Strategic Health IT Advanced Research Projects (SHARP)
Strategic Health IT Advanced Research Projects (SHARP)
Strategic Health IT Advanced Research Projects (SHARP)
To establish targeted research projects focused on areas where breakthrough improvements can greatly enhance the transformational effects of health IT and address problems that have been barriers to adoption and progress along the pathway to Meaningful Use
We are asking that these sites bring to bear the absolute highest level of expertise that can be assembled in the nation.
Each site will implement a collaborative, interdisciplinary program of research addressing a specific focus area
Addressing short-term as well as long-term challenges Including a cooperative program engaging multiple stakeholders to transition the results of research into practice
For More Information About: The SHARP Program, visit
Organized around three major healthcare environments: Electronic Health Records (EHRs), Health Information Exchange (HIE), and Telemedicine (TEL), with Personal Health Records (PHRs) included as a major subtopic.
Advised by a by a distinguished project advisory committee of leaders in academic research, industrial research, healthcare delivery organizations, developers of HIT, government healthcare, policy leaders, and stakeholder groups. The project organization assures project synergy and the capacity to act as an effective collaborator with a Federal Steering Committee.
The projects will address strategic cross-cutting themes that foster collaboration, consistency, and a multi-purpose technology convergence of EHR, HIE, and TEL.
SHARPS Accomplishments
Progress to date:
Automated policy: developing ways to automate complex decisions about sharing of health records and assure compliance to regulations and consents Audit: developing ways to analyze logs of access to health records to catch policy violations and continuous improve access procedures Encryption and Trusted Base: developing a resilient foundation for sharing health information. Telemedicine: assuring the security and privacy of emerging systems of sensors and actuators for healthcare and wellness
National Center for Cognitive Informatics and Decision Making in Healthcare (SHARPC) Introduction:
Located at the University of Texas Houston - a nationwide collaboration established in response to the urgent and long-term cognitive challenges in adoption and meaningful use NCCDs vision is to become a national resource which provides strategic leadership in patient-centered cognitive support research and applications in healthcare
National Center for Cognitive Informatics and Decision Making in Healthcare (SHARPC)
NCCD has a three part mission: Bring together an interdisciplinary team of researchers - biomedical and health informatics, cognitive science, computer science, clinical sciences, industrial and systems engineering, and health services Focus on patient-centered cognitive support. Short-term research that addresses the usability, workflow, and cognitive support issues of HIT Long-term research that can remove key cognitive barriers to HIT adoption and meaningful use Maximize HIT benefits for quality, efficiency, and safety by translating research findings to the real world through a cooperative program involving all stakeholders
National Center for Cognitive Informatics and Decision Making in Healthcare (SHARPC) Cognitive Challenges in HIT Short-Term
address the urgent usability, workflow, and cognitive support issues of HIT
Conduct breakthrough research that could fundamentally remove the key cognitive barriers to HIT adoption and meaningful use
SHARPC Accomplishments
Progress to date:
Developed initial Implementers Workbench for CDS rule refinement, and CDS knowledge formalization, adaptation, and implementation
Create tangible, scalable, and open-source tools, services and software for large-scale health record data sharing. Collaborate to create, evaluate, and refine informatics artifacts that advance the capacity to efficiently leverage EHR data to improve care, generate new knowledge, and address population needs.
Medical Device Strategic Health IT Advanced Research Projects (MD SHARP) Introduction:
Led by the Medical Device Plug-and-Play (MD PnP) Interoperability program at CIMIT / Massachusetts General Hospital, MD SHARP will advance the requirements, architecture, and standards to enable medical device interoperability to improve patient safety. Create an open tool set and platform built on the ASTM 2761-09 ICE architecture (Integrated Clinical Environment) Prototype healthcare intranet will enable clinicians/hospitals to build verifiably safe and effective clinical apps using standards-compliant interoperable medical devices Open research platform will support FDA evaluation of systems of heterogeneous medical devices, help to drive development of open device software adapters and an ASTM ICE reference implementation, and serve as a source of comprehensive device data for other SHARP projects Major deliverables are based on clinical and engineering processes and will include clinical scenarios and use cases, clinical and engineering requirements, software simulations of medical devices, and complete test coverage of all software and interactions 5-year $10M Quantum grant (Sept 2010 Aug 2015) from National Institute of Biomedical Imaging & Bioengineering
SHARPN Accomplishments
Progress to date:
Built and piloted end-to-end proof of concept solution, based on new tools, technology, models and methods; demonstrating: Ability to push unsolicited data using NwHIN exchange protocols Conversion and normalization of lab messages & medication orders Extraction of medication from narrative clinical documents Persistence in a light weight SQL database Phenotype processing across CEM database utilizing Drools
Medical Device Strategic Health IT Advanced Research Projects (MD SHARP) Goals:
Create a complete eco-system for interoperability between medical devices and between a medical device and the EHR in high-acuity environments, to support innovation in patient safety and healthcare quality Create industry-adopted solutions that will prime industry for delivering interoperable medical devices for acute care Deliver more accurate and comprehensive device data to the EHR Provide clinical scenarios and related use cases for testing other projects tools Advance critical knowledge of regulatory requirements Develop sharable platform, tools, neutral lab environment
MD SHARP Accomplishments
Progress to date: Fall 2011
INDUSTRY ADOPTION Developed and implemented an Industry Adoption Work Plan, including analysis of clinical, provider, regulatory, and medical device industry barriers to adoption of medical device interoperability CLINICAL SCENARIOS Selected 4 high level Clinical Scenarios, in conjunction with leading US and international clinical and medical device industry experts: PCA Infusion Pump Safety Interlock Prepare ICU to Receive Post-Op Patient (after Cardiac Surgery) Use of Tele-health Devices in Hospital Integration of Data for Smart Alarms and Closed-Loop Medication Administration ARCHITECTURE REQUIREMENTS Developed detailed requirements for Safety, Reliability, Medical Record and Protected Health Information Created Medical Device Interface Data Sheets to collect sharable interface specifications from industry and hospitals