MN Wind Power
MN Wind Power
MN Wind Power
On the inside --
innesotas wind energy resource is attracting the interest of individual farmers, business owners, and other landowners as well as of utilities and large-scale developers. Developers find wind energy attractive for a variety of reasons, including its potential economic benefits and its less harmful impact on the environment when compared to coal and other electric power sources. The Minnesota legislature is spurring development of the states wind energy resource: in 1995 it required Northern States Power utility to install 425 megawatts of wind energy by 2002. Then, to encourage more widespread investment in wind energy, the 1997 legislature provided for incentive payments to assist small commercial development. Other assistance is also available for small developers (see page 8).
to questions
you decide
The Minnesota Department of Public Service (DPS) assists wind energy development by collecting data at wind monitoring sites around the state, analyzing energy potential based on these data, and making the information available to any interested person. The goal is to provide the public with reliable information on energy potential, helping individuals to more accurately assess the advisability of investing in wind energy. This brochure is written for those interested in buying small-scale wind energy systems. It gives them the information they need for an initial screening to determine whether further investment is justified. It answers these questions: How can wind power work for me? Is my business, farm, or household on a good wind site? How much does a wind system cost and how much will it save me? How do I choose the right system? Where can I go for more help and detailed information?
whether small
development can
April 1999
If your wind system is connected to an electric utility, you can feed excess electricity into the utility lines, and then draw on utility power when the wind system cannot meet your demand.
power depends on three basic variables: air density (cold winter air may have a density factor up to 20 percent greater than warm summer air), the length of the machines turbine blades, and wind speed at the site. In calculating usable power, the wind speed is cubed; therefore, even a small change in wind speed results in a large change in available power. For example, if you thought the average wind speed at your site was 12.3 miles-per-hour (mph), or 5.5 metersper-second (m/s), but it was actually 11.2 mph or 5 m/s, your power calculations would overestimate available energy production by one-third. To determine the amount of electric power (in watts) available, use the following formula: Available electric power = .6125 x D x A x V3 x E D = air density ratio at elevation x density ratio at temperature (consult the WRAP report for a formula to calculate Density see page 8). A = swept area in square meters (blade length2 x 3.14) V = wind speed in m/s E = blade efficiency (obtained from manufacturer or dealer) (To convert miles-per-hour to meters-per-second, multiply by 0.447.)
Applying the formula to a typical Minnesota small wind generation site, with elevation of 1,000 feet and an average temperature of 40o F. : D = 1.004 A = blade length of 3.5 meters2 (*) x 3.14, or 38.5 square meters V = wind speed of 5.49 m/s cubed, or 165.47 E = blade efficiency of .3 Available power = .6125 x 1.004 x 38.5 x 165.47 x .30 = 1,175.2 watts, or 1.18 kilowatts. (* 1 meter = 3.28 feet; therefore, blade length of 11.5 = 3.5 meters)
Applications. This available power can be used in a number of ways. For example, you may choose to connect your wind-driven generator with your present electrical system so that you can draw power from either your utility or the generator. Another option includes making the generator independent of the utility and using the electricity directly for your home, farm, or business needs. This may require using a battery system to store surplus electricity. If you use wind energy primarily for water heating, an extra large storage tank can be added with an electric heating coil directly connected to the output of a wind generator. This does not require the specialized circuitry needed to hook up to the utility grid. Utility connections. A wind system produces varying amounts of power, depending on wind speed. If your system is connected to an electric utility, you can feed excess electricity into the utility lines when you have more power than you need, and draw on utility power when the wind system cannot meet your demand. Federal and state laws now require utilities to buy the excess power generated. The Minnesota Public Utilities Commission, in conjunction with the utilities and other interested parties, has developed rules that establish buyback rates. Minnesota state law requires the utility to buy back electricity at average retail rates if generating capacity is less than 40 kW. Recent Minnesota state law 2 Minnesota Department of Public Service
also offers incentive payments for the sale of electricity (see page 8). A wind generator can be interconnected with utility power by using either a synchronous inverter or an induction generator. A synchronous inverter changes wind-generated DC current into AC current with the same frequency as utility power, while an induction generator produces synchronized AC current directly. Both the inverter and generator must meet safety and quality standards set by the utility. The advantages of utility interconnection include having standard utility AC power when you need it, eliminating the need for expensive electrical storage, and having the potential to sell excess power back to the utility. One disadvantage may be the cost of the interconnection, which can vary considerably from utility to utility. Battery storage. If you do not interconnect your generator with a utility power line, you will need storage batteries to provide electricity when sufficient power is not available from the wind system. You should plan to have enough battery storage capacity to meet your electricity needs for three to five days. Lead-acid batteries are presently the least expensive, most practical means of storing electrical energy. These may be much larger than car batteries and will have thick lead plates for deeper discharge and repeated cycling over many years. Battery storage wind systems are generally the most expensive. In addition, they are not as efficient because power is lost during battery storage and through DC to AC conversion. For most cases, these problems limit A 10-kW wind turbine. Photo Bergey the economic feasibility of battery storage systems. In remote locations, howev- Windpower Co. Inc. er, where bringing in utility lines would be very costly, battery storage wind systems are an excellent alternative.
The wind resource in your area. The Wind Resource Map prepared by the Department of Public Service and inserted in this brochure shows the states wind resource by wind power classification. The map was developed using data from the DPS wind monitoring sites and a computerized mapping process that takes into account terrain characteristics such as elevation, vegetation, and surface roughness. (See page 8.) Site observation. Your own observation can be useful in assessing the wind energy potential of your site, although it is easy to overestimate the wind energy potential of a windy site. Take some time to observe the wind; wind speeds of 9 to 12.3 mph (4 to 5.5 m/s) cause constant motion of leaves and small twigs and make flags or streamers extend. Examine the topography of your land for obstacles such as trees, buildings, and Minnesota Department of Public Service
Rotor Diameter 23 26 29
10 15 20
0.6 1 3
7 9 14.8
hills, which slow the wind from certain directions. If your land has a large open flat area or a ridge or hilltop with exposure to winds from most directions, its potential as a wind energy site is increased. Lower areas, ravines, river bottoms, and wooded sites are generally not practical for wind systems. If there is a nearby airport or weather station, check for any wind speed data it can provide. If the topography of the weather station is similar to that of your site, its wind data may approximate yours. If these preliminary indications are favorable, the next step is to monitor the wind speed. Wind speed monitoring. On-site wind speed monitoring is recommended for any potential site, but particularly if a significant investment is being considered or if project performance is critical. Wind speeds are measured by an instrument called an anemometer. An anemometer is a small wind generator with cups or blades that produces an electrical signal in proportion to the wind velocity. Often a wind vane is mounted with the anemometer to indicate wind direction. Both instruments should be mounted on a pole or tower that is as close as possible to the height at which your wind machine will be mounted. If your anemometer is mounted too low, it will underestimate the actual wind resource available. It is generally recommended that the hub height for your machine be at least 100 feet (30 meters). Hourly average wind speeds with hourly wind speed standard deviations should be recorded for a minimum of three months, but ideally for a full year to generate data on all seasons. Wind speed data can then be used with performance data for various wind machines to determine the expected output for each machine at your site. Anemometers may possibly be leased from a local wind machine dealer, or you may choose to purchase one. A simple wind monitoring device that records hourly wind speeds and wind direction may cost as much as $700. Site legal restrictions. If your site is in a remote or agricultural area, you may not need to worry about legal restrictions. You should, however, check with your city or county for zoning regulations and building and electrical codes. Restrictions may be placed on the height and distance of your wind generator 4 Minnesota Department of Public Service
from property lines and roads. Sometimes visual impact and noise can become issues. If you plan to interconnect with your electric utility, you should determine its policies concerning interconnection. Federal and state laws require utilities to interconnect with small power producers, but policies and equipment required vary from utility to utility.
What does a wind system cost and how much will it save?
The cost of a wind energy system includes the initial purchase price plus maintenance costs. The chart on page 4 summarizes these costs for several machines available in our region. Maintenance costs. Maintaining a wind machine typically involves a once- or twice-a-year inspection, lubrication, and change of oil in the gear box, all of which may be covered under a service agreement contract with the dealer. Your long-term project plan should also allow for parts replacement and repair of such items as the generator, controls, blades, or brake system. Total annual maintenance costs are usually estimated as 2 to 2.5 percent of the initial machine cost. Calculating savings. To estimate the cost effectiveness of your wind system, you need the following information: The cost of the equipment, including installation; be sure to include either the real cost, or a close estimate, of each required component/service. The expected annual energy output of the machine, in kilowatt-hours, based on the manufacturers estimates for the wind speed data at the intended site. Simple payback. The worksheet on page 6 will help you calculate how long it will take before the cost of the machine will be paid for by the energy savings. Remember, however, that simple payback does not take into account any loan interest charges or operating and maintenance expenses. The worksheet should be viewed as a rough estimate; if the results are favorable, more precise calculations will be needed (see page 8).
Multi-bladed windmills were once wide ly used to pump water on American farms. Farmers largely stopped using them following the rural electrification program of the 1930s. Photo U.S. Department of Agriculture.
upwind models, the wind passes through the blades before going through the tower. These models are large machines with motorized yaw controls that hold the rotor into the wind. In a downwind machine, the wind passes through the tower before striking the blades. Vertical axis machines may perform better in very high wind areas, but are also more expensive and are not used in Minnesota. As with any major purchase, before you buy a wind machine you should shop around for the best balance of value and quality. To make sure that you receive all the pertinent information from each dealer, use the following information as a guide: Rotor diameter. Average annual energy output (in kilowatt-hours) at various average wind speeds. Rated power output or generator rating (expressed in kilowatts). Rated wind speed wind speed at which the machine reaches the rated power output. Cut-in speed wind speed at which the machine starts to produce power. Survival wind speed the maximum wind speed the machine is designed to withstand.
Capital costs (fill in only blanks that apply) Wind generator Tower and foundation Inverter (if needed) Batteries (if stand alone) Installation costs Shipping costs Other Total Capital Costs
(add 1-7)
Example, based on a typical 20kW machine in a 6 m/s (13.4 mph) wind regime. Capital costs Wind generator Tower (80 foot) Inverter Batteries Installation and foundation costs Shipping costs Other hardware Total (add lines 1-7) (1) $16,500 (2) 5,144 (3) 3,900 (4) n/a (5) (6) (7) 3,000 700 800
(1)______________ (2) _____________ (3) _____________ (4) _____________ (5) _____________ (6) _____________ (7) _____________ (8) $ ____________
(8) $30,044
(9) _____________
Projected annual energy output (9) 42,000 kWh Annual energy cost savings (10) $3,402
(based on electric retail rate of 8.1 cents per kWh)
Simple payback
(line 8 line 10) 6
(11) ____________
Simple payback
(30,044 3,402)
Mechanical and electrical systems, how they work and whether they are automatic or manual. Manufacturer or dealer warranties and/or maintenance contracts. Electric equipment for utility connection or electrical storage, if needed.
The State of Minnesota provides a number of financial and information resources to aid developers of small wind energy systems. They include:
Tax breaks
Minnesota exempts wind generation equipment from the state sales tax. The state also exempts wind energy systems of less than 2 MW from any property tax. Other laws encouraging wind development include an easement law that prohibits a building or other structure from being erected near the wind turbine where it could interfere with the wind resource.
for the amount of electricity sold, and not on any electricity used by the owner. For more information on eligibility requirements, call the Minnesota Department of Public Service Energy Information Center at 651-2965175 in the Twin Cities or 800-657-3710 from elsewhere in Minnesota, and ask for the packet on Commercial Wind Energy Development. Loans for the purchase of wind energy systems are available through the Minnesota Department of Agriculture. For more information, call the Sustainable Agricultural Loan Program at 651-282-2261, and the Rural Finance Authority at 651-297-3557.
For more information on wind energy, contact: Minnesota Department of Public Service (DPS) 200 Metro Square Building 121 - 7th Place East St. Paul, MN 55101-2145
DPS Energy Information Center Twin Cities 651-296-5175 TTY: 651-297-3067 MN Toll Free 800-657-3710