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Administrative Order No. 2, S. 2002

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Republic of the Philippines


Quezon City

NCIP Administrative Order

No. 2, Series of 2002



Pursuant to the provisions of paragraph a), Section 52, Republic

Act. No. 8371, otherwise known as the Indigenous Peoples Rights Act of
1997 and other related provisions, the following guidelines are hereby
promulgated revising NCIP Memorandum Circular No. 1-99, Series of 1999,
as follows:


Section 1. Title. These rules shall be known as the “Revised

Guidelines On Conversion”.

Section 2. Statutory Basis. Section 52 paragraphs (a) and (j) of IPRA

provides that ICCs/IPs whose ancestral lands/ domains were officially
delineated prior to its enactment shall have the right to apply for the
issuance of a Certificate of Ancestral Domain Title (CADT) over the
area without going through the delineation process provided therein,
and for those whose ancestral domains have been officially delineated
and determined by the NCIP shall be issued a CADT in the name of the
community concerned, containing a list of all those identified in the
census; And in the case of ancestral land claims, Section 53 (g)
provides that if NCIP finds such claims meritorious, it shall issue a
Certificate of Ancestral Land declaring and certifying the claim of
each individual or corporate (family of clan) claimant over ancestral
lands. In both cases, paragraph (k) of Section 52 further provides that
NCIP shall register issued certificates of ancestral domain titles and
certificates of ancestral land titles before the Register of Deeds in
the place where the property is situated. H E N C E, these guidelines .

Section 3. Declaration of Policy. The IPRA recognizes all ancestral

domains/lands delineated according to the DENR Administrative Order No.
2, Series of 1993, and earlier directives implementing
community/ancestral domain program. Acknowledging, therefore, the
initiative of the DENR in the identification and delineation of the
ancestral domains/lands of the ICC/IPs to ensure their socio-economic
and cultural well-being, and in order to afford full protection to
ICC/IPs of their right to their ancestral domain/lands covered by
CADC/CALC, it is the policy of the NCIP that the same shall be
converted to CADT/CALT, if such claims are proven meritorious, without
going through the process provided in the law but shall be reviewed and
evaluated in accordance with the appropriate DENR directive and
validated through the guidelines promulgated hereunder.
Section 4. Objective. These Guidelines for the Conversion of CADCs and
CALCs to CADTs and CALTs aim to:

a) Provide the process through which the right of ICCs/IPs to apply

for the issuance of a CADT/CALT may be exercised and implemented
expediently, over all ancestral land and ancestral domain claims
delineated prior to the effectivity of RA 8371;

b) Review the process of issuance of CALCs/CADCs to ensure the

correctness of the delineation made, the sufficiency and
regularity of the process undertaken, for it to be considered as
one officially delineated in conformity with their respective
sources of authority providing for their delineation, before
their CADT or CALT is issued and awarded;

c) Enable the registration of the CADTs and CALTs issued and awarded
with the Register of Deeds of the province in which the lands or
domains are situated to confirm and record the titles vested over
ancestral lands and domains pursuant to these Guidelines and the
pertinent provisions of the IPRA.

Section 5. Coverage. These Guidelines for Conversion of CADCs/CALCs to

CADTs/CALTs will cover:

a. All Ancestral Land Claims officially delineated under DENR

Special Order No. 31 and No. 31-A, as amended, both series of
1990, with coverage in the Cordilleras; except those claims
validated pursuant to NCIP Special Order No. 1, Series of 1999
that were approved for titling by the First Commission but were
not issued by reason of the moratorium imposed by Executive Order
No. 1, Series of 2001, the validation and conversion of which
will be covered by NCIP-AO-01, Series of 2002;

b. Ancestral Land Claims delineated pursuant to DENR Administrative

Order No. 61, Series of 1991 with coverage in Palawan;

c. All Ancestral Lands and Domains officially delineated under DENR

Department Order No. 2, Series of 1993 on the Identification,
Delineation and Recognition of Ancestral Domain & Ancestral Land
Rights; except those claims validated pursuant to NCIP Special
Order No. 1, Series of 1999 that were approved for titling by the
First Commission but were not issued by reason of the moratorium
imposed by Executive Order No. 1, Series of 2001, the validation
and conversion of which will be covered by NCIP-AO-01, Series of

Section 6. Operating Principles. In implementing the guidelines set

forth in this Administrative Order, the following operating principles
shall be adhered to:

a. Voluntary Application - The concerned ICCs/IPs whose Ancestral

domain/land were officially delineated in accordance to the DENR
Special Order No. 31 and 31-A, both Series of 1990,
Administrative Order No. 61, Series of 1991, and Administrative
Order No. 2, Series of 1993, may voluntarily apply for the
conversion of their CADC/CALC to CADT/CALT.

b. Recognition of Original Claimants – the original claimants
indicated in the CADC/CALC shall continue to be recognized by the
Commission provided that they are authentic members of the
concerned ICC/IP community or family/clan concerned, without
prejudice of including in the list those who, under IPRA have the
right to make the claim but were previously omitted by
inadvertence or for lack of knowledge of the filing and
processing of the claim. In such case, their inclusion in the
list shall be made pursuant to the guideline set forth under
Section 16 below. In case an original CADC has been approved
under the name of an individual, family, clan, association or
organization, it shall be appropriately corrected to be named
after the claimant IP community in the specific location pursuant
to Rule VIII, Section 2, Par. (o) of the IRR.

c. Non-transferability of Claim – claims over officially delineated

ancestral domain/lands are non-transferable except in cases of
transfer between and among members of the same IC/IP community or
family/clan in accordance with their customary law or practice.

d. Self-Delineation – the ancestral domain/lands shall be identified

and delineated by the ICC/IPs themselves through their respective
council of elders/leaders whose members are identified by them by
customary practice. The metes and bounds of ancestral domains
shall be established through traditionally recognized physical
landmarks, such as, but not limited to, burial grounds, mountain
ridges, hills, creeks, stone formations and the like.

e. Cultural Integrity – within ancestral domain/lands, the holistic

and integrated adherence of indigenous peoples to their
respective customs, beliefs, traditions, indigenous knowledge
systems and practices, and the assertion of their character and
identity as peoples shall remain inviolable. All activities
pertinent to the identification, delineation and recognition of
the ancestral domain/lands of ICC/IPs shall be in consultation
with them and measures must be taken to ensure that the culture
and traditions of the concerned ICC/IPs are applied or utilized
in the process.

f. Inter-agency and NGO Collaboration and Community Support. The

collaboration of other government agencies and the involvement
and participation of the ICCs/IPs in the process shall be greatly
encouraged and vigorously pursued. NGOs who have actively
assisted a particular ICC/IP in the processing of their claim is
given preference over any other NGOs desiring to collaborate,
subject to the written consent of the ICC/IP through their
recognized elders/leaders for this particular undertaking.

g. Peace Building. The validation of CADCs/CALCs and the consequent

issuance of CADTs/CALTs as well as the delineation and
recognition of ancestral land/domain claims shall foster peace
among ICC/IPs and between IPs and non-IPs.

h. Adherence to Philippine Reference System of 1992. Conduct of

actual ground survey to complete the delineation process to be
had for the purpose of conversion of a CADC/ CALC applied for,
whether to be surveyed by the government, private surveyors or by
collaborating NGOs and other mapping institutions, shall conform
with the Philippine Reference System of 1992.

i. Policy on Survey and the Survey Manual. Upholding the principle
of Self-delineation and in deference to existing laws on surveys,
NCIP shall formulate and adopt its own policies on surveys that
would harmonize both concerns. The same shall be embodied in the
Survey Manual to be adopted by the Commission to govern the
validation of surveys already had or to be had. For this purpose,
the manual shall provide, among others, the procedure for the
correction of erroneous, irregular, incomplete surveys, or
defective surveys for want of authority. In no case shall the
policy of self-delineation be defeated by this operating principle

Section 7. Definition of Terms. For guidance, the terms defined in

the Indigenous Peoples Rights Act and its Implementing Rules and
Regulations are hereby adopted, including the terms defined herein

a) Officially Delineated Ancestral Domain/Land Claim - refers to an

ancestral domain/land claim that has been applied for conversion
which, after undergoing the evaluation and validation process
provided for under this guideline, is found to have been
properly identified, the process for the delineation was
sufficiently, correctly and regularly undertaken, pursuant to and
in conformity with, its appropriate delineation authority or
directive, or, if found to be irregular, deficient or incorrect
in some material aspect, that the regular process has already
been complied with, the deficiency has been supplied for or
corrected pursuant to this guideline and therefore qualifies for
issuance of a CADT/CALT as certified to by ADO.

b) DENR – this refers to the Department of Environment and Natural


c) Private Mapping Institution - this refers to private institution

and or non-government organizations doing the survey and
delineation of ancestral domains whether before or after the
issuance of CADCs/CALCs, whose instruments used are certified by
the NAMRIA, issued with Survey Authority by the NCIP and
recognized by the ICC/IP through a written community resolution
of the concerned ICCs/IPs.

d) DAO No. 2- this refers to DENR Administrative Order No. 02,

series of 1993 that was promulgated to identify and delineate the
ancestral lands and domains of indigenous cultural communities to
ensure their social, economic and cultural well-being.

e) DAO No. 61- this refers to DENR Administrative Order No. 61,
series of 1991 that was promulgated to identify and delineate the
ancestral lands of indigenous cultural communities in the
province of Palawan.

f) Special Order No. 31 - this refers to DENR Special Order No. 31,
series of 1990 that was promulgated to identify and delineate the
ancestral lands and domains of indigenous cultural communities
within the City of Baguio and the rest of the Cordilleras.

g) Certificate of Ancestral Domain/Land Claim (CADC/CALC) – refers
to the land tenure instrument issued by the DENR recognizing the
claim of indigenous cultural communities on land, resources and
rights thereon within a defined territory.

h) Certificate of Ancestral Domain/Land Title (CADT/CALT) – as

defined in Section 1, (c), (d) Rule II of the Implementing Rules
and Regulations of the IPRA.

i) Customary Laws - as defined in Section 1(h), Rule II, of the

Implementing Rules and Regulation of the IPRA.

j) Indigenous Cultural communities/indigenous peoples – as defined

in Section 1(k), Rule II, of the Implementing Rules and
Regulations of the IPRA.

k) Indigenous Political structures –as defined in Section 1(m), Rule

II of the Implementing Rules and Regulations of the IPRA.

l) Time immemorial –as defined in Section 1(x) of the Implementing

Rules and Regulations of the IPRA.

m) Defective Surveys for Want of Authority – refer to past surveys

initiated by the claimant ICC/IP, family/clan or individual, done
by a private mapping institution or collaborating non-government
organization but without the required authority and MOA from
NCIP, or those with Survey Authority and MOA but the survey was
done without the participation of a duly licensed Geodetic
Engineer. Nevertheless, in both instances, the instruments used
for the survey of the CADC/CALC should appear to have been
previously certified to by NAMRIA.

n) Special Provincial Task Force - refers to a task force

created by
the Provincial Office to assist the Provincial Officer in the
execution of directives of ADO for field validation and
production of lacking documents, papers and proofs required for
the processing of applications for conversion.

o) Collaborating Non Government Organization (NGO) – refers to NGOs

assisting a specific ICC/IP applying for conversion who have
properly obtained the consent of the ICC/IP concerned and is duly
accredited with NCIP as an NGO in good standing as provided for
in Section 4, Part II, Rule IV of the IPRA Implementing Rules and

p) Regional Ancestral Domain Team – refers to the team constituted

by the Regional Director in accordance with the provisions
hereunder as counterpart of ADO central office.


Section 8. Phases of Conversion. The procedure for conversion of CADCs

to CADTs and CALCs to CALTs shall have the following phases:

1. Information Dissemination. The NCIP, mainly through the ADO

Office, through the various field offices (Community Service

Centers, Provincial and Regional Offices) under a Special Provincial
Task Force hereinafter created, shall conduct widespread and massive
information in all CADC/CALC areas covered by these guidelines.

2. Review and Field validation of CADC/ CALC. The NCIP, through the
ADO in collaboration with the Special Provincial Task Force will
conduct the necessary review and evaluation of the documents and
records supporting the CADC/CALC applied for conversion issued prior
to the enactment of RA 8371, and determine the correctness of the
delineation made and sufficiency and regularity of the process
undertaken through the process of field validation and

3. Actual Survey and Validation of Survey. If actual survey of the

domains covered by the CADC or CALC applied for conversion has not
been undertaken, or has been undertaken but the result was found to
be erroneous, incorrect, incomplete or is defective for want of
authority, or is done contrary to the system mentioned in paragraph
h Section 6 above, ADO shall order the Regional AD Team, through
the Regional Director, to conduct and facilitate the actual survey
of the CADC/CALC concerned in accordance with the NCIP Survey
Manual. Within twenty (20) days after the conduct of the actual
survey, the surveyor or surveying party shall submit the survey
returns and the map complete with technical descriptions to the
Regional Director through the Regional Ancestral Domain Team, who
shall submit the same to the community concerned for field
validation to be completed in ten (10) days from date of submission
by the surveyor or surveying party. Within two (2) days after the
validation of the survey, the Regional Director shall transmit to
the ADO the validated survey returns and the map complete with
technical descriptions. The transmittal shall be accompanied with a
certification from the community that they have validated the survey
returns and the map, duly signed by the representative of the

4. Endorsement to the Commission. ADO within fifteen (15) days

from receipt of the result of the field validation made for each
CADC/CALC and the survey returns submitted by the Regional Ancestral
Domain Team, shall complete and submit its final report and
endorsement to the Commission, recommending appropriate action;

5. Issuance and Registration of Title. The NCIP shall issue the

Certificate of Ancestral Domain Title or Ancestral Land Title and
shall cause its original registration with the Registry of Deeds of
the province where the land is situated, in accordance with the
Memorandum of Agreement executed between the Land Registration
Authority and the NCIP.


Section 9. Information Dissemination. Immediately after the

effectivity of these Guidelines, the ADO Office, through the Special
Provincial Task Force hereinafter created, shall conduct widespread and
massive information dissemination and IEC on IPRA in general and on the
Identification, Delineation and Recognition of Ancestral Domain Rights,
concept of Ancestral Domain Communities (ADC) and the process of
conversion herein provided in particular, in all CADC/CALC areas
covered by these guidelines. The NCIP Provincial Officer shall notify
the community through its Council of Elders/Leaders five (5) days in

advance, that an information dissemination shall be conducted on such a
date and time and that their presence is required.

Section 10. Transfer of Records. The transfer of records from the DENR
to NCIP must be made official and documented to establish all the
necessary facts of the transfer made for purposes of accountability in
the custody of records.

Section11. Applications Already Filed. Applications for conversion of

CADCs/ CALCs already filed shall be evaluated by ADO to determine
whether the same has substantially complied with the requirements laid
down under the subsequent section.

Section12. Procedure and Requirements for New Application For

Conversion. Applications for the issuance of CALT/CADT over ancestral
lands/domains already delineated prior to IPRA will be processed in
accordance with the following procedure and requirements:

a. Petition to File Application. The concerned ICC/IP

community/clan/family or individual shall give their consent to file
application as properly embodied in a Resolution to support the
Petition, duly signed by a majority or all of the members. They shall
be required to authorize any of their members to file their application
to represent the community/clan or family. Both the consent and
authorization of a representative must be in writing using the native
language or local dialect and signed by majority of the members. In
case of death of one or any of original claimants, his/her heirs shall
submit a Notice of Substitution with attached copy of the Death
Certificate of the deceased original claimant or by a Joint Affidavit
of Two Disinterested Persons attesting and establishing the fact of
death before the substitution is effected in the records.

b. Completion of Application Form (Attachment A) – the applicant-

representative shall accomplish in three copies the application form
provided. The same shall be executed under oath by the representative
assisted by an NCIP employee. The Oath shall be administered by those
authorized by law to administer oath. The fees required for
notarization shall be shouldered by NCIP. The application form shall
indicate the following basic information:

1. Name of ethnic group;

2. Specific location/coverage of area proposed for CALT/CADT
3. Name/address of authorized leader to file application,
indicating nature of authority and date given;
4. General information on the land tenure instrument to be
converted, e.g., control number, date of issuance, name of
claimant/holder, total aggregate area in hectares;
5. Survey information such as the nature or type of survey,
control number of survey authority, name and position of
approving official, and date approved;
6. Signatures of all members of the Council of Elders/Leaders for
CADT application and the individual, clan/family for CALT
application as the case may be.

c. Submission of Application Form – The application form with

attachments may be filed in the Service Center, Provincial
Office, Regional Office having jurisdiction over the ancestral
domain/land claim applied for, or directly to the NCIP-Central
Office through the ADO, whichever is convenient to the applicant
ICCs/IPs for conversion. Whenever the same is filed before any of

the Community Service Center or Provincial Office, the receiving
officer shall, within five (5) days from receipt thereof,
transmit to the NCIP Regional Office through the RAD Team, who in
turn, shall immediately transmit said application to ADO within
five (5) days from receipt thereof. No application shall be
transmitted without ensuring the complete and due execution of
the application form and the required attachments and supporting
documents. The following documents shall be attached to the
application form upon submission:

1. Original copy of the Petition/Resolution (attachment B) of

the IC/IP community concerned for the conversion of their
CADC to CADT signed by at least majority of the IP members;
2. Original copy of the written authorization from the IC/IP
community concerned for the applicant-representative to
file as well as follow-up the application;
3. Census of the population of the concerned IC/IP community;
4. In case of death of one or any of the original claimants,
the required submission of Notice of Substitution by any of
the heirs and the corresponding Death Certificate of the
deceased original claimant or Joint Affidavit of Two
Disinterested Persons; and
5. Authenticated copies of records or documents supporting the
application pursuant to the aforementioned DENR Orders to
include the following:

(a)Certificate of Ancestral Domain Claim or Certificate

of Ancestral Land Claim
(b) Blueprint copy of the approved perimeter survey
(c) Copy of the list of claimant/beneficiaries attached
to the CADC/CALC
(d) Copy of the resolution of such conflict, in case an
ancestral domain/land was subject of conflict
(e) Copy of the evaluation report and endorsement of
the concerned Special Task Force created under DENR
S. O. 31, A.O. 61 and A.O. 2.
(f) Copy of the affidavit of publication of the claims
in two newspapers of general circulation
(g) Copies of any or all, but not limited to the
following documents of proof of claim over ancestral
domain/land :

Required attachments for application of CALT


1. Genealogical surveys
2. Historical accounts
3. Write-ups of customs and traditions
4. Pictures of old
improvements such as trees, stone
walling, farms, rice fields, orchards,
monuments, houses and other old structures
5. Survey plans and/or
sketch maps
6. Ancient documents
7. Tax declaration and proofs of
payment of taxes

For application of CADT issuance:

1. Genealogical surveys
2. Historical accounts
3. Write-ups of customs and traditions
4. Anthropological data
5. Written and oral testimonies under oath
of living witnesses
6. Written accounts of the indigenous
community’s political structure and
institutions or traditional structures of
indigenous social and government systems,
with names of recognized leaders
7. Pictures showing long term occupation
such as those of old improvements, burial
grounds and sacred places
8. Pictures and descriptive histories of
traditional communal forest and hunting
9. Pictures and descriptive histories of
traditional landmarks such as mountains,
rivers, creeks, ridges, hills and
10. Write-ups of names and places derived
the native dialect of the community
11. Survey plans and/or sketch maps
12. Ancient or Spanish documents
13. Other documents directly or indirectly
to the long term occupation of the
area which
show possession since time immemorial,
through their predecessors-in-
interest, in the
concept of owners and in accordance
with their
customs and traditions

Section 13. Reception and Recording of Application. The ADO, upon

receipt of the application form and pertinent documents, shall:

1. Ascertain the completeness of the application form including

attachments and will not receive any application with
incomplete entries or documents;
2. Stamp and sign “received” all pages of the submitted
documents, marking the time and date of receipt;
3. Stamp and sign “copy authenticated” the photocopies of
documents after presentation of the original copies;
4. Issue receipt (Attachment C) to the applicant, indicating
checklist of documents received;
5. Enter the time and date of the receipt and docketing of the
documents in a logbook maintained for the purpose of
recording applications – one logbook for CADC conversion and
another logbook for CALC conversion;

Section 14. Review and Evaluation of all documents supporting the

application for conversion. ADO shall review and evaluate all
documents supporting each application for conversion of CADC/CALC to
determine the completeness and due execution of the documents as

required by the applicable DENR directive/order that issued the
Certificate. If found complete, ADO shall immediately require the
Special Provincial Task Force concerned to conduct the field validation
for such application to be completed within the period of five (5)
consecutive days. If incomplete, the ADO, through the Provincial Office
concerned, shall require the applicant to complete the same within a
reasonable period of time, after which, field validation shall follow.
Evaluation of new CADC/CALC applications for conversion shall likewise
be had under the same consideration as stated above for pending
applications, but giving preference to the latter in the order of
review and evaluation.

Section 15. Field Validation. After review and evaluation, ADO shall
cause the field validation to be conducted by the Special Provincial
Task Force on site to effect the determination of correctness,
sufficiency and regularity of the process of delineation undertaken in
accordance with the applicable DENR directive/order. The NCIP
Provincial Officer shall notify the community through its Council of
Elders/Leaders, adjoining communities through their elders or leaders,
and other affected entities, five (5) days in advance, that a field
validation shall be conducted on such a date and time and that their
presence is required especially on the verification of the metes and
bounds thereof. The field validation shall give special emphasis on the

a. The authenticity of the names of claimants as appearing in the

census previously made if there is any, and if none, conduct
the census, and when necessary, facilitate the
inclusion/exclusion of claimants in the list as provided for
under Section 16 below.

b. Seek confirmation from the community/family/clan whether they

have actually given their consent to convert their CADCs/CALCs
into CALTs/CADTs.

c. Validate whether a person presenting himself in the application

for conversion as the representative of the community/clan or
family or individual , as the case may be, was properly
authorized by the concerned community/clan or family.

d. Verify and ascertain on site the proofs and basis of the extent
of the claim on ground as contained in the records submitted and
applied for conversion by ICCs/IPs, whether the area applied for
conversion rightfully belongs to the claimant for purposes of
issuing the title.

e. Present the survey plan to the applicant ICC/IP community for

validation. If not validated, proper corrections may be made or
another may be conducted.

Section 16. Inclusion/Exclusion from the List of Claimants. For

purposes of Section 6, paragraph (b) above, those who, under the IPRA,
have the right to make the claim but were previously omitted by
inadvertence or for lack of knowledge of the filing and processing of
the claim shall be considered. In such case, their names shall be
included in the new list to be prepared by the community. Their
inclusion in the list shall be authenticated by the signatures of the
identified council of leaders and/or elders, or in the case of CALCs,
by the head of the family/or clan. Conversely, where there are
persons whose names are fictitious or non-existent, or are not entitled

to be included in the list pursuant to IPRA, their names shall be
deleted from the list as recommended by the council of identified
leaders and/or elders, or in the case of CALCs, by the head of the
family/or clan. The exclusion shall be made only after those concerned
are duly notified in writing and given the opportunity to prove their
membership in a proceeding that will be had by the council or by the
head for the purpose.

Section 17. Survey Manual. The Commission shall promulgate its own
rules on surveys which shall be referred to as the Survey Manual that
would apply to all surveys of ancestral domains and lands for purposes
of these guideline and the survey required by the IRR of the IPRA. The
manual shall also set the procedure upon which errors of past surveys
of CALCs/CADCs applied for conversion maybe corrected. The operating
principle as stated in paragraph (h) of Section 6 above shall be
observed in the formulation of the Survey Manual.

Section 18. Absence or Lack of Actual Survey of CADCs/CALCs Applied for

Conversion. In cases where no actual survey of the ancestral domains
covered by the CADC has been undertaken, the ADO through its Regional
Director shall issue a Survey Authority within ten (10) days from the
last day for filing opposition as stated in the Publication, and shall
assist the applicant community in the actual ground survey. The ADO,
through the Regional Director concerned, shall cause the preparation of
the perimeter map complete with technical descriptions together with
the description of the natural features and landmarks embraced therein.

Section 19. Completion of Survey Result and Approval Thereof. Within

twenty (20) days after the conduct of the actual survey, the surveyor
or surveying party shall submit the survey returns and the map complete
with technical descriptions to the Regional Director through the
Regional Ancestral Domain Team, who shall submit the same to the
community concerned for field validation to be completed in ten (10)
days from date of submission by the surveyor or surveying party. Within
two (2) days after the validation of the survey, the Regional Director
shall transmit to the ADO the validated survey returns and the map
complete with technical descriptions. The transmittal shall be
accompanied with a certification from the community that they have
validated the survey returns and the map, duly signed by the
representative of the community. The ADO shall cause the approval of
the result of the survey in accordance with the Survey Manual. No
survey plan shall be submitted to ADO without being validated by the
ICC/IP community concerned.

Section 20. Errors or Irregularities in the Survey of CALC/CADC Areas

Applied for Conversion. In case of errors or irregularity in the
conduct of the survey, such as, but not limited to: An error in the
technical description of the survey; lack of actual ground survey;
incomplete survey; defective surveys for want of authority; the ADO
shall effect remedial and corrective measures, as follows:

a. Erroneous Technical Description – whenever there is an error

in the technical description in the survey of ancestral lands
or domains, and the same is considered as typographical, said
error must immediately be corrected by the person authorized
to enter the correction and duly noted on record. However, if
the correction would result to a substantial alteration of the
size of the area as originally recorded, ADO shall remedy the
same in the manner and method provided in the Survey Manual.
Nonetheless, if vested rights of adjacent property owners are

affected by the correction, the same shall be considered as a
case of boundary conflict and shall be disposed of in
accordance with the provision provided below for resolution of
boundary conflicts.

b. Incomplete Survey – where there was survey authority issued

but no survey was completed, the survey shall be completed

c. Defective Surveys for Want of Authority - Applications with

defective surveys for want of authority shall not be rejected
outright. ADO shall determine whether the defect can be cured
in accordance with the Survey Manual.

Section 21. Resolution of Protests or Opposition to the Conversion. For

purposes of conversion, only those conflicts that were not resolved
during the field validation process shall be entertained, and the
subject of the protest shall be limited only to those matters
appertaining to the updating of list of claimants and the validation of
the survey already made, provided that in the latter case, the
protestant is not otherwise estopped applying the rules of the DENR
directive/order that issued the CADC or CALC. Boundary conflicts or
conflicting claims arising from new surveys for purposes of conversion
not resolved during the field validation process can also be made
subject of protest or opposition. For this purpose, the protest shall
be made within five (5) days from the time of the declaration of non-
resolution of the conflict by the community. The Special Provincial
Task Force or the Regional Ancestral Domain Team conducting the field
validation and the survey, respectively, shall immediately refer the
same to ADO, who shall act on it through the Regional Hearing Officer
concerned. After a finding of prima facie case, only then that ADO
shall direct the Regional Hearing Officer to conduct the hearing in a
summary procedure within the time and in the manner provided for in the
special rules of adjudication promulgated by the Commission especially
for resolution of protests or oppositions for purposes of conversion.
The existence of protest or opposition shall be included in the report
to ADO. The pendency of any protest or opposition where the subject
merely involves inclusion or exclusion of claimants, shall not prevent
the process of issuing the title which can proceed independently of the
protest. The ADO shall decide all protests and opposition to the
conversion of CADCs to CADTs. The ADO shall have a period of thirty
(30) days after submission of all pleadings/ evidence within which to
resolve protests or oppositions. Provided that all decisions of the ADO
may be appealed to the NCIP within ten (10) days from receipt of the
decision of the ADO. The decision of the NCIP shall be appealable to
the Court of Appeals by way of Petition for Review within fifteen (15)
days from receipt of the decision.

Section 22. Resolution of Boundary Conflicts. In case where, as a

result of the actual ground survey, boundary conflicts among indigenous
peoples communities arise, the ADO office through the Provincial Office
shall cause the contending parties to meet and assist them in coming up
with a preliminary resolution of the conflict, without prejudice to its
full adjudication according to the special rules on adjudication
mentioned in the immediately preceding paragraph applying Sec. 62 of
the IPRA as follows:

a. In cases where boundary conflicts arising from the actual
ground survey of the domains cannot be resolved by the parties
themselves, the NCIP in accordance with the its own rules and
procedures, shall hear and decide, after notice to the proper
parties, the disputes arising from the actual ground survey. Such
decision shall be rendered within 30 days after receipt of the
last pleading.

b. If the dispute is between and/or among ICCs/IPs regarding the

traditional boundaries of their respective ancestral domains,
customary process shall be followed.

c. Any decision, order or award or ruling of the NCIP on any

ancestral domain dispute may be brought for Petition for Review
to the Court of Appeals within fifteen (15) days from the receipt
of a copy thereof.


Section 23. Preparation and Submission of Final Report to the

Commission. After receipt of both the results of the field validation
and the result of the survey from the Regional Office, the ADO shall
have fifteen (15) days within which to prepare and submit the final
report to the Commission concerning the CADC/CALC already validated and
surveyed. The report shall contain the summary of its findings. For
every application for conversion of CADC/CALC found by ADO to be
officially delineated, a recommendation for the issuance of the
corresponding CALT or CADT shall be made in the final report. In case
where an application for conversion is proven to be patently false or
fraudulent, the ADO shall reject the application. In case of
rejection, the ADO shall give the applicant due notice, copy furnished
all concerned, containing the grounds for denial. The denial shall be
appealable to the Commission within fifteen (15) days from receipt of
the notice of denial. The Commission shall study the final report and
the recommendations made by ADO.

Section 24. Action by the Commission en Banc. Within thirty (30) days
from receipt of the final report and the recommendation made by the
ADO, the Commission shall meet en banc to discuss the merits of the
CADC/CALC applied for conversion based on the report and the documents
accompanying the endorsement, and may either decide to approve or
disapprove the application for conversion, or return the report
together with its comments to the ADO, for further consideration. The
decision taken by the Commission for each application submitted by ADO
for consideration shall be embodied in a Resolution.

Section 25. Issuance of CALT/CADT. In case of approval, the Commission

shall immediately transmit the Resolution approving the application to
ADO directing the latter to prepare the corresponding Certificate of
Title in the name of the claimant/ IP community in a specific location,
together with all its necessary annexes, who shall have five (5) days
from receipt thereof within which to prepare and submit the same to the
Commission. The CADT or CALT shall be issued by the Commission and
signed by all the Commissioners. No CADT shall be issued in the name of
a person, family, clan, association or organization. The issuance of
the CALT/CADT shall be done through a ceremony whereby the ICCs/IPs

concerned shall be reminded of their corresponding obligations and

Section 26. Disapproval of Application for Conversion. In case of

disapproval, ADO within five (5) days from date of receipt of the
resolution disapproving the application for conversion, shall notify
the applicant concerned of the disapproval. Attached to the notice will
be the applicant’s copy of the Resolution. The notice shall indicate,
among others, the remedy available to the applicant. If returned by
the Commission for further consideration, ADO shall act on the comment
in the manner and within the period stated in the Resolution. The
decision of the NCIP shall be appealable to the Court of Appeals by way
of Petition for Review within fifteen (15) days from receipt of the

Section 27. Registration of CADT/CALT. The ADO through the Provincial

Office concerned shall assist the recipient ICC/IP
community/clan/family in the registration of the CALT/CADT with the
Registry of Deeds in the Province where the land is situated

Section 28. Submission of Maps. A copy of the Official Map of the

ancestral domain or ancestral land shall be submitted to the
appropriate government agency for records and control purposes.


Section 29. Constitution of Special Provincial Task Force of SPTF.

There shall be created in each Provincial Office a Special Provincial
Task Force to assist the Provincial Office in the execution of
directives of ADO for field validation and production of lacking
documents, papers and proofs required for the processing of
applications for conversion. The Special Provincial Task Force shall
be headed by the NCIP Provincial Officer, who shall immediately
constitute the Task Force by first designating two (2) Tribal Affairs
Assistants and two (2) Community Affairs Officers as members. The Team
Leader from the Regional Ancestral Domain Team shall automatically be
a member of the task force. In addition, the membership shall be
complemented by one (1) representative from the assisting NGO chosen
and recognized by the applicant-community , one (1) DENR Field Officer,
two (2) members from the applicant-community, and one (1)
representative from the LGU of the area, preferably the Municipal
Planning Officer.


Section 30. Constitution of Regional Ancestral Domain Team or RADT. To

expedite the flow of coordination and execution of the directives from
ADO, there shall be created in each Regional Office a Regional
Ancestral Domain Team. Accordingly, the NCIP Regional Director shall
immediately constitute the team by designating the Head of the
Technical Division as the Team Leader, Legal Officer, and two (2)
Engineers of the Region as team members. In their absence, the
Regional Director shall choose the most qualified to be given the

Section 31. Referral of Disapproved Applications to the Requirements of

Regular Delineation Process. If after validation and evaluation of an
application for conversion of CADC/CALC to CADT/CALT by ADO, the latter

would find out that no proper delineation was had (like community
consultations/census/proper documentation and production of proofs,
identification of the metes and bounds of ancestral domains and lands)
on the basis of the applicable delineating authority or directive, ADO
shall recommend to the Commission the re-delineation of the claim. If
decided by the Commission to be re-delineated, the ADO shall notify the
applicant thereof. The re-delineation shall be done following the
regular delineation process pursuant to Rule VIII of the IRR of the


Section 32. Administrative Discipline Over NCIP Personnel. Appropriate

administrative sanction shall be imposed upon any employee or personnel
or officer of the NCIP, who through willful and malicious acts, or who
through negligence fail to observe the reglementary periods required to
be observed in these guidelines. The appropriate sanction/penalty will
be imposed in accordance with the NCIP and Civil Service Rules on


Section 33. Sources of Funds. The funding requirements of the

activities as indicated in this Guideline shall be sourced from the
amount intended for the Management/ Development of Ancestral Lands per
item A.III.a.2 in the Annual Budget of NCIP and from the Ancestral
Domains Fund identified in Section 71 of the IPRA, and the amount
committed by the Office of the President from its Presidential
Operational Funds and other sources that the Office of the President
may determine

Section 34. Policy Guidelines for Fund Allocation and Disbursement.

To ensure the prudent and effective utilization of funds, a separate
Policy Guidelines for Fund Allocation and Disbursement shall be
formulated and promulgated by the Commission in due time to govern the
allocation and disbursements of all funds as mentioned above.

Section 35. Approval of ADO Work and Financial Plan. ADO shall
prepare a Work and Financial Plan to be approved by the Commission in
accordance with the Policy Guidelines mentioned in the immediately
preceding paragraph.


Section 36. Special Coverage. All applications for the

identification, delineation and recognition of ancestral lands and
domains filed by claimants in the City of Baguio pursuant to S. O. No.
31, series of 1990, as amended, and DAO No. 2, series of 1993, shall be
covered by this Order.


Section 37. Separability Clause. In case any clause, section,

sentence, or provision of this Administrative Order or any portion
hereof is held or declared unconstitutional or invalid by a competent
Court, the other sections or portions hereof which are not affected
thereby shall continue to be in full force and effect.

Section 38. Repealing Clause. This Administrative Order repeals NCIP
Memorandum Circular No. 1, Series of 1999. The provisions of other
Circulars, Memoranda, Administrative Orders, issued by this Commission,
inconsistent herewith or contrary to the provisions hereof are hereby
repealed or modified accordingly.

Section 39. Effectivity. This Administrative Order shall take effect

fifteen (15) days from its registration in the Office of the National
Administrative Register, U.P. Law Center, Diliman, Quezon City,



Commissioner Commissioner


Commissioner Commissioner


Commissioner Commissioner



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