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SNAP 2013 Analysis

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SNAP 2013 Analysis

The LEADER in Online Test Prep

The SNAP 2013 exam was similar to SNAP 2012 in terms of difficulty level, except for the General Awareness
section which predominantly comprised static GK (like 2011). The overall structure and marking scheme of
the exam was the same as the last few years i.e. 150 questions for 180 marks in 120 minutes. As usual, the
Logical Reasoning section had the least questions but the maximum marks allotted to it.

Number of Sections

Options per Question

Negative Marking

1/4th of Marks for the Question

2 per question for LR, 1 per question for
remaining sections

Marks per Question

Expected Overall Cut-offs

110+ for SIBM-P, 105+ for SCMHRD

1. Logical Reasoning 30 questions:

Like every year, the LR section had 30 questions, with 2 marks allotted to each question. The concepts
covered in this section were linear and complex arrangements, coded relationships, cubes, coded
mathematical operations, letter and number coding, Venn diagrams, analogies, number series, syllogisms
etc. Unlike previous SNAP exams, there were no critical reasoning questions in this section this year. The
question level breakup of questions is as given below:

SNAP 2013 Analysis

Question Type

Number of Questions

Relationships - Coded


Linear Arrangements

Complex Arrangements

Number Series

Letter Coding

Number Coding

Odd Man Out

Coded Mathematical Operations

Venn Diagrams


Diagrammatic Numeric Puzzle

Miscellaneous puzzle


Tables and Caselets



SNAP 2013 Analysis

The LEADER in Online Test Prep

In general, the entire section was simple but the order in which you attempted questions could have
helped optimise your available time. The two sets on Venn diagrams (Indians, Americans as well as
Sachin, Sourav and Dhoni) and complex arrangements (people, day and dish) were quite simple and could
have attempted quickly. The set on people and amounts was easy, provided it was solved using answer
options. If solved conventionally, it would have taken some more time. The single questions should have
been attempted based on the students comfort level and time available. There were two DI sets as well,
out of which, the set on 6th, 7th and 8th plan was very simple. On the whole, a student could have attempted
23-25 questions in around 40 minutes with a very high accuracy.
2. Verbal Ability 40 questions:
This years SNAP did not differ much from previous SNAP papers.

Question Type

Number of Questions

Reading Comprehension
Vocabulary Synonyms, idioms, odd
man out, spellings


Fill in the blanks

Faulty Construction

Mark the error

Jumbled sentences

Parts of Speech

The verbal section laid heavy emphasis upon the vocabulary, fill in the blanks and grammar question
types. The vocabulary based questions tested concepts pertaining to synonyms, idiomatic usage, spellings
and odd man out. Although fill in the blanks tested grammar applications, there was an emphasis on
vocabulary. The grammar based questions that required one to select errors were fairly simple.
The paper comprised two RCs. One of the RCs was based on ill-temper and had four questions out of
which two were passage based and two vocabulary-based. Although the subject matter was dense, the
questions were very easy. The other RC was based in the context of slavery and had 3 passage based
questions, which once again were rather simple.
There were two questions based on jumbled sentences. While one had five sentences that were to be
rearranged, the other had a single sentence jumbled into nine segments. Using options, both questions
could have been attempted successfully.
Overall the difficulty level of this section was easy to moderate. 31-33 attempts in 30 minutes would have
been a good attempt.
3. General Knowledge and Current Affairs 40 questions:
The GK section was a mixed bag, covering topics from business, international organisations, sports,
politics, history, science etc. However, unlike last year, there were hardly any questions on current affairs.
Also, there was greater emphasis on questions from banking, economics and finance. A well-read student
could have easily attempted 15-17 questions in this section.

SNAP 2013 Analysis


SNAP 2013 Analysis

The LEADER in Online Test Prep

4. Quantitative Ability + Data Interpretation 40 questions:

The Quantitative Ability section was extremely easy with a very high focus on Arithmetic (approximately
60% of the section). A feature of this section was that while it was called the QA+DI+DS section, there
were no DS question in the exam and the DI questions were asked in the LR section.
The overall topic-level breakup of this section is as given below:


Number of Questions



Interest and Growth Rates

Profit, Loss and Discount

Ratio and Proportion

Mixtures and Alligation

Time and Distance

Time and Work


Number Theory

Surds and Indices



Sequences, Progressions & Series

Permutations & Combinations

Venn Diagrams

Within Arithmetic, the focus was on time and distance, time and work, percentages, profit and loss, ratio
and proportion and averages. In algebra, numbers (LCM), surds and logarithms (basic properties) were
covered while Geometry had questions on triangles (similarity, angles) and mensuration (property of
perimeter and area). There was a question on multiple ratios which could have been solved easily by
expressing the ratios as a series. There were also a couple of easy P & C questions based on the basic
principle of counting and a couple of two-figure Venn diagram questions. 17-18 questions were extremely
simple. There were only 6-7 questions that could be classified as time consuming and slightly difficult.
The set of 3 questions on tunnel, jackal and cat could have been avoided. On the whole, this was a simple
and high-scoring section. A student could have easily attempted 28-32 questions in around 35 minutes.
Overall, 95+ attempts and a score of 110 or above should be a good score for students applying to SIBM
(Pune). For students applying to SCMHRD, 105 or above should be a safe score. The cut-offs should be
lower for the remaining Symbiosis institutes.

SNAP 2013 Analysis


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