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Calculus II Cheat Sheet

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Calculus II Cheat Sheet

Divergence Test: A series an diverges if: By: Matthew Schurmann


lim an = 0

LHopistals Rule
f (x) 0 lim = or xk g(x) 0

P-Series Test: A series converges if it is of the form: 1 np n=0



Provided that the limit exists, and that as stated the limit Integral Test: A series an converges if: is an indeterminate form. k can be any real number, zero, f (n)dn = L = innity, negative etc...

f (x) f (x) lim = lim =L xk g(x) xk g (x)

Provided that f(n) is positive, decreasing and integrable.

Limit Comparison Test: A series an converges Note: LHospitals Rule can be used to evaluate other if: an indeterminate forms such as 1 , 00 , 0 , 0 , and lim =L L>0 0 n bn . Each must be algebraically transformed to a 0 or case rst. Provided that the bn converges and is positive. If bn is divergent and this condition is true, an diverges.

Improper Integrals

Ratio Test: A series an absolutely converges if:


Given: an integral containing either , , or a singular point. Such as: f (x)dx

lim |

an+1 |=L an

(L > 1, L = )

Alternating Series Test: A series converges if it is To evaluate this integral, take the antiderivative of f(x), of the form: and replace the innite limits with limite of the variables (1)n an a and b: n=0 If an decreases n, and an passes the divergence test. f (x) = F (x)|b = lim F (b) lim F (a) a
b a

Innite Sequences & Series

A Power Series is of the form:

Given: an = a1 , a2 , a3 , ..., an . A sequence is convergent if: lim an = L =


an (x a)n

Its radius of convergence is: r = lim Note:


A series is the sum of a sequence. Similarly, a series is convergent if:

|an | |an+1 | 1 1x

an = L =

xn =

Geometric series are of the form: a(r)n


A geometric series converges if |r| < 1, and its sum is:

Transformations of this formula can be used to nd power series representations of some functions... but Taylor series represent a much easier method. For instance, take a derivative or an integral: 1 = nxn1 (1 x)2 n=1 ln(1 + x) = (1)n n x n n=1

a(r)n =

a 1r

|r| < 1

More often than not, it is much easier to tell if a series converges than it is to determine its sum. 1

Taylor & Maclaurin Series

= 0, 1, 0 j k = 0, 0, 1 Magnitude (modulus) of a: |a| =

(y axis) (z axis)

The Taylor formula can be used to nd a power series representation of any innitely dierentiable function: f (x) = f (n) (a) (x a)n n! n=0

a2 + a2 + a2 x y z

The series is said to be centered around x = a. A Unit Vector in the direction of a: Maclaurin series is a taylor series centered at x = 0. The a ua = Taylor Polynomial of degree k is just a truncated Taylor |a| Series, truncated after k terms: P (x) = f (a) + f (a)(x a) + ... + The remainder term would be:

f (k) (a) (x a)k k!

Dot (scalar) Product of a and b: a b = |a||b| cos() = ax bx + ay by + az bz Cross (vector) Product of a and b: i a b = |a||b| sin() = det ax bx a b if: a = b (proportional) j ay by k az bz

Rn (x) =

f (n) (a) (x a)n n!

The maximum error due to truncating the series is less than or equal to Rk+1 . Some Maclaurin Series to know: ex = x n! n=0

a b if: ab=0 between a and b: = cos1 Scalar Projection of b onto a: compa b = Vector Projection of b onto a: proja b = Vector between 2 points: r12 = x2 x1 , y2 y1 , z2 z1 Distance formula in 3-Space: D= (x2 x1 )2 + (y2 y1 )2 + (z2 z1 )2 ab a |a|2 ab |a| ab |a||b|

cos(x) =

(1)n x2n (2n)! n=0

sin(x) =

(1)n x2n+1 (2n + 1)! n=0 x2n (2n)! n=0

cosh(x) =

sinh(x) =

x2n+1 (2n + 1)! n=0

tan1 (x) =

(1)n+1 x2n1 (2n 1)! n=1

For the purposes of Calculus II, most Taylor/Maclaurin Series can be found my making substitutions on these.

Vector Operations
a = ax , ay , az b = bx , by , bz

Given: Vectors a and b

Scalar Triple Product of a, b, and c: a (b c) The scalar triple product is the volume of the parallepiped formed by a, b, and c. If a, b, and c are co-planar, their scalar triple product is equal to zero. 2

in terms of components of unit vectors and k. Note: i, j = 1, 0, 0 i (x axis)

Lines and Planes

Parametric (Vector) Equations

Lines are described in terms of a point P0 they pass Parametric Equations are vector functions in terms of t: through, and their directional vector, v: r(t) = x(t), y(t), z(t) P0 = (x0 , y0 , z0 ) Derivatives: v = vx , vy , vz Vector Equation for a Line: Integrals: = v (r r0 ) r(t) = Where r is the vector from the origin to any point on the line, and r0 is the vector from the origin to P0 . Parametric Equations for a Line in terms of t: x = x 0 + vx t y = y 0 + vy t = z = z0 + vz t Symmetric Equations for a Line: y y0 z z0 x x0 = = vx vy vz i v1 v2 1 2 i v1 v2 ( 1 , 2 ) = (v1 , v2 )
1 2

r (t) = x (t), y (t), z (t)




The length of r(t) on [a,b]:

b b


|r (t)|dt =

x 2 (t) + y 2 (t) + z 2 (t)

Tangent Vector: T = Curvature: = Normal Vector: N= T (t) |r (t)| = |r (t) r (t)| |r (t)|3 T (t) |T (t)| r (t) |r (t)|

To determine if 1 intersects 2 , set their paramet- Binormal Vector: ric equations equal - one in terms of t and one in terms B =T N of s. Solve the rst two for s and t, and check to see if Position, Velocity & Acceleration: the third equation (for z) holds true. A plane is given in terms of a point P0 and a normal vector n: P0 = (x0 , y0 , z0 ) v = nx , ny , nz Scalar Equation of a plane: 0 = nx (x x0 ) + ny (y y0 ) + nz (z z0 ) p1 p2 i n1 n2 p1 p2 i n1 n2 (p1 , p2 ) = (n1 , n2 ) Line of intersection between two planes: v = n1 n2 Distance Between a point and a plane: D = compn b Clauriats Theorem: Where b is the vector between the point and any point on the plane. 3 fxy = fyx f = fx x To nd partial derivatives, hold all others constant and dierentiate normally. Partial Derivatives: v = r (t) a = r (t)

Functions of Several Variables

Functions of several variables depend on more than x, such as: f (x, y, z)... Limits: lim

f (x, y, z) = L

Provided that no path exists which leads to a dierent value for L.

Chain Rule for f (x(t, s), y(t, s)): f f x f x = + x x t x s Tangent Plane: 0 = fx (x x0 ) + fy (y y0 ) + fz (z z0 ) Total Dierential of z = f (x, y): dz = f f dx + dy x y

Gradients/Directional Derivs.
f = fx , fy , fz

Gradient Vector:

The gradient points to the direction of steepest increase. Directional Derivatives: Du f = Lagrange Multipliers: f = g fx = gx fy = gy fz = gz Use these three equations and the constraint g(X, y, z) to solve for the max/min points of f under the constraint g f ua

Tangent Plane to Parametric Surface r(u(t), v(t)): n = ru rv Implicit Dierentiation (F is implicit): Fx dy = dx Fy z Fx = x Fz Fy z = y Fz Level Curves: To draw level curves for z = f (x, y) let z = k and graph for k = 2, 1, 0, 1, 2, .... Common Graphs: Ellipsoid: y2 z2 x2 + 2 + 2 =1 2 a b c Elliptic Paraboloid: z x2 y2 = 2 + 2 c a b Hyperbolic Paraboloid: x2 y2 z = 2 2 c a b z2 x2 y2 = 2 + 2 2 c a b Hyperboloid Single Sheet: x2 y2 z2 + 2 2 =1 a2 b c Hyperboloid Double Sheet: x2 y2 z2 2 + 2 =1 2 a b c Cone:
b a a


Double Integrals
b b

Rectangular Regions: f (x, y) dx dy =

R a a

f (x, y) dx dy

Fubinis Theorem:
b b b

f (x, y) dx dy =
a a

f (x, y) dy dx

Polar Coordinates: x = r cos() y = r sin() x2 + y 2 = 1 f (x, y) dx dy =


f (x, y)r dr d

Local Extrema: Second Derivative Test: 1.) To nd critical points, set fx and fy to zero. 2.) Find the determinant for each point:
2 D = fxx fyy fxy

if D > 0, and fxx > 0 Local Minimum if D > 0, and fxx < 0 Local Maximum if D < 0 Saddle Point. Absolute Extrema: Find Local max/min in the region, and local max/min on the borders of the region and compare. 4

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