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Galant CH 5 Fuel System PDF

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When is a problem there starting driving vehior a cle,twoof themost important checks involve igthe nitionandthefuelsystems. questions meThe most chanics attempt answer is there to first, spark? and isthere fuel? will oftenlead solving basic to most problems. ignition For system diagnosis testing, and please to theinformation engine refer on electrical components ignition and systems earlier found in thismanual.theignition If system checks (there out is spark), youmust then determinethefuelsystem if is operating properly there (is fuel?).

# See Figures 1 thru 7 Thefuellinesused all models on covered this by manual quite are straight forward. Typically fitthe tingsareeither rubber hoses connecting steellines to withclamps, steel connecting steellines or lines to using retaining orflarefittings. bolts Several fittings areunique asthebanjo-bolt onthefuel such fitting feedlinefromthefuelfilter. Fig. 1 This photo of the fuel pump lines is an example of the type of fittings found on most models.The return line utilizes a rubber hose and a hose clamp, while the feed line utilizes a flare fitting Fig. 2 This fitting on the fuel pressureregulator utilizes a rubber hose and a hose clamp. Removethe hose clamp . . .

Observeall applicablesafety precautions whenworking aroundfuel. Wheneverservicing ___fuel system,always work in a well the_ . .. _ ventitateuarea. Do not allow fuel spray or vaporsto come in contactwith a sparkor ooen flame. Keena drv chemicalfire extinguishernear thework &ea. Always keepfuel in a containerspecifically designedfor fuel storage;also, always pmperlyseal fuel containers to avoid the possibility of fire or explosion.


ren disconnectthe hose from 1the pressure regulator

Fig. 4 The fuel feed line-to-fuel rail fitting is held by retaining bolts. Unfasten the bolts . . .

Fig. 5 . . . then remove the fuel feed line from the fuel injector rail I 1Fig. 6 The fitting on the too of the fueg;?lzI ter utilizes a banjo-bolt type fitting. Remove the bolt from the filter feed line on I the top of the filter

I Fig. 7 On the banjo-bolt type fitting, it is crucial that the copper washers are reI placed every time the fitting is removed

l Always replace fuelfittingO-rings worn with new. notsubstitute hose equivalent, Do fuel or where fuelpipeis installed.

TheMulti-Point Injection system electroni(MPI) is rallycontrolled theEngine by Control Module (ECM), based data various on from sensors. ECM The controls thefuelflow,idlespeed ignition and timing. Fuel supplied theinjectors anelectric is to by intank pump isdistributedtherespective fuel and to injectors themain pipe. fuelpressure via fuel The applied theinjector constant higher the to is and than pressure theintake in manifold. pressureconThe is trolled thefuelpressure by regulator. excess The fuel is returned thefueltank to through fuelreturn the pipe. When electric an current intheinjector, flows the injector is fullyopened supply Since valve to fuel. the fuelpressure constant, amount thefuelinis the of jettedfromtheinjector themanifold increased into is or decreasedproportion thetimetheelectric in to current flows.Based ECU on signals, injectors the injectfuelto thecylinder manifold in firingorder. ports The rateof theair drawn flow through air the cleaner measured theairflowsensor. air is by The enters air intake the plenum manifold or through the throttle body.Intheintake manifold, air is mixed the withthefuelfromtheinjectors is drawn the and into cylinder, airflowrateis controlled The according to thedegree thethrottle andtheservo of valve motor openings. system monitored The is through numa berof sensors feedinformation engine which on conditions requirements ECM. ECM and to the The calculates injection andrateaccording the the time to signals thesensors, from

Fuel injectionsystemsremain underpressure after the enginehas beenturnedOFF. Properlyrelieve fuel pressurebefore disconneetingany fuel lines. Failure to do so may result in fire or personalinjury. 1. Turn ignition theOFFposition. the to 2. Loosen fuelfillercapto release tank the fuel pressure. I Fig, 8 Detachthe connectorfor the throttle position (TP) sensor

Observeall applicablesafety precautions whenworkingaroundfuel. Whenever servicing the fuel system,always work in a well ventilatedarea. Do not allow fuel sprayor vaporsto comein contactwith a sparkor open flame. Keepa dry chemicalfire extinguisher nearthe work area. Alwayskeepfuel in a container specifically designedfor fuel storage; also, always properlyseal fuel containersto avoidthe possibility of fire or explosion. 3. FortheMirage, Diamante, 1994-00 and Galant, remove rearseat the cushion, remove then theservice anddetach fuelpump cover the harness connector. 4. Forthe1990-93 Galant, FWD detach fuel the pump harness connector located thearea the in of fueltank.It may necessary raise vehicle be to the to access connector. the 5. Forthe1990-93 Galant, AWD remove carthe petfromthetrunk, locate fueltankwiringatthe the pump access cover, detach wiring. then the 6. Start vehicle allowit to rununtilit the and stallsfromlackof fuel.Turn keytotheOFFposithe tion. 7. Disconnect negative the battery cable, atthen tach fuelpump the connector. theaccess . Install cover, cushion carpet necessary. or as 8. Wrap towels shop around fittingthatis bethe ingdisconnectedabsorb to residual inthelines. fuel 9. Place towels proper shop into safety container.


Fig, 9 Remove the accelerator cable end from the throttle lever

Safety themost is important when factor performingnotonlyfuelsystem maintenance anytypeof but maintenance. to conduct Failure maintenance reand pairsin a safemanner result serious may in personal injuryor death. Maintenance testing thevehiand of cles system fuel components beaccomplished can safely effectively adhering thefollowing and by to rules guidelines. and l Toavoid possibility fireandpersonal the of injury,always disconnect negative the battery uncable lesstherepair testprocedure or requires battery that voltage applied. be l Always relieve fuelsystem the pressure to prior disconnecting fuelsystem any component (injector, fuelrail,pressure regulator, fittingorfuelline etc.), connection. Exercise extreme caution whenever relieving system fuel pressure avoid to exposing skin, face eyes fuelspray. and to Please advised be that fuelunder pressure penetrate skinorany may the partof thebody it contacts. that l Always a shop place towelor clotharound the fittingor connection to loosening absorb prior to any excess dueto spillage. fuel Ensure all fuel that spillage (should occur) quickly it is removed from enginesurfaces. thatall fuelsoaked Ensure cloths or towels deposited a suitable container. are into waste l Always a drychemical keep (Class fireexB) tinguisher theworkarea. near l Donotallowfuelspray fuelvapors come or to intocontact a spark open with or flame. l Always a backup use wrench loosening when andtightening lineconnection fuel fittings. will This prevent unnecessary andtorsion fuelline stress to piping. Always followtheproper torque specifications.

Fig. IO Removethe hose shown here from

REMOVAL &INSTALLATION p See Figures 8 thru 18 1. Properly relieve fuelsystem the pressure as outlined earlier thissection. in 2. Drain engine the cooling system a suitinto ablecontainer. 3. Matchmark jocation theadjuster the of bolt ontheaccelerator mounting cable flange. will This assure thecable installed itsoriginal that is in location.Remove throttle adjusting and the cable bolt disconnect cable thelever thethrottle the from on body. Position aside. cable

15-Z Nm 11-16 lt.lbs. 15-22 Nm 11-16 ft.lbr.


Fig. 12 Explodedview of the throttle body and related components-l .5L engine

1. Connectnn 2. 3 4 5. 6 7 8 9 10 11. 12 13 14 15

for accelerator


Connection for breather hose Connection for au intake hose Connectton for au hose C Connectton for vacuum hose Connectton for IAC motor connector and closed throttle posItIon swtch connector ConnectIon for TPS connector Connectton for water hose Connectnon for water by-pass hose Ground plate mounting screw Throttle body stay and ground plate Au flttlng Gasket Throttle body Gasket


:ig. 14 Explodedview of the throttle body and related components-l.61 and 2.OLDOHC enline


Yg. 15 Explodedview of the throttle body and related components1.OL SOHC engine, DOHCsimilar
4. Removethe connectionfor the breatherhose andthe air intakehosefrom the throttlebody and position aside. 5. Tagand disconnectthe necessary vacuum hoses. 6. Labeland detachthe electricalconnectors at the throttlebody,as necessary. 1 7. Disconnectthe waterand waterby-pass hosesat the baseof the throttlebody. 8. If equipped,unfasten groundplate the mountingscrews,then removethe throttlebodystay and QrOUnd from the engine. plate 9. Removethe air fitting and gasket.

:ig. 16 Explodedview of the throttle body and related components1.5Lengine

14. If equipped,installthe throttlebody stayand QrOUnd plate.Securewith retainerstightenedto 11-16 ft. Ibs. (15-22 Nm). 15. Installthe groundplatemountingscrew. 16. Connectthe waterhosesto the throttlebody. Installnewhoseclamps if required. 17. Attachthe electricaland vacuumconnectors to the throttle body,as taggedduring removal. 18 Connectthe accelerator cableto the throttle bodyand installthe adjustingbolt in original position. Checkadjustment cable. of 19 Installthe air intakeand breather hoses. 20. If removed,installthe batteryand connectthe positivecable.

10. Unfasten throttlebody mountingbolts, the then removethe throttlebodyfrom the engine.Removeand discardthe gasket.

To install:
11. Cleanall old gasketmaterialfrom the both throttlebody mountingsurfaces.Install newgasket onto the intakemanifoldplenummountingsurface.

*Poor idling quality and poor performance may be experiencedif the gasketis installed incorrectly.
12. Installthe throttlebodyto the intakemanifold plenumand tightenthe mountingbolts. 13. Installthe air fitting, if equipped,makingsure newgasketiS in place.

21. Connectthe negativebatterycable.Refillthe cooling system.

REMOVAL INSTALLATION & 1.5L, 1.8L, And 2.OLSOHCEngines ti See Figures 17, 18, and 19
1. Relievethe fuel systempressure described as in this section. 2. Disconnectthe PCV hosefrom the valve cover.Also disconnect breather the hoseat the opposite end of the valve cover. 3. Removethe bolts holdingthe high pressure fuel line to the fuel rail and disconnect line. Be the prepared containfuel spillage;plug the line to to keepout dirt and debris.

1Hilt4naunfu(norc :E%!,,.,.: Efgz tz!z? ;P&.xmeaw

e Fu(l 1: IEE :: %%I 13m

Fig. 17 Explodedview of the fuel injectors and related components-l .5L engine

Observeall applicablesafety precautions when working aroundfuel. Wheneverservicing the fuel system,always work in a well ventilated area. 00 not allow fuel spray or vaporsto comein contactwith a spark or openflame. Keepa dry chemicalfire extinguishernear the work area. Always keepfuel in a containerspecifically designedfor fuel storage;also, always properly seal fuel containers to avoid the possibility of fire or explosion.
4. Removethe vacuumhosefrom the fuel pressure regulator. 5. Disconnect fuel returnhosefrom the the pressureregulator. 6. Labeland detachthe electricalconnectors from eachinjector. 7. Removethe bolt(s) holdingthe fuel rail to the manifold.Carefullylift the rail up and removeit with the injectorsattached. Takegreatcarenot to drop an injector Placethe rail and Injectorsin a safelocation on the workbench;protectthe tips of the injectors from dirt and/or Impact. 8. Removeand discardthe injectorrnsulators from the intakemanifold.The insulatorsare not reusable. 9. Removethe injectorsfrom the fuel rail by pullinggentlyin a straightoutwardmotion. Make certainthe grommetand O-ring comeoff with the injector.

I .xs.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Connection Connection Connection 0-ring Connection Connecr~on Fuel pressure 0-ring Connection Fuel ml Insulator insulator lnlector O-ring Grommet for breather hose for PCV hose for high tm?ssre fuel hose for vacuum hose for fuel return hose regulator for control harness

To install:
10. Installa newinsulatorin eachinjectorport in the manifold. 11. Removethe old grommetand O-ringfrom eachinjector Installa newgrommetand O-ring;coat the O-ring lightly with clean,thin oil. 12. If the fuel pressureregulatorwas removed, replacethe O-ring with a newone and coat it lightly with clean,thin oil Insertthe regulatorstraightinto the rail, then checkthat it can be rotatedfreely. If It doesnot rotatesmoothly,removeit and inspectthe O-ringfor deformationor jamming.Whenproperly installed,align the mountingholesand tightenthe retainingbolts to 7 ft. Ibs. (9 Nm).This procedure must befollowedevenif the fuel rail was not removed. 13. Installthe injectorinto the fuel rail, constantly turningthe injectorleft and right during installation.


Fig. 19 Explodedview of the fuel injectors and related components-2.01 SOHCengine

Whenfully installed,the injectorshouldstill turn freely in the rail. If it does not, removethe injector and inspectthe O-ring for deformationor damage. 14. Installthe deliverypipe and injectorsto the engine.Makecertainthat eachinjectorfits correctly into its port and thatthe rubberinsulatorsfor the fuel rail mountsare in position. 15. Installthe fuel rail retainingbolts and tighten * themto 9 ft. Ibs. (12 Nm). 16. Connectthe wiring harnesses the approto priateinjector. 17. Connectthe fuel returnhoseto the pressure regulator, connectthe vacuumhose. then 18. Replace O-ring on the high pressurefuel the line, coatthe O-ring lightlywith clean,thin oil and

install linetothefuelrail.Tighten mounting the the bolts, 19. Attach PCV andthebreather if the hose hose thevwere disconnected. 20. Connect negative the battery cable. Pressurizethefuelsystem inspect connections and all for leaks. 1.6L and 2.01 DOHC Engines b See Figure 20 1. Relieve fuelsystem the pressure described as inthissection. 2. Disconnect negative the battery cable. 3. Wrap connection a shop the with towel and disconnect highpressure lineatthefuelrail. the fuel

Observeall applicablesafety precautions when working aroundfuel. Wheneverservicing the fuel system,always work in a well ventilated area. Do not allow fuel spray or vapors to comein contactwith a spark or openflame. Keepa dry chemicalfire extinguishernear the work area. Always keepfuel in a containerspecifically designedfor fuel storage;also, always properly seal fuel con* tainers to avoid the possibility of fire or explosion. 4. Disconnect fuelreturn andremove the hose theO-ring. 5. Disconnect vacuum fromthefuel the hose pressure regulator. 6. Disconnect PCV the hose. 2.OL On engine, remove center the cover. 7. Label detach electrical and the connectors fromeach iniector. 8. Remove injector retaining Make the rail bolts, suretherubber mounting bushings notgetlost. do 9. Lifttherailassembly andaway the up from engine. 10. Remove injectors therailbypulling the from gently. Discard lowerinsulator. the Check resisthe tance through injector. specification 2.OL the The for turbocharged is2-3 ohms 70F(20C). engine at Thespecification theothers 13-15ohms for is at
70F (20C).

1 x Connection for PCV hose 2. Connection for high pressure fuel hose 3. O-ring 4. Connection for vacuum hose 5. Connection for fuel return hose &2 I=,1c.1 nrncc*.ra regu,ator 8. Accelerator ca lble clamD. 9. Center cover

10. 11 12. 13. 14. 15. 16.

Connection Fuel rail Insulator Insulator Injector O-ring Grommet

for control



Explodedview of the fuel injectors and related components-1.6L and 2.QLDOHC

To install: 11. Install new a grommet O-ring theinand to jector. theO-ring lightoil. Coat with 12. install injector thefuelrail. the to 13. Replace seats theintake the in manifold. Installthefuelrailandinjectors themanifold. to Make suretherubber bushings in place are before tighteningthemounting bolts. 14. Tighten retaining to 72inchlbs.(11 the bolts Nm). 15. Attach connectorstheinjectors inthe to and stallthecenter cover. Connect PCV the hose. 16. Connect fuelpressure the regulator vacuum hose. 17. Connect fuelreturn the hose. 18. Replace O-ring, the lightlylubricateand it connect highpressure line. the fuel 19. Connect negative the battery andcheck cable theentire system proper for operation leaks. and
2.4L Engine

Fig. 21 Remove the fuel feed line-to-fuel rail retaining fitting bolts . . .

Fig. 22 . . . then remove the fuel feed line from the fuel injector rail

b See Figures 21 thru 30


Fig, 25 Removethe vacuumhose from the pressure regulator

Fig. 25 Detach the connectorsfrom all of the fuel injectors

Fig. 27 Removethe two fuel rail retaining bolts . . .


1H; :A ..;lt;;aft~rgi,i~;yl

the ;F:

/ Fig. 29 Removethe fuel injectors from the 1 93155p15 Fig. 30 Always replace the O-rings on the injectors before reinstalling them tall by gently rocking them loose ontheworkbench; thetipsof theinjectors protect fromdirtand/or impact. 9. Remove discard injector and the insulators fromtheintake manifold. insulators not The are reusable. 10. Remove injectors thefuelrailby the from I motion. cerMake pulling gently astraight in outwarc tainthegrommet O-ring offwiththeinjector. and come To install: 11. Install newinsulator each a in injector in port themanifold. 12. Remove oldgrommet D-ring the and from each injector. Install new a grommet O-ring; and coat theO-ring lightlywithclean, oil. thin 13. Ifthefuelpressure regulator removed, was replace O-ring a newone coatit lightly the with and with clean, oil.Insert regulator thin the straight therail, into then check it canberotated If it does rothat freely. not tate smoothly, removeandinspect O-ring deit the for formation jamming. properly or When installed, align themounting and holes tighten retaining to 7 the bolts ft. Ibs. Nm). procedure befollowed if (9 This must even thefuelrailwasnotremoved. 14. Install injector thefuelrail,constantly the into turning injector andrightduring the left installation. When installed, injector fully the should turn still freelyintherail.If it does remove injector not, the andinspect O-ring deformation damage. the for or 15. Install delivery andinjectors the the pipe to engine. certain each Make that injector correctly fits intoitsportandthattherubber insulators thefuel for railmounts in position. are 16. Install fuelrailretaining andtighten the bolts them 9 ff. Ibs.(12Nm). to 17. Connect wiringharnessestheapprothe to priate injector. 18. Connect fuelreturn to thepressure the hose regulator, connect vacuum then the hose. 19. Replace O-ring thehighpressure the on fuel line,coattheO-ring lightlywithclean, oil and thin install lineto thefuelrail.Tiahten mountina the the boltsto 4 ft. Ibs.(6 Nm). 20. Connect PCV andspark wires. the hose plug 21. Connect negative cable. the battery Pressurize thefuelsystem inspect connections leaks. and all for 3.OLand 3.5L Engines # See Figures31 and 32 > - ,. .* , , 1. neneve rueIsystem me pressure. 2. Disconnect negative the battery cable. I I WorkMUSTNOTbe starteduntil at least 90 secondsafter the ignition switch is turnedto the LOCK position andthe negativebattery cable is disconnected from the battery. This will allow time for the air bagsystembackup power supplyto deplete its stored energy, preventingaccidentalair bag deployment which could result in unnecessary bag air systemrepairs and/orpersonalinjury. 3. Drain cooling the system. 4. Disconnect components theair inall from takeplenum remove plenum theintake and the from manifold. to Section Refer 3. 5. Wrap connection a shop the with toweland disconnect highpressure lineatthefuelrail. the fuel

1. Relieve fuelsystem the pressure described as in thissection. 2. Label disconnect spark wires. and the plug Position wiresaside. the 3. Disconnect PCV fromthevalve the hose cover, 4. Remove boltsholding highpressure the the fuellineto thefuelrail,then disconnect line.Be the prepared contain spillage; thelineto to fuel plug keep dirtanddebris. out

Observeall applicablesafety precautions when working aroundfuel. Wheneverservicing the fuel system,always work in a well ventilated area. Do not allow fuel spray or vaporsto comein contactwith a spark or openflame. Keepa dry chemicalfire extinguishernear the work area. Always keepfuel in a containerspecifically designedfor fuel storage;also, always properly seal fuel containers to avoid the possfbility of fire or explosion. 5. Remove vacuum fromthefuelpresthe hose sureregulator. 6. Disconnect fuelreturn fromthe the hose pressure regulator. 7. Label detach electrical and the connectors fromeach injector. 8. Remove bolt(s) the holding fuelrailtothe the manifold. Carefully therailupandremove with lift it theinjectors attached. great notto dropan Take care injector. therailandinjectors a safelocation Place in


9 ,npimr 1: iL, 1: 82w



Fig.31 Explodedview of the fuel injectors and related componentss.OLengines

Fig. 32 Explodedview of the fuel injectors and related components3.5L engine

cylinder causesthe least difference in the idle. The one that causesthe least change is the weak cylinder. If the injectorswereall clicking andthe ignition systemis functioningproperly,removethe injectorof the suspectcylinderand benchtest it. This is accomplishedby checkingfor a spraypatternfrom the injector itself Installa fuel supply line to the injector (or rail if the injectoris left attached the rail) and to momentarilyapply12 volts DC anda groundto the injectoritself;a visible fuel sprayshouldappear.If no sprayis achieved,replacethe injectorand checkthe runningconditionof the engine.

Observeall applicable safety precautions whenworking aroundfuel. Wheneverservicing the fuel system,always work in a well ventilated area. Do not allow fuel spray or vaporsto comein contactwith a spark or openflame. Keepa dry chemicalfire extinguishernear the work area. Always keepfuel in a containerspecifically designedfor fuel storage;also, always properly seal fuel containers to avoid the possibility of fire or explosion.
6. Disconnectthe fuel returnhoseand remove the O-ring. 7. Disconnectthe vacuumhosefrom the fuel pressureregulator. 8. Detachthe electricalconnectors from each injector. 9. Removethe fuel pipe connectmg fuel the rails. Removethe injectorrail retainingbolts. Make surethe rubbermountingbushingsdo not get lost. 10. Lift the rail assembliesup and awayfrom the engine. 11. Removethe injectorsfrom the rail by pulling gently.Discardthe lowerinsulator.

17. Connectthe fuel returnhose. 18. Replace O-ring, lightly lubricateit and the connectthe high pressurefuel line. 19. Usmgnewgaskets,installthe intakeplenum and all relateditems.Referto Section3. 20. Fill the cooling system. 21. Connectthe negativebatterycableand check the entiresystemfor properoperationand leaks.

The easiestwayto testthe operationof the fuel injectors is to listen for a clicking soundcomingfrom the injectorswhile the engineISrunning.This is accomplishedusinga mechanics stethoscope, a or long screwdriver.Placethe end of the stethoscope or the screwdriver(tip end, not handle)ontothe bodyof the injector.Placethe ear piecesof the stethoscope in your ears,or if usinga screwdriver,placeyour ear on top of the handle.An audiblechckingnoise should be heard;this is the solenoidoperating.If the injectormakesthis noise,the injectordriver circuit and computerare operatingas designed.Continue testingall the injectorsthis way.

Oneor More InjectorsAre Not Clicking 6 See Figures33, 34, 35, and 36
If oneor more injectorsarefoundto be not operating, testingthe injectordriver circuit and computer can be accomplished using a noid light. First, with the enginenot runningand the ignition key in the OFFposition, removethe connectorfrom the injector you planto test,then plug the noid light tool into the injectorconnector.Startthe engineand the noid light shouldflash,signalingthatthe injector driver circuit is working.If the noid light flashes, but the injectordoes not click whenpluggedin, test the injectors resistance. Resistance should be between: l All non-turboengines:13-16 ohmsat 68F (20C) l Turbocharged engines:2-3 ohmsat 68 F (20C) If the noid light does not flash, the injectordriver circuit is faulty. Disconnectthe negativebattery cable. Unplugthe noid light from the injectorconnectorand also unplugthe PCM. Checkthe harness betweenthe appropriatepins on the harnessside of the PCM connectorand the injectorconnector.Resistanceshould be less than 5.0 ohms; if not, repair the circuit. If resistanceIS within specifications,the injector driver inside the PCM is faulty and replacement of the PCM will be necessary.

To install: *Some of the vehicles may have a clip that securesthe injector to the fuel rail. Besure to removeor install the injector clip where necessary.
12. Installa newgrommetand O-ring to the injector. Coatthe O-ring with light oil. 13. Installthe injectorto the fuel rail. 14. Replace seatsin the intakemanifold.Inthe stall the fuel rails and injectorsto the manifold.Make surethe rubberbushingsare in placebeforetightening the mountingbolts. 15. Tightenthe retainingbolts to 7-9 ft. Ibs. (W-13 Nm) Installthe fuel pipe with newgasket. 16. Attachthe electricalconnectors the injecto tors

Be extremelycareful while working on an operating engine, makesure you have no dangling jewelry, extremely loose clothes, powertool cords or other itemsthat might get caughtin a movingpart of the ermine. All Injectors Clicking
If all the injectors are clicking, but you have determined that the fuel system is the cause of your driveability problem, continue diagnostics. Make sure that you have checkedfuel pump pressureas outlined earlier in this section. An easy way to determine a weak or unproductive cylinder is a cylinder drop test. This is accomplished by removing one spark plug wire at a time, and seeing which

p See Figures 37, 38, 39, 49, and 41 relieve fuelsystem the pressure as 1. Properly outlined earlier thissection. in 2. Remove vacuum fromthefuelpresthe hose sureregulator. the hose 3. Disconnect fuelreturn fromthe pressure regulator. Observeall applicablesafety precautions whenworking aroundfuel. Wheneverservicing the fuel system, always work in a well ventilated area. Do not apow fuel spray or vaporsto come in contactwith a spark or openflame. Keepa dry chemicalfire extinguishernear the work area. Always keepfuel in a containerspecifically designedfor fuel storage;also, always properly seal fuel containers to avoid the possibility of fire or explosion. 4. Remove fuelregulator the retainer or rebolts move retaining the snapring, remove fuel then the
rrwkdnr ,~*I.. frnm * the fl~el .-... rail ..-.. . .. ._.

Fig. 33 Unplugthe fuel injector connector ,


Fig. 35 Plugthe correct noid light directly into the iniector harnessconnector I I

I Fig. 36 If the correct noid light flashes while the engineis running,the injector driver circuit inside the PCMis working

To install: 5. Replace O-ring fuelpressure the on regulator witha newoneandcoatit lightly clean, oil. with thin , chl 6... Insert *regulator . intotherail,then . .. the * . . straight xk matn canoerorarea rreery. r, If it doesnot rotate smoothly,removeit and inspectthe O-ringfor deformationor damage. 7. When properly installed, themounting align holes. equipped, andtighten retaining If install the boltsto 8 ft. Ibs.(11Nm). equipped, theregIf install ulatorretaining snapring. 8. Connect fuelreturn tothepressure the hose regulator. the hose 9. Install vacuum tothefuelpressure regulator. 10. Connect negative the battery andprescable surize fuelsystem. the Inspect leaks. for

1Fig 37 Removethe hose clamp on the fuel 1 1~~~.~~~s~~~~~u~s,p the hose? ret;rnline ~ . . g315sp10

Fig. 39 Removethe vacuumhose from the pressure regulator

Fig. 40 Removethe regulator-to-fuel rail retaining bolts, then removethe pressureregulator from the fuel rail

1. 5-10 FUELSYSTEM _
Fuel tank pressure relef vdive \

REMOVAL &INSTALLATION p See Figures42 and 43

1. Raiseand safelysupportthe vehiclesecurely on jackstands. 2. Removethe hosesand removethe pressurerelief valve. 3. The installationis the reverseof removal.

Evaporatwe emlsslon canister side Tank side +k

c, Always install the pressurerelief valve with the arrow pointingtoward the EVAP canister side, not the fuel tank

Fig 42 Pressurerelief valve location-llia 1mame shown, others similar g3155g

Fig. 43 Always install the pressure relief valve with the arrow pointing toward the EVAP canister side, not the fuel tank

REMOVAL&INSTALLATION p See Figures44 thru 58

1. Properlyrelievethe fuel systempressureusing properprocedures. 2. Disconnectthe negativebatterycable. 3. Raisethe vehicleand supportsafelv. 4. Drainthe fuel from the fuel tank into an approvedcontainer.

Observeall applicablesafety precautions when working aroundfuel. Wheneverservicing the fuel system,always work in a well ventilated area. Do not allow fuel spray or vapors to comein contactwith a spark or openflame. Keepa dry chemicalfire extinguishernear the work area. Always keepfuel in a containerspecifically designedfor fuel storage;also, always properly seal fuel containers to avoid the possibility of fire or explosion.

5. On Diamantemodels: a. Removethe left rearwheelwell liner. b Disconnectthe centerexhaustsystemfrom the main muffler.Disconnectthe rear exhaust hangers,lower the exhaustand secureaside. c. On modelsequippedwith 4-wheelsteering, removethe mountingbolts and lower the rear steeringgear. 6. Disconnectthe returnhose,high pressure hoseand vapor hosesfrom the fuel pump. 7. Detachthe electricalconnectorsat the pump/sending unit. 8. Disconnectthe filler and vent hoses. s 9. Placea suitablejack underthe centerof the fuel tankand applya slight upwardpressure.Remove the fuel tank strap retainingnuts. 10. Lowerthe tank slightly and detachany remainingelectricalor hoseconnectors the fuel tank. at 11. Removethe fuel tank from the vehicle.

To install:
12. If replacingthe tank,transferany necessary components the newtank includingany heat to shields,hoses,valves,and the fuel pump. 13. Installthe fuel tank onto the jack. Rarsethe tank in position underthe vehicle.Leaveenough

clearance attachthe electricaland hoseconnecto tions to the top of the fuel pump. 14. Attachall connectrons the top of the tank. to 15. Raisethe tank completelyand positionthe retainerstrapsaroundthe fuel tank.Install newfuel tank self-lockingnutsand tightenthe nuts. 16. Connectthe returnhoseand high pressure hoses. 17. Installthe vapor hoseandthe filler hose.Install the filler hose retainerscrewsto the fender,if removed. 18. On Diamantemodels: a. If equippedwith 4-wheel steering,install the power cylinder unit and tightenthe mounting bolts to 31 ft. Ibs. (43 Nm). b. Connectthe exhaustpipe and securethe rear hangers. c. Install the left rear wheelwell liner, if removed. 19. Lowerthe vehicleand pour the drainedfuel into the gastank. 20. Connectthe negativebatterycable.Checkthe fuel pumpfor properpressureand inspectthe entire systemfor leaks.

Tg. 44 Fuel tank and related componentsexploded view-1990-92 mirage


:ig. 45 Fuel tank and related componentsexploded view-1993-96 vlirage



Fig. 46 Fuel tank and related components exploded view-1997-98 Mirage

Fig. 47 Fuel tank and related components exploded view-1999-00

<up to 1996 moclab>



Filler hose

Fig. 48 Connection of the vapor and filler hoses-1990-93

FWD Galanl

Qt. 49 Fuel tank and related components-1990-93

FWD Galant

1990-92 Mirage p See Figure 44


Fuel injection systems remain under pressure after the engine has been turned OFF. Properly relieve fuel pressure before disconnecting any fuel lines. Failure to do so may result in fire or personal iniury. *Cover all fuel hose connections with a shop towel, prior to disconnecting, to prevent splash of fuel that could be caused by residual pressure remaining in the fuel line.

1. Properlyrelievethe fuel systempressureusing properprocedures. Disconnect negativebatthe tery cable 2. Raisethe vehicleand supportsafely. 3. Dramthe fuel from the fuel tank Intoan approvedcontainer.

guisher near the work area. Always keep fuel in a container specifically designed for fuel storage; also, always properly seal fuel containers to avoid the possibility of fire or explosion. 4. Lowerthe tank slightly and detachany remainingelectricalor hoseconnectors the fuel tank. at 5. Removethe fuel tankfrom the vehicleas describedIn this section. 6 Removethe five nutssecuringthe fuel pump to the fuel tank and removethe pumpassembly. To install: 7. Installfuel pump into fuel tank,with new packinggasket,andtightenmountingnuts. 8. Installthe fuel tank into the vehrcle.Referto the procedurein this section.

Observe all applicable safety precautions when working around fuel. Whenever servicing the fuel system, always work in a well ventilated area. Do not allow fuel spray or vapors to come in contact with a spark or open flame. Keep a dry chemical fire extin-


Fig. 50 Fuel tank and related components-1990-93 AWDGalant

:ig. 52 Fuel tank and related components-1994-96 Galantwith Calfornia emissions

9. Lowerthe vehicleand pour the drainedfuel into the gastank. 10. Connectthe negativebatterycable. 11. Checkthe fuel pumpfor properpressureand J inspectthe entiresystemfor leaks, 1. Relievethe fuel systempressureusing proper procedure. 2. Disconnectnegativebatterycable. 3. Raiseand safelysupportthe vehicle. 4. Drainthe fuel from the fuel tank Into an approvedgasolinecontainer.

1990-93 Galant

ventilated area. Do not allow fuel spray or vaporsto comein contactwith a sparkor openflame. Keepa dry chemicalfire extinguishernear the work area. Always keepfuel in a containerspecifically designedfor fuel storage;also, always properly seal fuel containers to avoid the possibility of fire or explosion.
5. Removethe electricalconnectors the fuel at pump.Makesurethereis enoughslack in the electri-

e See Figures59, 60, and 61

Observeall applicablesafety precautions whenworking aroundfuel. Wheneverservicing the fuel system,always work in a well


1. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8. 9 10.


1; 15 16 17 IS 19 20 21 22 23 24





Fig. 54 Fuel tank and related components-1999-00 Galant

:ia. 55 Fuel tank and related components-1992-96 Diamante


:ig. 57 Proper method of supporting real rxhaustsystem-Diamante 3.01 engine

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

PatkIng brake cable COnneCtlo Fuel tank apot hose Pressure hose Vapor hose COnneCflOn Fuel pump am gauge assembly Vapor hose Valve assembly Fuel mer cap FllkY hose

11 12 13 14

.qm hose Fuel fllk, neck Fuel filler assembly Fuel p,pe


:ig. 56 Fuel tank and related components-1997-00 Diamante

cal harnessof the fuel gaugeunit to allowfor the fuel tankto be loweredslightly. If not, labeland disconnectthe electricalharnessat the fuel gaugeunit. 6. Detachthe high pressurefuel line connector at the pump. 7. Loosenself-lockinqnutson tank suooort strapsto the end of the stud bolts. 8 Removethe right side lateralrod attaching bolt and drsconnect arm from the right body couthe pling. Lowerthe lateralrod and suspendfrom the axle beamusingwire. 9. Removethe six retainingbolts and gasket from the baseof the tank. 10. Removethe fuel pumpassembly. 11. Align the 3 projectionson packingwith the holes on the fuel pumpand the nippleson the pump facingthe samedirectionas beforeremoval. 12. Installthe holdrngbolt throughthe bottomof the tank. Makesurethe gasketon the bolt is replaced and is not pinchedduring installation.Torqueto 10 ft. Ibs.(14 Nm).

To install: *If the packingmaterial is damagedor deformed, replace it with new packing.



# See Figures62, 63, and 64

1. Relievethe fuel systempressureusing proper procedure. 2. Disconnectnegativebatterycable. 3. Thefuel pump is locatedin the fuel tank. Removethe accesscover locatedin the rearfloor pan 4 Parballydrainthe fuel tank into an approved gasolinecontainer.

storage;also, always properly seal fuel containers to avoid the possibility of fire or explosion.
5 Removethe electricalconnectorfrom the fuel pump. 6. Removethe overfill limiter (two-wayvalve), as required. 7. Removethe high pressurefuel hoseconnector. 8. Removethe six pump retamingbolts and remove the fuel pumpand gaugeassemblyfrom the tank. Notepositioningof pumpprior to removalfrom tank.


ig. 59 loosen self-locking nuts on tank mpporf straps to the end of the stud bolts -1990-93 FWDGalant

Observeall applicablesafety precautions whenworkina aroundfuel. Wheneverservicing the fuel system,always work in a well ventilated area. Do not allow fuel spray or vaporsto comein contactwith a spark or openflame. Keepa dry chemicalfire extinguishernear the work area. Always keepfuel in a containerspecifically designedfor fuel

To install: *If the packingmaterial is damagedor deformed, replace it with new packing.
9. Align the 3 projectionson the packingwith the holes on the fuel pumpand the nippleson the pumpfacmgthe samedirectionas beforeremoval. Installthe retainersand tlghtento 2 ft. Ibs. (3 Nm). 10. Installthe high pressurehoseconnectionand tightento 29 ft. Ibs. (40 Nm). 11. Installthe overfill limiter (two-wayvalve) and the electricalconnectorto the fuel pump. 12. Fill the fuel tankwith the gasolineremoved duringthis procedure. 13. Reconnect negativebatterycableand the checkthe entiresystemfor leaks. 14. Install3M ATD PartNo. 8625 or equivalent, to the rearfloor panand install the accesscover into place.


:ig. 60 Removethe six retaining bolts and lasket from the base of the tank-1990-93 :WD Galant

-ig. 62 The fuel pumpis located in the fuel ank. Removethe access cover located m he rear floor pan -1990-93 AWDGalant

Diamante,1993-00 Mirage, and 1994-98 Galant # See Figures 65 thru 72

1. Properlyrelievethe fuel systempressure. 2. Disconnectthe negativebatterycable. 3. Removethe rearseatcushion,by pullingthe seatstopperoutwardand lifting the lower cushion upward. 4. Removethe accesscover. 5. Disconnect fuel pumpwiring. the 6. Disconnectthe returnhoseand the high pressurefuel hose. 7. Removethe pumpmountingnutsand remove the pumpassembly.

Q m


a al2 0 a




Fig. 61 Align the 3 projections on packing with the holes on the fuel pumpandthe nipples on the pumpfacing the same direction as before removal-1990-93 FWDGalant
13. Installthe right side lateralrod and attaching bolt into the right body coupling.Tightenloosely only, at this time. 14. Tightenthe self-lockingnuts on the tank support strapsuntil the tank is fully seated.Torquethe nutsto 22 ft. Ibs. (31 Nm). 15. Installthe high pressurefuel hoseconnector and tightento 29 ft. Ibs.(40 Nm). 16. Installthe electricalconnectorsonto the fuel pumpand gaugeunit assemblies. 17. Lowerthe vehicleso the suspension supports the weightof the vehicle.Tightenthe lateralrod attachingbolt to 58-72 ft Ibs. (So-100 Nm). 18. Refillthe fuel tankwith fuel drainedduring this procedure. 19. Connectthe negativebatterycableand check the entiresystemfor properoperationand leaks.


Fig. 63 Removethe six pumpretaining bolts and remove the fuel pump and gauge assembly from the tank-1990-93 AWD 1Galant

Observeall applicablesafety precautions whenworking aroundfuel. Wheneverservicing the fuel system,always work in a well ventilated area. Do not allow fuel spray or vaporsto comein contactwith a spark or openflame. Keepa dry chemicalfire extinguishernear the work area. Always keepfuel in a containerspecifically designedfor fuel storage;also, always properly seal fuel containers to avoid the possibility of fire or explosion. To install: rlf the packingmaterial is damagedor deformed, replace it with new packing.
8. Installthe packingto the fuel tank. 9. Installthefuel pumpassembly thetankand to tightenthe retainingnutsto 22 inch Ibs.(2 5 Nm).


Fig. 64 Install 3M ATD Part No. 8625 or equivalent,to the rear floor pan and install iheaccesscover into place-1990-93 AWD Ealant

*Tilt the float to the left of the vehicle, when installing the pumpassembly.. 10. Connect highpressure return the hose, hose andthefueltankwiring. 11. Connect negative the battery cable. 12. Check fuelpump proper the for pressure and \ inspect entire the system leaks. for 13. Apply sealant theaccess andinstall to cover thecover. 14. Install rearseat the cushion. 1999-M Galant b See Figures65 thru 75 1. Properly relieve fuelsystem the pressure. 2. Disconnect negative the battery cable. 3. Remove rearseat the cushion, pulling by the seat stopper outward liftingthelower and cushion upward. 4. Remove access the cover.

Fig. 73 Using special tool MB991480or 1equivalerIt, removethe fuel pumpretaining

-93155~03 . _. . . . then lift the cover from tne floor-


Fig. 71 The fuel pump, just like the sending ._. unit (shown here), is held by six re. -. tammgnuts; removetnem and lift the pump out of the fuel tank J

Fig. 74 Install the packing to the fuel tank -1999-00 Galant I A/ -p,486 I

, Fig, 68 On Mirage models there is a plug rather than an access cover

72 Ins$ll 3M ATD Part No. 6625 ori equivalent to the rear floor pan and install the accesscover or plug into place

/Fig. 75 lnstaII the fuel pump assembly toi the tank and align the mating markson the pumpand the floorpan -1999110 Galant

6. Disconnectthe returnhoseandthe high pressurefuel hose. 7. Usingspecialtool MB991480 or equivalent, removethe fuel pumpretainingcapand removethe pumpassembly.

1. Relievefuel systempressure. 2. Disconnect batterynegativecable. the 3. Disconnect fuel hrghpressurehoseat the the deliverypipe side.

Observeall applicablesafety precautions whenworking aroundfuel. Wheneverservicing the fuel system,always work in a well ventilated area. Do not allow fuel spray or vaporsto comein contactwith a spark or openflame. Keepa dry chemicalfire extinguishernear the work area. Always keepfuel in a containerspecifically designedfor fuel storage;also, always properly seal fuel containers to avoid the possibility of fire or explosion. To install: *If the packingmaterial is damagedor deformed, replace it with new packing.
8. Installthe packingto the fuel tank. 9. Installthe fuel pumpassemblyto the tank and align the matingmarkson the pumpand the floorpan. 10. Tightenthe fuel pumpretainingcap using tool MB991480or equrvalent. 11. Connectthe high pressurehose,returnhose and the fuel tankwirmg. 12. Connectthe negativebatterycable. 13. Checkthe fuel pumpfor properpressureand inspectthe entiresystemfor leaks. 14. Apply sealantto the accesscoverand install the cover. 15. Installthe rearseatcushion.

Observeall applicablesafety precautions when working aroundfuel. Wheneverservicing the fuel system,always work in a well ventilated area. Do not allow fuel spray or vaporsto comein contactwith a sparkor openflame. Keepa dry chemicalfire extinguishernear the work area. Always keepfuel in a containerspecifically designedfor fuel storage;also, always properly seal fuel containers to avoid the possibility of fire or exalosion.
4. Connecta fuel pressuregaugeto tools MD998709 and MD998742 or exactequivalent, with appropriate adapters, sealsand/or gasketsto prevent leaksduringthe test. Installthe gaugeand adapter between deliverypipe and high pressurehose.Inthe stall carefullyto preventleaks. 5. Connectthe negativebatterycable. 6. Apply batteryvoltageto the terminalfor fuel pumpactivation(locatedin the enginecompartment) to run the fuel pump,andcheckfor leaks. 7. Startthe engineand run at curb idle speed. 8. Measurethe fuel pressureand compareto the specificationslisted in the chart in Section1. 9. Locateand disconnectthe vacuumhoserunning to the fuel pressureregulator.Plugthe end of the hoseand recordthe fuel pressureagain.Thefuel pressureshould haveincreased approximatelyIO psi.

10. Reconnect vacuumhosethe fuel pressure the regulator.Afterthe fuel pressurestabilizes,racethe engine2-3 times and checkthatthe fuel pressure does not fall whenthe engineis runningat idle. il. Checkto be surethereis fuel pressurein the returnhoseby gentlypressingthe fuel returnhose with fingerswhile racingthe engine.Therewill be no fuel pressurein the returnhosewhenthe volumeof fuel flow is low. 12. If fuel pressureis too low,checkfor a cloggedfuel filter, a defectivefuel pressureregulator or a defectivefuel pump,any of which will requirereplacement. 13. If fuel pressureis too high, the fuel pressure regulatoris defectiveand will haveto be replaced or the fuel returnis bentor clogged.If the fuel pressure readmgdoesnot changewhenthe vacuumhoseis disconnected, hoseis cloggedor the valve is the stuck in the fuel pressureregulatorand it will haveto be replaced. 14. Stop the engineand checkfor changesin the fuel pressuregauge.It should not drop. If the gauge readingdoesdrop, watchthe rateof drop. If fuel pressuredrops slowly, the likely causeis a leaking injectorwhich will requirereplacement. the fuel If pressuredrops immediately the engineis after stopped,the checkvalve in the fuel pumpisnt closing andthe fuel pumpwill haveto be replaced. 15. Relievefuel systempressure. 16. Disconnect high pressurehoseand rethe movethe fuel pressuregaugefrom the deliverypipe. 17. Installa newO-ring in the groove of the high pressurehose.Connectthe hoseto the deliverypipe and tightenthe screws.After Installation,applybatteryvoltageto the terminalfor fuel pumpactivationto run the fuel pump.Checkfor leaks.

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