Undergraduate Studies
Contents Welcome to
The University of
Nottingham, Division
of Physiotherapy
at Nottingham, but Nottingham is possibly the most
popular place to study physiotherapy in the UK. We believe
that this popularity is based on our reputation for providing
education within a supportive and nurturing environment,
which not only develops the individual, but produces first
class physiotherapists.
This reputation is borne out of two philosophies We are extremely proud of our graduates and 03
which underpin our course: believe that they are a major factor in our
Welcome 03 Applying for a place 14 continuing popularity; they really are a positive
• All students accepted onto the course at
advert for what we seek to achieve. It is worth
Nottingham have the capability to succeed.
Why The University of Nottingham? 04 Non-academic requirements 18 noting that they tend not to have difficulty
We believe that our central role is to ensure that
obtaining employment, despite the recent
What is physiotherapy? 06 The admissions process 20 this happens and we facilitate it by promoting
graduate employment issues, and are much
open access to staff, ensuring that all students are
Why physiotherapy at Nottingham? 07 Money matters 22 sought after by potential employers.
part of our supportive personal tutoring system,
and encouraging peer support and learning.
Teaching, learning and assessment 08 Frequently asked questions 24 Finally, I hope that you will consider visiting
Nottingham Castle
In independent teaching assessments, 39 of our For a great social life and an exciting city,
subjects have been rated excellent (with scores of Nottingham fits the bill again. Our campuses are
at least 22 out of 24), and our scores in the latest buzzing with life, with organised events, trips and
Research Assessment Exercise put Nottingham parties taking place throughout the year. Our
amongst the top universities in the UK for carrying Students’ Union is one of the most active in the
out research of international importance. UK with over 150 societies on offer, and for sports
fans, our Athletics Union hosts over 75 clubs.
If you’re more interested in great career prospects, Nottingham itself is a thriving cosmopolitan city,
04 then we can help with that too. Nottingham is one 05
rich with history and culture, and packed full of
of the top three UK universities most often bars, restaurants and nightclubs for you to enjoy.
targeted by Britain’s leading graduate employers With theatres, cinemas, comedy clubs and a
and the employment record of our graduates is diverse mix of music venues, there is always plenty
one of the best in the country. We have strong to keep you entertained.
and established links with businesses across the
UK and offer short courses to ensure you develop To help you settle in, we guarantee all
vital transferable skills. For entrepreneurial undergraduates a place in University-arranged
students, we provide business start-up training to accommodation so your move will be simple and
help you gain the skills you need to set up your
Division of Physiotherapy Education
Physiotherapy student
committed to excellence in both teaching Student feedback forms an important part of
and research, and aims to promote an our quality assurance programme and so we
environment where students can flourish regularly ask students, through a variety of
pathways, for their views on all aspects of the
personally, academically and professionally,
course. We evaluate the responses and act on
with the ultimate goal of becoming them as appropriate before closing the loop
practising physiotherapists. by feeding back to the students.
Throughout the course, students work on the Professional recognition
development of strong personal and interpersonal The Physiotherapy degree at Nottingham is
skills that are vital to any person seeking to approved by both the Chartered Society of
work in a public-facing environment. They are Physiotherapy (CSP) and the Health Professions
encouraged, through a variety of supportive Council (HPC). Graduates are eligible to apply
learning experiences, to manage their own for both membership of the CSP and registration
learning within both the academic and clinical with the HPC.
fields, and they learn to evaluate current beliefs
and practice, and synthesise the results in order to Course location
06 formulate and apply the best possible programme The Division of Physiotherapy Education is situated 07
of physiotherapy suited to the needs of the in the Clinical Sciences Building (CSB) on the
Physiotherapy is one of the healthcare Physiotherapists treat an incredibly diverse range individual patient. Nottingham City Hospital Campus. This is
professions. It aims to optimise movement of patients. Within a hospital setting they may
approximately four miles away from the main
potential in any presenting case using work in orthopaedics, neurology, health care of In order to achieve our aims, we promote University campus. The CSB is a purpose-built
physical, as opposed to pharmacological, the elderly, respiratory, out-patients, maternity, a challenging yet supportive and informal structure which was opened in 1998. It contains
paediatrics, mental health, women’s health, atmosphere within the Division, where students
methods. Not only do physiotherapists treat a 200 seat state-of-the-art lecture theatre, three
palliative care, primary care, or burns and plastics, are actively encouraged to seek help from each
physically, they are also concerned with large lecture rooms, several smaller tutorial rooms,
just to name the most common areas. Some other and the staff.
health promotion and illness prevention two large practical rooms and a fully-equipped
physiotherapists choose to work in the private
Division of Physiotherapy Education
The Division of Physiotherapy Education is Years one and two of the course are taught in
committed to student support. This not only a similar fashion. Each week starts with lead “The course is really well structured and the lecturers
includes pastoral care, through the tutor group lectures to the whole group, which will introduce are so supportive in making sure we achieve our
system, but extends out into our philosophy of new topics. However, the second half of the week
teaching and learning, where we believe in utilising sees the students working in smaller groups for potential. The teaching is so varied, and takes place
a wide variety of teaching methods in order to tutorials, practical sessions or small group teaching not just in a lecture setting, but through tutorials,
deliver the subject in the most appropriate way. sessions to reinforce what has already been
practicals, and placements in local hospitals. Everyone
covered. Here students will look at the material
Student support in greater depth, explore related issues, enhance is so friendly and helpful, and I've made so many
With an intake of only 54 students, we can foster understanding and apply practice to the theory. fantastic friends. I feel so lucky to have had the
an informal, friendly and open environment that
is beneficial to both staff and students. On arrival, Assessment of the degree opportunity to study here.”
you will be allocated a personal tutor who will Each module within the course is assessed
work with you for the whole of your degree and must be passed in order for the student Physiotherapy student
programme. They will arrange regular meetings to progress to the next year, or graduate.
where you will have the opportunity to discuss Our philosophy on assessment recognises that
your academic progress, including assessment students benefit from a wide range of different
08 09
feedback, or seek confidential support and methods, and that traditional written exams
advice on any other matters of concern. may not be the most effective way of assessing
Where appropriate, your tutor will also be able the wide range of modules contained within
to help you find support from outside agencies. the course.
One outcome of these meetings is the Personal
Academic Record (PAR) which not only provides We consider each module separately in order
a complete record of your progress throughout to select the most fair and appropriate method
your degree but also encourages reflection of evaluation for the material. Assessments are
and self-evaluation, and can contribute to the therefore varied to include essays, coursework,
Division of Physiotherapy Education
Physiotherapy student
Year one: qualifying year Year one modules Year two modules Year three modules
The marks gained in the qualifying year do not Neuro-musculoskeletal Studies Therapeutic Studies Optional modules (Semester 5):
count towards the overall degree classification; Studies the anatomical structure of the body and Continues the development of manual therapeutic Clinical Reasoning; Exercise Science and Health;
the year provides the fundamental basis of the its role in the production and control of normal skills and introduces the study of both Management of Pain; Physiotherapy in Mental
academic concepts and practical skills required movement. Also introduces the basic manual therapy electrotherapy and hydrotherapy. Health; Physical Activity and Health; Rheumatology;
for professional practice. skills and the tools to measure normal movement. Spinal Rehabilitation; Women’s Health.
Respiratory & Cardio-vascular Disorders
Year two Patho-physiology and Disease (Semester 3 only) Optional modules (Semester 6):
This year is divided between academic study, Considers normal physiology and how this may Involves a mixture of theoretical and practical Acupuncture for Pain Relief; Analysis of Human
where students are introduced to a variety be affected by the basic pathological processes sessions to enable students to identify patient Movement; Burns and Plastic Surgery; Cardio-
of pathological conditions and their of inflammation and tissue repair. Pain theory problems and select appropriate management respiratory Rehabilitation; Neuro-rehabilitation;
physiotherapeutic management, and four four- is also introduced. strategies for people with cardio-respiratory disease. Paediatric Care; Sports Medicine and Sports Injuries.
week blocks of supervised clinical experience.
Musculo-skeletal Disorders and Disease Neurology and Health Care of the Elderly Research
Year three Introduces commonly encountered conditions (Semester 4 only) Every student undertakes a research project in their
We pride ourselves on the flexible approach to affecting the musculo-skeletal system and their Introduces the pathology, progression and effects third year. This can be a lab-based investigation,
education which we are able to offer in year three. therapeutic management. Includes soft tissue of neurological diseases on patients and carers a survey, a clinical investigation, an educational
In addition to the compulsory year-long modules, injuries, fractures and the arthritides. and discusses the rehabilitation strategies, based development or a literature review. Students have
10 students may choose two optional modules in on research evidence. Additionally, it investigates 11
a choice of topics and are allocated a staff supervisor
each semester (see year three modules, page 11 Evidence Based Practice (research) the effects of the natural ageing process on the to guide them through the process. The project
for a list of those currently on offer). This enables Reviews basic research methods and considers physical and psycho-social wellbeing of patients. allows students to demonstrate their abilities to
them to dictate a course of study based on their the importance of research relative to the practice Teaching methods include evidence-based paper conduct a substantial piece of work and to manage
own interests and preferences. Please note that of physiotherapy. reviews, videos and patient scenarios as well as and organise their time appropriately. We encourage
these modules may change slightly from year to more traditional methods. students to take this work forward post-graduation
year Personal and Professional Development
and present at conferences or be published.
as new options are added. As with year two, Introduces a three-year theme that develops Research Methods and Planning
time is divided between academic study and personal study and communication skills. Discusses Introduces statistics and the start of the Personal and Professional Development
the effects of disease on the individual and their student’s own project with the submission
Division of Physiotherapy Education
Age: 20
In order to comply with the requirements of the per semester in the core specialities of orthopaedics, “At school, they would often give us those tests designed to identify your ideal career and my
Health Professions Council, each student must basic outpatients, primary care and integrated results always pointed back to medicine or something related. As I love biology and sports,
undertake a minimum of 1000 hours supervised medicine. Year three has three specified placements physiotherapy seemed to fit the bill, although I now know that there is a lot more to physiotherapy
clinical experience. At Nottingham, this is divided in advanced outpatients, neurology and respiratory than just treating sports injuries! I arranged some work experience and loved it, so I then looked
into eight four-week placements plus a three- medicine. For the fourth placement, students are for suitable courses.
week ‘elective placement’ at the very end of the able to choose from a variety of options depending
course. Each week comprises 32.5 hours and on their individual interests. Current options Physiotherapy at The University of Nottingham is taught in a dedicated building at the City Hospital,
whilst there are no weekend or night shifts, the available include mental health, adult learning a short bus ride from the main University campus. The facilities are cutting-edge – we have access
times for each placement may vary slightly. disabilities, women’s health, burns and plastic to electro-therapy equipment, such as ultrasound and TENS, and respiratory dolls, for example, which
surgery, rheumatology, oncology, RAF rehabilitation replicate different breathing patterns.
All core clinical placements are arranged for and paediatrics.
students by our team of Clinical Link Tutors and The first year is very much about laying the groundwork, but I am now on the first of four, four-week
take place in Nottinghamshire, Leicestershire, placements which will take place during my second year. These placements can be anywhere within
There is also a three-week elective which forms
Lincolnshire and Derbyshire. Because placements the Trent region and can encompass orthopaedics, integrated medicine, primary care and outpatients.
the ninth and final clinical placement of the
are split over four counties, we do our best to In my final year, I can choose an elective placement in whatever field interests me most.
course, and takes place at the end of year three.
arrange them so that no individual does more It is organised by the students themselves and
As a physiotherapy student, I do work long hours, but these hours reflect what you can expect
than their fair share of travelling or living out. can be in any specialisation in any country in the
12 in practice. However, being based at the City Hospital means that everyone on the course pulls 13
The Clinical Link Team also arranges accommodation world with the sole proviso that the student finds
together across the years, so you never feel isolated.
for students whose placement is outside a 24-mile a supervisor who is eligible for registration with
radius of the Division. We aim to give students no the Health Professions Council. Don’t get me wrong, there are still lots of social opportunities too. I lived in self-catered accommodation
more than one “live-out” placement per year and,
in my first year and really loved the independence this gave me, as well as living in a student
providing the student is eligible for a bursary, the For the duration of each placement, students community. I play a lot of sport and belong to the Real Ale Society, Cocktail Society and the Physio
cost of one set of accommodation will be are allocated to a senior physiotherapist who will Society. When I come to the campus, there’s always something going on.”
met by the NHS. guide and support them, aiming to provide the
best learning environment possible. The assessment
process is continual and is undertaken by the Top tip: “Think about what type of accommodation would suit you most in your first year.
Division of Physiotherapy Education
All applications must be made through UCAS. For the purposes of admission to this course • ABB in three A2 levels, one of which must
– six Leaving Certificate papers at Higher
They can be made either electronically over the a ‘school leaver’ is defined as a student who be in biology or physical education, or an
Level, taken at one sitting
web at or by contacting UCAS will be under 21 years of age on the date of acceptable biological science, i.e. human
at the following address or telephone number: commencement of the course. biology or social biology – minimum of two grade As and four Bs,
(over 440 points)
• general studies is not accepted.
UCAS, (B160) GCSEs: – to include maths, English and a
UCAS Enquiries This profile is required from all school leavers: Alternative qualifications: biological science.
UCAS, PO Box 28 • minimum of six subjects at A or B grades to • BTEC Higher National Diploma:
Cheltenham include maths, English language and either • Scottish Highers:
GL52 3LZ – 16 units, majority in biology and the
biology or integrated/combined sciences life sciences – five Highers
t: +44 (0) 870 1122211
In addition to our standard GCSE requirements, – merit>distinction profile (MMD). – two A and three B grades (24 points) – three,
It is the stated policy of UCAS that late applications school leavers would generally be expected to preferably four, to be taken at one sitting
(received after the mid-January deadline) are present with one of the following qualifications: • BTEC National Diploma:
– to include two sciences, maths and English
considered at the discretion of the individual • AS & A2 levels – 18 units, majority in biology and the
institutions. Due to the popularity of the course – Advanced Highers are also considered.
• BTEC National or Higher National Diploma life sciences
14 at Nottingham we do not normally consider 15
• Advanced Vocational Certificate in Education. – distinction>merit profile (DDM). • International Baccalaureate:
late applications.
– 32 points, with 6 in biology
Academic requirements AS levels: • Advanced Vocational Certificate in Education:
• we require a minimum of three subjects at AS – minimum of three subjects at Higher level,
Whilst the majority of applicants to Nottingham – Double Award, 12 units
level (although four is the norm), with three including biology.
offer traditional qualifications we are also – AB or BB grade profile
happy to consider non-traditional qualifications of these continuing on to A2 level
• European Baccalaureate:
on an individual basis; these must however • the grades achieved at AS level will assume – science or healthcare related options
– 75 per cent Diploma score, including
be taken in relevant subjects and passed at significance if an applicant has only taken three, – plus one A2 level, or two AS levels at
biology at a high grade.
an equivalent standard. For individual advice, or narrowly fails to achieve the ABB offer at A2 A or B grades.
Division of Physiotherapy Education
Physiotherapy student
Mature applicants • No previous academic suitability: Deferred applications If you need further advice on the level of
Mature applicants are welcomed and form We welcome applications from students wishing your English language, the Centre for English
Applicants who have no relevant academic
approximately 25-33 per cent of each cohort. to take a gap year and encourage them to use Language Education – which is located on the
qualifications, or failed to achieve the required
Academic requirements are as follows – the year creatively. Gap year students form main University campus – is there to assist.
grades are expected to present with a GCSE grade B
• Previous degree: in maths and English language or its equivalent, approximately 10-15 per cent of our annual intake. They can be reached via any of the following:
plus one of the following:
– 2:1 in a relevant subject within the last three Overseas applicants Centre for English Language Education
years (if in a non-relevant subject, or outside – AS/A2 levels: All places on the course are NHS funded, Highfield House
the three-year limit, contact the Division apportioned to us by the Trent Multi-Professional The University of Nottingham
two academic A2 levels or three AS levels
of Physiotherapy Education for advice) Workforce Deanery. We are therefore unable to University Park
(to include a biological science or physical
– applicants are required to take a year out education) at B grades consider students who would not be eligible for Nottingham
between completion of one degree and an NHS funded place. This ruling affects non-EU NG7 2RD
– BTEC Higher National and National Diplomas: students. Applicants should confirm their eligibility t: +44 (0) 115 951 4405
commencement of another. Some use this
to gain further experience of physiotherapy as for school leavers (see page 15) using the Department of Health website: f: +44 (0) 115 951 4992
by working as a physiotherapy assistant. e:
– Access courses (QAA approved only): Channel Island and Isle of Man students are eligible
This not only confirms their choice, but also
strengthens their application by proving that science or health based to apply and can be offered commissioned places
they are familiar with the requirements and (i.e. treated as home students) providing that they
16 majority of credits in biology & life 17
demands of the profession. Others choose can supply a copy of their award letter from the
science subjects
to seek paid employment elsewhere, or Channel Island or Isle of Man governments.
minimum of 72 credits with at least 48
travel for a year. Obviously a combination
passed at level 3 (or 24 and 16 if not OCN) Physiotherapy students need to be fluent in the
of all three is also possible.
English language in order to both understand
if you are unable to take 72 (24) credits
• Other previous academic suitability: and complete the course and to communicate
please contact the Division for advice
effectively with patients and members of the
– mature students who have not studied for – Open University qualifications: multidisciplinary team. For students whose first
three or more years but who would otherwise language is not English we require a TOEFL score
60 points at Level 2, accrued within one
have been considered academically suitable
Division of Physiotherapy Education
Physiotherapy student
Non-academic requirements – We understand that it may be difficult to gain Students with disabilities or health concerns In line with UCAS guidelines, disability or health
work experience work experience since, due to the popularity Disabilities and health concerns do not necessarily concerns can be disclosed on the UCAS form
A BSc (Hons) in Physiotherapy is a vocational of the degree, many hospitals are swamped by form a bar to entry onto the BSc (Hons) and/or in a letter addressed directly to the
degree. Consequently applicants need to be requests. In recognising this we recommend that Physiotherapy. In line with the Special Educational Admissions Tutor. This includes, amongst others,
enthusiastic about the profession and sure you write to a large number of both NHS and Needs & Disability Act (2001) we treat all conditions such as hearing or visual deficits,
in their own minds that they really want to private hospitals in your region, considering students fairly, offering ongoing support and dyslexia, diabetes, epilepsy, depression or eating
be a physiotherapist, in whatever field. the smaller general hospitals as well as the large making reasonable adjustments where necessary. disorders. All of the information disclosed is
teaching hospitals. We prefer a candidate to However the Division of Physiotherapy Education treated as completely confidential.
In order for you to be able to make an informed spend two or three days in a variety of different has a responsibility to ensure that all students
decision, we require that you undertake as much areas than spend a week in the same one. admitted to the course will be able to meet the Accepting someone who is unlikely to fulfil
physiotherapy work experience as possible. Standards of Proficiency set out by the Health the rigorous demands of professional fitness
Since a student’s clinical education is conducted It is important to note that without work Professions Council (HPC) and therefore be to practise would not be in the interests of the
primarily within the NHS hospital and community experience it is likely that your application will eligible for registration by both the Chartered student and would be contrary to the Division’s
setting, it is important that you gain experience be rejected automatically at the initial stages. Society and the HPC on graduation. It is expected overriding duty of care to the public. For that
in these settings prior to applying. Experience that any condition, past or present, will be reason, students with disabilities should seek
in other areas, such as special schools, private Criminal offences and other related matters controlled and stable and, as such, will not impair advice from the Admissions Tutor well before
practice, sports clinics, and centres for the elderly Owing to the particular nature of this course, the student’s ability to complete the course, the deadline for UCAS submissions so that each
will all strengthen your application. the University uses the services of the Criminal or care for patients. case can be given individual consideration.
18 Records Bureau (CRB) to assess the suitability 19
Your experience should give you a feel for the of applicants to work with a vulnerable population. Any applicant who is offered a place on the course
breadth, depth and requirements of the profession This is common practice in healthcare professions, is required to complete a medical questionnaire.
and for the personal qualities and characteristics and the University undertakes not to discriminate This is then forwarded to the Occupational Health
that are necessary in a physiotherapist. unfairly against any subject of a disclosure on Department who may choose to offer the applicant
the basis of a criminal conviction or information a full medical examination. It is therefore important
At interview, you will be questioned on what you revealed. Candidates should be aware that the to note that all offers of a place on the course are
have seen in order for us to evaluate whether or disclosure will list all convictions and cautions conditional on the student obtaining a clear bill of
not you are applying with an understanding of, received. Certain offences may lead to the health from our Occupational Health Department.
and commitment to, the profession. To be able
Division of Physiotherapy Education
We have a transparent selection process 5. Due to the extremely high demand for places, we Interviews Timescale of the admissions process
through which we aim to select the highest run a system of ‘cancellation interviews’ whereby It is currently our policy to interview for all places. UCAS forms arrive at the Division continually
calibre of applicant in order to make those candidates with excellent forms who did The interviews are relatively informal with no between September and January. Students who do
offers. This selection process is free from not receive an interview initially may be offered written or practical tests and are scheduled to not meet our academic requirements, who have no
an interview slot vacated by someone who has take place in December, January and February. work experience, or whose personal statements do
discrimination of any kind and is outlined
withdrawn their application. Cancellation not suggest an in-depth knowledge of, and wish to
below. interviews are offered on the understanding Each candidate has two 20 minute interviews join, the profession (see previous information and
that they may be at short notice. with two separate members of staff. The interview advice), are rejected as quickly as possible to enable
Selection for interview process is designed to assess: them to consider other courses.
We receive in excess of 1000 applications per Completing a UCAS form
year for 54 places. In 2006/7 we interviewed • insight into physiotherapy via work experience,
An excellent UCAS form includes: Forms that we consider to be very good take longer
approximately 200 people. We select for interview courses, reading etc.
to process since they are continually compared
using the following procedure: • a strong academic profile with either traditional
• motivation against each other in order to select the best. This
or non-traditional qualifications on offer
1. Initial reading of the UCAS forms is • ability to communicate, to discuss and means that although you may submit your form in
undertaken, against strict selection criteria, • a highly supportive reference (normally an September, you may not hear from us with regard
form opinions
by the Central Admissions Office. academic reference) to an interview date until December or January.
• personal attitudes and attributes We accept this delay as inevitable if we are to be
2. Applicants are rejected in the first instance • a personal statement which tells us all
about the applicant. • non-verbal communication skills fair and equitable to all students who have applied
20 because they do not fulfil our academic 21
within the UCAS deadline, and as a consequence
requirements or they lack work experience. Following the two interviews, the interviewers
The personal statement is paramount in deciding do not fill our final interview slots until we have
3. The remaining applicants are considered to who will be chosen to go forward for interview. meet to discuss each candidate. Their comments received the last non-late application.
have acceptable forms. These forms are divided We read the statement to see if the applicant are forwarded to the Admissions Tutor who makes
into ‘good’ and ‘excellent’ and the ‘good’ ones knows what the profession involves, not just in offers to those students who scored highest If you will be unavailable for interview at any point
are then, unfortunately, rejected. In 2006/7 terms of actual work, but also in terms of the overall at interview. during December, January or February, please write
we had more than 350 excellent forms. traits and characteristics that they believe are or email and let us know since, whilst we will do
necessary in a physiotherapist. We look to see if Re-applications our best, it is not always possible to reschedule an
4. Each of the ’excellent’ forms are read and If you apply one year and are not invited for
the applicant demonstrates, through everything interview. Offers of a place are all sent out during
re-read by the Admissions Tutor in order to
Division of Physiotherapy Education
Physiotherapy student
All places on the course are NHS funded and Students on NHS funded courses may be entitled
therefore the decision to charge students £3,150 to a bursary (this being defined as an award to
per year of study top-up fees does not currently cover your day-to-day living costs whilst you
apply to the Division of Physiotherapy Education. are studying). To find out if you are eligible, read
If however you are unsure as to whether you are the Department of Health’s ‘Financial Help for
eligible to have your course fees paid please read Healthcare Students’ (see left for details). In
the Department of Health’s ‘Financial Help for addition to the standard bursary, extra allowances
Healthcare Students’. This can be downloaded at are available for other situations, involving such variables as dependants, single parents and
students_financial_help.pdf disabled students.
or by contacting The Department of Health:
Students who are entitled to a bursary will be able
t: +44 (0) 8701 555455 to claim back some or all of their accommodation
f: +44 (0) 1623 724524 costs whilst on clinical placement (dependant on
e: the amount of the award) so that they do not
w: incur a double rent.
22 You can also contact the Student Grants Unit Student loans 23
on 08453 586655 (student helpline), or at the In order to apply for a student loan to cover
Course costs
following address: NHS Student Grants Unit, living costs (you do not need one to cover
Candidates should be aware that certain items or Skeleton: we loan a half skeleton to each first
NHS Pensions Agency, 200 – 220 Broadway, course fees since these do not currently apply
requirements of the course will lead to additional year student for a hire fee of £30.
Fleetwood, Lancashire, FY7 8SS. to physiotherapy students) you need to contact
expense/costs. The following are examples of
the Department for Education & Skills (DfES).
these additional costs. Books: we do not have a compulsory book list,
To check your eligibility for a loan (including
and the core texts can be found in both the
EU & overseas) look on the DfES website:
Uniform: clinical uniforms are required for both City Hospital and University libraries; however or contact
clinical exams and placements. The cost of two students often choose to purchase copies of
Division of Physiotherapy Education
Where will I be based and where will I live? What other opportunities are there
In addition to the general University open days, open days, please contact the enquiry line on
For further information please contact: For international student enquiries,
the Division of Physiotherapy Education holds +44 (0) 115 951 5559 or email undergraduate-
Admissions Secretary please contact:
its own open days. These start with a lecture in
Division of Physiotherapy Education
the Clinical Sciences Building at 1.30pm (given by The International Office
Clinical Sciences Building
the Admissions Tutor) on choosing your university, How to find us t: +44 (0) 115 951 5247
Hucknall Road
completing a UCAS form, the physiotherapy The Division of Physiotherapy Education is f: +44 (0) 115 951 5155
degree course at Nottingham and a brief history situated within the Clinical Sciences Building e:
of the profession. Following the lecture you will at the Nottingham City Hospital (NCH). This is w:
have the chance to ask general questions about approximately four miles from the main University
the Division and the course, and individual campus. Full directions to NCH can be obtained t: +44 (0) 115 823 1783
questions with regard to your specific application. from their website at f: +44 (0) 115 823 1791
You will also have the opportunity to meet visitors/transport/directions-car.htm e:
current staff and students, and look around w:
the Clinical Sciences Building where all of the
physiotherapy lectures take place.
Division of Physiotherapy Education