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The key takeaways are that physiotherapy is a branch of modern medical science with wide application in various fields like orthopedics, neurology, sports medicine, etc. It employs various treatment methods like exercises to treat patients and help them regain independence and normal activities.

The general objectives are to prepare students to assist physiotherapists and occupational therapists. The instructional objectives are to prepare students to identify disabilities, give simple physiotherapy treatments, use electrotherapy and hydrotherapy equipment, make aids and splints, and maintain equipment. The course also aims to educate the community about rehabilitation.

Students will develop skills in recognizing body systems, proper use of equipment, and providing massage, hydrotherapy, electric stimulation, and exercise therapy. They will learn post-operative exercise techniques.


Phisiotherapy is the branch of modern medical science that
has wide application in various fields.

A qualified physiotherapist whether a technician or a bachelor

of PT, can have a satisfying career in Orthopaedics, Neurology, Sports
Medicine, Pre and post natal exercises, gynaecology, geriatrics,
paediatrics, ENT, dermatology etc.

Various methods of treatments are employed to treat ailments.

Exercises are prescribed depending upon the patient's condition.
Thorough assessments are made and comparision with the previous
results are made throughtout the course of the treatment.

Emphasis is placed upon making the patient independent and

self-sufficient as early as possible. The patient should get back to
normal activities as early as possible.

Considering the wide scope that this field has got and the
number of people requiring rehabilitation, it is natural that more and
more people get quality training to be efficient physiotherapists.

II.Objectives of the Course :
I. General Objectives :
1. To prepare the student enable to assist the Physiotherapist and
occupational therapists in District Hospitals, General Hospitals,
Rehabilitation Centres and teaching Hospitals, where in the
complicated procedures and techniques can be handled by
qualified therapists, and the routine and elementary procedures
can be entrusted to these middle level workers, thereby reliexing
the qualified therapist from routine jobs.
2. To prepare the students to assist the doctor in PHC/Rural
Rehabilitation Centres.
II. Instructional Objectives :
1. To prepare the student to identify locomotor disability and mental
disability including cases of drug addiction.
2. To prepare the student to give exercises and to use simple
physio-occupational therapy procedure.
3. To prepare the study to carry out simple Electrotherapy and
hydrotherapy procedure.
4. To make simple aids, self help devices and splints.
5. To Maintain and care P.T./O.T. equipments.
6. To educate the community in prevention, early detection and
III. Skills
1. Recognise various systems of function of body parts.
2. Proper use and handling of equipment
3. Develop skills in
i) Massage
ii) Hydrotherapy
iii) Electric sitmulation
iv) Exercise therapy
v) Post Operative Exercise etc.

IV. Job Opportunities
1. As Assistant Physiotherapist in :
Rehabilitation Centre
Health Club
General Hospitals
Private Physiotherapy Centre
Physiotherapy Colleges
Nature Cure Clinics
2. Under the supervision of qualified physiotherapists they can
start a physiotherapy clins an can be personal Attendant for
disable persons.

Annual Scheme of Instruction and Examination for
Vocational Courses 1st & 2nd Year

Part - A Theory Practicals Total

Periods Marks Periods Marks Periods Marks
1. English 185 75 - - 185 75
2. G.F.C. 185 75 - - 185 75
Part - B
3. Vocational Subjects
Paper - I 160 50 160 50 320 100
Paper - II 160 50 160 50 320 100
Paper - III 160 50 160 50 320 100
Part - C
4. On the Job Training - - 210 50 210 50
Total 840 300 690 200 1540 500

Scheme of Instruction per week for Vocational Courses

Part - A Theory Practicals Total

1. Communication Skills/English 6 - 6
2. G.F.C. 4 2 6
Part - B
3. Vocational subjects
Paper - I 5 5 10
Paper - II 5 5 10
Paper - III 5 5 10

New Scheme Proposed
Calculation of working periods

Number of working days per annum = 220 days

Number of periods per annum 220 x 7 = 1540 periods
Periods allotted for OJT [30 days 30 x 7] = 210 periods
Periods allotted toCommunication Skills/ = 185 periods
Periods allotted to GFC = 185 periods
[125 Theory + 60 Practicals]
Periods allotted to Vocational subjects
Paper I [Theory 160 + Practicals 160] = 320 periods
Paper II [Theory 160 + Practicals 160] = 320 periods
Paper III [Theory 160 + Practicals 160] = 320 periods

Total 1540 periods

Periods allotted per week

1. Communication skills/English = 6 periods

2. G.F.C. [Theory 4 = Practicals] = 6 periods
3. Vocational Subjects
Paper I [Theory 5 + Practicals 5] = 10 periods
Paper II [Theory 5 + Practicals 5] = 10 periods
Paper III [Theory 5 + Practicals 5] = 10 periods

Total Periods per week = 42 periods

Ist Year :
1. Communication skills in English
2. General Foundation Course
3. Vocational Subjects
Paper I : Anatomy and Physiology
Paper II : Psychology and Abnormal Psychology
Paper III: Biomechanics and Exercise therapy
On the job training
IInd Year
1. Communication Skills in English
2. General Foundation Couse
3. Vocational Subjects
Paper I : Medical and Surgical condition
Paper II : Orthopaedics and Neurology
Paper III : Electrotherapy
On the job training

Hours : 110
1. Emphasis to be placed on Topographical, skeletal, Neuro Muscular
and functional aspects of Anatomy 5 hrs.
a) Planes of the Humanbody
b) Systems of the Body
c) The Units of structure and Functions of Cell
2. Osteology 20 hrs.
a) Anatomical Position, planes, surfaces, relationship of parts
of the body - proximal and distal
b) Bones - Types of Bones, Function, repair, structure of long
bone, vertebral column, type of vertebral bones, and surface
land marks.
3. Arthology 15 hrs.
a) Classification of joints
b) construction of joints
c) Motions of joints
d) Articulations - articular surfaces and types of joints
4. Myology 20 hrs
a) Types of Muscle tissue and Fascia
b) Muscles of upper extremity, lower extremity, trunck, eye and
face etc.
c) Origin, function, nerve supply and actions
d) Muscle spindle in detail
5. Carido - vascular system 10hrs.
a) The heart main arteries, veins and cappillaries
b) Lymphatic circulation

6. Nervous System 15 hrs.
a) Division and function of Nervous system
b) Nerve tissue - neurone, nerve fibre
c) spinal cord, brain and their structure
d) Name the peripheral and cranial nerves, supplying the major
functional group.
e) Cerebro Spinal Fluid
7. Respiratory System 5 hrs.
a) Anatomy of respiratory organs, Air passages, lungs, bronchial
tree and segments
8. Digestive Syste 5 hrs.
a) Anatomy of digestive organs, Oesophangus stomach,
b) the digestive galnds
9. Urinary System 3 hrs.
a) Anatomy of urinary organs, kidney, ureter, urinary bladder
10. Reproductive System 10 hrs.
a) Male and female reproductive organs
Physiology 50 hrs.

110 hrs.
1. Identification and description of skeletal system and
joints 50 hrs.
2. Demonstration of Torax with organs in situations 15 hours
3. Identification of various organs with the abdomer 10 hrs.
4. Description of brain and peripheral nerves 25 hrs.
5. Records of various system diagram and labelling 10 hrs.

Hours : 50 Max.Marks : 25
1. Animal Cell 1 hrs.
2. Blood 3 hrs.
a) Composition of blood - plasma, coagulation phenomenon,
blood groups
3. Heart and circulation 5 hrs.
a) Properties of heart muscles
b) Cardiac cycle
c) Heart sounds
d) B.P.
4. Respiration 6 hrs.
a) Mechanism of breathing
b) Lung volumes and capacities
c) Dyspnoea
5. Neuromuscular System 5 hrs.
a) Phenomenon of muscle contraction
b) Change in body during exercise
c) synapse
d) Neuro muscular junction
e) Degeneration and generation of nerves
b) C.N.S. 5 hrs.
a) Functions of Hypothalamns
b) Cerebellum
c) Thalamus
d) Basal ganglia
7. Metabolism of fat, carbohydrates proteins 3 hrs.
8. Excretony System 6 hrs.
a) Functionas of kidney
b) Micturation phenomenon
c) Skin functions and temp regulation
9. Endocrine system 5 hrs.
a) Functions of pancreas, pitutary and Thyroid
10. Reproductive System 5 hrs.
a) Mensturation
b) Physiological changes during pregnency
c) Contraceptive method

Hours : 50
1. Study of Microscope 5 hrs.
2. Recording of changes during exercise
a) B.P. 5 hrs.
b) Pulse rate 5 hrs.
c) Respiratory rate 5 hrs.
3. Recording of B.P. 10 hrs.
4. T.P.R. Description 10 hrs.
5. Records of various physiological system with labels
10 hrs.

Total Hours : 160 Max.Marks : 50
1. What is Psychology 5 hrs.
2. Behaviour 15 hrs.
a) Types of abnormal behaviours
3. Intelligence 10 hrs.
a) Evaluation, Mental Retardation, I.Q.
4. Aptitudes 10 hrs.
5. Motivation 10 hrs.
a) Types and methods
6. Personality development, assesment and disorder 10 hrs.
7. Learning 10 hrs.
8. Remembering and forgetting 10 hrs.
9. Thinking perception and attending 10 hrs.
10. Individual differences 10 hrs.
11. Frustrations and conflicts 10 hrs.
12. Psyco neurotic and psychosomatic disorder 10 hrs.
13. Child adolscent and geriatric psychology 15 hrs.
14. Alcoholism and drug addiction 10 hrs.
15. Menopausal Syndrome 5 hrs.
16. Functional Psychosis 10 hrs.

Total Hours : 160
1. Intelligence Evaluation
2. Intelligence test
3. Binets scale & stanford Binet scale
4. Personality evaluation
a) Human Figure test, drawing, painting & play
b) Wechrlers memory scale
5. Visits to psychiatric institutions
6. Evaluation of psyciatric patients
a) Patients with different behavioural disorders
7. Treatment of patients with Alcoholism and drug addiction
8. Treating different psychiatric conditions under supervision of

Total : 50 Marks
Record : 10 Marks
Viva : 15 Marks
Practical: 25 Marks

Marks : 50
Detailed Syllabus
I. Biomechanics :
1. Mechanical Principles 10 hrs.
Definition of Biomechanics, Axis and planes, kinematics,
kinetics, gravity, center of gravity, line of gravity, base of support,
equilibrium, fixation and stabilisation, force, type of forces, levers
of the body and their mechanical advantage, pulleys, springs,
elasticity, types of muscle contraction, range of muscle work,
the group action of muscles, limb length measurement
2. Gait Analysis 10 hrs.
Definition, stages of gait, pathological gaits
II. Exercise Therapy
I. Introduction to Physiotherapy - Role of physiotherapy General
considerations, principles of treatment - Methods and effects
1 hr.
1. Starting positions 2 hrs.
2. An introduction to exercise therapy : 20 hrs.
Aims of exercise therapy, techniques of exercise therapy,
Goniometry in detail
3. Passive Movements 5 hrs.
Definition, classification, principles effects and uses of passive
4. Active Movements 15 hrs.
Definition, classification, techniques, effects and uses of active
5. Relaxation 40 hrs.
Definition, techniques of general and local relaxation
6. Joint Mobility 15 hrs
Intrdouction, classfication of Joints, limitation of joint range of
motion, mobilising methods, Hip, Knee and Ankle.

7. Muscle Strength 10 hrs.
Introduction type of muscle work, range of muscle work,
muscular weakness and paralysis, prevention of muscle wasting,
8. Stretching 5 hrs.
Definition, classification, effects and uses
9. Neuromuscular Coordination 2 hrs.
Frenkel's Exercises
10. Proprioceptive Neuromuscular facilitation 5 hrs
Definition, classification, effects and uses
11. Hydro Therapy 3 hrs.
Definition, indications, contraindications, dangers and
12. Breathing exercises, postural drainage 7 hrs.
13. Posture 4 hrs.
Definition, classification, postural training
14. Suspension therapy (types), Mat exercises, Re-education board,
swiss ball, shoulder wheel, CPM, finger ladder, parallel bars,
medicine balls, equilibrium board, (definition, uses of all the
above equipments) 15 hrs.
15. Walking aids and gait training 3 hrs.
16. Massage in detail 15 hrs.

1. Description of Exercise Therapy equipments and its uses.
5 hrs.
2. Passive Movements, Active movements (resisted exercise)
30 hrs.
3. Gait and Gait training 10 hrs.
4. Goniometer, suspension therapy 30 hrs.
5. Joint mobilisation techniques 20 hrs.
Shoulder, elbow, hip and knee
6. Muscle strengthening techniques 20 hrs.
8. Breathing Exercises, postural drainage 15 hrs.
9. Massage 20 hrs.
11. Manual Muscle testing 10 hrs.

Total Hours : 160 Max.Marks : 50
Detailed Syllabus
General Medicine with Physiotherapy Management
1. Infections Diseases - Bones and Joints 25 hrs.
2. Nutritional Disorders
Rickets, scurvy, Osteo malacia and osteoporosis 6 hrs.
3. Respiratory disorders 7 hrs.
4. Cardio Vascular disorders 25 hrs.
Myocardial Infraction
Congenital heart diseases
Ischecemic heart diseases
5. Endocrinal disorders 3 hrs.
6. Tetanus` 3 hrs.
7. Gas Gangrene 3 hrs.
8. S.T.D. 3 hrs.
AIDS, Syphilis, Gonorrhoea
9. LEprosy and tuberculosis 5 hrs.
Surgery with PT Management
Tyres of incisions 3 hrs.
Anaesthesia Types 2 hrs.
Burns - classification, degree of burns 10 hrs.
contractures, skin graft and flaps

Pre and Post Operative Physiotherapy 5 hrs.
Management for following surgeries
Cardiac surgery 5 hrs.
Respiratory Surgery
3) Knee Replacement
Gynaecology 18 hrs.
1) Various stages of Labour and clinical management
2) Physiological changes during pregnancy and physiotherapy
Paediatrics 25 hrs.
1) Cerebral palsy and Pt Management
2) Developmental milestones
3) Hydro Cephalus and meningiocele
4) Polio-causes, stages, prevention medical and P.T.Management
Dermatology 10 hrs.
Dermatity, Eczema, acne,
Psoriasis, heucoderma, Alopecia

1. Case history of each patient 40 hrs.
Respiratory conditions - Aasthma, Bronchitis, Emphyrema,
2. Case history of Cardiac Patients 40 hrs.
1) Myocardial infraction
2) Angina
3) Tschemic heart disease
4) Congenital heart disease
3. Postural drianage and Breathing Exersises 15hrs.
4. Description and Physiotherapy Management
for Medical conditions
1) Burns 20 hrs.
2) Leprosy 5 hrs.
5. Pre and post operative management for 20 hrs.
1) Cardiac Surgery
2) Respiratory Surgery
6. Physiotherapy Management for
1) Acne Vulgaris 10 hrs.
2) Psoriasis 10 hrs.
Total : 50 Marks
Record : 10 Marks
Viva : 15 Marks
Practical + Spotters : 25 marks

Total Hours : 80 Max.Marks : 25
1. Introduction, orthopaedic Surgery definition and scope brief
history 4 hrs.
2. Sprains and strains, dislocation - its types - causes and principle
of treatment 4 hrs.
3. Fractures - types, displacement, general symptoms healing
process of treatment, union, delayed union and malunion and
non union 10 hrs.
4. Fractures of upper limb and lower limb, pelvis and Vertebra
including MP and IP joint dis location and Colle's, montegial
Fratures of phalanges and meta carpels. 10 hrs.
5. Crush injury of Hand 2 hrs.
6. Bennets Fracture, mallet finger, tenosynovites trigger finger
7. Myositis, tennis elbow, supracondylar 2hrs.
8. Volkman's contracture, recurrent dislocation of shoulder and
Periathritis of shoulder 4 hrs.
9. Brachial Plexus, carpeltunnel syndrome 2 hrs.
10. Osteo arthritis, Rheumatoid arthritis rthritis ankylosis
spondylitis, osteoporosis 4 hrs.
11. Metabolic disorder - Ricketes, Scurvy, Osteomalacia
12. Scoliosis, Kyphosis, lordosis, cervical spondylosis, lumbar
spondylitis 6 hrs.
13. C.T.E.V., C.D.H. Torticolis 2 hrs.
14. I.V.D.P. 1 hrs.
15. Genuvalgum, Genuvarum, knee deformitis, Genu recurvatum
1 hr.
16. Tuberculosis of Bones 2 hrs.
17. Amputations and types role of Physiotherapy councelling
18. Orthopaedic appliances - splints prosthesis and Orthotics
19. Quadriceps contracture 2hrs.
20. Foot deformities - flat foot 2 hrs.
Calcaneal Spur
Plantar Fascities
21. Paraplegia, Quadriplegia 6hrs.

Marks : 25
1. Introduction - approach to Neurologica Case 6 hrs.
1. Cerebral Cortex
2. Pyramidal tract
3. Extrapyramidal tract
4. Cerebellum
5. Spinal Cord
6. Peripheral Nerve
Brief outline of their structure and functions.
Difference between
i) UMN and LMN lesions
ii) Spasticity & rigidity
2. Cerebral circulation and its disorders, hemiplegia, coma
4 hrs.
3. Infections and inflammation 10 hrs.
Meningits, encephalities, encephalomyelitis, poliomyelits, intra
cranial tumours (gliomas, meningiomas)
4. Extraphyramidal syndromes 4 hrs.
Chorea, Athetosis, Hemiballismus, tremors, rigidity,
5. Syphillis and it s neurological complications 2 hrs.
6. Demyelinating and degenerative disorders 4 hrs.
Multiple sclerosis, Motor neurone disorder

7. Disorders of peripheral nerves 6 hrs.
8. Polyneuropathy GBS, Diabetic neuropathy
9. Disorders of spinal cord - spinabifida, syringomyelia, transverse
myelits, spinal tumors. 6 hrs.
10. Convulrine disorders 2hrs.
11. Ataxia - Types of ataxia, clinical features pathology, medical
and physiotherapy treatment 6 hrs.
12. Head injury 3 hrs.

Total Hours : 160
1. Taking case history of different Orthopaedic and neurological
conditions 20 hrs
2. Identification of different Orthotics and porsthetics 10 hrs.
3. Description and Physiotherapy Management of following
conditions 130 hrs.
i) Hemiplegia patients
ii) Polio Myelitis
iii) Parkinsonism
iv) Multiple Sclerosis
v) GBS
vi) Spinabifida
vii) Cerebral Ataxia
viii) Head injury
ix) Different types of fractures
x) TKR
Xi) Paraplegia
xii) Peripheral nerve injuries
xiii) Amputations
xiv) OA, RA etc.,

Marks : 50
Detailed Syllabus
1. Physics and Basic Electrical Components 20 hrs
Electromagnetic radiation, Conductors & Non-conductors of
electricity, Transmission of heat, physical effects of heat, static
electricity, electric shock, earth shock.
2. Methods of heating the tissue : 35 hrs.
Physiological effects of heat, Paraffin Wax bath, Hot packs,
Moist packs, Infra-red rays, U.V.rays.
3. Low frequency currents : 35 hrs.
Faradic & Galvanic currents, SD curve, Iontophoresis, TENS.
4. Cryotherapy 10 hrs.
5. Medium Frequency Current : 15 hrs.
Interferential therapy
6. High Frequency currents : 45 hrs.
SWD, MWD, US, (Basics of Laser)
Difference between low frequency & high frequency currents

In all the above topics definition, production, preparation of

apparatus & patient, physiological effects, techniques, dosage,
indication, contraindication, dangers and precautions are to be

1. Details of electrotherapy equipment its knowledge and its
operation. 5 hrs.
2. Assisting to qualified physiotherapist in treating patients 35 hrs.
3. Treatment or application of equipment on models.
i) Wax bath 5 hrs.
ii) Moist Pack 5 hrs.
iii) Infra red 5 hrs.
iv) Hot packs 5 hrs.
v) SWD 13 hrs.
vi) US 12 hrs.
vii) TENS 10 hrs.
viii) IFT 15 hrs.
ix) Stimulator 15 hrs.
x) Traction 10 hrs.
xi) Cryotherapy 5 hrs.
xii) U.V. Rays 10 hrs.
xiii) Iontophoresis 10 hrs.

VII. List of Equipment
1. Wheel Chair
2. Goniometer
3. Inch tape
4. Knee hammer
5. BP apparatus
6. Suspension table
7. Examination table
8. Shoulder wheel
9. Quadriceps table
10. Static Bicycle
11. Supination-pronation board
12. Ankle Exercises
13. Swiss ball, Medicine balls
14. Traction table
15. Finger ladder
16. Parallel bars
17. All types of walkers
18. All types of crutches, sticks
19. Ropes and pulleys
20. Springs, slings
21. Cervical collar, LS belt
22. Equilibrium board
23. Re-education board
24. Splints
25. Crepe bandage
26. Electrotherapy equipments
i) Wax bath
ii) Auto tract (Cervical & lumbar traction machine)

iii) US (Ultra Sound)
iv) Electrical Muscle stimulator
v) Interferential therapy
vi) Short wave diathermy
vii) Ultra Violet radiation
viii) TENS
ix) Massager (Vibrator)
X) Infra red (luminous/non luminous)
xi) Hydrocollator packs
xii) Heat pads

Address for the Procurement of Equipment

1. Prashant Physiotherapy training and surgical unit - Opp. Kumar
Theatre, Kachiguda. Ph :9391017833,9393321420
2. Electro Care - Chennai
3. Gemi - Mumbai

IX.a. Suggested list of Collaborating Institutions
1. All the Government hospitals and Medical Colleges.
2. NIMHS, Hyderabad.
3. Sweekar Rehabilitation Institute, Secunderabad.
4. Thakur Hari Prasad Institute, Dilshuknagar, Hyderabad.
5. Any hospital with well equipped Physiotherapy centre with
minimum 40 bed capacity
6. Prashant Physiotherapy Centre, Kachiguda, Hyderabad.
b. On the Job Training (Ist Year & 2nd Year)
OJT Site :
General Hospitals
Private Nursing Homes
Special Hospitals
Special Rehabilitation Centres
Leading Clinics/Prashant Physiocentre Ph:939107833
The Clinic attached to the college
NGO dealing with the handicapped
National and state level institute working for the rehabilitation of
the handicapped
IX. Qualifications for Lecturers
1. Lecturer : Bachelor Degree from recognised University in
Diploma in Physiotherapy from recognised institute with 5 years
experience in teaching/clinical experience.

XI. Vertical Mobility
1. Without Bridge Course
i) B.P.T.
ii) B.O.T.
iii) Bachelor in Orthotic and Prosthotic Technology
iv) B.A.
v) B.Com
2. With Bridge Course
They are eligible for B.Sc. (B.Z.C.) and all the Medical Courses
under EAMCET Examinations

XII. Reference Books

I. Biomechanics
1. Cynthia & Norkins : Joint structure and function
2. Gardiner M.D. : The principles of Exercise Therapy

II.Exercise Therapy
1. Kendall : Manual Muscle testing
2. Gardiner M.D. : The principles of Exercise Therapy
3. Margaret Hollis : Exercise Therapy
4. Kisner : Therapeutic Exercise
5. Cyriax J : Massage, Manipulation & local Anaesthesia
6. Cynthia's : Goniometry
7. Margaret Hollis : Massage Therapy
8. Resistance Exercise, Sports Training, Body Shaping, Obesity,
Joint Pains by Prashant Shah 9391017833
9. Exercise Therapy by Prashant Shah 9391017833
10. Swiss Ball, Medicine Ball, Tubes exercises by Prashant Shah

III. Electrotherapy
1.Clayton's : Electrotherapy
2. Low & Reed : Electrotherapy Explained
3. Joseph Kahn ; Electrotherapy
4. Sayeed Ahmeed : Electrotherapy
IV. Psychology
1. S.K.Mangal : Textbook of Psychology & abnormal psychology
2. Murgesh : Psychology
V. Anatomy & Physiology
1. B.D. Chaurasia : 3 Volumes, Textbook of Anatomy
2. Toratora : Anatomy & Physiology
3. Guyton : Textbook of Physiology
4. Chaudari : Textbook of Physiology
5. Gray : Gray's Anatomy
6. B.D.Chaurasia : Handbook of Anatomy
7. Evelyn Pearce : Anatomy & Phisiology for Nurses
8. Murgesh :Anatomy & Phisilogy
VI. Medical & Surgical Condition
1. Tidy's : Physiotherapy
2. Cash Medicine
3. Cash Surgery
4. Polden : PT in obsterics & Gynaecology
5. Bailey & love : Text Book of surgery
6. Davidson : Textbook of Medicine
7. Golwalla : Textbook of Medicine
8. Das : Clinical Examination
9. P.J.Mehta : Clinical Examination
10. Das : Textbook of Surgery
11. Phyotherapy Dictionary
12. Hutchison's (handbook) : Clinical Examination
VIII. Orthopaedics & Neurology
1. Cash Orthopaedics
2. Cash Neurology
3. O Sullivan : Physical Rehabilitation
4. Ian Bramley : Paraplegia & Tetraplegia
5. John Ebunzer : Orthopaedics in Physiotherapy
6. Adams J.C. : Outline of fractures including injuries
7. Jayant Joshi : Essential of Orthopaedics
8. Natrajan : Textbook of Orthopaedics
9. Mahesheswari : Textbook of Orthopaedics
10. Brain & Branister : Neurology
11. Inderbersing : Neuro Anatomy

(With effect from the AcademicYear 2005-2006)





Nampally, Hyderabad
The National Policy on Education (1986) while proposing
educational reorganization, placed high priority on the programme of
vocationalisation of education. It emphasized that well planned,
systematic and rigorously implemented vocational education will create
a distinct stream to prepare students for identified occupations
encompassing several areas of activity. The primary aim of vocational
courses was to cut across several occupational fields and prepare
students with employable skills in organized sectors and self
employment. Vocationalisation through re-orientation of educational
strategies focused on creating a talent pool of skilled youth who are
trained in courses relevant to the market and emerging needs of the
various sections of the economy.
Inspired by this vision of the National Policy, the Government of
Andhra Pradesh introduced Vocational Education at +2 level with an
aim to diversify a sizeable segment of students at the senior secondary
stage to the world of work. The State Government aimed at reducing
the pressures on higher education through empowering youth by
harnessing their capabilities. The requirement of skilled manpower
industry is being fulfilled by charting a student's career with right options
based on aptitude and talent. An right alternative to medical and
engineering courses is envisaged in vocationalisation of education in
the State.
In view of the changing needs of the students and growing demand
for a spectrum of skill competencies in the economy, the Board of
Intermediate Education has reviewed the curriculum of Vocational
Courses inorder to re-orient them based on their viability and practicability.
The revised curriculum for Vocational Courses at Intermediate Level
will come into effect from the Academic Year 2005-06 1st Year and from
Academic Year 2006-07 for 2nd Year students.
I am confident that the revised curriculum will attract more and
more students into vocational stream and help them train in need-based,
productive courses leading to gainful employment.

Secretary, BIE 35
Page No.
I. Introduction 1
II. Objectives of the Course 2
III. Skills to be provided 2
IV. Job opportunities 3
[a] Wage Employment
[b] Self Employment
V. Scheme of Instruction & Examination 4
VI. Syllabus 6
[a] Theory
[b] Practicals
VII. List of equipment 27
VIII. [a] Collaboration Institutions for curriculum transaction 29
[b] On the Job Training Centres 29
IX. Qualification for Lecturers 29
X. Vertical Mobility 30
[a] With Bridge Course
[b] Without Bridge Course
XI. Reference Books 30
XII. Model Papers 33
XIII. Equivalancy of Papers 47
XIV. List of Participants 48


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