Section Number of Questions Marks
Section Number of Questions Marks
Section Number of Questions Marks
Number of Questions
Quantitative Techniques & 25 Data Interpretation Logical Reasoning 25 Language Comprehension 25 General Awareness 25 Total 100
Duration: 3 hours
Marking: 4 for each correct answer and (-1) for each incorrect answer
Q. 1 to Q. 25: Quantitative Aptitude, Data Interpretation and Data Sufficiency: This section had around 19 questions from QA spread across topics like Percentage, Profit and Loss, Shares and Brokerages, Linear Equations, Quadratic Equations, Ratio and Proportions, Averages, Partnership, Alligation and Mixtures, Time Speed Distance, Time and Work, Permutation and Combination, Probability, Inequalities, Geometry, Coordinate Geometry etc. There were 2 calculative but easy DI sets with one question each. Apart from these there were 3 to 4 Data Sufficiency Questions based on application of concepts and logic. A good candidate could take around 50 minutes to attempt this section and attempt 22 23 questions with reasonable accuracy rate. Hence the overall difficulty level of this section can be considered as easy
Q. 26 to Q. 50: Logical Reasoning: The sets in this section were based on arrangements, puzzles and decision making and these sets were lengthy especially because there was only one question for each set. However these were doable and looking at the time provided in CMAT it is very logical to attempt these questions. Apart from these there was at least one question based on Series, Coding-decoding, Syllogism, Statement assumption and Statement Conclusion. A good candidate could take around 60 minutes to attempt this section and attempt around 20 - 21 questions with reasonable accuracy rate. Hence the overall difficulty level of this section can be considered as moderate just because of the length of sets.
Q. 51 to Q. 75: Language Comprehension: This section was the most surprising of all especially because there was no Reading Comprehension. Rather 16 to 18 questions in this section were of Critical Reasoning based on Strengthen, Weaken, Assumption, Inference, Tone
and Complete the Passage questions. 2 to 3 questions were of Vocabulary (Synonyms, Antonyms, Word Usage and analogy). There was one question each of Parajumble, FIJ, Identify the word and fill in the blank. Maximum 2 grammar questions may or may not make an appearance. A good candidate could take around 60 minutes to attempt this section and attempt 17 - 18 questions with reasonable accuracy rate. Hence the overall difficulty
Q. 76 to Q. 100: General Awareness: Most of the questions in this section were based on current affairs. An aspirant who has been following newspaper religiously would not find it difficult to attempt 12 or more questions. Apart from these there was one question each on books and authors, brands and tag lines, politics, classical dance forms, mergers and acquisitions, international organization (like UN, SAARC, ASEAN, IMF etc.). A good candidate could take around 10 minutes to attempt this section and attempt 20 - 21 questions with reasonable accuracy rate. Hence the overall difficulty level of this section can be considered as moderate.
All in all the paper was very logical, very balanced. The Language Comprehension section raises the bar quite a bit. However there are ample scoring opportunities for a diligent and smart candidate. This makes CMAT a very credible test.