Prs 92
Prs 92
Prs 92
Subject: Implementing Guidelines in the Adoption of the Philippine Reference System of 1992 (PRS 92) for Land Surveys in the Philippines
Pursuant to Executive Order No. 192 (1987) and Executive Order No. 45 (1992), the following guidelines are hereby issued for the guidance of and compliance by all concerned:
Section 1: Policy and Objectives. It shall be the policy of the State to accelerate the inventory, surveys and classification of lands using appropriate technology. In view of the above, the new geodetic control network known as the Philippine Reference System of 1992 (PRS 92) is hereby adopted as the standard reference for all surveying and mapping activities in the country.
Section 2. Use of PRS 92. The use of PRS 92 shall be required in the following surveys inaugurated in 1994 after the effectivity of this order and thereafter: 2.1 The geodetic control network densification of control points in the country; 2.2 All cadastral, public land subdivision, group settlement subdivision, integrated social forestry (I.S.F.), delimitation surveys of classified forest land, reservation, parks and protected areas, and political surveys;
2.3 Isolated survey of large tracts of land 25 hectares and larger, mineral land surveys; 2.4 Isolated survey covering lots or portion of previously approved surveys based on the Philippine Plane Coordinate System-Philippine Reference System 92 (PPCS-PRS 92) A certified geodetic record of a nearby available GPS stations in PRS 92 shall be secured from the Coast and Geodetic Surveys Department (CGSD) of the National Mapping and Resource Information Authority (NAMRIA).
Section 3. Optional use of PRS 92. The use of PRS 92 may be optional in the following surveys during the transition period (1993-2000): 3.1 Isolated surveys of less than 25 hectares and located beyond five (5) kilometers from the nearest existing GPS station in PRS 92. Such survey may continue to be tied to a nearby reference point in the Local Plane Coordinate System (LPCS) or the PPCS-Transverse Mercator or to established geodetic triangulation stations still in the old geographic coordinates.
3.2 Subdivision and consolidationsubdivision of previously approved surveys which are not yet integrated in the PPCS-PRS 92 shall continue to be in the LPCS or PPCS of the previous survey. Provided, that all old surveys shall be integrated to the PRS 92 until the year 2000 when the use of the PRS 92 in all survey shall be mandatory.
Section 4. Specifications of Surveys. In order that all surveys shall be integrated to PRS 92, all subsequent interconnections must be surveyed with the following specifications. 4.1 The positional accuracy shall be:
1st Order 10 parts per million 1/100000 1 cm/km 2nd Order 20 parts per million 1/50000 2 cm/km 3rd Order 50 parts per million 1/20000 5 cm/km 4th Order 100 parts per million 1/10000 10 cm/km
Existing triangulation stations were recovered and occupied in order to determine the relationship between the local and GPS datums
ANALYSIS: - Data revealed large errors in parts of the old triangulation network (up to 56m in latitude and 80m in longitude)
RESULTS: - resulted in the decision to retain the existing Clarke 1866 spheroid - existing horizontal datum has been retained - the vertical datum has been slightly modified by the adoption of a more realistic value for the geoid/spheroid separation at the origin to minimize the separation over a wide area - a new set of coordinates for stations established and integrated as a part of the geodetic survey has been adopted and referred to as the Philippine Reference System of 1992 (PRS 92)
GPS Constellation
It is a constellation of satellites developed by the US DoD Designed to provide continuous global positioning by placing into orbit, around the earth, enough satellites so that at least four (4) would be visible at all times anywhere in the world Was conceived as a ranging or distance measurement system from the known positions of satellites in space to unknown positions on - land - sea - air
GPS Segments
Control - Colorado Springs (Master Control) - Hawaii - Ascension Island - Diego Garcia - Kwajalein Space/Satellites - 18 operational satellites - 3 in orbit spares - arrayed in 6 orbital plane - inclined at 55o from the equator User - civilians - military
How GPS Works The principle behind GPS is the measurement of distance (or range) between the satellites and the receiver. The satellites tell us exactly where they are in their orbits by broadcasting data the receiver uses to compute their positions. It works something like this: If we know our exact distance from a satellite in space, we know we are somewhere on the surface of an imaginary sphere with a radius equal to the distance to the satellite radius. If we know our exact distance from two satellites, we know that we are located somewhere on the line where the two spheres intersect. And, if we take a third and a fourth measurement from two more satellites, we can find our location. The GPS receiver processes the satellite range measurements and produces its position.
The ground-based receiver, located at an unknown point, measures the distances to all satellites in view When the distances to 4 or more satellites have been measured, the position of the receiver can be determined by resection The accuracy of the receiver depends on how accurately the distances to the satellites have been measured. This is the procedure for a single point positioning or navigation
ABSOLUTE or POINT positioning: coordinates in relation to a well-defined global reference system. DIFFERENTIAL or RELATIVE positioning: coordinates in relation to some other fixed point. In GPS surveying this is referred to as baseline determination. STATIC positioning: coordination of stationary points, either in the absolute or relative mode. Relative static positioning is generally synonymous with the SURVEYING mode of operation, and is based on the analysis of carrier phase observations. Static relative positioning is the most common mode for surveying and was the technique used on the geodetic survey of the Philippines KINEMATIC positioning: coordination of moving points, either in the absolute or relative mode. This is the NAVIGATION mode of positioning, and is based on the use of pseudo-range observations.
Kinematic Positioning positioning of moving points in either absolute or relative mode. This is generally regarded as the navigation mode. Pseudo-kinematic Positioning relative positioning of stationary points with one receiver occupying a known point while one or more roving receivers occupy stations for short periods. Requires multiple short simultaneous observation sessions which repeat after changes in satellite geometry. Constant tracking of satellites between stations is not required.
Rapid static Positioning relative positioning of the stationary points with one receiver occupying a known point while one or more roving receivers occupy stations for short periods. Occupation times on point depends on baseline length. Requires one occupation.
The objective of this study was to examine the potential to use real time kinematic differential GPS (RTK-DGPS) to collect GPS data on a moving vehicle for the development of topographic maps. An intensive study on a 1.5 ha field on an approximate 3 m grid spacing was first conducted, using two GPS data collection modes, stop & go (using a tripod GPS antenna mount) and kinematic (with tractor mounted GPS antenna). It was found that the standard deviation of the elevation error between 10 true error points and the calculated topographic surface ranged from 2-3 cm for data collected on an approximate 3 m grid. The elevation error for derived grid spacings of 9, 18, and 33 m ranged from 2-5 cm. On a second 20.2 ha field, only RTK-DGPS data was collected on an approximate 10 m grid spacing, with a resulting elevation error of 4 cm using stop-and-go true error points, and 6 cm using RTK-DGPS true error points. A third 115.2 ha field was studied by collecting data on an approximate 30 m grid with RTK-DGPS, with a resulting elevation error of 9 cm. The results are positive and indicate that the technique of collecting RTK-DGPS data on a moving vehicle is a viable means by which data can be collected to quickly develop topographic maps for precision farming and other applications.
The Satellites
Block I - 1 satellite inclined 63o to the equator Block II - 24 satellites inclined 55o to the equator
Both Block I and Block II satellites are in near circular orbits at an altitude of approx. 23,000 km. with orbital periods of just 12 hours - the satellite positions relative to the earth match sidereal time, which causes the satellites to appear 4m earlier each day - the relative positions of the satellites with respect to each other do not change - the satellites serve as precise moving radio transmitters
L1 and L2 Signals
Each GPS satellite transmits two radio signals: Link 1 (L1) and Link 2 (L2) L1- broadcast at frequency 1575.42 MHz - has wavelength of 19 cm L2- broadcast at 1227.60 MHz - has wavelength of 24 cm Doppler Effect - the constant changing of the transmitted frequency of signal due to the relative movement of the satellite with respect to the receiver. Integer the electronic circuit or path that the signal follows through the receiver. Channel the electronic circuit or path that the signal follows through the receiver.