Dao 2010 17 - 588 PDF
Dao 2010 17 - 588 PDF
Dao 2010 17 - 588 PDF
JllN 1 8 2010
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I ~ c p ~ ~ h l i/he /'hili/~piwr.s of c I)cl)ar.l111e11t I C ~ ~ v i r o a ~ ~ l c n t ol' a11(1N;IIIII*RI I ~ C S O ~ I I.(*I-S Vis;~yasAVCIILIC.l i ~ l ~Q L ~ C ~ O I I Ui a ~ I . C'ily Tel. Nos. (632)929-66-26 29 (632)929-62-52 to Website: http:Iwww.denr.gov.phIE-mail: web@de~irgov.ph
Pursuant to Executive Order No. 192,.series of 1987, Executive Order No. 45, series of 1993 entitled "Adopting the Philippine Reference System of 1992 as the Standard Reference System for Surveys in the Philippines",' as amended by Executive Order Nos. 280 and 321, DENR Administrative Order No. 2005-13, the "Revised Guidelines for the Implementation of the Philippine Reference System of 1992 (PRS92)", and DENR Administrative Order No. 2007-29, the "Revised Regulations on Land Surveys", thv following rules and regulations on the conduct of inspection, verification and approval of su,rvey(IVAS) are hereby issued for the guidance and compliance of all concerned.
Section 1. Basic Policy. It is the policy of the State to accelerate land surveys in the entire country through effective and efficient adjudication and disposition of alienable and disposable lands of the public domain and other lands reserved or utilized by other government agencies. Sec, 2. Objectives. This Order aims to:
(a) prescribe rules and regulations that will result in an efficient processing of survey returns with non-complaint data submitted to the DENR for verification and approval; (b) provide procedures that will supplement the present IVAS methods in the processing of submitted survey returns; and (c) provide procedures to review Global Positioning System (GPS) observations for lot surveys including applicable transformation methods from local or arbitrary datum to the PRS 92 datum.
Sec. 3. Scope and Coverage. This Order shall cover all survey returns of all isolated surveys pursuant to DAO No. 2007-29 as follows:
Group SettlementITownsite Subdivision Surveys Public Land Surveys Amendment Surveys Private Land Surveys Government Land Surveys (i). Friar Land Estate Surveys (ii) National Government Lands Surveys (iii)Local Government Units (LGU) Lands Surveys f Conversion Surveys g. Other Land Surveys not included.in the above list and intended for a specific purpose.
Sec. 4. Definition of Terms. The following terms as used in this order are hereby defined as follows:
a. b. c. d. e.
(a) Amendment Surveys - surveys covering untitledlundecreed properties by changing the number of lots therein without affecting the original technical descriptions of the boundary.
(b) Common Points - points with known positions in terms of both the local survey system and the PRS92 system. (c) Conversion Surveys - surveys conducted to transform/convert the lots covered by approved graphical cadastral surveys, cadastral mapping (Cadm) and photocadastral mapping (PCadm) into numerical or regular cadastral lots with computation and plotting in the system of the cadastral project. (d) Friar Land Estate Surveys - surveys of lands purchased by the government from Religious Orders and private corporations from 1904 to19 13 for distribution to actual occupants and bonafide settlers pursuant to Act 1120, "Friar Lands Act". (e) Geodetic Engineer (GE) - a natural person with professional expertise in the field of surveying and mapping, either in the government service or in the private practice, and who has been issued a Certificate of Registration and Identification Card by the Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) - Board of Geodetic Engineering, pursuant to Republic Act 8560, otherwise known as the Philippine Geodetic Engineering Act, as amended by RA 9200.
(f) Global Positioning System (GPS) - the satellite-based system of determining positions and elevations of points on the Earth's surface with the World Geodetic System of 1984 (WGS84) as datum.
(g) Government Land Surveys - surveys of parcels of lots administered by or belonging to the National Government or any of its branches and instrumentalities, and include friar land estate survey, national government land survey and Local Government Unit (LGU) land survey. (h) Group SettlementITownsite Subdivision Surveys exceeding 1,500 hectares into 50 parcels or more.
(i) Integration - the process of transforming and consolidating land survey data sets into PRS92 and includes inventory of survey data, physical recovery of location monuments or lot corners, observations of the positions of recovered monuments or comers, and generation of transformation parameters.
u) Isolated Surveys - shall refer to all classes of surveys of isolated parcels of land used
for agricultural, residential, commercial, resettlement, or other purposes covering areas not exceeding 1,500 hectares. (k) Local Government Units (LGU) Lands Surveys - surveys of lands acquired by provinces, cities/municipalities, or barangays, pursuant to RA 7160, "Local Government Code of 1991" and other pertinent laws not needed for public purposes. (1) National Government Lands, Surveys - surveys of all patrimonial properties owned by the government not intended for public use (m)Philippine Reference System of 1992 (PRS92) - the modified Luzon datum used as reference system for all surveys in the Philippines pursuant to Executive Order (EO) No. 45, series of 1993, as amended by EO No. 32 1, series of 2000, and EO No. 280, series of 2004. (n) Private Land Surveys - surveys covering lands claimed or owned by an individual, a partnership, a corporation, or other organization, undertaken for purposes of original or subsequent land registration.
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