SKEE 4653 - Chapter 3 - Wind Energy System
SKEE 4653 - Chapter 3 - Wind Energy System
SKEE 4653 - Chapter 3 - Wind Energy System
• China now spends more on renewables than the US and EU combined. It’s
worth noting there was a lull in Chinese clean energy investment in the first
quarter of 2016, however.
• China’s wind capacity of 145GW now exceeds the EU’s and is three times that in
• Other notable features of the data are that India has a higher wind capacity,
with 25 GW, than the UK (14 GW) and France (10 GW) combined. Poland’s 5.10
GW marginally exceeds Denmark’s 5.06GW.
• Most of the world’s 433GW of wind capacity is onshore. Europe leads the way
on offshore wind, with 11 GW, of which 5 GW is in the UK.
• China is the only other significant offshore wind market in the world, with 1 GW.
However, countries including Japan, South Korea, the US and India are starting
to develop the technology.
The Gansu Wind Farm in China is the largest wind farm in the world, with a target capacity of 20,000 MW by 2020.
The Shepherds Flat Wind Farm is an 845 MW wind farm in the U.S. state of Oregon.
Global Wind Dataset
Movie Clip:
Fact About Wind Energy
Movie Clip:
Wind Turbine - How it works?
Appropriate Location
• Basic characteristics to be observed for defining a site:
– Wind intensities in the area
– Distance of transmission and distribution networks
– Topography
– Purpose of the energy generated
– Means of access
Wind Turbine Sizes and Applications
•Wind turbines can provide energy for onsite use as well as for export for sale.
•The energy needs will determine the size of the turbine.
•Wind turbine economics are maximized when the project size is designed to
match the energy needs of the load while also monetizing economies of scale and
equipment track record.
•Residential onsite energy use requires a small turbine (typically less than 10
kilowatts (kW)) that can generate the amount of power that the home requires for
daily operation.
•Midsize machines can produce enough energy to match larger commercial onsite
loads. Utility-scale machines that maximize generation for the site infrastructure
footprint and cost are best suited for utility-scale projects.
•Regardless of project size, projects connected to the electrical grid will require
utility approvals and may require grid impact studies before construction can
Wind Turbine Sizes and Applications
Residential-Scale Onsite Energy Use ( < 10 kW)
Small Commercial-Scale Onsite Energy Use (10 - 50 kW)
Commercial Onsite Energy Use (50 - 250 kW)
Large Commercial or Industrial Energy Use (500 kW - 1.5 MW)
This machine class is typically indistinguishable from utility-scale turbines on a technology
basis. The towers often exceed 200 feet, which need to be fitted with obstruction lighting.
Projects of this size warrant community involvement and endorsement or approval at all
Utility-Scale Energy Use (1.5 - 7.5 MW)
These large turbines have rotors measuring more than 250 feet in diameter and are
installed on tall towers that require aviation obstruction notification and lighting. Because
of their size and the scale of the installations, utility-scale wind turbines require
environmental, utility, and public coordination at the highest levels.
Utility-scale wind farms require exacting resource assessments, legal and financial due
diligence, utility integration, and financing typical of very large capital investments
installations, such as airports.
Average land-based wind turbine size and levelized cost of energy through 2012, and range of state-of-the-art turbines that could be
deployed by addressing barriers (image via NREL)
Movie Clip:
Construction of the Largest Wind Farm in Southeast
Enercon E126
Movie Clip:
How do Wind Turbines work -
Wind Turbine – Betz’s law
• Betz' law states that only less than 16/27 (or 59%) of the wind
power can be converted into mechanical power using a wind
• The coefficient of power of a wind turbine is a measurement of how efficiently the
wind turbine converts the energy in the wind into electricity.
• To find the coefficient of power at a given wind speed
Betz Limit
Albert Betz was a German physicist who calculated that no wind turbine could convert
more than 59.3% of the kinetic energy of the wind into mechanical energy turning a
• This is known as the Betz Limit, and is the theoretical maximum coefficient of power
for any wind turbine.
A net wind mechanical power of the turbine is imposed by this kinetic
energy difference, which may estimated as
In order to calculate the mean
power from a wind turbine over
a range of mean wind speeds, a
generalised expression is
needed for the probability
density distribution. An
expression which gives a good fit
to wind data is known as the
Weibull distribution.
• The Weibull distribution shown below has two parameters k and c.
• The Rayleigh distribution is actually a special case of the Weibull distribution with k = 2.
k 1
k V
e V / c
f (V ) 0 V
6% k = 4; c = 3
0.5 k = 4; c = 5
0.4 k = 2 gives
3% distribtuion
2% 0.2
1% 0.1
0% 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Wind Speed, V (m/s)
Wind Turbine Anatomy
Wind Turbine Anatomy
Wind Turbine Anatomy
Wind Turbine Component Description
Anemometer: Measures the wind speed and transmits wind speed data to the controller.
Blades: Lifts and rotates when wind is blown over them, causing the rotor to spin. Most
turbines have either two or three blades.
Brake: Stops the rotor mechanically, electrically, or hydraulically, in emergencies.
Controller: Starts up the machine at wind speeds of about 8 to 16 miles per hour (mph) and
shuts off the machine at about 55 mph. Turbines do not operate at wind speeds above about
55 mph because they may be damaged by the high winds.
Gear box: Connects the low-speed shaft to the high-speed shaft and increases the rotational
speeds from about 30-60 rotations per minute (rpm), to about 1,000-1,800 rpm; this is the
rotational speed required by most generators to produce electricity. The gear box is a costly
(and heavy) part of the wind turbine and engineers are exploring "direct-drive" generators
that operate at lower rotational speeds and don't need gear boxes.
Generator: Produces 60-cycle AC electricity; it is usually an off-the-shelf induction generator.
High-speed shaft: Drives the generator.
Low-speed shaft: Turns the low-speed shaft at about 30-60 rpm.
Wind Turbine Component Description
Nacelle: Sits atop the tower and contains the gear box, low- and high-speed shafts,
generator, controller, and brake. Some nacelles are large enough for a helicopter to land on.
Pitch: Turns (or pitches) blades out of the wind to control the rotor speed, and to keep the
rotor from turning in winds that are too high or too low to produce electricity.
Rotor: Blades and hub together form the rotor.
Tower: Made from tubular steel (shown here), concrete, or steel lattice. Supports the
structure of the turbine. Because wind speed increases with height, taller towers enable
turbines to capture more energy and generate more electricity.
Wind direction: Determines the design of the turbine. Upwind turbines—like the one shown
here—face into the wind while downwind turbines face away.
Wind vane: Measures wind direction and communicates with the yaw drive to orient the
turbine properly with respect to the wind.
Yaw drive: Orients upwind turbines to keep them facing the wind when the direction
changes. Downwind turbines don't require a yaw drive because the wind manually blows the
rotor away from it.
Yaw motor: Powers the yaw drive.
Classification of wind turbines
• Horizontal-shaft turbines/Horizontal axis wind turbine:
– Blade type with one, two, or three blades
– Multiple-blade, farm, or spiked type
– Double opposite blade type
• Vertical-shaft turbines/Vertical Axis wind turbine:
– Drag turbines VAWT
– Lifting turbines
Horizontal Versus Vertical
Horizontal-axis wind turbines are mounted on high towers with
the blades powering a gearbox and generator at the axis.
They are efficient but need wind that is free of turbulence.
Additional mechanisms are needed for blocking their rotation in
high winds, when they might damage themselves, and for turning
them so that they always point into the wind.
o Wind turbines with vertical axes can be mounted at ground
level or on roofs because they can work in turbulent winds.
o They are less efficient but more compact.
o They don't need protection from high winds, and they
work for wind blowing from any direction without having
to be turned.
Wind Turbines – HAWT & VAWT Concepts
• Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine
– suitable for both small and large systems, and
most commercial wind turbines are HAWT.
– Advantages: High wind speed at a grater height,
High efficiency
– Disadvantages: Complex system, High installation
cost for large systems (Generator and gearbox
installed on top of tower)
• Vertical Axis Wind Turbine
– suitable for small systems
– Advantages: Gearbox and generator can be placed
on the ground, Do not need a yaw system to turn
the rotor against wind (The yaw system of wind turbines is the
component responsible for the orientation of the wind turbine rotor towards
the wind.)
HAWT Disadvantages
• The tall towers and blades up to 90 meters long are difficult to transport.
Transportation can now cost 20% of equipment costs.
• Tall HAWTs are difficult to install, needing very tall and expensive cranes and skilled
• Massive tower construction is required to support the heavy blades, gearbox, and
• Reflections from tall HAWTs may affect side lobes of radar installations creating signal
clutter, although filtering can suppress it.
• Their height makes them obtrusively visible across large areas, disrupting the
appearance of the landscape and sometimes creating local opposition.
• Downwind variants suffer from fatigue and structural failure caused by turbulence
when a blade passes through the tower's wind shadow (for this reason, the
majority of HAWTs use an upwind design, with the rotor facing the wind in front of the
• HAWTs require an additional yaw control mechanism to turn the blades toward the
Vertical Axis Wind Turbine (VAWT)
Vertical axis wind turbines (VAWTs) in addition to being simpler and cheaper to build
have the following advantages:
• They are always facing the wind - no need for steering into the wind.
• Have greater surface area for energy capture - can be many times greater.
• Are more efficient in gusty winds - already facing the gust
• Can be installed in more locations - on roofs, along highways, in parking lots.
• Do not kill birds and wild -life - slow moving and highly visible.
• Can be scaled more easily - from milli-watts to mega-watts.
• Can be significantly less expensive to build - are inherently simpler.
• Can have low maintenance downtime - mechanisms at or near ground level
• Produce less noise -low speed means less noise
• Are more aesthetically pleasing - to some one.
Vertical Axis Wind Turbine
Darrieus vertical-
axis wind turbine
in Martigny,
Switzerland Savonius wind turbine
Blade Concept
Single bladed
• rotor imbalance – needs counter weight – needs hinge mechanism & shock
absorbers • aerodynamic efficiency less – only one blade cost
Two bladed
• rotor imbalance – no uniform torque – needs hinge mechanism & shock
absorbers • aerodynamic efficiency less – less bending moments – cost is for two
Multi bladed
• preferably used for windmill water pumping
Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine
Fiberglass-reinforced epoxy blades of Siemens SWT-2.3-101 wind turbines. The blade size
of 49 meters is in comparison to a substation behind them at Wolfe Island Wind Farm.
Tower height
• For HAWTs, tower heights approximately two to three times the blade length
have been found to balance material costs of the tower against better
utilisation of the more expensive active components.
• Currently, the majority of wind turbines are supported by conical tubular steel
• These towers represent 30% – 65% of the turbine weight and therefore
account for a large percentage of the turbine transportation costs.
• The use of lighter materials in the tower could greatly reduce the overall
transport and construction cost of wind turbines, however the stability must
be maintained.
Gearbox Concept
Rotor diameter 71 m
Variable frequency
gear Power flow
ac voltage
Power flow
Energy storage
dc-dc converter
Doubly-fed Induction Generator Wind Turbine
Power flow
Inverter dc link Inverter
/rectifier /rectifier grid
Doubly-fed Induction
Generator Wind Turbine
Doubly-fed Induction
Generator Wind
Generator Concept
1.Asynchronous generator (constant / variable speed / preferably
high speed generators)
• Stator connected with grid – rotor (short circuited copper
• if it runs, above synchronous speed – becomes generator
Movie Clip:
Enercon E126 –
The Most Powerful Wind Turbine
in The World
Movie Clip:
What's inside a wind turbine
Movie Clip:
A Real Tour Inside a Wind Turbine
1.Given the air density , rho = 1.225 kg/m3 and the rotor blade is 40 m,
the power coefficient is 0.41 at the rated wind speed of 14 m/s.
The wind turbine generator is connected to an induction generator
with the technical efficiency of 97%. The generator is linked to a single
phase full wave rectifier with the firing angle of 15 degree, its efficiency
is 98%.
•Offshore wind resource characteristics span a range of spatial and temporal scales
and field data on external conditions.
•For the North Sea, wind turbine energy is around 30 kWh/m2 of sea area, per year,
delivered to grid. The energy per sea area is roughly independent of turbine size.
•Necessary data includes water depth, currents, seabed, migration, and wave action,
all of which drive mechanical and structural loading on potential turbine
•Other factors include marine growth, salinity, icing, and the geotechnical
characteristics of the sea or lake bed.
•A number of things are necessary in order to attain the necessary information on
these subjects.
•Existing hardware for these measurements includes Light Detection and Ranging
(LIDAR), Sonic Detection and Ranging (SODAR), radar, autonomous underwater
vehicles (AUV), and remote satellite sensing, although these technologies should be
assessed and refined
• Because of the previous factors, one of the biggest difficulties with offshore
wind farms is the ability to predict loads.
• Analysis must account for the dynamic coupling between translational (surge,
sway, and heave) and rotational (roll, pitch, and yaw) platform motions and
turbine motions, as well as the dynamic characterization of mooring lines for
floating systems.
• Foundations and substructures make up a large fraction of offshore wind
systems, and must take into account every single one of these factors.
• Corrosion is also a serious problem and requires detailed design
• The prospect of remote monitoring of corrosion looks very promising using
expertise utilised by the offshore oil/gas industry and other large industrial
• Some of the guidelines for designing offshore wind farms are IEC 61400-
3, but in the US several other standards are necessary.
• In the EU, different national standards are to be straight-lined into more
cohesive guidelines to lower costs.
• The standards requires that a loads analysis is based on site-specific external
conditions such as wind, wave and currents.
Offshore turbines require different types of bases for stability, according to the
depth of water. To date a number of different solutions exist:
•A mono pile (single column) base, six meters in diameter, is used in waters up
to 30 meters deep.
•Gravity Base Structures, for use at exposed sites in water 20– 80 m deep.
•Tripod piled structures, in water 20–80 metres deep.
•Tripod suction caisson structures, in water 20-80m deep.
•Conventional steel jacket structures, as used in the oil and gas industry, in
water 20-80m deep.
•Floating wind turbines are being developed for deeper water.
•Turbines are much less accessible when offshore (requiring the use of a service
vessel or helicopter for routine access, and a jackup rig for heavy service such as
gearbox replacement), and thus reliability is more important than for an onshore
•Some farms inspect the blades of three turbines per day by photographing them
from the mono pile through a 600mm lens, avoiding to go up. Others use camera
•Because of their remote nature, prognosis and health-monitoring systems on
offshore wind turbines will become much more necessary.
Environmental impact of wind power
While the offshore wind industry has grown dramatically over the last several
decades, especially in Europe, there is still a great deal of uncertainty associated
with how the construction and operation of these wind farms affect marine animals
and the marine environment.
•The risk of seabirds being struck by wind turbine blades or being displaced from
critical habitats;
•The underwater noise associated with the installation process of driving
monopile turbines into the seabed;
•The physical presence of offshore wind farms altering the behavior of marine
mammals, fish, and seabirds with attraction or avoidance;
•The potential disruption of the nearfield and farfield marine environment from
large offshore wind projects.
Economics and benefits
A report from a coalition of researchers from universities, industry, and
government, lays out several things needed in order to bring the costs down and
make offshore wind more economically viable:
•Improving wind performance models, including how design conditions and the
wind resource are influenced by the presence of other wind farms.
•Reducing the weight of turbine materials
•Eliminating problematic gearboxes
•Turbine load-mitigation controls and strategies
•Turbine and rotor designs to minimize hurricane and typhoon damage
•Economic modeling and optimization of costs of the overall wind farm system,
including installation, operations, and maintenance
•Service methodologies, remote monitoring, and diagnostics.
Transport of Wind-Generated Energy
•All of the power generated by the wind turbines needs to be transmitted to shore
and connected to the power grid.
•Each turbine is connected to an electric service platform (ESP) by a power cable.
•The ESP is typically located somewhere within the turbine array, and it serves as a
common electrical collection point for all the wind turbines and as a substation.
•In addition, ESP’s can be outfitted to function as a central service facility, and may
include a helicopter landing pad, communications station, crew quarters, and
emergency backup equipment.
•After collecting the power from the wind turbines, high voltage cables running from
the ESP transmit the power to an onshore substation, where the power is integrated
into the grid.
•The cables used for these projects are typically buried beneath the seabed, where
they are safe from damage caused by anchors or fishing gear and to reduce their
exposure to the marine environment.
•These types of cables are expensive, and are a major capital cost to the developer.
•The amount of cable used depends on many factors, including how far offshore the
project is located, the spacing between turbines, the presence of obstacles that
require cables to be routed in certain directions, and other considerations.
The MPV Willem De Vlamingh will be working installing cable
connecting the Northwind offshore wind farm
Thank you