

All characteristics not available in the aggregation level have value # (unassigned).

Activities to Add a New Field to a Planning Application

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After you have added a new characteristic to the InfoProviders as described in Adapting the Model Level, perform the following

1. Create a copy of the template aggregation level as described in Copying Planning Objects.

2. Add the new characteristic to the copy.

This makes it available in planning functions, planning lters, planning queries, and planning workbooks based on that aggregation

 Caution
Before you edit the new copy of the aggregation level, also copy the queries from the original aggregation level to the copied
aggregation level using transaction RSZC. Follow the procedure described in Copying Queries.

After you adapted the copy of the aggregation level, you may not be able to use RSZC to copy the queries.

Related Information
Aggregation Level

Adapting Planning Functions

Planning functions copy or post key gures from certain characteristic values to other characteristic values.

 Example
A planning function may perform one of these actions:

Copying data from the ACT01 category to the PLAN category.

Copying data from scal year 2015 to scal year 2016.

Posting data allocated from the Maintenance cost center to the cost centers Production, Sales, and Support.

Activities to Add a New Field to a Planning Application

After you have created a new aggregation level as described in Adapting Aggregation Levels, you perform the following:

1. You copy all template planning functions to your new aggregation level as described in Copying Planning Objects.

2. Your new planning functions automatically have the new characteristic in the table Characteristic Usage. Do not change its

 Caution
Do not change the planning functions unless you are an expert.

Other Activities

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You can create additional planning functions to use them in new planning sequences or as additional steps in existing planning

Related Information
Creating a Planning Function

Adapting Planning Filters

Planning lters specify the data selection for which you can execute a planning function.

Activities to Add a New Field to a Planning Application

After you have created a new aggregation level as described in Adapting Aggregation Levels, you perform the following:

1. You create a copy of the template planning lter to your new aggregation level as described in Copying Planning Objects.

2. Your new planning lter automatically displays the new characteristic in the table Selections.

In the Restriction column, you have the following options:

To execute the corresponding planning functions on all characteristic values, leave the eld empty.

To limit the corresponding planning functions on speci c characteristic values, select the value.

To select characteristic values for the corresponding planning functions dynamically, de ne and enter a variable for
the characteristic.

To let the user enter the characteristics in the workbook, also assign this variable to the de nition of the workbook's
query (see Adapting Planning Queries).

Other Adaptations
Of course, you can use the Restriction column also for existing characteristics. Here, you can use variables from our BI content:

To make the system derive the characteristic in the background based on system settings and other characteristics, use
variables that are not de ned as ready for input but use an SAP Exit to derive the value.

For InfoObjects from our BI content, we offer a number of Background Variables.

To let the user enter the characteristics in the Prompts dialog box of the workbook, use variables that are de ned as ready
for input. These variables can be Prompt Variables for Cost Objects or Other Prompt Variables.

 Note
These variables may also use SAP Exits to derive default values.

Related Information
Creating a Planning Filter

Adapting Planning Sequences

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A planning sequence consists of one or more planning steps. Each step contains a planning function as well as the aggregation
level on which it is based and the planning lter, which de nes the allowed data range.

Activities to Add a New Field to a Planning Application

After you have added a new characteristic to the aggregation level, the planning function, and the planning lter, perform the
following steps:

1. Copy all template planning sequences as described in Copying Planning Objects.

2. Replace the aggregation levels, planning lters, and planning functions in the copy by your copied and adapted aggregation
levels, planning lters, and planning functions.

Other Adaptations
You can add additional planning functions as additional steps to your planning sequences.

Related Information
Creating a Planning Sequence
Planning Sequences

Adapting Planning Queries

Activities to Add a New Field to a Planning Application
After you have created a new aggregation level as described in Adapting Aggregation Levels, you perform the following:

1. Create a copy of the template planning query to your new aggregation level as described in Copying Queries.

 Note
If you followed our recommendations in Adapting Aggregation Levels, you have already copied the queries when you
copied the aggregation level following the procedure in Copying Queries. Now, you can adapt the copies to your needs
and to t to the adoptions of your aggregation level.

 Caution
If you adapted the InfoProviders by copying them instead of modifying them thus creating InfoProviders with new
technical names, you need some additional steps. Check the structure of your queries for direct references to the
InfoProviders and change them accordingly.

2. Add the new characteristic to the rows of the query.

3. Add the new characteristic to the characteristic restrictions and assign a variable to it.

4. Change the name of the queries to re ect your use case.

Other Adaptations
Other changes may be:

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If you have removed characteristics from the aggregation level, remove them from the queries as well.

Add or remove columns

Change the sequence of row characteristics

Use other variables. Variables available in our business content are listed in Appendix: Variables.

Change settings such as sort order and hierarchy settings

You can perform these changes using the BEx Query Designer, which is a standard BW tool.

Related Information
Creating Queries

Adapting Planning Workbooks

Activities to Add a New Field to a Planning Application
After you have adapted the aggregation level, the planning function, the planning lter, the planning sequence, and the planning
query, perform the following steps:

1. Create a copy of the template planning workbook as described in Copying Workbooks.

2. Switch the original query of your copied workbook for your new adapted query as explained in Switching the Query.

3. Switch the original planning sequence of your copied workbook for your new planning sequence query as explained in
Switching the Planning Sequence.

4. Adapt the analysis functions on sheet 2 of your copied workbook to retrieve the values of the correct variables as described
in Adapting Sheet2.

5. Fill the variables of your planning sequence with the values from sheet 2 of your copied workbook as described in Filling the
Variables of Your Planning Sequence.

Other Adaptations
For other adaptations, you could do the following:

Create user-speci c or global variants for the variable screen

Adapt the layout of the workbook (for example, reduce the selection parameter area at the top)

Format the layout by modifying the SAP cell styles

Remove buttons that are not needed

Add additional buttons for planning sequences

Add additional queries on other worksheets

Insert charts

More Information
To adapt standard workbooks according to your needs, you can use standard tools from Microsoft Excel and from SAP Analysis,
edition for Microsoft Office.
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For more information on SAP Analysis, edition for Microsoft Office, see
https://help.sap.com/viewer/p/SAP_BUSINESSOBJECTS_ANALYSIS_OFFICE to open the product page of SAP Analysis for
Microsoft Office.

Switching the Query

To switch the query that provides data to the workbook to your new query, perform the following steps:

1. Open the Workbook

Open the workbook with Analysis for Microsoft Excel. If the Prompts dialog box appears, you may choose Cancel or ll it
with valid values.

2. Navigate to the Data Source

Choose the Analysis ribbon and then in the Design Panel group.

Choose the Components tab page in the Design Panel. Select the By Data Source radio button.

 Note
The data sources of the standard planning workbooks are the planning queries.

3. Change the Data Source

Highlight the data source listed in the tree in the Design Panel. In the Properties area, choose .

 Note
In case the Logon to SAP Business Objects BI Platform dialog box appears, choose Skip.

Select your system on the Select Data Source dialog box and choose Next. A Search tab and a Folders tab page appear on
the Select Data Source dialog box. On the Search tab, enter the technical name of the query you want to use or use a
wildcard search. Press the Return key. Select the query you want to use and choose OK.

 Note
Ensure that you do not change the Formula Alias of your attached query. It should be DS_<number>. This formula alias
enables the analysis functions to display the values of the prompt variables you entered.

Choose Refresh All. A Prompts dialog box appears. It allows you to enter values for all input-ready variables, which you assigned
to the lters in the design of your attached query. After you have lled all variables you require, choose OK to continue.

The data tables of your worksheet change to the layout you de ned in your query.

Switching the Planning Sequence

1. Navigate to the Planning Objects

Again, choose the Components tab page in the Design Panel. Select the By Data Source radio button.

Open the Planning Objects node.

2. Delete the Existing Assignment of a Planning Sequence

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Open the context menu of the planning sequence located below the Planning Objects node and choose Delete. The whole
Planning Objects node disappears.

3. Assign New Planning Sequence

Open the context menu of the root node of the data source tree and choose Use Planning Sequence. On the Open
Planning Sequence dialog box, search for your planning sequence and choose OK.

Your planning sequence appears below the Planning Objects node.

 Note
Ensure that the Formula Alias of your attached planning sequence is PS 1. This formula alias enables the macro behind the
Simulate button to execute your planning sequence. You don't have to adapt the macro.

Adapting Sheet2
Sheet2 in the workbook retrieves and displays the values of the prompt variables you entered. To retrieve the values, the
worksheet uses the SAPGetVariable analysis function.

 Note
The SAPGetVariable analysis function uses the syntax SAPGetVariable("<Data Source>";"<Variable
Name>";"<Property Name>")

In the standard planning workbooks, the SAPGetVariable analysis function always looks like this:
SAPGetVariable("DS_1";"<Variable Name>";"VALUEASKEY")

Adapt the <Variable Name> to retrieve the values of the variables you use in your queries.

Keep the value DS_1 for the data sources used by the different worksheets. This value is the formula alias for the query.

Keep VALUEASKEY as the property name.

Filling the Variables of Your Planning

1. Navigate to the Variables of the Planning Sequence

Again, choose the Components tab page in the Design Panel. Select the By Data Source radio button.

Highlight one of the planning sequences at the bottom of the tree in the Design Panel. In the Properties area, you see a
table named Variables of Planning Sequence.

 Note
The table Variables of Planning Sequence displays all input-enabled variables from the planning lter.

The planning sequence uses the values of these variables as input values. Mandatory variables are marked with an
asterisk (*).

2. Fill the Variables with the Values From Sheet2

You can ll these variables automatically with the values from Sheet2.

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To ll a variable automatically, perform the following:

a. From the dropdown list of the Source eld of the variable, select the value Cell.

b. Select the cell on Sheet2 where the worksheet uses the SAPGetVariable analysis function to display the
variable value.

c. Choose the button of the Members column of the variable. A Cell Selection dialog box appears with the cell on
Sheet2 you just selected. Con rm with OK.

Generating a Plan Data Interface for Other

In addition to SAP BPC for S/4HANA, other business applications may also access the real-time InfoProvider S/4HANA
Financials: InfoCube for Plan Data (/ERP/SFIN_R01). To access the plan data, the business applications require a HANA view
as an interface to /ERP/SFIN_R01. However, if you have not yet activated /ERP/SFIN_R01 during the con guration of SAP
BPC for S/4HANA, the HANA view would raise errors and you could not run any of these business applications. To avoid that, the
business applications can use the proxy view FCO_PLAN_PROXY in package sap.hba.sfin700. This proxy view can act as a
switch between a dummy view, which does not provide any data, and a proper HANA plan data view:

Before you have activated /ERP/SFIN_R01:

FCO_PLAN_PROXY accesses a dummy view, which does not provide any plan data. The dummy view is a valid HANA view
and does not raise any errors.

After you have activated /ERP/SFIN_R01:

To connect the business applications to /ERP/SFIN_R01, you execute transaction FCOM_PLAN_VIEW_GEN. This
transaction performs the following:

It generates the HANA plan data view FCOM_PLAN_DATA in package system-local.sap.erp.sfin-co-pl.

This HANA plan data view provides plan data from /ERP/SFIN_R01.

It regenerates the proxy view FCO_PLAN_PROXY. The regenerated proxy view now accesses HANA plan data view
FCOM_PLAN_DATA and so provides plan data to the business applications.

 Caution
If you reimport package sap.hba.sfin700 at a later time, it overwrites the regenerated proxy view
FCO_PLAN_PROXY and returns it to its original state. Execute transaction FCOM_PLAN_VIEW_GEN again to
regenerate the proxy view.

An allocation is de ned as the process of distributing amounts and quantities from a sender object to one or more receiver
objects, such as from a cost center to other cost centers.

The BI content offers the following allocations:

Cost Simulation and Allocation

Activity Planning

Fixed Consumption Planning

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Cost Simulation and Allocation

You have installed SAP BusinessObjects Analysis, edition for Microsoft Office.

You have assigned your controlling area to the Set/Get Parameter ID CAC. For more information, see Saving Variable
Values as User Parameters.

The workbook Cost Center Cost Simulation (/ERP/SFIN_A02_WB01) allows you to simulate and post allocations of primary
and secondary costs between cost centers.

Cost simulations and allocations are based on the following input values:

Primary costs which you enter for all cost centers where they occur

Allocation factors which serve as the basis for the cost allocation

A list of sender cost centers which participate in the allocation

A list of sender accounts which participate in the allocation

A list of allocation accounts to which the system posts the allocation

After you simulated the allocation based on correct plan data, you can post the allocation to the MultiProvider S/4HANA
Financials: Plan and Actual Data (/ERP/SFIN_M01).


You want to know the total costs debited to your cost centers after you allocated all overhead costs from sending cost
centers to receiving cost centers. This is a difficult task since you deal with thousands of cost centers and an extensive
network of allocation factors.

For this simulation, you do the following:

1. You ask all cost center managers to plan the primary costs for their cost centers.

2. You collect and enter all factors that serve as the basis for the cost allocation.

3. You trigger the simulation, analyze the results, and post the allocation.


Before you post the allocation, you want to know how certain primary costs affect the total costs per cost center:

You want to know which percentage of travel costs is allocated to the end cost centers.

For this simulation, you do the following:

1. You set all primary costs to 0, but the travel costs to 100.

2. You trigger the simulation and analyze the results: The amounts of the simulated allocation re ect the
percentages by which travel costs are allocated to the end cost centers.

You want to know how total costs change on the end cost centers if you manage to decrease energy costs by 10%.
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For this simulation, you do the following:

1. You perform a simulation based on the originally planned primary costs.

2. You note the simulated total costs on the end cost centers.

3. You decrease the originally planned energy costs by 10%.

4. You trigger the simulation and analyze the results: You can compare the new simulated total costs on the
end cost centers with your noted original costs.

To perform a cost center cost simulation and allocation, proceed as follows:

1. Open the Cost Center Cost Simulation (/ERP/SFIN_A02_WB01) workbook. This step is identical to opening a planning
workbook. For more information, see Opening a Planning Workbook with Analysis for Microsoft Excel.

2. Enter the prompt variables that specify the scope of the allocation. For more information, see Prompting Characteristic

3. Enter the required input values, simulate, and allocate the costs following the Structure of the Cost Center Cost Simulation

Opening a Planning Workbook with Analysis

for Microsoft Excel
1. Choose Start All Programs SAP Business Intelligence SAP BusinessObjects Analysis Analysis for Microsoft Excel .

2. Microsoft Excel opens.

In the File menu, choose Analysis Open Workbook from SAP NetWeaver .

3. An Open Document dialog box opens and displays all systems that are available in your local SAP Logon.

Select the system to which you want to log on and choose Next.

4. A Logon to System <system ID> dialog box opens.

Enter a Client, a User, and a Password. Choose OK.

5. If the logon was successful, a Search and a Folders tab page appear on the Open Document dialog box.

On the Search tab page, enter the workbook area in which you want to work or use a wildcard search, for example,
*sfin*, and press the Return key.

6. The Open Document dialog box displays all workbooks that match your search criteria.

Select the workbook you want to use and choose OK to start it.

Prompting Characteristic Values

After you opened a workbook, a Prompt dialog box appears. It allows you to enter values for a list of characteristics to limit the
data that you want to display. Characteristics for which a value is mandatory are indicated by an asterisk (*). After you have
entered all characteristic values you require, choose OK to continue working with the workbook.

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The dialog box has two main screen areas:

In the Specify Values for Prompts screen area, different types of value elds offer different options to enter characteristic

Single value elds

You can enter only one characteristic value.

Multiple value elds

You can enter several characteristic values. Press to add an additional value eld and to delete a value

Boolean operator value elds

Selecting a boolean operator from the dropdown box in front of the value eld, allows you to select all characteristic
values with speci c properties:

Equal to a value: =

Not equal to a value: !=

Greater or equal to a value: >=

Greater than a value: >

Less than or equal to a value: <=

Less than a value: <

Between two values: []

Not between two values: ![]

You can even combine boolean operators by adding new lines pressing

Hierarchy value elds

You can select a hierarchy from a dropdown box.

Derived value elds

The system derives values of some characteristics from values of other characteristics and automatically lls the
value eld. For example, the value for the currency is derived from the controlling area that you assigned to the
corresponding set/get parameter in the user pro le. For information, see Relationships Between Characteristics.

Most value elds offer a value help when you press .

The Prompt Summary screen area lists all available characteristic elds.

You can hide characteristic elds from the Specify Values for Prompts screen area by pressing .

Hiding characteristic elds is only possible in two cases:

The characteristic is optional.

The characteristic is mandatory but the value eld is lled.

In the lower left corner, there is a Display dropdown box. You can select one of the following options to change the display in the
Specify Values for Prompts screen area:

Show All: All characteristic elds are displayed.

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Hide All: All characteristic elds are hidden, except the mandatory elds that are not yet lled.

Hide Optional Prompts: All optional characteristic elds are hidden, all mandatory characteristic elds are displayed.

If you want to save the characteristic values so that you don’t have to reenter them every time you open a workbook, you have the
following options:

Saving Characteristic Values in Variants

Saving Characteristic Values as User Parameters

Variables Speci c to the Cost Allocation

The cost allocation scenario uses basically the same variables as the planning applications.

However, there are some variables which are speci c to cost allocation:

Prompt variable Allocation Accounts (/ERP/S_GL_ACCT02)

If you want to restrict the allocation to certain allocation accounts, you can enter these accounts into the Allocation
Accounts selection option on the Prompts dialog box.

Input variables for the Cost Simulation planning function (/ERP/SFIN_A02_PF01)

Sender Cost Centers (/ERP/S_PARTCCTR01)

Fill this variable if you want to restrict the cost allocation to certain sender cost centers.

Sender Accounts (/ERP/S_GL_ACCT01)

Fill this variable if you want to restrict the cost allocation to certain sender accounts.

 Note
You cannot enter these variables on the Prompts dialog box because they are not input variables for the queries but for the
planning function. To ll these variables, open the workbook and do the following:

1. Choose the Analysis ribbon and then in the Design Panel group.

2. Choose the Components tab page in the Design Panel. Select the By Data Source radio button.

3. Highlight the planning sequence at the bottom of the tree in the Design Panel. In the Properties area, you see a table
named Variables of Planning Sequence.

4. From the dropdown list of the Source eld of the variable, select Members.

5. Choose the button of the Members column of the variable.

6. A Filter By Member dialog box appears. Select the values and choose OK.

Saving Characteristic Values in Variants

1. Open a planning workbook with Analysis for Microsoft Excel.

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2. You are on the Prompts dialog box.

Enter the values for all characteristics you want to save.

In the Use Variant eld, enter a name for the variant.

3. Choose .

The system saves your values as a user-speci c variant, which means that only you are able to see and use it.

 Note
Choose next to the icon to edit the variant.

You have the following options:

Choose to delete a variant.

Choose to do one of the following:

Change the Name of the variant.

In the Type column, select Global to make the variant available for every user. In this case, you also have
to enter a Technical Name for the variant.

After changing the variant settings, either choose or . Then choose Close.

To use a variant on the Prompts dialog box, choose it from the selection list of the Use Variant eld. The system automatically lls
the prompt characteristics with the values saved in the variant.

Saving Characteristic Values as User

1. Choose System User Pro le Own Data

2. You are on the Maintain User Pro le screen. The screen displays your own user pro le.

Choose the Parameters tab page.

3. You are on the Parameters tab page. In the Parameters table, you can enter parameters in the Get/Set Parameter ID
column to save the values you enter in the Parameter Value column.

SAP BPC for S/4HANA supports the following parameters:

Get/Set Parameter ID Parameter Value

CAC Controlling Area

 Note
Setting this parameter is mandatory for every planning user.

BUK Company Code

GJR Fiscal Year


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Get/Set Parameter ID Parameter Value

KSG_HIER Cost center hierarchy

KSG Cost center group

KOS Cost Center

FCOM_FUNCAREA_HIER Functional area hierarchy

FCOM_FUNCAREA_GRP Functional area group

FCOM_GL_ACCT_HIER G/L Account Hierarchy

FCOM_GL_ACCT_GRP G/L Account Group

PRC Pro t Center

PSP Project

Structure of the Cost Center Cost Simulation

The Cost Center Cost Simulation workbook (/ERP/SFIN_A02_WB01) offers three worksheets:

1. Enter Primary Costs

2. Enter Allocation Factors

3. Simulate Cost Allocation

 Recommendation
Work through the worksheets in the indicated order.

The structure of all worksheets is identical to the planning workbooks as described in Structure of Planning Workbooks.

Title of the workbook and current date

Selected values of prompt variables

Buttons to execute functions on the data

 Caution
You are working on real plan data. If you push the Save button on any of the worksheets, the system saves the
data of all worksheets in the MultiProvider S/4HANA Financials: Plan and Actual Data (/ERP/SFIN_M01).

The implications are the following:

If you changed the planned primary costs to simulate different cost allocation scenarios, the system
saves your changed plan data.

This action overwrites any existing primary costs already planned by your cost center managers.

The system posts the simulated allocations as plan allocations.

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The type of the data table of the worksheet depends on the worksheet:

You can enter data in the table on the Enter Primary Costs worksheet and the Enter Allocation Factors worksheet.

You can simulate the cost allocation and display its result on the Simulate Cost Allocation worksheet.

Enter Primary Costs

This work sheet contains the Enter Primary Costs table, with the following columns:

Posting Period

Cost Center (Key and Text)

G/L Account (Key and Text)


The G/L accounts on this worksheet are G/L accounts for primary costs, such as electricity, wages, or raw material.

If your cost center managers already planned their primary costs using a Cost Center Planning workbook, the table is already
lled with their plan data. Otherwise, you can enter data manually as described in Entering Plan Data.

Enter Allocation Factors

This worksheet contains the Enter Allocation Factors table with the following columns:

Posting Period

Cost Center (Key and Text)

Partner Cost Center (Key and Text)

G/L Account (Key and Text)

Unit of Measure (Key and Text)


The quantities specify the allocation factors by which the system allocates the costs from the Cost Centers (“sending cost
centers”) to the Partner Cost Centers (“receiving cost centers”):

The allocation credits all costs from the Cost Centers.

The allocation debits the costs according to their allocations factors to the Partner Cost Centers.

The Quantity could be of the following types:

Statistical key gures of the partner cost center, such as square meters or number of employees, which are relevant for the
allocation to credit the service cost centers.

Service units performed by the service cost center for the partner cost center, such as hours of maintenance.

 Note
The Unit of Measure based on which a speci c cost center allocates its costs to its partner cost centers should be the same for
all partner cost centers, for example, square meters. Otherwise, an allocation would not be possible.

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Of course, the Unit of Measure for the allocation of costs of another cost center can be different, for example, number of

The G/L accounts on this worksheet are the G/L accounts, on which the simulation posts the allocation:

Enter the same G/L account for primary cost as on the Enter Primary Costs worksheet if you want the simulation to post
the allocation as the same primary costs on the same G/L account. This way, the costs do not change their nature, for
example, heating costs stay heating costs.

Enter a G/L account for secondary costs if you want the simulation to post the allocation as secondary costs on this G/L
account. This way, the system allocates all costs of a cost center as a summarized type of cost to the partner cost center,
for example, all costs of the facility cost center are summarized as facility services.

You can enter data as described in Entering Plan Data.

Simulate Cost Allocation

This worksheet contains the Simulate Cost Allocation table, with the following columns:

Posting Period

Cost Center (Key and Text)


 Note
This worksheet also allows you to enter the two input variables for the Cost Simulation planning function:

Sender Cost Centers (/ERP/S_PARTCCTR01)

Sender Accounts (/ERP/S_GL_ACCT01)

For more information, see Variables Speci c to the Cost Allocation Scenario.

In addition to the other four buttons described in Structure of the Cost Center Cost Simulation Workbook, this worksheet has a
Simulate button. Press Simulate to simulate the allocation of the primary costs entered in the Enter Primary Costs worksheet
based on the allocation factors entered in the Enter Allocation Factors worksheet.

The Simulate Cost Allocation table then lists all posting periods and cost centers on which costs remain after the allocation.

All cost centers with no costs are hidden.

 Note
To analyze the simulated allocation postings between cost centers, add Debit/Credit Ind CO to the rows and Partner Cost
Center to the columns using standard functionality for Analysis for Microsoft Office. Choose the Analysis ribbon and then
Display in the Design Panel.

For more information on SAP BusinessObjects Analysis, edition for Microsoft Office, see
https://help.sap.com/viewer/p/SAP_BUSINESSOBJECTS_ANALYSIS_OFFICE to open the product page of SAP
BusinessObjects Analysis for Microsoft Office.

If you push the Save button, the system posts the simulated allocations as plan allocations.

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Creating a Cost Simulation Scenario

We deliver the cost center cost simulation scenario, which you can use right out of the box. However, you may want to adapt it, for

You want to perform a cost simulation between other cost objects.

You want to perform a cost simulation on a different granularity or level.

You want to restrict the cost simulation to be posted to speci c characteristics, for example, speci c allocation accounts or
speci c categories.

You want to restrict the cost simulation to be performed for speci c sender cost objects or sender accounts.

You want to add additional planning functions to the planning sequence.

In these cases, you can create a new cost simulation scenario by using the delivered scenario as a template.

The following procedure assumes that you base your new cost simulation scenario on MultiProvider S/4HANA Financials: Plan
and Actual Data (/ERP/SFIN_M01). If you are using a different InfoProvider you have to adapt the procedure accordingly.

You use the BW-Integrated Planning Modeler to model all planning-speci c metadata objects. To access the BW-Integrated
Planning Modeler use transaction RSPLAN.

1. Creating an Aggregation Level

2. Creating a Planning Function

3. Creating a Planning Filter

4. Creating a Planning Sequence

5. Creating Queries

6. Creating a Workbook

Production Cost Planning

You have installed SAP BusinessObjects Analysis, edition for Microsoft Office.

You have assigned your controlling area to the Set/Get Parameter ID CAC. For more information, see Saving Characteristic
Values as User Parameters.

You have correctly con gured the Material Cost Estimate with Quantity Structure in the S/4HANA back end.

The workbook Production Cost Planning (/ERP/SFIN_A52_WB01) allows you to transfer the material cost estimates and the
lot sizes from the S/4HANA back end to the workbook. Based on these numbers, you can calculate the planned production costs.

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Production cost planning is based on the following input values:

Sales quantities for single products per customer group and plant

Sales prices for single products per customer group

Customer deductions per customer group

Production Costs for a single lot of a single product per plant

Lot sizes of a single product per plant

After you have simulated the production cost planning based on correct plan data, you can post it to the InfoProvider S/4HANA
Financials: InfoCube for Plan Data (/ERP/SFIN_R01) or the ACDOCP table. You must have speci ed in which store you want to
save you plan data, as described in BW Objects for Analytics and Planning.

Planning Process
The planning process will vary from company to company. The process described below is just an example. You can adapt the
worksheets and workbooks to your particular requirements.

Employees with various roles are involved in the process of production cost planning. The workbook Production Cost Planning
(/ERP/SFIN_A52_WB01) contains all the required worksheets. If you want to use this process, you have to assign these
worksheets to role-speci c workbooks.

To perform production cost planning, proceed as follows:

1. Sales manager

a. The sales manager plans sales quantities and sales prices on the level of customer group and product group using
the workbook Sales Planning (/ERP/SFIN_A51_WB02).

b. The sales manager plans customer deductions on the level of customer group using the worksheet Enter Customer

2. Production manager

a. The production manager breaks down the sales prices from product groups to individual products using the
worksheet Enter Sales Prices. If this breakdown is not possible for individual products, reference products could
represent product groups.

b. The production manager breaks down the sales quantities for product groups into quantities that are produced in
different plants. This breakdown could be done for individual products or reference products using the worksheet
Enter Sales Quantities.

c. The production manager also de nes the bills of materials and of bills of operations in the S/4HANA back-end
system. This task could be done for individual products or reference products.

3. Controller

a. The controller uses the bills of materials and bills of operations to calculate the cost estimate in the S/4HANA back-
end system. This calculation could be done for individual products or reference products.

b. The controller transfers the cost estimates and their lot sizes using the worksheets Transfer Production Costs and
Transfer Lot Sizes.

c. The controller calculates the planned sales amounts, customer deductions, and production costs using the
worksheet Pro tability Analysis.

Working With the Production Cost Planning

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1. Open the Production Cost Planning (/ERP/SFIN_A52_WB01) workbook. This step is identical to opening any other
planning workbook. For more information, see Opening a Planning Workbook with Analysis for Microsoft Excel.

2. Enter the prompt variables that specify the scope of your plan. For more information, see Prompting Characteristic Values.
You may need a few additional variables for this workbook. For more information, see Variables Speci c to Production Cost

3. Enter the required input values, transfer production costs and lot sizes, and calculate sales amounts, customer deductions,
and production costs following the Structure of the Production Cost Planning Workbook.

Variables Speci c to Production Cost

Prompt Variables
Apart from the usual prompts for Fiscal Year, Category, Company Code, G/L Account Hierarchy, G/L Account/G/L Account
Group, and Currency, the dialog box asks for the following characteristics:

Customer Group (/ERP/S_CUST_GRP01):

Enter the customer groups for which you want to plan the sales. You need the customer groups to plan the sales quantities,
the sales prices, and the customer deductions.

Additional variables to retrieve the cost estimates

In contrast to the Sales Planning workbook, this planning worksheet demands planning not just at the product (material)
group level but at the Plant and Product Sold level.

Plant (/ERP/P_PLANT01)

Enter the plants for which S/4HANA calculates and stores the cost estimates.

Product Sold (/ERP/S_PRODUCT01)

Enter the individual products for which you want to plan the production costs.

 Note
If you prefer, you can create reference products in S/4HANA and SAP BPC for S/4HANA. Each reference product
represents one or more product groups. It may be easier to plan quantities and prices for these reference
products than for all individual products.

Additional variables to save the cost estimates

Enter two dedicated categories to which you want to assign the cost estimate data. Using dedicated categories, you
separate the cost estimate data from the normal plan data. The categories must be of the Application Type Periodic
Planning and Consolidation.

Category Itemization (/ERP/P_CATEGORY_ITEM)

Enter a dedicated category to which you want to assign the cost estimates' itemization.

Category Lot Size (/ERP/P_CATEGORY_LOTS)

Enter a dedicated category to which you want to assign the cost estimates' lot sizes.

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Con guration Variables

The worksheets Transfer Production Costs and Transfer Lot Sizes also require additional variables to specify which cost estimates
the worksheet should transfer and how they are to be displayed in the worksheet.

Costing Data

Costing Variant (/ERP/P_COSTVAR01)

Default value: Standard Cost Estimate (PPC1)

Costing Version (/ERP/P_COSTVERS01)

Default value: 1

Costing Status (/ERP/P_COSTSTAT01)

Default value: Released Without Errors (FR)

Cost Component View (/ERP/P_COSTCOMPVIEW)

Default value: Cost of Goods Sold (2)

 Note
Both worksheets require these variables.

Use COGS Account Split (/ERP/P_USECOGS)

Default value: X

This variable doesn't have a direct representation in the S/4HANA back-end system. You use it to control how the planning
sequence accumulates the cost items before it transfers them to the workbook.

Use COGS Account Split = X

The cost estimate contains cost component views in which it displays the cost items accumulated to cost
components. In customizing, you can assign COGS accounts to these cost components. If you transfer the
production costs, the planning sequence accumulates them to these COGS accounts.

For more information, see Customizing under Financial Accounting General Ledger Accounting Periodic
Processing Integration Material Management De ne Accounts for Splitting the Cost of Goods Sold

Use COGS Account Split = [blank]

If you transfer the production costs, the planning sequence accumulates them to the G/L accounts (cost elements)
on which they originally were posted.

 Note
Only the worksheet Transfer Production Costs requires this variable.

Entering Con guration Variables in the

You can enter these variables directly in the design panel of the workbook.

1. On the Analysis ribbon, in the Design Panel group, choose .

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2. In the Design Panel, on the Components tab, select the By Data Source radio button.

3. Open the Planning Objects node. Highlight the planning sequence Copy Cost Estimate Itemization
(/ERP/SFIN_A53_PS04A) or Copy Cost Estimate Lot Size (/ERP/SFIN_A53_PS05A) at the bottom of the tree in
the Design Panel.

 Note
You have to enter the variables separately in both planning sequences.

4. In the Properties area, you see a table named Variables of Planning Sequence. The planning sequence uses the values of
these variables as input values. Mandatory variables are marked with an asterisk (*).

5. You can recognize the con guration variables by having the value Members in the Source column. In the Members column
you can edit the variable values.

Structure of the Production Cost Planning

The Production Cost Planning workbook (/ERP/SFIN_A52_WB01) offers six worksheets:

1. Enter Sales Quantities

2. Enter Sales Prices

3. Enter Customer Deduction

4. Transfer Production Costs

5. Transfer Lot Sizes

6. Pro tability Analysis

 Recommendation
Work through the worksheets in the indicated order.

For basic information about how to work with planning workbooks, please refer to Planning for Management Accounting.

The type of the data table of the worksheet depends on the worksheet:

You can enter data in the table on the Enter Sales Quantities worksheet, the Enter Sales Prices worksheet, and the Enter
Customer Deduction worksheet.

 Caution
The standard planning sequences attached to the buttons in the header perform their actions for all worksheets within
one workbook at the same time. For example, if you click Clear Plan on any of the worksheets, the workbook clears the
data tables on all worksheets.

This is also true for the buttons Save, Back to Saved State, and Recalculate.

You can transfer data from S/4HANA tables to SAP BPC for S/4HANA on the Transfer Production Costs worksheet, and
the Transfer Lot Sizes worksheet.

You can display the results on the Pro tability Analysis worksheet.

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Enter Sales Quantities

The data table of this worksheet contains the following columns:


Plant (Key and Text)

Product Sold (Key and Text)

Customer Group (Key and Text)

G/L Account (Key and Text)

Unit of Measure (Key and Text)

Key Figures

Total Plan Quantity: Calculated as the total of the quantities in the period elds next to it.

Total per Period: Entry elds for the planned sales quantities per product sold, customer group, and G/L account
for twelve periods.

The G/L accounts on this worksheet are G/L accounts for sales revenue, such as Sales Revenues (Domestic), or Sales Revenues

You can enter plan data manually as described in Entering Plan Data and save it.

Enter Sales Prices

The data table of this worksheet contains the following columns:


Product Sold (Key and Text)

Customer Group (Key and Text)

G/L Account (Key and Text)

Unit of Measure (Key and Text)

Key Figures

Average Plan Price: Calculated as the average of the prices in the period elds next to it.

Price per Period: Entry elds for the planned sales prices per product sold, customer group, and G/L account for
twelve periods.

The G/L accounts on this worksheet are G/L accounts for sales revenue, such as Sales Revenues (Domestic), or Sales Revenues

You can enter plan data manually as described in Entering Plan Data and save it.

Enter Customer Deduction

The data table of this worksheet contains the following columns:

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Customer Group (Key and Text)

G/L Account (Key and Text)

Key Figures

Customer deductions per Period: Entry elds for the planned customer deductions per customer group and G/L
account for twelve periods. You can enter the customer deductions as percentages.

The G/L accounts on this worksheet are G/L accounts for customer deductions.

You can enter plan data manually as described in Entering Plan Data and save it.

Transfer Production Costs

The data table of this worksheet contains the following columns:


Plant (Key and Text)

Product Sold (Key and Text)

G/L Account (Key and Text)

Key Figures

Total Costs: Display elds for the planned production costs per plant, product sold, and G/L account.

Click the Transfer Production Costs button to transfer the material cost items from S/4HANA to this workbook and accumulate
them to G/L accounts.

Click Save to save this data to the same store as your plan data. This improves system performance. If the material cost estimates
change in the S/4HANA back-end system, you need to transfer and save them again.

Transfer Lot Sizes

The data table of this worksheet contains the following columns:


Plant (Key and Text)

Product Sold (Key and Text)

Unit of Measure (Text)

Key Figures

Lot Size: Display eld for the planned lot size per plant and product sold.

The lot size is the quantity for which S/4HANA calculates the material cost estimates. To calculate the totals for the sales quantity,
the system rst divides cost item amounts by the lot sizes and then multiplies the result by the sales quantity.

Click the Transfer Lot Size button to transfer the lot sizes of the material cost estimates into the worksheet.

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Click Save to save this data to the same store as your plan data. This improves system performance. If the lot sizes change in the
S/4HANA back-end system, you need to transfer and save them again.

Pro tability Analysis

The purpose of this worksheet is to create a basic pro tability analysis based on the data of the other ve worksheets.

The data table of this worksheet contains the following columns:


Plant (Key and Text)

Product Sold (Key and Text)

Customer Group (Key and Text)

G/L Account (Key and Text)

Key Figures

Total Plan Amount: Calculated as total of the amounts in the period elds next to it.

Total per Period: Display elds for the planned amounts by plant, product sold, customer group, and G/L account
for twelve periods.

The button row contains three additional buttons. By clicking the buttons one after the other, you can easily follow the calculation

1. Calculate Sales Amount:

Sales Quantity × Sales Price

The worksheet displays the results for all plants, products sold, customer groups, and G/L accounts that you used on the
worksheets Enter Sales Quantities and Enter Sales Prices.

2. Calculate Customer Deductions:

Sales Amount × Deduction Percentage

The worksheet adds the result to the data table and displays it for all plants, products sold, customer groups, and G/L
accounts that you used on the worksheet Enter Customer Deduction.

3. Calculate Production Costs:

Sales Quantity × (Cost Estimate Itemization ÷ Lot Size)

The worksheet adds the result to the data table and displays it for all plants, products sold, customer groups, and G/L
accounts that you used on the worksheet Transfer Production Costs.

As a result, the worksheet displays a contribution margin scheme which you can now see by product, by product group, or
for all products.

Production Cost Planning - Technical Details

The following section gives you some technical details on the implementation of the Production Cost Planning scenario using
standard BW-IP tools. These details allow you to enhance the existing planning objects or to develop your own Production Cost
Planning scenario.

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