The document summarizes and analyzes the 2013 exam for admission to the Institute of Rural Management and Administration (IRMA). It provides details on the structure of the exam, including the number and types of questions in each of the four sections - English Comprehension, Quantitative Ability, Analytical Reasoning, and Issues of Social Concern. It also analyzes the difficulty level of the questions in each section and provides estimated cutoff scores for admission to IRMA based on previous years' exams.
The document summarizes and analyzes the 2013 exam for admission to the Institute of Rural Management and Administration (IRMA). It provides details on the structure of the exam, including the number and types of questions in each of the four sections - English Comprehension, Quantitative Ability, Analytical Reasoning, and Issues of Social Concern. It also analyzes the difficulty level of the questions in each section and provides estimated cutoff scores for admission to IRMA based on previous years' exams.
The document summarizes and analyzes the 2013 exam for admission to the Institute of Rural Management and Administration (IRMA). It provides details on the structure of the exam, including the number and types of questions in each of the four sections - English Comprehension, Quantitative Ability, Analytical Reasoning, and Issues of Social Concern. It also analyzes the difficulty level of the questions in each section and provides estimated cutoff scores for admission to IRMA based on previous years' exams.
The document summarizes and analyzes the 2013 exam for admission to the Institute of Rural Management and Administration (IRMA). It provides details on the structure of the exam, including the number and types of questions in each of the four sections - English Comprehension, Quantitative Ability, Analytical Reasoning, and Issues of Social Concern. It also analyzes the difficulty level of the questions in each section and provides estimated cutoff scores for admission to IRMA based on previous years' exams.
T HE Institute of Rural Management and Admin- istration (IRMA) is a top notch B-school and was the first in India to launch MBA in Rural or Agri-Business. Un- fortunately, the institute attracts few- er than 15,000 applicants due to the tag of Rural Management. However, the flip side is that this small number of applicants is good news for IRMA aspirants as it increases the chances of success. THE STRUCTURE IRMA is a 120-minute test with 200 questions that are divided into four sections. Unlike CAT, each question in IRMA has five choices - with +1 for every correct answer and a - for every incorrect answer. The paper is divided into four sections (explained below) with no sectional time limits; you have the freedom to allocate time to the four sections as you wish. The 2013 IRMA admission test had four sections like the previous years question papers. Students had to at- tempt the four sections in a total of two hours. This year the biggest change has been in the distribution of questions across sections. English Comprehen- sion had 50 questions, Reasoning had 60, while for Social Concerns, the number of questions had dropped to 40. There was negative marking of one-fourth for each incorrect answer. Lets now take a detailed look at the different sections: ENGLISH COMPREHENSION A big departure from previous years, this year's IRMA English Compre- hension section did not have any grammar questions (aside from one question, part of a Reading Compre- hension passage, where the student had to paraphrase a given sentence from the passage), featured two RCs, and had a form of Parajumble unique to IRMA. There were two RC Pas- sages (Topics: The Quality of National Statistics; ) with 14 questions from Vocabulary and 2 questions on idioms. Like last year, there was a Cloze test only with 15 blanks and easy-moderate options. The Para- jumble (six questions based GAUTAM PURI With the rural economy and agricultural sector poised for a major boom, IRMA might be a good choice for you Rural Sojourn SECTIONAL BREAKUP Section Total questions Time English Comprehension 50 2 Hours composite Quantitative Ability 50 Analytical Reasoning 60 Issues of social concern 40 English Comprehension Topic Number of Questions Difculty Level RC Passage (2 Passages) 29 Easy- Medium Parajumble 6 Difficult Cloze Test 15 Easy- Medium Total 50 DECEMBER 2012MANAGEMENT COMPASS 73 IRMA ANALYSIS CAT Corner on one paragraph) questions were difficult. QUANTITATIVE ABILITY Like last year, most of the questions were of Data Interpretation. Most of the DI sets were calculation based. This section was almost a copy of the QA section of the IRMA FLT given by CL this year. An attempt of 20-25 questions is a good attempt. ANALYTICAL REASONING There were 60 questions in this sec- tion. The surprise came in the form of five questions in a DI-CR format. Instead of a passage, certain data and advertisements were shared and rea- soning questions were asked on the basis of these. There were five ques- tions on Syllogisms (Statement Con- clusion), three on Odd Word Out, five Critical Reasoning questions and two Decision making questions. There were also four RCCR combi- nation questions. In AR, the selec- tion of questions was important as the seven question arrangement set was difficult, while the five question circular arrangement set was easy. A mathematical operator based set was also easy. Input output question set was of moderate level difficulty. An attempt of 18-22 questions within 40 minutes is a very good attempt in this section. ISSUES OF SOCIAL CONCERN This year this section was thankfully found manageable by most students. More emphasis was laid on Static GK - 23 questions out of the 40 given were from this area. Overall, the most im- portant areas were Indian Economy and Agricultural/Rural Develop- ment. Questions from these two areas were moderate to difficult. The analysis and predicted cutoffs are based on inputs from our students and experienced faculty. CL Educate Ltd does not take responsibility for any decision taken based on this information. ABOUT THE AUTHOR A chemical engi- neer by training, CL Educate co-founder Gautam Puri earned his MBA from the Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore. Read his blog for the best CAT tips: www.careerlauncher. com/gpspeaks Quantitative Ability Topic Number of Questions Difculty Level Data Interpretation - Table based 15(5+5+5) Moderate Tough Data Interpretation Pie chart 5 Moderate -Difficult Data Interpretation Bar graph 10(5+5) Moderate Tough Data Interpretation Line graph 5 Easy Data Interpretation Pie + Table 5 Moderate Tough Quantitative Ability Probability 3 Easy Quantitative Ability Percentages 2 Easy Data-Sufficiency 5 Easy Analytical Reasoning Topic Number of Questions Difculty Level Sitting arrangement (2 sets) 10(5+5) Moderate Data Arrangement 7 Tough Data Sufficiency (reasoning based) 5 Easy- Moderate Statement conclusion (syllogism) 5 Easy Odd word/letter out 3 Easy Odd man out 2 Moderate Combination Question: RC CR 4 Moderate Combination Question: DI CR 5 Tough Decision Making CR 2 Moderate Logical reasoning set based on sentence inferences 5 Tough Input Output 5 Moderate Symbol based reasoning 5 Moderate Mathematical Reasoning 2 Moderate Issues of Social Concern Topic Number of Questions Difculty Level Indian Economy 19 Moderate- Difficult Agriculture and Rural Development Schemes 8 Moderate Geography 5 Moderate Personalities, awards and place 5 Easy- Moderate Misc 3 Easy Estimated Cut: Off Marks (IRMA 2013-15) Section 2011 (Percentile Cutoff) 2010 (Percentile Cutoff) 2012 Predicted Cutoffs Analytical Reasoning 80.759 85.607 19-21 Quantitative Ability 76.266 69.707 22-24 English Comprehension 58.426 67.24 24-26 Issues of Social Concern 50.168 70.43 15-17 Overall 76.332 89.203 95-100