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Dao 2007-29

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Environment and natural Resources

Visayas Avenue, Diliman, Quezon City
Tel Nos. (632) 929-66-26 to 29 ∙ (632) 929-62-52
929-66-20 ∙ 929-66-33 to 35

July 31,
DENR Administrative Order
No. 2007- 29

SUBJECT: Revised Regulations on Land Surveys

Pursuant to Executive Order 192, otherwise known as the “Reorganization Act of the
Department of Environment and Natural Resources” (DENR), defining its mandates, organization
and functions, Commonwealth Act No. 141, otherwise known as “The Public Land Act”, as
amended, Presidential Decree No. 1529, otherwise known as the “Property Registration Decree”,
Presidential Decree No. 705, otherwise known as “Revised Forestry Code of the Philippines,” as
amended, Republic Act No. 7586 or the “National Integrated Protected Areas System Act of 1992,"
Republic Act No. 7942 or the “Philippine Mining Act of 1995,” Republic Act No. 8560, otherwise
known as the “Philippine Geodetic Engineering Act of 1998, as amended,” and other pertinent laws,
and in order to keep abreast with the advancement in procedures and technology in surveying and
mapping and to improve the delivery of public service, the following rules and regulations on land
surveys are hereby issued for the guidance of all concerned.

Article 1 – General Provisions

Section 1. Policy and Objectives - It is the policy of the state to accelerate the adjudication and
disposition of lands of the public domain for the purpose of achieving tenurial security, land
ownership equity, improvement of standard of living and stimulation of land market activities in
consonance with the principles of sustainable development.

Toward these ends, the DENR shall pursue as a priority, the unification,
synchronization and regulation of all surveys on, but not limited to, agricultural lands, mineral lands,
forestlands, protected areas, civil and military reservations, road networks and lands for other
purposes and expedite the conduct, verification and approval of surveys thereon.

a. In line with these policies and objectives, there is a need to progressively review and update
the country’s land survey regulations and streamline the survey procedures, simplify its
requirements, and introduce provisions on business process reengineering; and,

b. It is also the objective of DENR to pro-actively enable all individuals concerned to keep
abreast with the dynamic advancement of surveying practices and technologies and enhance
their capability, effectiveness and the efficiency in the conduct of land survey for
registration, development, and for other purposes.

Section 2. Scope and Coverage - This Order shall cover the policies and standards on land survey
and mapping activities. Surveys covered include control surveys, cadastral surveys, isolated surveys,
mineral land surveys, forest and protected areas/natural parks delimitation surveys. However, survey
regulations and specifications governing forest delineation, hydrographic surveys, tidal
observations, remote sensing and other allied field not covered by this Order shall be provided in
separate issuances.
Let’s Go Green

Section 3. Definition of Terms – The following terms as used in this Regulation are hereby defined
as follows:

a. Cadastral Map (CM) - shall refer to a map made as a result of a Cadastral Survey, drawn to
appropriate scale and showing all land parcels and important natural and man-made features
within a municipality/project, for purposes of describing and recording ownership.

b. Cadastre - shall refer to a set of records about parcels of land consisting of a spatial
reference and the related information on the area, ownership/claims, value and use of land
primarily for taxation purposes.

c. Delimitation Survey – shall refer to the establishment of the permanent forestland and
protected area boundaries by conducting actual ground survey.

d. Geodetic Engineer (GE) – shall refer to a natural person with professional expertise in the
field of surveying and the corresponding survey data presentation in the form of maps,
plans, geo-spatial digital maps, etc.; either in the government service or in the private
practice, and who has been issued a Certificate of Registration and Identification Card by
the Professional Regulation Commission (PRC)- Board of Geodetic Engineering pursuant to
Republic Act 8560, the Geodetic Engineering Act, as amended.

e. Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) - is the standard generic term for satellite
navigation systems that provide autonomous geo-spatial positioning with global coverage.

f. Land Registration - shall refer to the official recording of land ownership based on the legal
documents submitted to the Register of Deeds for the Province or City where the land is

g. Metes and Bound – shall refer to the description of a land parcel with its boundary
directions and distances, together with a note of adjacent property owners, their lot numbers,
and other relevant natural and man-made features.

h. Monument – shall refer to any concrete object that is set permanently in the ground to mark
the position of a point or a boundary corner.

i. Muniments of Titles – deeds and other documentary evidence of title or ownership to land.

j. Parcel Information Sheets (PIS) – shall refer to a document recording the boundary
adjudication agreement by all concerned and participating claimants or owners, in
collaboration with the geodetic engineer, a Barangay official, and adjudicator, indicating
and describing the boundaries of a land parcel and any natural features, marks and
occupations that are or near the boundary in the manner prescribed in the Manual of

k. Patrimonial Property – shall refer to properties owned by the State but are not intended for
public use, public service or for the development of national wealth.

l. Projection map – shall refer to a map where all lots subject for verification and approval are
plotted to determine cases of overlaps with previously approved plans.

m. PRS92 – shall refer to the Philippine Reference System of 1992, a national common
coordinate reference system for all surveys and maps pursuant to Executive Order No. 45
dated January 5, 1993, as amended.

n. Reclamation Projects – Filling of submerged land duly approved by the Philippine

Reclamation Authority

o. Reference Point - shall refer to a point appropriately marked on the ground with an
established horizontal and vertical position.

p. Secretary - shall refer to the Secretary of the Department of Environment and Natural
Resources (DENR).

q. Survey Plan - shall refer to a two-dimensional map showing the metes and bounds of a
surveyed parcel or parcels of land and other pertinent information.

r. Survey Returns - shall refer to the collective documents submitted by a Geodetic Engineer
(GE) as a result of the survey conducted and other relevant documents as may be required.

s. Unique Parcel Identifier (UPI) – shall refer to the number exclusively assigned to a land
parcel in reference to its physical spatial position on the Land Information Map (UPI = LIM
Number + Parcel Number)

Article 2 – Classification of Land Surveys

Section 4. Control Surveys – shall refer to the survey conducted to determine the horizontal and
vertical positions of points which will form part of a geodetic network or project controls over an
area which will subsequently become the basis in determining the rectangular coordinates in an area.

a. Geodetic Control Surveys – shall refer to the surveys conducted covering extensive areas
which take into account the curvature and the geoid-spheroidal shape of the earth at sea
level for the purpose of establishing basic network of reference points, covering the first and
second order controls.

b. Project Control Surveys - shall refer to the surveys conducted to establish the positions of
points of reference for projects with a limited geographic coverage such as a municipality, a
large isolated tract of land, a group settlement, a barangay or group of municipalities,
covering primary control (third order), secondary control (fourth order) and tertiary control.

Section 5. Cadastral Surveys - shall refer to the survey made to determine the metes and bounds of
all parcels within an entire municipality or city for land registration and other purposes.

a. Numerical Cadastre shall refer to a cadastral survey wherein the bearings and distances of
the individual lots are determined from the computations based on the actual ground survey.

b. Graphical Cadastre shall refer to a cadastral survey wherein the bearings and distances of
the individual lots are determined using transit and stadia, scaling from photo map, and
other graphical methods.

c. Public Land Subdivision shall refer to the subdivision of A&D lands covering an area of
more than 1,500 hectares

Section 6. Isolated Surveys - shall be comprised of all classes of surveys of isolated parcels of land
used for agricultural, residential, commercial, resettlement, or other purposes covering areas not
more than 1,500 hectares. These surveys are classified as follows:

a. Group Settlement/Townsite Subdivision Surveys – shall refer to the subdivision of A and D

lands of not more than 1,500 hectares into 50 parcels or more.

b. Public Land Surveys- shall refer to all original surveys covering A and D lands which has
not been subjected to private rights nor devoted to public use pursuant to the provisions of
public land laws.

c. Amendment Surveys- shall refer to the surveys covering untitled/undecreed properties by

changing the number of lots thereof without affecting the original technical description of
the boundary

d. Private Land Surveys - shall refer to the surveys covering lands claimed or owned by an
individual, a partnership, a corporation, or any other form of organization, undertaken for
purposes of original or subsequent land registration.

e. Government Land Surveys - shall refer to the surveys of parcels of lands administered by or
belonging to the National Government or any of its branches and instrumentalities which

i) Friar Land Estates Surveys - shall refer to the surveys on the lands purchased by the
government from the Religious Orders and private corporations from 1904 to 1913,
for distribution to actual occupants and bonafide settlers pursuant to Act 1120,
otherwise known as the “Friar Lands Act;”

ii) National Government Lands Survey - shall refer to the surveys of all patrimonial
properties owned by the government not intended for public use; and

iii) Local Government Units (LGU) Lands Surveys – shall refer to the surveys on the
lands acquired by the provincial, city/municipal, or barangay government pursuant
to the Republic Act 7160, otherwise known as the “Local Government Code of
1991,” and other pertinent laws which are not needed for public purposes.

f. Conversion Surveys- shall refer to the surveys conducted for the purpose of
transforming/converting the lots covered by approved graphical cadastral surveys, cadastral
mapping (Cadm) and photocadastral mapping (PCadm), into numerical or regular cadastral
lots, with computation and plotting in the system of the cadastral project.

g. Other Land Surveys- shall refer to the surveys made for purposes of determining the metes
and bounds of parcels not included in the enumeration above and intended for a specific

Section 7. Mineral Land Surveys – shall refer to surveys of mining claims, quarry applications,
sand and gravel applications, and other mineral lands within private or public lands, executed for
mineral agreements, permits, licenses or for other purposes pursuant to the provision of Republic
Act No. 7942, otherwise known as “The Philippine Mining Act of 1995”.

Section 8. Forestlands and National Parks/Protected Areas Delimitation Surveys – shall refer
to the surveys conducted by the Regional Composite Survey Team (RCST) or qualified private
Geodetic Engineers in order to delimit on the ground the boundaries of forestlands and national
parks/protected areas from the agricultural (A and D) lands as delineated pursuant to Sections 3 and
4 , Article XII of the 1987 Constitution, PD 705, the “Revised Forestry Code of the Philippines” and
Republic Act No. 7586, otherwise known as the “National Integrated Protected Areas System Act of
1992." It shall also include the subclassification and zonification of said areas.

Article 3 – Practice of Geodetic Engineering within the ambit of the DENR

Section 9. Persons Authorized to Conduct Land Surveys – All Land Surveys and mapping
activities under the scope and coverage of this regulation intended for disposition, registration and
other purposes shall be made only by a Geodetic Engineer pursuant to RA 8560, as amended.

a. He/She shall be a holder of a valid Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) registration,

PRC identification card, current professional tax receipt (PTR) and tax identification
number (TIN).

b. He/She shall be an active member of a PRC accredited association of Geodetic Engineers

pursuant to R.A. 8560, as amended.

c. Geodetic Engineers in government service may execute surveys on government projects

upon authority/order issued by a court or authorized official of the concerned agency.
Section 9 a and b above shall also apply to them, except PTR.

There shall be created a national database of registered GE’s. The LMS shall submit a listing of
practicing GE’s in their Region and the corresponding PRC Registration Number with the Date of
Issuance, to the LMB who in turn shall validate the data thereof with the PRC-Board of Geodetic
Engineering. Upon validation, the LMB shall update the GE’s National Database and furnish all the
LMS Regional Offices with the Official Listing for their reference.

Section 10. Geodetic Engineer’s (GE) Dry Seal. - In order to insure the authenticity of survey
returns submitted to the DENR in accordance with laws and standing regulations, and to protect the
public, all concerned practicing GE’s are hereby required to use GE dry seal with an engraved PRC
Registration Number and the Date of Issuance.

Section 11. GE Index Cards. - The Regional Surveys Division (RSD) shall maintain an Index Card
for every practicing GE which shall be signed by the said GE in every submission of their survey
returns. The said Index Card shall contain the name of the GE, gender, date of birth, PRC
Registration No., and the date of issuance and space for three (3) specimen signature and three (3)
initials. Moreover, it shall provide columns for information on the submitted survey plans such as
survey symbol and lot numbers, location, area, name of claimants/owners, date of submission,
acceptance logbook entry, number, and date of approval.

Section 12. Corporate Practice. - In consonance with RA 8560, as amended, the Director of LMB
and the RTD for Lands, shall ensure that no firm, company, partnership, association or corporation
will participate in the conduct of bidding for survey projects or submit survey returns unless the
proprietors are GE’s or the controlling group are GE’s. In all cases, the team leader of the survey
project shall be a GE.

Section 13. Blacklisting of Geodetic Engineering Practitioners - Firms, companies, partnerships,

associations, corporations or individual practicing GE’s who abandon DENR bid survey projects
without reasonable cause shall be barred from participating in the bidding of other survey projects
and in the actual conduct of such surveys. The LMB/LMS shall pursue the necessary and
appropriate legal actions through the PRC - Board of Geodetic Engineering and the proper Court
against the said erring practitioners/firms. The LMB/LMS shall likewise publish/post the list of
delinquent surveying companies or practitioners and may impose sanctions such as non-acceptance
of the survey returns of isolated surveys submitted for verification and approval. Blacklisted
practitioners may be reinstated upon completion of the project and in accordance with the Manual of

Section 14. Utilization of New Methods and Technology. - Consistent with the policy of
upgrading survey and mapping practices, and database management, the LMB/LMS and
practitioners shall utilize the most appropriate modern techniques and technology. The LMB shall
develop a national system to expedite projection, verification and approval of surveys, which are
consistent with the state-of-the-art technologies, processes and procedures.

Article 4 – Survey Order and Authority

Section 15. Authority to conduct surveys in lands of the public domain – The GE shall first
secure a survey order or survey authority before conducting surveys of lands of the public domain.

a. Survey Order (SO) – shall refer to the instruction issued by the concerned DENR Official to
a government GE or private GE to conduct survey over a parcel of land of the public domain
or survey project for a specific purpose.

b. Survey Authority (SA) - shall refer to the permit issued by the concerned DENR Official to a
private Geodetic Engineer to conduct isolated survey over public lands for public land
application purposes.

Section 16. DENR Officials who shall issue Survey Order and Authority. The following DENR
officials shall issue SA/SO for the conduct of surveys of public and government land for land
registration and other purposes:

Secretary - Parks and Protected Areas Delimitation Surveys, SO if area covers 2

or more regions
- Delimitation Surveys for Watershed Reservation, SO if area covers 2
or more regions

Director, LMB - Political Boundary Surveys, SO if area involved boundary dispute

between two (2) or more provinces belonging to different regions
- Isolated Land Surveys, SA if area is covered by a special
law/proclamation giving jurisdiction to the LMB

Admin, NAMRIA - Delimitation Survey on Land Classification, Survey Order (SO)

RED -Cadastral Surveys, SO

-Parks and Protected Areas Delimitation Surveys, SO if area is 5,000
hectares and above
-Political Boundary Survey SO if there is no involved inter regional
boundary dispute
-Delimitation Survey for Watershed Reservation, SO if area in the same
region is 5,000 hectares and above
-Reclamation Project Surveys, SO if area is 100 hectares and above
-Isolated Land Surveys, SO if area is more than 100 hectares
-Survey of LGU Lands, SO for area more than 100 hectares
-Foreshore Land Surveys, SA if area is more than 100 hectares

RTD for Lands -Political Boundary Survey, SO if the involved are the barangays of the
same city or municipality
-Public Land Subdivision, SO
-Reclamation Project Surveys, SO if area is less than 100 hectares
-Townsite Reservation and Group Settlement Surveys, SO if area is up to
1500 hectares
-Isolated Land Surveys, SO if area is more than 12 hectares, up to 100
-Survey of LGU Lands, SO if area is up to 100 hectares
-Foreshore Land Surveys, SA if area is 12 hectares up to 100 hectares

Regional Director MGB –Mineral Land Surveys, SO

RTD for Forestry -Delimitation Survey for Watershed Reservation, SO if area in the same
region is less than 5,000 hectares

RTD for PAWCZMS –Parks and Protected Areas Delimitation Surveys, SO if area is less
than 5,000 hectares

CENRO -Isolated Land Surveys, SA if area is 12 hectares and below

-Foreshore Land Surveys, SA if area is 12 hectares and below

Section 17. Survey on Lands within the Jurisdiction of other Government Agencies. - The Head
of the concerned government agency or his/her duly authorized representative shall issue survey
authority for survey of lands under the jurisdiction of their respective agency by virtue of existing
laws. The copy of pertinent laws, legal documents or muniment of title stating therein their
jurisdiction or ownership over the subject property shall be included in the survey returns.

Section 18. Survey of Private Lands. – The GE shall undertake surveys of private land upon
request or authority of the owner or legal claimant or authorized representative or upon receipt of a
court order. He shall include the proof of ownership or any document stating the claimants/owners
muniment of title to the land or the basis on which private ownership is claimed and the particulars
thereof when submitting survey returns for verification and approval. If the land is encumbered as
shown in the entry at the back of the title, a written authorization from the person or entity in which
the encumbrance was executed in favor of, shall be submitted. In addition, if the land is subject of
ongoing court litigation as shown at the back of title, a written authorization from the concerned
court shall be secured. The certification on the copy of title by the Register of Deeds (ROD) shall be
valid only for three (3) months before the submission of survey returns.

Section 19. Conditions in the Granting of Survey Authority and Survey Order. – Before an SO/
SA is granted, the following conditions are required:

a. Survey Authority - That the parcel subject of the request shall:

1. Be within the A and D area.

2. Have no existing claims and conflicts

3. Be outside any existing civil, military and/or any other kinds of reservations

4. Not be the subject of a pending land registration case or any pending litigation.

5. Not be within any ongoing cadastral or public land subdivision project.

The report of investigation on the above conditions may also be used in the issuance of the
corresponding patent, lease or any form of public land disposition.

b. Survey Order - The following shall be required in the issuance of SO:

1. Clearance and/or endorsement from concerned agencies which has jurisdiction over the
parcel involved.

2. Copy of court order, if the subject parcel of land is under litigation.

Section 20. Validity of Survey Order and Authority – The validity of SA and SO shall be as

a. Survey Authority – shall be valid for a period of 6 months from the time of its issuance up to
submission of the corresponding survey returns.

b. Survey Order-shall be valid within the period as stipulated thereon.

Article 5 – Surveying Instruments

Section 21. Types of Survey Instruments. – The following instruments shall be used in the
conduct of surveys for the issuance of land patent, leases, adjudication of titles and for other
administrative or judicial purposes:

a. Conventional surveying instruments which shall refer to the instruments in the conduct of
traverse, triangulation, and trilateration and other terrestrial-based surveying methods.

b. Aerial photogrammetric instruments which are used in aerial triangulation, compilation and
feature extraction using aerial photograph high-precision cameras mounted on an aircraft.

c. GNSS Receivers refer to User Segment in the satellite-based positioning system.

d. Smart stations – a combination of GNSS and total stations.

Technical specifications of the above mentioned instruments shall be in accordance with the
specific requirements necessary in a particular type of survey.

Section 22. Calibration and Registration of Surveying Instruments. – All conventional survey
instruments, GNSS receivers and smart stations shall be properly calibrated by and registered to the
LMB/LMS before it can be used for any kind of survey covered by this regulation. Surveys made
with instruments without valid registration shall not be accepted for verification and approval.

a. Original Certificate of Instrument Registration (CIR) shall be issued by the LMB after the
calibration. A National Database on survey instruments shall be established and
maintained/updated by the LMB.

The validity of registration shall be:

1. For steel tapes: two (2) years or up to three (3) breaks, whichever comes earlier;

2. For engineer’s transits and optical and electronic theodolites: three (3) years;
3. For EDM and ETS: two (2) years.

4. For GNSS Receiver: two (2) years.

b. Renewal of CIR may be issued by the LMS concerned after the usual recalibration thereof.
A copy of the renewed CIR shall be furnished to the LMB for updating the National
Database on Surveying Instruments.

c. A copy of the CIR shall be furnished the LMS at the start of every year for indexing

Article 6 – Coordinate Reference System

Section 23. Position of Survey. - The complete horizontal position of reference points shall be
expressed in latitude and longitude and rectangular grid (northing and easting) coordinates,
collectively known as the Geographic and Plane Coordinates (GPC). In all cases, the coordinates of
reference points shall be referred to PRS92.

Section 24. Datum - shall be the level surface, which is at every point perpendicular to the direction
of the gravity. It shall be used as reference for the position on the earth’s surface (Horizontal Datum)
and the elevation (Vertical Datum) of points. The data used in the country are the following:

a. Luzon 1911 Datum – shall refer to the Triangulation Station Balanacan located in
Marinduque Province which has the following description:

Coordinates: Latitude = N 13 deg. 33 min. 41.000 sec.

Longitude = E 121 deg. 52 min. 03.000 sec.

b. PRS92 Datum - shall refer to the modified Luzon 1911 Datum which was adopted as the
datum for PRS92. Upon full implementation of PRS92, the PRS92 Datum (adjusted Luzon
1911 Datum) shall be the sole datum to be used in all surveys and mapping in the country.
The PRS92 Datum shall have the following description:

Spheroid: Clarke 1866

Geoid-Spheroid Separation: 0.34 meters

Coordinates: Latitude = N 13 deg. 33 min. 41.000 sec.

Longitude = E 121 deg. 52 min. 03.000 sec.

Section 25. Coordinate System – shall be the mathematical system of locating positions based on
the standard datum and GPC. The following are the coordinate systems for survey in the country:

a. Local Plane Coordinate System (LPCS) – also known as the “floating” reference system
wherein the surveys are referred to location monuments with no definite geodetic positions
and no subsequent adjustment to the basic geodetic control network. These reference points
are established as the need arises, per survey project (Public Land Subdivision, Group
Settlement, Townsites, etc.) or per locality or municipality, wherein the relative position
among the control points within the same system can be determined.

b. Philippine Plane Coordinate System (PPCS)/Luzon 1911, also known as the Philippine
Transverse Mercator (PTM) , are transformed from geographic to grid coordinates on the
Luzon 1911 Datum, determined through astronomical observations. PPCS-PTM was

adopted as the coordinate system in the Philippines pursuant to Lands Circular No. 64, dated
June 30, 1965 with the following characteristics:

Spheroid : Clarke 1866

Projection : Transverse Mercator, in Zones of two

degrees net width

Point of Origin : Intersection of the Equator and the Central Meridian

each zone, with Northing of 0 meter and an Easting of
500,000 meters

Scale factor at the Central Meridian: 0.99995

c. PPCS/PRS92– shall be the plane coordinate system referred to the modified Luzon 1911
Datum known as PRS92. It shall replace the PPCS/Luzon1911 and serve the standard
coordinate system for all surveys in the country pursuant to Executive Order No. 45, series
of 1993, as amended.

Section 26. Data Conversion, Transformation and Integration to PRS92. All existing survey
records, maps and plans shall be transformed and integrated to PRS92.

a. The current set of parameters being used to transform WGS84 coordinates into PRS92
coordinates and vice-versa shall continue to be utilized in the densification or establishment
of new control points, until such time that a new set or sets of transformation parameters are
determined. NAMRIA in coordination with LMB/LMS, shall conduct research and
development works to formulate the appropriate set or sets of local/zonal parameters.

b. To facilitate proper integration of datasets into PRS92, the Bureaus and regional offices
shall convert expeditiously all technical description of lots and survey maps/plans in their
custody into digital files.

c. Recovery and observation of existing reference points shall be prioritized by the LMS.

d. The PPCS/Old Luzon coordinates of datasets still in LPCS shall be derived before
transformation to PPCS/PRS92 coordinates. Submission of digital survey returns shall be
encouraged to minimize conversion works.

e. All surveys and maps that are still subject to ground survey pursuant to the policy
issuances/proclamations or those not referred to any coordinate system shall immediately be
converted to existing geodetic or project control.

f. To address the problem on unavailability and insufficiency of survey records, the

LMB/LMS and NAMRIA shall initiate programs/activities on the reconstruction of all
damaged or worn-out maps/plans and technical descriptions and reconstitution of all those
missing, in accordance to existing rules and regulations on such activities.

Section 27. Conversion of Graphical Cadastre to Numerical Cadastre. – All approved graphical
cadastre shall be converted to numerical cadastre and integrated into PRS92.

Article 7 – Survey Accuracy

Section 28. Control Surveys - For the purpose of this Regulation and consistent with the adoption
of new survey technologies, the Control Survey Accuracy shall be as follows:

a. Geodetic Control :

Accuracy Relative Error Linear Error Nominal space Vertical Accuracy

First Order 1/100,000 1 cm per km 50 km 4.80 mm
multiplied by the
square root of the
Second Order 1/50,000 2 cm per km 25 km 8.40 mm.
multiplied by the
square root of the
Third Order 1/20,000 5 cm per km 12.0 mm.
multiplied by the
square roots of the
Fourth Order 1/10,000 10 cm per km

b. Project Control:

1) As per accuracy, these are classified into Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary Control
Surveys, the specifications of which shall be the following:

Accuracy Area to be Accuracy Relative Linear Vertical

Control Controlled of Geodetic Error Error Accuracy
12.0 mm.
Primary Over 15,000 3rd Order 1/20,000 5 cm per multiplied by
Control hectares km the square
root of the
Secondary 1,500 to 1/10,000 10 cm per
Control 15,000 4th Order km
Tertiary Less than 1/5,000 20 cm per
Control 1,500 km

Standard of accuracy for traverse, triangulation and trilateration using transit and other
conventional instruments is as follows:

SPECIFICATION Primary Secondary Tertiary

Spacing of stations Between 100 m. to 100 m. to 500 m. As required

1,000 m

Area to be controlled Over 15,000 1,500 to Less than

(hectares) 15,000 1,500

SPECIFICATION Primary Secondary Tertiary

* Angular error of closure

not to exceed 2”.5 √P 10”.0√S 30”.√T

No. of observations:
Positions with 1” Theo. 2 1 as required

Sets with 20” or 30” 6 D/R for interior 4 D/R for interior clamped plate
transit and exterior angles angle for circuit
and loop traverse

** Linear error of closure 0.0001 Pp 0.0002 Ps 0.5 t

not to exceed (5cm per km) (10cm per km) (20cm per km)

Azimuth reading 1” 10” to 15 “ 30” to 1 minute

Instrument least reading 1” Theo or 20” to 1” Theo or 20” to 1 minute transit

30” transit 30” transit

Astronomic obsn: 8 or 4, am and 4 or 2,am and 2,pm

No. of series night or day 4,pm

Probable error of astro.

obsn not to exceed 5” 10” 15”

Azimuth checks not to 20” 30” as required


No. of stations between

azimuth checks not to 25 35 50

*** Distance Nearest mm. with Nearest mm. with Nearest cm.
Measurement Cs, C t, Cp Cg and Cs, Ct, Cp Cg and measured once
Csl measured twice Csl measured twice

Probable error
or distance measurement 1:40,000 As required As required
not to exceed
Vertical accuracy 12.0 mm.
multiplied by the
square roots of the

Relative error after

azimuth adjustment 1:20,000 1:10,000 1:5,000

SPECIFICATION Primary Secondary Tertiary

* P, S, T is the no. of stations

** P p, P p, P t is the perimeter of the control
*** Cs, Ct, Cp, Cg, & CsI is correction due to sag, temperature, pull, grade & sea level


Spacing of stations 1-3 Km 1 Km Consistent

not to exceed with good sighting

Angular observations
Position with 1” theodolite 2 2 as required

Set with 20-30” transit 6 D/R for interior 4 D/R for interior 2 D/R
and exterior angle and exterior angle

Triangle closure not to 5” 10” 30”

exceed Base Measurement:

Probable error 1:40,000 as required as required

not to exceed

Check on based not to 1:20,000 1:10,000 1:5,000


2) The location monuments shall be connected by a control of secondary precision from

previously established reference point provided that no lots shall have a distance of
more than one (1) kilometer from the nearest reference point.

Section 29. Cadastral Surveys - The GE shall be guided by factors of efficiency and effectiveness
in selecting the surveying methods and equipment in order to attain the following accuracies:

a. The establishment of Controls and Political Boundary Survey (municipal) shall be in

accordance with the 3rd order (Primary Control) accuracy requirement. The Barangay
Boundary Survey shall be in 4th Order (Secondary Control) accuracy.

b. Lot Survey Accuracy. The standard accuracy of traverse closure shall be in accordance with
Tertiary Control Surveys requirements.

Section 30. Isolated Surveys - In conducting isolated land surveys, the GE shall be guided by the

a. Original, subdivision, consolidation or consolidation-subdivision isolated survey, shall be

conducted using equipment and methods that will meet the tertiary control accuracy.

b. When conducting Relocation/Verification Survey, the Allowable Position of Error shall not
exceed + 10 centimeters. However, the allowable difference in the area shall not exceed ±1
square meters for every 1 hectare.

Section 31. Mineral Land Surveys - Survey of mineral lands, executed for mineral agreement, or
for other purposes pursuant to the Mining Act of 1995, shall be in the 4th Order (Secondary Control)

Section 32. Forestland and National Park/Protected Areas Delimitation Surveys – The survey
control accuracy shall be in accordance with the area coverage under the project control surveys.
The perimeter survey shall be undertaken in the same manner as in isolated survey.

Article 8 – Reference Monuments

Section 33. Establishment of Reference Monuments - Reference points, political boundaries and
other tracts of lands shall be defined and marked on the ground by concrete monuments specified in
the Manual of Procedure.

a. The first and last corner of lots along physiographic or natural features shall be monumented.
Every prominent turn based on the highest tide line shall be considered as corner.

b. The LMB/LMS shall establish at least one pair of standard location monuments to be
designated as BLLM No. 1 and BLLM No. 2 in each city and municipality.

c. Whenever necessary, additional location monuments shall be established along the controls of
projects so that no lot shall be one (1) kilometer away from a reference point.

d. The establishment and densification of the national geodetic network shall continue to be
undertaken in accordance with EO 45 s. 1993, DAO 1994-22, DAO 2005-13 and other
pertinent issuances.

Section 34. Kinds of Reference Monuments - Reference Monuments shall be any of the following:

A. Reference Monuments

1) Geodetic Control Monuments

2) Bureau of Lands Location Monuments (BLLM);

3) Bureau of Lands Boundary Monuments (BLBM);

4) Political Boundary Monuments:

a) Provincial Boundary Monuments (PBM),
b) City Boundary Monuments (CBM),
c) Municipal Boundary Monuments (MBM),
d) Barangay Boundary Monuments (BBM);

5) Triangulations Station established by:

a) Bureau of Lands/Lands Management Services,
c) United States Army Corps of Engineers,
d) US Coast and Geodetic Survey,
e) Other organizations, the work of which is of acknowledged standard

6) Primary stations of approved Cadastral Surveys;

7) Friar Lands reference Monuments (Mon) and Old Survey Monuments (OSM);

8) Church towers, historical monuments and other prominent permanent structures of

known position;

B. Lot Corner Monuments

1) Standard concrete monuments.

2) Concrete posts which are part of the fence when not less than ten centimeters in
diameter, or metal pipes not less than two centimeters in outside diameter.

3) Living edible fruit trees not less than fifteen (15) centimeters in diameter or trees
belonging to the first group (as per Forestry Timber Classification) with diameter from
fifteen to fifty (15-50) centimeters.

4) Points of masonry or concrete walls.

5) Immovable or fixed hard rock or boulders with exposed surfaced of more than one
meter in diameter.

6) Pegs either made of wood or steel, being of a composition that will resist destruction by
fire, natural corrosion or decay with at least 50 millimeters square in cross-section for at
least 100 millimeters from the top and not less than 400 millimeters in length.

Section 35. National Database of Geographic and Plane Coordinates (GPC) of all Land Survey
Reference Monuments - The National Database of GPC of all Land Survey Reference Monuments
belonging to the Third Order and below shall be managed by the LMB with copies furnished to the
concerned LMS. Data of the newly established reference points in the LMS shall be furnished to the
LMB for updating of the National Database. The database shall also have online access between the
DENR, LMB, NAMRIA, and the LMS regional office for data sharing and efficient servicing of the

Article 9 – Maps and Plans

Section 36. Types of Maps – The following are the types of maps:

a. Base Map - shall be a map showing certain fundamental information, used as a base upon
which additional data of specialized nature are compiled. The standard base maps of the
Philippines shall be classified into regional, provincial, city, municipal and barangay
boundary map. For those with approved cadastre, the base maps shall be Municipal
Boundary and Index Map (MBIM), Barangay Boundary and Index Map (BBIM), and
Cadastral Maps (CM).

b. Cadastral Map- are those which shows all lots and other details of the cadastral survey
within the quadrant.

c. Land Information Map (LIM) – is a national standard spatial index map showing all land
parcels covered by Cadastral and Isolated Surveys over a specific map area with their UPI.
This is formerly referred to as the Cadastral Information Map (CIM).

d. Planimetric Map – shall be a map which chows the correct horizontal position of natural and
man-made features.

e. Photo Map - shall be a continuous representation of the ground obtained by assembling

together individual photographs taken from an aircraft, into a composite picture, scale and
the effects of tilt are corrected. If gridlines, contour lines, boundaries, place names, and
marginal informations have been added or overprinted, it shall be known as Orthophoto

f. Projection Map – shall be a map wherein submitted surveys are plotted to detect the relative
positions of surveys conducted.

g. Thematic Map- shall be a map which represents a particular theme or subject, such as
vegetation, forest cover, soils, slope, etc.

h. Topographic Map- shall be a map which shows configuration on the earth’s surface called
Relief, and natural features thereon that include physiographic features, bodies of water,
vegetation, and man-made features such as roads and buildings.

Standards and specifications for maps shall be provided in the Manual of Procedures.

Section 37. Project Control Maps – are maps showing the main and subsidiary controls in a
specific project. The survey control map shall be prepared on reproducible materials of stable base
such as drafting film 0.03 mm with polyester or mylar base. The standard format dimensions and
fonts shall be as prescribed in the Manual of Procedures.

Section 38. Political Boundary Control Map – The political boundary map (PBM) shall be
prepared on a reproducible material of stable base as approved for official use by the LMB. This
map shall be submitted to the LMB/LMS together with the approved political boundary control map
and computations. If computerized print-out map, a digital copy of the said map shall also be
submitted. The political boundary map shall be prepared in accordance with the Manual of

Section 39. Cadastral Progress Map - The progress map based on the control survey of the project
shall be made on reproducible materials of stable base as prescribed in the Manual of Procedures.

Section 40. Cadastral Maps (CM) - The CM, as a base map, shall serve as the primary source of
land cadastre.

Section 41. Barangay Boundary and Index Maps (BBIM) – is a base map coextensive with a
cadastral case for each barangay prepared for each cadastral case (one barangay is equal to one case)
in a convenient scale on drafting film or other stable transparent materials in the same size as a
cadastral map. Other pertinent information shall be included as required by the Manual of
Section 42. Municipal Boundary and Index Maps (MBIM) - is a base map coextensive with the
boundary of the cadastral project covering the entire municipality drawn in a convenient scale on
drafting film or other stable transparent materials in the same size as a cadastral map and showing
other pertinent information as required by the Manual of Procedures.

Section 43. Orthophoto Map (OPM) - OPM shall serve a dual purpose of positioning points to
facilitate the survey of land parcels in difficult areas where it satisfies the accuracy standard set by
the principle of graduated accuracy, consistent with land use, as may be specified by instructions, or
provide graphical positioning of unavailable map detail for completion of the LIM. Detailed
instructions on the procedures shall be issued by the LMB Director.

Section 44. Isolated Surveys Plans - All plans and forms to be used in isolated surveys conducted
for administrative or judicial registration purposes shall be in accordance with the standard format
as prescribed by the Manual of Procedures.

Geodetic Engineers shall submit their original plans properly prepared, the masthead filled
up, signed and sealed. TIN, PTR, PRC ID Numbers should be indicated in the Survey Plan.

Section 45. Survey Symbols and Numbering for Isolated Plans - A system for identifying survey
plans comprising of survey symbols, Regional codes and Control Numbers as per entry in the
Regional Survey Registry Book shall be established, maintained and updated. This system shall be
used in the classification and identification of all kinds of surveys to facilitate the recording, filing
and record keeping of survey plans and maps and their corresponding survey returns. A preliminary
numbering system based on the existing Receiving Log Book Entry Number to track the status of
survey returns prior to its approval shall also be established.

Section 46. Mineral Land Survey Plans- Survey plans of mining claims shall be prepared on the
isolated survey plans. Titled properties within the claim shall be properly plotted. The format and
text of the plan shall be as prescribed in the Manual of Procedures.

Section 47. Forestland and Protected Areas Boundary Maps (FPABM) – Upon completion of
the field survey and preparation of other survey returns, the RCST shall generate FPABM per
province, complete with all the annotations, covering the entire Project area, in accordance with the
standards set forth in the Manual of Procedures. Sub-classification shall be treated separately.

Section 48. Standard Signs and Symbols – Standard signs and symbols used in mapping and other
cartographic works, with their corresponding dimensions and colors, shall be included in the Manual
of Procedures to be issued by the LMB Director.

Section 49. Technical Descriptions - A technical description for each lot, whether
computer/electronic or manually generated, duly signed by the concerned geodetic engineer, shall be
prepared upon approval of the survey plan. It shall contain pertinent information as prescribed by
the Manual of Procedures and submitted with the survey plan for land registration purposes.

The technical description for previously approved survey plan may be issued by LMB/ LMS for
registration and other purposes.

Section 50. Cancellation and Rejection of Approved Survey Plans – Any survey or plan may be
cancelled, amended and rejected by the approving official.

1) Cancellation –Surveys later found to be erroneously and/or spuriously approved and not
in accordance with the purpose for which it was authorized may be cancelled, as in:

i. Survey for the purpose of land registration covering non-alienable and

disposable area;

ii. Previously approved surveys of different claimants per order of the court;

iii. Previously approved subdivision covering surveyed and registered lands

found to be erroneously executed and/or not in conformity with the owner’s
agreement; and

iv. Surveys executed in violation of this Regulation.

2) Amendment - Any survey or plan may be corrected and amended by administrative

action of the approving official, provided, in the case of amendment affecting an
untitled land parcel boundary, the land claimant or registered owner and adjoining land
claimant or registered owner consent to said amendment. Amendment surveys cover
unregistered lands for purposes of changing the boundary lines and by increasing or
decreasing the number of corners and lots without affecting the original area.

3) Rejection – Surveys found to be covering previously approved survey and/or in-

alienable areas when plotted on the projection map may be rejected.

Article 10 – Projection System

Section 51. Projection Map – In the absence of an approved CM or standard spatial index map, a
provisional cadastral map, also known as projection map, shall be prepared in a scale of 1:4000 by
using the length of minutes and second of arc of parallel and meridian passing through the BLLM
No.1 of the municipality or locality which is established as the point of reference for all surveys
therein. The projection maps shall continue to function as progress maps in monitoring the
verification and approval of survey plans until such time that a Land Information Map is instituted.

Section 52. Land Information Map (LIM) – The Land Information Map (LIM), a computer-based
standard spatial index map, shall be prepared by the LMS to improve monitoring of survey plans
approval, detection of overlaps and prevention of double issuance of title. The LMB shall design the
most appropriate labeling specification, scales and grid intervals, LIM numbering, parcel plotting
and cross-indexing in order to suit Philippine conditions and following the policy on the unique
parcel identification. The preparation of these maps shall be in accordance with PRS92.

a) Real (hardcopy) maps shall be consistent with the generally accepted elements of a map
(title, orientation, scale, source of information, grids, legend, author, dates and other
marginal information), and plotted in appropriate scales following the prescribed marginal
information.; and

b) Digital (softcopy) maps easily converted into GIS-ready format and interfaced/integrated
with other datasets and software environment. Database (Spatial and Aspatial) will be
seamless (provincial, regional and national) and with built-in electronic data security system

Article 11 –Physiographic Features

Section 53. Bodies of Water - In the preparation of plans and maps, all bodies of water such as
arroyos, esteros, creeks, rivers, lakes, ponds, pools and the likes, found adjacent or within the lot,
shall be properly indicated.

Section 54. Legal easements - For the purpose of recreation, navigation, floatage, fishing and
salvage, the banks of esteros, arroyos, creeks, and rivers throughout their entire lengths, situated in
urban areas, agricultural areas, and forested areas shall be subject to the three (3) meters, twenty
(20) meters, forty (40) meters easement for public use, respectively. The shorelines of seas and
lakes, throughout their entire length are subject to twenty (20) meters easement pursuant to P.D.
705, the Forestry Code.

Section 55. Salvage zones and coast police - Lands bordering the seas, gulfs, bays, or ports shall be
subject to easements of salvage zone of twenty (20) meters measured land ward from the interior
limit of the shore line and an easement of coast police of six meters wide from the shore line within
the salvage zone. The easement of coast police is the obligation to leave a right of way six (6)
meters wide within the salvage zone.

Section 56. Easement for public use - In surveying land which borders esteros, rivers, navigable
lakes, the sea or its arms, the Geodetic Engineer shall place a mark on the ground and indicate in the
field notes and plans of the survey the easement for public use. The easement for public use as
defined under The Revised Forestry Code (P.D. 705) and The Water Code (R.A. 1273) must be
reflected in the survey.

Section 57. Buffer Zone – shall refer to a strip of land with natural or established vegetation, which
provides an added layer of protection to the natural forest including mangrove forest. This shall be
surveyed and established using standards provided for by existing laws, monumented on the ground
and properly indicated on the map.

Article 12 – Notification of Survey

Section 58. Persons and entities to be notified before the conduct of surveys-The following
shall be notified when necessary before the conduct of control surveys:

a. CGSD/NAMRIA, Department of Public Works and Highway (DPWH) District Office;

b. Local Government Planning and Development Office (PPDO and MPDO/CPDO)
c. Barangay Officials
d. The railway and communication companies
e. Owners or claimants of properties within the area
f. Other concerned government agencies

Section 59. Cadastral and Isolated Surveys – For purposes of documenting the boundary
agreement process, the Parcel Identification Sheet is adopted for use by all participating claimants in
original isolated and cadastral land surveys, while in isolated subdivision or consolidation surveys
of undecreed or untitled properties, only the participating survey claimants within the lot being
surveyed shall be involved, unless there is only one survey claimant, in which case the single
claimant’s signature is indicative of his/ her acceptance of the established boundaries.

Section 60. Mineral Land Surveys – Before the commencement of the survey, the geodetic
engineer shall notify the DENR Regional Office concerned and the chairman of the barangay where
the claim/application is located, of the date of the execution of the survey.

Section 61. Forestland and Protected Areas Delimitation – Delimitation survey shall be
conducted with prior written notice to all the stakeholders thereof including local government
officials, cultural/tribal communities, appropriate government and private entities, and other parties
concerned. The said survey shall commence not earlier than five (5) days upon receipt of such
notice. If there are nearby or adjacent on-going survey projects, the Chief of Survey Party executing
said survey shall be informed in writing for purposes of work coordination.

Article 13– Approval of Survey

Section 62. Project Control Surveys – The survey returns of the main and subsidiary control shall
be submitted to the LMS for verification and approval. The verification process shall compose of
office (such as computerized verification) and on-site (such as test traverse) validation. Only project
controls that were verified and approved shall be used in the verification of Political Boundary and
Cadastral Lot Surveys.
Section 63. Completed Cadastral Surveys – Complete survey returns of the cadastral survey shall
be submitted to the LMS for verification and approval. The verification process shall compose of
office (such as computerized verification) and on-site (such as conduct of test traverse) validation.
However, the LMS may conduct routinary inspection, as the need arises, while the survey is

Section 64. Isolated Survey – Survey returns for the different kinds of survey shall be submitted to
the LMS for verification and approval. The LMS shall post the official checklist of requirements of
survey returns for different kinds of survey in prominent places in the Regional Office for the
information of geodetic engineers. Incomplete requirements shall be a ground for non-acceptance.
The LMS shall not impose any additional requirement not listed in the said checklist specified in the
Manual of Procedures. The LMS may conduct on-site inspection and validation, during the conduct
of the survey.

Section 65. Mineral Land Surveys - The LMS shall verify and approve survey plan of lots
covered by mineral claims, quarry applications, and other related purposes in consonance with the
provisions of RA 7942 and DAO 96-40, as amended.

No mineral land survey plan inside the proclaimed, reserved or declared protected areas,
forestland, timberland, or national parks shall be accepted unless there is legal basis to conduct such
Section 66. Forestland and Protected Areas Boundary Survey - Upon completion of the
perimeter survey, the Chief of the RCST shall prepare, sign and submit the FPAB survey returns
using prescribed forms for isolated surveys for transmittal to the Chief of the RSD for verification. It
shall adopt “FBS (Forest Boundary Survey)” as the national survey symbol. The numbering system
must likewise be consistent with the existing standards being used by the Department, particularly
the LMS. The usual standard operating procedures in the verification of isolated survey returns shall
be adopted, except that the approval shall be made by the RED concerned.

Article 14 – Management of Survey Records and Information

Section 67. National Geodetic Network Information System – The National Geodetic Network
Information System (GNIS) shall be established to provide management and operational support to
the DENR, other stakeholders and general users of the network.
a. The GNIS shall consist of a national facility that shall have the storing, updating, reporting,
transformation, data analysis, and security capabilities. The system shall also have online
access between the DENR, LMB, NAMRIA, and the LMS regional office for data sharing
and efficient servicing of the public.

b. The NAMRIA, in coordination with the LMB/LMS, shall be responsible for the
development of the system and once it becomes operational, shall also install the system in
the LMB and LMS, with corresponding provisions for linkages and security features.

c. The NAMRIA shall publish both in print and in digital form, the First and Second Order
PRS92 Geodetic Control Points. The LMB in the national and the LMS in the regional
scope shall do the same with the Third and Fourth Order Control Points. The format and the
information in the certifications shall be uniform and in accordance with the joint issuance
of the NAMRIA and LMB.

d. The NAMRIA and LMB/LMS shall regularly update the GNIS and shall periodically
exchange digital copies in a uniform or compatible format of the same. The list shall include
the name or designation, location (province, municipality, barangay), grid and geographic
coordinates, and upon request, descriptions of the control points.

Section 68. Cadastral and Isolated Surveys - A national inventory and conversion into digital
database of all approved land surveys in the country shall be conducted by the LMB/LMS. It shall
comprise the national land spatial index (Land Information Map) which the LMB is mandated to

Article 15 – Integration of Land Surveying Activities

Section 69. Conduct of Survey and Custodianship of Records

a. The LMB in the national level and the LMS in the regional level shall be the repository of
all DENR land surveying record and shall be in-charge of the execution of cadastral,
isolated and project control surveys.

b. The LMB/LMS shall conduct a massive inventory of the survey records which includes data
of Reference Points, Isolated Survey plans, Cadastral Maps, Lot Descriptions, etc. using the
most appropriate method. The GSD/RSD shall be the custodian of all Survey Records, both
the digital and hard copies.

c. The NAMRIA shall be the primary agency on the establishment of the National Geodetic
Network of First and Second Order Accuracy, in which data shall be readily shared with the

d. The Office of the Regional Technical Director (RTD) for Lands shall be the custodian of the
LIM at the regional level.

Section 70. Institutionalization of the RCST – Pursuant to Section 32 (b) of DENR Administrative
Order No. 13, series of 2005, the Regional FNSPs and LEPs are merged to form the RCST.

a. The RCST shall be responsible in the conduct of delimitation of forest boundary,

reservations, protected areas/national park.

b. Forest Boundary Delimitation Survey shall be conducted by RCST with a Geodetic
Engineer as the Chief of Survey Party, pursuant to the RA 8560, as amended by RA 9200.
The survey execution and plan preparation shall be in accordance with pertinent provisions
of this Regulation.

Article 16 – Institutional Mechanism

Section 71. Capability-Building – The DENR upon recommendation of the joint committee of the
LMB and NAMRIA, shall pursue a nationwide Land Survey Program, integrating therein all the
aspects in the implementation of programs with regard to the Land Sector. In consonance with this
objective, funds for various activities with the aim of continuous system upgrading, manpower
training, and facilities rehabilitation and modernization, shall be annually allocated.

Section 72. Conduct of ICE Activities – Information, consultation and education campaign shall be
undertaken to generate awareness and support from the stakeholders and the general public and
create a pool of national experts in geomatics, geodesy, property surveys, land investigations and
adjudication, property appraisal and allied fields. Strategies shall include conduct of information
campaigns and technology transfers, continuing professional education and forging of partnerships
with other government agencies, non-governmental organization, and private entities.

Article 17 – Penalty and Sanctions

Section 73. Administrative Action - Any public officer or employee who knowingly surveys,
classifies, or recommends the release of forest land as alienable and disposable land contrary to law,
shall after the proper proceedings suffer the penalties imposed under Sec.74, PD 705. The survey,
classification and release of forest lands shall be null and void.

Section 74. Denial of Approval - Violation of any provisions of this Regulation by the Geodetic
Engineer and survey contractor shall be sufficient grounds for the RTD for Lands to deny the
acceptance for verifications and/or approval of any survey made by him. In case he is in the service
of the DENR, he shall be further subjected to administrative action that the RTD for Lands, the RED
and/or the Director of LMB may deem justifiable under the circumstances.

Section 75. Filing of the Case with the PRC-Board of Geodetic Engineers - In case of approved
surveys executed by Geodetic Engineer in private practice, the matter shall be referred to the PRC-
Board of Geodetic Engineering for whatever penalty or sanction the fiscal and/or the Board may
find necessary to impose in relation to the Code of Ethics of Geodetic Engineers, the provisions of
the Geodetic Engineering Law, RA 8560, as amended, and to the provisions of other laws, without
prejudice to the cancellation of the survey and to the filing of legal action in the proper court. The
cost of field and office verification of erroneous surveyed parcel shall be charged against the
Geodetic Engineer concerned.

Section 76. Administrative Sanctions- Any official or employee of the DENR found abetting or
knowingly helping directly or indirectly in the approval of any survey in violation of the provisions
of this Regulation shall be subjected to disciplinary action that the Secretary may find necessary.

Section 77. Misrepresentation – Any person who is found to be misrepresenting himself as

Geodetic Engineer upon verification with PRC, shall be subjected to the filing of legal action in the
proper court and the outright cancellation or rejection of the survey returns he/she submitted for
verification and approval in the LMS.
Section 78. Interference with Survey and Monuments - Any person who shall interfere with the
making of survey undertaken by the LMB/LMS or private Geodetic Engineers authorized by the
appropriate DENR official, or shall interfere with the placing of any monument in connection with
such survey, or shall deface, destroy or remove any monument so placed, or shall alter the location
of any such monuments, shall be charged in the proper court in accordance with pertinent laws.

Section 79. Tampering and Removal of Records – Any DENR employee/personnel who is found
tampering or removing without authority official records of the DENR/LMB/LMS/FMB/FMS and
the regional field offices shall be administratively charged for dismissal by the Secretary without
prejudice to filing of criminal charges in the proper court.

Any unauthorized person found tampering and or removing official records of the
DENR/LMB/LMS/FMB/FMS and the regional field offices shall be charged in the proper court.

Section 80. Posting of List of Geodetic Engineers – The LMB/LMS shall post within its premises
an updated list of Geodetic Engineers found guilty for gross violation of this Regulation,
abandonment of survey projects, and other unscrupulous activities in relation to their submitted
survey returns in the DENR. A copy of the said list shall also be furnished to other government
agencies with concerns on land survey and titling.

Article 18 – Transitory Provisions

Section 81. Manual of Procedures – In accordance with Section 14 (d) of Executive Order No.
192, the LMB Director shall issue the Manual of Procedures on various technical aspects of
surveying and mapping in line with this Regulation, The Manual of Procedures shall be issued
within 90 days after the effectivity of this Order.

Section 82. Repealing Clause - Any provisions of previous DENR orders, memorandum circulars
and other issuances inconsistent herewith are hereby accordingly superseded, amended or repealed.
The provisions of the DAO 98-12, the Revised Manual for Land Surveying Regulations in the
Philippines that are still necessary shall be re-issued in the Manual of Procedures.

Section 83. Effectivity – This Order shall take effect upon acknowledgement of receipt of a copy
thereof by the Office of the National Administrative Register (ONAR), and fifteen (15) days after its
publication in a newspaper of general circulation.

(Original Signed)


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