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Lecture Packet #4: Continuity and Flow Nets: Dydz Q

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1.72, Groundwater Hydrology Prof.

Charles Harvey Lecture Packet #4: Continuity and Flow Nets

Equation of Continuity Our equations of hydrogeology are a combination of o Conservation of mass o Some empirical law (Darcys Law, Ficks Law) Develop a control volume, rectangular parallelepiped, REV (Representative Elementary Volume) z dz dy dx x y x, y, z

mass inflow rate mass outflow rate = change in mass storage qx = specific discharge in x-direction (volume flux per area) at a point x,y,z L3/L2-T Consider mass flow through plane y-z at (x,y,z) qx dy dz L/T M/L3 L L = M/T Rate of change of mass flux in the x-direction per unit time per cross-section is

[ q x ]dydz x

x, y, z dz

dy dx

x - dx/2

x + dx/2

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mass flow into the entry plane y-z is

[ q x ]dydz

dx [ q x ] dydz x 2

And mass flow out of the exit plane y-z is

[ q x ]dydz +

dx [ q x ] dydz x 2

In the x-direction, the flow in minus the flow out is

[ q x ]dxdydz x

Similarly, the flow in the y-direction through the plane dxdz (figure on left) x, y, z dz

x, y, z dz

dy dx dx


dy dy [ q y ]dxdz y [ q y ] 2 dxdz [ q y ]dxdz + y [ q y ] 2 dxdz = y [ q y ]dxdydz

for the net y-mass flux.
Similarly, we get for the net mass flux in the z-direction:

[ q z ]dxdydz z

The total mass flux (flow out of the box) is

[ q x ] [ q y ] [ q z ] dxdydz x y z

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Lets consider time derivative = 0 (Steady State System)

[ q x ]
[ q y ] [ q z ]
M =0 + + dxdydz = t y z x
How does Darcys Law fit into this?

q x =

h x

q y =
K yy

h y

q z =

h z

For anisotropy (with alignment of coordinate axes and tensor principal r directions), or q = Kh Assuming constant density for groundwater

q [q ] [
y ]
[q z ] 0 = x + + y z x

substituting for q,

h h 0 = ()()
K x + K y + K z y z z
x x
Steady-state flow equation for heterogeneous, anisotropic conditions:


h 0
K x + K
y + K
z x y y z z x
For isotropic, homogeneous conditions (K is not directional)

2 h
2 h
2 h 0 =
2 +
2 + 2 y z x
This is the diffusion equation or heat-flow equation

For Steady State (K cancels)

2 h 2 h
2 h 0= 2 + 2 + 2 y z x

This is called the Laplace equation.

2 is the Laplacian operator.

2 2 2 = 2 + 2 + 2 giving = = 2 h x

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Note that the full equation at this point can be written in summation notation as:

0 =

(K ij )
h xi xi
K11 K12 K13 K21 K22 K23 K31 K32 K33 = Kxx Kxy Kxz Kyx Kyy Kyz Kzx Kzy Kzz

The first Equation (flow in the x direction) is:

h h K
xx + K
xy + K
x x x y x z


h h K
+ K
+ K
11 12 13 x3 x1 x
x 2 x1 1 1
What is the head distribution in a SS homogeneous system? Consider solution to steady-state problem (1-Dimensional) 1D Confined Aquifer Head Distribution K(x=0) = H0 and h(x=L) = 0 H0 ? 1) 0 =

h h 0= 2 2 x x
2 2

x=0 Steady h distribution not f(K) h is independent of K.


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Flow Nets As we have seen, to work with the groundwater flow equation in any meaningful way, we have to find some kind of a solution to the equation. This solution is based on boundary conditions, and in the transient case, on initial conditions. Let us look at the two-dimensional, steady-state case. In other words, let the following equation apply:

0 =


h Kx + K
y x x x y

(Map View)

A solution to this equation requires us to specify boundary condition. For our purposes with flow nets, let us consider No-flow boundaries (

boundary). Constant-head boundaries (h = constant) Water-table boundary (free surface, h is not a constant)

h = 0 , where n is the direction perpendicular to the n

A relatively straightforward graphical technique can be used to find the solution to the GW flow equation for many such situations. This technique involves the construction of a flow net. A flow net is the set of equipotential lines (constant head) and the associated flow lines (lines along which groundwater moves) for a particular set of boundary conditions. For a given GW flow equation and a given value of K, the boundary conditions completely determine the solution, and therefore a flow net.

In addition, let us first consider only homogeneous, isotropic conditions:

2 h
2 h 0= 2 + 2 x z


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C h1 O 1

D E Dam h h2 G F 8 5

2 Sand and gravel 3

6 7

Impermeable Layer y

C h1 y A

D x M G E h F

B 60


16 A h=h B q=0 H h=h h2 G q1 q2 q3 q4 q5 E q=q F C h=0 D


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Lets look at flow in the vicinity of each of these boundaries. (Isotropic, homogeneous conditions). No-Flow Boundaries:

h h h = 0 or = 0 or =0 x y n

Flow is parallel to the boundary. Equipotentials are perpendicular to the boundary h = constant

Constant-Head Boundaries:

Flow is perpendicular to the boundary. Equipotentials are parallel to the boundary. h=z

Water Table Boundaries:

Anywhere in an aquifer, total head is pressure head plus elevation head: h=+z However, at the water table, = 0. Therefore, h = z

Neither flow nor equipotentials are necessarily perpendicular to the boundary.

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Rules for Flow Nets (Isotropic, Homogeneous System): In addition to the boundary conditions the following rules must apply in a flow net: 1) Flow is perpendicular to equipotentials everywhere.
2) Flow lines never intersect.
3) The areas between flow lines and equipotentials are curvilinear squares. In
other words, the central dimensions of the squares are the same (but the flow lines or equipotentials can curve). If you draw a circle inside the curvilinear square, it is tangential to all four sides at some point.

h=h1 Dam Reservoir h=h2

Why are these circles? It preserves dQ along any stream tube. dQ = K dm; dh/ds = K dh dQ dQ dQ

ds dm

If dm = ds (i.e. ellipse, not circle), then a constant factor is used. Other points: It is not necessary that flow nets have finite boundaries on all sides; regions of flow that extend to infinity in one or more directions are possible (e.g., see the figure above). A flow net can have partial stream tubes along the edge. A flow net can have partial squares at the edges or ends of the flow system. Calculations from Flow Nets: It is possible to make many good, quantitative predictions from flow nets. In fact, at one time flow nest were the major tool used for solving the GW flow equation.

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Probably the most important calculation is discharge from the system. For a system with one recharge area and one discharge area, we can calculate the discharge with the following expression: Q = nfK dH Gives: Q = nf/nd KH Where Q is the volume discharge rate per unit thickness of section perpendicular to the flow net; nf is the number of stream tubes (or flow channels); nd is the number of head drops; K is the uniform hydraulic conductivity; and H is the total head drop over the region of flow. Note that neither nf nor nd is necessarily an integer, but it is often helpful if you construct the flow net such that one of them is an integer. If you choose nf as an integer, it is unlikely that nd will be an integer. Note that to do this calculation, you do not need to know any lengths. H = nd dH

Flow Nets in Anisotropic, Homogeneous Systems: Before construction of a flow net in an anisotropic system (Kx = Ky or Kx = Kz etc.), we have to transform the system.

h h Kx + Kz =0 x x
z z
For homogeneous K,

2 h K z
2 h +
x 2 K
x z 2
Introduce the transformed variable


Applying this variable gives:

Kx z Kz

With this equation we can apply flownets exactly as we did before. We just have to remember how Z relates to the actual dimension z. In an anisotropic medium, perform the following steps in constructing a flow net: 1. Transform the system (the area where a flow net is desired) by the following ratio:

2h 2h + =0 x 2 Z 2

Z =

Kz Kx

where z is the original vertical dimension of the system (on your page, in cm, inches, etc.) and Z is the transformed vertical dimension. 1.72, Groundwater Hydrology Prof. Charles Harvey Lecture Packet 4 Page 9 of 13

Kx is the hydraulic conductivity horizontally on your page, and Kz is the hydraulic conductivity vertically on your page. This transformation is not specific to the xdimension or the y-dimension. 2. On the transformed system, follow the exact same principles for flow nets as outlined for a homogeneous, isotropic system. 3. Perform the inverse transform on the system, i.e.

Z = Z'

Kz Kx

4. If any flow calculations are needed, do these calculations on the homogeneous (step 2) section. Use the following for hydraulic conductivity:

K'= KxKz
Where K is the homogeneous hydraulic conductivity of the transformed section. (NOTE: This transformed K is not real! It is only used for calculations on the transformed section.) Examples:

h = 100


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Flow Nets in Heterogeneous Systems: We will only deal with construction of flow nets in the simplest types of heterogeneous systems. We will restrict ourselves to layered heterogeneity. In a layered system, the same rules apply as in a homogeneous system, with the following important exceptions: 1. Curvilinear squares can only be drawn in ONE layer. In other words, in a twolayer system, you will only have curvilinear squares in one of the layers. Which layer to draw squares in is your choice: in general you should choose the thicker/larger layer. 2. At boundaries between layers, flow lines are refracted (in a similar way to the way light is refracted between two different media). The relationship between the angles in two layers is given by the tangent law:


n m 2 U2

h 1 = h2

h1 h2 =
m m

(1) No sudden head changes


h1 h = K
2 2
Layer 1

(2) Conservation of Mass Layer 2

h1 m h1 uy: U
cos 1 = K
1 1 n

1 sin 1 = K

2 sin 2 =

h 2 m h U
2 cos 2 =
2 2 n

By (1):

1 sin 1 U
2 sin 2 =
2 1

By (2): U
cos 1 = U
2 cos 2 1

tan 1 K 1 = K
2 tan 2
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You can rearrange the tangent law in any way to determine one unknown quantity. For example, to determine the angle 2:

2 =
tan 1
2 tan 1 K
One important consequence for a medium with large contrasts in K: high-K layers will often have almost horizontal flow (in general), while low-K layers will often have almost vertical flow (in general). Example: In a three-layer system, K1 = 1 x 10-3 m/s and K2 = 1 x 10-4 m/s. K3 = K1. Flow in the system is 14o below horizontal. What do flow in layers 2 and 3 look like?





2 = tan 1

1x10 -4 tan 76 o = 22 o -3 1x10

What is the angle in layer 3? If you do the calculation, you will find it is 76o again.

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When drawing flow nets with different layers, a very helpful question to ask is What layer allows water to go from the entrance point to the exit point the easiest? Or, in other words, What is the easiest (frictionally speaking) way for water to go from here to there?







K1 = 10

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