Space Shuttle Mission STS-3
Space Shuttle Mission STS-3
Space Shuttle Mission STS-3
S82-26315 The shuttle Columbia is depicted in the middle of the blue sphere against the background of the sun. Columbia's tail, nose, and top will each be pointed at the sun for long periods to test its thermal response to extremes of temperatures. The three prominent rays represent the third shuttle orbital flight test. The spacecraft's payload bay doors are open and the remote manipulator system arm with an experimental payload is extended as it will be on several occasions during the actual flight. The art work was accomplished by space artist Robert C. McCall of Paradise Valley, Arizona. The NASA insignia design for space shuttle flights is reserved for use by the astronauts and for other official use as the NASA Administrator may authorize. Public availability has been approved only in the form of illustrations by the various news media. When and if there is any change in this policy, which we do not anticipate, it will be publicly announced. PHOTO CREDIT: NASA or National Aeronautics and Space Administration
March 1982
David Garrett Headquarters, Washington, D.C. (Phone: 202/755-3090) Dick Young Kennedy Space Center, Fla. (Phone: 305/867-2468) Terry White Johnson Space Center, Houston, Texas (Phone: 713/483-5111) John Taylor Marshall Space Flight Center, Huntsville, Ala. (Phone: 205/453-0034) RELEASE NO: 82-29 March 4, 1982
landing will be almost identical to Columbia's first two flights as it crosses the California coast just north of Morro Bay, lets down over the San Joaquin Valley, passes south of Bakersfield, Tehachapi and Mojave to land on Rogers Dry Lake Runway 23 at Edwards Air Force Base at 10:24 a.m. PST, March 29. If wind conditions at Edwards are right, Lousma and Fullerton may land Columbia on Runway 17 to gain the desired experience in landing the orbiter in a cross-wind. During final landing approach, the microwave scanning beam landing system will bring Columbia down to the flare to shallow glide from where the crew will land manually. Kennedy Space Center teams will remove the crew and "safe" Columbia after landing. (END OF GENERAL RELEASE; BACKGROUND INFORMATION FOLLOWS.)
9:00 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 1:00 p.m. 10:30 a.m. 1:00 p.m. (approx. 1 hour after launch)
2:00 p.m. (approx. 2 hours after landing) 2:00 p.m. Orbiter Status Briefing
Creature comforts provided are not as sophisticated as they will be for operational flights. Food stowed in mid-deck food lockers will be heated by a carry-on food warmer. Airliner-type galleys will be installed later on Columbia and subsequent orbiters. Crewmen have the option of sleeping in the flight deck ejection seats or evaluating a sleeping bag stowed in the mid-deck. Ejection seats will be safed after STS-4, and removed from OV-102 during rework after STS-5, but until then crews will wear modified Air Force high-altitude pressure suits during launch and entry.
The assembled Space Shuttle and its Mobile Launcher Platform were moved to Pad A of Launch Complex 39 on Feb. 16 to undergo final processing prior to launch. Pad-to-vehicle connections were verified, followed by a Dry Countdown Demonstration Test, a launch-day rehearsal with the prime crew, on Feb. 22. The test simulates as closely as possible the last hours of an actual Shuttle countdown, except that no cryogenic propellants are loaded into the external tank. A wet cryogenic loading test was conducted Feb. 26. This test served two purposes: it verified the automatic propellant loading system and ability of Shuttle systems to perform under cryogenic conditions, and checked the integrity of the external tank's outer insulation. The flight crew did not participate in this test. Hypergolic fuels are scheduled to be put aboard the orbiter and hydrazine loaded into the orbiter and solid rocket booster hydraulic power units from March 4-7. Countdown preparations are to begin March 8 which could lead to picking up the 73-hour Shuttle launch countdown on March 18. The launch countdown for STS-3 will be conducted from Firing Room 1 of the Complex 39 Launch Control Center by a government/ industry team of about 200 persons. The STS-3 launch countdown is scheduled to pick up at T-73 hours with a call to stations on the morning of March 18. There are 29 hours and 30 minutes of hold time available to the launch team during the countdown. The STS-3 countdown is essentially identical to the countdown for the second launch. One major test was added during the early part of the countdown to verify proper operation of the orbiter's fuel cells. Pre-count activities should include closeout of the orbiter's aft end, pressurization of the orbital maneuvering and reaction control systems with gaseous nitrogen and helium, a patch and comparison of the mass memory units, loading of liquid oxygen and hydrogen into the orbiter's power reactant storage and distribution storage tanks, configuring of the pad sound suppression water, inertial measurement unit warm-up, retracting the rotating service structure, installation of mid-deck experiments, communication activation and checkout, gaseous oxygen vent arm extension, inertial measurement unit operation and pre-flight calibration and final cryogenic loading preparations. The terminal portion of the countdown starts at T-5 hours with loading of cryogenic propellants into the external tank.
STS-3 will be launched from Complex 39's Pad A at Kennedy Space Center no earlier than March 22, 1982. The launch window on that date extends from 10 a.m. until 1:16 p.m. EST for a launch opportunity of three hours and 16 minutes in duration. The window assumes a nominal landing on Runway 23 on Rogers Dry Lake at Dryden Flight Research Facility, Calif. The lateness of the opening of the window will result in a later landing time at Edwards, increasing the probability of a crosswind landing, and provides optimum lighting conditions for photographic documentation of the launch as well as sufficient lighting for a safe landing at any of the designated landing sites.
Event SRB Ignition Liftoff Pitchover Max Q (Maximum Dynamic Pressure) SRB separation MECO ET separation OMS-1 Ignition OMS-2 Ignition OMS left engine cold restart Start aft RCS L2U thruster soakback burn test Deorbit ignition Entry Interface (400,000 ft) Terminal area energy management (TAEM) Edwards crossover (sonic boom) Landing
26,479 ft. altitude, 651.1 lb/ft2, 1.9 nm downrange 163,444 ft., 25.2 nm downrange 57 nm altitude, 761 nm downrange 1651.3 fps, 130x46 nm orbit 151.9 fps, 130x130 nm orbit Two burns, 4 mins apart, 1.8 and 8.7 fps 30 3-second firings in 15 minutes 269.4 fps, two engines, 126x17 nm orbit
f. g.
(Contingencies) While there has never been a launch abort in any U.S. manned space flight-program, flight crews and flight controllers must still train and plan for emergency early landing. The safe return of the flight crew, the orbiter and its payloads to an intact landing is emphasized in abort planning philosophy. The preferred type of Shuttle launch abort is the abort-to-orbit in which combined thrust from main engines and orbital maneuvering system engines is enough to reach a minimal 194-km (105-nm) orbit. An abort-to-orbit would be called for if one main engine should shut down before enough velocity is reached to yield a 235-km (127-nm) orbit. Earlier shutdown of one main engine would force an abort-once-around situation in which Columbia would land near the end of one orbit at Dryden Flight Research Facility. Also, any critical systems failure aboard Columbia after orbital insertion calls for an abort-once-around landing. Loss of a second main engine during launch forces a trans-Atlantic abort landing, or "Press to Rota," in which the flight crew would steer the vehicle toward a main engine cutoff velocity and position that would allow gliding Columbia to the runway at the U.S. Naval Air Station, Rota, Spain. Shutdown of one or more main engines early in the launch phase calls for a return-to-launch-site abort. Once an abort decision is made, Columbia and the external tank would be flown in a pitch-around maneuver to heads-up and pointed back along the ground track to Cape Canaveral. Whatever main engine thrust still available would then be used to kill off eastward velocity, and reverse direction until the Kennedy Space Center runway could be reached by gliding along a normal entry trajectory. Major orbiter systems failure during ascent could also force a return-tolaunch-site abort. Loss of control or impending catastrophic failure during ascent, from tower clear to 30,480 m (100,000 ft.) calls for crew ejection. Loss of two main engines prior to seven minutes of flight also calls for crew ejection after descending below 30,480 m (100,000 ft.). The STS-3 alternate landing site is Northrup Strip on the U.S. Army White Sands Missile Range, N.M., if spring rains muddy up Rogers Dry Lake at the Dryden Facility at Edwards. Contingency landing sites, in addition to Edwards and Northrup, are Hickam Air Force Base/Honolulu International Airport, Hawaii; Kadena Air Base, Okinawa; and Rota Naval Station, Spain. The Kennedy Space Center's 4,570-m (15,000-ft.) Shuttle Landing Facility is the designated secondary landing site.
The OSS-1 payload that will fly on STS-3 represents the most extensive and comprehensive scientific activity yet undertaken by the Shuttle. The STS-3 mission, building on the capability of the orbiter as a platform for remote sensing and scientific experimentation demonstrated on STS-2, will evaluate the operation of the Shuttle under extreme thermal conditions. The scientific experiments on board also will evaluate any effects that the orbiter will have on its immediate space environment. The investigations are designed to assist NASA in planning future scientific investigations using the Space Shuttle. The STS-3 OSS-1 payload is dedicated to scientific investigations in space plasma physics, solar physics, astronomy, life sciences and space technology. The payload is designated OSS-1 because the program originally was managed by the office of Space Science (OSS) at NASA Headquarters. That office now carries the designation of office of Space Science and Applications. The OSS-1 payload has been described as the "Pathfinder Mission." It is described in that manner because it will provide both technological and scientific information for future flights of the Shuttle and thus serve as a "pathfinder" for more extensive investigations of space. Six of the nine experiments on OSS-1 have been designed by scientists at five American universities and one university in Great Britain and will be operated under their supervision during the mission. One experiment was developed by the Naval Research Laboratory in Washington, D.C., and two have been developed at the Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Md., which -- from the beginning -- has been responsible for the development of the payload for NASA and for its integration with the pallet and the Shuttle orbiter. The U-shaped metal pallet, 2.86 meters (9.4 ft.) by 4.3 m (14.2 ft.), was built by the European Space Agency to fit into the Shuttle's 4.57 m (15 ft.) high payload bay. The space plasma physics experiments are the Plasma Diagnostics Package (PDP), a project of the University of Iowa, and the Vehicle Charging and Potential experiment (VCAP), from Utah State University. Although Goddard has developed payloads for a large number of unmanned satellites, the OSS-l payload is the first major one it has developed for the Shuttle. The solar physics experiments are the Solar Ultraviolet Spectral Irradiance Monitor (SUSIM) -- a Naval Research Laboratory project -- and the Solar Flare X-Ray Polarimeter experiment (SFXP) being conducted by scientists from Columbia University. The astronomy investigations are the Shuttle Spacelab Induced Atmosphere (SSIA) -- a University of Florida project -- and the Microabrasion Foil Experiment (MFE) by the University of Kent, Canterbury, England. The life sciences project is a Plant Growth Unit (PGU) from the University of Houston, and the space technology projects are the Thermal Canister Experiment (TCE), and the Contamination Monitor Package (CMP), both from Goddard. The Contamination Monitor Package investigation is funded by the U.S. Air Force. Mission Manager for OSS-1 is Kenneth Kissin, and Mission Scientist is Dr. Werner M. Neupert, both of Goddard. Program Manager is Robert A. Kennedy, and Program Scientist is Dr. Erie G. Chipman, both of NASA Headquarters.
similar group of plants being used as a control group on Earth. The control experiments will be compared with the flight experiments following the mission, and that comparison should provide an assessment of the validity of the hypothesis that lignin will be reduced in plants grown in zero gravity. The three plants selected after an extensive screening process are the slash pine, a coastal pine which grows in states along the Gulf and East Coasts; the mung bean, a Chinese bean sprout; and oat, one of the most highly studied plants there is. The plants were selected for their adaptability to growth in closed chambers and under relatively low light conditions. The seeds and seedlings will be planted in a cellulose-like sandwich of moist sponge and filter paper. The slash pine seedlings will have been pre-germinated with a little root showing at launch time, while the others will be planted as seeds. During the seven-day STS-3 mission the plants will receive 14 hours daily of artificial sunlight. The plant growth unit in the orbiter provides the light, as well as temperature control. The unit has batteries, a tape recorder and controlling electronics. When Columbia lands, the unit will be removed from the orbiter within one hour from the orbiter for photography and analysis. The lignin experiment is the first of several plant experiments planned for Space Shuttle. The results of this experiment will help determine the choice of plants to fly under similar conditions aboard the European-built Spacelab on its second Shuttle flight, scheduled for late 1984. Principal investigator for the unit is Dr. Joe R. Cowles and co-investigator is Dr. William Scheld, both of the University of Houston. The unit was built by Lockheed Missiles and Space Co. and the Life Sciences Flight Experiments Project offices at NASA's Ames Research Center, Mountain View, Calif., managed by William Berry. The Ames Plant Growth Unit managers are Dr. John Tremor and Ronald Mancini. Among the contractors involved in the project were Olympic Plastics, Culver City, Calif., Lexan tops for growth chambers; A. Johnson Co., Monrovia, Calif., cast aluminum boxes for the growth chambers; and the ILC Corp., Sunnyvale, Calif., light module for the unit.
The orbiter, a much larger spacecraft than those used in the past, is expected to disturb the electromagnetic fields and plasma (gas electrically-charged particles occupying most of outer space beyond the Earth's atmosphere) through which it is passing. The orbiter is expected to produce a wake as it passes through the Earth's magnetosphere (at an altitude of approximately 240.7 kilometers or 130 nautical miles), making waves much as a boat makes waves as it moves through water. The wake that is generated in the plasma, however, is a more complex phenomenon, and scientists have not had the opportunity to study it in detail with the smaller spacecraft that have flown up to this time. Since many scientific and engineering investigations are under way which will use the Shuttle Spacelab as a kind of plasma laboratory, there is a need to understand the extent of this wake which complicates measurements being made in or near the orbiter. Also, a better understanding of the wake and wake boundary will enable plasma physicists to comprehend better the nature of the plasma surrounding the Earth. In addition to measuring these wake effects the package will maneuvered by the arm to measure plasma effects in and around the electron beam generated by the generator. The experiment's technical objectives are: to measure and locate the sources of fields, electromagnetic interference and plasma contamination in the orbiter environment out to 15 m (50 ft.); and to flight test the systems and procedures associated with the Spacelab 2 Plasma Diagnostics Package, due to fly on the Spacelab 2 Shuttle mission in 1984, particularly related to the arm operation, and to evaluate the Radio Frequency Telemetry Link. On STS-3, the package will be returned to Earth with the orbiter. On Spacelab 2, it will be released in space by the arm so it can probe remote effects of the orbiter as the two slowly separate. It will remain in orbit when the Shuttle lands. Diagnosing the effects of the perturbations caused by the Shuttle can provide a better understanding of the complex chain of processes that lead to the natural plasma phenomena present not only in the Earth's environment and other planetary magnetospheres, but also around stars and other astrophysical objects. Principal investigator on the experiment is Stanley Shawhan, University of Iowa. Co-investigators are Louis A. Frank, Donald A. Gurnett and Nicola D'Angelo, all of the University of Iowa; Henry C. Brinton, Goddard Space Flight Center; David Reasoner and Nobie Stone, both of Marshall Space Flight Center. The package, which weighs about 160 kg (350 lb.), is a cylinder, located near the center of the OSS-1 payload pallet. It is 107 cm (42 in.) in diameter and 66 cm (26 in.) tall. The instrument was built by the University of Iowa, with some contract work being carried out by SPAR Aerospace in Toronto (grapple fixture) and by Ball Aerospace in Boulder, Colo. Other contractors include: Schonstedt Instrument Co., Reston, Va., magnetometer; Cincinnati Electronics Corp., Cincinnati, 400.65 MHz receivers; Aydin Vector, Newton, Pa., 400.65 MHz transmitter; Sentran Co., Santa Barbara, Calif., cold cathode vacuum gauge; Electrofilm, Inc., North Hollywood, Calif., heaters for package deck; Minco Products, Inc., Minneapolis, heaters for grapple fixture; Aertech Industries, Sunnyvale, Calif., log detector video amplifier; Norlin Communications, Inc., College Park, Md., ion mass spectrometer; Graphic Circuits Corp., Marion, Iowa, and Rohner Machine Works, Inc., West Liberty, Iowa, printed circuit boards; Iowa State University, Ames, 400 MHz antenna design. Part of the funding for the project was provided by the U.S. Air Force.
astronomy, suggesting that understanding them could provide further insight into magnetic phenomena in stars in general. The polarization state of hard X-rays emitted during flares carries unique information about the motion of the electrons producing the radiation. A definitive observation of X-Ray polarization could therefore provide important data needed in theoretical models of the flare phenomena. The polarimeter instrument on STS-3 uses blocks of metallic lithium surrounded by xenon-filled gas proportional counters, similar to Geiger counters but a bit more sophisticated. If polarized (have their electric vectors lined up), the X-rays will be scattered by the lithium in a manner which permits the scientists to deduce to what extent and what direction the electrons were moving in the first place. The reason for the experiment is that the direction and extent to which X-rays are polarized carries clues about the way in which X-rays are produced by the Sun. These details are not well known at this time. To avoid instrumental effects that can mimic polarization (an occurrence which has plagued some previous experiments), the instrument uses three independent sets of scattering blocks and detectors, with each unit rotated 120 degrees with respect to the other two about a line passing through the Sun. A minimum of two units is necessary to determine the magnitude and orientation of polarizations, with the use of the third providing redundancy and increased effectiveness. In operation, the instrument is aimed at the Sun by orienting the entire bay of the orbiter, using a Sun-sensor on the other solar viewing experiment (the Solar Ultraviolet Spectral Irradiance Monitor). The flight plan calls for the orbiter to remain in the bay-to-Sun attitude for approximately 28 hours. Because flares occur on the Sun only sporadically in association with other manifestations of magnetic activity such as sunspots, the observation of flare emission is not assured. The instrument has sufficient sensitivity that even a small event can yield a usable signal. In addition, flight rules dictate that if a relatively large flare occurs while the crew is involved in any activity other than sleep, consideration will be given to changing the attitude of the spacecraft to the bay-to-Sun attitude to permit the flare measurements. Time for such a maneuver would take an estimated 15 to 20 minutes. The spacecraft could be maneuvered bay-to-Sun while the Plasma Diagnostics Package is deployed on the remote manipulator system in most cases. In addition to providing vital data needed to understand the flare phenomenon, results from this experiment may lead ultimately to improved predictive models for solar activity and flares. Such an advance would benefit manned space operations and terrestrial communications that are affected by electromagnetic radiation and by high energy particle fluxes from the Sun during these events. The polarimeter is located near center on the OSS-1 payload pallet, sitting side by side with the Plasma Diagnostics Package. It weighs 209 kg (463 lb.). Principal investigator on the experiment is Dr. Robert Novick, Astrophysics Laboratory, Columbia University, New York, N.Y. Co-investigator is Dr. Gary A. Chanan, also of the Astrophysics Laboratory at Columbia University. Among the major contractors involved in the project are D. T. Brown, Bohemia, N.Y.; Eagle Machine and Tool Co., Bronx, N.Y.; EMI Gencom, Inc., Plainview, N.Y.; EMI Nuclear Enterprises, Inc., San Carlos, Calif.; LND Inc., Oceanside, N.Y.; A. D. Little, Cambridge, Mass.; and Tektronix, Inc., Woodbury, N.Y.
insulation and provided with heaters, radiators, sensors and electronics for automatic temperature control. At present, the designer of each instrument is more or less on his or her own to protect his package. The objective of the Thermal Canister Experiment is to determine the ability of a device using controllable heat pipes to maintain simulated instruments at several temperature levels in zero gravity, and under widely varying internal and external thermal loads. If all goes as planned, the experiment will be able to maintain a temperature stability of + 3 degrees C under the cold temperatures when the payload bay is in a attitude away from the Sun and under the warm temperatures experienced when the payload bay is pointed directly at the Sun over an extended period of time. The experiment box is a rectangular enclosure 3 m (9 ft.) high, 1 m (3 ft.) long and 1 m (3 ft.) wide with aluminum sides which are equalized in temperature by a system of longitudinal fixed conductance heat pipes. The heat pipes collect the thermal energy dissipated internally by electrical heaters simulating instruments in operation and absorbed from direct and reflected sunlight. The heat is then conducted to variable conductance heat pipes mounted to external radiators at the upper end of the canister and radiated into space. The heat pipes are long narrow closed chambers with internal capillary wicking which provides pumping action. The wick is saturated with a volatile liquid (ammonia) in equilibrium with its vapor. Heat transport is established by applying heat at one end (the evaporator) and providing cooling at the other end (the condenser), with the heat being transferred as latent heat of vaporization. The flow path is completed by capillary forces in the wick. The variable conductance heat pipes are somewhat more complex than the fixed conductance type in that they contain a noncondensable gas (nitrogen) stored in a reservoir at the condenser end of each pipe. As the temperature of the evaporator end of the pipe falls a heating element raises the temperature of the reservoir, causing the gas to expand into the condenser, blocking the condenser region and effectively stopping heat pipe action. The length of condenser rendered inactive depends upon the temperature level along the pipe. Conversely, with increasing evaporator-end temperature, the gas will recede into the reservoir making more active area of the radiators available for heat rejection to space. The signal for activating the reservoir heaters is supplied through a feedback loop consisting of a temperature control sensor and either a hardwire proportional controller or a computer-driven controller. The sensors are attached to the canister side walls or on simulated instruments located in two different zones separated by an insulating barrier. The simulators are either radiatively or conductively coupled to the canister walls. During the mission, it is planned to operate the canister over a variety of set points, 5 to 25 degrees C; change the internal dissipation (in the simulators); and demonstrate control in maintaining the two zones at differing temperatures. The system can be operated by a proportional controller maintaining a specific temperature at one sensor; or by a microprocessor that uses all available data to maintain the overall temperature of the canister at some achievable level, in balance with the environment, irrespective of the preselected set point. The experiment, which weighs 365 kg (805 lb.) is one of the most prominent experiments on the OSS-1 payload pallet. It is located to the aft of the pallet. Principal investigator on the experiment is Stanford Ollendorf, Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Md. Among the contractors involved in the project are Grumman Aerospace Corp., Bethpage, N. Y.; ITE, Beltsville, Md.; Zilog, Palo Alto, Calif.; Base 10, New Jersey; and Universal Alloy, La Habra, Calif.
Getaway Special
A Getaway Special Flight Verification Payload is aboard the STS-3 mission. The test payload, a cylindrical canister 61 cm (24 in.) in diameter and 91 cm (36 in.) deep, will measure the environment in the canister during the flight. That data will be recorded and analyzed for use by Getaway Special experimenters on future Shuttle missions. Officially titled "Small Self-Contained Payloads," the Getaway Special program is offered by NASA to provide anyone who wishes the opportunity to fly a small experiment aboard the Space Shuttle. The experiment must be of a scientific research and development nature. The Getaway Special experiments, will be flown on Shuttle missions on a space-available basis. The first private sector payload will be flown on STS-4, the next Shuttle mission, scheduled for launch in July. The Getaway Specials are available to industry, educational organizations, and domestic and foreign governments for legitimate scientific purposes. Since the offer for Space Shuttle space first was made in 1976, more than 320 reservations have been made by more than 191 individuals and groups from 33 states, the District of Columbia and 14 foreign nations. Although many reservations have been obtained by persons and groups having an obvious interest in space research, a large number of spaces have been reserved by persons and organizations entirely outside the space community. Reservations are held, for example, by Realtors, bankers, newspaper publishers and school children, among other, who have an interest in conducting experiments in biology, chemistry, Earth science, physics and other disciplines. Examples include an inner city high school class in Camden, N.J., which intends to fly an ant colony in space to determine the effect of weightlessness on the ants, and a Japanese newspaper, the Asahi Shimbun, is planning a snow-making experiment under zero-G conditions to investigate crystallization. The canister being flown on STS-3 contains instrumentation to measure temperatures, acceleration, acoustic noise and pressure. Temperatures will be monitored inside and outside the container, specifically on the mounting brackets and on the adapter beam which attaches the payload to the Shuttle structure. Accelerometers will measure the vibration in three directions during liftoff. An acoustic microphone will turn the payload on when it senses ignition of the Space Shuttle's three liquid-fueled main engines. Data will be recorded continuously through the launch and ascent into orbit. Once in orbit, data will be taken at preselected intervals. During reentry and landing, data will be recorded continuously again. Pressure will be monitored in the container and in the sealed battery box in the canister. In addition, a heat pipe experiment in the payload will help determine the feasibility of transferring thermal energy from a component inside the payload to the experiment mounting plate. This will be done to determine how well thermal energy can be radiated in space. The payload also contains several film samples, located in chambers of various wall thicknesses. The film samples will provide information on the penetration, if any, of the experiment by cosmic radiation. The canister on STS-3 weighs approximately 181 kg (400 lb.). It is the equivalent of a 0.14 cubic-meter (5 cubic-foot) container capable of carrying 91 kg (200 lb.) into space. The Getaway Special canister on STS-3 is mounted in Bay 13 of the Shuttle. That section is located behind the OSS-1 pallet. The Getaway Special program is managed by the Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Md. Program Manager is James S. Barrowman. Clarke Prouty, also of Goddard, is Technical Liaison Officer. Program Manager at NASA Headquarters is Donna S. Miller.
Electrophoresis Test
The Electrophoresis Equipment Verification Test is designed to evaluate the feasibility of separating cells according to their surface electrical charge. It is a forerunner to planned experiments with other equipment that will purify biological materials in the low gravity environment of space. The STS-3 test hardware was previously flown on the Apollo Soyuz Test Project in 1975. The process of electrophoresis utilizes an electric field to separate cells, and other biological materials in fluids without damaging the cells which can then be used in the study of cell biology, in immunology and in medical research. Electrophoresis is limited on Earth because heat produced by the electric field causes buoyancy and re-mixing of the cells and fluid, thereby defeating the separation process. In space, even though the process still produces heat and density variation in the fluid, the separation is not disturbed because buoyancy is absent in the low gravity environment. The experiment consists of an electrophoresis processing unit with glass columns in which the separation takes place; a camera and film to document the process, and a cryogenic freezer to freeze and store the samples after separation. The equipment will be stowed in the middeck area of the Shuttle orbiter crew cabin. A crewman will activate the equipment and insert the biological samples into one of the unit's glass columns. The duration of each separation is one hour, after which the fluids are frozen to preserve the degree of separation during descent. The samples to be used in the equipment verification include fixed red blood cells supplied by the Marshall Center and live kidney cells provided by the Johnson Center. The electrophoresis unit will be removed from the orbiter within three hours after landing. The frozen columns are then to be delivered to the Marshall and Johnson Centers for analyses. The flight hardware will be returned to Marshall for refurbishment for future Shuttle flights. Principal investigators on the experiment are Dr. Robert Snyder at Marshall and Dr. Dennis Morrison at the Johnson Space Center. Co-investigators are Dr. Paul Todd, Pennsylvania State University, Bethlehem, Pa. and Dr. Grant Barlow of Michael Reese Foundation, Chicago, Ill.
On STS-3, as on STS-2, the monitor will be attached to a special demonstration flight instrumentation pallet toward the rear of the cargo bay. Crew time permitting during the planned seven-day mission, the monitor may also be moved to other locations around the cargo bay by means of the orbiter's remote manipulator system to make additional checks for contamination The monitor will operate during pre-launch, ascent, on-orbit, descent and post-landing. The on-orbit measurements include molecular return flux, background spectral intensity, molecular deposition and optical surface effects. During the other mission phases, dew point, humidity, aerosol content and trace gas will be measured as well as optical surface effects and molecular deposition. After this and subsequent space flights, the monitor will be returned to Marshall for refurbishment. The flight data will be correlated with an orbiter event chronology furnished by Johnson Space Center and the results analyzed. Data from the first flight of the monitor indicated that it could clearly identify each type of contamination-producing orbiter activity, although the brevity of the 54-hour mission provided insufficient time to evaluate the potential breadth of contamination. The results from that flight showed: humidity levels remained low in the cargo bay during ascent and descent; particulate matter of sizes greater than 5 micrometers were relatively absent from the bay, but particles less than five micrometers exceeded expectations; and the cargo bay was successfully sealed from engine by-products during liftoff and descent. The flight data also indicated: water molecules and other early-mission contaminants began boiling off rapidly and there was a 90 percent reduction after approximately 35 hours in orbit; other data indicated that when the orbiter's attitude control system is used, or a water dump is made, a temporary "cloud" of particles is generated. NASA began strong manned mission contamination control efforts prior to the Skylab missions of 1973-74 and, recognizing the possible limiting effects induced contamination might have on sophisticated observational programs planned for the 1980s, committed to an effort to insure that the induced environment would not be a problem on the Shuttle orbiter. This equipment is also scheduled to be carried on the fourth Shuttle mission and on Spacelab missions 1 and 2. A brief description of the objectives of each of the contamination monitor's instruments follows: Mass Spectrometer -- This measures molecular return flux, from which molecular column density may be calculated. The purpose of the instrument is to define the amount of offgassing and outgassing molecules transported to surfaces in the cargo bay. The data is later correlated with actual deposition measurements on optical and temperature-controlled surfaces to define the gas cloud (induced atmosphere) through which optical experiments must look. Camera/Photometer -- This will make optical measurements of both the induced particulate environment and background brightness. Two such automated instruments have been placed aboard the monitor. Cryogenic Quartz Crystal Microbalance -- The objective of this instrument is to provide a record of the absorption and "boiling off" of molecular contamination in the cargo bay. When the cargo bay is oriented toward the Sun for long periods of time, the instrument will have the special objective of measuring molecular water vapor. Temperature-Controlled Quartz Crystal Microbalance -- This is designed to detect the absorption or desorption of molecular contamination in the cargo bay as a function of temperature. The contamination sources will be characterized as a function of direction and events.
Optical Effects Module -- The degradation of some typical optical materials will be measured during the prelaunch, orbital and post-landing phases by this instrument. Optical property changes due to deposition of particulates and molecular films will be discriminately measured utilizing an integrated scattered light measurement in conjunction with direct, self-calibrating transmission measurements. This instrument is also applicable in assessing the contamination hazards likely to be encountered by optical components of space-borne instrumentation. Passive Sample Array -- This consists of optical samples which will be exposed to the natural and induced environment of the cargo bay, permitting a greater scope and range of analysis required to more fully assess the physical mechanisms of degradation due to deposited contaminants. Cascade Impactor -- This provides a determination of the concentration and particle-size distribution, as a function of time, and of air-suspended contaminants in the spacecraft environment during ground-based, ascent, descent and post-landing phases. The instrument also measures the amount of airborne nonvolatile residue for molecules with sufficient high sticking properties at the temperature encountered. Air Sampler -- The Air Sampler is designed to determine the gaseous contaminants in the cargo bay during orbital missions. The requirements of the instrument are generally categorized into three groups: ground-based sampling to detect the presence of organic and silicone polymers (such as hydraulic fluids and lubricants, paints and adhesives) which is of most concern; ascent, when the primary interest is in hydrochloric acid from the solid rocket booster plume as well as hydrocarbons and silicones; descent, when the gaseous sources of greatest concern are expected to be nitrogen compounds from the auxiliary power unit exhaust and other products from reentry effects on the adhesives for the thermal protective system (hydrocarbons and silicones can also be sampled during descent). Dew Point Hygrometer -- This will measure the dew point of the air surrounding the monitor. The measurements will be made prior to launch and as long as the vehicle is within the Earth's atmosphere, including ascent, reentry and landing. Humidity Monitor -- This will measure the relative humidity from O to 70 centigrade (32 to 158 Fahrenheit). Measurements will be taken while the vehicle is in the Earth's atmosphere to produce a humidity/temperature profile of the environment within the cargo bay. The temperature measurement, O to 100 (32 to 212 F), will be made by a thermistor located within the humidity sensor mounting.
One of the aspects of the Shuttle involvement project is the pairing of student winners, selected by a regional competition by the science teachers association, with industrial sponsors. In the case of Nelson, his sponsor is the Aerospace and Defense Group, Honeywell, Inc. Robert Moulton and Dr. Robert Peterson from Honeywell worked with Nelson during the past six months to prepare this experiment for Shuttle flight. The Shuttle involvement project grew out of a an earlier student project on the Skylab missions in 1973. The Shuttle project is an annual competition, the winners being chosen from 10 regions across the country. The experiments proposed by the winning students will be scheduled for flight on future Shuttle missions on a space available basis.
Aerodynamic Coefficient Identification Package (ACIP) The primary objectives of the Aerodynamic Coefficient Identification Package are: To collect aerodynamic data during the launch, entry and landing phases of the Shuttle; To establish an extensive aerodynamic data base for verification of and correlation with ground-based data, including assessments of the uncertainties of such data; To provide flight dynamics data in support of other technology areas, such as aerothermal and structural dynamics.
Instruments in this package include dual-range linear accelerometers and rate gyros. Also included are the power conditioner for the gyros, the power control system and the housekeeping components. The package is installed colinearly with the geometric axes of the orbiter and post-installation measurements made to establish the position within 10 arc minutes. The instruments continuously sense the dynamic X, Y and Z attitudes and performance characteristics of the orbiter through these critical flight phases. The Aerodynamic Coefficient Identification Package also provides high rate sampling of the positions of orbiter control surfaces for recording with the package's attitude data. Principal technologist is D.B. Howes of Johnson Space Center, Houston.
Infrared Imagery of Shuttle (IRIS) This experiment will obtain high-resolution infrared imagery of the orbiter lower (windward) and side surfaces during reentry from which surface temperatures and hence aerodynamic heating may be inferred. The imagery will be obtained utilizing a 91.5-cm (36-in.) telescope mounted in the NASA C-141 Gerard P. Kuiper Airborne observatory positioned appropriately at an altitude of 13,700 m (45,000 ft.) along the entry ground track of the orbiter. A single image will be obtained during each flight. The primary technology objective is to decrease the current level of uncertainty associated with various reentry aerothermodynamic phenomena affecting thermal protection system design. The phenomena include boundary layer transition, flow separation and reattachment, flow/surface interactions and surface catalyses to flow chemistry. These data will provide for improved computational procedures and lead to development of advanced thermal protection systems. The infrared imagery system consists of the C-141 aircraft and its optical system, a 6-cm (2-in.) aperture acquisition telescope focal plane system with detector array, and a high-speed data handling and storage system. The aircraft will operate from Ames Research Center, Mountain View, Calif., and will be stationed along the orbiter entry ground track about one hour prior to reentry. As the orbiter passes through the field of view of the telescope, the orbiter windward or side surface will be observed by the detector system and the data recorded on tape. After the flight, these data will be supplemented by orbiter-derived data of velocity, altitude, angle-of-attack, yaw and roll conditions existing during the period of infrared imagery observation. Analysis involves computer arrangement of this data into a two-dimensional image format, radiometric analysis and detailed comparisons of the aerodynamic heating rates with analytical predictions and ground-based experimental data. Principal technologist is W.C. Davy, Ames Research Center.
Tile Gap Heating Effects (TGH) Experiment Analyses and ground tests have shown that the gaps between the tiles of the thermal protection system generate turbulent airflow, which will cause increased heating during the reentry phase of flight. Tests have also shown that the heating effect may be reduced by optimum design of the gaps and by altering the radii at the edges of the tiles. The tile gap experiment was devised to further the investigations of heating phenomena. The results will enable improvements in reusable element thermal protection systems to reduce the convective heating caused by gaps and other discontinuities. The orbiter will be instrumented with a removable panel 45.7 cm (18 in.) square, which will carry 11 tiles of baseline material and size. The panel will be fitted to the underside of the orbiter fuselage. The gaps between tiles will be carefully calculated and controlled during fitting to ensure that the heating rates generated during entry will be no higher than those of the baseline tile array. The aim will be to produce a design that will result in heating rates lower than those of the baseline system. In addition to gap spacing, the gap depth will also be controlled through the use of fillers fitted at the bottom of certain gaps; i.e., at the junction of the tiles and the orbiter fuselage skin. The radii at the outer edges of the tiles will be controlled during fabrication to conform to calculations that show the reduced effects in combination with the spacing. Thermocouples will be fitted to the tile surfaces and at various depths in the gaps to measure temperatures during reentry. The output of the thermocouples will be recorded on the orbiter's development flight instrumentation system. To assist in evaluation, Tile Gap Heating Effects data will be compared to development flight instrumentation data obtained from earlier missions. Principal technologist is W. Pitts, Ames Research Center.
Catalytic Surface Effects (CSE) Experiment A strong shockwave will encompass the Shuttle orbiter during the atmospheric reentry maneuver. The shock wave severely compresses and heats the air flowing through it, causing the molecules to dissociate and react chemically with each other. Computations show that as the dissociated atomic oxygen approaches the cooler regions of flow adjacent to the orbiter, the atomic oxygen fails to recombine into molecular oxygen. This experiment will investigate the chemical reaction caused by impingement of atomic oxygen on the Shuttle thermal protection system which was designed under the assumption that the atomic oxygen would recombine at the thermal protection system wall. This chemical reaction releases additional heat which results in higher thermal protection system temperatures. In this case, the surface is referred to as being a catalytic surface, that is, it allows the chemical reaction to take place. If the thermal protection system surface is non-catalytic, then atomic oxygen will not recombine into molecular oxygen and the heating rates will be lowered. Thus, the temperature of the orbiter during reentry will be lower. With lower temperatures, orbiter thermal protection system weight could be reduced, its flight envelope could be expanded, or greater reusability could result. The technology objective is to verify analytical predictions which could not be adequately simulated in ground-based facilities. The results will provide data and improved computational techniques for future thermal protection system designs. The Catalytic Surface Effects will use baseline tiles, selected from those having development flight instrumentation thermocouples, located on or near the orbiter lower fuselage centerline. The six tiles will be sprayed with an overcoating mixture of chrome-iron-spinel, a highly efficient catalytic material and a vinyl acetate binder which will protect the overcoat during ground operations. The mixture is compatible with the existing tile and coating and will not alter the thermal or mechanical properties of the uncoated portions of the thermal protection system. During orbiter ascent, the vinyl acetate will burn off the tile surface, leaving the chrome-iron-spinel exposed. Thermocouple measurements recorded during reentry will be used to determine Catalytic Surface Effects performance. Comparison of this experiment's data with data taken on previous flights from uncoated tiles will aid in the performance evaluation. At the end of each mission, the overcoat will be removed from the six tiles, leaving the thermal protection system in its original condition. Principal technologist is D. Stewart, Ames Research Center.
Dynamic, Acoustic and Thermal Environment (DATE) Experiment To fully and economically exploit the benefits of the orbiter's large cargo-carrying capability, it is necessary to predict payload environments with accuracy and dispatch. Such predictions will facilitate payload development and reduce the need for ultraconservative design and test. The Dynamic, Acoustic and Thermal Environment experiment will collect information for use in making credible predictions of cargo-bay environments. These environments are neither constant nor consistent throughout the bay and are influenced by interactions between cargo elements. The instrumentation includes accelerometers, microphones, thermocouples and strain gages on payloads and in the cargo bay. Sensor outputs will be recorded for post-flight interpretation. The Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Md., will be responsible for the data reduction. Principal technologist is W. Bangs of Goddard.
The arm was developed and built under a cooperative agreement between NASA and the National Research Council of Canada. Spar Aerospace Limited is system prime contractor. Canada has absorbed the costs of research and development of the first arm installed aboard Columbia. The ability of the arm to handle payloads in orbital flight can be tested on the ground only to a limited degree. Before full-scale heavy-mass and large-volume payloads can be moved in and out of the payload bay, smaller, lighter objects must first be handled to gain confidence in the design and to gain experience in operating the arm. The test plan laid out for STS-3 picks up those tests that had to be postponed when STS-2 was cut short and adds more qualification tests including handling low-weight and volume payloads. The induced environment
contamination monitor and the plasma diagnostic package serve as simulated payloads during STS-3 arm testing, which will be run during night as well as daylight conditions. Systems testing of the remote arm are aimed toward verifying that the arm, its computer software, closed-circuit television and crew visual cues all mesh for smooth and reliable operation. STS-3 arm tests are grouped under six basic test objectives: Deploy and berth the contamination monitor and plasma diagnostic packages with the remote arm. Grapple, rigidize and release the contamination monitor grapple fixture with the arm's end effector, or hand. Verify that the software will bring an arm joint to stop before its travel limit is reached. Verify full and half-rate arm translation maneuvers, and ability of the control system to bring the loaded arm to rest. Demonstrate the arm's ability to hold position during power reactor control system thruster activity. Test the software's ability to move the arm elbow joint in manual control mode.
Spaceflight Tracking and Data Network The STDN is a highly complex NASA worldwide system that provides reliable, real-time communications with the Space Shuttle orbiter and crew. About 2,500 personnel are required to operate the network. The network for the orbital Flight Test Program consists of 15 ground stations equipped with 4.3, 9, 12 and 26 meter (14, 30 40 and 85 feet) S-band antenna systems and C-band radar systems, augmented by 15 Department of Defense geographical locations providing C-band support and one Department of Defense 18.3 m (60 ft.) S-band antenna system. In addition, there are six major computing interfaces located at the Network operations Control Center and at the operations Support Computing Facility, both at Goddard; Western Space and Missile Center, Calif.; Air Force Satellite Control Facility, Colo.; White Sands Missile Range, N.M.; and Eastern Space and Missile Center, Fla., providing real-time network computational support. The network has support agreements with the governments of Australia, Spain, Senegal, Botswana, Chile, United Kingdom and Bermuda to provide NASA tracking stations support to the Space Transportation System program. In the Spaceflight Tracking and Data Network operations Control Center at Goddard, the network director and a team of operations managers and network systems specialists, keep the entire network tuned for the mission support. Should the Johnson Space Center Mission Control Center be seriously impaired for an extended time, facilities serving the Network operations Control Center becomes an emergency mission control center manned by Johnson personnel, with the responsibility of safely returning the Space Shuttle orbiter to a landing field. The Merritt Island, Fla., S-band station provides the appropriate data to the Launch Control Center at the Kennedy Space Center and the Mission Control Center at Johnson during prelaunch testing and the terminal countdown. During the first minutes of launch and during the ascent phase, the Merritt Island and Ponce de Leon, Fla., S-band and Bermuda S-band stations, as well as the C-band stations located at Bermuda; Wallops Island, Va.; Grand Bahama; Grand Turk; Antigua; Cape Canaveral; and Patrick Air Force Base, Fla., will provide appropriate tracking data, both high speed and low speed, to the Kennedy and Johnson Control Center. The Madrid, Spain; Indian ocean Station Seychelles; or Orroral and Yarragadee, Australia; and Guam stations provide critical support to the Orbital Maneuvering System 1 and 2 burns on the first revolution. During the orbital phase, all the S-band and some of the C-band stations that see the Space Shuttle orbiter at 3 degrees above the horizon will support and provide appropriate tracking, telemetry, air-ground and command support to the Johnson Mission Control Center through Goddard. During the nominal reentry and landing phase planned for Edwards Air Force Base, Calif.; the Goldstone and Buckhorn, Calif.; S-band stations and C-band stations at the Pacific Missile Test Center, Vandenberg Air Force Base, Edwards Air Force Base and Dryden Flight Research Facility will provide highly critical tracking, telemetry, command and air-ground support to the orbiter and send appropriate data to the Johnson and Kennedy Control Centers.
Uplink 2106.4063 MHz 1831 MHz 2041.9479 MHz 296.8 MHz 259.4 MHz Downlink 2205.0 MHz 2217.5 MHz 2287.5 MHz 2250.0 MHz 296.8 MHz 259.4 MHz COMMAND VOICE AND RANGING
2 20
33 34 36
9:50 AM
12:57 AM
54 65 71
10:49 AM
2:07 PM
98 99
TV07 TV08
9:23 AM 10:38 AM
Frankfurters Turkey Tetrazzini Bread (2X) Bananas Almond Crunch Bar Apple Drink (2X)
Meal B Ham Cheese Spread Bread (2X) Green Beans & Broccoli Crushed Pineapple Shortbread Cookies Cashews Tea w/Lemon & Sugar (2X) Meal C Cream of Mushroom Soup Smoked Turkey Mixed Italian Vegetables Vanilla Pudding Strawberries Tropical Punch
Ground Beef w/Pickle Sauce Noodles & Chicken Stewed Tomatoes Pears Almonds Strawberry Drink
Shrimp Cocktail Beef Steak Rice Pilaf Broccoli au Gratin Fruit Cocktail Butterscotch Pudding Grape Drink
Beef w/BBQ Sauce Cauliflower w/ Cheese Green Beans w/ Mushrooms Lemon Pudding Pecan Cookies Cocoa
Tuna Macaroni & Cheese Peas w/Butter Sauce Peach Ambrosia Chocolate Pudding Lemonade
S82-25504 -- Official portrait of STS-3 crewmembers Jack R. Lousma (commander), left, and C. Gordon Fullerton (pilot) posing in ejection escape suits (EES) inside the shuttle trainer. No copyright is asserted for this photograph. If a recognizable person appears in the photo, use for commercial purposes may infringe a right of privacy or publicity. It may not be used to state or imply the endorsement by NASA or by any NASA employee of a commercial product, process or service, or used in any other manner that might mislead. Accordingly, it is requested that if this photograph is used in advertising and other commercial promotion, layout and copy be submitted to NASA prior to release. PHOTO CREDIT: NASA or National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
NAME: Jack Robert Lousma (Colonel, USMC) STS-3 Commander NASA Astronaut BIRTHPLACE AND DATE: Born Feb. 29, 1936, in Grand Rapids, Mich. PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: Blond hair; blue eyes; height: 6 feet; weight: 195 pounds. EDUCATION: Attended Tappan Junior High School and Ann Arbor High School in Ann Arbor, Mich.; received a bachelor of science degree in aeronautical engineering from the University of Michigan in 1959 and the degree of Aeronautical Engineer from the U.S. Naval Postgraduate School in 1965; presented an honorary doctorate of astronautical science from the University of Michigan in 1973. MARITAL STATUS: Married to the former Gratia Kay Smeltzer of Ann Arbor, Mich. Her mother, Mrs. Steven Bolling, resides in Bear Lake, Mich. CHILDREN: Timothy J., December 23, 1963; Matthew o., July 14, 1966; Mary T., September 22, 1968; Joseph L., September 14, 1980. RECREATIONAL INTERESTS: He is a golfing enthusiast and enjoys hunting and fishing. ORGANIZATION: Fellow of the American Astronautical Society; Member of the Society of the Sigma Xi, the University of Michigan "M" Club, and the officer's Christian Fellowship. SPECIAL HONORS: Awarded the Johnson Space Center Certificate of Commendation (1970) and the NASA Distinguished Service Medal (1973); presented the Navy Distinguished Service Medal and the Navy Astronaut Wings (1974), the City of Chicago Gold Medal (1974), the Robert J. Collier Trophy for 1973 (1974), the Marine Corps Aviation Association's Exceptional Achievement Award (1974), the Federation Aeronautique Internationale's V.M. Komarov Diploma for 1973 (1974), the Dr. Robert H. Goddard Memorial Trophy for 1975 (1975), the AIAA octave Chanute Award for 1975 (1975). the AAS Flight Achievement Award for 1974 (1975). EXPERIENCE: Lousma was assigned as a reconnaissance pilot with VMCJ-2, 2nd Marine Air Wing, at Cherry Point, N.C., before coming to Houston and the Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center. He has been a Marine Corps officer since 1955 and received his wings in 1960 after completing training at the U.S. Naval Air Training Command. He was then assigned to VMA-224, 2nd Marine Air Wing, as an attack pilot and later served with VMA-224, 1st Marine Air Wing, at Iwakuni, Japan. He has logged 5,400 hours of flight time -- 3,600 hours in jet aircraft and 240 hours in helicopters. NASA EXPERIENCE: Colonel Lousma is one of the 19 astronauts selected by NASA in April 1966. He served as a member of the astronaut support crews for the Apollo 9, 10, and 13 missions. Lousma was pilot for Skylab 3 (SL-3), July 28 to September 25, 1973. With him on this 59 1/2-day flight were Alan L. Bean (spacecraft commander) and Owen K. Garriott (science pilot). SL-3 accomplished 150 percent of many mission goals while completing 858 revolutions of the Earth and traveling some 24,400,000 miles in Earth orbit. The crew installed six replacement rate gyros used for attitude control of the spacecraft and a twin-pole sunshade used for thermal control, and repaired nine major experiment or operational equipment items. They devoted 305 man-hours to extensive solar observations from above the Earth's atmosphere, which included viewing two major solar flares and numerous smaller flares and coronal transients. Also acquired and returned to Earth were 16,000 photographs and 18 miles of magnetic tape documenting Earth resources observations. The crew
completed 333 medical experiment performances and obtained valuable data on the effects of extended weightlessness on man. Skylab 3 ended with a Pacific splashdown and recovery by the USS NEW ORLEANS. The crew of Skylab 3 logged 1,427 hours and 9 minutes each, setting a new world record for single mission, and Lousma also logged 11 hours and 2 minutes in two separate extravehicular activities outside the orbital workshop. Lousma served as backup docking module pilot of the U.S. flight crew for the Apollo-Soyuz Test Project (ASTP) mission which was completed successfully in July 1975. CURRENT ASSIGNMENT: Lousma is commander for the third orbital flight of Columbia.
NAME: Charles G. Fullerton (Colonel, USAF) STS-3 Pilot NASA Astronaut BIRTHPLACE AND DATE: Born Oct. 11, 1936, in Rochester, N.Y. His parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Fullerton, are residents of Salem, ore. PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: Blond hair; blue eyes; height: 6 feet; weight: 165 pounds. EDUCATION: Graduated from Ulysses S. Grant High School in Portland, ore.; received from the California Institute of Technology bachelor of science and master of science degrees in Mechanical Engineering in 1957 and 1958, respectively. MARITAL STATUS: Married to the former Marie J. Buettner of Delphos, Ohio. Her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Everett G. Buettner. reside in Delphos. Ohio. CHILDREN: Molly Marie, June 29, 1973; Andrew Alexander, October 24. 1975. RECREATIONAL INTERESTS: His hobbies include woodworking and photography, and he also enjoys tennis and racquetball. ORGANIZATIONS: Member of the Society of Experimental Test Pilots (SETP) and the Tau Beta Pi; honorary member, National WWII Glider Pilots Association. SPECIAL HONORS: Presented the Air Force Distinguished Flying Cross, the Air Force Commendation Medal, and the Air Force Meritorious Service Medal; the JSC Group Achievement Award (1971, 1974, 1977); the Soaring Society of America's Certificate of Achievement Award (1978); the JSC Special Achievement Award and NASA's Exceptional Service Medal (1978); the General Thomas D. White Space Trophy for 1977 (1978); the SETP's Iven C. Kincheloe Award (1978); the Air Force Association's David C. Schilling Award (1978); the American Astronautical Society's Flight Achievement Award for 1977 (1978); the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Haley Flight Award for 1980. EXPERIENCE: Fullerton entered active duty with the Air Force in July 1958 after having worked as a mechanical design engineer for the Hughes Aircraft Company in Culver City, Calif. He received primary and basic flight training at Bainbridge Air Base, Ga., and Webb Air Force Base, Texas. In September 1959, he went to Perrin Air Force Base, Texas, for F-86 fighter interceptor training and was then assigned from May to December 1960 at McConnell Air Force Base, Kansas, for B-47 combat crew training. Following completion of this training, he served as a B-47 jet bomber pilot with Strategic Air Commands 303rd Bomb Wing at Davis Monthan Air Force Base, Ariz. After graduation in May 1965 from the USAF Aerospace Research Pilot School at Edwards Air Force Base, Calif. he reported to the Aeronautical Systems Division at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio. He was a test pilot for the bomber operations division at Wright-Patterson when notified of his selection to the USAF Manned orbiting Laboratory Program as a flight crew member. With over 9,000 hours flying time, he has gained proficiency in the following aircraft: T-33, T-34, T-37, T-38, T39. F-86. F-104 F-106, 3-47, and KC-135. NASA EXPERIENCE: Colonel Fullerton became a NASA astronaut in September 1969. He served as a member of the astronaut support crews for the Apollo 14 and 17 missions.
Fullerton a was member of one of the two two-man crews who piloted Space Shuttle approach and landing test flights during the period June through October 1977. This series of critical orbiter flight tests initially involved Boeing 747/orbiter captive-active flights, followed by air-launched, unpowered glide, approach, and landing tests (free flights). There were three captive mated tests with the orbiter "Enterprise" carried atop the Boeing 747 carrier aircraft, allowing inflight test and checkout of flight controls and orbiter subsystems, and five free flights which permitted extensive evaluations of the orbiter's subsonic flying qualities and performance characteristics during separation, up and away flight, flare, landing, and rollout -- providing valuable real-time data duplicating the last few minutes of an operational Shuttle mission. CURRENT ASSIGNMENT: Colonel Fullerton is pilot for the third orbital flight of Columbia.
Marshall Space Flight Center Dr. William R. Lucas Thomas J. Lee Robert E. Lindstrom James E. Kingsbury James B. Odom George B. Hardy James R. Thompson Jr. James M. Sisson Director Deputy Director Manager, MSFC Shuttle Projects Office Director, Science and Engineering Directorate Manager, External Tank Project Manager, Solid Rocket Booster Project Manager, Space Shuttle Main Engine Project Manager, Engineering and Major Test Management office
Dryden Flight Research Center John A. Manke Gary Layton Facility Manager Shuttle Project Manager
Goddard Space Flight Center A. Thomas Young Dr. John H. McElroy Richard S. Sade Walter LaFleur William B. Dickinson Donald D. Wilson Daniel Spintman James M. Stevens Director Deputy Director Director of Networks Directorate Space Tracking and Data Network Deputy Director of Networks Directorate (STDN) Division Chief, NASA Communications Network Chief, NASA Communications Network Chief, Network Operations Division Shuttle Network Support Manager
AA A/A ACCEL ACCU ACIP ACN ADI AGO ANG ANT AOA AOS APU ATO AUD AUTO BDA BOT BRT BUC CAL CAMR CCTV CCU CDR CNSL CNTLR C/O COAS CONT CRT CRT C/W DAP DB DFI DISC DKR DTO ECLS ESW EES EET EI ET FCS FDF FM FRD FSO FTO GDS Accelerometer Assembly, Angular Accelerometer Air-to-Air Accelerometer Audio Center Control Unit Aerodynamic Coefficients Identification Package Ascension Island (STDN site) Attitude Directional Indicator Santiago, Chile (STDN site) Angle Antenna Abort Once Around Acquisition of Signal Auxiliary Power Unit Abort to orbit Audio Automatic Bermuda Island (STDN site) Botswana (STDN site) Bright Buckhorn, Calif. (STDN site) Calibration Camera Close Circuit Television Crewman Communications Umbilical Commander Console Controller Checkout Crewman optical Alignment Sight Continuous Cathode Ray Tube Center Caution and Warning Digital Auto Pilot Deadband Development Flight Instrumentation Discrete Dakar, Senegal (STDN site) Detailed Test objective Environmental Control Life Support Edwards AFB, Calif. (Deorbit optional site) Emergency Ejection Suits Entry Elapsed Time Entry/Interface External Tank Flight Control System Flight Data File Frequency Modulation Flight Requirements Document Functional Supplementary Objective Functional Test Objective Goldstone, Calif. (STDN site, 1st antenna)
GDX GLRSHLD GMT GNC GPC GWM HAW HIC HTR IECM IMU INRTL IOS ITS KAD KSC L LH2 LON LOS LOX LTG LVLH MAD MAN MAX MECO MET MIL MLX MNVR NOR NOZ O2 OF OI OMS OPR OPS ORB ORR OVHD PA PCM PL PLBD PLT PM PMC PNL POS PRO Goldstone, Calif. (STDN site, 2nd antenna) Glareshield Greenwich Mean Time Guidance Navigation and Control General Purpose Computer Guam Island, U.S. (STDN site) Hawaii (Kauai, STDN site) Hickam AFB, Hawaii (Deorbit optional site) Heater Induced Environmental Contamination Monitor Inertial Measurement Unit Inertial Indian Ocean Station (STDN site) Interim Teleprinter System Kadena AB, Ryukyu Islands (Deorbit optional site) Kennedy Space Center, Fla. (Deorbit optional site) Left Liquid Hydrogen Longitude Loss of Signal Liquid Oxygen Lighting Local Vertical Local Horizontal Madrid, Spain (STDN site, 1st antenna) Manual Madrid, Spain (STDN site, 2nd antenna) Main Engine Cutoff Mission Elapsed Time Merritt Island, Fla. (STDN site, 1st antenna) Merritt Island, Fla. (STDN site, 2nd antenna) Maneuver Northrup FLT Strip, N.M. (Deorbit optional site) Nozzle Oxygen Operational Flight Instrumentation Operational Instrumentation Orbital Maneuvering System Operator Operations, Operational Sequence Orbiter Orroral Valley, Australia (STDN site) Overhead Power Amplifier Pulse-Code Modulation Payload Payload Bay Doors Pilot Phase Modulation Private Medical Communication Panel Position Proceed
PTC PWR QTY QUI R RCDR RCS REF REFSMMAT RELMAT RGA ROS ROT RT SA SEL SEP SGLS SPKR SPLY SV SYS TB TDRS TK T/L TRKR TUL TV UHF VAC VLV VTR WCS WIN WMC XFER X-POP Y-POP -ZLV Passive Thermal Control Power Quantity Quito, Ecuador (STDN site) Right Recorder Reaction Control System Reference Reference Stable Member Matrix Relative Matrix Rate Gyro Assembly Regulated Oxygen System Rota, Spain (Deorbit optional site); Rotation Rotation Discrete Rate South Atlantic Anomaly Select Separation Space Ground Link System Speaker Supply State Vector Systems Talkback Tracking and Data Relay Satellite Tank Timeline Tracker Tula Peak, N.M. (STDN site) Television Ultra High Frequency Vacuum Valve Video Tape Recorder Waste Collection System Yarragadee, Australia (STDN site) Waste Management Compartment Transfer X Body Axis Perpendicular to orbit Plane Y Body Axis Perpendicular to orbit Plane -Z Local Vertical (-Z body axis towards Earth)