2300ad Orbat - Kafer War
2300ad Orbat - Kafer War
2300ad Orbat - Kafer War
Table of Contents
Europe North America South America Africa & the Middle East Asia & Oceania Off-World Colonies
Europe Europe remains central to world events being home to three major powers; France, Germany and Britain, as well as a host of lesser players. The long running peace and stability of the continent under French hegemony was shattered with the Reunification of Germany and the resulting war between France and Germany. Today an armed peace reigns in the region whilst the key European powers have been forced to defend their colonies from the alien threat of the Kafers. Catalonia French Empire German Empire Great Britain Greece Ireland Italy Netherlands Poland Portugal Russian Empire Scandinavian Union
Republic of Catalonia Army of Catalonia L Exercit de Catalunya L Exercit de Catalunya is administratively organized into five non-tactical divisions, each responsible for certain classes of units (infantry, cavalry, etc.), with the Infantry Division presently being the largest and most influential (itself formed in 2260 by the amalgamation of Infantry, Parachute, Mountain, and Light Divisions). Subordinate to these divisions are a mix of active and reserve battalion-sized regiments. Recruiting is a constant problem for the Catalan Army, with most active units at about 80% strength and reserves at less than 50% (though with full equipment sets), and so deploying units often are brought up to strength with a mix of reservists and members of other active units. Historically, regiments belonged to operational brigade headquarters with specific geographical areas of responsibility. However, with the diplomatic reduction of Spain as a threat to the nations integrity, standing brigades have been eliminated in favor of task organized brigade formations formed as needed for specific missions. Three active and one reserve brigade headquarters companies are organized, maintaining historic designations of 1er (Nord), 2on (Sud), 3er (Central), and 4rt (Barcelona) Esquadr de Quarter General, but have no permanent forces assigned or actual geographic areas of responsibility. Instead, these formations serve as the headquarters for Task Forces (Destacament de Forces) organized as needed for operational or training exercises. Currently there are two such operational formations established, Destacament de Forces 6 and Destacament de Forces 205 (Task Forces 6 and 205). Destacament de Forces 6 is presently deployed in Armenia as part of the international peace enforcement effort in that nation, while Destacament de Forces 205 is training up for deployment to the French Arm, where it will serve alongside Azanian forces performing counterinsurgency duties on Kimanjano. Though each of these task forces is under the command of a brigadier general, both are small formations for a true brigade, more resembling reinforced battalions, particularly Task Force 6. L Exercit de Catalunya is generally deficient in non-tooth arms, and fielding an actual brigade-sized force for overseas service would require extensive mobilization of reserve elements. As it is, the formation of two separate reinforced battalion Task Forces has proven to be a significant strain on the armys logistical capabilities. Divisi d Infanteria 1er Regiment de Paracaigudistas 6 Regiment d Infanteria Lleugera 20 Regiment de Muntanyas 29v Regiment de Fores Especial 200 Esquadr Independent de Comandos de Marina 9 Regiment de Fuselles 14 Regiment de Fuselles 32on Regiment de Fuselles Divisi de Cavalleria 3er Regiment de Cavalleria 5u Regiment de Cavalleria 8. Regiment de Cavalleria 11 Regiment de Cavalleria Divisi d Artilleria 2on Regiment d Artilleria de Camp 4rt Regiment d Artilleria de Coet 30 Regiment d Artilleria de Camp Divisi d Enginyeres 7 Regiment d Enginyeres 41 Regiment d Enginyeres Divisi de Logstica 101 Regiment de Logstica 102 Regiment de Logstica 103 Regiment de Logstica
Destacament de Forces 6 The Catalan component of the peace enforcement mission in Armenia, Task Force 6 is built around 6 Regiment d Infanteria Lleugera, augmented with two platoons of AC-8 hovertanks, a mechanized infantry company, and a platoon of special forces troops. DF 6s order of battle is as follows: 1er (Nord) Esquadr de Quarter General 6 Regiment d Infanteria Lleugera 1er Esquadr (-), 3er Regiment de Cavalleria (AC-8) 3er Esquadr, 5u Regiment de Cavalleria (VCIR) 8 Escamot, 29v Regiment de Fores Especial 101 Regiment de Logstica (-) Destacament de Forces 205 Presently training up for deployment to the French Arm to support Azanian counterinsurgency and mopping up operations on Kimajano, Task Force 205 is, as the name suggests, built around the 20th Mountain Regiment and 5th Cavalry Regiment. Presently, active duty combat arms units are supported by the mobilized 102nd Logistics Regiment, though it is expected that this unit will be augmented with elements of the active-duty 101st Regiment when that unit and the remainder of Task Force 6 return from Armenia. Destacament de Forces 205s deployment to assist the Azanian government is regarded by most observers as a further slight to Imperial France, as Catalonia is said to have declined contribution of a force to the multinational Division Europa (it is also rumored, however, that Azania is underwriting most of the costs of deployment for Task Force 205). Task Force 205 consists of an infantry regiment (the 20th Mountain Regiment, with the reconnaissance company from the 1st Parachute Regiment bringing the under strength 20th Regiment up to approximately full-strength) and an under strength cavalry regiment with one wheeled squadron (with VCIRs and ABR-76s) and one hover mobile squadron (AC-8 and AVCI3) plus regimental troops. Augmenting this force is a full company from the 29th Special Forces Regiment, a battery of rocket artillery, and a reinforced logistics regiment (officially listed as the 102nd Logistics Regiment, this unit is actually formed by the merging of both the 102nd and 103rd Regiments). Order of battle for the Task Force is as follows: 3er (Central) Esquadr de Quarter General 20 Regiment de Muntanyas 4rt Esquadr de Patrulla, 1er Regiment de Paracaigudistas 5u Regiment de Cavalleria (-) 2on Esquadr, 3er Regiment de Cavalleria 1er Esquadr, 29v Regiment de Fores Especial 2on Bateria, 4rt Regiment d Artilleria de Coet 1er Esquadr, 7 Regiment d Enginyeres 102 Regiment de Logstica
French Empire Commandement de Troupes Speciales French military special forces fall into one of three categories, known as the Premiere, Deuxime and Troisime Cercles. The 1e Cercle are the true elite of the French forces, strategic SF dedicated to operations across the French Empire and beyond. The 2e Cercle are SF assigned to specific theatres of operation either on Earth, Tirane, other colony worlds or in support of the Force d'Action Rapide. The 3e Cercle are high standard sub-units of elite conventional units that can be called upon to aid 1e or 2e Cercle units when required. The 3e Cercle includes units like the TIS infantry battalions and recce troops from FAR units, they can be called upon to provide extra firepower and manpower. Similarly the work of the 11e CHOC assigned to DGSE is not discussed here. The 1e and 2e Cercle units all come under the control of the Commandement de Troupes Spciales which is under the orders of a Gnral de Corps d' Arme or equivalent. The CTS is responsible for the overall administration, training and equipping of all French special forces regardless of parent arm or service. Consequently the CTS can be regarded as an armed service in its own right, albeit one that recruits only from the other services. CTS is the direct equivalent to the British UKSF or American SOCCOM. The forces assigned to the CTS are delegated in turn into four Groupements which are each designed to have a complete special forces capability and are allocated to a particular force or theatre, these are divisional level commands. There are also a number of independent units of battalion strength raised to operate in discrete theatres of operations, such as the Central Asian Republic or Aurore. Of the four GTS one falls within the 1e Cercle and the others the 2e Cercle as do the independent units, however despite the higher budget of the GTS TIS all of these forces are formidable and versatile formations. Each GTS contains forces that can operate in a variety of environments and units within them are almost always cross trained. For example a naval commando battalion will specialise in maritime warfare, but a para-commando battalion will also have maritime specialists. A GTS will usually also include supporting assets such as aircraft or landers to give the trooper's integral mobility. 1e Circle Groupment de Troupes Speciale de TIS I/1e Regiment Parachutiste d'Infanterie de Marine (I/1 RPIMa) 1e Compagnie - (RAPAS) 2e Compagnie - (RAPAS - Space) 3e Compagnie - (RAPAS - Maritime) 4e Compagnie - (RAPAS) I/2e Regiment Etragner de Parachutistes (I/2 REP) 1e Compagnie - (RAPAS) 2e Compagnie - (RAPAS) 3e Compagnie - (RAPAS Maritime) 4e Compagnie - (RAPAS Space) 2e Groupment Fusiliers-Marins Commandos (2 GRUFUMARCO) Commando de Montfort Commando Bielkiewicz Commando Hubert Commando Haas 7e Fusiliers-Voltigeurs-Marins Spatial (7 FUVOLMARS) 7 Platoons 2e Circle Groupement de Troupes Speciales Terrestres II/1e Regiment Parachutiste d'Infanterie de Marine (II/1 RPIMa) 1e Compagnie - (RAPAS) 2e Compagnie - (RAPAS - Maritime) 3e Compagnie - (RAPAS) 4e Compagnie - (RAPAS) 1e Regiment Para-Commando d'Afrique (1 RPCA) 1e Compagnie (RAPAS)
2e Compagnie - (RAPAS) 3e Compagnie - (RAPAS - Maritime) 4e Compagnie - (RAPAS) 1e Groupment Fusiliers-Marins Commandos (1 GRUFUMARCO) Commando Esterel Commando de Penfenteyo Commando Jaubert Commando Trepel 602e Regiment de Commando Parachutistes de l'Air (602 RCPA) Commando Parachutistes de l'Air 10 (CPA 10) Commando Parachutistes de l'Air 20 (CPA 20) Commando Parachutistes de l'Air (CPA 30) 2e Division d'Aviation Mixte des Operations Speciales (2 DAMOS) 3e Escadron des Oprations Spciales Flottille 44 F - (CSAR) Escadre de Transport 1/81 Escadre de Hlicoptres 2/60 Groupement de Troupes Speciale de Tirane - 'Les Onze Commandos' Nouveau Provence, Tirane Groupment de Troupes Speciale de FAR III/1e Regiment Parachutiste d'Infanterie de Marine (III/1 RPIMa) 1e Compagnie - (RAPAS) 2e Compagnie - (RAPAS - Pathfinder/CW) 3e Compagnie - (RAPAS) 4e Compagnie - (RAPAS - Maritime) 13e Regiment de Dragons Parachutiste (13 RDP) 1e Escadron (RAPAS) 2e Escadron (Pathfinder CW) 3e Escadron (RAPAS) 4e Escadron (Air support) 4e Division d'Aviation Mixte des Operations Speciales (4 DAMOS) 1e Escadron des Oprations Spciales - ALAT Escadre de Transport 2/81 Escadre de Hlicoptres 1/60 Independent Units Groupement de Commandos Coloniaux Pais Francais, BCV-4 10e Regiment de Choc (10 CHOC) deployed to Central Asian Republic 1e Compagnie - (RAPAS) 2e Compagnie - (RAPAS) 3e Compagnie - (RAPAS) 11e Regiment de Choc (11 CHOC) OPCOM to DGSE 12e Regiment de Choc (12 CHOC) assigned to Troupes d'Armee d'Aurore Troupes d'Intervention Spatial (TIS) The Troupes d' Intervention Spatial are elite elements of the French Army attached to the MSIF and are the very cutting edge of French intervention capability. Highly trained and lightly equipped, the TIS work with the French Space Navy to prop up French foreign policy anywhere in the human sphere. The TIS are made up of four 'Brigades d' Intervention' all manned by Foreign Legion or Marine Para battalions. A further three special operations force battalions are also present. 1e Brigade d'Intervention Pais Francais, BCV-4 2e Brigade d'Intervention Nouveau Provence, Tirane 3e Brigade d'Intervention France, Earth 3e BI Compangnie de Commandment et de Soutain (3e BI CCS) II/2e Regiment Parachutiste d'Infanterie de Marine (II/2 RPIMa) Combat Walker I/3e Regiment Parachutiste d'Infanterie de Marine (I/3 RPIMa) II/8e Regiment Parachutiste d'Infanterie de Marine (II/8 RPIMa) 3e Compangnie de Genie de Parachutistes (3 CGP) 3e Compangnie d'Artillery d'Elite de Parachutistes (3 CAEP) 4e Brigade d'Intervention France, Earth
4e BI Compangnie de Commandment et de Soutain (4e BI CCS) 2/Regiment Para-Commando (2 Para-Cdo) I/6e Regiment Parachutiste d'Infanterie de Marine (I/6 RPIMa) Combat Walker II/6e Regiment Parachutiste d'Infanterie de Marine (II/6 RPIMa) 4e Compangnie de Genie de Parachutistes (4 CGP) 4e Compangnie d'Artillery d'Elite de Parachutistes (4 CAEP) Force d'Action Rapide (FAR) The Force d' Action Rapide is France's reaction and intervention force on Earth, and alongside 8e Corps (it Tiranean companion) is often the first force to provide troops for off Earth duties. FAR is tasked for a whole range of duties from counter-insurgency to providing a bridgehead for follow on forces from the Arme de la Manouvre. FAR troops are all regulars and trained to a higher standard in a wider variety of skills than their Arme de la Manouvre counterparts, but lack the heavy equipment of those forces. 1e Division Legere Blindee deployed with 19e Corps, L'Armee de Liberation 27e Division Alpins 4e Regiment de Chasseurs (4 RCh) Recce I/6e Regiment de Chasseurs Alpins (I/6 RCA) I/11e Regiment de Chasseurs Alpins (I/11 RCA) I/13e Regiment de Chasseurs Alpins (I/13 RCA) I/159e Regiment d'Infanterie Alpins (I/159 RIA) I/6e Regiment de Chasseurs de Tirane (I/6 RCT) 9e Division d'Infanterie Marine detached to 2e Corps, L'Armee de Liberation 11e Division Parachutiste (Les Paras Bleues) deployed with 19e Corps, L'Armee de Liberation, II/4 RCP detached to 14e Corps, L'Armee d'Aurore L'Armee de la Manouvre The Arme de la Manouvre is the main component of French power projection on and off Earth. It is composed entirely of regular, all-volunteer soldiers from the Metropolitan Army. Whilst the Lgion trangre and other units of the Force d' Action Rapide gain all the glory it is the Arme de la Manouvre that has born the brunt of the fighting in the Central Asian, German Reunification and Flemish Independence Wars. Additionally the Arme de la Manouvre has found large troop contributions for deployments on the Kafer Arm. Currently the Arme de la Manouvre is massed in European France and still focused on the threat from the new German Republic. However contingency plans are underway to shift one of the Corps along the French Arm. And more may follow should the situation deteriorate further. 2e Corps assigned to L'Armee de Liberation. 1e Division Blindee deployed with 2e Corps, L'Armee de Liberation 1e Division de la Marche 1e Regiment d'Aero-Dragons (1 RD) Recce 2e Chasseurs d'Afrique (2 ChA) 12e Regiment d'Aero-Cuirassiers (12 RC) 5e Regiment d'Aero-Dragons (5 RD) I/67e Regiment d'Infanterie (I/67 RI) Regiment de Carbiniers 'Prins Boudewijn' (RCPB) 14e Regiment de Tirailleurs Algeriens (14 RTA) 12e Division de la Marche 4e Regiment de Hussards (4 RH) Recce 12e Spahis Algeriens (12 SA) 1e Regiment d'Aero-Chasseurs (1 RCh) 5e Regiment d'Aero-Dragons (5 RD) I/2e Regiment de Zouaves (I/2 RZ) 24e Groupment Chasseurs (24 GC) I/81e Regiment d'Infanterie (I/81 RI) 3e Division Airmobile deployed with 2e Corps, L'Armee de Liberation 3e Corps France, Earth
2e Division Blindee 2e Regiment de Chasseurs (2 RCh) Recce 5e Regiment de Chasseurs Blindee (5 RCh) 505e Regiment de Chars de Combat (505 RCC) I/4e Regiment Etranger d'Infanterie (I/4 REI) 1e Regiment de Grenadiers (1 RGB) I/35 Regiment d'Infanterie (I/35 RI) 3e Division de la Marche 8e Spahis Algeriens (8 SA) Recce 15e Regiment d'Aero-Chasseurs (15 RCh) 6e Regiment d'Aero-Dragons (6 RD) 10e Chasseurs d'Afrique (10 ChA) I/22e Regiment d'Infanterie (I/22 RI) 16e Groupment Chasseurs (16 GC) 3e Regiment de Tirailleurs Algeriens (3 RTA) 14e Division de la Marche 4e Chassuers a Cheval (4 CCB) Recce 503e Regiment de Chars de Combat (503 RCC) 11e Regiment de Cuirassiers (11 RC) 3e Regiment d'Aero-Hussards (3 RH) I/99e Regiment d'Infanterie (I/99 RI) 2e Groupment Chasseurs (2 GC) II/9e Regiment de Zouaves (II/9 RZ) 4e Division Airmobile I/9e Regiment de Zouaves (I/9 RZ) 12e Corps deployed Central Asian Republic 5e Division Blindee 7e Regiment de Chasseurs (7 RCh) Recce 6e Spahis Algeriens (6 SA) 502e Regiment de Chars de Combat (502 RCC) I/46e Regiment d'Infanterie (I/46 RI) 5e Regiment de Tirailleurs Algeriens (5 RTA) I/92e Regiment d'Infanterie (I/92 RI) 21e Division de la Marche detached to 9e Corps, Armee Coloniale Beta Canum Ventacorum-4 22e Division de la Marche 3e Regiment de Chasseurs (3 RCh) Recce 1e Chasseurs d'Afrique (1 ChA) 2e Regiment de Cuirassiers (2 RC) 9e Regiment d'Aero-Cuirassiers (9 RC) 30e Groupment Chasseurs (30 GC) II/4e Regiment d'Infanterie de Tirane (II/4 RIT) III/9e Regiment de Zouzves (III/9 RZ) 9e Division Airmobile I/9e Regiment d'Infanterie (I/9 RI) 13e Corps Algeria, Earth 13e Corps is currently the general reserve corps of the Manouvre Army. It is currently providing units for off-world service as well as being ready to reinforce and other Corps. It is stationed in North Africa. 9e Division Blindee 3e Regiment de Spahis (3 RS) Recce 504e Regiment de Chars de Combat (504 RCC) 6e Regiment d'Aero-Cuirassiers (6 RC) I/8e Regiment d'Infanterie (I/8 RI) Combat Walker I/42e Regiment d'Infanterie (I/42 RI) II/1e Regiment d'Infanterie de Tirane (II/1 RIT) 5e Division de la Marche 2e Regiment de Hussards (2 RH) Recce
2e Regiment d'Aero-Dragons (2 RD) 2e Regiment Etranger de Cavalerie (2 REC) 7e Regiment d'Aero-Cuirassiers (7 RC) III/5e Regiment Etranger d'Infanterie (II/5 REI) 8e Groupment Chasseurs (8 GC) 15e Groupment Chasseurs (15 GC) 17e Division de la Marche 4e Regiment d'Aero-Dragons (4 RD) Recce 11e Regiment d'Aero-Chasseurs (11 RCh) 1e Regiment de Cuirassiers (1 RC) 3e Regiment d'Aero-Dragons (3 RD) I/39e Regiment d'Infanterie (I/39 RI) 15e Regiment de Tirailleurs Algeriens (15 RTA) II/Regiment de Marche du Tschad (II/RMT) 10e Division Airmobile 1e Groupment Chasseurs (1 GC)
L'Armee Territoriale de l'Hexegone (ATH) The L' Arme Territoriale de l' Hexegone is the back-bone of the defence of European France. However it is mostly composed of soldiers undertaking 2 years Voluntary National Service and as such it is not really combat worthy for anything other than defensive tasks. However in recent years it has provided contingents of troops to the Arme de la Manouvre for service in the Central Asian Republic. It also was called out for German Reunification and Flemish Independence War. These ATH units proved capable of holding their own against German forces on the central Rhineland front where the heavy urbanisation made manoeuvre warfare difficult. However those forces covering the northern flank suffered very badly when overrun by German armoured thrust through the Ardennes that was only just stopped at the Battle of the Somme. The recent re-organisation have moved these divisions from their age old locations and to other bases. It has also brought in a regular infantry battalion (these are the 1st battalions) into each division to stiffen the forces. The divisional combat walker battalions are still equipped with the obsolete BH-18, but replacement with BH-21's has begun in high-priority units. The standard vehicle is the ABR-76 in its many variants, overproduction of which during the War of German Reunification and subsequent disbandment of the old style DLB has produced enough to equip most DI's. The ATH also includes in its jurisdiction several small garrisons around the world, which report directly back to France. These are manned mostly by Marine and Legion troops with some local forces. 1e Corps 12e Division d'Infanterie 5e Rgiment de Hussards (5e RH) II/81e Rgiment d' Infanterie (II/81e RI) Combat Walker I/122e Rgiment d' Infanterie (I/122e RI) II/67e Rgiment d' Infanterie (II/67e RI) III/67e Rgiment d' Infanterie (III/67e RI) II/150e Rgiment d' Infanterie (II/150e RI) III/150e Rgiment d' Infanterie (III/150e RI) 21e Division d' Infanterie 6e Rgiment de Chasseurs (6e RCh) IV/81e Rgiment d' Infanterie (IV/81e RI) Combat Walker I/152e Rgiment d' Infanterie (I/152e RI) II/22e Rgiment d' Infanterie (II/22e RI) III/22e Rgiment d' Infanterie (III/22e RI) II/94e Rgiment d' Infanterie (II/94e RI) III/94e Rgiment d' Infanterie (III/94e RI) 22e Division d'Infanterie 1e Rgiment de Guides (1e RGB) III/81e Rgiment d' Infanterie (III/81e RI) Combat Walker I/110e Rgiment d' Infanterie (I/110e RI) II/35e Rgiment d' Infanterie (II/35e RI)
III/35e Rgiment d' Infanterie (III/35e RI) II/43e Rgiment d' Infanterie (II/43e RI) III/92e Rgiment d' Infanterie (III/92e RI) 31e Division d'Infanterie 15e Rgiment de Cuirassiers (15e RC) IV/9e Rgiment d' Infanterie (IV/9e RI) Combat Walker I/153e Rgiment d' Infanterie (I/153e RI) II/99e Rgiment d' Infanterie (II/99e RI) III/99e Rgiment d' Infanterie (III/99e RI) II/153e Rgiment d' Infanterie (II/153e RI) III/153e Rgiment d' Infanterie (III/153e RI) 33e Division d'Infanterie 7e Rgiment de Dragons (7e RD) III/9e Rgiment d' Infanterie (III/9e RI) Combat Walker I/137e Rgiment d' Infanterie (I/137e RI) II/110e Rgiment d' Infanterie (II/110e RI) III/110e Rgiment d' Infanterie (III/100e RI) II/151e Rgiment d' Infanterie (II/151e RI) III/151e Rgiment d' Infanterie (III/151e RI) 41e Division d'Infanterie 4e Rgiment de Spahis (4e RS) V/81e Rgiment d' Infanterie (V/81e RI) Combat Walker I/159e Rgiment d' Infanterie (I/159e RI) II/8e Rgiment d' Infanterie (II/8e RI) III/8e Rgiment d' Infanterie (III/8e RI) II/51e Rgiment d' Infanterie (II/51e RI) III/51e Rgiment d' Infanterie (III/51e RI) ~e Corps 42e Division d'Infanterie 9e Rgiment de Chasseurs (9e RCh) III/122e Rgiment d' Infanterie (III/122e RI) Combat Walker I/150e Rgiment d' Infanterie (I/150e RI) II/42e Rgiment d' Infanterie (II/42e RI) III/42e Rgiment d' Infanterie (III/42e RI) II/137e Rgiment d' Infanterie (II/137e RI) III/137e Rgiment d' Infanterie (III/137e RI) 44e Division d'Infanterie 8e Rgiment de Dragons (8e RD) II/9e Rgiment d' Infanterie (II/9e RI) Combat Walker I/94e Rgiment d' Infanterie (I/94e RI) II/1e Rgiment d' Infanterie (II/1e RI) III/1e Rgiment d' Infanterie (III/1e RI) II/39e Rgiment d' Infanterie (II/39e RI) III/39e Rgiment d' Infanterie (III/39e RI) 51e Division d'Infanterie 8e Rgiment de Chasseurs (8e RCh) IV/122e Rgiment d' Infanterie (IV/122e RI) Combat Walker I/170e Rgiment d' Infanterie (I/170e RI) III/43e Rgiment d' Infanterie (III/43e RI) II/92e Rgiment d' Infanterie (II/92e RI) II/159e Rgiment d' Infanterie Alpins (II/159e RIA) II/170e Rgiment d' Infanterie (II/170e RI) 64e Division d'Infanterie The 64e Division is notable as it is composed entirely of 'voluntary service' soldiers from Belgium serving in old Belgian Army units. 2e Chasseurs Cheval 1e Bn, Rgiment 13me de Ligne Combat Walker
1e Bn, Rgiment 12me de Ligne 'Prince Lopold' 2e Bn, Rgiment 12me de Ligne 'Prince Lopold' 2e Bn Rgiment 13me de Ligne 1e Bn, Rgiment de Chasseurs Ardennais 2e Bn, Rgiment de Chasseurs Ardennais 71e Division d'Infanterie 14e Rgiment de Cuirassiers (14e RC) V/122e Rgiment d' Infanterie (V/122e RI) Combat Walker I/151e Rgiment d' Infanterie (I/151e RI) II/46e Rgiment d' Infanterie (II/46e RI) III/46e Rgiment d' Infanterie (III/46e RI) III/152e Rgiment d' Infanterie (III/152e RI) IV/152e Rgiment d' Infanterie (IV/152e RI) 72e Division d'Infanterie 6e Rgiment de Hussards (6e RH) II/122e Rgiment d' Infanterie (II/122e RI) Combat Walker I/43e Rgiment d' Infanterie (I/43e RI) II/41e Rgiment d' Infanterie (II/41e RI) III/41e Rgiment d' Infanterie (III/41e RI) II/126e Rgiment d' Infanterie (II/126e RI) III/126e Rgiment d' Infanterie (III/126e RI) Independent Commands Guadeloupe II/33e Regiment d'Infanterie de Marine (II/33 RIMa) Martinque I/33e Regiment d'Infanterie de Marine (I/33 RIMa) Guyana I/Regiment d'Infanterie de Marine de Guyana (I/RIMaGY) II/ Regiment d'Infanterie de Marine de Guyana (II/RIMaGY) III/ Regiment d'Infanterie de Marine de Guyana (III/RIMaGY) Centre d'Trainement de Commandos de Guyana (CECdoGy) I/9e Regiment d'Infanterie de Marine (I/9 RIMa) II/9e Regiment d'Infanterie de Marine (II/9 RIMa) III/1e Regiment Etranger d'Infanterie (III/1 REI) Cabo Verde III/3e Regiment Etranger d'Infanterie (III/3 REI) Nouvelle Caledonie I/Regiment d'Infanterie de Marine du Pacifique (I/RIMaP) Polynesie II/Regiment d'Infanterie de Marine du Pacifique (II/RIMaP) III/4e Regiment Etranger d'Infanterie (III/4 REI) Reunion I/7e Regiment d'Infanterie de Marine (I/7 RIMa)
L'Armee Territoriale de l'Afrique Occidentale (ATAO) 4e Corps The 4e Corps (or Corps Algriens) of the French Metropolitan Army is a part of the Arme Territoriale de l' Afrique Occidentale, yet it has a much wider role than one of territorial defence. The 4e Corps (and its predecessors) have provided troops for every French campaign since 2020, and are regarded as some of the finest French fighting troops. Unlike the other French African Corps the 4e Corps is recruited entirely from Algeria. Algerian raised units also serve within the L' Arme de la Manouvre, and one regiment is also stationed on Tirane. The 4e Corps provided two Division de la Marche (old Campaign divisions not the modern units) for the Central Asian War, where the 'Turcos' reinforced their fearsome reputation in fighting against Manchu troops and irregulars. The 4 e Division de
la Marche took part in the War of German Reunification seeing action in the Rhineland Offensive. Some units of the Corps, especially the 15e DM are being stood to, to possibly take part in the Kafer War. All of the Corps' divisions except the 106e Division d' Infanterie are organised conventionally. The 4e Corps is equipped with the latest French military hardware. The only threat to the Corps comes from occasional raids from Berbera, however the southern part of the region is so arid and the response from the 106e DI so fierce these are increasingly infrequent. The Corps also undertakes frequent exercises in allied Morocco and Tunisia. 5e Spahis Algeriens (5 SA) Corps Recce 6e Division Blindee 4e Division de la Marche 15e Division de la Marche 2e Division Aeromobile 101e Division d'Infanterie 102e Division d'Infanterie 106e Division d'Infanterie The 106e DI is a unique body within the French Armed forces. It is both an elite force of desert fighters and the worst military punishment available to officers of recalcitrant men. The three battalions of the 'Joyeaux' are within this unit as is the 1st Battalion of the 6e RIE, to which non-petty military criminals are sent. The 106e DI is stationed on the edge of the Sahara in a series of remote forts where the life style is incredibly stark, and broken only by military exercises which have the highest fatality rates of any French unit anywhere. Yet in spite of this the 106e also includes some excellent volunteer units recruited from the inhabitants of the region who have acquired almost unsurpassed skills in fighting in there home areas and have a reputation almost as savage as the military convicts they fight alongside. Also attached units are composed of some excellent specialists, the I/4 e Zouaves have done much work to expand the use of combat walkers in arid environments. The Division has never fought as a whole but the 2e Joyeaux and I/6e RIE fought with the GMLE in the Central Asian War as did elements of the I/4e Zouaves. The 3e Joyeaux were sent to the Aurore garrison in 2301. 2e Spahis Algeriens (2 SA) Recce I/4e Regiment de Zouaves (I/4 RZ) Combat Walker 1e Batallion d'Afrique (1 Bat d'Af) [1e Joyeaux] 2e Batallion d'Afrique (2 Bat d'Af) [2e Joyeaux] 3e Batallion d'Afrique (3 Bat d'Af) [3e Joyeaux] detached to Troupes d'Armee d'Aurore 2e Regiment de Tirailleurs Algeriens (2 RTA) I/6e Regiment Etranger d'Infanterie (I/6 REI) 10e Corps The 10e Corps is drawn from and provides the defence for French West Africa, notably the territories of Senegal, the Guinea Coast and Burkina Faso. 10e Corps suffers from two major continuing operational commitments, the continuing political and ethnic instability in Liberia and low-level guerrilla attacks from Berbera. An increasing worry for local and national politicians is the anti-French stance adopted by Mali, which has begun to gain some support amongst the populations in the southern areas of Senegal. 10e Division Blindee 16e Division de la Marche 19e Division de la Marche 6e Division Aeromobile 107e Division d'Infanterie 108e Division d'Infanterie 111e Division d'Infanterie L'Armee Territoriale de l'Afrique Centrale (ATAC) The ATAC is the French Army covering the French Empire's equatorial African territories and Djibouti. The ATAC lacks any immediate threat which it must opposed but the Army is frequently committed to the teaming cities of the area to counter civil disturbances. Similarly long-running but low key insurgencies are a common factor in the area. 5e Corps The 5e Corps covers the territories of Djibouti, Gabon, Cameroon and Chad. Obviously as Djibouti is not geographically linked to the other areas the 11e DB and 8e DAM have a fair degree of operational independence. The rest of the Corps is dedicated to internal security tasks and protecting the Beanstalk in Libreville, which is also the location of the Corps HQ.
11e Division Blindee Djibouti 10e Division de la Marche Yaounde, Cameroun 20e Division de la Marche Libreville, Congo 8e Division Aeromobile Djibouti 103e Division d'Infanterie Libreville, Congo 104e Division d'Infanterie - Yaounde, Cameroun 112e Division d'Infanterie Douala 11e Corps The 11e Corps is responsible for the defence of the southern part of French Central Africa, primarily the territories of Zare and Katanga. With exception of a long-running campaign of civil disobedience in the east by Rwandan and Burundian Tustsi, Zaire is relatively peaceful. Kinshasa's large paramilitary Gendarmerie has relived the need for military intervention in rioting in all but the most extreme cases. However forces in Katanga have been fighting a long running proxy war with Anzanian backed forces in the area. Both members of the ESA, Paris and Capetown have good relations but local administrators allow their rivalries to express themselves in a covert war either side of the border. Whilst the other three Corps of the Arme d' Afrique tend to keep the composition of their units static through the years, 11e Corps regularly rotates its battalions and has also begun a series of exchange postings with 5e Corps. The Corps commander hopes to extend this program to the other French Armies on Earth, and possibly to the colonies. 7e Division Blindee Kinshasa, Congo 11e Division de la Marche Kamina, Congo 18e Division de la Marche Brazzaville, Congo 7e Division Aeromobile Kinshasa, Congo (one battalion forward-deployed to Katanga Provence, Congo) 105e Division d'Infanterie Kisangani, Congo 109e Division d'Infanterie Katanga Provence, Congo 110e Division d'Infanterie Brazzaville, Congo L'Armee Coloniale Pais Francais Beta Canum Venaticorum Beta Canum Venaticorum-4 Nouvelle Europe Beowulf Queen Alice's Star Frome Kimanjano DM+34 2342 The world of Kimanjano is somewhat un-welcoming for its colonists from France and Azanian, but this wealthy colony has little in the way of strife or conflict and so needs little in the way of ground defense or internal security support for the Gendarmerie. However its strategic position has given it an increased importance and it has become the site of the French Local Strategic Reserve. The reserve is composed entirely of crack Foreign Legion or Marine combat units that can be dispatched to any trouble spot on the Arm. However it should be noted that these are not assault troops with the capacity to invade planetary systems but simply reinforcements. 209e Division d'Infanterie I/1e Rgiment Etranger d' Infanterie (II/1e REI) II/3e Rgiment Etranger d' Infanterie (II/3e REI) II/5e Rgiment Etranger d' Infanterie (II/5e REI) II/13e Demi-Brigade de la Lgion trangre (II/13e DBLE) III/13e Demi-Brigade de la Lgion trangre (III/13e DBLE) III/2e Rgiment d' Infanterie de Marine (III/2e RIMa) 212e Division d'Infanterie I/6e Rgiment d' Infanterie Coloniale (I/6e RIC) II/6e Rgiment d' Infanterie Coloniale (II/6e RIC) I/Rgiment Noire de Tirailleurs de Kimanjano (I/RNTK) II/Rgiment Noire de Tirailleurs de Kimanjano (II/RNTK) III/Rgiment Noire de Tirailleurs de Kimanjano (III/RNTK) I/Rgiment Grise de Tirailleurs de Kimanjano (I/RGTK) II/Rgiment Grise de Tirailleurs de Kimanjano (II/RGTK) Saint Benoit Alderhorst Vogelheim
The numbers of troops on Adlerhorst are restricted by the terms of the Treaty of Darwin that saw the deployment of Anglophone peacekeepers to the planet to halt the inter-colonial violence. However the troops that remain are of excellent quality, with the Militia units being almost full-time troops in terms of their training commitment. In addition the Gendarmerie has a large contingent of paramilitary reserve formations that most observers believe could act as passable infantry in times of tension. 210e Division d'Infanterie Rgiment de Hussards d' Aigle de la Nuit (RHAN) III/1e Rgiment d' Infanterie de Marine (III/1e RIMa) I/9e Rgiment d' Infanterie Coloniale (I/9e RIC) II/9e Rgiment d' Infanterie Coloniale (II/9e RIC) III/9e Rgiment d' Infanterie Coloniale (III/9e RIC) I/1e Rgiment de Fusiliers de Saint Benoit (I/1e RFSB) II/1e Rgiment de Fusiliers de Saint Benoit (II/1e RFSB) Nous Voila Beta Comae Berenices The colony world of BCB is occupied entirely by the French and so there is little tension in the area. There are only three militia battalions recruited from the major towns and being little more than social organizations. Although the Gendarmerie has a number of reserve units these are usually only used for extra policing during the occasional public demonstration. However the pastoral state has proved excellent for the placement of a commando and patrol school, to which two battalions are normally assigned permanently and detachments from other units rotate through. Centre d'Entrainment de Commandos et d'Eclairage de Nous Voila (CECdoENV) I/13e Demi-Brigade de la Legion Etranger (I/13 DBLE) I/8e Regiment d'Infanterie Coloniale (I/8 RIC) Gendarmerie de Nous Voila 1e Rgiment de Tirailleurs de Nous Voil (1e RTNV) 2e Rgiment de Tirailleurs de Nous Voil (2e RTNV) 3e Rgiment de Tirailleurs de Nous Voil (3e RTNV)
2e Corps Frome, Kimanjano, DM+34 2342 2e Corps was assigned to the Arme de Libration from the Arme de Manuvre to give some much needed fighting power to supplement the lightly equipped FAREM. The 2e Corps brought with it several of its major units, but most importantly the framework to fight a fast moving high intensity battle with Kafer field forces. The plan for the liberation of Kimanjano was for the FAREM/19e Corps to assault to seize the planet head and then for 2e Corps to take the main battle to the Kafers. Ultimately the 2e Corps role in the Battle of Fromme, isolating the city and destroying the mobile Kafer reserves was the vital one. The Corps went on to complete the liberation of the Azanian colony and oversee mopping up operations. The Corps is engaged in planning defensive operations, contingency planning for further operations and rebuilding the local Kimanjano defence forces. It is expected that should a Kafer assault again threaten the Cluster then 2e Corps will assume the main responsibility for the battle, but 19e Corps will run any offensive operations or limited strikes into the Eta Bootis Finger. Currently 2e Corps' major problem is in supporting its forces on a world badly damaged in the fighting and they are reliant on supplies from Beowulf. 2e Division Legere Blindee 14e Regiment d'Aero-Dragons Parachutiste de Tirane (14 RDPT) Recce 1e Regiment Etranger de Cavalerie (1 REC) 12e Chasseurs d'Afrique (12 ChA) 2e Regiment d'Aero-Hussards de Tirane (2 RHT) I/2e Regiment Etranger d'Infanterie (I/2 REI) III/Regiment de Tirailleurs du Tschad (III/RTT) I/6e Regiment d'Infanterie de Tirane (I/6 RIT) 2e Division de Marche Coloniale 1e Rgiment de Chasseurs de Kimanjano (1 RCK) I/2e Rgiment de Cavalerie Coloniale (I/2 RCC) III/2e Rgiment de Cavalerie Coloniale (III/2 RCC) II/3e Rgiment tranger d'Infanterie (II/3e REI) II/13e Demi-Brigade de la Lgion trangre (II/13 DBLE) I/6e Rgiment d'Infanterie Coloniale (I/6e RIC)
I/Demi-Brigade de Tirailleurs de Kimanjano (I/DBTK) II/Demi-Brigade de Tirailleurs de Kimanjano (II/DBTK) 9e Division de Marche 10e Rgiment d'Aero-Lanciers de Tirane (10e RBT) 15e Rgiment d'Aero-Chars de Tirane (15e RBT) 22e Rgiment d'Aero-Dragons de Tirane (22e RBT) 32e Rgiment d'Aero-Dragons de Tirane (32e RBT) I/5e Rgiment d'Infanterie de Tirane (I/5e RIT) II/6e Rgiment d'Infanterie de Tirane (II/6e RIT) II/17e Rgiment d'Infanterie de Tirane (II/17e RIT) 9e Division d'Infanterie Marine 1e Regiment d'Infanterie Chars de Marine (1 RICM) I/1e Regiment d'Infanterie de Marine (I/1 RIMa) II/1e Regiment d'Infanterie de Marine (II/1 RIMa) Combat Walker I/2e Regiment d'Infanterie de Marine (I/2 RIMa) II/3e Regiment d'Infanterie de Marine (II/3 RIMa) 1e Division Blindee 8e Regiment de Hussards (8 RH) Recce 501e Regiment de Chars de Combat (501 RCC) 506e Regiment de Chars de Combat (506 RCC) 18e Groupment de Chasseurs (18 GC) Combat Walker I/Regiment de Marche du Tschad (I/RMT) I/41e Regiment d'Infanterie (I/41 RI) 3e Division Airmobile I/1e Regiment d'Infanterie (I/1 RI) 3x Gunship Regiments - ALAT Transport Regiment - ALAT
II Polish Corps - Nous Voila, Beta Comae Berenices The II Polish Expeditionary Corps is the only higher foreign formation permanently assigned to the Arme. The corps has a dual role, it is responsible for co-ordinating Arme efforts on Nous Voila (partly a political effort by the French to restore links with the Poles) and for supporting Polish forces operating with the Ukrainians in the Arme d' Aurore. Currently the Corps has one French Infantry Division, two Polish brigade sized Battle Groups and a Anglo-Dutch Royal Marines Brigade under command. Efforts on Nous Voila are concentrated on delivering humanitarian aid, suppressing marauders and rebuilding local forces. Most of the Corps' support troops are operating in an infantry role. 104e Division d'Infanterie 24e Chasseurs d' Afrique (24e ChA) V/ Rgiment de Tirailleurs du Tchad (V/ RTT) - (CW) II/ Rgiment de Tirailleurs du Tchad (II/ RTT) 5e Rgiment de Tirailleurs de Cameroun (5e RTCa) VII/ Rgiment de Tirailleurs du Tchad (VII/ RTT) VIII/ Rgiment de Tirailleurs du Tchad (VIII/ RTT) IX/ Rgiment de Tirailleurs du Tchad (IX/ RTT) Battle Group 'Maczek', 1st Kiev Armoured Cavalry Division (Poland) Battle Group 'Sosabowski', 6th 'Czestochowa' Air Assault Division (Poland)
L'Armee d'Air Force de Frappe Controlling the bulk of Frances strategic bomber forces, Force de Frappe commands six bomber wings, a strategic reconnaissance wing and two air refueling wings. HQ in Taverny with squadrons based across European France and Algeria, the Force de Frappe is capable of deployment across the globe but is focused on operations in the European theatre of operations. 4e Escadre de Bombardment 'Dauphin' Avord, France EB I/4 'Charognard': 15 Vautour-A EB II/4 'Levrie': 15Vautour-A EB III/4 'Lion de Belfort': 15 Vautour-A 15e Escadre de Bombardment 'Lafayette' Luxeuil, France EB I/15 'Sioux': 15 Simoom-F EB II/15 'Cigognes': 15 Simoom-F EB III/15 Diable Rouge': 15 Gypaete Barbu-C 22e Escadre de Bombardment 'Limousin' Laghouat, Algeria EB I/22 'Aigle': 15 Vautour-A EB II/22 'Sarigue': 15 Vautour-A EB III/22 'Le Gaulois': 15 Vautour-A 25e Escadre de Bombardment 'Senegal' Bou Sfer, Algeria EB I/25 'Saint-Louis': 15 Vautour-A EB II/25 'Dakar': 15 Vautour-A EB III/25 'Tambacounda': 15 Vautour-A 44e Escadre de Bombardment 'Mistral' Dakar, Senegal EB I/44 'Aajej': 15 Vautour-A EB II/44 'Beshabar': 15 Vautour-A EB III/44 'Harmatan': 15 Vautour-A 92e Escadre de Bombardment 'Bourgogne' Laghouat, Algeria EB I/92 'Bourgogne': 15 Gypaete Barbu-C EB II/92 'Aquitaine': 15 Gypaete Barbu-C 91e Escadre de Reconnaissance Strategique 'Gascogne' Bou Sfer, Algeria ER I/91 'Gascogne': 15 Simoom-R ER II/91 'Bretagne': 15 Simoom-R ER III/91 'Landes': 15 Simoom-R 20e Escadre de Ravitaillement en vol 'Bretagne' Avord, France ERV I/20: 15 Caravelle AAR ERV II/20: 15 Caravelle AAR ERV III/20: 15 Caravelle AAR 66e Escadre de Ravitaillement en vol 'Bourbonnais' Laghouat, Algeria ERV I/66: 15 Artemis AAR ERV II/66: 15 Artemis AAR ERV III/66: 15 Artemis Aar 1e Force Aerien Tactique (1 FATAC) 1e FATAC covers ALA tactical combat operations in Europe, and would be the front line of defence against any German attack of France. HQ in Paris Air Base, it is considered the premier tactical force of the ALA. 1e FATAC controls two fighter-bomber wings, two multi-role fighter wings, four interceptor wings, one drone wing, one reconnaissance wing and a strategic wing. One Interceptor wing is deployed to the French Arm. 2e Escadre de Chasse 'Cignognes' Dijon, France EC I/2 'Cignogne de Guynemer': 15 Simoom-C5 EC II/2 'Cignogne de Fonck': 15 Simoom-C5 EC III/2 'Cignogne dite Saint Galmier': 15 Simoom-C5 3e Escadre de Chasse 'Navarre' Nancy Ochey, France EC I/3 'Gypaete': 15 Samiel-A EC II/3 'Coq de Combat': 15 Samiel-A EC III/3 'Cignogne de Navarre': 15 Samiel-A 6e Escadre de Chasse 'Cote d'Or' Orange, France EC I/6 'Chimere d'Argent': 15 Simoom-C5
EC II/6 'La Mouette': 15 Simoom-C5 EC III/6 'La Mort Qui Fauche': 15 Simoom-C5 7e Escadre de Chasse 'Provence' Saint Dizier-Robinson, France EC I/7 'Casque de Bayard': 15 Samiel-A EC II/7 'Croix de Jerusalem': 15 Samiel-A EC III/7 'Aigne Empietant Une Tete de Mort': 15 Samiel-A 9e Escadre de Chasse 'Ile de France' Orange, France EC I/9 'Paris': 15 Simoom-C5 EC II/9 'Versailles': 15 Simoom-C5 EC III/9 'Vincennes': 15 Simoom-C5 30e Escadre de Chasse 'Normandie-Nieman' Reims, France EC I/30 'Valois': 15 Simoom-C5 deployed Pais Francais, Beta Canum Venitacorum EC II/30 'Normandie-Nieman': 15 Simoom-C5 deployed to 135e Escadre de Chasse, Force Aerienne d'Aurore EC III/30 'Lorriane': 15 Simoom-C5 deployed Nouvelle Europe, Beowulf 73e Escadre de Chasse 'Algerie' Tours, France EC I/73 'Algiers': 15 Faucon III EC II/73 'Oran': 15 Faucon III EC III/73 'Constantine': 15 Faucon III 100e Escadre de Chasse 'Ile de Tirane' Florennes, Wallonia EC I/100 'Lome': 15 Faucon III EC II/100 'Doula': 15 Faucon III EC III/100 'Sassandra': 15 Faucon III 16e Escadre de Reconnaissance 'Savoie' Reims, France ER I/16 'Cocotte de Gueule': 15 Simoom-CR ER II/16 'C53': 15 Simoom-CR ER III/16 'Mouette Rhenane':15 Simoom-CR 13e Escadre de Chasse 'Alsace' Colmar, France EC I/13 'Colmar': 40 Vortex EC II/13 'Strasbourg': 40 Vortex EC III/13 'Mulhouse': 40 Vortex 54e Escadre de Chasse 'Dunkerque' Metz, France EB I/54: 6 Artemis AWAC EB II/54: 15 Poignard III AWAC EB III/54: 15 Caravelle AAR 2e Force Aerien Tactique (2 FATAC) Libreville, Gabon 2e FATAC is responsible for the defence of French Africa, and is also used as a reserve force to support other ALA forces on Earth. HQ in Libreville, 2e FATAC controls two fighter-bomber wings, one multi-role fighter wing, two interceptor wings, two drone wings, one reconnaissance wing and one strategic wing. 29e Escadre de Chasse 'Zaire' Kinshasa, Zaire EC I/29 'Kinshasa': 15 Simoom-C5 EC II/29 'Kisingani': 15 Simoom-C5 EC III/29 'Mbandaka': 15 Simoom-C5 38e Escadre de Chasse 'Djibouti' Ambouli, Djibouti EC I/38 'Ale Sabieh': 15 Crecerelle-C EC II/38 'Tadjourah': 15 Crecerelle-C EC III/38 'Yoboki': 15 Crecerelle-C 94e Escadre de Chasse 'Cote d'Ivoire' Kinshasa, Zaire EC I/94 'Abidjan': 15 Samiel-A Abidjan, Ivory Coast EC II/94 'Yamoussoukro': 15 Samiel-A EC III/94 'Bouake': 15 Grand Duc Libreville, Gabon 96e Escadre de Chasse 'Tschad' N'Djamena, Chad EC I/96 'N'Djamena': 15 Simoom-C5 EC II/96 'Mbaibokoum': 15 Simoom-C5 EC III/96 'Faya-Largeau': 15 Simoom-C5 Dakar, Senegal 75e Escadre de Chasse 'Cameroun' Doula, Cameroon EC I/75 'Doula': 15 Faucon III EC II/75 'Yaounde': 15 Faucon III Libreville, Gabon
EC III/75 'Ngaoundere': 15 Faucon III Dakar, Senegal 98e Escadre de Reconnaissance 'Katanga' Kolwezi, Katanga ER I/98 'Kolwezi': 15 Simoom-CR ER II/98 'Likasi': 15 Simoom-CR Bou Sfer, Algeria ER III/98 'Lubumbashi': 15 Simoom-CR N'Djamena, Chad 41e Escadre de Chasse 'Verdun' Libreville, Gabon EC I/41 'Douaumont': 40 Vortex EC II/41 'Vaux': 40 Petit Duc EC III/41'Souville': 40 Petit Duc 69e Escadre de Chasse 'Burkino Faso' Laghouat, Algeria EC I/69 'Ouagadougou': 40 Vortex EC II/69 'Kaya': 40 Petit Duc Ouagdougou, Burkino Faso EC III/69 'Banfora': 40 Vortex 89e Escadre Strategique 'Cote de Guinee' Libreville, Gabon ES I/87: 6 Artemis AWAC EDA II/87: 15 Poingard II AWAC ERV III/97: 15 Caravelle AAR Laghouat, Algeria 3e Force Aerien Tactique (3 FATAC) Nouvelle Provence, Tirane
German Empire High Command of the German Armed Forces Oberkommando des Deutsches Bundeswehr (OKDB) Germany has a single Defence HQ which controls all of the Corps of the German Army, even those on other worlds (if only nominally), in addition to naval, air and space force assets. On Earth there are a number of army troops placed under the direct command of the OKDB. OKDB Troops 1 Airlanding (Luftlande) Division The airlanding division was formed from the Bavarian airlanding division reinforced with specialist units from Saxony, Hannover and Brandenburg. The role of the 'Green Devils' is theatre entry, counter-desant, urban combat and peacekeeping missions. In time of war each brigade would be assigned to individual Corps to bolster the reserve infantry brigades. The division is manned with the cream of the conscript intake and many veterans go onto join Jger Brigades of the Kolonial Corps. 27 Airborne (Fallschirmjager) Brigade 271 Para Battalion 272 Para Battalion 273 Para Battalion 28 Airborne (Fallschirmjager) Brigade 281 Para Battalion 282 Para Battalion 283 Para Battalion 29 Airborne (Fallschirmjager) Brigade 291 Para Battalion 292 Para Battalion 293 Para Battalion 33 Air Assault (Luftangriff) Brigade The air assault brigade is an out-growth of the Sturmtaktik concept applied to the depth battle. It involves the insertion of small bodies of highly trained and motivated soldiers in lightning assaults on enemy key points in an attempt to alter the tactical battle. The division includes only three battalion sized formations but has integral air support. In the event of hostilities these units would be assigned to missions chosen by OKDB at the request of individual Corps. KampfGroup 331 KampfGroup 332 KampfGroup 333 39 Jager Brigade 39.Jg.Bde is the controlling HQ for Germany's special operations forces on Earth. Germany has traditionally relied on heavy armour rather than commandos in its wars. Following the Reunification the various state units were reorganised and consolidated into a single brigade. It was noticeable that Bavarian and Westphalian units fared relatively badly in this reorganisation as some doubts were professed over the closeness of their relations with their French counterparts. This was perhaps more a case of internal politics than reality. Kdo.Abt.391 are a traditional SAS style multi-role SF unit. Kdo.Abt.392 is a more cloak and dagger unit with the emphasis on infiltration, sabotage and covert operations, it works closely with the BND. It continues to operate outside of Germany's borders and has become a bogeyman figure to neighboring states. Kdo.Abt.393 and 394 are commando/ranger style units that can operate as raiders or in support to other 39.Jg.Bde units. Troops from the brigade provide the manpower for the colonial Sonderverbands. 391st Commando Battalion 'Braunschweig (Kdo.Abt.391) 392nd Commando Battalion 'Brandenburg (Kdo.Abt.392) 393rd Commando Battalion 'Steiner' (Kdo.Abt.392) 394th Commando Battalion 'Balck' (Kdo.Abt.394)
German Army Deutsches Bundeswehr I Corps I Corps is the main formation tasked with defending Germany's western border. Put simply it is the Bundesrepublik's first line of defence should war with France break out again. During the war it was responsible for the southern half of the battlefront and took the main thrust of the French offensive in Baden. Lift Panzer Division 'Lehr' Lift Panzer Recon Bn 130 Lift Panzer Bn 130 Lift Panzer Pioneer Bn 130 130 Lift Panzer Artillery Brigade Lift Panzer Drone Artillery Bn 130 Lift Panzer Artillery Bn 1 Lift Panzer Artillery Bn 2 Lift Panzer Artillery Bn 16 Lift Panzer Flak Bn 130 1 Lift Panzer Brigade 'Lehr' Lift Panzer Bn 11 Lift Panzer Bn 12 Lift Panzergrenadier Bn 13 Lift Panzergrenadier Bn 14 2 Lift Panzer Brigade 'Bayerlein' Lift Panzer Bn 21 Lift Panzer Bn 22 Lift Panzergrenadier Bn 23 Lift Panzergrenadier Bn 24 16 Lift Panzergrenadier Brigade 'Hartmann' Lift Panzergrenadier Bn 161 Lift Panzergrenadier Bn 162 Lift Panzer Bn 163 Lift Panzer Bn 164 6 Lift Panzer Division 'Gespenst' Lift Panzer Recon Bn 6 Lift Panzer Bn 6 Lift Panzer Pioneer Bn 6 6 Lift Panzer Artillery Brigade Lift Panzer Drone Artillery Bn 6 Lift Panzer Artillery Bn 9 Lift Panzer Artillery Bn 10 Lift Panzer Flak Bn 6 9 Lift Panzer Brigade Lift Panzer Bn 91 Lift Panzer Bn 92 Lift Panzergrenadier Bn 93 Lift Panzergrenadier Bn 94 10 Lift Panzer Brigade 'Rommel' Lift Panzergrenadier Bn 101 Lift Panzergrenadier Bn 102 Lift Panzer Bn 103 Lift Panzer Bn 104 2 Lift Panzergrenadier Division Lift Panzer Recon Bn 2 Lift Panzer Sturmtaktik Bn 2 Lift Panzer Pioneer Bn 2 2 Lift Panzer Artillery Brigade Lift Panzer Drone Artillery Bn 2 Lift Panzer Artillery Bn 5
Lift Panzer Artillery Bn 6 Lift Panzer Flak Bn 1 5 Lift Panzergrenadier Brigade Lift Panzergrenadier Bn 51 Lift Panzergrenadier Bn 52 Lift Panzer Bn 53 Lift Panzer Bn 54 6 Lift Panzergrenadier Brigade Lift Panzergrenadier Bn 61 Lift Panzergrenadier Bn 62 Lift Panzer Bn 63 Lift Panzer Bn 64 30 Sturmtaktik (Gefectspanzergrenadier) Brigade 30.GfPzGren Brigade is the descendent of the original Bavarian 'sturmtaktik' trials unit. Rapidly federalised it was placed under the operational command of the newly formed LkPzGr Division 'Deutschland' for the War with France. It was involved in numerous point assaults against French airmobile infantry redoubts on the advance to the Somme, but during the Battle of Picardy the depleted unit eventually failed to adequately suppress the French light anti-tank screen and a war winning break out was prevented. Nevertheless the unit had proven the Sturmtaktik concept and paved the way for the creation of other such units. The brigade was rebuilt and re-assigned as a Corps asset. Lift Panzer Sturmtaktik Bn 301 Lift Panzer Sturmtaktik Bn 302 Lift Panzer Bn 303 1 Reconnaissance Group (ReconGroup) II Corps II Corps was formed in the autumn of 2292 to provide a force for the protection of the eastern parts of Germany. It was the lead formation in the occupation of key points in Bavaria, a job it conducted admirably, even after provocation by antiReunificationist elements in the Bavarian military. When the war erupted II Corps was rapidly moved into the area around Frankfurt where it took the lead for operations against the French in the north. Today it is responsible for the security of eastern Germany. The Corps HQ is located in Potsdam. Lift Panzergrenadier Division 'Wiedervereinigung' LkPzGren Division 'Wiedervereinigung' was formed in the aftermath of the War when some in the higher echelons were concerned about the variation in performance of some of the national army divisions. A complete reform of the army was mooted, but in the end only one completely new division was formed. The Division is named for the Reunification. The division has the usual three brigade structure of 'named' divisions and is based around Neustrelitz in Eastern Germany. Lift Panzer Recon Bn 132 Lift Panzer Sturmtaktik Bn 132 Lift Panzer Pioneer Bn 132 132 Lift Panzer Artillery Brigade Lift PanzerdrohneArtilleryBn 132 Lift Panzer Artillery Bn 22 Lift Panzer Artillery Bn 23 Lift Panzer Artillery Bn 24 Lift Panzer Flak Bn 132 22 Lift Panzer Brigade Lift Panzer Bn 221 Lift Panzer Bn 222 Lift Panzergrenadier Bn 223 Lift Panzergrenadier Bn 224 23 Lift Panzergrenadier Brigade Lift Panzergrenadier Bn 231 Lift Panzergrenadier Bn 232 Lift Panzer Bn 233 Lift Panzer Bn 234 24 Lift Panzergrenadier Brigade Lift Panzergrenadier Bn 241 Lift Panzergrenadier Bn 242 Lift Panzer Bn 243
Lift Panzer Bn 244 1 Lift Panzer Division 1.LkPz Division is the direct descendent of the original Bundeswehr's 1.Pz.Division. It had a distinguished record in WWIII spearheading several NATO attacks. At the end of the war it found itself garrisoning Bremerhaven and became the backbone of an enclave along the lower Weser. The division was incorporated into the Hanoverian Army in the late 2000's and served with it ever since. The division occupied Stuttgart in 2291 and was later one of the first units in action against the French and was very badly damaged but is now rebuilt. Lift Panzer Recon Bn 1 Lift Panzer Bn 1 Lift Panzer Pioneer Bn 1 1 Lift Panzer Artillery Brigade Lift Panzer Drone Artillery Bn 1 Lift Panzer Artillery Bn 3 Lift Panzer Artillery Bn 4 Lift Panzer Flak Bn 1 3 Lift Panzer Brigade Lift Panzer Bn 31 Lift Panzer Bn 32 Lift Panzergrenadier Bn 33 Lift Panzergrenadier Bn 34 4 Lift Panzer Brigade Lift Panzer Bn 41 Lift Panzer Bn 42 Lift Panzergrenadier Bn 43 Lift Panzergrenadier Bn 44 3 Lift Panzergrenadier Division 3.LkPz.Div was initially converted from the Westphalian 2nd Panzergrenadier Division, then the only Westphalian division equipped with hovertanks. The division was originally equipped with new build AC-10's built in the Ruhr but re-equipped with the very inferior LkPz-VIII before the outbreak of hostilities and reorganised to the new Bundeswehr organisation. 3.LkPz.Div was one of the first German units to see action probing across the Rhine attempting to break up the French assaults. It was eventually forced back into the suburbs of Frankfurt where it formed various KampfGroup. At the end of hostilities the remnants of the force were combined with elements of the newly federalised 1st Panzer Brigade which was badly damaged in Picardy. The division was first in line for re-equipment with the LkPz-IX fresh from the factories. It is currently deployed with II Corps in Saxony in the area around Erfurt. Lift Panzer Recon Bn 3 Lift Panzer Sturmtaktik Bn 3 Lift Panzer Pioneer Bn 3 3 Lift Panzer Artillery Brigade Lift Panzer Drone Artillery Bn 3 Lift Panzer Artillery Bn 7 Lift Panzer Artillery Bn 8 Lift Panzer Flak Bn 3 7 Lift Panzergrenadier Brigade Lift Panzergrenadier Bn 71 Lift Panzergrenadier Bn 72 Lift Panzer Bn 73 Lift Panzer Bn 74 8 Lift Panzergrenadier Brigade Lift Panzergrenadier Bn 81 Lift Panzergrenadier Bn 82 Lift Panzer Bn 83 Lift Panzer Bn 84 31 Sturmtaktik (Gefectspanzergrenadier) Brigade Lift Panzer Sturmtaktik Bn 311 Lift Panzer Sturmtaktik Bn 312 Lift Panzer Bn 313 2 Reconnaissance Group (ReconGroup)
III Corps III Corps was formed early in 2293 in response to the growing tension with France and the continuing absence of II Corps deployed in Bavaria. The Corps was to beef up defences on the Polish border, but initially it was a formation of dubious quality. It was composed of the newly organised Deutschland Division and the disaffected 7.Pz.Div, however its Westphalian commander threw it into a series of exercises to knit it together. III Corps was launched into the pivotal assault through the Ardennes that ended in the Battle of Picardy which forced the Armistice and French acceptance of Bavaria's integration into Germany. Although a far from flawless performance the Corps gained great renown from its assault and today retains the pivotal reserve role. Lift Panzergrenadier Division 'Deutschland' The 'Deutschland' Division was formed in 2292 as an echo of the mooted pan-German unit that was proposed for the Central Asian War. It was formed from volunteers from across the German States and intended to be the figure-head unit of the Bundeswehr and was a top priority. However unlike its sister Division 'Lehr' few of the soldiers were veterans and many were more motivated by nationalism than professionalism. Having existed for only six months the division was really unfit to be deployed on active service but bolstered by an experimental Bavarian Sturmtaktik brigade it took part in the assault through the Ardennes. It proved itself in flanking operations but came unstuck in its first divisional set-piece battle which ended the German attempt to reach Paris. The division's troops were exceptionally brave, continuing to attack after severe casualties but their units and leaders lacked experience and cohesion. Nevertheless the unit was lionised in the press on its return, much to the disgust of the divisional commander. He responded by rebuilding the unit and bringing in innovative training systems, promoting talented leaders and ruthlessly sacking the dead wood. By 2295 the division was recognised as one of the finest in the Bundeswehr, and maintaining this position has become a unit tradition. The tightly disciplined soldiers of the division are fit, aggressive and not a little arrogant, but they believe they have earned the right. Lift Panzer Recon Bn 131 Lift Panzer Sturmtaktik Bn 131 Lift Panzer Pioneer Bn 131 131 Lift Panzer Artillery Brigade Lift Panzer Drone Artillery Bn 131 Lift Panzer Artillery Bn 11 Lift Panzer Artillery Bn 12 Lift Panzer Artillery Bn 17 Lift Panzer Flak Bn 131 11 Lift Panzergrenadier Brigade 'Deutschland' Lift Panzergrenadier Bn 111 Lift Panzergrenadier Bn 112 Lift Panzer Bn 113 Lift Panzer Bn 114 12 Lift Panzergrenadier Brigade 'Hoch und Deutschmeister' Lift Panzergrenadier Bn 121 Lift Panzergrenadier Bn 122 Lift Panzer Bn 123 Lift Panzer Bn 124 17 Lift Panzer Brigade 'Bismarck' Lift Panzer Bn 171 Lift Panzer Bn 172 Lift Panzergrenadier Bn 173 Lift Panzergrenadier Bn 174 5 Lift Panzergrenadier Division Federalised in 2291 5.LkPzGren.Div was involved in securing Bavaria and would later fight in a delaying action against the French in Baden with I Corps. It has lost most of its previous associations with Brandenburg, strangely as it is the only national army division to retain state numbering, although it still recruits from the area. Lift Panzer Recon Bn 5 Lift Panzer Sturmtaktik Bn 5 Lift Panzer Pioneer Bn 5 5 Lift Panzer Artillery Brigade Lift Panzer Drone Artillery Bn 5 Lift Panzer Artillery Bn 301 Lift Panzer Artillery Bn 302 Lift Panzer Flak Bn 5 301 Lift Panzergrenadier Brigade
Lift Panzergrenadier Bn 3011 Lift Panzergrenadier Bn 3012 Lift Panzer Bn 3013 Lift Panzer Bn 3014 302 Lift Panzergrenadier Brigade Lift Panzergrenadier Bn 3021 Lift Panzergrenadier Bn 3022 Lift Panzer Bn 3023 Lift Panzer Bn 3024 7 Lift Panzer Division 'Der Legion' 7.LkPz.Div is one of the more renowned units in the German order of battle. Originally the Deutsche Legion, it was one of the units converted to a LkPz Division in the national army, although not without protest from the traditionalist legionnaires. It played a spearhead role with III Corps assault through the Ardennes and broke the French covering forces at the Meuse but was unable to force a win at the Battle of Picardy. The 7.LkPz found itself in disfavour with both political and military authorities, due to the constant complaints about the conduct of the war from all ranks of the division. It found itself denied the laurels it believed were its due in spite of a fine showing in battle. After the war the division was one of the first to be rebuilt with newly enlisted conscripts and NCO's brought in from outside the division. Many of the newly redundant 'old and bold' regular soldiers would enlist with the British Royal German Legion, in the same way that disgruntled Bavarian troops flocked to the French Lgion trangre. Since then the division has been somewhat rehabilitated and has regained some of its old lan and elements of its previous history recognised. Its rivalry with the 'Deutschland' is unabated however. Lift Panzer Recon Bn 7 Lift Panzer Breakthrough (Panzer Breakthrough (Panzerschwerpunkt)) Bn 7 Lift Panzer Pioneer Bn 7 7 Lift Panzer Artillery Brigade Lift Panzer Drone Artillery Bn 7 Lift Panzer Artillery Bn 18 Lift Panzer Artillery Bn 19 Lift Panzer Flak Bn 7 18 Lift Panzer Brigade 'Kielmansegge' Lift Panzer Bn 181 Lift Panzer Bn 182 Lift Panzergrenadier Bn 183 Lift Panzergrenadier Bn 184 19 Lift Panzer Brigade 'Ompteda' Lift Panzer Bn 191 Lift Panzer Bn 192 Lift Panzergrenadier Bn 193 Lift Panzergrenadier Bn 194 32 Sturmtaktik (Gefectspanzergrenadier) Brigade Lift Panzer Sturmtaktik Bn 321 Lift Panzer Sturmtaktik Bn 322 Lift Panzer Bn 323 3 Reconnaissance Group (ReconGroup) IX (Kolonial) Corps IX Corps is an administrative command responsible for all national army forces deployed or destined for off-world service. It has no Tactical HQ elements as all Kolonial Corps forces are operationally subordinate to other commands. However IX Corps is responsible for training and recruiting all of their units and individuals before they deploy from Earth. Smaller depots are established at Neubayern and Beta Canum for recruits from the colonies. IX Corps recruits exclusively from German citizens who have already served at least two years with either national or state armies as conscripts or volunteers. Its training program is a short 10 weeks to ensure the fitness of the recruit and bring them up to speed on Kolonial Corps procedures. This recruitment of experienced soldiers has resulted in IX Corps units being regarded as superior to most of their colleagues. Many units have a backbone of veteran NCO and officers with experience in the War of Reunification. The corps' units are all regular. The corps consists of two strong Panzer Grenadier divisions and a number of independent brigade groups. The two divisions were previously Bavarian divisions with expeditionary taskings. The Jgers are mostly formed from a re-organisation of the old Bavarian 22nd Kolonial Jger Division. A recent addition since the Reunification war and the Heidelsheimat stand-off is the assault landing brigade, Germany's new 'fire brigade'.
4 Colonial Lift Panzergrenadier Division 4.LkPzGren.Div was formerly the Bavarian ready division stationed on the French Arm with units at Neubayern and BCV. However since the War it now has responsibility for the Core, American and Chinese Arms and is based on Earth. One of its brigades was transferred to 8.LkPzGren.Div and was replaced by a brigade recruited from expatriates from the Tiranean colony of Freihafen (originally known as Garten) which declared independence as a result of the War. This brigade is noted for its professionalism and strongly nationalist sentiment, part of the brigade has been on stand-by for possible intervention on Heidelsheimat for several years. The remaining brigade, 26.LkPzGren, in the division is nominally a reserve brigade but in reality provides cover for a special operations unit equipped with French, Polish and Czech equipment. Utilising elements of the old Westphalian 1st Pz Bde the unit is tasked to cause havoc and confusion behind enemy lines in war. Secrecy is fierce around the unit. Lift Panzer Recon Bn 4 Lift Panzer Sturmtaktik Bn 4 Lift Panzer Pioneer Bn 4 4 Lift Panzer Artillery Brigade Lift Panzer Drone Artillery Bn 4 Lift Panzer Artillery Bn 25 Lift Panzer Artillery Bn 26 Lift Panzer Flak Bn 4 13 Lift Panzer Brigade Lift Panzer Artillery Bn 13 Lift Panzer Bn 131 Lift Panzer Bn 132 Lift Panzergrenadier Bn 133 Lift Panzergrenadier Bn 134 25 Reserve Lift Panzergrenadier Brigade Lift Panzergrenadier Bn 251 Lift Panzergrenadier Bn 252 Lift Panzer Bn 253 Lift Panzer Bn 254 26 Lift Panzergrenadier Brigade 'Garten' Lift Panzergrenadier Bn 261 Lift Panzergrenadier Bn 262 Lift Panzer Bn 263 Lift Panzer Bn 264 8 Lift Panzergrenadier Division 'Windhund' Formerly a Bavarian division with strong combat experience in the Central Asian War (where it gained the Windhund name) as well as stints in garrison on Garten. This division is now the German Army's heavy combat force in the French Arm. Stationed at BCV when post-War tensions climbed it also commands 14.LkPz.Bde which is based on Vogelheim. 8.LkPzGren.Div has sent combat forces to Eta Bootis, and is prepared to send other units at company to KampfGroup size should conflict on Aurore escalate further. The division is equipped with modern AFVs except for 14.LkPzGren.Bde which is based on LkPz-VIII's to comply with arms reductions measures on Vogelheim imposed by the Treaty of Darwin. Lift Panzer Recon Bn 8 Lift Panzer Sturmtaktik Bn 8 Lift Panzer Pioneer Bn 8 8 Lift Panzer Artillery Brigade Lift Panzer Drone Artillery Bn 8 Lift Panzer Artillery Bn 20 Lift Panzer Artillery Bn 21 Lift Panzer Flak Bn 8 20 Lift Panzer Brigade Lift Panzer Bn 201 Lift Panzer Bn 202 Lift Panzergrenadier Bn 203 Lift Panzergrenadier Bn 204 21 Lift Panzergrenadier Brigade Lift Panzergrenadier Bn 211 Lift Panzergrenadier Bn 212 Lift Panzer Bn 213
Lift Panzer Bn 214 14 Lift Panzergrenadier Brigade - Vogelheim Lift Panzer Artillery Bn 14 Lift Panzergrenadier Bn 141 Lift Panzergrenadier Bn 142 Lift Panzer Bn 143 Lift Panzer Bn 144 34 Jger Brigade Formerly the 1st Halb-Brigade of 22 Jg Division based on Hochbaden this formation was expanded after Reunification. The brigade is especially skilled due to its dual surface/orbital role and training and is considered an elite. Jger Bn 341 Jger Bn 342 Jger Bn 343 35 Jger Brigade Originally a part of the 22nd Jg Division and based on BCV this brigade saw limited action in the Reunification War, mostly in hunting for French special forces. With 36 Brigade's arrival at BCV 35 Bde was transferred to Joi where it remains. Jger Bn 351 Jger Bn 352 Jger Bn 353 36 Jger Brigade 36.Jg.Bde was formed in 2291 as a battalion of German soldiers who had deserted from the Lgion trangre when the crisis leading up to the Reunification War began. They fought in the battles for Stuttgart and Frankfurt earning no mean reputation, especially for the ferocity of their meetings with Foreign Legion units. With the armistice the unit was rebuilt and expanded thanks to a further influx of former Legionnaires and volunteers from Garten/Freihafen and some from Heidelsheimat. It was sent to BCV in 2293 in response to tensions between French and German colonies on that world. The brigade remains there to this day and has a fine reputation for its military skills. Jger Bn 361 Jger Bn 362 Jger Bn 363 37 Jger Brigade 37.Jg.Bde exists only as an administrative formation. It is responsible for the Jger battalions based at Dunkelheim and Vogelheim. The Vogelheim battalion has its own skills thanks to its high profile role as the lead German force on Vogelheim and liaisons with their French neighbours and international peacekeepers are sometimes heated. Elements of Jg.Btl.372 have also been deployed against anti-Reunificationist elements on Adlerhorst. The Dunkelheim battalion has a long association with that world from when the colony was a penal facility. In spite of occasionally being called in to beef up the local police or in suppressing banditry it retained a remarkably low profile. The leadership of the battalion was purged in the years after Reunification after being seen as being 'too close' to the civilian leadership toying with a move towards independence. Indeed there has been a gradual shift of Bavarians and Dunkelheimers out of the unit with others, mainly North Germans and Saxons coming in. Relations with the civilian community have become slightly strained. Jger Batallion 371 - Dunkelheim Jger Batallion 372- Vogelheim 38 Interface Assault (Orbitallande) Brigade 38 Brigade is trained as a specialist intervention force working closely with the DSKM/DSM and the other Kolonial Jger brigades. It's soldiers are hand picked from the IX Corps Jger and other Airborne (Fallschirmjger) units, and it is intended for the unit to form the spearhead of any German colonial interventions. For some time the unit has been involved in contingency planning for operations against Heidelsheimat should a political decision be made that this is required. The brigade's main problem is the lack of dedicated assault shipping, as German ship-building is dedicated to building warships they will be forced to rely on the old Bavarian fast troop ships for some time to come. Jger Bn 381 Jger Bn 382 Jger Bn 383 Germany has two special forces organisations on the French Arm, about which little is known. Although French propaganda about Sonderverband 1's activities on Joi during and after the Elysian War make interesting reading. Elements of Sonderverband 2 have been active on Vogelheim. Colonial Special Purpose Unit (Kolonial Sonderverband) 1 Colonial Special Purpose Unit (Kolonial Sonderverband) 2
IV Reserve Corps 52 Bavarian Lift Panzergrenadier Division This division has been recently created by combining and expanding two PKR's and the HQ of a disbanded division. Bavaria had several PKR's, independent light armoured groups of KampfGroup size ideal for screening and expeditionary operations and descended from US Cavalry units. These were well regarded and produced many influential officers, but PKR 11 was strongly opposed to Reunification and was disbanded after clashing with Saxon national army units. As a sop to the PKR lobby this new division was formed and has quickly gained a strong reputation and esprit de corps. PKR 8 won a fine reputation in the WoGR striking deep into Alsace out of the Black Forest region and hitting the flanks of the French forces attacking towards Stuttgart. PKR 7 was stationed on Tirane and voted to repatriate itself in 2293 and it still has many Freihafeners in its ranks. The division is based in the area around Fulda. Bavarian Panzer Recon Bn 52 Bavarian Panzer Breakthrough (Panzerschwerpunkt) Bn 52 Bavarian Panzer Pioneer Bn 52 52 Bavarian Lift Panzer Artillery Brigade Bavarian Lift Panzer Drone Artillery Bn 52 Bavarian Panzer Artillery Bn 8 Bavarian Panzer Artillery Bn 7 Bavarian Flak Bn 52 8 Bavarian Lift Panzer Brigade (Panzer Kavallerie Regiment 8) Bavarian Panzer Bn 81 Bavarian Panzer Bn 82 Bavarian Grenadier Bn 83 Bavarian Grenadier Bn 84 7 Bavarian Lift Panzergrenadier Brigade (Panzer Kavallerie Regiment 7) Bavarian Grenadier Bn 71 Bavarian Grenadier Bn 72 Bavarian Panzer Bn 73 Bavarian Panzer Bn 74 54 Bavarian Panzerjger Division 54.PzJg.Div was formed from the rump of two units heavily damaged in the WoGR. It is a reserve unit based in and around Stuttgart with one active and one reserve brigades. The division is on a relatively high standard of readiness due to its closeness to the French border. Bavarian Panzer Recon Bn 54 Bavarian Panzer Pioneer Bn 54 54 Bavarian Panzer Artillery Brigade Bavarian Panzer Artillery Bn 54 Bavarian Panzer Artillery Bn 10 Bavarian Panzer Artillery Bn 24 Bavarian Flak Bn 54 10 Bavarian Panzergrenadier Brigade Bavarian Grenadier Bn 101 Bavarian Grenadier Bn 102 Bavarian Panzer Bn 103 Bavarian Panzer Bn 104 24 Bavarian Panzerjger Brigade Bavarian Grenadier Bn 241 Bavarian Grenadier Bn 242 Bavarian Panzer Bn 243 Bavarian Panzer Bn 244 56 Bavarian Panzerjger Division 56.PzJg.Div is based in Munich and Regensburg and has similar roots to 54 PzJ Div. The role of the Division is as a reserve within the Corps for action in the west, but could also be deployed on the Czech and Austrovenian frontiers. Bavarian Panzer Recon Bn 56 Bavarian Panzer Breakthrough (Panzerschwerpunkt) Bn 56 Bavarian Panzer Pioneer Bn 56 56 Bavarian Panzer Artillery Brigade Bavarian Panzer Artillery Bn 56 Bavarian Panzer Artillery Bn 11
Bavarian Panzer Artillery Bn 27 Bavarian Flak Bn 56 11 Bavarian Panzergrenadier Brigade Bavarian Grenadier Bn 111 Bavarian Grenadier Bn 112 Bavarian Panzer Bn 113 Bavarian Panzer Bn 114 27 Bavarian Panzerjger Brigade Bavarian Grenadier Bn 271 Bavarian Grenadier Bn 272 Bavarian Panzer Bn 273 Bavarian Panzer Bn 274 40 Bavarian Sturmtaktik (Gefectspanzergrenadier) Brigade As 40.PzGren.Div this formation took heavy casualties (the heaviest of any Bavarian unit) in the defence of Stuttgart during the war. With the federalisation of the original Bavarian sturmtaktik units the remains of the unit were re-roled to become the Corps assault brigade. Bavarian Grenadier Bn 401 Bavarian Grenadier Bn 402 Bavarian Panzer Bn 403 107 Bavarian Lift Panzer Recon Brigade (Panzer Kavallerie Regiment 107) Another of the old PKR's, 107.LkPzAuf.Bde is the corps recce and screening force. It is usually deployed along the Upper Rhine. It has the highest readiness levels of any unit in IV Corps whilst also liaising closely with I Corps. Bavarian Recon Bn 1071 Bavarian Recon Bn 1072 Bavarian Recon Bn 1072 1 Bavarian Panzer Brigade This unit is IV Corps heavy tank brigade. It is stationed in Stuttgart. Bavarian Panzer Bn 11 Bavarian Panzer Bn 12 Bavarian Grenadier Bn 13 The Bavarian reserve infantry brigades are very well equipped and manned by Class B reserves alone. They have inherited much equipment from disbanded units and have a stronger punch than their counterparts in other state armies - and hence are designated as PzJg units. They are independent units designed to supplement the standing divisions or act on their own. One potential role is in covering the Czech and Austrovenian borders in the case of renewed tension with France. 501 Bavarian Reserve Panzerjger Brigade Bavarian Jger Bn 5011 Bavarian Jger Bn 5012 Bavarian Jger Bn 5013 502 Bavarian Reserve Panzerjger Brigade Bavarian Jger Bn 5021 Bavarian Jger Bn 5022 Bavarian Jger Bn 5023 503 Bavarian Reserve Panzerjger Brigade Bavarian Jger Bn 5031 Bavarian Jger Bn 5032 Bavarian Jger Bn 5033 504 Bavarian Reserve Panzerjger Brigade Bavarian Jger Bn 5041 Bavarian Jger Bn 5042 Bavarian Jger Bn 5043 V Reserve Corps V Corps is primarily composed of units of the Saxon Volks Armee but also has a small component from the Bavarian Staatwehr. The role of V Corps is in the defence of eastern Germany from incursions from Czechoslovakia with an eye also kept on the border with Poland. Consequently it works closely with II Corps and VIII Reserve Corps. In the years before Reunification the SVA had excellent relations with their Czech colleagues, and although this relationship has cooled somewhat V Corps maintains a bilateral exchange scheme. V Corps still has some units equipped with Czech AFVs but are
continuing to replace them with native German designs. V Corps generally has a good reputation for its soldiering abilities within the Bundeswehr partly resting on the rigorous training programs used by the SVA. The Corps is composed of a hover mobile division, a tracked division and a mountain infantry division. Support is provided by four Saxon and Bavarian reserve brigades. The Corps HQ is in Leipzig. 2 Saxon Lift Panzergrenadier Division The 2nd Saxon LkPzG Div is the senior-most division in the Saxon Army and had won no little renown for the conduct of its units in the Central Asian War. It was not chosen for conversion into a national army division because of its equipment with tracked MBTs and wheeled APCs and re-equipping was deemed to take too long. The division fought with its existing equipment against the French, proving itself in the suburbs of Frankfurt. After the War the division's 16 Brigade was moved to 211 Div and replaced with a Bavarian Panzer brigade. Both formations were equipped with LkPz-IX's. The division is based in Dessau. Hussar Regiment 1 Pioneer Bn 2 2 Saxon Lift Panzer Artillery Brigade Artillery Bn 2 Artillery Bn 4 Bavarian Artillery Bn 2 Flak Bn 2 2 Bavarian Lift Panzer Brigade Bavarian Panzer Bn 21 Bavarian Panzer Bn 22 Bavarian Grenadier Bn 23 Bavarian Grenadier Bn 24 4 Saxon Lift Panzergrenadier Brigade Fusilier Bn 9 Fusilier Bn 10 Lieb-Krassier Regiment Dragoon Regiment 2R (Pz 54) 211 Saxon Panzergrenadier Division Like the other Saxon units 211 PzGren Div traces its roots back to the Twilight War. The division has spent its recent history as a reserve formation, last activated in 2292 when it participated in the Reunification War as a Corps reserve. After the war its organisation was changed, with the 17th Reserve Brigade being disbanded and replaced with a regular brigade from another division. The 18th Brigade remains as a reserve contingent. The division has been re-equipped with Lwe MBT but retain their Czech IFV. The division has an integral heavy armoured unit equipped with stretched 'Royal' Lwe tanks. The division is based in and around Dresden. Hussar Regiment 3 Krassier Regiment 5 Pioneer Battalion 211 211 Saxon Lift Panzer Artillery Brigade Artillery Bn 3 Artillery Bn 16 Artillery Bn 18R Flak Bn 211 16 Saxon Panzergrenadier Brigade Fusilier Bn 5 Fusilier Bn 6 Dragoner Regiment 4 (Pz 343) Krassier Regiment 1R (Pz 11) 18R Saxon Panzergrenadier Brigade Fusilier Bn 7R Fusilier Bn 8R Krassier Regiment 4R (Pz 16) Dragoner Regiment 5R (Pz 344) 1 Mountain (Gebirgsjger) Division The renowned German Mountain Division is still under state army auspices with one Bavarian and one Saxon Bde. The Saxon brigade has its roots in troops that patrolled the post-Twilight border with Czechoslovakia and became well known for shooting first and asking questions afterward, a tough outlook they retain. The Bavarian mountain brigade is one of the finest high mountain capable formations in any military. The division is split, with the Bavarian parts of the division based
in Garmich and the Saxon in the area around Chemnitz. There have been rumours of a move to Bayreuth but these have not proved true so far. On mobilisation the division would fight as a whole. Bavarian High Mountain Jger Bn 23 Bavarian Mountain Artillery Bn 23 Artillery Bn 5 23 Bavarian Gebirgsjger Brigade Bavarian Gebirgsjger Bn 231 Bavarian Gebirgsjger Bn 232 Bavarian Gebirgsjger Bn 233 Saxon Border (Grenzschtzen) Brigade Border (Grenzschtzen) Bn 1 Border (Grenzschtzen) Bn 2 Border (Grenzschtzen) Bn 3 The Saxon Army originally had two French style Jger Divisions, but in the aftermath of the Reunification military reforms these have been reorganised. Three brigade groups cover the three Lande of Saxony and are manned by B Class Reservists. Although it should be noted that the Saxons retain a regular battalion in each brigade. The Jagdpanzer units are being issued with Czech MBT discarded by the 211th Division. The Bavarian 505 Brigade is stationed in the area around Bayreuth. Jger Brigade Saxony Jger Bn 1 Jger Bn 5R Jger Bn 8R Jger Bn 9R Jger Brigade Thringen Jger Bn 2 Jger Bn 4R Jger Bn 6R Jger Bn 7R Jger Brigade Sachsen-Anhalt Jger Bn 3 Jger Bn 10R Jger Bn 11R Jger Bn 12R VI Reserve Corps The bulk of the North German state army comprises the VI Corps. This Corps is nominally on stand-by to repel threats from the Netherlands or Scandinavian Union, however as both these contingencies are seen as unlikely VI Corps is regarded as a strategic reserve force alongside the national army's III Corps. 22 Nord-Deutsche Lift Panzergrenadier Division 22 ND LkPzGr Division is the corps ready division. It consists of one brigade from Hannover and another recruited from the City of Hamburg. It is well equipped with the LkPz-IX series of vehicles. Lift Panzer Recon Bn 22 Lift Panzer Pioneer Bn 22 22 Lift Panzer Artillery Brigade Lift Panzer Drone Artillery Bn 22 Lift Panzer Artillery Bn 201 Lift Panzer Artillery Bn 203 Lift Panzer Flak Bn 22 201 Nord-Deutsche Lift Panzer Brigade Lift Panzer Bn 2011 (Pz Btl Hussar) Lift Panzer Bn 2012 (Pz Btl Dragoner) Lift Panzergrenadier Bn 2013 (Feld Btl Hannover) Lift Panzergrenadier Bn 2014 (Res Btl Hannover) 203 Hanseatische Lift Panzergrenadier Brigade Lift Panzergrenadier Bn 2031 (1/Hans Garde) Lift Panzergrenadier Bn 2032 (2/Hans Garde) Lift Panzer Bn 2033 (1 Uhlans) Lift Panzer Bn 2034 (2 Uhlans)
23 Nord-Deutsche Lift Panzergrenadier Division 23 ND LkPzGr Division is a reserve division with responsibility for the defence of Schleswig-Holstein. It is mainly recruited from the area around Hamburg and Hannover. Lift Panzer Recon Bn 23 Lift Panzer Pioneer Bn 23 22 Lift Panzer Artillery Brigade Lift Panzer Rocket Artillery Bn 23 Lift Panzer Artillery Bn 202 Lift Panzer Artillery Bn 208 Lift Panzer Flak Bn 23 202 Nord-Deutsche Lift Panzergrenadier Brigade Lift Panzergrenadier Bn 2021 (Feld Btl Schleswig-Holstein) Lift Panzergrenadier Bn 2022 (Feld Btl Lneberg) Lift Panzer Bn 2023 (Pz Btl Gepard) Lift Panzer Bn 2024 (Res Pz Btl 22) 208 Nord-Deutsche Reserve Lift Panzergrenadier Brigade Lift Panzergrenadier Bn 2081(Res Btl Schleswig-Holstein) Lift Panzergrenadier Bn 2082 (Res Btl Lneberg) Lift Panzer Bn 2083 (Res Pz Btl 21) Lift Panzer Bn 2084 (Res Pz Btl 28) 24 Nord-Deutsche Lift Panzergrenadier Division 24 ND LkPzG Division is another reserve division based in the north-west of the country in the Oldenburg-Bremen area. Lift Panzer Recon Bn 24 Lift Panzer Pioneer Bn 24 24 Lift Panzer Artillery Brigade Lift Panzer Rocket Artillery Bn 24 Lift Panzer Artillery Bn 204 Lift Panzer Artillery Bn 209 Lift Panzer Flak Bn 24 204 Nord-Deutsche Lift Panzergrenadier Brigade Lift Panzergrenadier Bn 2041 (Feld Btl Bremen-Verden) Lift Panzergrenadier Bn 2042 (Feld Btl Oldenburg) Lift Panzer Bn 2043 (Pz Btl Leopard) Lift Panzer Bn 2044 (Res Pz Btl 24) 209 Nord-Deutsche Reserve Lift Panzergrenadier Brigade Lift Panzergrenadier Bn 2091 (Res Btl Bremen-Verden) Lift Panzergrenadier Bn 2092 (Res Btl Oldenburg) Lift Panzer Bn 2093 (Res Pz Btl 25) Lift Panzer Bn 2094 (Res Pz Btl 27) 205 Nord-Deutsche Sturmtaktik (Gefectspanzergrenadier) Brigade 205 ND GfPzG Brigade is VI Corps' Sturmtaktik force. It includes some of North Germany's best troops, including the famous Regiment Kanada (recruited from Mnster) and the Black Legion. Lift Panzer Sturmtaktik Bn 2051 (Feld Btl Braunschweig) Lift Panzer Sturmtaktik Bn 2052 (Feld Btl Kanada) Lift Panzer Bn 2053 (Pz Btl Tiger) The VI Corps reserve infantry force is built around three light mechanised infantry brigades equipped with wheeled AFVs. 210 Nord-Deutsche Territorial Brigade Jger Bn 2101 (Ter Btl Quackenbrck) Jger Bn 2102 (Ter Btl Emden) Jger Bn 2103 (Ter Btl Delmenhorst) 211 Hanseatische Territorial Brigade Jger Bn 2111 (H/Hans Garde) Jger Bn 2112 (L/Hans Garde) Jger Bn 2113 (Ter Btl Schleswig-Holstein) 213 Nord-Deutsche Territorial Brigade Jger Bn 2131 (Ter Btl Braunschweig) Jger Bn 2132 (Ter Btl Magdeburg)
Jger Bn 2133 (Ter Btl Celle) VII Reserve Corps VII Corps is mainly composed of elements of the Westflisch Armee and some small elements of the Hannoverian Army. The primary task of the Corps is the defence of the Rhur and Frankfurt metroplexes. Consequently the corps is primarily trained in urban operations with the French as a likely enemy. However lingering Westphalian resentment of the 'occupation' of the west bank of the Rhine by the Netherlands also persists in some of the thinking of the senior officers in the Corps. 61 Lift Panzergrenadier Division Originally the 1st 'Hessen' PzGren Division, 61.LkPzGren division fought as a tracked division during the War being involved countering the main thrust of the French towards Stuttgart. Like most of the Westphalian units it was heavily engaged and ended the conflict in the fighting in the ruins of Stuttgart's western suburbs. Since the war it has been converted to a GEV formation and is the high readiness division for VII Corps, although it exercises frequently with I Corps. 61.LkPzGren expects to be one of the first units engaged should fighting with France erupt again. Lift Panzer Recon Bn 61 Lift Panzer Pioneer Bn 61 61 Westflisch Lift Panzer Artillery Brigade Lift Panzer Rocket Artillery Bn 61 Lift Panzer Artillery Bn 61 Lift Panzer Artillery Bn 62 Lift Panzer Flak Bn 61 61 Westflisch Lift Panzergrenadier Brigade Lift Panzergrenadier Bn 611 (Hessen Schtzen 41) Lift Panzergrenadier Bn 612 (Hessen Fusliers 74) Lift Panzer Bn 613 (Nordrhine Panzer 32) Lift Panzer Bn 614 (Hessen Panzer 11) 62 Westflisch Lift Panzergrenadier Brigade Lift Panzergrenadier Bn 621 (Nordrhine Grenadiers 52) Lift Panzergrenadier Bn 622 (Hessen Fusliers 75) Lift Panzer Bn 623 (Hessen Panzer 13) Lift Panzer Bn 624 (Hessen Panzer 12) 63 Reserve Panzergrenadier Division Once known as the 3rd 'Main' Division, 63.Res.PzGren.Div is now the mobile state army garrison for Frankfurt. It is equipped with Lwe main battle tanks and wheeled APCs. It specialises in urban warfare and is closely affiliated with local Jger units. The division saw fierce fighting in the War nearly being destroyed several times but surviving due to a constant influx of reservists and new tanks from the Rhine-Ruhr factories. Panzer Recon Bn 63 Panzer Pioneer Bn 63 63 Westflisch Panzer Artillery Brigade Panzer Rocket Artillery Bn 63 Panzer Artillery Bn 63 Panzer Artillery Bn 64 Flak Bn 63 63 Westflisch Panzergrenadier Brigade Panzergrenadier Bn 631 (Hessen Fusliers 72) Panzergrenadier Bn 632 (Nordrhine Grenadiers 51) Panzer Bn 633 (Ober Westfalen Panzer 21) Panzer Bn 634 (Hessen Panzer 16) 64 Westflisch Reserve Panzergrenadier Brigade Panzergrenadier Bn 641 (Hessen Fusliers 76) Panzergrenadier Bn 642 (Hessen Fusliers 73) Panzer Bn 643 (Hessen Panzer 14) Panzer Bn 644 (Hessen Panzer 15) 64 Reserve Panzergrenadier Division Once known as the 4th 'Rhine' Division, 64.Res.PzGren.Div is based in the Rhur Metroplex. It is a strong division including a brigade of Hanoverian Panzers. Like its sister division it is tasked for urban warfare. As 4.PzGren.Div it was responsible for screening III Corps attack into the Ardennes and was responsible for the assault crossing of the Rhine and protecting the bridgehead. Panzer Recon Bn 664
Panzer Pioneer Bn 64 64 Westflisch Panzer Artillery Brigade Panzer Rocket Artillery Bn 64 Panzer Artillery Bn 65 Panzer Artillery Bn 66 Lift Panzer Artillery Bn 207 Flak Bn 64 65 Westflisch Panzergrenadier Brigade Panzergrenadier Bn 651 (Ober Westfalen Infanterie 61) Panzergrenadier Bn 652 (Ober Westfalen Infanterie 63) Panzer Bn 653 (Ober Westfalen Panzer 20) Panzer Bn 654 (Nordrhine Panzer 31) 66 Westflisch Reserve Panzergrenadier Brigade Panzergrenadier Bn 661 (Nordrhine Grenadiers 54) Panzergrenadier Bn 662 (Ober Westfalen Infanterie 65) Panzer Bn 663 (Nordrhine Panzer 33) Panzer Bn 664 (Nordrhine Panzer 34) 207 Nord-Deutsche Reserve Lift Panzer Brigade Lift Panzer Bn 2071 (Res Pz Btl 23) Lift Panzer Bn 2072 (Res Pz Btl 26) Lift Panzergrenadier Bn 2073 (Res Btl Mnster) Lift Panzergrenadier Bn 2074 (Res Btl Osnabrck) The Westphalian Panzer Brigades are strong urban heavy combat forces. In each case having a battalion of 'Royal' Lwe battle tanks, and two infantry-pioneers/CW KampfGroup. Close support is given by SP heavy mortars. 601 Westflisch Panzer Brigade Panzer Bn 6011 (Nordrhine Panzer 35) Panzerangriff Bn 6012 (Nordrhine Grenadiers 53) Panzerangriff Bn 6013 (Ober Westfalen Infanterie 66) 602 Westflisch Panzer Brigade Panzer Bn 6021 (Hessen Panzer 10) Panzerangriff Bn 6022 (Hessen Schtzen 42) Panzerangriff Bn 6023 (Hessen Fusliers 78) VII Corps' Westphalian reserve force is composed by three strong reserve brigades, each more akin in size to a French Division d'Infanterie than the other State Army brigades. These brigades are based in urban areas and are composed of Class B reservists and volunteers from the Ersatz Reserve. The individual battalions are composed of up to six individual rifle companies and a tank destroyer company. 603 Westflisch Reserve Jger Brigade Jger Bn 6031 (Ober Westfalen Jgers 90) Jger Bn 6032 (Nordrhine Jgers 82) Jger Bn 6033 (Ober Westfalen Jgers 91) 604 Westflisch Reserve Jger Brigade Jger Bn 6041 (Hessen Jgers 101) Jger Bn 6042 (Hessen Jgers 100) Jger Bn 6043 (Hessen Jgers 102) 605 Westflisch Reserve Jger Brigade Jger Bn 6051 (Nordrhine Jgers 80) Jger Bn 6052 (Nordrhine Jgers 81) Jger Bn 6053 (Nordrhine Jgers 83) 212 Nord-Deutsche Territorial Brigade Jger Bn 2121 (Ter Btl Mnster) Jger Bn 2122 (Ter Btl Paderborn) Jger Bn 2123 (Ter Btl Herford) VIII Reserve Corps 33 Lift Panzergrenadier Division 'West Pommern' 33.LkPzGren.Div is the VIII Corps ready division and is one of the more unusual. Its Marine Regt 331 is equipped with
navalised hovertanks and is based at Rgen and Peenemnde and is designed specifically to counter the elite Polish Naval Assault Division should it attack Germany from the flank and is a crack force in its own right. Regiment 332 is stationed at Neustrelitz but would operate to the north of Stettin and be involved in covering the mouth of the Oder and the Stettiner Haff. Lift Panzer Recon Bn 33 Lift Panzer Pioneer Bn 33 Lift Panzer Artillery Regiment 33 I Bn II Bn III Bn IV Bn Lift Panzer Marine Regiment 331 I Bn II Bn III Bn IV Bn Lift Panzergrenadier Regiment 332 I Bn II Bn III Bn IV Bn 32 Lift Panzergrenadier Division 'Brandenburg' 32.LkPzGren Division is a reserve division but has re-equipped with LkPz-IX as a Bundeswehr priority, showing the High Command's interest in maintaining a strong force on the eastern frontier. Lift Panzer Recon Bn 32 Lift Panzer Pioneer Bn 32 Lift Panzer Artillery Regiment 32 I Bn II Bn III Bn IV Bn Lift Panzergrenadier Regiment 321 I Bn II Bn III Bn IV Bn Reserve Lift Panzergrenadier Regiment 322 I Bn II Bn III Bn IV Bn 31 Panzergrenadier Division 'Berlin' 31.PzGren Division is based in an around Berlin and is highly trained in urban combat it has recently finished re-equipping with Lwe tanks, and its old Czech MBTs have been converted to specialist engineering and assault vehicles. Panzer Recon Bn 33 Panzer Pioneer Bn 33 Panzer Artillery Regiment 33 I Bn II Bn III Bn IV Bn Panzer Regiment 311 I Bn II Bn III Bn IV Bn Reserve Panzergrenadier Regiment 312 I Bn
II Bn III Bn IV Bn Sturm Regiment 351 Sturm Regt 351 is the Corps integral sturmtaktik brigade. I Bn II Bn III Bn Panzer Regiment 352 Pz Regt 352 is based in and around Stettin and provides that city's garrison. Obviously it is kept at a high level of preparedness and when the city was rebuilt after the Stettin War defensive positions and considerations were built into the fabric of the city. I Bn II Bn III Bn Brandenburg has a typically well organised reserve infantry force. They are mobile and well equipped with old Czech equipment passed on by the regular units, giving them a powerful punch. 361 also has a ceremonial role. With the recent contraction of the Brandenburg military trained manpower has been freed up for the Landwehr and their quality has risen appreciatively. Landwehr Regiment 361 'Wachregiment Berlin' I Bn II Bn III Bn Landwehr Regiment 362 I Bn II Bn III Bn Landwehr Regiment 363 I Bn II Bn III Bn Landwehr Regiment 364 I Bn II Bn III Bn Neubayern Corps Nibelungen Lift Panzergrenadier Division 'Neubayern' The N.LkPzGren Division is the main fighting force of the Neubayern Corps. It is a formation manned by both regular and conscript soldiers and is equipped with the LkPz-8B, a Freihafener modification of the LkPz-VIII, and the venerable LkPzTr-V. All the unit's vehicles are modified to operate in Nibelungen's unique conditions. The division retains its original Bavarian organisation, with Group the size of two normal battalions, and insignia. In common with all Nibelungen units the fourth Group is a reserve formation. Artillery Group 10 Panzer Group 11 Panzer Group 12 Panzer Group 13 Panzer Group 14 13 Lift Panzer Brigade 13.LkPzGren Brigade is the only sizeable regular Bundesarmee force on Nibelungen. Detached from the IX Corps' Earth based 4.LkPzGren Division it is very much a visible symbol of Germany's commitment to Nibelungen. Consequently it is always fully manned and equipped with the latest equipment including LkPz-IX's. Lift Panzer Artillery Bn 13 Lift Panzer Bn 131 Lift Panzer Bn 132 Lift Panzergrenadier Bn 133 Lift Panzergrenadier Bn 134
23 Nibelungen Jger Division 23.Jg Division is the colony's light role formation and is trained for urban and littoral operations. It is dispersed across the colony and is on task to aid the civil powers. Jger Group 231 Jger Group 232 Jger Group 233 Jger Group 234 25 Nibelungen Jger Division 25.Jg Div is a reserve light role formation, which also has a light mechanised role. It is mainly manned by reservists who have served in the N.LkPzGren Division. Jger Group 251 Jger Group 252 Jger Group 253 Jger Group 254 26 Nibelungen Jger Division 26.Jg Div is a reserve light role formation, which operates primarily on foot with wheeled transportation. Jger Group 261 Jger Group 262 Jger Group 263 Jger Group 264 Nibelungen Jger Brigade zvB The Nibelungen special purpose brigade is a very small formation, but one that is highly trained. It includes a special forces battalion that is highly skilled in littoral operations. The other formation is a found from the space forces and is a multipurpose formation tasked for operations in orbit, on the ground or on mining facilities in the system. It has a close relationship with the DSM and has similar training. Raumwaffe Group zvB Sonderverband Neubayern Beta Canum Venaticorum Dunkleheim Kolonial-Brigade Dunkleheim Dunkelheim's military is composed of three battalions of troops and reinforced by paramilitary police. There is one regular Bundesarmee unit and two of volunteers recruited from the major cities. The local troops have a reputation for both bloody mindedness and light fingeredness possibly related to prejudices about most Dunkelheimers' convict heritage. Jger Batallion 371 Bavarian Reserve Jger Bn 272 'Goldberg' Bavarian Reserve Jger Bn 277 'Neu Berlin' Hochbaden Kolonial Division Hochbaden The Hochbaden Defence Force consists of a division of troops. One brigade is a regular Kolonial Corps unit and the remaining two are locally recruited volunteers who mostly serve part time, and are skilled in operations in the colonies domed cities. Training and equipment has been improving since the start of the Kafer War and the public disturbances caused by it. 34 Jger Brigade The crack 34.Jg Brigade is the key defensive formation for Hochbaden and is capable of operating on land or orbit. A company sized KampfGroup drawn from the brigade is serving on Aurore. Jger Bn 341 Jger Bn 342 Jger Bn 343 1 Hochbaden Jger Brigade Hochbaden Jger Bn 271 'Leopold' Hochbaden Jger Bn 274 'Hoffmann' Hochbaden Jger Bn 276 'Rudolf' 2 Hochbaden Jger Brigade Hochbaden Jger Bn 275 'Maximillian'
Hochbaden Jger Bn 278 'Zillertaller' Hochbaden Jger Bn 279 'Ferdinand' Although not under the operational command of the Division the colonial police have several highly skilled paramilitary forces which defend the orbital facilities. In addition the DSM have forces at the main naval bases. Vogelheim Adlerhorst is a world shared by French and German colonies and has been the site of no little unrest since Reunification, especially between pro- and anti-Reunification elements in the German colony. Consequently the colonies' militaries are closely controlled in size and an Anglophone peacekeeping mission is present. Kolonial Division Neumark The Kolonial Division Neumark is a small formation equivalent in size to the French 210e Division d' Infanterie also present on-world. However both colonies have large paramilitary police units that can perform as troops should tensions again rise. The main force is a regular LkPzGren Brigade re-equipped with obsolete equipment. This is kept in reserve whilst the Jger brigade works more closely with the international peacekeepers. The Neumark Jger battalion is very highly trained and recruits only the very best potential soldiers. Kolonial-Brigade Neumark Jger Batallion 372 Neumark Jger Bn 273 14 Lift Panzergrenadier Brigade 14.LkPzGren is a part of 8.LkPzGren Div, the 'Windhund' Division, most of which is based on Beta Canum. The brigade has been deployed to Adlerhorst for many years and is very much a part of the furniture in the colony. It remains in the background but is the ultimate guarantor of German sovereignty over the colony. It has been equipped with the old LkPzVIII and LkPzTr-V series of AFVs in line with international attempts to minimise tensions on-world. Lift Panzer Artillery Bn 14 Lift Panzergrenadier Bn 141 Lift Panzergrenadier Bn 142 Lift Panzer Bn 143 Lift Panzer Bn 144 Joi Kolonial Division Landplatz-Frederich der Grosse The garrison of the North German initiated colony on Joi is composed of one national army brigade, a brigade of Hanoverian regulars and a brigade of local reservists. In addition a special operations battalion is based in the colony and concentrates on in-system operations mainly against Elysia and Toshamizu. 35 Jger Brigade 35.Jg Brigade is a regular Bundesarmee formation drawn from IX Corps. Formerly a Bavarian unit based on Beta Canum it saw some action on that world during the war but was then transferred to Joi. It is the brigade that has most to do with foreign forces and participates in exchanges and exercises with British and Azanian forces. Jger Bn 351 Jger Bn 352 Jger Bn 353 206 Nord-Deutsche Jger Brigade 206.ND.Jg Brigade is a formation composed of North German regular forces. Originally it bore some resemblance to a British style Light Brigade, but this has changed somewhat since Reunification. Manning for the brigade is rotated between the Hannoverian battalions back on Earth and the locally raised Feld Btl Raumhafen. The brigade has something of a reputation on Joi, where it is widely believed it helped in the training on Elysian irregulars during their War of Independence. Jger Bn 2061 (Feld Btl Raumhafen) Jger Bn 2062 (Feld Btl Osnabrck) Jger Bn 2063 (Feld Btl Magdeburg) 214 Nord-Deutsche Territorial Brigade 214.ND.Ter Brigade is the local reserve formation consisting mostly of volunteers and some reservists. Jger Bn 2141 (Ter Btl Raumhafen) Jger Bn 2142 (Ter Btl Halbinsel) Jger Bn 2143 (Ter Btl Frederich der Grosse) Colonial Special Purpose Unit (Kolonial Sonderverband) 1
German Air Force Deutsches Luftwaffe 1 Air Division (Luftdivision) 1 Luftdivision is head quartered in Cologne-Bonn and controls air defence and early warning resources in western and southern Germany. It defends the borders with Austrovenia, France, Flanders, the Netherlands and Switzerland, and also supports 3 Luftdivision operations in the west. 1 Luftdivision operates the most modern German aircraft available, and its air wings which include the elite JG 71 fighter wing are maintained at very high operational levels. Fighter Wing (Jagdgeschwader) 71 Richthofen (JG 71) Lechfeld JG 71 is named after the famous First World War German fighter ace Rittmeister Manfred Freiherr von Richthofen. Uniquely among modern Luftwaffe units JG 71 has remained in continual active service since the 20th Century. It served throughout the Twilight War and was never disbanded when Germany fractured into a number of different states in the early 21st Century, being incorporated into the new Hanoverian Luftstreitkrfte until it was transferred back to the Luftwaffe in 2292. JG 71 was involved in all air campaigns during the WoGR, suffering and inflicting heavy losses in combat with the French Arme de l'Air. After the war many German fighter aces were transferred to JG 71 for propaganda value and the unit has recruited a number of veteran foreign pilots. JG 71 is happy to play on their image, with aircraft sporting bizarre paint and camouflage schemes, while many pilots have taken to wearing Imperial era Junker style uniforms and apparel while off duty, a trend that has also spread to other Luftwaffe units. However the combat reputation of JG 71 is second to none and its pilots are considered among the best in the world. JG 71 is based in Bavaria and would be among the first Luftwaffe forces encountered by any French incursion into German airspace. Group I - Lechfeld 711 Sqdn (12 Anf-32E Sabel) 712 Sqdn (12 Anf-32E Sabel) 713 Sqdn (12 Anf-32E Sabel) Group II - Erding 714 Sqdn (12 Anf-32C Sabel) 715 Sqdn (12 Anf-32C Sabel) 716 Sqdn (12 Anf-32C Sabel) Group III (Niederstetten) 717 Sqdn (12 Anf-32C Sabel) 718 Sqdn (12 Anf-32C Sabel) 719 Sqdn (12 Anf-32C Sabel) Fighter Wing (Jagdgeschwader) 75 Lowenhardt (JG 75) (Fassberg) Group I (Fassberg) 751 Sqdn (12 Anf-32C Sabel) 752 Sqdn (12 Anf-32C Sabel) 753 Sqdn (12 Anf-32C Sabel) Group II (Spangdahlem) 754 Sqdn (12 Anf-32C Sabel) 755 Sqdn (12 Anf-32C Sabel) 756 Sqdn (12 Anf-32C Sabel) Group III (Rhein-Main) 757 Sqdn (12 Anf-32C Sabel) 758 Sqdn (12 Anf-32C Sabel) 759 Sqdn (12 Anf-32C Sabel) Fighter Wing (Jagdgeschwader) 76 Jacobs (JG 76) (Ramstein) Group I (Ramstein) 761 Sqdn (18 Cr-50D Wirbelsturm) 762 Sqdn (18 Cr-50D Wirbelsturm) 763 Sqdn (18 Cr-50D Wirbelsturm) Group II (Buchel) 764 Sqdn (18 Cr-50D Wirbelsturm) 765 Sqdn (18 Cr-50D Wirbelsturm) 766 Sqdn (18 Cr-50D Wirbelsturm) Group III (Zweibrucken) 767 Sqdn (18 Cr-50D Wirbelsturm)
768 Sqdn (18 Cr-50D Wirbelsturm) 769 Sqdn (18 Cr-50D Wirbelsturm) Recon Wing (Aufklrungsgeschwader) 51 Immelmann (AG 51) (Nordholz) Group I (Nordholz) 511 Sqdn (6 Df-221-AW Storch AEW) 512 Sqdn (6 Df-221-EW Storch ELINT) Group II (Roth) 513 Sqdn (12 Cr-40 Nachtteufel) 514 Sqdn (12 Cr-40 Nachtteufel) Group III (Cologne-Bonn) 515 Sqdn (12 Cr-40 Nachtteufel) 516 Sqdn (12 Cr-40 Nachtteufel) Missile Squadron (Flugkrpergeschwader) 2 (FKS 2) (Ramstein) Missile Artillery Bn 12 Missile Artillery Bn 14 Anti-Aircraft Missile Sqdn (Flugabwehrraketengeschwader) 1 (FBS 1) (Ramstein) Anti-Aircraft Missile Bn 25 Anti-Aircraft Missile Bn 26 Anti-Aircraft Missile Sqdn (Flugabwehrraketengeschwader) 3 (FBS 3) (Cologne-Bonn) Anti-Aircraft Missile Bn 27 Anti-Aircraft Missile Bn 28 Anti-Aircraft Missile Sqdn (Flugabwehrraketengeschwader) 5 (FBS 5) (Neuburg) Anti-Aircraft Missile Bn 20 Anti-Aircraft Missile Bn 23 2 Air Division (Luftdivision) 2 Luftdivision is head quartered in Berlin-Tegel and defends the borders with Poland, the Czech Republic and the Baltic coast, and supports 3 Luftdivision operations in the east. The threat to Germany from Eastern Europe is not as intimidating as that from France, and 2 Luftdivision units are generally maintained at lower operational levels than 1 Luftdivision in the west. Many squadrons assigned to LG 53 on Dunkelheim have been drawn for 2 Luftdivision. However 2 Luftdivision is a capable force and would prove a formidable deterrent to any incursion into German airspace from Eastern Europe. Fighter Wing (Jagdgeschwader) 72 Udet (JG 72) (Laage) Group I (Lagge) 721 Sqdn (12 Sh-11G Scheide) 722 Sqdn (12 Sh-11G Scheide) 723 Sqdn (12 Sh-11G Scheide) Group II (Laage) 724 Sqdn (12 Sh-11G Scheide) 725 Sqdn (12 Sh-11G Scheide) 726 Sqdn (12 Sh-11G Scheide) Group III (Laage) 727 Sqdn (12 Sh-11G Scheide) 728 Sqdn (12 Sh-11G Scheide) 729 Sqdn (12 Sh-11G Scheide) Fighter Wing (Jagdgeschwader) 77 Rall (JG 77) (Berlin-Tegel) Group I (Berlin-Tegel) 771 Sqdn (18 Cr-50D Wirbelsturm) 772 Sqdn (18 Cr-50D Wirbelsturm) 773 Sqdn (18 Cr-50D Wirbelsturm) Group II (Berlin-Tegel) 774 Sqdn (18 Cr-50D Wirbelsturm) 775 Sqdn (18 Cr-50D Wirbelsturm) 776 Sqdn (18 Cr-50D Wirbelsturm) Group III (Laage) 777 Sqdn (18 Cr-50D Wirbelsturm) (* on deployment to Dunkelheim) 778 Sqdn (18 Cr-50D Wirbelsturm) (* on deployment to Dunkelheim) 779 Sqdn (18 Cr-50D Wirbelsturm) (* on deployment to Dunkelheim) Fighter Wing (Jagdgeschwader) 78 Batz (JG 78) (Holzdorf)
Group I (Holzdorf) 781 Sqdn (12 Anf-32C Sabel) 782 Sqdn (12 Anf-32C Sabel) 783 Sqdn (12 Anf-32C Sabel) Group II (Berlin-Tegel) 784 Sqdn (12 Anf-32C Sabel) 785 Sqdn (12 Anf-32C Sabel) 786 Sqdn (12 Anf-32C Sabel) Group III (Holzdorf) 787 Sqdn (12 Anf-32C Sabel) 788 Sqdn (12 Anf-32C Sabel) 789 Sqdn (12 Anf-32C Sabel) Recon Wing (Aufklrungsgeschwader) 52 Dietrich (AG 52) (Berlin-Tegel) Group I (Berlin-Tegel) 521 Sqdn (6 Df-221-AW Storch AEW) 522 Sqdn (6 Df-221-EW Storch ELINT) Group II (Berlin-Tegel) 523 Sqdn (12 Cr-40 Nachtteufel) 524 Sqdn (12 Cr-40 Nachtteufel) Group III (Berlin-Tegel) 525 Sqdn (12 Cr-40 Nachtteufel) (* on deployment to Dunkelheim) 526 Sqdn (12 Cr-40 Nachtteufel) (* on deployment to Dunkelheim) Missile Squadron (Flugkrpergeschwader) 1 (FKS 1) (Berlin-Tegel) Missile Artillery Bn 13 Missile Artillery Bn 15 Anti-Aircraft Missile Sqdn (Flugabwehrraketengeschwader) 2 (FBS 2) (Berlin-Tegel) Anti-Aircraft Missile Bn 21 Anti-Aircraft Missile Bn 24 Anti-Aircraft Missile Sqdn (Flugabwehrraketengeschwader) 4 (FBS 4) (Kiel) Anti-Aircraft Missile Bn 29 Anti-Aircraft Missile Bn 30 Anti-Aircraft Missile Sqdn (Flugabwehrraketengeschwader) 6 (FBS 6) (Holzdorf) Anti-Aircraft Missile Bn 22 Anti-Aircraft Missile Bn 31 3 Luftdivision 3 Luftdivision is head quartered in Cologne-Bonn and controls five fighter-bomber wings. JGB 31 and JGB 34 support German ground forces in the west, and JGB 32 and JGB 35 support forces in the east. JGB 33 functions as a reserve wing for both fronts, and Group III is on deployment to Dunkelheim. Fighter-Bomber Wing (Jagdbombergeschwader) 31 Boelcke (JGB 31) (Neuburg) Group I (Ramstein) 311 Sqdn (12 Cr-2G Libelle) 312 Sqdn (12 Cr-2G Libelle) 313 Sqdn (12 Cr-2G Libelle) Group II (Norvenich) 314 Sqdn (12 Cr-2G Libelle) 315 Sqdn (12 Cr-2G Libelle) 316 Sqdn (12 Cr-2G Libelle) Group III (Neuburg) 317 Sqdn (18 Ks-10 Grendel) 318 Sqdn (18 Ks-10 Grendel) 319 Sqdn (18 Ks-10 Grendel) Fighter-Bomber Wing (Jagdbombergeschwader) 32 Berthold (JGB 32) (Holzdorf) Group I (Holzdorf) 321 Sqdn (12 Cr-2G Libelle) 322 Sqdn (12 Cr-2G Libelle) 323 Sqdn (12 Cr-2G Libelle) Group II (Berlin-Tegel)
324 Sqdn (12 Cr-2G Libelle) 325 Sqdn (12 Cr-2G Libelle) 326 Sqdn (12 Cr-2G Libelle) Group III (Berlin-Tegel) 327 Sqdn (18 Ks-10 Grendel) 328 Sqdn (18 Ks-10 Grendel) 329 Sqdn (18 Ks-10 Grendel) Fighter-Bomber Wing (Jagdbombergeschwader) 33 Hartmann (JGB 33) (Celle) Group I (Celle) 331 Sqdn (12 An-86A Donnerschlag) 332 Sqdn (12 An-86A Donnerschlag) 333 Sqdn (12 An-86A Donnerschlag) Group II (Buckeburg) 334 Sqdn (12 An-86A Donnerschlag) 335 Sqdn (12 An-86A Donnerschlag) 336 Sqdn (12 An-86A Donnerschlag) Group III (Celle) 337 Sqdn (12 An-86A Donnerschlag) (* on deployment to Dunkelheim) 338 Sqdn (12 An-86A Donnerschlag) (* on deployment to Dunkelheim) 339 Sqdn (12 An-86A Donnerschlag) (* on deployment to Dunkelheim) Fighter-Bomber Wing (Jagdbombergeschwader) 34 Sachsenberg (JGB 34) (Gutersloh) Group I (Gutersloh) 341 Sqdn (12 An-86A Donnerschlag) 342 Sqdn (12 An-86A Donnerschlag) 343 Sqdn (12 An-86A Donnerschlag) Group II (Gutersloh) 344 Sqdn (12 An-86A Donnerschlag) 345 Sqdn (12 An-86A Donnerschlag) 346 Sqdn (12 An-86A Donnerschlag) Group III (Bentlage) 347 Sqdn (12 An-84G Rottkappchen) 348 Sqdn (12 An-84G Rottkappchen) 349 Sqdn (12 An-84G Rottkappchen) Fighter-Bomber Wing (Jagdbombergeschwader) 35 Neumann (JGB 35) (Berlin-Tegel) Group I (Berlin-Tegel) 351 Sqdn (12 An-86A Donnerschlag) 352 Sqdn (12 An-86A Donnerschlag) 353 Sqdn (12 An-86A Donnerschlag) Group II (Laage) 354 Sqdn (12 An-84G Rottkappchen) 355 Sqdn (12 An-84G Rottkappchen) 356 Sqdn (12 An-84G Rottkappchen) Group III (Holzdorf) 357 Sqdn (12 An-84G Rottkappchen) 358 Sqdn (12 An-84G Rottkappchen) 359 Sqdn (12 An-84G Rottkappchen) Independent wings Fighter Wing (Jagdgeschwader) 73 Steinhoff (JG 73) (Wittmundhafen) JG 73 was re-established at the beginning of the WoGR but traces its lineage back to the pre-Twilight War unit of the same name which adopted the night-fighter traditions of the WW2 Luftwaffe. During the Twilight War JG 73 established an impressive air-to-kill ratio against Soviet aircraft in Europe, but its aircraft were eventually grounded and the unit disbanded as fuel supplies ran out. Re-formed in 2292 from ex-Bavarian fighter pilots with experience and knowledge of French aircraft and tactics, the main role of the wing is as an aggressor force that trains pilots in dissimilar combat tactics. JG 73 is also a test and evaluation unit for new Luftwaffe aircraft, although the wing is fully combat capable and equipped with frontline aircraft and its squadrons are periodically deployed to Canada and Norway on exercises. JG 73 squadrons have also been assigned to LG 53 at Dunkelheim as part of Operation Hercules. JG 73 actively recruits foreign pilots to work as instructors, which include a number of pro-German nationalists from the Friehafen military.
Group I (Wittmundhafen) 731 Sqdn (9 Anf-32E Sabel, 3 Anf-32F Sabel) 732 Sqdn (9 Anf-32C Sabel, 3 Anf-32F Sabel) 733 Sqdn (9 Anf-32C Sabel, 3 Anf-22F Sabel) (* CFB Cold Lake, Canada) Group II (Wittmundhafen) 734 Sqdn (6 An-87X Donnerschlag) (* on deployment to Nibelungen) 735 Sqdn (9 An-86A Donnerschlag, 3 An-86B Donnerschlag) (* Andoya AB, Norway-SU) 736 Sqdn (9 An-86A Donnerschlag, 3 An-86B Donnerschlag) Group III (Wittmundhafen) 737 Sqdn (12 Anf-32C Sabel, 3 Anf-22D Sabel) 738 Sqdn (12 Anf-32C Sabel, 3 Anf-22D Sabel) 739 Sqdn (12 Anf-32C Sabel, 3 Anf-22D Sabel) Fighter Wing (Jagdgeschwader) 74 Voss (JG 74) (Nordholz) Group I (Nordholz) 741 Sqdn (12 An-82G Falke) 742 Sqdn (12 An-82G Falke) 743 Sqdn (12 An-82G Falke) Group II (Jever) 744 Sqdn (12 An-82C Falke) 745 Sqdn (12 An-82C Falke) 746 Sqdn (12 An-82C Falke) Group III (Berlin-Tegel) 747 Sqdn (12 An-82C Falke) 748 Sqdn (12 An-82C Falke) 749 Sqdn (12 An-82C Falke) Air Wing (Luftgeschwader) 53 (LG 53) (Dunkelheim) Group I (Dunkelheim) 337 Sqdn (12 An-86A Donnerschlag) (* JGB 33) 338 Sqdn (12 An-86A Donnerschlag) (* JGB 33) 339 Sqdn (12 An-86A Donnerschlag) (* JGB 33) Group II (Dunkelheim) 827 Sqdn (18 Cr-50D Wirbelsturm) (* JG 77) 828 Sqdn (18 Cr-50D Wirbelsturm) (* JG 77) 829 Sqdn (18 Cr-50D Wirbelsturm) (* JG 77) Group III (Dunkelheim) 637 Sqdn (12 Loadmaster III) (* LTG 63) Group IV (Dunkelheim) 525 Sqdn (12 Cr-40 Nachtteufel) (* AG 52) 526 Sqdn (12 Cr-40 Nachtteufel) (* AG 52) Deutsche Kolonial Luftwaffe Air Wing (Luftgeschwader) Nibelungen (LG Nibelungen) (Nibelungen) Group I (Nibelungen) 301 Sqdn (12 An-86A Donnerschlag) 302 Sqdn (12 An-84G Rottkappchen) 303 Sqdn (12 An-84G Rottkappchen) Group II (Nibelungen) 304 Sqdn (12 An-84G Rottkappchen) (* on deployment to BCV-4) 305 Sqdn (12 An-84G Rottkappchen) (* on deployment to Joi) 306 Sqdn (12 An-84G Rottkappchen) Group III (Nibelungen) 701 Sqdn (12 An-82C Falke) 702 Sqdn (12 Sh-11G Scheide) 706 Sqdn (18 Cr-50D Wirbelsturm) Group IV (Nibelungen) 503 Sqdn (12 Cr-40 Nachtteufel) 504 Sqdn (12 An-83 Roggenhund) (* on deployment to Joi) Group V (Nibelungen)
601 Sqdn (12 Loadmaster III) 603 Sqdn (17 Ne-77) 604 Sqdn (14 Ne-77) Group VI (Nibelungen) Missile Artillery Bn 10 Anti-Aircraft Missile Bn 32 Air Wing (Luftgeschwader) Beta Canum (LG Beta Canum) (German Continent, BCV-4) Group I 304 Sqdn (12 An-84G Rottkappchen) (* Air Wing (Luftgeschwader) Nibelungen) 703 Sqdn (12 Sh-11G Scheide) 705 Sqdn (18 Cr-50D Wirbelsturm) Group II 505 Sqdn (12 An-83 Roggenhund) 605 Sqdn (16 Ne-77) Missile Artillery Bn 11 (* one battery only) Anti-Aircraft Missile Bn 33 (* two batteries only) Air Group (LuftGroupn) Hochbaden (LG Hochbaden) (Hochbaden) 606 Sqdn (12 Ne-77) Missile Artillery Bn 3/11 (* one battery from Air Wing (Luftgeschwader) Beta Canum) Air Group (LuftGroupn) Joi (LG Joi) (Halbinsel, Joi) 305 Sqdn (12 An-84G Rottkappchen) (* Air Wing (Luftgeschwader) Nibelungen) 707 Sqdn (12 Sh-11G Scheide) 607 Sqdn (18 Ne-77) 504 Sqdn (12 An-83 Roggenhund) (* Air Wing (Luftgeschwader) Nibelungen) Missile Artillery Bn 2/11 (* one battery from Air Wing (Luftgeschwader) Beta Canum) Anti-Aircraft Missile Bn 2/33 (* one battery from Air Wing (Luftgeschwader) Beta Canum) Air Group (LuftGroupn) Vogelheim (LG Vogelheim) (Alderhorst, Vogelheim) 608 Sqdn (12 Ne-77) Air Transport Command (Lufttransportkommand) Air Transport Wing (Lufttransportgeschwader) 61 (LTG 61) (Berlin-Tegel) Group I (Berlin-Tegel) 611 Sqdn (6 MAE Haley) 612 Sqdn (6 Df-221 Storch) 613 Sqdn (18 Fk-12 Summenvogel) (* Cologne-Bonn) Air Transport Wing (Lufttransportgeschwader) 62 (LTG 62) (Berlin-Tegel) Group I (Berlin-Tegel) 621 Sqdn (12 WD-3 Skyking) 622 Sqdn (12 WD-3 Skyking) Group II (Berlin-Tegel) 623 Sqdn (12 Df-221-K Storch) 624 Sqdn (12 Df-221-K Storch) Group III (Cologne-Bonn) 625 Sqdn (12 Df-221-K Storch) 626 Sqdn (12 Df-221-K Storch) Air Transport Wing (Lufttransportgeschwader) 63 (LTG 63) (Berlin-Tegel) Group I (Berlin-Tegel) 631 Sqdn (12 Bf-212 Rinder) 632 Sqdn (12 Bf-212 Rinder) 633 Sqdn (12 Bf-212 Rinder) Group II (Hohn) 634 Sqdn (12 Bf-212 Rinder) 635 Sqdn (12 Bf-212 Rinder) 636 Sqdn (12 Bf-212 Rinder) Group III (Berlin-Tegel) 637 Sqdn (12 Loadmaster III) (* on deployment to Dunkelheim) 638 Sqdn (12 Loadmaster III) 639 Sqdn (12 Loadmaster III)
Air Transport Wing (Lufttransportgeschwader) 64 (LTG 64) (Cologne-Bonn) Group I (Cologne-Bonn) 641 Sqdn (12 Bf-212 Rinder) 642 Sqdn (12 Bf-212 Rinder) 643 Sqdn (12 Bf-212 Rinder) Group II (Landsberg) 644 Sqdn (12 Bf-212 Rinder) 645 Sqdn (12 Bf-212 Rinder) 646 Sqdn (12 Bf-212 Rinder) Group III (Wuntsdorf) 647 Sqdn (12 Bf-212 Rinder) 648 Sqdn (12 Bf-212 Rinder) 649 Sqdn (12 Bf-212 Rinder) Air Transport Wing (Lufttransportgeschwader) 65 (LTG 65) (Berlin-Tegel) Group I (Berlin-Tegel) 651 Sqdn (12 Cuirassier) 652 Sqdn (12 Cuirassier) (* Cologne-Bonn) 653 Sqdn (9 Cuirassier) (* on deployment to Nibelungen) Air Force Security Regiment (Objektschutzregiment der Luftwaffe) Battalion 1 (Ramstein) Battalion 2 (Berlin-Tegel) Battalion 3 (Nordholz) Battalion 4 (Cologne-Bonn) Battalion 5 (Nibelungen) Battalion 6 (BCV-4) Battalion 7 (Berlin-Tegel) Battalion 8 (Fassberg)
Kingdom of Great Britain United Kingdom Special Forces Command (UKSF) Strategic Branch Special Air Service 22 Special Air Service Regiment (22 SAS) Hereford, UK 24 Special Air Service Regiment (24 SAS) Wellon, Tirane Special Boat Service, RM No.1 Section Fox Bay, West Falkland (Assigned to 3 Cdo Bde) No.2 Section Nous Voila (Assigned to 4 Cdo Bde) No.3 Section Plymouth, UK (Assigned to 5 Cdo Bde) 30 Commando (Assault), RM A Troop B Troop X Troop Y Squadron, Royal Naval Signals Z Troop Special Planetary Section, RM Tactical Branch M Squadron, RM (Long-Range Recce) Commachio Group, RM (MCT/Nuclear Security) 3 Coys. Zeebrugge Group, RM HMS Vindictive, Hawking Station Wellington Station, Sol Clarke Station, Sol Gateway Station, Sol Hawking Station, Alpha Centauri Churchill Station, Queen Alice's Star De Villebis Station, Clarksstar Spence Station, Henry's Star Highside Station, 61 Ursae Majoris ASLAN Pathfinder Company United Kingdom Joint Reaction Forces The UKJRF are a grouping of units designated as lead elements of any British military intervention. They are based around brigade groups of infantry forces, which are organized to allow ease of movement. The heaviest equipped are the Commando Brigades which normally operate from the assault ships of the RN, and can draw upon heavy support from their divisional units. In addition to Army units the UKJRF is also able to call upon Royal Navy and Royal Air Force formations. 15 Air Assault Brigade is organized to act as either an entry force for European interventions or as a pivot force for I Corps in conventional operations. 16 Air Assault Brigade has recently re-equipped with Raven aerodynes and has immense flexibility for intervention missions anywhere in the world. 1 Light Brigade is tasked with either interventions or peacekeeping operations, however it has not yet recovered from its service on the French Arm against the Kafers. 1st Commando Division, Royal Marines Plymouth, UK Commando Division Command Group 1 Commando Division Command Regiment 201 Commando Tactical Squadron, Royal Electronic Warfare and Security (201 REWS) 1 Commando Regiment, Royal Horse Artillery (1 RHA) 126 Commando Regiment (V), Royal Artillery (126 RA) 1 Commando Regiment, Royal Engineers (1 Cdo RE) 2 Commando Regiment, Royal Engineers (2 Cdo RE) 11 Commando Logistics Regiment (11 CLR) 3 Commando Brigade Group, RM detached to 6th (South Atlantic) Division 4 Commando Brigade Group, RM detached to British Forces, Nous Voila 5 Commando Brigade Group, RM 3 Recce Squadron, RM 52 Commando, RM (52 Cdo) 53 Commando, RM (53 Cdo)
58 Commando, RM (58 Cdo) 501 Assault Squadron, RM 50 Commando Regiment, Royal Artillery (50 RA) 5 Commando Air Group (5 CAG) 61 Independent Commando Squadron, Royal Engineers 3 Commando Logistics Regiment (3 CLR) Commando Division Recce Group 4th (Royal Irish) Dragoon Guards (4 DG) 41 Commando, RM (41 Cdo) 15th Air Assault Brigade Colchester, UK Pathfinder Group 'Pegasus' 1st Bn, The Parachute Regiment (1 PARA) 4th Bn, The Parachute Regiment (4 PARA) 17 Regiment, Army Air Corps (17 AAC) 18 Regiment, Army Air Corps (18 AAC) 19 Lt Regiment, Royal Artillery (19 RA) 1 Assault Squadron, Royal Engineers 16th Air Assault Brigade Dishforth, UK Pathfinder Group 'Bruneval' 5th Bn, The Parachute Regiment (5 PARA) 102nd Bn, The Royal Wellon Airmobile Regiment (102 RWAR) 19 Regiment, Army Air Corps (19 AAC) 20 Regiment, Army Air Corps (20 AAC) 23 Lt Regiment, Royal Horse Artillery (23 RHA) 2 Assault Squadron, Royal Engineers 1st Light Brigade Group Tidworth, UK 4 Recce Group 'Waterloo' 4th Bn, The Light Infantry (4 LI) 1st Bn, The Royal Irish Rangers (1 RIR) 1st Bn, The Royal Ulster Fusiliers (1 RUF) 40 Lt Regiment, Royal Horse Artillery (40 RHA) 81 Field Squadron, 29 Regiment, Royal Engineers I (British) Corps Aldershot, UK I Corps is based in Aldershot in the south-east of England. I Corps is designated to deploy anywhere on Earth with up to 3 British Divisions together with Allied forces in support of British interests. The Corps has an attached recce group. It is the main controlling force for British heavy combat operations, indeed with the departure of II Corps to the French Arm it is the only major, on- Earth mobile headquarters. Contingency planning is mainly concerned with European operations and possible expeditionary forces to the South Atlantic or South America in the event of a 4th Rio Plato War. I Corps Recce Group 16/5th Lancers (16/5 L) The Queen's Own Yeomanry (QOY) The Royal Yeomanry (RY) 1st Bn, The Highland Light Infantry (1 HLI) The Honourable Artillery Company (V) (HAC) 21 (Artists) Special Air Service Regiment (V) (21 SAS) 23 Special Air Service Regiment (V) (23 SAS) 1 Strategic Regiment, Royal Electronic Warfare and Security (1 REWS) I Corps Artillery Group 2 Hvy Regiment, Royal Artillery (2 RA) 15 Hvy Regiment, Royal Artillery (15 RA) 32 Hvy Regiment, Royal Artillery (32 RA) 27 Air Defense Regiment, Royal Artillery (27 RA) 44 Orbital Defense Regiment, Royal Artillery (44 RA) 105 Hvy Regiment, Royal Artillery (V) (105 RA) 114 Hvy Regiment, Royal Artillery (V) (114 RA) 1st Armoured Division Aldershot, UK 1st Division Command Group
1 Armoured Command Regiment 101 Armoured Tactical Squadron, Royal Electronic Warfare and Security (101 REWS) 1 Armoured Regiment, Royal Engineers (1 ARMD RE) 2 Regiment, Army Air Corps (2 AAC) 2nd Armoured Brigade 9th Royal Tank Regiment (9RTR) 2nd Life Guards (2 LG) 4th Bn, The Royal Regiment of Fusiliers (4 RRF) 1st Bn, The Queen's Regiment (1 QUEENS) rd 3 Armoured Brigade 8th Royal Tank Regiment (8 RTR) The Royal Horse Guards (The Blues) (RHG) 1st Bn, The Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders (1 A&SH) 2nd Bn, The Black Watch (2 BW) 1st Division Recce Group 2nd Light Dragoons (15th/19th King's Hussars) (2 LD) 2nd Bn, The Welsh Guards (2 WG) st 1 Division Artillery Group 31 Hvy Regiment, Royal Artillery (31 RA) 8 Med Regiment, Royal Artillery (8 RA) 42 Med Regiment, Royal Artillery (42 RA) 16 Air Defense Regiment, Royal Artillery (16 RA) 2nd Armoured Division Catterick, UK 2nd Division Command Group 2 Armoured Command Regiment 102 Armoured Tactical Squadron, Royal Electronic Warfare and Security (102 REWS) 2 Armoured Regiment, Royal Engineers (2 ARMD RE) 4th Armoured Brigade 6th Royal Tank Regiment (6 RTR) 1st Wellon Armoured Regiment (1 WAR) 1st Bn, The Yorkshire Regiment (1 YORKS) 3rd Bn, The Yorkshire Regiment (3 YORKS) 5th Armoured Brigade 4th Royal Tank Regiment (4 RTR) 6th (Inniskilling) Dragoons (6 D) 1st Bn, The Devon & Dorset Regiment (1 D&D) 1st Bn, The Worcestershire & Sherwood Foresters Regiment (1 WFR) th 6 Armoured Brigade 5th Royal Tank Regiment (5 RTR) 17th/21st Lancers (17/21 L) 2nd Bn, The Royal Irish Rangers (2 RIR) 1st Bn, The Connaught Rangers ( 1 CR) nd 2 Division Recce Group 4th/8th (Queen's Royal Irish) Hussars (4/8 H) 1st Bn, The Staffordshire Regiment (1 STAFFORD) nd 2 Division Artillery Group 9 Hvy Regiment, Royal Artillery (9 RA) 25 Med Regiment, Royal Artillery (25 RA) 26 Med Regiment, Royal Artillery (26 RA) 45 Med Regiment, Royal Artillery (45 RA) 30 Air Defense Regiment, Royal Artillery (30 RA) 2nd Division Air Group 3 Regiment, Army Air Corps (3 AAC) 4 Regiment, Army Air Corps (4 AAC) 5th Armoured Division - Edinburgh, UK 5th Division Command Group 5 Armoured Command Regiment 105 Armoured Tactical Squadron, Royal Electronic Warfare and Security (105 REWS)
5 Armoured Regiment, Royal Engineers (5 ARMD RE) 14th Armoured Brigade 1st (Royal) Dragoons (The Royals) (1 D) 2nd Bn, The Dublin Fusiliers (2 DF) 1st Bn, The Leinster Regiment (1 LR) 14 Regiment, Army Air Corps (14 AAC) 15th Armoured Brigade 6th Dragoon Guards (Scots Carabiniers) (6 DG) 2nd Bn, Princess Margaret's Wellon Light Infantry (2 PMWLI) 3rd Bn, The Royal Anglian Regiment (3 R ANGLIAN) 15 Regiment, Army Air Corps (15 AAC) 16th Armoured Brigade 3rd (Prince of Wales' Own) Dragoon Guards (3 DG) 1st Bn, The Royal Scots (1 RS) 1st Bn, The King's Own Scottish Borderers (1 KOSB) 16 Regiment, Army Air Corps (16 AAC) 5th Division Recce Group 3rd/7th (Queen's Own) Hussars (3/7 H) 1st Bn, The Scottish Rifles (1 SR) detached 11 (Wellon) Armoured Division th 5 Division Artillery Group 39 Hvy Regiment, Royal Artillery (39 RA) 3 Med Regiment, Royal Horse Artillery (3 RHA) 18 Med Regiment, Royal Artillery (18 RA) 49 Med Regiment, Royal Artillery (49 RA) 22 Air Defense Regiment, Royal Artillery (22 RA) II (Commonwealth) Corps detached to Commonwealth Expeditionary Forces (CEF) New Africa, Beta Canum-4 3rd Armoured Division detached to IV (Alician) Corps Alicia, Beowulf 3rd Light Brigade Group detached to Joi Southern Defense Command, CEF New Cornwall, Joi British Joint Overseas Command BJOC is an administrative command controlling all British ground and air forces deployed on Earth outside of the British Isles that do not have a deployment force tasking. This includes all garrisons, training commands and liaison missions. Many of these commitments have political implications and date back many years. Listed below are the major deployments but the British have a surprising number of Military Liaison and Training Teams deployed around the world and most of these are not listed. British Bombay Training Mission Queen Alice Barracks, Bombay 3rd Bn, The Grenadier Guards (3 GREN GDS) British Military Liaison Mission Brazil British Indian Ocean Territories Diego Garcia Drake Company, Royal Naval Brigade British Jungle Warfare School - Guyana 1st Bn, The Royal Anglian Regiment (1 R ANGLIAN) th 6 (South Atlantic) Division Port Stanley, East Falkland 5th Armoured Brigade Mount Pleasant, East Falkland 6th (Inniskilling) Dragoons (6 D) 1st Bn, Devon & Dorset Regiment (1 D&D) 1st Bn, The Worcestershire & Sherwood Foresters Regiment (1 WFR) 26 Med Regiment, Royal Artillery (26 RA) 3 Commando Brigade Group, RM Fox Bay, West Falkland 1 Recce Squadron, RM 35 Commando, RM (35 Cdo) 37 Commando, RM (37 Cdo) 71 Commando, Royal Wellon Marines (71 Cdo) 301 Assault Squadron, RM 29 Commando Regiment, Royal Artillery (29 RA) 3 Commando Air Group (3 CAG) 59 Independent Commando Squadron, Royal Engineers
1 Commando Logistics Regiment (1 CLR) Falklands Defense Force 1st Bn, The Royal Falklands Regiment 2nd Bn (V), The Royal Falklands Regiment 1st Bn (V), The South Atlantic Regiment 131 (Falklands) Regiment (V), Royal Artillery 49th Independent Armoured Group Sir Vivian Fuchs Barracks, Ross Island, British Antarctica 5th (Royal Inniskilling) Dragoon Guards (5 DG) 2nd Bn, The Royal Wessex Regiment (2 R WESSEX) Joint Commonwealth Battle School Medicine Hat, Alberta, Canada 2nd Royal German Legion Line Battalion (KampfGroup Halle) Cyprus Garrison Akrotiri, Cyprus 7th Bn, The Royal Gurkha Rifles (7 RGR) Gibraltar Garrison Brigade 1st Bn, The Queen's Lancashire Regiment (1 QLR) 1st Bn, The Royal Gibraltar Regiment (1 R GIB R) 2nd (Artillery) Battalion, The Royal Gibraltar Regiment (2 R GIB R) Commomwealth Greenland Brigade 2nd Bn, The King's Regiment (2 KINGS) 2nd Bn, The Royal Scots (2 RS) 2nd Bn, Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry (2 PPCLI) 1 Commando, Special Service Force (1 Cdo SSF) Hong Kong Defense Force 2nd Gurkha Brigade 2 Gurkha Recce Group 2nd Bn, The Royal Gurkha Rifles (2 RGR) 4th Bn, The Royal Gurkha Rifles (4 RGR) 8th Bn, The Royal Gurkha Rifles (8 RGR) 14 (Gurkha) Lt Regiment, Royal Artillery (14 RA) Hong Kong Brigade 1st Bn, The Royal Hong Kong Regiment (1 RHKR) 2nd Bn, The 3rd Independent Gorkha Rifles (2/3 IGR) 3rd Bn (V), The Royal Hong Kong Regiment (3 RHKR) 1st Bn, The Hong Kong Border Regiment (1 HKBR) Light Regiment, Royal Hong Kong Artillery Cunningham Company, Royal Naval Brigade Special Intervention Unit (SIU), Royal Hong Kong Police Peacekeeping Forces 6th Bn, The Royal Gurkha Rifles (6 RGR) Central Asian Republic United Kingdom Defense Forces (UKDF) The UKDF is mainly composed of TAVR forces but with some regular units included. It is split into manoeuvre and regional forces depending on the level of equipment, mobility and training priorities. With the escalation of the Kafer War a major re-working of these forces has taken place. The Manouvre Forces have been revitalised with more modern equipment cast off by the regular army and taken on an increased role in fulfilling Britain's on Earth commitments. Several battalions have been mobilised to take on garrison roles. The Regional Forces have been heavily re-organised, new battalions raised and regular battalions (including several newly returned from the French Arm) have been formally integrated into the structure. The former 5 Infantry Divisions each of 3 brigades have been converted into 10 French style 'flat' divisions this has freed up many extra staff officers required for the front as well as additional training funding for the battalions. The most noticeable change is the numbering change of the divisions and brigades to bring them into line with the regular Army and leaving only the Light Division and Airborne forces out of this sequence. In times of war the UKDF would come directly under the command of the Joint British Isles Defence Command (JBID). JBID is a unified command system integrating the air, sea and land forces of Britain and Ireland. Maneuver Forces 19th Mechanized Division 19th Division Command Group
19 Mechanized Command Regiment 19 Mechanized Regiment (V), Royal Engineers (19 MECH RE) 19th (Welsh) Mechanized Brigade The 2nd Royal Welsh Yeomanry (Border Rifles) (2 RWY) 5th Bn (V), The Royal Welch Fusiliers (5 RWF) 7th Bn (V), The Royal Regiment of Wales (7 RRW) th 20 (SW) Mechanized Brigade The Royal Wessex Yeomanry (R WX Y) 3rd Bn (V), The Devon & Dorset Regiment (3 D&D) 6th (Berkshire & Wiltshire) Bn (V), The Royal Wessex Regiment (6 R WESSEX) st 21 (City of London) Mechanized Brigade The 2nd City of London Yeomanry (Devil's Own) (2 CLY) 7th Bn (V), The Queen's Regiment (7 QUEENS) 1st Bn (V), The London Scottish (The London Regiment) (1 L SCOTS) 19th Division Recce Group The Royal Mercian Yeomanry (RMY) 19th Division Artillery Group 107 Hvy Regiment (V), Royal Artillery (107 RA) 103 Med Regiment (V), Royal Artillery (103 RA) 113 Air Defense Regiment (V), Royal Artillery (113 RA) 20th Mechanized Division 20th Division Command Group 20 Mechanized Command Regiment 20 Mechanized Regiment (V), Royal Engineers (20 MECH RE) 22nd (Scottish) Mechanized Brigade The Royal Scottish Yeomanry (R SCOTS Y) 5th Bn (V), The Royal Scots (5 RS) 6th Bn (V), The Black Watch (6 BW) rd 23 (NW) Mechanized Brigade The Yorkshire Light Horse (North Riding) (YLH) 10th (Durham) Bn (V), The Light Infantry (10 LI) 11th (Tyneside) Bn (V), The Royal Regiment of Fusiliers (11 RRF) 24th (NW) Mechanized Brigade The Duke of Lancaster's Own Yeomanry (Dragoon Militia) (DLY) 7th Bn (V), The Queen's Lancashire Regiment (7 QLR) 5th Bn (V), The King's Own Royal Border Regiment (5 KORBR) th 20 Division Recce Group The Loyal Manchester Yeomanry (Red Devils) (LMY) 20th Division Artillery Group 119 Hvy Regiment (V), Royal Artillery (119 RA) 110 Med Regiment (V), Royal Artillery (110 RA) 106 Air Defense Regiment (V), Royal Artillery (106 RA) 32 (Guards) Light Brigade London, UK Household Cavalry Mounted Regiment (HCMR) 2nd Bn, The Grenadier Guards (2 GREN GDS) 1st Bn, The Welsh Guards (1 WG) 1st Bn, The Wellon Guards (1 WELLON GDS) 55 (King's Troop) Lt Regiment, Royal Horse Artillery (55 RHA) 1st Airborne Brigade 10th Bn (V), The Parachute Regiment (10 PARA) 12th Bn (V), The Parachute Regiment (12 PARA) 15th Bn (V), The Parachute Regiment (15 PARA) 101 Parachute Regiment (V), Royal Artillery (101 RA) 109 Parachute Squadron (V), Royal Engineers 4th Airborne Brigade 10th Bn (V), The Royal Green Jackets (10 RGJ) 11th Bn (V), The Royal Green Jackets (11 RGJ) 4th Bn (V), The Royal Irish Rangers (4 RIR)
102 Lt Regiment (V), Royal Artillery (102 RA) 110 Independent Sqn, Royal Engineers 17th (SE) Mechanized Brigade The Queen's Own Oxfordshire Hussars (QO O H) The 1st City of London Yeomanry (Sharpshooters) (1 CLY) 8th Bn (V), The Queen's Regiment (8 QUEENS) 12th (Royal) Bn (V), The Royal Regiment of Fusiliers (The London Regiment) (12 RRF) 115 Med Regiment (V), Royal Artillery (115 RA) 18th (Combat Walker) Mechanized Brigade The Border Reivers Yeomanry (BRY) The Northumbrian Yeomanry (Hussars) (NY) The King's Own Lincolnshire Yeomanry (KOLY) 12th Bn (V), The Royal Green Jackets (12 RGJ) th 26 (Recce) Mechanized Brigade The 1st Royal Welsh Yeomanry (The Ancient British) (1 RWY) The Royal Anglian Yeomanry (R ANGLIAN Y) The Staffordshire Yeomanry (Black Country Lancers) (STAFFS Y) Regional Forces Regional forces are composed of infantry, artillery and engineer units. Most are reservists but each division has at least one regular battalion. Many of these regular battalions are newly returned from the Kafer War and whilst recovering are also passing on their experience to the TAVR battalions. The regular battalions are now re-organising to Light Role, whilst one TA battalion is a Close Recce unit (most are newly raised battalions and still training) and the remainder GS battalions. Support is provided by artillery, engineer and command and support regiments. Currently the divisions have been most useful in providing individual volunteers for service on the French Arm. However in case of invasion they would provide vital service holding static positions and undertaking warfare in forests and urban areas. The units are all lightly equipped and with soft-skinned transport. The new divisions have taken on ancient historic identities, however the geographical names are not always completely accurate. 43rd (Wessex) Division 43 Command and Support Regiment 4th Bn, The Royal Green Jackets (4 RGJ) 1st Bn (V), The Isle of Wight Rifles (1 IoW R) Close recce role 1st (Royal) Bn (V), The Rifle Volunteers (Royal Wessex) (1 R VOLS) 2nd Bn (V), The Rifle Volunteers (Royal Wessex) (2 R VOLS) 5th (Gloucestershire) Bn (V), The Royal Wessex Regiment (5 R WESSEX) 4th Bn (V), The Devon & Dorset Regiment (4 D&D) 13th (Somerset & Cornwall) Bn (V), The Light Infantry (13 LI) 122 Field Regiment (V), Royal Artillery (122 RA) 43 General Regiment (V), Royal Engineers (43 RE) 48th (South Midlands) Division 48 Command and Support Regiment 3rd Bn, The Queen's Lancashire Regiment (3 QLR) 14th (Shropshire & Herefordshire) Bn (V), The Light Infantry Close recce role 7th Bn (V), The Royal Anglian Regiment (7 R ANGLIAN) 9th Bn (V), The Royal Anglian Regimant (9 R ANGLIAN) 10th (Warwickshire) Bn (V), The Royal Regiment of Fusiliers (10 RRF) 13th Bn (V), The Royal Regiment of Fusiliers (13 RRF) 14th Bn (V), The Royal Regiment of Fusiliers (14 RRF) 117 Field Regiment (V), Royal Artillery (117 RA) 48 General Regiment (V), Royal Engineers (48 RE) 49th (Yorkshire) Division 1st Bn, The York & Lancashire Regiment (1 YLR) 1st Bn (V), The Leeds Rifles (1 LEEDS R) Close recce role 9th (West Yorkshire) Bn (V), The Yorkshire Regiment (9 YORKS) 11th (Duke of Wellington's) Bn (V), The Yorkshire Regiment (11 YORKS) 12th (King's Own Yorkshire) Bn (V), The Light Infantry (12 LI) 3rd (Hallamshire) Bn (V), The York & Lancashire Regiment (3 YLR) 4th Bn (V), The Worcestershire and Sherwood Foresters Regiment (4 WFR)
129 Field Regiment (V), Royal Artillery (129 RA) 49 General Regiment (V), Royal Engineers (49 RE) Corps of Guides Lumsden Barracks, Bombay The Corps of Guides is a unique unit in the British military establishment. It is a semi-official, quasi-mercenary brigade that is funded by the British Government through the Foreign Office. Scinde Horse Deccan Horse 1st Sikh Rifles 2nd Sikh Rifles Rajputania Rifles Hyderabad Light Infantry Royal Air Force Fighter Command Fighter Command operates in support of the RAF's main role, the defence of the British Isles. Fighter Command is responsible for maintaining the integrity of the United Kingdom's air space, an area which is defined rather hazily. This leads to the occasional dispute with Britain's neighbours. Fighter Command has two main aircraft types, Fury F.3 fighters and Lightning F.5 interceptors. It also has four squadrons of Gladiator DF.5 unmanned fighters for point defence duties. The Fury aircraft protect the south of the country, where their greater agility is expected to be more use. The Lightning aircraft are tasked for long range protection across the North Sea and out into the Atlantic. The Gladiators are retained for the defence of airfields and other key points. Guardian AEW aircraft in combination with Vulcan AEW drones direct the interceptors, whilst tankers from Transport Command provide air-to-air refueling. The Furies and Lightnings have a secondary ASAT role, being able to launch orbital interdiction weaponry. Fighter Command also has three static long range SAM/Rapid Fire Laser squadrons which can tackle a range of threats including missile attacks and orbital strikes. Fighter Command can be reinforced by aircraft from Strike Command or Fleet Air Arm. The latter is routine when Carrier Air Wings are ashore in the United Kingdom. Currently 56 Squadron is serving with JTAG-3 on New Africa. No. 10 Group No. 11 Group No. 13 Group No. 14 Group Strike Command Strike Command provides air combat support to the British Army. It has a mixture of Fury F.3 and Tempest GR.1 aircraft as well as Guardian AEW control aircraft. Strike Command is often called upon to deploy aircraft with the JTAGs. 3 and 4 Squadrons and a detachment from 8 Squadron saw action on Beta Canum with JTAG-2 during the Invasion and have since returned to Earth. Strike Command is also on high readiness to reinforce No.4 Group in the South Atlantic if tensions with Argentina rise again. Currently 1, 20 and 100 Squadrons are deployed with the JTAGs on New Africa along with a detachment from 51 Squadron. 6 Squadron is deployed to New Cornwall on Joi. Several pilots from Strike Command have been seconded to the air forces of Alicia and New Africa. Due to the pace of operations Strike Command is seriously understrength in the British Isles and should a crisis arise on Earth much of the burden would fall upon the RN. No. 1 Group No. 2 Group No. 9 Group Bomber Command Bomber Command is tasked with British strategic force projection around the world, while the Royal Navy supplies tactical force projection from its carrier fleet. Bomber Commands aircraft carry a range of munitions from conventional cruise
missiles to tactical nuclear devices. In addition Bomber Command has a range of assets for strategic reconnaissance to supplement the capabilities of the wide range of satellites in British service. Bomber Command's main aircraft are the Vanguard B.2 and the Mosquito RB.1. It also uses converted Artemis R.1 for photographic reconnaissance and Artemis R.2 for electronic and signals intelligence gathering purposes. A detachment of Mosquitos of 618 Squadron operated to great effect on New Africa during the Invasion, these have been replaced by a detachment from 617 Squadron. No. 8 (Pathfinder) Group No. 5 Group No. 6 Group Coastal Command Coastal Command is in charge of the maritime protection of the United Kingdom. As such its primary assets are its Artemis MRS.3 aircraft that can detect, identify and destroy a whole range of surface and sub-surface targets as well as being able to protect itself from individual roving aircraft. Artemis crews are normally joint crews, with RN personnel serving alongside their RAF counterparts. Four squadrons are deployed around the British Isles, one squadron is deployed in the South Atlantic and one squadron provides detachments to Hong Kong, Indian Ocean, Gibraltar and other locations. In addition the RAF provides half of the United Kingdom's Search and Rescue assets with its Osprey R.1 tilt-rotor craft. In times of emergency these craft can also perform anti-submarine warfare tasks. 207 Squadron is tasked with being Coastal Command's SAR reserve, however it also has the role of Combat Search and Rescue and detachments from 207 accompany Strike Command aircraft when on deployment. No. 3 Group No. 7 Group No. 18 Group Transport Command Transport Command provides British forces with a range of services. The bulk of the force is dedicated to airlift of British forces, both at a tactical and strategic level. The perennial Atlas C.5 is the in-theatre workhorse, whilst the heavy AngloFrench SLA (Strategic Lift Aircraft) Constellation equips three squadrons of aircraft. A further squadron is equipped with converted Lincoln airliners for comfortable movement of personnel and cargo. Transport Command also controls the Royal Air Force's tanker fleet. These assets are normally deployed to the other Commands especially Fighter and Bomber Commands. Manned tanker aircraft are used in support of Bomber Command, whilst drones are used for more routine tasks. Strike Command operates tactically in support of the Army and so rarely requires tanker support. Lastly there are two VIP transport squadrons. 32 (Royal) Squadron is responsible for the air transport of members of the Royal Family, as such it has a range of aircraft from helicopters, to business jets to a Swift Transatmospheric cruiser. It is not uncommon for the Royals to take the controls of these aircraft themselves.18 Squadron performs the same role for members of the government and senior military officers from all the services, although in slightly less plush surroundings. No. 15 Group No. 17 Group No. 19 Group No. 20 Group Training Command Training Command has a vital function within the RAF for both flight and tactical training as well as ensuring pilots transfer
on to new aircraft types successfully. Joint Basic Flight Training for RAF and RN flight crew takes place on propeller driven aircraft at No.1 and No.2 Flight Training Schools at RAF Linton-on-Ouse and RAF Cranwell. Fast jet training is conducted at No.3 FTS at RAF Valley in Wales. Multi-engine training is undertaken by No.4 FTS also at RAF Cranwell. Search and rescue training is conducted at Fleet Air Arm training establishments. It also has oversight of RAF's University and air experience units and the Commonwealth Flight Testing Facility . Training Command also has responsibility for ensuring that pilots are trained in the use of the aircraft they will be flying at their squadrons. This is the responsibility of the Operational Conversion Units, which are in most circumstances co-located with operational squadrons. In time of war the OCU form an extra reserve of planes and aircraft will be flown by the instructors. The final task of training command is in the operational training of active duty squadrons. This is conducted in three places; Canada, Brazil and Wellon. Training at these locations is conducted by multi-type British squadrons in the aggressor role as well as with the help of local forces. No. 50 Group No. 51 Group No. 52 Group No. 54 Group Orbital Command The RAF has responsibility for the UK's Anti-satellite and anti-ballistic missile defences, this includes the satellite and radar tracking resources required to target these objectives. The main weapon are the Phoenix ASAT missiles controlled by three Squadrons of the RAF Regiment. Two of these squadrons are located at silos across the British Isles, the third squadron is equipped with mobile launchers which can be deployed virtually anywhere. A final responsibility of Orbital Command is for orbital lift provided for by two squadrons of Landers. Although the Royal Space Corps has the primary responsibility for this role the RAF retains some capability. No. 16 Group No. 21 (RAF Regiment) Group Defence Command Defence Command is responsible for the defence of RAF bases, both permanent and temporary facilities. The Command is manned primarily by airman-soldiers of the RAF Regiment and reservists of the RAuxAF Regiment. These are responsible for last ditch close in air defence of the bases and the defence of them on the ground. The Command also has oversight of RAF Police and fire services as well as RAF Regiment specialist units. No. 30 (RAuxAF Regiment) Group No. 31 (RAF Regiment) Group No. 33 (RAF Regiment) Group No. 34 (RAF Regiment) Group No. 4 Group 4 Group has the task of defending the airspace of the British South Atlantic Territories and providing air support to local British Army forces. It operates in conjunction with the carrier air groups of the Royal Navy's Atlantic Fleet. 4 Group concentrates on the provision of air defence to the Falklands and air support to the isolated 49th Armoured Group which garrisons the Antarctic areas. There are also detachments for ASW, refuelling and troop movement but these operate under different chains of command. The Group is manned by squadrons detached in rotation from the various Commands. No. 22 Group
22 Group is located in New Africa on Beta Canum-4. It is currently responsible for the administrative support of RAF and RN units comprising JTAG-3 and JTAG-4. No. 23 Group 23 Group is based in Alicia on Beowulf. The Group currently has no operational squadrons under command, however it is responsible for supplying RAF units further up the French Arm. No. 24 Group 24 Group is the RAF's presence on Crater. It is a small HQ with no major assets. No. 25 Group This Group is based on Joi in the colony of New Cornwall. It is a small group but has taken on an overview role covering civil aviation as well as its own assets. The Group has requested reinforcement but it has been bottom of the RAF's list of priorities. It relies on aviation assets from the neighbouring Azanian colony. No. 35 Group 35 Group is the RAF's presence in Wellon on the world of Tirane. It commands a number of squadrons, most of which are dedicated to the training role with only 41 Squadron in an operational role. The reserve squadrons are holding units for aircraft which are manned by squadrons rotating out from Earth to training at the Joint Air Warfare Centre. Royal Navy Home Fleet Atlantic Fleet Far East Station Indian Ocean Station Caribbean Guard Squadron Colonial Fleet Royal Naval Brigade 1st Battalion Plymouth, England Benbow Company Plymouth, England Hawke Company Devonport, England Collingwood Company San Carlos Naval Base, Falkland Islands 2nd Battalion Rosyth Naval Base, Scotland Drake Company Diego Garcia, Indian Ocean Nelson Company Rosyth Naval Base, Scotland Cunningham Company HSM Tamar, Hong Kong 3rd Battalion Plymouth, England Cochrane Company Yeovilton NAS, England Lewis Company RAF St. Mawgan, England St. Vincent Company Yeovilton NAS, England 4th Battalion HMS Caledonia, New Africa Hood Company RAF St. Peters, Wellon Fisher Company HMS Caledonia, New Africa Churchill Company HMS Anson, New Cornwall
Republic of Greece
Republic of Ireland HQ, Ireland Defence Command Dublin, Eire The IDC today is composed of a number of mostly regular brigade sized formations as well as three volunteer divisions. The regular units include reconnaissance, fire, air and two manoeuvre groups and can include formations drawn from both Irish and British establishments. The volunteer divisions are organised in a manner similar to French infantry divisions and have had that structure for sometime unlike their British UKDF counterparts. Irish volunteer units either have 'Volunteer' in the title or 'V' for Ulster TA or 'FCA' (Frsa Cosanta itiil) for reserve units from the other Provinces and Dublin. The IDC is a fixed command headquartered in Dublin, but retains the capability to become a mobile Corps command if required. Command Reconnaissance Group The CRG is a formation of brigade size tasked to provide surveillance and recce support for the whole IDC. It includes regular medium recce and close recce units as well as a volunteer special forces squadron and special duties artillery OP regiment. 3rd Irish Cavalry Regiment (3 ICR) 2nd Bn, The Munster Regiment (2MR) 4th Field Regiment (Fianoglach) (FCA), The Airtleria Regiment of Ireland (4 ARI) I Sqdn, 23 Special Air Service Regiment (V) (I/23 SAS) Command Fire Group The CFG is a fairly small formation that interfaces closely with both the CRG and the CS artillery formations attached at brigade and division level. It is normally manned with one heavy MLR regiment and one volunteer air defence regiment, however it can swiftly bring the other artillery formations under control to deliver required volumes of fire. 1st Field Regiment, The Airtleria Regiment of Ireland (1 ARI) 5th Air Defence Regiment (FCA), The Airtleria Regiment of Ireland (5 ARI) Command Air Group The CAG is the Irish contribution to both the air defence, strike capability and the tactical mobility of the IDC. The 1st Regiment is equipped with one squadron of Hunter multi-role fighter aircraft and two squadrons of Wasp fighter drones. The 2nd Regiment has two squadrons of tactical lift tilt-rotors and one squadron of surveillance drones. The 3rd Regiment is responsible for VIP transport and liaison tasks using a variety of civilian aircraft. 1st (Air Defence) Regiment, Irish Air Corps (1 IAC) Hunter/Wasp 2nd (Combat Support) Regiment, Irish Air Corps (2 IAC) 3rd (General Support) Regiment, Irish Air Corps (3 IAC) 16 Irish Brigade Group The Curragh, Ireland 1st Bn, The Dublin Fusiliers (1DF) 2nd Bn, The Leinster Regiment (2 LR) 1st Bn, The Royal Wessex Regiment (1 R WESSEX) 1st Bn, The Light Infantry (1 LI) 37 (Irish) Regiment, Royal Artillery (37 RA) 36 Irish Brigade Group Theipval Barracks, Ulster, Ireland 1st Bn, The Munster Regiment (1 MR) 1st Bn (Regular), The Royal Ulster Volunteers (1 RUV) 2nd Bn, The Irish Guards (2 IG) 2nd Bn, The Queen's Regiment (2 QUEENS) 2nd Field Regiment, The Airtleria Regiment of Ireland (2 ARI) 1st Irish Division 1 Irish Div is the defence division drawn from the east coast of Ireland from Dublin and Leinster. 1st Irish Cavalry Regiment (FCA) (1 ICR) 1st (Fusilier) Battalion, City of Dublin Volunteers (1 CDV) 2nd Battalion, City of Dublin Volunteers (2 CDV) 3rd (Coisithe) Battalion, City of Dublin Volunteers (3 CDV) 1st Leinster Battalion, Royal Leinster Rifle Volunteers (1 RLRV) 2nd Uisneach Battalion, Royal Leinster Rifle Volunteers (2 RLRV) 3rd Oriel Battalion, Royal Leinster Rifle Volunteers (3 RLRV) 4th Pearse Battalion, Royal Leinster Rifle Volunteers (4 RLRV) 3rd Field Regiment (FCA), The Airtleira Regiment of Ireland (3 ARI) 2nd Irish Division 2 Irish Div is drawn from Munster and Connaught. 2nd Irish Cavalry Regiment (FCA) (2 ICR) 1st/3rd Battalion (FCA), The Munster Regiment (1/3 MR)
2nd/3rd (Coisithe) Battalion (FCA), The Munster Regiment (2/3 MR) 1st/4th Battalion (FCA), The Munster Regiment (1/4 MR) 1st/5th Battalion (FCA), The Munster Regiment (1/5 MR) 1st (Coisithe) Battalion, Connaught Volunteers (1 CV) 2nd Battalion, Connaught Volunteers (1 CV) 3rd Battalion, Connaught Volunteers (1 CV) 6th Field Regiment (FCA), The Airtleira Regiment of Ireland (6 ARI) 3rd Irish Division 3 Irish Div is drawn from the province of Ulster. The North Irish Horse (V) (NIH) 5th Battalion (V), The Royal Irish Rangers (5 RIR) 3rd Battalion (V), The Royal Ulster Rifles (3 RUR) 3rd Battalion (V), The Royal Ulster Fusiliers (3 RUF) 4th Battalion, The Royal Ulster Volunteers (4 RUV) 1st (County Donegal) Battalion, Ulster Volunteer Brigade (1 UVB) 2nd (City of Derry) Battalion, Ulster Volunteer Brigade (2 UVB) 3rd (Cavan and Monaghan) Battalion, Ulster Volunteer Brigade (3 UVB) 111 (Ulster) Regiment (V), Royal Artillery (111 RA)
Republic of Italy
Kingdom of the Netherlands Royal Netherlands Army Koninklijke Landmacht Commando Corps (Corps Commandotroepen - KCT) 101 Commando Bn 108 Commando Bn 109 Long-Range Recce Company 110 Long-Range Recce Company 1st Army Corps 11 Air Assault Brigade 11 Air Assault Battalion "Garderegiment Grenadiers" 12 Air Assault Battalion "Regiment Van Heutsz" 13 Air Assault Battalion "Regiment Stoottroepen Prins Bernhardt" 14 Air Assault Battalion "Garderegiment Jagers" 12 Artillery Regiment 11 Engineer Battalion 11 Recce Company 11 Air Defence Company Tactical Transport Group Klu 299 Sqdn (Medium Lift) [Stallion C4] 300 Sqdn (Medium Lift) [Stallion C4] 301 Sqdn (Attack) [Fox S4] 302 Sqdn (Attack) [Fox S4] 303 Sqdn (Recce/Light Lift) [Lynx C3/CR3] 304 Sqdn (Recce) [Peregrine SR16] 1 Engineer Brigade Corps Troops 1st Division 7 December 13 Mechanised Brigade 41 Mechanised Brigade 43 Mechanised Brigade 4th Division 51 Mechanised Brigade 52 Mechanised Brigade 53 Mechanised Brigade 12 Light Brigade National Territorial Command (Nationaal Territoriaal Commando - NATRES) Van Boreel Hussar Regiment Light Recce (Licht Verkennings) 301 Light Recce Sqdn (301 Lichte Verkennings Eskadron) 302 Light Recce Sqdn (302 Lichte Verkennings Eskadron) 303 Light Recce Sqdn (303 Lichte Verkennings Eskadron) 304 Light Recce Sqdn (304 Lichte Verkennings Eskadron) 305 Light Recce Sqdn (305 Lichte Verkennings Eskadron) Regiment of Dragoons Light Security (Licht Beveiligings) 101 Lichte Beveiligings Eskadron Infanterie Beveiligings Compagnie Infanterie Verkennings Compagnie
Royal Netherlands Marine Corps Corps Mariniers Headquarters, Marine Corps (Hoofdkwartier Corps Mariniers HKKM) W Company (Interface Cdo) Marine Intervention Unit (Unit Interventie Mariniers - UIM) Marine Operational Group (Groep Operationele Eenheden Mariniers GOEP) Marine Battalion 1 (MARBAT 1) Marine Battalion 2 (MARBAT 2) Marine Battalion 3 (MARBAT 3) OPCOM to Commander Naval Forces Caribbean, Curacao Amphibious Battle Group 1 (Amphibische Gevechtsgroep 1 AGGP 1) OPCOM to 4 Cdo Bde (UK) Amphibious Battle Group 2 (Amphibische Gevechtsgroep 2 AGGP 2) OPCOM to 3 Cdo Bde (UK) Combat Support Battalion (CSBAT) Long-Range Recce Company Mountain Leader Platoon Amphibious Recce Platoon No.7 Section, Special Boat Service (7 SBS) Mortar Company 1 Mortar Company 2 Engineer Company 1 Engineer Company 2 Royal Netherlands Air Force Koninklijke Luchtmacht Klu
Republic of Poland Polish Army Wojsko Polskie Army Headquarters and Strategic Reserve Strategic Operations Forces 1st 'Warsaw' Guards Brigade 1 1st 'Gdansk' Commando Brigade 2nd 'Krakow' Commando Brigade (-) 3rd 'Warsaw' Commando Brigade 1st Cavalry Division 1st 'Kiev' Armored Cavalry Brigade (-) 5 5th 'Saksonia' Armored Cavalry Brigade 10th 'Kalisz' Air Cavalry Brigade 50th 'Blekitna Dywizja' Armored Cavalry Brigade 2 33rd Air Defense Brigade 40th Artillery Brigade 41st Artillery Brigade 60th Combat Engineer Brigade Gdansk Division 2nd 'Lithuanian' Naval Assault Brigade 2 6th 'Czestochowa' Air Assault Brigade (-) 4 36th 'Nowogard' Armored Cavalry Brigade 38th Air Defense Brigade 56th Aviation Brigade 61st Combat Engineer Brigade Krakow Division 3rd 'Monte Cassino' Mountain Rifle Brigade 5 8th 'Krakow' Mechanized Brigade 21st 'Podolski' Mountain Rifle Brigade 17th Air Defense Brigade 45th Aviation Brigade 90th Combat Engineer Brigade 95th Artillery Brigade Territorial Command - East Baltic Division 4th 'Krolewski 22nd' Mechanized Brigade 2 5th 'Lwiw' Armored Cavalry Brigade 5 12th 'Piotrokow Guards' Mechanized Brigade 3 39th Air Defense Brigade 62nd Combat Engineer Brigade 77th Artillery Brigade Lublin Division 18th 'Lublin' Mechanized Brigade 20th 'Minsk Guards' Mechanized Brigade 3 22nd 'Bilgoraj' Mountain Rifle Brigade 23rd 'Piotrkow' Armored Cavalry Brigade 55th Aviation Brigade 67th Combat Engineer Brigade 75th Artillery Brigade (-) 83rd Air Defense Brigade Territorial Command - West Pomeranian Division 1st 'Warsaw' Mechanized Brigade 9th 'Dresden' Mechanized Brigade
17th 'Radom' Mechanized Brigade 43rd Aviation Brigade 56th Artillery Brigade 79th Air Defense Brigade 88th Combat Engineer Brigade Silesian Division 11th 'Wroclaw' Mechanized Brigade 14th 'Silesia' Mechanized Brigade 19th 'Kalisz' Mechanized Brigade 24th 'Legnica' Armored Cavalry Brigade 41st Aviation Brigade 72nd Artillery Brigade 103rd Air Defense Brigade Reserve Force Command 1st Reserve Brigade 2nd Reserve Brigade 3rd Reserve Brigade II Polish Expeditionary Corps deployed with Armee de Liberation, Beta Comae Berenices 7th 'Lujcyka' Naval Assault Brigade Battle Group Jan Sobieski, 1st 'Kiev' Armored Cavalry Brigade Battle Group Piotrowski, 6th 'Czestochowa' Air Assault Brigade Battle Group Sosabowski, 6th 'Czestochowa' Air Assault Brigade 59th Aviation Brigade 63rd Combat Engineer Brigade 1st Field Artillery Regiment, 75th Artillery Brigade 2nd Regiment, 2nd 'Krakow' Commando Brigade Notes 1 - The Warsaw Guards Brigade is configured like an Armored Cavalry Brigade, with an additional battalion of light infantry attached and a squadron of CC-21 heavy tanks. During peacetime it serves a largely ceremonial function. During war, it would either be used to garrison the capital, or attached to 1st Cavalry Army, depending on the situation. 2 - These units trace their lineage to the American and Canadian XI Corps who were stranded in Poland at the end of the Twilight War and never repatriated. The 50th Brigade's "Blekitna Dywizja" ("Blue Division") name references its origin as the US 50th "Jersey Blues" Armored Division. The 4th "Krolewski 22nd" Brigade is descended from the Canadian 4th Mechanized Brigade, which was primarily made up of units of the Franco-Canadian Royal 22nd Regiment. 3 - These units trace their lineage to Soviet forces which remained in Poland at the end of the Twilight War and were eventually incorporated into the Polish Army. 4 - The 6th Air Assault Brigade is descended from the 20th-century 6th Pomeranian Air Assault Division, which was annihilated by German and American forces during the Battle of Czestochowa (24 May to 7 June 1997) during the Twilight War. During the Age of Recovery the battle became the Polish "national epic" of the Twilight War (it has been retold in film of novel form several times) and there was a popular outcry to name the revived 6th AAB for its most famous battle when the division was reformed in 2045. 5 - The unit was formed during the 21st or 22nd century and traces its lineage to WWII-era Free Polish forces.
Republic of Portugal Portuguese Army Exrcito Portugus Parachute Intervention Brigade (Brigada Pra-quedista de Interveno - BPI) - Lisbon 1st Special Rifles Bn 1st Parachute Rifle Bn deployed peacekeeping duty, Central Asian Republic (CAR) 2o Parachute Rifle Bn2 3o Parachute Rifle Bn 3o Regimento de Cavalaria Pra-quedista (-)3 3o Grupo de Artilharia de Campanha Naval Fuzilier Division (Diviso de Fuzileiros Navais DFN) - Lisbon 1o Batalho de Fuzileiros Navais 2o Batalho de Fuzileiros Navais5 Companhia de Reconhecimento e Accoes Especias (CRAE) 1a Diviso Portugus (DPOR) [HQ: Barreiro] 1a Brigada Mecanizada [HQ: Beja] 1o Regimento de Carros de Combate 3o Batalho de Infantaria Mecanizada 4o Batalho de Infantaria Mecanizada 2o Grupo de Artilharia de Campanha 2a Brigada Blindada [HQ: Viana do Castelo] 2o Regimento Blindado 3o Regimento de Carros de Combate 10o Batalho de Infantaria Mecanizada 1o Grupo de Artilharia de Campanha 3a Brigada Ligeira [HQ: Castelo Branca] 5o Batalho de Infantaria Ligeira 6o Batalho de Infantaria Ligeira 7o Batalho de Infantaria Ligeira [Azores] 5o Grupo de Artilharia de Campanha 1o Regimento de Cavalaria Reconhecimento 4o Grupo de Artilharia de Campanha (Misil) 2a Diviso de Guarda Voluntria (2 DGV) [HQ: Coimbra] 4a Brigada Mecanizada 6a Brigada Ligeira 4o Regimento de Cavalaria Reconhecimento 3a Diviso de Guarda Voluntria (3 DGV) [HQ: Beja] 5a Brigada Ligeira 7a Brigada Mecanizada 9a Brigada Ligeira [Azores] 2o Regimento de Cavalaria Reconhecimento ORBAT NOTES: 1.) 1o Batalho de Cacadores Pra-quedista detached from the BPI for peacekeeping service in the Central Asian Republic. 2.) 2o Batalho de Cacadores Pra-quedista detached from BPI for service with the Brazilian military's Brigada Expedio (Diviso Expedio after 1 September 2303)in the French Arm. 3.) 3o Regimento de Cavalaria Paraquedista has two of its light squadrons detached, one supporting 1 BCP in Central Asia and another supporting 2 BCP in the French Arm. 4.) Diviso de Fuzileiros Navais is under the control of the Marinha Portuguesa. 5.) 2o Batalho de Fuzileiros Navais, circa 2303, on forces exchange with the Brazilian Marine Corps (Corpo de Fuzileiros Navais do Brasil) serving in the 'Zona de Quillombo' along the Inca Republic border. The unit's place taken in Diviso de Fuzileiros Navais by 21o Batalho de Fuzileiros Navais, Brazilian Marine Corps.
Russian Empire Rossiyskaya Imperiya Imperial Army Special Purpose Forces GRU Spetznaz Brigade 9th Spetznaz Bn 23rd Spetznaz Bn 42nd Spetznaz Bn 7th Guards Airborne Brigade 93rd Guards Airborne Regiment 132nd Guards Airborne Regiment 777th Guards Airborne Regiment (Interface) Taman Guards Security Regiment Imperial Guard Corps Life Guards Division Guards Rifle Division Guards Airmobile Division 1st Expeditionary Combined Arms Army Central Asian Expeditionary Corps 1st Tank Army 3rd Tank Army 8th Combined Army Army 20th Independent Corps Imperial Military Reserve
Imperial Air Force Imperial Navy Naval Infantry Corps Naval Special Purpose Forces Brigade Combat Recon Diver Regiment Naval Spetznaz Regiment Northern Fleet Division Baltic Fleet Division Imperial Space Force Orbital Marine Force
Guards Company No.1 Company No.2 Company No.3 Company No.4 Company No.5
Scandinavian Union Scandinavian Army Skandinaviska Armn Defence Forces Special Missions Command - (Frsvarsmaktens Specialuppdragskommando FSK) The FSK (Defence Forces Special Missions Command) consists of units under direct Defence Staff control in peacetime. They are not part of any brigade or division. All FSK units are regular forces. The SSG is Scandinavia's equivalent for the British SAS. It is composed of eight platoons, each of 20 soldiers, and they are responsible for long-range reconnaissance, sabotage, and similar missions. In recent times, some rumours of the SSG being used for "unattributable" operations have been raised (mostly by the yellow press). The SRE is the Army hostage rescue team. Although their mission is primarily one of POW rescue and CSAR during wartime, at peacetime they are responsible for heavy-duty counterterrorism and hostage rescue missions. There are two 20-man platoons in the SRE, one responsible for ground operations (the "Green Platoon") and one responsible for maritime operations (the "Blue Platoon"). Collectively the SRE is often called Group Gemini for their yearly big exercises (Exercise Gemini). Special Reconnaissance Group - (Specialspaningsgrupp, SSG) 8 Platoons Special Rescue Unit - (Specialrddningsenhet, SRE) Green Platoon (Ground Ops) Blue Platoon (Maritime Ops) Rapid Reaction Command (Beredskapskommando BK) The Rapid Reaction Command is the all-regular portion of the Scandinavian Army, and the one most likely to see action. It consists of two divisions (the 3rd and the 9th) and an independent parachute brigade. The main purpose of the Rapid Reaction Command is to provide the heavy manoeuvre element in national defence, while the mechanised units of the National Service Command act as defensive and secondary manoeuvre forces. Another important function for the Command is to provide troops for service abroad: the Scandinavian Union has a law that prohibits sending conscripts or reservists abroad unless they volunteer for it. This includes peacekeeping/peace enforcement duties as well as interventions. 3rd Division Helsinki, Finland 7th Armoured Brigade - Sodankyl, Finland 7th Armoured Recce Squadron 71st Armoured Battalion 72nd Mechanised Infantry Battalion 73rd Mechanised Infantry Battalion 75th Artillery Battalion 7th Engineer Company 7th Anti-Tank Company 7th Air Defence Company 7th Logistics Battalion 35th Armoured Brigade - Kouvola, Finland 35th Armoured Recce Squadron 351st Armoured Battalion 352nd Mechanised Infantry Battalion 353rd Mechanised Infantry Battalion 355th Artillery Battalion 35th Engineer Company 35th Anti-Tank Company 35th Air Defence Company 35th Logistics Battalion 3rd Divisional Artillery Group 14th Heavy Artillery Battalion 81st Heavy Rocket Artillery Battalion 3rd Divisional Support Group 3rd Divisional Air Defence Battalion 10th Support Battalion 23rd Engineer Battalion 24th Logistics Battalion
9th Division Copenhagen, Denmark 3rd Armoured Brigade - Haderslev, Denmark 3rd Armoured Recce Squadron 31st Armoured Battalion 32nd Mechanised Infantry Battalion 33rd Mechanised Infantry Battalion 35th Artillery Battalion 3rd Engineer Company 3rd Anti-Tank Company 3rd Air Defence Company 3rd Logistics Battalion 12th Armoured Brigade - Skvde, Sweden 12th Armoured Recce Squadron 121st Armoured Battalion 122nd Mechanised Infantry Battalion 123rd Mechanised Infantry Battalion 125th Artillery Battalion 12th Engineer Company 12th Anti-Tank Company 12th Air Defence Company 12th Logistics Battalion 9th Divisional Artillery Group 15th Heavy Artillery Battalion 82nd Heavy Rocket Artillery Battalion 9th Divisional Support Group 9th Divisional Air Defence Battalion 11th Support Battalion 25th Engineer Battalion 26th Logistics Battalion 5th Parachute Brigade (Fallskrmsjgarbrigad 5) Karlsborg, Sweden The 5th Parachute Brigade is the rapid deployment force of the Rapid Reaction Command. Composed of three light infantry battalions, the brigade is designed to be "strategically mobile", meaning it can be deployed anywhere in the Scandinavian Union (including the "outremer" areas of Greenland, Iceland and Svalbard) to reinforce a particularly threatened axis. Although lacking the tactical battlefield mobility and heavy firepower of the armoured brigades, they make up for it with a large number of antitank missile launchers and the support of both Army Aviation gunships and the tactical aircraft of the Scandinavian Air Force. The brigade is actually a parachute commando brigade; indeed, the troops are called fallskrmsjgare ("parachute rangers") for their distinctive elite light infantry status. The In addition to their training as light infantry, all troops (from the fighting soldiers to cooks) undergo the Ranger commando course at Karlsborg and the Arctic Training course at Sodankyl. This means that they are extremely versatile, capable of traditional infantry operations of offence and defence, and also patrol, reconnaissance and sabotage training. The Brigade is composed of a parachute recce company (pathfinders), three parachute infantry battalions, an airmobile artillery battery (with 16 light 120mm guns), an engineer company, an anti-tank company (with 16 light Jeep-type vehicles with heavy anti-tank missiles), an air defence company (with 16 light vehicles with SAMs) and a logistics battalion. Each infantry battalion contains a platoon of Thor combat walkers in the support company, in addition to the normal equipment of an infantry battalion. The Recce Company also has a section of 8 combat walkers; reputedly trained in orbital drops as well as in normal parachute insertions. Unlike the armoured brigades, the 5th Parachute Brigade is not under any division command. Instead, it is "retained" under direct command of the Defence Forces Staff. 5th Parachute Recce Company 501st Parachute Battalion 502nd Parachute Battalion 503rd Parachute Battalion 504th Parachute Training Battalion 505th Airmobile Artillery Battery 5th Airmobile Anti-Tank Company 5th Airmobile Air Defence Company 5th Logistics Battalion 70th Amphibious Battalion Bergen, Norway The sole amphibious BK unit, the 70th Amphibious Battalion (Amf 70) is not part of a division, but is placed at the direct
command of the Defence Forces Staff. The battalion has been built up as a regular amphibious battalion: it has a tactical HQ, a headquarters company, three Coastal Ranger companies and a support company. Like any other light infantry battalion, their support company has a platoon of Thor CWs attached for direct support. In peacetime, the 70th Amphibious Battalion's primary responsibility is training the other (national service) amphibious battalions. Their wartime mission is to either reinforce Iceland, Greenland or the Svalbard Islands, or spearhead the re-capture of the said places along with the paratroops and armoured forces. The battalion receives a hearty dose of arctic and mountain training (at Sodankyl and Lakselv, respectively) and is considered one of the finest cold-weather/adverse conditions units in Scandinavia, if not Europe. Aside from their own training, the 70th Amphibious Battalion also trains with the hover-mobile armoured brigades (the Scandinavian doctrine stresses joint operations in this regard) and with the British and Dutch Marines. National Service Command (Vrnpliktskommando VPK) The National Service Command is responsible for training the conscript portion of the Scandinavian Army. Each country's conscripts are undergo their service in a training unit in their country (a soldier fighting for his home fights the hardest). These brigades are not full-strength units. Instead, they are to be brought to full strength by mobilisation of reservists. They are the first-line reserve force. VPK Denmark Jutland Brigade - Aalborg Zealand Brigade - Roskilde 11th Air Defence Regiment - Copenhagen 30th Artillery Regiment - Aalborg The Amalienborg Life Guards* - Copenhagen VPK Finland Kainuu Brigade - Kajaani Pori Brigade - Skyl Hme Regiment - Lahti 71st Amphibious Battalion - Dragsvik 12th Air Defence Regiment - Helsinki 31st Artillery Regiment - Niinisalo Jaeger Guards Regiment* - Helsinki VPK Norway Finnmark Brigade - Hammerfest SondenParaeldske Dragoon Brigade - Rena Oslo Regiment - Oslo 73rd Amphibious Battalion - Bergen 13th Air Defence Regiment - Oslo 32nd Artillery Regiment - Trondheim The Royal Infantry Guards* - Oslo VPK Sweden Norrbotten Brigade - Boden Skaraborg Brigade - Skvde 72nd Amphibious Battalion - Vaxholm 14th Air Defence Regiment - Stockholm 33rd Artillery Regiment - stersund stergotland Regiment - Linkping The Swedish Life Guards* - Kungsngen
*These are Life Guard units, principally trained in MOUT operations in defence of the national capitals. They also share honour guard duties, such as welcoming visiting heads of state to the city they are based in. Many of the Scandinavian countries had more than one guards unit; their traditions and honours were passed on to the battalions in the newer units. For instance, the Amalienborg Guards consists of three battalions, the Royal Life Guards, the Queen's Life Regiment and the Prince's Life Regiment; the traditions of the fourth guard unit, the Guard Hussars, are now carried by the 31st Armoured Battalion.
Home Guard (Hemvrnet - HV) The Hemvrnet (Home Guard) is an organisation for reservists and volunteers (those who do not wish to join the Army proper, but wish to do something for their country). At mobilisation, the Hemvrnet would be formed into local defence companies and battalions, mostly equipped with obsolete weapons.
North America North America has been a likely flash point since the end of World War 3 and the Mexican annexation of southern regions of the United States. Today a fiercely independent Texas stands between a reduced America who has neither forgiven or forgotten and a Mexico who controls all of central America. While confrontation and tension is high in the south in the north Canada has made her own way in the world. Canada Mexico Texas United States
Federation of Canada Canadian Land Forces Army Mobile Command Army Mobile Command controls most of Canada's on Earth regular forces. Whilst also being very capable of aiding Canada's defense from any threat they are optimized for deployment outside of mainland Canada. The bulk of AMC forces are composed of the Brigade Groups of the 1st Canadian Division and the independent Anglo-Canadian Brigade that garrisons Greenland. 1st Canadian Division CFB Petawawa, Ontario, Canada 1 Canadian Armoured Brigade Group seconded to II (Commonwealth) Corps CEF 2 Canadian Mechanized Brigade Group CFB Shilo, Manatoba, Canada Royal Canadian Dragoons 3rd Bn, Royal Canadian Regiment 3rd Bn, Royal 22e Regiment 2nd Regiment, Royal Canadian Horse Artillery 2 Combat Engineer Regiment 2 Service Battalion 5 Field Ambulance 5e Groupe-Brigade Mechanise du Canada BFC Valcartier, Quebec, Canada 12e Regiment Blinde du Canada 2e Bat, Royal 22e Regiment 2nd Bn, Princess Louise's Canadian Fusiliers 5e Regiment Artillery Leger Du Canada 5e Regiment du Genie de Combat 5e Battalion de Service 5 Field Ambulance 6 Canadian Brigade Group CFB Gagetown, New Brunswick, Canada Royal Canadian Lancers (Atlantic Rifles) 3rd Bn, Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry 1st Bn, Princess Louise's Canadian Fusiliers 6th Regiment Royal Canadian Horse Artillery 6 Combat Engineer Battalion 6 Service Battalion 6 Field Ambulance Commonwealth Greenland Brigade command rotates between Canadian and British Armies 2nd Bn, Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry 1 Commando, Special Service Force 2nd Bn, The Royal Scots 2nd Bn, The King's Regiment Peacekeeping Command International Peace Support Training Center, Kingston, Ontario, Canada Canada is a major contributor to peacekeeping operations. In order not to disrupt its front-line brigades Canada formed a Peacekeeping Command to provide manpower for its commitments, located at the International Peace Support Training Centre in Kingston. These formations include a number of infantry units but also command, engineering and logistics elements. Canada often works closely with Australian peacekeepers but tend to take on fewer tasks than their more militaristic southern hemisphere counterparts. Whilst the Peacekeeping Command units are the first units called upon it is common for extra troops to be called in from the Mobile or Intervention Commands especially when an operation is in an early stage. Peacekeeping Command is a relatively glamorous part of the Canadian Forces as they are the most frequently deployed on operational duties. However it has been a long term worry for the Generals that the peacekeeping ethos is infecting other parts of the Army and reducing possible combat effective. The performance of the CEF seems to has laid this concern to rest. Units in this command are organized slightly differently than their war-fighting colleagues, being more modular and with higher levels of support and service support. Infantry battalions are organized either as mechanised or light formations. However after several debacles through the years Canadian units now take almost all their integral heavy weapons in theatre with them, even if they remain in crates. This policy served 3 RCR well on Vogelheim when it was caught up in the Kafer War.
1st Bn, Royal Canadian Regiment deployed Punjab 2nd Bn, Royal Canadian Regiment 1st Bn, Royal 22e Regiment deploying Central Asian Republic 1 Peace Support Engineer Regiment 1 Peace Support Service Regiment deployed Flanders 2 Peace Support Service Regiment Peace Support Command Regiment Intervention Command 1st Bn, Canadian Airborne Regiment 2 Commando, Special Service Force 3 Commando, Special Service Force Colonial Command 4 Commando, Special Service Force 5 Commando, Special Service Force Army Reserve Command Canada has traditionally relied on Militia or reserve forces for the defence of the mainland. This was most recently during the Twilight Era when the militia protected their own communities from Soviet invasion in the west and marauders from both sides of the border. Today the Militia continue in this role and man some 14 brigades in armoured, mechanised and infantry roles. Joint Militia and regular personnel also provide manpower for 2 divisional headquarters capable of taking control of a number of mobilised Militia Brigade Groups. The individual Brigade Groups are capable of independent action and can stand alone within their regions. Voluntary military service is well regarded and popular in Canada, however many units suffer from an excess of maintenance on ageing equipment during training periods. Most units can muster around 50% manpower for annual training, but could swiftly come up to maximum strength in times of crisis. 2nd Canadian Division British Colombia Dragoons Fort Gary Horse 1st (CW) Bn, Royal Algonquin Regiment 4th Air Defense Artillery Regiment, Royal Canadian Artillery 15th Field Artillery Regiment, Royal Canadian Artillery 18th Air Defense Artillery Regiment, Royal Canadian Artillery 44th Field Engineer Regiment 4th Intelligence Company rd 3 Canadian Division Le Regiment de Hull Alberta Light Horse 2nd (CW) Bn, Royal Algonquin Regiment 21st Air Defense Artillery Regiment (Lanark and Renfrew Scottish), Royal Canadian Artillery 10th Field Artillery Regiment, Royal Canadian Artillery 58th Air Defense Regiment, Royal Canadian Artillery 2nd Intelligence Company Western Area Group The Western Area Group is the administrative formation that controls all of the formations based in the West of Canada in peacetime. 10 Canadian Infantry Brigade Group 10 CIBG is trained in amphibious operations along the coast of British Columbia. It frequently operates alongside 3 Cdo, SSF and the RCN's Pacific Command. It is a well regarded brigade with good levels of combat readiness. Duke of Connaught's Own 1st Battalion, Royal British Columbia Highlanders 2nd Battalion, Royal British Columbia Highlanders 3rd Battalion, Royal British Columbia Highlanders 4th Battalion, Royal British Columbia Highlanders 5th Field Artillery Regiment, RCA 6th Combat Engineer Regiment 10/11 Service Support Battalion
14/15 Canadian Infantry Brigade Group 14/15 CIBG is trained as a mountain warfare unit which makes excellent use of training areas in the Rocky Mountains. The brigade is very lightly equipped and is also ski trained. Movement is by mountain capable all-terrain vehicles and firesupport is provided by a regiment of venerable 165mm Light Guns. King's Own Calgary Regiment 1st Battalion, Calgary Highlanders 2nd Battalion, Calgary Highlanders 1st Battalion, North Alberta Light Infantry 2nd Battalion, North Alberta Light Infantry 20th Field Artillery Regiment, RCA 8th Combat Engineer Regiment 14/15 Service Support Battalion 16/17 Canadian Mechanised Brigade Group This prairie based brigade is a mechanised formation still equipped with obsolete Cromwell and Fusilier vehicles. Whilst much training time is taken up with vehicle maintenance, when the unit actually exercises as a whole it frequently uses the Joint Commonwealth Battle School training facilities near Medicine Hat. Saskatchewan Dragoons 1st Battalion, Royal Saskatchewan Regiment 2nd Battalion, Royal Saskatchewan Regiment 1st Battalion, Queen's Own Winnipeg Regiment 2nd Battalion, Queen's Own Winnipeg Regiment 26th Field Artillery Regiment, RCA 33rd Combat Engineer Regiment 16/17 Service Support Battalion Central Area Group The Central Area Group is the administrative formation that controls all of the formations based in the heavily populated central portion of Canada in peacetime. This is by far the largest region with some nine Brigade Groups being recruited from the area. 21/26 Canadian Infantry Brigade Group 21/26 CIBG is a urban operations trained light infantry brigade that also specialises in small boat operations on the Great Lakes. Windsor Regiment 1st Battalion, Canadian Scots & Irish Regiment 2nd Battalion, Canadian Scots & Irish Regiment 3rd Battalion, Canadian Scots & Irish Regiment 4th Battalion, Canadian Scots & Irish Regiment 49th Field Artillery Regiment, RCA 21/26 Service Support Battalion 22/23 Canadian Mechanised Brigade Group This mechanised brigade is equipped with older generation American AFV's. 1st Hussars 1st Battalion, Highland Light Infantry of Canada 2nd Battalion, Highland Light Infantry of Canada 3rd Battalion, Highland Light Infantry of Canada 4th Battalion, Highland Light Infantry of Canada 11th Field Artillery Regiment, RCA 31st Combat Engineer Regiment (The Elgins) 22/23 Service Support Battalion 24 Canadian Infantry Brigade Group 24 CIBG is a light infantry brigade that has increasingly been trained in operations in mountainous and arctic regions. This results in much travelling by its units, and whilst training standards have increased manpower levels have decreased because of the increased commitment. Queen's York Rangers (1st American Regiment) 1st Battalion, Queen's Own York Regiment 2nd Battalion, Queen's Own York Regiment 3rd Battalion, Queen's Own York Regiment 7th Field Artillery Regiment, RCA
2nd Combat Engineer Regiment 24 Service Support Battalion 25 Canadian Mechanised Brigade Group This brigade is equipped with obsolete British AFV's. Toronto Regiment 1st Battalion, Loyal Ontario Regiment 2nd Battalion, Loyal Ontario Regiment 3rd Battalion, Loyal Ontario Regiment 56th Field Artillery Regiment, RCA 25 Service Support Battalion 27/54 Canadian Infantry Brigade Group This brigade has two major roles. It operates as a urban operations specialist infantry brigade, whilst also being responsible for providing ceremonial parties for the Canadian government at Ottawa-Hull and other locations. Governor General's Horse Guards 1st Battalion, Governor General's Guards 2nd Battalion, Governor General's Guards 3rd Battalion, Governor General's Guards 4th Battalion, Governor General's Guards 30th Field Artillery Regiment, RCA 27/54 Service Support Battalion 28/29 Canadian Mechanised Brigade Group 28/29 CMBG is a mechanised formation equipped with obsolete British AFV's. Ontario Regiment 1st Battalion, Princess Of Wales' Own Highland Rifles 2nd Battalion, Princess Of Wales' Own Highland Rifles 3rd Battalion, Princess Of Wales' Own Highland Rifles 4th Battalion, Princess Of Wales' Own Highland Rifles 116th Field Artillery Regiment, RCA 28/29 Service Support Battalion 51e/53e Groupe-Brigade Blind du Canada 51/53 GBBC is a unique unit within the Canadian Land Forces as it is equipped with heavy tracked AFV's acquired from Manchuria in the late 2260's. This came about after an embarrassing conflict of interests between the government of the day and the Defence Forces which resulted in the purchase of Manchurian tracked AFV's. However the regular army had no intention of converting one of its mobile mechanised brigades and instead the big Type-27's and their APC counterparts were issued to the militia. 51/53 is a hard hitting unit, that has started to suffer from the age of its equipment causing an increasing maintenance burden and eating into training time. It should be noted that the 3rd Battalion of the Rgiment de Mont-Royal is organised as a specialist urban close assault infantry unit. Royal Canadian Hussars 1st Battalion, Le Rgiment de Mont-Royal 2nd Battalion, Le Rgiment de Mont-Royal 3rd Battalion, Le Rgiment de Mont-Royal 2nd Field Artillery Regiment, RCA 3rd Combat Engineer Regiment 51/53 Service Support Battalion 52e Groupe-Brigade Infanterie du Canada 52 GBIC is trained as an urban operations infantry battalion. Sherbrooke Hussars 1st Battalion, Le Rgiment de Sherbrooke 2nd Battalion, Le Rgiment de Sherbrooke 3rd Battalion, Le Rgiment de Sherbrooke 62nd Field Artillery Regiment, RCA 9th Combat Engineer Regiment 52 Service Support Battalion 55e Groupe-Brigade Mechanise du Canada 55 GBMC is a well equipped brigade equipped with older model American AFVs. It trains to deploy into the north of Quebec and the Labrador region. 12e Rgiment Blind du Canada (Milice) 1st Battalion, Rgiment des Voltigeurs Canadiens
2nd Battalion, Rgiment des Voltigeurs Canadiens 3rd Battalion, Rgiment des Voltigeurs Canadiens 6th Field Artillery Regiment, RCA 10th Combat Engineer Regiment 55 Service Support Battalion Eastern Area Group The Eastern Area Group is the administrative formation that controls all of the formations based in the East of Canada in peacetime. The Eastern Area has quite a high priority and would be amongst the first forces to be mobilised in a general war. 31/33 Canadian Mechanised Brigade Group 31/33 CMBG is a well equipped mobile force, having recently received 1 CABG's old Makwa and Tecumseh armoured fighting vehicles (still far more modern than what the brigade had been using). It gains from its co-location with the regulars of 6 CMBG and share a similar mission of securing the eastern seaboard and possible reinforcement of Greenland. 10th Canadian Hussars 1st Battalion, The Nova Scotia Highlanders 2nd Battalion, The Nova Scotia Highlanders 1st Battalion, The Royal New Brunswick Regiment 2nd Battalion, The Royal New Brunswick Regiment 3rd Field Artillery Regiment, RCA 45th Combat Engineer Regiment 31/33 Service Support Battalion 36 Canadian Infantry Brigade Group 36 CIBG is the Eastern Area equivalent of 10 CIBG. It is trained for amphibious operations along the eastern seaboard. It is also trained for a possible intervention should tensions with the Scandinavian Union again rise over Greenland, so places a high priority on cold weather warfare. The brigade has a high priority in equipment and training budgets. It also exercises frequently with Anglo-Canadian Atlantic naval assets, and trains frequently with 2 Cdo, SSF and British Royal Marines. Many of its soldiers have undertaken Commando training with both organisations. Prince Edward Island Dragoons 1st Battalion, The Royal Newfoundland Regiment 2nd Battalion, The Royal Newfoundland Regiment 3rd Battalion, The Royal Newfoundland Regiment 84th Field Artillery Regiment, RCA 56th Combat Engineer Regiment 36 Service Support Battalion
Republic of Mexico Mexican Federal Army Ejercito Federal Mexicano Special Operating Forces 1st Para-Commando Regiment Guard Marine Regiment Apache Border Regiment Northern Command Federal Guards Division 1st Guards Armored Regiment 2nd Guards Armored Regiment Presidential Life Guards Mechanized Regiment 1st Guards Parachute Regiment Guards Horse Artillery Regiment Divisional Troops 3rd Mechanized Division 7th Aero-Armored Regiment 8th Aero-Mechanized Infantry Regiment 9th Aero-Mechanized Infantry Regiment 3rd Artillery Regiment Divisional Troops 4th Mechanized Division 10th Aero-Armored Regiment 11th Aero-Mechanized Infantry Regiment 12th Aero-Mechanized Infantry Regiment 4th Artillery Regiment Divisional Troops 19th Mountain Infantry Division 55th Infantry Regiment 56th Infantry Regiment 57th Infantry Regiment 19th Mountain Artillery Regiment Divisional Troops 6th Airmobile Division 16th Air Cavalry Regiment 17th Airmobile Infantry Regiment 18th Airmobile Infantry Regiment 6th Light Artillery Regiment 6th Aviation Regiment Divisional Troops Northern Artillery Group Northern Aviation Group Western Border Zone 1st Border Brigade Central Border Zone 2nd Border Brigade Eastern Border Zone 3rd Border Brigade Central Command 7th Mechanized Division (-) 19th Aero-Armored Regiment 20th Aero-Mechanized Infantry Regiment detached to 1st Provisional Expeditionary Brigade, Division Latina 21st Aero-Mechanized Infantry Regiment 7th Artillery Regiment
Division Troops 9th Mountain Division (-) 25th Infantry Regiment detached to 1st Provisional Expeditionary Brigade, Division Latina 26th Infantry Regiment 27th Infantry Regiment 9th Mountain Artillery Regiment Division Troops Southern Command Interior Command Colonial Command
Republic of Texas Republic of Texas Army Texas Field Force RTAB Sam Houston, San Antonio The Field Force is the backbone of the Texan Army. Highly mobile, well drilled in its defensive tasks and manned by the cream of Texan youth. On exercise with the US Army it has usually impressed its northern neighbor with its skills and dash. However the Field Force is very focused on its single mission and most observers are unsure of how it would perform taking on other tasks. The Field Force would typically deploy from its barracks under the covering action of the 124th Cavalry Brigade. The 1st and 2nd Mechanized Divisions would then take on the battle trying to slow any Mexican incursion. The well equipped 49th Armored Brigade would be available to support either division or launch its own counter attacks. The Republic of Texas Air Force provides the 1st Aviation Brigade as a highly mobile anti-armor force. 49th Texas Armored Brigade Ramirez Training Ctr., RTAB Mabry, Austin 1st Bn, 112th Texas Armored Regiment 2nd Bn, 112th Texas Armored Regiment D Co assigned to Task Force Alamo Tanstaafl, Aurore 1st Bn, The Alamo Regiment Assigned to Task Force Alamo Tanstaafl, Aurore 2nd Bn, The Alamo Regiment 3rd Bn, 1st Texas Artillery M Troop, 4th Texas Cavalry 49th Support Bn A composite company (+) assigned to Task Force Alamo Tanstaafl, Aurore th 124 Texas Cavalry Brigade RTAB Bliss, El Paso 1st Sqdn, 124o Regimiento de Caballeria de Texas (Regimiento de los Coyoteros) 2nd Sqdn, 124th Texas Cavalry (The West Texas Scouts) K Trp assigned to Task Force Alamo Tanstaafl, Aurore 3rd Sqdn, 124th Texas Cavalry (The Yellow Rose Dragoons) 3rd Sqdn, 149th Attack Aviation Regiment 124th Support Sqdn st 1 Texas Mechanized Infantry Division RTAB Hood, Killeen 1a Brigada de Infanteria Mecanizada de Texas 3o Bn, 112o Regimiento Blindado de Texas 1o Bn, 7o Regimiento de Texas 2o Bn, 7o Regimiento de Texas 301o Batalion de Logistico 36th Texas Mechanized Infantry Brigade 4th Bn, 112th Texas Armored Regiment 1st Bn, 3rd Texas Regiment 2nd Bn, 3rd Texas Regiment 236th Support Bn th 56 Texas Armored Brigade 1st Bn, 3rd Texas Armored Regiment 2nd Bn, 3rd Texas Armored Regiment 1st Bn, 6th Texas Regiment (The St. Patrick's Regiment) 456th Support Bn st 1 Engineer Brigade 1st Bn, 111th Combat Engineer Regiment A Co attached to Task Force Alamo Tanstaafl, Aurore 2nd Bn, 111th Combat Engineer Regiment st 1 Division Artillery Brigade 1st Bn, 1st Texas Artillery 2nd Bn, 1st Texas Artillery (The Dallas Artillery) 1o Bn, 2o Regimiento de Artilleria de Texas (Artilleria de Gonzales) 2o Bn, 2o Regimiento de Artilleria de Texas Division Troops 1st Sqdn, 4th Texas Cavalry (The Texas Mounted Rifles) 1st Independent Company, The Brigade of Texas Rifles 1o Bn, 443o Regimiento de Artilleria Antiaerea 1st Military Intelligence Bn 601st Main Support Bn 1st MP Company
2nd Texas Mechanized Division RTAB Laughlin, Del Rio 2nd Texas Armored Brigade 1st Bn, 5th Texas Armored Regiment 2nd Bn, 5th Texas Armored Regiment 2o Bn, 6o Regimiento de Texas (Regimiento de San Patrico) 272nd Support Bn 71a Brigada de Infanteria Mecanizada de Texas 3o Bn, 5o Regimiento Blindado de Texas 1o Bn, 4o Regimiento de Texas 2o Bn, 4o Regimiento de Texas 71o Batalion de Logisitco 72nd Texas Mechanized Infantry Brigade 3rd Bn, 3rd Texas Armored Regiment 1st Bn, 5th Texas Regiment 2nd Bn, 5th Texas Regiment 302nd Support Bn 2a Brigada de Zapadores 1o Bn, 386o Sapper Regiment 20 Bn, 386o Sapper Regiment 2nd Division Artillery Brigade 1st Bn, 3rd Texas Horse Artillery 2nd Bn, 3rd Texas Horse Artillery 3rd Bn, 3rd Texas Horse Artillery 3o Bn, 2o Regimiento de Artilleria de Texas Division Troops 2o Sqdn, 4o Caballeria de Texas (Regimiento de Rio Brazos) 2nd Independent Company, The Brigade of Texas Rifles 2o Bn, 443o Regimiento de Artilleria Antiaeria 2nd Military Intelligence Bn 402nd Main Support Bn 2nd MP Company st 1 Texas Aviation Brigade Lackland Training Annex, Camp San Houston, San Antonio 1st Bn, 149th Attack Aviation Regiment 2nd Bn, 149th Attack Aviation Regiment 4th Bn, 149th Aviation Regiment (Medium Lift) 5th Bn, 149th Aviation Regiment (Medium Lift) The Brigade of Texas Rifles MacRae Barracks, San Antonio 1st Bn, Texas Rifles O'Neil Barracks, Camp Mabry, Austin 2nd Bn, Texas Rifles (The Eridani Rifles) Eridani Barracks, Heidelsheimat 3rd Bn, Texas Rifles Austin Barracks, Austin's World 5th Bn, Texas Rifles (Citizens' Reserve Force) MacRae Barracks, San Antonio 1st Independent Company Attached to 1st Mech Div., Washington Barracks, RTAB Hood 2nd Independent Company Attached to 2nd Mech Div., Suarez Barracks, RTAB Laughlin 3rd Independent Company Attached Rep. Texas Navy, Nguyen Barracks, RTNB Ingleside, Corpus Christi 4th Independent Company (Composite) Kimanjano Texas Frontier Regiment RTAB Bliss, El Paso 1st Patrol Bn (Northern District) RTAFB Cannon 3rd Patrol Bn (Southern District) 4th Patrol Bn (Colonial District) Heidelsheimat 5th Patrol Bn (Western District) 6th Patrol Bn (Southern District) Training Command Lackland Training Annex, San Antonio 2nd Patrol Bn, Texas Frontier Regiment RTAB Bliss, El Paso 4th Bn (Training), Texas Rifles MacRae Barracks, San Antonio 144th Training Regt. - Lackland Training Annex, San Antonio
Citizens' Reserve Force The CRF is composed of ex-draftees fulfilling their reserve commitment and non-draftee volunteers. It's soldiers are older than those of the Field Force, but better paid. Consequently it is one of the more effective reserve forces in the western world with excellent readiness levels. Its three Mechanized Brigades are slated to either reinforce the two Mechanized Divisions or operate in an independent role. The 29th Cavalry Brigade trains to cover the flank of the Field Force on operations in western Texas. 26th Texas Mechanized Infantry Brigade 3rd Bn, 636th Texas Reserve Armored Regiment 1st Bn, 11th Texas Regiment 2nd Bn, 11th Texas Regiment 3rd Bn, 11th Texas Regiment I Trp, 6th Texas Cavalry 1st Bn, 4th Texas Artillery 26th Support Bn 27th Texas Mechanized Infantry Brigade 2nd Bn, 636th Texas Reserve Armored Regiment 1st Bn, 10th Texas Regiment 2nd Bn, 10th Texas Regiment 3rd Bn, 10th Texas Regiment L Trp, 6th Texas Cavalry 2nd Bn, 4th Texas Artillery 27th Support Bn 28a Brigade de Infanteria Mechanizada de Texas 4o Bn, 636o Regimiento Blindado de Reserva de Texas 1o Bn, 9o Regimiento de Texas 2o Bn, 9o Regimiento de Texas 3o Bn, 9o Regimiento de Texas J Gpo, 6o Regimiento de Caballeria de Texas 3o Bn, 4o Regimiento de Artilleria de Texas 28o Batalion de Logistico 29th Texas Cavalry Brigade 1st Bn, 636th Texas Reserve Armored Regiment 1st Sqdn, 6th Texas Cavalry (The Ragged Sixth) 2nd Sqdn, 6th Texas Cavalry (The Texarkana Scouts) 4th Bn, 11th Texas Regiment (The East Texas Mounted Rifles) 4th Bn, 4th Texas Artillery 29th Support Sqdn. th 30 Texas Infantry Brigade (Joint CRF/Corps of Volunteers) Heidelsheimat 1st Bn, 13th Texas Regiment (CRF) Heidelsheimat 2nd Bn, 13th Texas Regiment (CRF) Austin's World 12th Texas Volunteer Bn (CoV) Heidelsheimat 13th Texas Volunteer Bn (CoV) Austin's World 14o Batalion Voluntario de Texas (CoV) 82 Eridani Texas Corps of Volunteers The Corps of Volunteers holds a unique place in Texan society, as it was the volunteers who were mainly responsible for the defeat of the 2230 Coup whilst the volunteer tradition has been responsible for Texas's Independence. The Volunteers has some times been described as a mere 'shooting and drinking club' and there is some justification in this, as only as a member of the Volunteers can citizens own certain classes of weapons. Relatively poorly paid and lightly equipped the Volunteers are nevertheless very popular, although their combat efficiency is hard to gauge. Their role is defensive urban warfare, holding the 'Texan Redoubt'. City of Austin Volunteers (1st Volunteers) 2o Batalion Voluntario de Texas (Partisanos y Comandos de Brownsville) 3rd Texas Volunteer Bn (The East Texas Panthers) 4th Texas Volunteer Bn (The Liberty and Equality Volunteers) 5o Batalion Voluntario de Texas (Regimiento de Comando '5o Marzo') 6o Batalion Voluntario de Texas (Partisanos de El Paso) 7th Texas Volunteer Bn (The Dallas-Ft. Worth Volunteers)
8th Texas Volunteer Bn (The Alamo Scouts and Russian Volunteers) 9 Texas Volunteer Bn (The Houston Fenians) 10th Texas Volunteer Bn (Port Arthur Viet Rangers) 11th Texas Volunteer Bn (Waco Mounted Riflemen)
Republic of Texas Air Force HQ, RTAF RTAFB Goodfellow Strike Command Northern Air Defense Command Western Air Defense Command RTAFB Cannon Southern Air Defense Command Training Command Air Security Regiment Republic of Texas Navy HQ, RTN RTNB Ingleside, Corpus Christi 1st Surface Squadron 2nd Surface Squadron 1st Sub-Surface Squadron Regiment of Marines 1st Marine Bn 2nd Marine Bn 1st Independent Marine Company 2nd Independent Marine Company Naval Security Battalion
United States of America Special Operations Command (SOCOM) Headquarters, Special Operations Command (HQ, SOCOM) Ft. Bragg, NC Army Special Forces 1st Special Forces Group (Off-world) Ft. Patton, Ellis 3rd Bn Ft.Cummings, Tirania ODA 3345 Camp Victory, Aurore 3rd Special Forces Group (Africa/Europe) Ft. Schwartzkopf, FL 5th Special Forces Group (Latin America) Ft. Stockton, CA 7th Special Forces Group (Asia) Schofield Barracks, HI 10th Special Forces Group (NG) 11th Bn (MA & TI NG) Ft. Devons, MA 12th Bn (IN & PR NG) Ft. Benjamin Harrison, IN 14th Bn (CA, NV & UT NG) Camp Sobel, UT 20th Bn (AL, GA & MS NG) Camp Shelby, MS th 19 Special Forces Group (CA, NV & NM NG) Ft. Stockton, CA 1st Special Forces Operational Detachment-Delta (1st SFOD-D) th 75 Ranger Regiment (Airborne/Interface) 1st Bn, 75th Regiment (Ranger) Ft. Powell, Tirane 2nd Bn, 75th Regiment (Ranger) Ft. Bragg, NC 3rd Bn, 75th Regiment (Ranger) Ft. Campbell, KY 4th Bn, 75th Regiment (Ranger Training) th 160 Aviation Regiment (Special Operations) Ft. Campbell, KY 1st Bn, 160th Aviation (Tactical Lift) 2nd Bn, 160th Aviation (Tactical Lift) Ft. Bridger, WY 3rd Bn, 160th Aviation (Medium Lift) 4th Bn, 160th Aviation (Interface Assault) 5th Bn, 160th Aviation (Recon/Attack) Naval Special Warfare Command Naval Special Warfare Group 1 (NAVSPECWARGRU 1) SEAL Team 1 SEAL Team 3 Special Boat Team 10 Naval Special Warfare Group 2 (NAVSPECWARGRU 2) SEAL Team 2 SEAL Team 4 Special Boat Team 20 Naval Strategic Warfare Group (NAVSTRATWARGRU) SEAL Team 6 SEAL Team 7 Marine Raider Force Marine Raider Bn 1 Marine Raider Bn 2 Marine Raider Bn (Interface) 3 Space Force Special Security Detachments Special Security Detachment - Alpha (SPECSECDET-A) Special Security Detachment - Bravo (SPECSECDET-B) (CW) 23rd Aerospace Special Operations Wing 3rd Special Operations Sqdn 15th Special Operations Sqdn 9th AeroSpace Search & Rescue Sqdn 43rd AeroSpace Search & Rescue Sqdn
Strike Command (STRIKCOM) Headquarters, Strike Command (HQ, STRIKCOM) XVIII Airborne Corps / Army Forces-Strike Command (AF-STRIKCOM) Ft. Bragg, NC The XVIII Airborne Corps is headquartered at Ft Bragg, North Carolina. In peacetime the corps functions as the Rapid Reaction Force for America and provides Army Forces for the STRIKCOMs foreign service operations. In the case of war with Mexico the XVIII is to be prepared to rapidly reinforce Texas and/or to conduct assaults in support of operations in New Mexico or California. 1st Mechanized Brigade Big Red One Ft. Stewart, GA 1st Bn, 2nd Infantry (Mechanize) 1st Bn, 16th Infantry (Mechanized) 1st Bn, 34th Armor (Heavy) 1st Bn, 63rd Armor (Heavy) 1st Aviation Bn (Recon/Attack) 1st Bn, 5th Field Artillery (Mechanized) 1st Combat Engineer Bn (Mechanized) 1st Combat Support Bn (Mechanized) A/ X Air Defense Artillery A/ 4th Cavalry th 10 Infantry Brigade (Mountain) Ft. Bridger, WY 1st Bn, 14th Infantry (Mountain) 1st Bn, 22nd Infantry (Mountain) 1st Bn, 30th Infantry (Mountain) 1st Bn, 87th Infantry (CW) 1st Sqdn, 71st Cavalry (Light) 10th Aviation Bn (Recon/Attack) 110th Aviation Bn (Tactical Lift) 10th Combat Engineer Bn (Light) 10th Combat Support Bn (Light) C/ 1st Bn, 4th Air Defense Artillery C/ 17th Cavalry (Light) 82nd Airborne Brigade (Interface/Airborne Assault) All American Ft. Bragg, NC 1st Bn, 325th Infantry (CW) 1st Bn, 505th Infantry (Airborne) A Co. detached to Vogelheim Peacekeeping Forces 1st Bn, 507th Infantry (Airborne) 1st Bn, 508th Infantry (Airborne) 1st Bn, 73rd Armor (Light) 82nd Aviation Bn (Recon/Attack) 122nd Aviation Bn (Medium Lift) 1st Bn, 319th Field Artillery (Light) C Btry. detached to Vogelheim Peacekeeping Forces 82nd Combat Engineer Bn (Airborne) A Co. detached to Vogelheim Peacekeeping Forces 82nd Combat Support Bn (Airborne) A/ 1st Bn, 4th Air Defense Artillery (Airborne) A/ 17th Cavalry (Airborne) st 101 Airborne Brigade (Airborne/Interface Assault) Screaming Eagles Ft. Campbell, KY 1st Bn, 187th Infantry (CW) 1st Bn, 502nd Infantry (Airborne) 1st Bn, 506th Infantry (Airborne) 2nd Bn, 506th Infantry (Airborne) 2nd Bn, 73rd Armor (Light) 101st Aviation Bn (Recon/Attack) 123rd Aviation Bn (Medium Lift) 1st Bn, 320th Field Artillery (Airborne) 101st Combat Engineer Bn (Airborne) 101st Combat Support Bn (Airborne) B/ 1st Bn, 4th Air Defense Artillery (Airborne) B/ 17th Cavalry (Airborne)
11th Cavalry Regiment (Motorized) Blackhorse Ft. Bragg, NC 1st Sdqn, 11th Cavalry (Motorized) 2nd Sqdn, 11th Cavalry (Motorized) 3rd Sqdn, 11th Cavalry (Motorized) L Trp deployed with 4th Marine Brigade (Provisional) Aurora, Tirane 4th Sqdn, 11th Cavalry (CW) 5th Sqdn, 11th Cavalry (Recon/Attack) 4rd Bn, 82nd Field Artillery (Light) 4rd Bn, 8th Combat Engineer (Motorized) th 18 Aviation Brigade Ft. Stewart, GA 1-229th AV (Attack) 3-229th AV (Attack) 1-159th AV (Aslt) 2-159th AV (Aslt) Ft. Bridger, WY 3-159th AV (Aslt) 1-218th AV (Support) Ft. Bridger, WY 2-218th AV (Support) 3-218th AV (Support) 18th Field Artillery Brigade (Airborne) Ft. Bragg, NC 1-39th FA (GS): M981 165mm LG 3-8th FA (GS): M981 165mm LG 5-8th FA (MRL): Mobile Artillery Rocket System (MARS) F/26th FA (TA) th 6 Air Defense Artillery Brigade Ft. Stewart, GA 1-6th ADA (MEDRAD): Diamondback 2-6th ADA (MEDRAD): Diamondback 3-6th ADA (LONRAD): Rattler A/56th ADA (ASAT): Stellar th 20 Engineer Brigade Ft. Campbell, KY 27th EN Bn (Corps) 30th EN Bn (Corps) 37th EN Bn (Hvy) st 1 Support Brigade Ft. Bragg, NC 8th Air Force / Air Forces-Strike Command (AIR-STRIKCOM) 2nd Bomb Wing (Strike/Interdiction) 11th Fighter-Bomber Sqdn (Strike) 20th Fighter-Bomber Sqdn (Strike) 96th Fighter-Bomber Sqdn (Recon/Interdiction) th 5 Bomb Wing (Strike/Interdiction) 23rd Fighter-Bomber Sqdn (Strike) 69th Fighter-Bomber Sqdn (Strike) 72nd Fighter-Bomber Sqdn (Recon/Interdiction) th 509 Bomb Wing (Interface) 13th Bomb Sqdn (Composite) 393rd Bomb Sqdn 31st Strategic Reconnaissance Sqdn rd 23 Composite Wing Pope AFB, NC 2nd Airlift Sqdn (Tactical) 40th Airlift Sqdn (Tactical) 41st Airlift Sqdn (Interface)
Eastern Command (EASTCOM) Headquarters, Eastern Command (HQ, EASTCOM) 1st Marine Expeditionary Brigade / Marine Forces-Eastern Command (MARFOR-EASTCOM) (supports Amphibious Force, Atlantic Fleet) 1st Marine Infantry Bn 5th Marine Infantry Bn 7th Marine Infantry Bn (CW) 1st Marine Armor Bn 11th Marine Artillery Bn 1st Marine Engineer Bn 169th Marine Attack Sqdn 161st Marine Lift Sqdn (Medium) 1st Force Recon Company Atlantic Fleet / 2nd Fleet / Naval Forces-Eastern Command (NAVFOR-EASTCOM) Battle Force Strike Squadron 2 (STRIKRON 2) Strike Squadron 4 (STRIKRON 4) Battle Squadron 6 (BATRON 6) Scouting Force Patrol Squadron 10 (PATRON 10) Patrol Squadron 12 (PATRON 12) Patrol Squadron 14 (PATRON 14) Patrol Squadron 16 (PATRON 16) Amphibious Force Amphibious Squadron 2 (PHIBRON 2) Assault Squadron 2 (ASLTRON 2) Submarine Force Submarine Squadron 2 (SUBRON 2) Littoral Force Littoral Squadron 20 (LITRON 20) Littoral Squadron 22 (LITRON 22) Littoral Squadron 24 (LITRON 24) Littoral Squadron 26 (LITRON 26) Command Forces 2st Naval Construction Bn 2nd Naval Security Brigade 1st Security Bn 2nd Security Bn 4th Air Force / Eastern Defense Sector / Air Forces-Eastern Command (AIR-EASTCOM)
Central Command (CENTCOM) Headquarters, Central Command (HQ, CENTCOM) V Corps / Army Forces-Central Command (AF-CENT) Ft. Union, NM V Corps is headquartered at Ft Union, New Mexico and an area of responsibility stretching along the Mexican border from Kingman, New Mexico, to Amarillo, Oklahoma. Its mission is to defend the border and in a war with Mexico to drive into Mexico either via the Pecos River Valley or the Rio Grande Valley. 1st Cavalry Regiment (Heavy) First Team Ft. Union, NM 1st Sdqn, 1st Cavalry (Heavy) 2nd Sqdn, 1st Cavalry (Heavy) 3rd Sqdn, 1st Cavalry (Heavy) 4th Sqdn, 1st Cavalry (CW) 5th Sqdn, 1st Cavalry (Recon/Attack) 1st Bn, 82nd Field Artillery (Mechanized) 1st Bn, 8th Combat Engineer (Mechanized) rd 3 Mechanized Brigade Rock of the Marne Ft. Garland, CO 7th Infantry Bn (Mechanized) 15th Infantry Bn (Mechanized) 64th Armor Bn (Heavy) 69th Armor Bn (Heavy) 3rd Aviation Bn (Recon/Attack) 9th Field Artillery Bn (Mechanized) 3rd Combat Engineer Bn (Mechanized) th 5 Mechanized Brigade Red Diamond Brigade 1St Bn, 6th Infantry (Mechanized) 1St Bn, 11th Infantry (Mechanized) 1St Bn, 60th Armor (Heavy) 1St Bn, 61st Armor (Heavy) 5Th Aviation Bn (Recon/Attack) 1st Bn, 19th Field Artillery (Mechanized) 5th Combat Engineer Bn (Mechanized) 7th Motorized Brigade Bayonet Brigade 2nd Bn, 9th Infantry (Motorized) 3rd Bn, 17th Infantry (Motorized) 1st Bn, 21st Infantry (Mtorized) 1st Bn, 23rd Infantry (CW) rd 3 Cavalry Regiment (Heavy) Brave Rifles Ft. Defiance, NM 1st Sdqn, 3rd Cavalry (Heavy) 2nd Sqdn, 3rd Cavalry (Heavy) 3rd Sqdn, 3rd Cavalry (Heavy) 4th Sqdn, 3rd Cavalry (CW) 5th Sqdn, 3rd Cavalry (Recon/Attack) 3rd Bn, 82nd Field Artillery (Mechanized) 3rd Bn, 8th Combat Engineer (Mechanized) th 6 Aviation Brigade Air Cavalry - Ft. Lyons, CO 1-10th AV (Attack) 2-13th AV (Attack) 1-145th AV (Aslt) 3-145th AV (Support) 75th Field Artillery Brigade Ft. Lyons, CO 1-17th FA (GS): M901 175mmSP 6-27th FA (Hvy): M910 200mmSP 1-77th FA (MRL): M986 300mmSP MRL C/26th FA (TA) st 31 Air Defense Brigade Ft. Carson, CO 1-2nd ADA (MEDRAD): Diamondback 3-2nd ADA (MEDRAD): Diamondback
2-52nd ADA (LONRAD): Rattler D/2nd ADA (ASAT): Stellar 18th Engineer Brigade Ft. Carson, CO 13th Support Brigade Ft. Carson, CO 1st Border Surveillance Brigade (NG/SDF) New Mexico Volunteers - Ft. Union, NM 2-200th IN (Border) Flagstaff, NM 3-200th IN (Border) Grants, NM 4-200th IN (Border) Gallup, NM 6-200th IN (Border) Holbrook, NM 7-200th AV (Border) Albuquerque, NM 9-200th IN (Border) Albuquerque, NM 14th Air Force / Border Defense Sector / Air Forces Central Command (AIR-CENT)
Western Command (WESTCOM) Headquarters, Western Command (HQ, WESTCOM) II Corps / Army Forces Western Command (AF-WESTCOM) Bakersfield, CA II Corps is headquartered in Bakersfield, California with an area of responsibility along the American-Mexican border from the California coast into western New Mexico just east of Kingman. II Corps wartime mission calls for a deep maneuver down the high Mojave Desert into southern California, destroying Mexican forces present, isolating the Los Angeles-San Diego-Tijuana urban area, and holding against Mexican counter-attacks. 1st Armored Brigade Ft. Mojave, CA (ex-China Lake NAS) 1st Bn, 35th Armor (Heavy) 2nd Bn, 35th Armor (Heavy) 1st Bn, 77th Armor (Light) 1st Bn, 5th Infantry (Mechanized) 1st Bn, 17th Infantry (Mechanized) 11th Aviation Bn (Recon/Attack) 1st Bn, 27th Field Artillery (Mechanized) 29th Combat Engineer Bn (Mechanized) nd 2 Motorized Brigade Ft.51, NV (ex-Creech AFB) 1st Bn, 9th Infantry (Motorized) 2nd Bn, 17th Infantry (Motorized) 1st Bn, 23rd Infantry (Motorized) 1st Bn, 38th Infantry (CW) 1st Bn, 72nd Armor (Light) 2nd Aviation Bn (Recon/Attack) 1st Bn, 12th Field Artillery (Light) 2nd Combat Engineer Bn (Motorized) th 4 Mechanized Brigade Ft. Roberts, CA 1st Bn, 8th Infantry (Mechanized) 1st Bn, 12th Infantry (Mechanized) 1st Bn, 66th Armor (Heavy) 1st Bn, 67th Armor (Heavy) 4th Aviation Bn (Recon/Attack) 1st Bn, 16th Field Artillery (Mechanized) 4th Combat Engineer Bn (Mechanized) th 9 Infantry Brigade (Urban Warfare) Pasadena, CA 1st Bn, 31st Infantry (Light) 1st Bn, 39th Infantry (Motorized) 1st Bn, 47th Infantry (CW) 1st Bn, 60th Infantry (CW) 1st Bn, 84th Field Artillery (Hvy. Mtr.): M933 160mmSP Mortar 1st Bn, 15th Combat Engineer (Mechanized)
2nd Bn, 15th Combat Engineer (Motorized) 2 Cavalry Regiment Ft. Irwin, CA 1st Sqdn, 2nd Cavalry (Heavy) 2nd Sqdn, 2nd Cavalry (Heavy) 3rd Sqdn, 2nd Cavalry (Heavy) 4th Sqdn, 2nd Cavalry (CW) 5th Sqdn, 2nd Cavalry (Attack/Recon) 2nd Bn, 82nd Field Artillery (Mechanized) 2nd Bn, 8th Combat Engineer (Mechanized) st 41 Field Artillery Brigade Railgunners - Ft. Mojave, CA 3-20th FA (GS): M901 175mmSP 1-21st FA (Hvy): M910 200mmSP 1-27th FA (MRL): M986 330mmSP MRL A/26th FA (TA) 10th Air Defense Artillery Brigade Ft. Roberts, CA 1-1st ADA (MEDRAD): Diamondback 2-2nd ADA (MEDRAD): Diamondback 4-3rd ADA (LONRAD): Rattler A/43rd ADA (ASAT): Stellar 12th Aviation Brigade Wings of Victory - Ft. 51, NV 1-11th AV (Attack) 2-14th AV (Attack) 1-223rd AV (Aslt) 2-223rd AV (Support) 130th Engineer Brigade Ft. 51, NV 54th EN Bn (Corps) 317th EN Bn (Corps) 547th EN Bn (Hvy) 549th EN Bn (Hvy) rd 3 Support Brigade Bakersfield, CA 2nd Border Surveillance Brigade (NG/SDF) Habeant - Bakersfield, CA 1-160th IN (Border) Santa Maria, CA 2-160th IN (Border) Boron, CA 3-160th IN (Border) Barstow, CA 4-160th IN (Border) Lebec, CA 6-160th IN (Border) Maricopa, CA 7-160th IN (Border) Baker, CA 8-160th IN (Border) Mojave, CA 9-160th AV (Border) Barstow, CA 10-160th AV (Border) Bakersfield, CA 5-200th IN (Border) Kingman, NM
2nd Marine Expeditionary Brigade / Marine Forces-Western Command (MARFOR-WESTCOM) (supports Amphibious Force, Pacific Fleet) 2nd Marine Infantry Bn 6th Marine Infantry Bn detached to 4th Marine Brigade (Provisional) Aurore, Tirane 8th Marine Infantry Bn (CW) 2nd Marine Armor Bn 10th Marine Artillery Bn 2nd Marine Engineer Bn 167th Marine Attack Sqdn 162nd Marine Lift Sqdn (Medium) 2nd Force Recon Company Pacific Fleet / 3rd Fleet / Naval Forces-Western Command (NAVFOR-WESTCOM) Battle Force Strike Squadron 1 (STRIKRON 1) Strike Squadron 3 (STRIKRON 3)
Battle Squadron 5 (BATRON 5) Scouting Force Patrol Squadron 11 (PATRON 11) Patrol Squadron 13 (PATRON 13) Patrol Squadron 15 (PATRON 15) Amphibious Force Amphibious Squadron 3 (PHIBRON 3) Assault Squadron 3 (ASLTRON 3) Submarine Force Submarine Squadron 3 (SUBRON 2) Littoral Force Littoral Squadron 21 (LITRON 21) Littoral Squadron 23 (LITRON 23) Littoral Squadron 25 (LITRON 25) Hawaiian Station Battle Squadron 8 (BATRON 8) Patrol Squadron 16 (PATRON 16) 10th Air Force / Western Defense Sector / Air Forces Western Command (AIR-WESTCOM) 8th Fighter Wing Colonial Command (COLONIALCOM) Headquarters, Colonial Command (HQ, COLONIALCOM) III Corps / Army Forces-Colonial Command (AF-COLONIALCOM) Ft. Patton, Ellis III Corps is headquartered at Ft Patton on Ellis with an area of responsibility covering the American Arm. It is the Army Component Command of the joint Colonial Command (COLONIALCOM) command. The corps mission is to defend Americas extra-solar possessions until relieved by forces from Earth and thus has both Regular Army and National Guard units assigned. 6th Infantry Brigade (Light) 173rd Airborne Brigade (Airborne/Interface Assault) Ft. Bradley, Ellis 1st Bn, 503rd Infantry (Airborne) 2nd Bn, 503rd Infantry (CW) 1st Bn, 508th Infantry (Airborne) 1st Bn, 509th Infantry (Airborne) 3nd Bn, 73rd Armor (Light) 4th Bn, 319th Field Artillery (Airborne) 173rd Combat Engineer (Airborne) 173rd Combat Support Bn (Airborne) D/ 1st Bn, 4th Air Defense Artillery (Airborne) D/ 17th Cavalry (Airborne) th 177 Infantry Brigade Camp McCaffrey, Hermes 3-6th IN 1-61st IN 1-70th AR 1-5th AV (Attack) 4-1st FA 177th FSB G/12th CAV 177th CW Co 57th EN Co G/1-55th ADA 105th IW Co th 194 Armored Brigade Ft. Pershing, King 4-15th IN (-) 1-379th IN (NG)
1-10th AR (-) 1-377th AR (NG) 2-378th AR (NG) 1-358th FA (NG) 194th FSB (RA/NG) 1-378th CAV (NG) 95th CW Co (NG) 320th EN Co (RA/NG) M/3-1st ADA (NG) 902th IW Co (RA/NG) 198th Infantry Brigade (NG) 1-158th IN 3-158th IN 2-397th AR 1-399th AV (Attack) 1-373rd FA 98th FSB A/397th CAV 198th CW Co D/325th EN Bn M/2-1st ADA 18th IW Co th 17 Aviation Brigade Ft. Bradley, Ellis 1-52nd AV (Attack) 2-52nd AV (Aslt) 3-52nd AV (Support) 4-52nd AV (Support) Camp McCaffrey, Hermes 94th Air Defense Artillery Brigade */* ADA Ellis */* ADA Hermes */* ADA King 7th Engineer Brigade Ft. Bradley, Ellis 14th EN Bn (Corps) 864th EN (Hvy) th 19 Support Brigade 7th Marine Interface Brigade / Marine Forces-Colonial Command (MARFOR-COLONIALCOM) SFIB Anderson, Boise, Ellis 14th Marine Infantry Bn 16th Marine Infantry Bn (+) - deployed to SFB Tangent, Tangent, Mu Herculis (as 16th Marine Interface Unit) 18th Marine Infantry Bn (CW) B Co deployed with 16th MIU 20th Marine Infantry Bn (CW) 24th Marine Artillery Bn 4th Marine Assault Engineer Bn A Co deployed with 16th MIU 772nd Marine Attack Sqdn 773rd Interface Assault Sdqn B Section deployed with 16th MIU 774th Interface Assault Sqdn 7th Force Recon Company (Interface) Centauri Command (CENTAURICOM) Tirania, Alpha Centauri-A National Defense Command (NATDEFCOM) Headquarters, National Defense Command (HQ, NATDEFCOM) Capital Region Military District 1st Bn, 3rd Infantry (Motorized) The Old Guard
Marine Security Bn, Capitol Region I Corps (National Guard) Ft. McPherson, GA I Corps is headquartered at Ft McPherson, Georgia with the mission to, upon mobilization, defend the American heartland and act as a Strategic Reserve. It is also to be prepared to reinforce Texas or carry out operations against Cuba. 29th Motorized Brigade (VA NG) Stonewall Brigade Ft. Belvoir, VA 1st Bn, 115th Infantry (Motorized) 1st Bn, 116th Infantry (Motorized) 2st Bn, 175th Infantry (Motorized) 1st Sqdn, 183rd Cavalry (Light) 1st Bn, 111th Field Artillery (Light) 121st Engineer Bn (Motorized) 29th Combat Support Bn F/ 111th Air Defense Artillery G/ 183rd Cavarly th 30 Mechanized Brigade (NC NG) Old Hickory Brigade - Clinton, NC 31st Mechanized Brigade (AL NG) Dixie Brigade - Montgomery, AL 39th Motorized Brigade (AR NG) Delta Brigade - Little Rock, AR 53rd Infantry Brigade (FL NG) Gator Brigade - NAB Homestead, FL 256th Infantry Brigade (LA NG) Lafayette, LA 278th Cavalry Regiment (Light) (TN NG) Memphis, TN 77th Aviation Brigade (AR NG) Little Rock, AR 113th Field Artillery Brigade (NC NG) Greensboro, NC 14th Support Brigade (GA NG) Ft. McPherson, GA VII Corps (National Guard) 107th Armored Cavalry Regiment (OH NG) 1st Sqdn, 107th Cavalry (Heavy) 2nd Sqdn, 107th Cavalry (Motorized) 3rd Sqdn, 107th Cavalry (Motorized) (WV NG) 4th Sqdn, 126th Cavalry (Heavy) (MI NG) 5th Sqdn, 107th Cavalry (Recon/Attack) (MI NG) 1st Bn, 136th Field Artillery (Mechanized) 1st Bn, 512th Combat Engineer (Mechanized) th 27 Infantry Brigade (NY NG) 28th Infantry Brigade (PA NG) 37th Infantry Brigade (OH NG) 1st Bn, 145th Infantry 1st Bn, 147th Infantry 1st Bn, 148th Infantry 1st Bn, 166th Infantry 1st Bn, 134th Field Artillery (Light) 2nd Bn, 512th Combat Engineer (Light) 37th Combat Support Bn A/ 174th Air Defense Artillery A/ 237th Cavalry (Light) th 38 Infantry Brigade (IN NG) 1st Bn, 125th Infantry (MI NG) 1st Bn, 151st Infantry 2nd Bn, 151st Infantry 1st Bn, 292nd Infantry 1st Bn, 163rd Field Artillery (Light) 38th Combat Support Bn A/ 250th Air Defense Artillery A/ 126th Cavalry (MI NG) 1st Air Force / Strategic-Space Defense /Air Forces-National Defense Command (AIR-NATDEFCOM) 1st Fighter Wing
South America South America has been recognized as the most belligerent of Earth's continents for over a century. The rivalry between Argentina and Brazil has erupted into three major wars that have involved the whole continent. It has also resulted in the creation of the highly unstable Incan Republic from the former states of Ecuador, Peru and Columbia. Popular opinion is that a fourth Rio Plato War is only a matter of time. Argentina Bolivia Brazil Chile Incan Republic Venezuela
Republic of Argentina Strategic Forces Command Fuerzas Comando Estratgico Argentine Army Special Operations Forces Group (Agrupacin de Fuerzas de Operaciones Especiales) 601 Commando Company 602 Commando Company 601 Air Assault Regiment Special Operation Mountain Troops (Tropas de Operaciones Especiales de Montaa) Mountain Rifle Company 6 Mountain Rifle Company 8 Army Aviation Group 601 Aviation Bn 601 Aviation Bn 602 Naval Infantry Amphibious Commando Group (Agrupacin de Comandos Anfibios) Argentine Navy Tactical Diver Group (Agrupacin de Buzos Tcticos) Argentine Air Force Special Operations Group (Grupo de Operaciones Especiales) Argentine Space Force Argentine Army Ejercito Argentino II Army Corps Teniente General Juan Carlos Sanchez II Corps is responsible for the defence of both the city and province of Buenos Aires. It also acts as an immediate reserve for VII Corps, a role for which the Div Bl I trains extensively. 1st Hover Armored Division 1st Hover Armored Brigade Hover Tank Regiment 8 'Cazadores General Necochea' Hover Tank Regiment 10 'Hsares de Pueyrredn' Hover Infantry Regiment 7 'Coronel Conde' Hover Infantry Regiment 12 'General Arenales' Hover Artillery Group 1 11th Hover Armored Brigade Hover Tank Regiment 16 Hover Tank Regiment 20 Hover Infantry Regiment 19 Hover Infantry Regiment 37 'Coronel Luis Jorge Fontana' Hover Artillery Group 11 Division Troops Mounted Rifle Company 1 Hover Cavalry Reconnaissance Sqdn 1 Hover Artillery Group 101 Hover Engineer Bn 1 Anti-Aircraft Artillery Group 161 9th Mechanized Division 9th Mechanized Brigade 'Coronel Luis Jorge Fontana' Regiment of Horse Grenadiers 'General San Martn' Mechanized Infantry Regiment 1 'Patricios'
Mechanized Infantry Regiment 17 Mechanized Artillery Group 9 19th Mechanized Brigade Light Mechanized Cavalry Regiment15 Mechanized Infantry Regiment 35 Mechanized Infantry Regiment 41 Mechanized Artillery Group 19 Division Troops Mounted Rifle Company 9 Mechanized Cavalry Reconnaissance Sqdn 9 Mechanized Artillery Group 109 Mechanized Engineer Bn 9 Anti-Aircraft Artillery Group 169 101st Reserve Brigade 109th Reserve Brigade 201st Army Aviation Group Aviation Bn 201 Aviation Bn 1 Aviation Bn 9 III Army Corps Ejercito del Norte III Corps is responsible for the north-western parts of Argentina and borders Paraguay, Bolivia and Chile. The Corps has mountain, parachute and mechanized formations and is a versatile formation capable of swift movement of its assets. It can intervene quickly into any of the neighboring countries, reinforce VII Corps or provide it with flank protection and 4th Para Division can deploy further a field if required. 4th Parachute Division 4th Para Brigade Parachute Infantry Regiment 2 'General Balcarce' Parachute Infantry Regiment 14 Parachute Infantry Regiment 25 Parachute Artillery Group 4 14th Para Brigade Mounted Parachute Infantry Regiment 9 'Coronel Pagola' Parachute Infantry Regiment 33 Parachute Infantry Regiment 42 Parachute Artillery Group 14 Division Forces Parachute Rifle Company 4 Armored Parachute Rifle Company 4 (CW) Parachute Cavalry Reconnaissance Sqdn 4 Parachute Artillery Group 104 Parachute Engineer Bn 4 Anti-Aircraft Artillery Group 164 5th Mechanized Division 5th Mechanized Brigade 'General Belgrano' Mechanized Cavalry Regiment 11 Mechanized Infantry Regiment 15 'Ortz de Ocampo' Mechanized Infantry Regiment 20 'Cazadores de los Andes' Mechanized Artillery Group 5 15th Mechanized Brigade Mechanized Cavalry Regiment 17 Mechanized Infantry Regiment 4 Mechanized Infantry Regiment 24 Mechanized Artillery Group 15 Division Troops Mounted Rifle Company 5 Mechanized Cavalry Reconnaissance Sqdn 5 Mechanized Artillery Group 105
Mechanized Engineer Bn 5 Anti-Aircraft Artillery Group 165 8th Mountain Division 8th Mountain Brigade 'Brigadier General Toribio de Luzuriaga' Mountain Cavalry Regiment 4 'General Juan Galo de Lavalle' Mountain Infantry Regiment 16 'Cazadores de los Andes' Mountain Infantry Regiment 22 'Teniente-Coronel Juan Manuel Cabot' Mountain Artillery Group 8 18th Mountain Brigade Mountain Cavalry Regiment 14 Mountain Infantry Regiment 26 Mountain Infantry Regiment 39 Mountain Artillery Group 18 Division Troops High Mountain Rifle Company 8 Armored Rifle Company 8 (CW) Mountain Cavalry Reconnaissance Sqdn 8 Mountain Artillery Group 108 Mountain Engineer Bn 8 Anti-Aircraft Artillery Group 168 104th Reserve Brigade 105th Reserve Brigade 108th Reserve Brigade 301st Army Aviation Group Aviation Bn 301 Aviation Bn 4 Aviation Bn 5 Aviation Bn 8 V Army Corps Teniente General Julio Argentino Roca V Corps has responsibility for the south of Argentina, and like III Corps is a versatile formation which has several roles. V Corps can provide reinforcement for the northern Corps, defend the coast against amphibious forces, bolster Marine units in the Antarctic or intervene in Chile. The Corps is also home to many of Argentinas training facilities. 6th Mountain Division 6th Mountain Brigade 'General Conrado Excelso Villegas' Mountain Infantry Regiment 10 'Teniente General Racedo' Mountain Infantry Regiment 11 'General Las Heras' Mountain Infantry Regiment 21 Mountain Artillery Group 6 16th Mountain Brigade Mountain Infantry Regiment 23 Mountain Infantry Regiment 31 Mountain Infantry Regiment 40 Mountain Artillery Group 16 Division Troops Mountain Rifle Company 6 Armored Rifle Company 6 (CW) Mountain Cavalry Reconnaissance Sqdn 6 Mountain Artillery Group 106 Mountain Engineer Bn 6 Anti-Aircraft Artillery Group 166 7th Hover Armored Division 7th Hover Armored Brigade Hover Tank Regiment 2 'Lanceros General Paz' Hover Tank Regiment 9 Infantry Regiment 8 Aero-Blindada 'General O'Higgins' Hover Infantry Regiment 27 Hover Artillery Group 7
17th Hover Armored Brigade detached to Argentine Expeditionary Army Division Troops Mounted Rifle Company 7 Hover Cavalry Reconnaissance Sqdn 7 Hover Artillery Group 107 Hover Engineer Bn 7 Anti-Aircraft Artillery Group 167 10th Mechanized Division 10th Mechanized Brigade 'Teniente General Nicols Levalle' Light Mechanized Cavalry Regiment 3 'Coraceros General Pacheco' Mechanized Infantry Regiment 3 'General Belgrano' Mechanized Infantry Regiment 6 Mechanized Artillery Group 10 20th Mechanized Brigade Mechanized Cavalry Regiment 19 Mechanized Infantry Regiment 38 Mechanized Infantry Regiment 44 Mechanized Artillery Group 20 Division Troops Mounted Rifle Company 10 Mechanized Cavalry Reconnaissance Sqdn 10 Mechanized Artillery Group 110 Mechanized Engineer Bn 9 Anti-Aircraft Artillery Group 170 106th Reserve Brigade 107th Reserve Brigade 110th Reserve Brigade 501st Army Aviation Group Aviation Bn 501 Aviation Bn 6 Aviation Bn 7 Aviation Bn 10 VII Army Corps Army of the Rio Plato VII Corps is Argentinas frontline formation in its long running confrontation with Brazil. It is stationed in the border provinces of Misiones, Corrientes and Entre Rios as well as having forces deployed in Uruguay. VII Corps has operational command of the Uruguayan Army. Its permanently assigned forces are amongst the best trained and equipped in the Ejrcito Argentino, however the Corps frequently practices its reinforcement procedures. 2nd Hover Armored Division 2nd Hover Armored Brigade General Justo Jose de Urquiza Hover Tank Regiment 1 'Coronel Federico Brandsen' Hover Tank Regiment 7 'Coraceros Coronel Estomba' Hover Infantry Regiment 5 Hover Infantry Regiment 13 Hover Artillery Group 2 12th Hover Armored Brigade Hover Tank Regiment 12 Hover Tank Regiment 22 Hover Infantry Regiment 34 Hover Infantry Regiment 36 Hover Artillery Group 12 Division Troops Mounted Rifle Company 2 Hover Cavalry Reconnaissance Sqdn 2 Hover Artillery Group 102 Hover Engineer Bn 2 Anti-Aircraft Artillery Group 162 3rd Mounted Division
3rd Mounted Brigade Light Cavalry Regiment 5 'General Martn Miguel de Gemes' Mounted Infantry Regiment 18 Mounted Infantry Regiment 28 Mounted Artillery Group 3 13th Mounted Brigade Light Cavalry Regiment 13 Mounted Infantry Regiment 29 Mounted Infantry Regiment 30 Mounted Artillery Group 13 Division Troops Mounted Rifle Company 3 Armored Rfile Company 3 Light Cavalry Reconnaissance Sqdn 3 Mounted Artillery Group 103 Mounted Engineer Bn 3 Anti-Aircraft Artillery Group 163 30th Cavalry Brigade Hover Cavalry Reconnaissance Regiment 18 'Lanceros San Javier' Light Cavalry Reconnaissance Regiment 23 Hsares de Santa Maria Mounted Rifle Regiment 30 102nd Reserve Brigade 103rd Reserve Brigade 701st Army Aviation Group Aviation Bn 701 Aviation Bn 2 Aviation Bn 3 Army Group Montana (Agrupacin de Ejrcito de Montaa) The Ag Ej Mont is Argentinas military force on its colony of Montaa and amounts to a single brigade with some service support elements. It works very closely with the locally based units of the Mexican 8 Ejrcito, both units share common training and equipment. 29th Mountain Brigade Mountain Rifle Company Paracaidista 29 Light Cavalry Regiment de Montaa 27 Mountain Infantry Regiment 49 Mountain Infantry Regiment 55 Mountain Artillery Group 29 Naval Detachment, Montana Marine Infantry Security Company, Montana Expeditionary Army Group (Agrupacin de Ejrcito Expedicionario) The Ag Ej Exped is Argentinas contribution to the Kafer War and along with its Mexican counterpart forms the Divisin Latina. Its main force is drawn from the Div Bl VII although other elements have been trawled from across the army. So far the Ag Ej Exped has languished on Kimanjano and seen little action and may well be withdrawn from the French Arm. Division Latina 17th Hover Armor Brigade Hover Tank Regiment 6 'Blandengues' Hover Tank Regiment 21 Hover Infantry Regiment 32 Hover Infantry Regiment 43 Hover Artillery Group 17 1st Provisional Expeditionary Brigade (Mexico) 20th Aero-Mechanized Infantry Regiment 25th Infantry Regiment
Argentine Marines Infantera de Marina 1st Marine Infantry Force 'Rio Plato' - (1ta Fuerza de Infantera de Marina) Force Command No.1 Marine Infantry Bn No.3 Marine Infantry Bn No.6 Marine Hover Tank Bn No.1 Marine Hover Tank Bn No.4 Marine Artillery Bn No.1 Command & Logistic Support Bn No.1 Anti-Aircraft Bn No.1 Communications Bn No.1 Engineer Company No.1 Amphibious Commando Group No.1 Naval Detachment, Buenos Aires 2nd Marine Infantry Force 'Flota del Mar' - (2da Fuerza de Infantera de Marina) Force Command No.2 Marine Infantry Bn No.1 Marine Infantry Bn No.2 Marine Hover Tank Bn No.2 Marine Artillery Bn No.2 Command & Logistic Support Bn No.2 Anti-Aircraft Bn No.2 Communications Bn No.2 Engineer Company No.2 Amphibious Commando Group No.2 Combat Diver Detachment No.2 (Argentine Navy) 3rd Marine Infantry Force 'Austral' (3er Fuerza de Infantera de Marina) Force Command No.3 Marine Infantry Bn No.4 Marine Infantry Bn No.5 Marine Infantry Bn No.7 Marine Hover Tank Bn No.7 Marine Artillery Bn No.3 Command & Logistic Support Bn No.3 Anti-Aircraft Bn No.3 Communications Bn No.3 Engineer Company No.3 Amphibious Commando Group No.3 Combat Diver Detachment No.3 (Argentine Navy) Naval Detachment, Rio Gallego Naval Detachment, Rio Grande Naval Detachment, Austral Reserve Marine Infantry Force (Fuerza de Infantera de Marina de Reserva) Reserve Force Command Marine Infantry Bn No.8 Marine Infantry Bn No.9 Marine Hover Tank Bn No.3 Marine Artillery Bn No.4 Command & Logistic Support Bn No.4 Anti-Aircraft Bn No.4 Communications Bn No.4 Engineer Company No.4 Amphibious Commando Group No.4 National Gendarme Gendarmeria Nacional
Republic of Bolivia Bolivian Army Ejercito de Bolivia Zona de Seguridad de Arica 1ra Divison de Infantera Mecanizado 5ta Divison de Infantera Mecanizado 1ra Brigada Independente de Tanques Pesada 6ta Brigada Independente de Infantera de Marina 7ma Brigada de Artillera de Campaa 9na Brigada de Artillera Antiario Batallon de Policia Militar II Ruben Amezaga Batallon de Policia Militar III Esteban Arce I Cuerpo (S/SW border facing Chile and Argentina) 4ta Divison de Infantera de Monte 7ma Divison de Infantera de Monte Artillery Regiment de Campaa 3 "Pisagua" Artillery Regiment de Campaa 9 "Mitre" 2da Divison de Infantera de Reserva 3er Divison de Infatera de Reserva II Cuerpo (E/NE border facing Brazil) 2da Divison de Infantera de Selva 3er Brigada Independente de Infantera Aeromovel 5ta Divison de Infantera de Reserva III Cuerpo (N/NW border facing the Inca Republic) 3er Divison de Infantera de Montaa 6ta Divison de Infantera de Selva IV Cuerpo (Strategic Reserve) 2da Brigada Independente Aero-Blindada 4ta Brigada Independente Aero-Blindada 5ta Brigada Independente de Infantera Mecanizado Brigada de Fuerzas Especiales de Ejrcito 1ra Divison de Infantera de Reserva 4ta Divison de Infantera de Reserva 6ta Divison de Infantera de Reserva
Republic of Brazil Brazilian Army Exercito Brasileiro Corps of Naval Fusiliers (Marine Corps) Corpo de Fuzileiros Navais Brazil Command 1st Naval Fusiliers Division Logoa Mirim 1st Amphibious Commando Bn Tonelero Air-Sea Attack Group 114 11th Naval Cavalry Brigade Paissandu 14th Attack & Recon Aviation Group Air-Sea Attack Group 125 12th Naval Cavalry Brigade 15th Attack & Recon Aviation Group Air-Sea Attack Group 136 13th Naval Cavalry Brigade 16th Attack & Recon Aviation Group th 10 Sub-Surface Commando Brigade Salvador, Bahia 2nd Sub-Surface Commando Bn Mar del Plata [Tubaro] 6th Sub-Surface Commando Bn [Selkie] th 50 Jungle Brigade Manaus 3rd Riverine Commando Bn 901st Recon/Attack Sqdn [Quiriquiri] 902nd Recon/Attack Sqdn [Quiriquiri] 903rd Recon/Attack Sqdn [Quiriquiri} st 51 Mountain Brigade (-) - Teresopolis 1st Mountain Commando Bn 3rd Mountain Commando Bn nd 2 Special Air Support Group I Amphibious Corps Corps Troops 4th Amphibious Commando Bn Riachuelo 16th Tank Regiment 1st Coast Artillery Group 16th Self-Propelled Artillery Group 2nd Naval Fusiliers Division Caiena 21st Naval Fusiliers Brigade Cabo Polonio 22nd Naval Fusiliers Brigade Bahia Blanca 23rd Naval Cavalry Brigade 24th Division Artillery Group rd 3 Naval Fusiliers Division Rio Acary 31st Amphibious Brigade Humaita 32nd Amphibious Brigade 33rd Amphibious Brigade (Lt. Mech) 34th Amphibious Transport Brigade 35th Division Artillery Group 361st Anti-Tank Regiment st 1 Corps Air Group Provincia Command Provinica do Brasil, Tiraine 4th Naval Fusiliers Division 41st Naval Cavalry Brigade
42nd Amphibious Brigade 43rd Amphibious Brigade 46th Division Artillery Group th 4 Mixed Air Group Mountain Warfare Center 2nd Bn, Mountain Commando Regiment Detached from 51st Mountain Brigade Reserve Command 11th Naval Fusiliers Division (Combat Loss Replacement) 44th Amphibious Brigade Provincia do Brasil II Amphibious Corps Corps Troops 5th Amphibious Commando Bn 17th Tank Regiment 15th Coast Artillery Group 24th Self-Propelled Artillery Group th 10 Naval Fusiliers Division Rio Paranaiba 101st Naval Cavalry Brigade 102nd Naval Fusiliers Brigade 103rd Naval Fusiliers Brigade 104th Division Artillery Group th 12 Naval Fusiliers Division Araucaria 121st Amphibious Brigade (Lt. Mech) 122nd Amphibious Brigade 123rd Amphibious Brigade (Lt. Mech) 124th Division Artillery Group 126th Anti-Tank Regiment th 7 Corps Air Group
Republic of Chile Chilean Army Ejercito de Chile Army General Headquarters (Cuartel General de Ejrcito) Special Forces Brigade (Brigada de Fuerzas Especiales) I Special Forces Bn, Infantry Regiment N2 "Maipo" I Special Forces Bn, Infantry Regiment N16 "Talca" 6th Heavy Artillery Brigade 9th Heavy Artillery Brigade (Reserve) I Corps 1st Armored Division 1st Brigade I/Armored Cavalry Regiment N1 "Granaderos" I/Infantry Regiment N1 "Buin" 2nd Brigade IV/Armored Cavalry Regiment N1 "Granaderos II/Infantry Regiment N1 "Buin" 3rd Brigade II/Armored Cavalry Regiment N4 "Coraceros" I/Infantry Regiment N6 "Chacabuco" 4th Brigade II/ Armored Cavalry Regiment N8 "Exploradores" I/Infantry Regiment N15 "Calama" 1st Division Artillery Brigade 2nd Mechanized Division 1st Brigade II/Armored Cavalry Regiment N1 "Granaderos" I/Infantry Regiment N10 "Pudeto" 2nd Brigade III/Armored Cavalry Regiment N1 "Granaderos" II/Infantry Regiment N15 "Calama" 3rd Brigade I/Armored Cavalry Regiment N4 "Coraceros" II/ Infantry Regiment N7 "Esmeralda" 4th Brigade I/Infantry Regiment N21 "Arica" III/Infantry Regiment N21 "Arica" 5th Engineer Brigade I/Sapper Regiment N1 "Atacama" II/Sapper Regiment N1 "Atacama" 2nd Division Artillery Brigade 4th Mechanized Division 1st Brigade III/Armored Cavalry Regiment N4 "Coraceros" I/Infantry Regiment N7 "Esmeralda" 2nd Brigade I/Armored Cavalry Regiment N8 "Exploradores" III/Infantry Regiment N7 "Esmeralda" 3rd Brigade III/ Armored Cavalry Regiment N8 "Exploradores" IV/Infantry Regiment No 7 Esmeralda 4th Brigade I/Infantry Regiment N8 "Tucapel" II/Infantry Regiment N8 "Tucapel"
5th Engineer Brigade I/Sapper Regiment N5 "Punta Arenas II/Sapper Regiment N5 "Punta Arenas" 4th Division Artillery Brigade Armored Cavalry Group No.3 Husares I/ Hover Cavalry Regiment N3 "Hsares" II/ Hover Cavalry Regiment N3 "Hsares" II/Infantry Regiment N21 "Arica" III/Artillery Regiment N2 "Maturana" Armored Cavalry Group No.6 Dragones I/ Hover Cavalry Regiment N6 "Dragones" II/ Hover Cavalry Regiment N6 "Dragones" II/Infantry Regiment N10 "Pudeto" II/Artillery Regiment N7 "Chorrillos" 8th Corps Artillery Brigade 1st Independent Brigade (Reserve) 3rd Independent Brigade (Reserve) II Corps 3rd Mountain Division 1st Mountain Brigade I/Mountain Infantry Regiment N9 "Chilln" II/ Mountain Infantry Regiment N9 "Chilln" 2nd Airmobile Brigade II/Infantry Regiment de Paracaidistas N16 "Talca" III/ Infantry Regiment de Paracaidistas N16 "Talca" 3rd Mountain Brigade I/Mountain Infantry Regiment N23 "Copiap" II/ Mountain Infantry Regiment N23 "Copiap" 3rd Division Artillery Brigade I/Mountain Sapper Regiment N4 "Arauco" Antarctic Operations School 5th Mountain Division 1st Airmobile Brigade II/Infantry Regiment de Paracaidistas N2 "Maipo" III/ Infantry Regiment de Paracaidistas N2 "Maipo" 2nd Mountain Brigade I/ Mountain Infantry Regiment N12 "Sangra" II/Mountain Infantry RegimentN12 "Sangra 3rd Mountain Brigade I/Mountain Infantry Regiment N19 "Colchagua" II/ Mountain Infantry Regiment N19 "Colchagua" 5th Division Artillery Brigade II/Mountain Sapper Regiment N4 "Arauco" Armored Cavalry Group No.7 Guias I/Armored Cavalry Regiment N7 "Guas" II/Armored Cavalry Regiment N7 "Guas" III/Armored Cavalry Regiment N7 "Guas" I/ Artillery Regiment N3 "Silva Renard" 7th Corps Artillery Brigade 2nd Independent Brigade (Reserve) 4th Independent Brigade (Reserve)
Incan Republic Repblica Popular del Inca Incan Republic National Army Ejrcito Nacional de Repblica Inca Ejrcito del Norte [HQ: Quito] IIda Cuerpo de Ejrcito (Division-Sized Units) 1ro Kimsa Pachak de Tiradors Blindado Topac Yupanqui (A) 2da Chunka Waranqa Montaa (B) (Brigade and Smaller Sized Independent Units) Waranqa de Fuerzas Especiales del Norte (A) 1ra Waranqa de Anfibia (E) [Guayaquil, Ecuador] 11ro Pachak de Artillera Antiareo (A) 157ma Packak de Artillera de Montaa Saraguro (A) 159no Packak de Artillera de Montaa (B) Grupo Takiri (E) Ira Cuerpo de Runa 3er Chunka Waranqa del Runa Quitas (D) 51ro Chunka Waranqa del Runa Huaorani (C) 54ta Chunka Waranqa del Runa Quichuas (D) 87ma Chunka Waranqa del Runa Otovalo (C) 92da Chunka Waranqa del Runa Tschila (D) Ejrcito del Sud [HQ: Lima] Ira Cuerpo de Ejrcito (central Peru) (Division-Sized Units) 1ra Chunka Waranqa de Fuerzas Especiales Los Serranos (A) 3ra Waranqa de Fuerzas Especiales Katari 4ta Waranqa Montaa Tarapaca (A) (Brigade and Smaller Sized Independent Units) Waranqa Inca de la Guardia (A) 1ra Pachak de Aviacin Militar (A) 18vo Pachak Blindado Qari Wakanka (The Bulls) (A) Grupo Yawarpuma (E) IIIer Cuerpo de Ejrcito (southern Peru) (Division-Sized Units) 3ra Kimsa Pachak Blindada Huaynaputina (A) 3ra Kimsa Pachak de Cabellera (A) (Brigade and Smaller Sized Independent Units) 1ra Waranqa de Fuerzas Especiales Kuntur (A) 5ta Waranqa Montaa (A) 19na Waranqa Montaa (B) 208va Pachak de Aviacin Militar (A) IVta Cuerpo de Runa (northern Peru) (Division-Sized Units) 2da Chunka Waranqa del Runa (C) 7ma Chunka Waranqa del Runa (C) 52da Chunka Waranqa del Runa (C) 79na Chunka Waranqa del Runa (C)
(Brigade-Sized Units) 301ra Waranqa del Runa (C) [Lima] XIro Cuerpo de Runa (central Peru) 8va Chunka Waranqa del Runa (C) 11ra Chunka Waranqa del Runa (C) 31ra Chunka Waranqa del Runa (C) XIXna Cuerpo de Runa 4ta Chunka Waranqa del Runa (C) 12da Chunka Waranqa del Runa (C) 19na Chunka Waranqa del Runa (C) Ejrcito del Colombia [HQ: Bogot, Colombia] IVta Cuerpo (Venezuela Border) 1ra Divisin Blindada (A) 5ta Divisin de Infantera (A) 9na Divisin de Infantera 11ra Divison de Infantera de Reserva VIta Cuerpo (Central Colombia) 2da Divisin Infantera (B) 3er Divisin de Infantera Paracaidista 7ma Divisin Blindada (A) 12da Divison de Infantera de Reserva 13ra Divison de Infantera de Reserva 14ta Divison de Infantera de Reserva VIIIta Cuerpo (Brazil Border) 8va Divisin de Infantera de Selva 6ta Divisin de Infantera (B) 10ma Divison de Infantera de Reserva Ejrcito de Antisuyu [HQ: Iapari, Peru] 2da Waranqa de Fuerzas Especiales Kutuna (Peru) Grupo de Aviacin Uruguayo Voluntario (F) Grupo Matsuhara (E) La Legin Internacional Libertad de Antisuyu (F) VIIma Cuerpo de Selva (Division-Sized Units) 1ra Chunka Waranqa de Selva Tpac Amaru (Peru) (A) 5ta Chunka Waranqa de Selva Marshall Antonio Jose de Sucre (Peru) (A) 77ma Chunka Waranqa de Selva Hroes del Rio Japura (Peru) (A) 106ta Chunka Waranqa de Selva Andrs Cceres (Peru) (A) (Brigade and Smaller Sized Independent Units) 11ra Pachak de Aviacin Militar (Peru & Ecuador) (A) IX Cuerpo de Selva (Division-Sized Units) 4ta Divisin de Infantera de Selva (Colombia) (A) 17ma Chunka Waranqa de Selva Pastaza (Ecuador) (A) (Brigade and Smaller Sized Independent Units) Grupo de Aviacin de Ejrcito 27 (Colombia) (A) 304ta Waranqa de Selva (B) (Peru)
Ejrcito de Mariategui (Rho Eridani) 1ra Waranqa de Selva (A) 2ra Waranqa del Runa (D) Ejrcito de Wampar Allpa (Austin's World) 1ra Waranqa de Montaa (B) 2ra Waranqa del Runa (C) 3ra Waranqa del Runa (D) 4ta Waranqa del Runa (D)
Notes: (A) Unit is a first-line formation manned at or near 100%, and with full equipment set. (B) Unit is a first-line formation, but is at less than 70% strength during peacetime. Mobilization to full strength would require recall of former conscripts and refresher training. These units are, in theory, capable of being fully operational within 60 days of a mobilization order. In practice, it would take perhaps 2-3 times as long to fully man and equip the units, particularly in terms of modern combat systems and key technical personnel. (C) del Runa units (Peoples Militia), likely maintained at one-half to one-third strength, and would require extensive mobilization of reserves and appropriation of additional equipment to be brought up to full strength. (D) del Runa units (Peoples Militia), likely maintained at less than one-third strength, and would require extensive mobilization of reserves and appropriation of additional equipment to be brought up to full strength. (E) Unit not under direct ENRI control (naval infantry, paramilitary units subordinate to Chapaqinchikkuna internal security ministry, etc.). (F) International unit or foreign military unit serving under ENRI command under various agreements.
Republic of Venezuela Venezuelan Army Ejercito Venezolano Regon Militar Norte I Divisin Aero-Blindado III Divisin de Infantera Motorizado VI Divisin Aero-Blindada X Cuerpo de Ingenieros 94ta Brigada de Artillera de Campaa Autopropulsado 97ma Brigada de Fuerzas Especiales Regon Militar Occidental II Divisin Aero-Blindado V Divisin de Infantera Motorizado VIII Divisin de Infantera de Selva 93er Brigada de Cabellera Contraguerillas 99na Brigada de Fuerzas Especiales Regon Militar Oriental IV Divisin de Infantera de Selva VII Divisin de Infantera Motorizado 91ra Brigada de Cabellera Contraguerillas Venezuelan Air Force Fuerza Area Venezolano Grupo Area de Caza Coronel Felipe Jiminez - Base Area 'El Libertador', Maracay 1e Escuadron Dragones [BoRT-23 Shkval] 2e Escuadron Caribes [BoRT-13 Smerch-M] 3e Escuadron Gavilanes [BoRT-16 Grad-M] Grupo Area de Attaque - Base Area 'El Libertador', Maracay 1e Escuadron Diabolos [BoRT-17 Uragan-M] 2e Escuadron Los LincesAndersson [An-84 Rottkappchen] - Base Area 'Teniente Vincente Landaeta', Barquismeto 3e Escuadron Los Lupos Andersson [An-84 Rottkappchen] - Base Area 'Teniente Vincente Landaeta', Barquismeto 4e Escuadron Halcones [Komarov Ko-15 Stepnoj Orel] 5e Escuadron Grifos [Komarov Ko-15 Stepnoj Orel] Grupo de Caballeria Area - Base Area 'Teniente Vincente Landaeta', Barquismeto 1e Escuadron Caciques [Tikhonov Ti-4 Medved] 2e Escuadron Guerreros [Neuman Ne-76 Wiesel / Neuman Ne-77 Marder] Grupo Area de Patrulla Base Area 'Teniente Luis de Valle Garcia', Barcelona 1e Escuadron Novi Taganrog Aerospace TAG-17 Trauler (12) Base Area 'Teniente Luis de Valle Garcia', Barcelona 2e Escuadron Andersson An-95 Rheintochter (8) Base Area 'Teniente Luis de Valle Garcia', Barcelona Grupo Area de Vigilancia Base Area 'El Libertador', Maracay 1e Escuadron BoRT-22 Zvezda (4) Base Area 'El Libertador', Maracay 2e Escuadron Andersson An-83 Roggenhund (8) Base Area 'El Libertador', Maracay Grupo Area de Operaciones Especiales Base Area 'Teniente Celestine Rivera', Amazonas 1e Escuadron Tikhonov Ti-5 Rys (8)
Tikhonov Ti-6 Bars (16) Base Area 'Teniente Celestine Rivera', Amazonas 2e Escuadron MK Aerospace Bakkie-Utility (12) MK Aerospace Bakkie-Assault (8) MK Aerospace Bakkie-Skycrane (4) Base Area 'Teniente Celestine Rivera', Amazonas 3e Escuadron Vickers-Foss Atlas R.6 (2) Heorot Aerospace Seamew TR2 (6) Ncome River Aerospace Blouvalk (12) Avions des Alpes Petit Duc (6) Royal Masiran Systems Hurricane (8) Base Area 'Teniente Celestine Rivera', Amazonas 4e Escuadron de Defensa Base Area 'Teniente Celestine Rivera', Amazonas 5e Escuadron Base Area 'Teniente Celestine Rivera', Amazonas 1e Pelotn de Cazador Areo 60 Men 2e Pelotn de Cazador Areo 60 Men Grupo Area de Transporte Pegasos Base Area 'El Libertador', Maracay 1e Escuadron Semyonov Se-20 (6) Base Area 'El Libertador', Maracay 2e Escuadron Wolniak Wo-170 Fledermaus (10) Wolniak Wo-171 Vampir (4) Base Area 'Teniente Vincente Landaeta', Barquismeto 3e Escuadron Novi Taganrog Aerospace TAG-20 Verbljud (12) Novi Taganrog Aerospace TAG-27 Zhiraf (6) Base Area 'El Libertador', Maracay 4e Escuadron Various VVIP types Base Area 'Generalisimo Francisco de Miranda', Caracas 5e Escuadron Garcia Lunez Colibri-L (6) Base Area 'Generalisimo Francisco de Miranda', Caracas Grupo de Defensa 1e Batalln de la Defensa, Base Area 'El Libertador', Maracay 2e Batalln de la Defensa, Base Area 'Teniente Luis de Valle Garcia', Barcelona 3e Batalln de la Defensa, Base Area 'El Libertador', Maracay 4e Batalln de la Defensa, Base Area 'Generalisimo Francisco de Miranda', Caracas 5e Batalln de la Defensa, Base Area 'Teniente Vincente Landaeta', Barquismeto 6e Batalln de la Defensa, Base Area 'El Libertador', Maracay 7e Batalln de la Defensa, Base Area 'Teniente Luis de Valle Garcia', Barcelona Grupo de Logisticas Base Area 'Teniente Luis de Valle Garcia', Barcelona
Africa & the Middle East Anzania Islamic Union Pan-African Confederation Turkey
Republic of Anzania
Islamic Union
Pan-African Confederation
Republic of Turkey Turkish Land Forces Turk Kara Kuvvetleri Land Forces Command Ozel Kuvvetler Komutanligi (OKK) Muharebe Arama Kurtarma (MAK) Su Alti Taaruz (SAT) Amfibi Deniz Piyade Tmen 1 Amfibi Deniz Piyade 5 Anfibi Deniz Piyade Hava Indirme Komando Tmen 4th Havaclk Tugay 5th Havaclk Tugay 6th Havaclk Tugay Air Defence Rgt 1st Ordu 2nd Kolordu 52nd Zrhl Svari Tmen 8th Zrhl Svari Tugay 11th Zrhl Svari Tugay 23rd Mekanize Piyade Tugay 8th Mekanize Piyade Tmen 12th Zrhl Svari Tugay 4th Mekanize Piyade Tugay 8th Mekanize Piyade Tugay 66th Mekanize Piyade Tmen 13th Zrhl Svari Tugay 6th Mekanize Piyade Tugay 66th Mekanize Piyade Tugay 102nd Artillery Regiment 1st Heavy Tank Battalion 546th Engineer Battalion 3rd Kolordu 1st Zrhl Tmen 2nd Zrhl Tugay 18th Zrhl Tugay 1st Piyade Tugay
2nd Piyade Tmen 95th Zrhl Tugay 48th Piyade Tugay 11th Piyade Tugay 4th Piyade Tmen 1st Zrhl Tugay 19th Piyade Tugay 2nd Piyade Tugay 105th Artillery Regiment 2nd Heavy Tank Battalion 547th Engineer Battalion 5th Kolordu (Reserve) 58th Zrhl Svari Tmen 15th Zrhl Svari Tugay 16th Zrhl Svari Tugay 65th Mekanize Piyade Tugay 3rd Mekanize Piyade Tmen 17th Zrhl Svari Tugay 54th Mekanize Piyade Tugay 55th Mekanize Piyade Tugay 6th Mekanize Piyade Tmen 18th Zrhl Svari Tugay 1st Mekanize Piyade Tugay 12th Mekanize Piyade Tugay 109th Artillery Regiment 3rd Heavy Tank Battalion 548th Engineer Battalion 1st Komando Tugay 1st Havaclk Tugay 24th ADA battalion 1st MI battalion 1st Engineer regiment 2nd Ordu 11th Kolordu 2nd Zrhl Tmen 3rd Zrhl Tugay 5th Zrhl Tugay 229th Piyade Tugay 28th Piyade Tmen
4th Zrhl Tugay 29th Piyade Tugay 51st Piyade Tugay 39th Piyade Tmen (Reserve) 14th Zrhl Tugay 16th Piyade Tugay 20th Piyade Tugay 9th Artillery regiment 4th Heavy Tank Battalion 549th Engineer Battalion 15th Kolordu 53rd Zrhl Svari Tmen 19th Zrhl Svari Tugay 20th Zrhl Svari Tugay 14th Mekanize Piyade Tugay 23rd Mekanize Piyade Tmen 21st Zrhl Svari Tugay 9th Mekanize Piyade Tugay 25th Mekanize Piyade Tugay 33rd Mekanize Piyade Tmen 22nd Zrhl Svari Tugay 28th Mekanize Piyade Tugay 47th Mekanize Piyade Tugay 106th Artillery regiment 5th Heavy Tank Battalion 550th Engineer Battalion 6th Kolordu (Reserve) 54th Zrhl Svari Tmen 23rd Zrhl Svari Tugay 24th Zrhl Svari Tugay 61st Mekanize Piyade Tugay 61st Mekanize Piyade Tmen 25th Zrhl Svari Tugay 33rd Mekanize Piyade Tugay 7th Mekanize Piyade Tugay 65th Piyade Tmen 26th Zrhl Tugay 17th Piyade Tugay
41st Piyade Tugay 107th Artillery regiment 6th Heavy Tank Battalion 551st Engineer Battalion 2nd Komando Tugay 2nd Havaclk Tugay 25th ADA battalion 2nd MI battalion 2nd Engineer regiment 3rd Ordu 9th Kolordu 3rd Zrhl Tmen 66th Zrhl Tugay 10th Zrhl Tugay 71st Piyade Tugay 9th Piyade Tmen 9th Zrhl Tugay 27th Piyade Tugay 39th Piyade Tugay 1st Piyade Tmen (Reserve) 220th Zrhl Tugay 70th Piyade Tugay 49th Piyade Tugay 115th Artillery regiment 7th Heavy Tank Battalion 552nd Engineer Battalion 8th Jandarma Kolordu 12th Jandarma Piyade Tmen 211th Jandarma Piyade Tugay 5th Jandarma Piyade Tugay 15th Jandarma Piyade Tugay 29th Jandarma Piyade Tmen 62nd Jandarma Piyade Tugay 3rd Jandarma Piyade Tugay 21st Jandarma Piyade Tugay 51st Jandarma Piyade Tmen (Reserve) 22nd Jandarma Piyade Tugay 212th Jandarma Piyade Tugay 213th Jandarma Piyade Tugay
Jandarma Komando Tugay 4th Zrhl Tmen (Reserve) 6th Zrhl Tugay 7th Zrhl Tugay 10th Piyade Tugay 3rd Komando Tugay 3rd Havaclk Tugay 26th ADA battalion 3rd MI battalion 3rd Engineer regiment
Asia & Oceania Australia Canton Central Asian Republic China Indian States Bengal Bombay India Mysore Punjab Indochina Indonesia Iran Japan Manchuria Nepal New Zealand
Confederation of Australia Special Troops Command Earth Theater Z-Special Unit, Special Air Service Regiment (ZSU-SASR) M-Special Unit, Special Air Service Regiment (MSU-SASR) 7th Bn, Commando Regiment of Australia (7 CRA) 3rd SpaceWalker Squadron, Space Forces Command (3 SWS) 1st AeroSpace Search and Rescue Squadron (1 ASRS) 1st Combat Diver Squadron, Naval Forces Command (1 CDS)
Field Forces Command Earth Theater Rapid Deployment Division - Canberra Para-Commando Brigade 1st Bn, Para Regiment of Australia (1 PRA) 2nd Bn, Para Regiment of Australia (2 PRA) - (CW) 1st Bn, Commando Regiment of Australia (1 CRA) 2nd Bn, Commando Regiment of Australia (2 CRA) deployed Anglo Brigade, Treaty of Fremantle Peacekeeping Forces - CAR Brigade of Australian Marines - Brisbane 1st Bn, Marine Regiment of Australia (1 MRA) 2nd Bn, Marine Regiment of Australia (2 MRA) 3rd Bn, Marine Regiment of Australia (3 MRA) - (CW) 1st Bn, Sydney Naval Fusiliers (1 SNF) 1st Bn, Perth Naval Rifles (1 PNR) Marine Light Regt., Artillery Corps of Australia 1st Naval Engineer Sqdn. (1 NES) 1st Composite Assault Aviation Sqdn. 2Nd Composite Assault Aviation Sqdn. st 1 Australian Division (Eastern) - Sydney 1st Mechanized Brigade Group 2nd Motorized Brigade Group 50th Infantry Brigade (Reserve) 51st Infantry Brigade (Reserve) nd 2 Australian Division (Northern) - Darwin 3rd Mechanized Brigade Group 4th Motorized Brigade Group 5th Airmobile Brigade Group 6th Jungle Brigade Group 52nd Infantry Brigade (Reserve) rd 3 Australian Division (Western) - Perth 7th Mechanized Brigade Group 8th Light Brigade Group 9th Motorized Brigade Group 53rd Infantry Brigade (Reserve) 54th Infantry Brigade (Reserve) th 4 Long-Range Artillery Brigade 5th Theater Aviation Group
Tirane Theater
Rimward Theater AeroSpace Defence Command Fighter Division 1st Air Defence Wing 2nd Air Defence Wing 3rd Fighter Wing 4th Fighter Wing Strike/Recon Division 5th Fighter-Bomber Wing 6th Fighter-Bomber Wing 7th Recon/Attack Wing 8th Recon/Attack Wing 9th Interdiction Wing Transport Division 10th Lift Wing (Heavy) 11th Lift Wing (Heavy) 12th Lift Wing (Medium) 13th Lift Wing (Medium) 14th Lift Wing (Interface) Naval Forces Command Space Forces Command
Central Asian Republic CAR Army Almaty Military District (Capital Security Zone) - Almaty, Kazakhstan 11th Tank Brigade 3rd Air Assault Regiment 346th Assault Battalion 35th Air Assault Regiment (Special Operations) 1st Aviation Brigade Ferghana Military District (South-Eastern Region) - Bishek, Kyrgyzstan 1st Rifle Division - Bishek, Kyrgyzstan 2nd Motorized Rifle Regiment 56th Motorized Rifle Regiment 84th Motorized Rifle Regiment 165th Motorized Rifle Regiment 6th Artillery Brigade 45th Rifle Division - Dushanbe, Tajikistan 3rd Motorized Rifle Regiment 5th Motorized Rifle Regiment 42nd Motorized Rifle Regiment 360th Motorized Rifle Regiment 1st Artillery Brigade 3rd Mobile Division - Samarkand, Uzbekistan 15th Tank Brigade 91st Tank Brigade 100th Tank Brigade 101st Tank Brigade 55th Assault Regiment 2nd Artillery Brigade 28th Air Assault Bde - Tashkent 32nd Aviation Bde Tashkent Amu Darya Military District (South-Western Region) 5th Rifle Division - Ashgabat, Turkmenistan 1st Motorized Rifle Regiment 8th Motorized Rifle Regiment 10th Motorized Rifle Regiment 147th Motorized Rifle Regiment 24th Artillery Brigade 2nd Mobile Division - Bukhoro, Uzbekistan 2nd Tank Brigade 4th Tank Brigade 7th Tank Brigade 80th Tank Brigade 56th Assault Regiment 127th Artillery Brigade 21st Air Assault Brigade (Motorized Rifle) - Turkmenbashy, Turkmenistan Kazakhstan Military District (Kazakhstan Region) 4th Rifle Division - Astana, Kazakhstan 4th Motorized Rifle Regiment 20th Motorized Rifle Regiment 27th Motorized Rifle Regiment 41st Motorized Rifle Regiment 8th Artillery Brigade
6th Mobile Division - Saryshagan, Kazakhstan 102nd Tank Brigade 110th Tank Brigade 201st Tank Brigade 313th Tank Brigade 57th Assault Regiment 7th Artillery Brigade 22nd Air Assault Bde (Motorized Rifle) - Baykonur Cosmodrome, Kazakhstan Foreign Forces Treaty of Fremantle Peacekeeping Forces Anglo Brigade 6th Bn, The Royal Gurkha Rifles (6 RGR) (UK) 1st Bn, Royal 22e Regiment (Canada) 2nd Bn, Commando Regiment of Australia (2 CRA) - (Australia) Euro Brigade 1st Parachute Rifle Bn (Portugal) 3rd Alpini Bn (Italy) 32nd Commando Sqdn (Greece) Mercenary Forces Central Asian Legion (Russian-backed) 1st Combined Arms Regiment 2nd Rifle Regiment 3rd Air Assault Regiment Groupement de l'Asie Centrale / 12e Corps (France) 10e Regiment de Choc (10 CHOC) 1e Compagnie - (RAPAS) 2e Compagnie - (RAPAS) 3e Compagnie (RAPAS) 5e Division Blindee 7e Regiment de Chasseurs (7 RCh) Recce 6e Spahis Algeriens (6 SA) 502e Regiment de Chars de Combat (502 RCC) I/46e Regiment d'Infanterie (I/46 RI) 5e Regiment de Tirailleurs Algeriens (5 RTA) I/92e Regiment d'Infanterie (I/92 RI) 22e Division de la Marche 3e Regiment de Chasseurs (3 RCh) Recce 1e Chasseurs d'Afrique (1 ChA) 2e Regiment de Cuirassiers (2 RC) 9e Regiment d'Aero-Cuirassiers (9 RC) 30e Groupment Chasseurs (30 GC) II/4e Regiment d'Infanterie de Tirane (II/4 RIT) III/9e Regiment de Zouzves (III/9 RZ) 9e Division Airmobile I/9e Regiment d'Infanterie (I/9 RI) Japan 6th Marine Infantry Regiment 3rd Combined Company, Strategic Studies Group
The Imperial Caliphate of Iran Imperial Iranian Army Iranian Special Forces Command - Tehran 2nd Marine Division al-Faw - Bushehr 4th Marine Commando Brigade - Rasht, Gilan Province 23rd Special Forces Division Barzan Aryanpur Shah - Karaj, Mazanabad Province 3rd Army Aviation Brigade 7th Strategic Response Corps - Shiraz 44th Airborne Division Amir Kabir - Bandar 'E Mah Shahr 4th Airmobile Division Kaveh Ahangar (-) - Jask 6th Airmobile Division Daryus Shahanshah - Khorramshahr 1st (Northern) Army 101st Frontier Regiment - Khorasan Province/Afghan Border 116th Frontier Regiment - Khorasan Province/CAR Border 1st Strike Corps (+) - Shahrud, AOR Central Asian Frontier 18th Armored Division Ferdowsi - Gorgan 81st Armored Division Reza Shah - Sabzevar 28th Mechanized Division Abbas Shah - Mashad 64th Infantry Division Hafez - Bojnurd, Khorasan province 19th Mountain Regiment, 75th Mountain Division - Bojnurd, Khorasan province 102nd Airmobile Regiment, 4th Airmobile Division - Shahrud 11th Reserve Strike Corps 17th Armored Division 46th Mechanized Division 130th Armored Division 14th Reserve Infantry Corps 7th Infantry Division 132nd Infantry Division 503rd Infantry Division 21st Reserve Infantry Corps 16th Infantry Division 47th Infantry Division 208th Infantry Division 209th Infantry Division Urban Defense Garrison Commands (Reserve) 9th Infantry Division Shahur (Reserve) - Tehran 12th Infantry Division Khorramshahr (Reserve) - Gorgan 2nd (Southern) Army 162nd Frontier Regiment - Bandar Abbas/Baluchistan Border 2nd Strike Corps - Bandar-e-Lengeh, Hormuzgan Province, AOR Persian Gulf Littoral 1st Armored Division Karbala - Bandar-e-Lengeh, Hormuzgan Province 19th Mechanized Division Muhammad Tabatabai - Bushehr 4th Infantry Corps (-) - Kerman 114th Infantry Division Jamal ed-Din Afghani - Khomein
77th Infantry Division Omar Khayyam - Tafresh 12th Reserve Strike Corps 3rd Mechanized Division 8th Motorized Division 303rd Motorized Division Urban Defense Garrison Commands (Reserve) 38th Infantry Division Susengard - Bandar Abbas 3rd (Eastern) Army 117th Frontier Regiment - Rasht, Gilan Province/Azeri Border 124th Frontier Regiment - Rasht, Gilan Province/Armenian Border 150th Frontier Regiment - Hamadan, Hamadan Province/Kurdish Border 187th Frontier Regiment - Gilan Province/Northwestern Frontier 3rd Mountain Corps - Hamadan, Hamadan Province, AOR Northwestern Frontier 34th Mountain Division Ali Memmasanni - Khoramabad, Lorestan Province 75th Mountain Division (-) Khosrow Mustafavi - Zanjan 102nd Mountain Division Ali Akbar Saidi Sirjani - Hamadan, Hamadan Province 5th Infantry Corps - Ahvaz, Lower Khuzestan Province 45th Infantry Division Jamal Al-e Ahmad - Khorramshahr, Lower Khuzestan Province 99th Infantry Division Imam Reza - Al Amarah, Upper Khuzestan 116th Infantry Division Shahnaz Alami - Ahvaz, Lower Khuzestan Province 20th Reserve Infantry Corps 5th Infantry Division 14th Infantry Division 20th Infantry Division 203rd Infantry Divisions Urban Defense Garrison Commands (Reserve) 41st Infantry Division Karaj - Ahvaz Extra-Solar Forces Mouru - Nibelungen 1st Mouru Local Defense Regiment (Reserve) Bahkdhi - Beta Canum Venaticorum 1st Bahkdi Local Defense Regiment 2nd Bahkdi Local Defense Regiment (Reserve) Parachute Battalion (from Earth) Special Forces Company Tank Company Mechanized Infantry Company Nisaya - Joi 1st Nisaya Local Defense Regiment - 1 active battalion, 2 reserve battalions Parachute Battalion (from Earth) Special Forces Company Tank Company Mechanized Infantry Company
Empire of Japan Imperial War Cabinet Special Activities Division The Lion Guard Special Reconnaissance Regiment Strategic Studies Group Corps of Imperial Marines The Imperial Marines are responsible for expeditionary operations and are the front line of Japan's defences. They number just over 100 000 personnel and are highly trained and excellently equipped. Indeed Japanese marines have a very long training period and are regarded as some of the most comprehensively trained soldiers anywhere. It was the marines who spearheaded Japan's intervention in the Central Asian War, reinforcing their formidable reputation. They are primarily intervention troops and have relatively limited combat endurance. Japan usually calls upon reinforcements from the PDF to back up the marines of the IDF. The marines operate predominantly at the regimental level although three divisional HQs exist. Although units are assigned to each division in peacetime on mobilisation for expeditionary operations a single divisional HQ would be nominated as the operational HQ and would take under command a mix of regiments depending on the task. The 1st and 2nd Imperial Divisions are nominated as the primary reaction HQs whilst the 3rd Division has a reserve component and would normally remain in the Home Islands. 1st Imperial Marine Division 'Sekigahara' 2nd Imperial Marine Division 'Hakata' 3rd Imperial Marine Division 'Kawanakajima' 1st Imperial Marine Air-Landing Brigade 1st Marine Special Air-Landing Regiment deployed to Far Asian Republic 2nd Marine Special Air-Landing Regiment 3rd Marine Special Air-Landing Regiment nd 2 Imperial Marine Interface Brigade Imperial Defense Force Philippine/Micronesian Defense Force PDF Troops 1st Philippine Ranger Regiment - Masbate 2nd Philippine Ranger Regiment - Zamboanga 1st Philippine Marine Division - Cavite 1st Philippine Marine Armored Regiment 2nd Philippine Marine Infantry Regiment 3rd Philippine Marine Infantry Regiment 4th Philippine Marine Reserve Regiment Pilipina Army - Manila 1st Philippine Armored Division (Quezon City) 1st Pilipinas Armored Regiment 2nd Pilipinas Armored Regiment 1st Pilipinas Infantry Regiment 1st Philippine Mechanised Division (Tuguegarao) 5th Pilipinas Armored Regiment 3rd Pilipinas Mechanised Infantry Regiment 4th Pilipinas Mechanised Infantry Regiment 2nd Philippine Mechanised Division (Negros) 6th Visayas Armored Regiment 5th Visayas Mechanised Infantry Regiment 6th Visayas Mechanised Infantry Regiment 1st Philippine Reserve Division 1st Pilipinas Reserve Mechanised Infantry Regiment 1st Visayas Reserve Infantry Regiment
3rd Pilipinas Reserve Infantry Regiment 5th Visayas Reserve Infantry Regiment Mindanao Army (Davao) 1st Philippine Cavalry Division (Davao) 1st Mindanao Cavalry Regiment 4th Mindanao Infantry Regiment 2nd Philippine Armoured Division (Cotabato) 3rd Mindanao Armored Regiment 4th West Mindanao Armored Regiment 2nd Mindanao Mechanised Infantry Regiment 1st Philippine Infantry Division (Zamboanga) 1st Mindanao Regiment 2nd West Mindanao Infantry Regiment 3rd Palawan and Sulu Infantry Regiment 2nd Philippine Reserve Division 2nd Mindanao Reserve Mechanised Infantry Regiment 2nd Palawan Reserve Infantry Regiment 4th West Mindanao Reserve Infantry Regiment Micronesia Defence Force The Micronesia Defence Force is a very small organisation responsible for the defence of the Pacific Islands in the Federation. The well-dispersed forces are grouped under the control of a single Independent Regiment with battalions in each major island chain. The MDF is recruited from both local Micronesians and veteran marines from the IDF. In the event of a crisis the MDF would be reinforced by IDF or PDF troops, including IDF Marines deployed with the Pacific Fleet. 1st Micronesian Independent Regiment (Hagta, Guam) Imperial Japanese Navy Home Fleet Southern Fleet Eastern Fleet Imperial Japanese Air Force Imperial Japanese Space Force Imperial Colonial Defense Forces The Japanese Colonial Defence Forces are responsible for the protection of Japan's colonies in the Core, Chinese and French Arms. The greatest strength lies on the world of Tirane, but there is a military presence on two other worlds, including the world of Joi where tensions are still high following the independence of Elysia. Japan's other outposts are protected by troops from the Japanese Space Defence Force. The CDF were strengthened by many members of the army when that force disbanded: although not implicated in the Incident, they were sufficiently disgraced to want to redeem themselves in the service of the Emperor. Consequently, the CDF have become forces of ultra-loyalists and are perhaps the most militarised part of the JDF. A regiment of the Amaterasu CDF served on Earth in the closing stages of the Central Asian War and performed excellently. The CDF ground forces have two elements; a regular permanent force and a militia raised from volunteers or conscripts depending on the colony. The CDF can expect to be reinforced in a crisis, initially by JSDF units and then deployed units from the IDF. Amaterasu Army Tosashimizu - Joi The CDF contingent on the idyllic world of Joi is perhaps the most militarised of any Japanese colonial force. A large
contingent of ex-Japanese Army personnel helped to establish the colony and the set up a strong CDF run along the lines of the old Army. Tensions on Joi, with Tosashimizu concerned about both Elysian idealism and German machinations, have led to an upgrading of defences. The regular CDF contingent of both natives and seconded IDF personnel have crafted a highly-trained Independent Regiment capable of intervention ops against either Germans or Elysians. Three militia regiments are manned by universal conscription of the colony's 21 year olds and is tasked with civil defence, gendarme and conventional defence operations. Tosashimizu Defence Command - Kyuhikiryu Kichi 2nd Colonial Independent Regiment 5th Colonial Militia Infantry Regiment 8th Colonial Militia Infantry Regiment 9th Colonial Militia Infantry Regiment Aoki - Daikoku The colony of Aoki has only a small military presence. This was expanded during the Central Asian War, but subsequently reduced, however rumours persist that large warehouses of well-maintained military equipment are located in the colony. The colony maintains a standing force of an Independent Regiment which matches the Islamic Union military force on world, but is better equipped. The four militia regiments are similar to those on Joi but are manned by volunteers and by ballot if enough volunteers are not forthcoming. Aoki Defence Command - Aoki 3rd Colonial Independent Regiment 3rd Colonial Militia Infantry Regiment 4th Colonial Militia Infantry Regiment 6th Colonial Militia Infantry Regiment 7th Colonial Militia Infantry Regiment Overseas Deployments Islamic Union Japan has had a presence in the Arabian Peninsula since the end of the Twilight War. When the western nations led by France withdrew Japan remained and built links with the Arabian government and continued to do so after the formation of the Islamic Union in the late 22nd century. Today the Japanese have a small regiment sized force based in the south of the country. The JIDF MMA is responsible for technical training of Islamic Union troops, joint training and in running manoeuvre training programs in the Empty Quarter. It is this 'pure manoeuvre' training which was largely responsible for Japan's showing in the Central Asian War. Japanese Imperial Defence Force Military Mission Arabia Azania A long-standing ally of Japan and Japanese troops are sometimes deployed to Azania to conduct training. A small Japanese team is present permanently to co-ordinate this training and liaise with the Azanian military. Japanese Imperial Defence Force Military Training Team Azania Central Asian Republic The Central Asian Republic is still divided and scarred by the events of the Central Asian War and garrisoned by peacekeepers from abroad. As part of the victorious coalition Japan still has an interest in the fate of the CAR although it is less involved than France or Russia. Elements of a single regiment are present here and these are mostly deployed in the western part of the country around the Japanese-financed spaceport. It is rumoured that elements of the Special Activities Division are still active in the country. 6th Marine Infantry Regiment Canton A key regional ally and a possible counterweight to Manchurian dominance, Japan is interested in supporting Canton. To do this Japan supplies armament and expertise in the form of a reinforced training team. Other units sometimes training in and around Canton, but these exercises are limited due to continuing historical distrust of the Japanese by many Cantonese. Japanese naval vessels often call at Cantonese ports, especially in Taiwan. Japanese Imperial Defence Force Military Training Team Canton Heidelsheimat The small Bavarian colony of Heidelsheimat has been semi-independent since the creation of Germany. Japan has commercial and diplomatic interests here and has a military mission here supporting the local military. Japanese Colonial Defence Force Military Mission, Heidelsheimat Far Eastern Republic The impoverished FER is one of the region's political 'basket cases'. Japanese investment has been heavy here and during the Central Asian War Manchuria threatened the FER, forcing Japan to deploy forces to insure its independence and a
garrison has remained ever since. Today Manchuria continues to apply pressure through deployments in the region and now a resurgent Russia is looking to re-absorb this historical territory. Many Japanese are wondering if the FER is really worth all the effort in spite of its enormous petroleum reserves. 1st Marine Special Air-Landing Regiment
The Kingdom of Nepal The Royal Army Royal Guard Brigade The Independent Gorkha Rifles The independent Gorkha Rifles are one of the largest mercenary forces in existence and although nominally belonging to Nepal they soldier for the highest bidder. Their history is a long and involved one. They are descended from the Gurkha units that stayed with the Indian Army on Independence, and in the years before the Twilight they expanded strongly and were in the front-line of India's conflicts with Pakistan and China. They were also strongly engaged in the Twilight War, further consolidating their reputation. However India soon began to break apart, firstly with Punjab succeeding then several other regions. The Gorkhas were in the fore front of the Indian military effort against the secessionists but Indian politicians proved unable to build on the military success of the force and the struggle proved futile. Indeed in the 2030's with Hindu Nationalists in power in New Delhi the establishment turned against the use of mercenaries and disbanded the Gorkhas, offering positions in Indian regiments to the soldiers. Rather than accept the disbandment of their regiments several Regimental Colonels offered their services to the other Indian States, which were gladly accepted. Soon the various colonels banded together to form the Regimental Council to ensure their units did not end up fighting each other. This body eventually formalised with representatives of the Nepali government sitting on the council to give the body some political legitimacy. They again consolidated their reputations in the fighting between the Indian States, most units served on long contracts with individual states although the any of the battalions stationed in Nepal could be hired at short notice. In the late 22nd century the Gorkhas began to expand from their base in the Indian States. The British hired a handful of battalions to help police their new colonies when their own forces were overstretched. A further widening of their skills saw an expansion into peacekeeping with some battalions specialising in these operations and being available for rapid deployment. Lastly for more subtle operations from reconnaissance to body-guarding another unit began to specialise in small unit operations. The Gorkhas operate under the auspices of the Republic of Nepal, which tolerates the operations of these units for the income it generates and employs some battalions. However contracts are only accepted on the agreement of the Regimental Council which will generally turn down any contract which may bring Gorkhas into conflict or may have a prejudicial effect on the reputation of the unit. Britain has an influence on the Gorkhas, both by hiring them on occasions but also as most of the officer corps has been trained in the UK and served with the RGR. Troops are recruited and trained through separate arrangements, and are generally less well trained than their RGR counterparts. The size of the Independent Gorkhas fluctuates from 7 battalions to over 20 depending on the state of affairs in the Indian States and beyond. This expansion is usually undertaken by mobilising reservists in Nepal, both from Independent and RGR sources, consequently there is only a limited drop in soldier quality. The Gorkhas are purely an infantry formation. The 1st Gorkha Rifles (Malaun Regiment) 1 GR is the oldest of all the Gurkha units. Today it specialises in peacekeeping operations, sending leaders at its own expense to centres of excellence such as the International Peace Support Training Centre in Canada. It is a well disciplined and turned out unit and is frequently hired by countries to perform peacekeeping missions in the stead of their own combat troops, as many nations believe peacekeeping degrades the combat effectiveness of units. 1st Battalion (1/1 GR) - Peacekeeping Flanders 2nd Battalion (2/1 GR) - Peacekeeping Punjab The 3rd Gorkha Rifles 3 GR is an un-specialised regiment that normally provides light role units. It has a long running contract with the Hong Kong Defence Force and one of its battalions is deployed there. This link has resulted in 3 GR being well up to date with modern British doctrine and techniques and although more expensive to contract than other regiments is often hired on short term intervention contracts by the Indian states. 1st Battalion (1/3 GR) - Nepal 2nd Battalion (2/3 GR) HKDF The 4th Gorkha Rifles 4 GR are another un-specialised regiment. They have one battalion serving in the Shan States of Burma in the counterinsurgency role. 1st Battalion (1/4 GR) - Burma 2nd Battalion (2/4 GR) - Nepal
The 5th Gorkha Rifles (Royal Frontier Force) 5 GR are one of the most famous of the Independent Gorkhas. During the Central Asian War they were under contract to the French, shoring up the southern flank and operating against insurgents in the mountains. Today one battalion is operating on BCV with the Indian States' International Brigade. 1st Battalion (1/5 GR) - International Brigade 2nd Battalion (2/5 GR) - Rajastan The 8th Gorkha Rifles 8 GR are in a poor financial condition following a near disastrous contract with Madras, which resulted in serious casualties and wasn't paid due to a change in government. As a result the unit is next in line for a contract. 1st Battalion (1/8 GR) - Nepal The 9th Gorkha Rifles 9 GR have had a long running relationship with the Bombay Army since the 2040's. The regiment trains its soldiers and officers in Bombay Army establishments consequently it has quite a different culture to the other regiments. Today the regiment has two battalions assigned to the Bombay Army's Para-Mech Brigade. 1st Battalion (1/9 GR) - Bombay Army 2nd Battalion (2/9 GR) - Bombay Army The 11th Gorkha Rifles 11 GR was formed in the aftermath of Indian Independence to provide a home for individual Gurkhas from British regiments who opted to stay with India. Today it is a specialised formation providing small recce teams, body guards and paramilitary police squads. 1st Battalion (1/11 GR) - Special duties
New Zealand Royal New Zealand Defense Forces Ground Wing HQ The New Zealand SAS Regiment 2nd Field Engineer Regiment, RNZE 2nd Combat Signals Support Regiment, RNZS 3rd National Communications Regiment, RNZS (TF) 4 Logistics Battalion, RNZALR (TF) 5 Equipment Maintenance Battalion, RNZL 4 Field Hospital, RNZAMC (TF) 4 Company, RNZMP (TF) 1 (NZ) Brigade 1 RNZAR (Light Armour) 1/1 RNZIR (Infantry) 2/1 RNZIR (Infantry) 3/1 RNZIR (Infantry) 16 Field Regiment, RNZA 18/22 Air Defence Battery, RNZA 1 Engineer Squadron, RNZE 1 Signals Squadron, RNZS 1 Logistics Battalion, RNZL 1 Field Hospital, RNZAMC 1 Company, RNZMP 1 Squadron, Royal New Zealand Air Wing (RNZAW) 2 (NZ) Brigade 2 RNZMR (TF) 3 RNZIR (TF) 5 RNZIR (TF) 6 RNZIR (TF) 7 RNZIR (TF) 34 (North Island) Field Regiment, RNZA (TF) 20 (Auckland) Air Defence Battery, RNZA (TF) 2 (Nelson) Engineer Squadron, RNZE (TF) 2 (Gisborne) Signals Squadron, RNZS (TF) 2 (North Island) Logistics Battalion, RNZL (TF) 2 (North Island) Field Hospital, RNZAMC (TF) 2 Company, RNZMP 2 Squadron, RNZAW 3 (NZ) Brigade 1 RMZMR (TF) 2 RNZIR (TF) 4 RNZIR (TF) 32 (South Island) Field Regiment, RNZA (TF) 16 (Christchurch) Air Defence Battery, RNZA (TF) 3 (Canterbury) Engineer Squadron, RNZE (TF) 3 (Ruahine) Signals Squadron, RNZS (TF) 3 (South Island) Logistics Battalion, RNZL (TF) 3 (South Island) Field Hospital, RNZAMC (TF) 3 Company, RNZMP 3 Squadron, RNZAW Air Wing HQ 1 Squadron - Tactical Transport
2 Squadron - Tactical Transport 3 Squadron - Tactical Transport 4 Squadron - National Surveillance 5 Squadron - Maritime Patrol 14 Squadron - Training/ Ground Attack 15 Squadron - Combat Training 40 Squadron - Transport 42 Squadron - Helicopter Training 75 Squadron - Combat 487 Squadron - Strategic Recce Maritime Wing HQ HMNZS New Zealand HMNZS Te Kaha HMNZS Te Mana Requin class Submarine Fighters (4) Tigershark class Submarine Fighters (8) Wanklyn class Submarine Fighters (4) Waikato class Patrol Hydrofoils (9)
Off-World Colonies Core Tirane Amaterasu (Japan) Freihaven New Canberra (Australia) Nouveau Provence (France) Provincia de Brasil (Brazil) Tirania (USA) Tundukubwa (Anzania) Tunghu (Manchuria) Wellon French Arm Adlerhorst Neumark (Germany) Aurore Aurore Francais (France) Novoa Kiyev (Ukraine) Tanstaafl Beowulf Crown Colony of Alicia (Great Britain) Europe Neuvelle (France) Beta Canum Venaticorum-4 Hochmark (Germany) Crown Colony of New Africa (Great Britain) Pais Francais (France) Crater Colony of Crater (Great Britain) Dunkelheim Dunkelheim (Germany) Nouveau Normandy (France) Hochbaden Dcouverte (France) Kolonie Zwei (Germany) Joi Elysia Halbinsel (Germany) Lubumbashi (Anzania) Colony of New Cornwall (Great Britain) Tosashimizu (Japan) Kie-Yama Kie-Yuma (Trilon Corporation) Kimanjano Frome (France)
Okavango (Anzania) Nibelungen Bellerivire (France) Nibelingen (Germany) Nous Voila Nous Voila (France) Chinese Arm Austin's World Chengdu Cold Mountain Daikoku Doris Dukou Heidelsheimat Kwantung Montana Paulo Syuhlahm American Arm Botany Bay Ellis Hermes King Kingsland
7e Division de la Marche 9e Division de la Marche detached to 2e Corps, L'Armee de Liberation 5e Division Aeromobile 202e Division d'Infanterie 205e Division d'Infanterie 206e Division d'Infanterie 8e Corps The 8e Corps contains the Arme de Tirane's rapid reaction and intervention forces. Formerly known as the Force d' Action Rapide de Tirane, all the forces component units are air-portable and gives the French commander a large range of options. 8e Corps units are drawn from Earth and Tirane. 2e Division Legere Blindee detached to 2e Corps, L'Armee de Liberation 2e Division d'Infanterie Marine detached to 19e Corps, L'Armee de Liberation 20e Division Parachutiste 19e Regiment de Spahis Parachutiste de Tirane (19 RSPT) II/1e Regiment de Chasseurs Parachutiste (II/1 RCP) Combat Walker III/3e Regiment de Chasseurs Parachutiste (III/3 RCP) I/9e Regiment de Chasseurs Parachutiste (I/9 RCP) II/10e Regiment de Chasseurs Parachutiste (II/10 RCP) III/10e Regiment de Chasseurs Parachutiste (III/10 RCP) Combat Walker V/10e Regiment de Chasseurs Parachutiste (V/10 RCP) L'Armee de l'Air 3e Force Aerien Tactique (3 FATAC) 3e FATAC is responsible for the defence of Nouvelle Provence, and is a large force which includes a strategic bombing element as part of its organisation. 3e FATAC includes three fighter-bomber wings, two multi-role fighter wings, three interceptor wings, one drone wing, one reconnaissance wing, two strategic wings and two strategic bomber wings. One fighter-bomber squadron is currently deployed to Aurore, and the ALA plans to rapidly deploy more 3e FATAC wings to the French Arm if needed in the war against the Kafers. 1e Escadre de Chasse 'Corse' Nouvelle Provence, Tirane EC I/1 'Serpent': 15 Samiel-A EC II/1 'Chat': 15 Samiel-A EC III/1 'Masque de Tragedie': 15 Samiel-A 12e Escadre de Chasse 'Cambresis' Nouvelle Provence, Tirane EC I/12 'Aigle Noir': 15 Aquilon-C EC II/12 'Tigre': 15 Aquilon-C EC III/12 'Guepe': 15 Aquilon-C 14e Escadre de Chasse 'Jura' Nouvelle Provence, Tirane EC I/14 'Serpentaire': 15 Faucon IIIA EC II/14 'Sphinx': 15 Faucon IIIA EC III/14 'Masque de Comedie': 15 Faucon IIIA 102e Escadre de Chasse 'Pays du Lac' Nouvelle Provence, Tirane EC I/102 'Visage': 15 Samiel-A EC II/102 'Lac de l'Oeil': 15 Samiel-A deployed to 135e Escadre de Chasse, Force Aerienne de Aurore EC III/102 'Chari': 15 Samiel-A 104e Escadre de Chasse 'Calanques' Nouvelle Provence, Tirane EC I/104 'Charles de Gaulle': 15 Crecerelle-C EC II/104 'Kernascleden': 15 Crecerelle-C EC III/104 'Brue Auriac': 15 Crecerelle-C 106e Escadre de Chasse 'La Croix' Nouvelle Provence, Tirane EC I/106 'Bamenda': 15 Faucon IIIC EC II/106 ' Aix-en-Nouvelle Provence': 15 Faucon IIIA EC III/106 'Ouidah': 15 Faucon IIIA 107e Escadre de Chasse 'Tatouine' Nouvelle Provence, Tirane EC I/107 'Djibouti-el-Jedid': 15 Simoom-C5 EC II/107 'Basse Terre': 15 Simoom-C5
EC III/107 'Tatouine d'Or': 15 Simoom-C5 109e Escadre de Chasse 'Vars' Nouvelle Provence, Tirane EC I/109 'Bordella': 15 Aquilon-C EC II/109 'Porto Novo': 15 Aquilon-C EC III/109 'Haut Vars': 15 Aquilon-C 34e Escadre de Reconnaissance Lorraine' Nouvelle Provence, Tirane ER 1/34 'Metz': 15 Simoom-CR
265th Interface Assault Sqdn 3rd Force Recon Company (Interface) Naval Forces-Centauri Command (NAVFOR-CENTAURICOM) Destroyer Squadron 15 (DESRON 15) Destroyer Squadron 87 (DESRON 87) Submarine Squadron Attack 67 (SUBRON-A 67) Naval Air Wing Helicopter Anti-Submarine Squadron 35 (HSL-35) Helicopter Anti-Submarine Squadron 42 (HSL-42) Helicopter Anti-Submarine Squadron 67 (HSL-67) 20th Air Force / Air Forces-Centauri Command (AIR-CENTAURICOM) 65th Composite Colonial Defense Wing 98th Composite Colonial Defense Wing
12 Division Recce Group Wellon Royal Lancers (WRL) 2nd Bn, The North Albion Green Jackets (2 NAGJ) 12 Division Artillery Group 1 Hvy Regiment, Royal Wellon Artillery (1 RWA) 4 Med Regiment, Royal Wellon Artillery (4 RWA) 13 Med Regiment, Royal Wellon Artillery (13 RWA) 206 Med Regiment, Royal Wellon Horse Artillery (206 RWHA) 20 Air Defense Regiment, Royal Wellon Artillery (20 RWA) 12 Division Engineer Group 12 Armoured Engineer Regiment, Royal Wellon Engineers (12 RWE) 13th (Wellon) Armoured Division 2 Armoured Brigade Royal New Scots Hussars (RNSH) 1st Bn, The Scots Guards (1 SG) 2nd Bn, The King's Own Royal Wellon Regiment (2 KORWR) 2 Regiment, Royal Wellon Army Air Corps (2 RWAAC) 3 Armoured Brigade 2nd Wellon Armoured Regiment (2 WAR) 1st Bn, The Royal Wellon Regiment (1 RWR) 3rd Bn, The Royal Western Regiment (1 RwestR) 3 Regiment, Royal Wellon Army Air Corps (3 RWAAC) 8 Armoured Brigade 7th Wellon Armoured Regiment (7 WAR) 2nd Bn, The New Camelot Light Infantry (2 NCLI) 2nd Bn, The Loyal Regiment (2 LOYAL) 11 Regiment, Royal Wellon Army Air Corps (11 RWAAC) 13 Division Recce Group 5th Wellon Armoured Regiment (5 WAR) 1st Bn, The Lion of the Cape Regiment (1 LCR) 13 Division Artillery Group 222 Hvy Regiment, Royal Wellon Horse Artillery (222 RWHA) 7 Med Regiment, Royal Wellon Artillery (7 RWA) 24 Med Regiment, Royal Wellon Artillery (24 RWA) 218 Med Regiment, Royal Wellon Horse Artillery (218 RWHA) 25 Air Defense Regiment, Royal Wellon Artillery (25 RWA) 13 Division Engineer Group 13 Armoured Engineer Regiment, Royal Wellon Engineers (13 RWE) 4th (UK) Armoured Division 4th Division Command Group 4 Armoured Command Regiment 104 Armoured Tactical Squadron, Royal Electronic Warfare and Security (104 REWS) 4 Armoured Regiment, Royal Engineers (4 ARMD RE) 11th Armoured Brigade 1st (King's) Dragoon Guards (1DG) 2nd Bn, The Royal Regiment of Fusiliers (2 RRF) 3rd Bn, The Royal Regiment of Fusiliers (3 RRF) 11 Regiment, Army Air Corps (11 AAC) 12th Armoured Brigade 2nd (Queen's Own) Dragoon Guards (2 DG) 2nd Bn, The King's Own Royal Border Regiment (2 KORBR) 2nd Bn, The Queen's Lancashire Regiment (2 QLR) 12 Regiment, Army Air Corps (12 AAC) 13th Armoured Brigade 10th Royal Tank Regiment (10 RTR) 1st Bn, The Royal Regiment of Wales (1 RRW) 2nd Bn, The Royal Green Jackets (2 RGJ) 13 Regiment, Army Air Corps (13 AAC)
4th Division Recce Group 1st Light Dragoons (13th Royal Hussars) (1 LD) 1st Bn, The Royal Welch Fusiliers (1 RWF) th 4 Division Artillery Group 5 Hvy Regiment, Royal Artillery (5 RA) 21 Med Regiment, Royal Artillery (21 RA) 35 Med Regiment, Royal Artillery (35 RA) 43 Med Regiment, Royal Artillery (43 RA) 52 Air Defense Regiment, Royal Artillery (52 RA) Strategic Reserve Forces The Strategic Reserve consists of Wellon's national reaction forces that are not assigned to III Corps. These forces are mostly light, regular and well trained troops slated for off-Wellon operations. Two of the three WEF brigades have been drawn from the Reserve. 2nd (Wellon) Light Division 1 (Wellon) Light Brigade seconded to Headquarters, Commonwealth Expeditionary Forces (HQ CEF) 2 Light Brigade D Sqn, Wellon Reconnaissance Regiment (D/ WRR) 1st Bn, The New Camelot Light Infantry (1 NCLI) 2nd Bn, The Royal Doorn Regiment (2 RDR) 3rd Bn, The Light Infantry (3 LI) 8 Lt Regiment, Royal Wellon Artillery (8 RWA) 5 Sqn, 2 Field Regiment, Royal Wellon Engineers 3 Light Brigade E Sqn, Wellon Reconnaissance Regiment (E/ WRR) 1st Bn, The Wellon Rangers (1 WR) 1st Bn, The Chindits (1 CHINDIT) 2nd Bn, The Point Sterling Grenadiers (2 PSG) 14 Lt Regiment, Royal Wellon Artillery (14 WRA) 6 Sqn, 2 Field Regiment, Royal Wellon Engineers 7 (Wellon) Armoured Brigade 4th Wellon Armoured Regiment (4 WAR) 1st Bn, The Royal New Scots (1 RNS) 2nd Bn, The Royal Western Regiment (2 RwestR) 7 Regiment, Royal Wellon Army Air Corps (7 RWAAC) 20 Independent Armoured Squadron, Royal Wellon Engineers 4 (Wellon) Light Brigade F Sqn, Wellon Reconnaissance Regiment (F/ WRR) 1st Bn, The Mountain Regiment (1 MR) 1st Bn, The Dales and Valley Regiment (1 DVR) 1st Bn, The Royal Arctic Rifles (1 RAR) 216 Mountain Regiment, Royal Wellon Horse Artillery (216 RWHA) 21 Independent Mountain Squadron, Royal Wellon Engineers 7 Commando Brigade, Royal Wellon Marines B (Commando) Sqn, Wellon Reconnaissance Regiment (B/ WRR) 75 Commando, RWM (75 Cdo) 76 Commando, RWM (76 Cdo) 33 Commando, RM (33 Cdo) 205 Commando Regiment, Royal Wellon Horse Artillery (205 RWHA) 19 Independent Commando Squadron, Royal Wellon Engineers 25 (Wellon) Special Air Service Regiment (25 SAS) 1st Desert Reconnaissance Group Battle Group 7 Battle Group 7 is an ad-hoc grouping composed of companies attached from the Desert Recce Force, 7 Armoured Brigade and a composite combat walker company from 4 Light Brigade. The unit has been training to complement or replace the British resident Battlegroup (currently 1 KORBR) on Crater. It has been training in the depths of the Blight simulating conditions on Crater's Dayside.
Defense Forces The Defence Forces have recently undergone a transformation to a new order of battle. Previously the regional defence divisions were composed of infantry brigades composed of the volunteer and home service infantry battalions and mechanised brigades composed of regular troops. However it has been decided to re-organise these formations to separate the regular mechanised brigades into their own divisional structure. This has been achieved by the creation of two new mechanised divisions, the conversion of one brigade into the armoured role and the retention of the small 8 Mechanised Brigade with the Arctic Division. The creation of the mechanised divisions has come about primarily to allow the army to deepen its reserve of manoeuvre forces and also soldiers and staff officers trained in those roles. This will allow a further expansion of the mechanised divisions to armoured roles or for an extended duration of the commitment to the Kafer War. The mechanised divisions are equipped with the Dragoon family of armoured vehicles and have substantial fighting potential. In times of crisis they are likely to be transferred to III Corps. The regional divisions are manned by the infantry brigades, these are composed of the Home Service and Volunteer battalions of the regiments. Most brigades will be composed of battalions of a single regiment, but all of the units are located in the same vicinity for ease of training. The infantry brigades are equipped with a mixture of wheeled APCs and heavy trucks. Due to the limitations on training time each of the divisions tends to specialise in styles of warfare most relevant to its locales. In addition some divisions have attached independent battalions under command. These are sometimes home service battalions with specific taskings or militia units who have a light infantry or auxiliary pioneer role. (Note: Militia units not shown in orbat.) 14th (Wellon) Mechanized Division 1 Mechanized Brigade 2nd Bn, The Royal New Scots (2 RNS) 2nd Bn, The Royal Highland Regiment of Wellon (Wellon Black Watch) (2 RHW) 1st Bn, The New Scottish Rifles (1 NSR) A Btry, 26 Med Regiment, Royal Wellon Artillery (A/ 26 RWA) 89 (New Scotland) Sqn, 14 Field Regiment, Royal Wellon Engineers 3 Mechanized Brigade 2nd Bn, The Dales and Valley Regiment (2 DVR) 1st Bn, The Royal Doorn Regiment (1 RDR) 2nd Bn, The Royal Wellon Regiment (2 RWR) B Btry, 26 Med Regiment, Royal Wellon Artillery (B/ 26 RWA) 93 (Cam Valley) Sqn, 14 Field Regiment, Royal Wellon Engineers 5 Mechanized Brigade 2nd Bn, The Lion of the Cape Regiment (2 LCR) 2nd Bn, The Mont Royal Chasseurs (2 MCR) 4th Bn, The Royal Western Regiment (4 RWestR) C Btry, 26 Med Regiment, Royal Wellon Artillery (C/ 26 RWA) 98 (North Albion) Sqn, 14 Field Regiment, Royal Wellon Engineers 15th (Wellon) Mechanized Division 4 Mechanised Brigade 2nd Bn, The Royal Victoria Rifles (2 RVR) 1st Bn, The Royal Western Regiment (1 RWestR) 1st Bn, The King's Own Royal Wellon Regiment (1 KORWR) A Bty, 27 Medium Regiment, Royal Wellon Artillery (A/ 27 RWA) 102 (North Albion) Squadron, 15 Field Regiment, Royal Wellon Engineers 6 Mechanised Brigade 1st Bn, The Point Sterling Grenadiers (1 PSG) 2nd Bn, The Royal Southern Regiment (2 RSouthR) 2nd Bn, The Wellon Rangers (2 WR) B Bty, 27 Medium Regiment, Royal Wellon Artillery (B/ 27 RWA) 107 (South New Albion) Squadron, 15 Field Regiment, Royal Wellon Engineers 7 Mechanised Brigade 1st Bn, The Coast and Islands Regiment (1 CIR) 2nd Bn, The Coast and Islands Regiment (2 CIR) 2nd Bn, The Wellon Highland Regiment (2 WHR) C Bty, 27 Medium Regiment, Royal Wellon Artillery (C/ 27 RWA) 106 (South New Albion) Squadron, 15 Field Regiment, Royal Wellon Engineers
1 Northern Division Div Engineer Group 30 (New Scotland) Regiment, Royal Wellon Engineers 2 Northern Brigade 3rd Bn, The Royal New Scots (3 RNS) 4th Bn, The Royal New Scots (4 RNS) 5th Bn, The Wellon Highland Regiment (5 WHR) B Light Bty, 50 (Northern) Regiment, Royal Wellon Artillery (B/ 50 RWA) 3 Northern Brigade 3rd Bn, The New Scottish Rifles (3 NSR) 5th Bn, The New Scottish Rifles (5 NSR) 4th Bn, The New Scottish Rifles (4 NSR) C Light Bty, 50 (Northern) Regiment, Royal Wellon Artillery (C/ 50 RWA) 4 Northern Brigade 3rd Bn, The Royal New Glasgow Highlanders (3 RNGH) 4th Bn, The Royal New Glasgow Highlanders (4 RNGH) 5th Bn, The Royal New Glasgow Highlanders (5 RNGH) D Light Bty, 50 (Northern) Regiment, Royal Wellon Artillery (D/ 50 RWA) 5 Northern Brigade 5th Bn, The Royal New Scots (5 RNS) 3rd Bn, The Wellon Highland Regiment (1 WHR) 4th Bn, The Wellon Highland Regiment (4 WHR) E Light Bty, 50 (Northern) Regiment, Royal Wellon Artillery (E/ 50 RWA) 7 Arctic Division 8 Mechanised Brigade 2nd Bn, The New Royal Warwickshire Fusiliers (2 NRWF) 2nd Bn, The Royal New Glasgow Highlanders (2 RNGH) 1st Bn, The Wellon Highland Regiment (1 WHR) A Medium Bty, 51 (New Highland) Regiment, Royal Wellon Artillery (A/ 51 RWA) 88 Field Squadron, 30 (New Scotland) Regiment, Royal Wellon Engineers 1 Northern Brigade 3rd Bn, The Royal Highland Regiment of Wellon (Wellon Black Watch) (3 RHW) 4th Bn, The Royal Highland Regiment of Wellon (Wellon Black Watch) (4 RHW) 5th Bn, The Royal Highland Regiment of Wellon (Wellon Black Watch) (5 RHW) B Light Bty, 51 (New Highland) Regiment, Royal Wellon Artillery (B/ 51 RWA) 87 (New Highland) Squadron, 30 (New Scotland) Regiment, Royal Wellon Engineers Independent 2nd Bn, The Royal Arctic Rifles (2 RAR) 2 Eastern Division Div Engineer Group 31 (Cam Valley) Regiment, Royal Wellon Engineers 1 Eastern Brigade 3rd Bn, Princess Margaret's Wellon Light Infantry (3 PMWLI) 4th Bn, Princess Margaret's Wellon Light Infantry (4 PMWLI) 5th Bn, Princess Margaret's Wellon Light Infantry (5 PMWLI) B Light Bty, 52 (Eastern) Regiment, Royal Wellon Artillery (B/ 52 RWA) 2 Eastern Brigade 3rd Bn, The New Camelot Light Infantry (3 NCLI) 4th Bn, The New Camelot Light Infantry (4 NCLI) 5th Bn, The New Camelot Light Infantry (5 NCLI) 3rd Bn, The Royal Wellon Regiment (3 RWR) C Light Bty, 52 (Eastern) Regiment, Royal Wellon Artillery (C/ 2 RWA) 3 Eastern Brigade 3rd Bn, The Loyal Regiment (3 LOYAL) 4th Bn, The Loyal Regiment (4 LOYAL) 5th Bn, The Loyal Regiment (5 LOYAL) D Light Bty, 52 (Eastern) Regiment, Royal Wellon Artillery (D/ 52 RWA)
3 Eastern Division Div Engineer Group 31 (Cam Valley) Regiment, Royal Wellon Engineers 4 Eastern Brigade 3rd Bn, The Royal Doorn Regiment (3 RDR) 4th Bn, The Royal Doorn Regiment (4 RDR) 5th Bn, The Royal Doorn Regiment (5 RDR) E Light Bty, 52 (Eastern) Regiment, Royal Wellon Artillery (E/ 52 RWA) 5 Eastern Brigade 3rd Bn, The Dales and Valley Regiment (3 DVR) 4th Bn, The Dales and Valley Regiment (4 DVR) 3rd Bn, The Dales and Valley Regiment (5 DVR) F Light Bty, 52 (Eastern) Regiment, Royal Wellon Artillery (F/ 52 RWA) Independent 2nd Bn, The Mountain Regiment (2 MR) 4 Western Division Div Engineer Group 32 (North Albion) Regiment, Royal Wellon Engineers 1 Western Brigade 3rd Bn, The Royal Victoria Rifles (3 RVR) 4th Bn, The Royal Victoria Rifles (4 RVR) 5th Bn, The Royal Victoria Rifles (5 RVR) B Light Bty, 53 (Western) Regiment, Royal Wellon Artillery (B/ 53 RWA) 2 Western Brigade 3rd Bn, The Lion of the Cape Regiment (3 LCR) 4th Bn, The Lion of the Cape Regiment (4 LCR) 5th Bn, The Lion of the Cape Regiment (5 LCR) C Light Bty, 53 (Western) Regiment, Royal Wellon Artillery (C/ 53 RWA) 5 Western Brigade 3rd Bn, The King's Own Royal Wellon Regiment (3 KORWR) 4th Bn, The King's Own Royal Wellon Regiment (4 KORWR) 5th Bn, The King's Own Royal Wellon Regiment (5 KORWR) D Light Bty, 53 (Western) Regiment, Royal Wellon Artillery (D/ 53 RWA) 8 Western Brigade 6th Bn, The Royal Western Regiment (6 RWestR) 9th Bn, The Royal Western Regiment (9 RWestR) 10th Bn, The Royal Western Regiment (10 RWestR) E Light Bty, 53 (Western) Regiment, Royal Wellon Artillery (E/ 53 RWA) Independent 104th Bn, The Royal Wellon Airmobile Regiment (104 RWAR) 5 Western Division Div Engineer Group 32 (North Albion) Regiment, Royal Wellon Engineers 3 Western Brigade 3rd Bn, The New Royal Warwickshire Fusiliers (3 NRWF) 4th Bn, The New Royal Warwickshire Fusiliers (4 NRWF) 5th Bn, The New Royal Warwickshire Fusiliers (5 NRWF) B Light Bty, 54 (Western) Regiment, Royal Wellon Artillery (B/ 54 RWA) 4 Western Brigade 3rd Bn, The North Albion Green Jackets (3 NAGJ) 4th Bn, The North Albion Green Jackets (4 NAGJ) 5th Bn, The North Albion Green Jackets (5 NAGJ) C Light Bty, 54 (Western) Regiment, Royal Wellon Artillery (C/ 54 RWA) 6 Western Brigade 3rd Bn, The Mont Royal Chasseurs (3 MRC) 4th Bn, The Mont Royal Chasseurs (4 MRC) 5th Bn, The Mont Royal Chasseurs (5 MRC) D Light Bty, 54 (Western) Regiment, Royal Wellon Artillery (D/ 54 RWA)
7 Western Brigade 5th Bn, The Royal Western Regiment (5 RWestR) 7th Bn, The Royal Western Regiment (7 RWestR) 8th Bn, The Royal Western Regiment (8 RWestR) E Light Bty, 54 (Western) Regiment, Royal Wellon Artillery (E/ 54 RWA) 6 Southern Division Div Engineer Group 33 (South New Albion) Regiment, Royal Wellon Engineers 1 Southern Brigade 3rd Bn, The Wellon Rangers (3 WR) 4th Bn, The Wellon Rangers (4 WR) 5th Bn, The Wellon Rangers (5 WR) B Light Bty, 55 (Southern) Regiment, Royal Wellon Artillery (B/ 55 RWA) 2 Southern Brigade 3rd Bn, The Point Sterling Grenadiers (3 PSG) 4th Bn, The Point Sterling Grenadiers (4 PSG) 5th Bn, The Point Sterling Grenadiers (5 PSG) C Light Bty, 55 (Southern) Regiment, Royal Wellon Artillery (C/ 55 RWA) 3 Southern Brigade 3rd Bn, The Royal Southern Regiment (3 RSouthR) 4th Bn, The Royal Southern Regiment (4 RSouthR) 5th Bn, The Royal Southern Regiment (5 RSouthR) D Light Bty, 55 (Southern) Regiment, Royal Wellon Artillery (D/ 55 RWA) 4 Southern Brigade 2nd Bn, The Chindits (2 CHINDIT) 3rd Bn, Bn, The Chindits (3 CHINDIT) 4th Bn, The Chindits (4 CHINDIT) E Light Bty, 55 (Southern) Regiment, Royal Wellon Artillery (E/ 55 RWA) 5 Southern Brigade 3rd Bn, The Coast and Islands Regiment (3 CIR) 4th Bn, The Coast and Islands Regiment (4 CIR) 5th Bn, The Coast and Islands Regiment (5 CIR) F Light Bty, 55 (Southern) Regiment, Royal Wellon Artillery Royal Wellon AeroSpace Force Fighter Command Fighter Command is committed providing aircraft to the RWAF's primary role, the defence of Wellon. It combines with the RWAF's ASAT assets to make up the Wellon Air Defence Area. Fighter Command also is tasked with providing assets to defend the Wellon Army when deployed in the field outside of Wellon's borders. To this end it provides three squadrons of aircraft to the Wellon Expeditionary Force. Fighter Command operates three squadron's of British Exospace (BEx) Lightning F.1 interceptors as it first line of defence. Detachments of Lightning's are deployed around the coast of Wellon. However as Tirane is currently a low threat environment QRA (Quick Reaction Alert) times are generally around thirty minutes. The F.1 model is currently somewhat behind the state of the art in terms of its avionics, however it is perfectly adequate for Wellon's current needs. The main strength of Fighter Command lies in its six squadrons of newly acquired Mitchell Aerospace (MAe) Fury F.1 and F.3 fighters. The Fury is a superlative fighter that is also the mainstay of the RAF and RN Fleet Air Arm. It is multi-role tactical aircraft suited for both air superiority and battlefield interdiction tasks, its versatility is enhanced by the ASAT carrying capability of the F.3. Backing up the RWAF's early-warning satellites are two squadrons of AEW aircraft. The Buzzard AEW. 4 is a locally produced business aircraft airframe mounting the old French Cyrano radar system. Although the radar is obsolete, and number of upgrades installed by Black Arrow Systems have kept the Buzzard in front-line service. However the system does lack the ground tracking capability deemed vital by many other air services. (Note, all squadrons are 12 aircraft strong unless noted. Base locations are often vacated for tactical exercises and deployments)
Lightning F.1 No. 901 Squadron RWAF Myelbi, Colenso No. 910 Squadron RWAF Whitestone, Dartmoor No. 915 Squadron RWAF Byng, Point Sterling Fury F.1 No. 903 Squadron RAF St. Peters, St. Peters No. 907 Squadron RAF St. Peters, St. Peters No. 904 Squadron RWAF Myelbi, Colenso No. 905 Squadron RWAF Kells, MacMahoney Fury F.3 No. 902 Squadron RWAF Oates, Knightsbridge No. 906 Squadron RAF St. Peters, St. Peters Buzzard AEW.4 No. 920 Squadron RWAF Myelbi, Colenso No. 923 Squadron RWAF Kells, MacMahoney Bomber Command The RWAF's Bomber Command combines the roles of strategic and tactical force projection, combining the roles of the RAF's Strike and Bomber Commands. However the RWAF Bomber Command is more tilted to the tactical strike role. Bomber Command also has committed squadrons of tactical aircraft to JTAG-W. The latest aircraft to enter service with Bomber Command is the MAe Mosquito RB.1, a multi-role strategic aircraft optimised for strategic reconnaissance and high value attack missions. The RWAF has been streaming its most capable pilots into 916 Squadron to get the most out of this aircraft. The long-range bomber currently equipping Bomber Command is the ageing Vickers-Foss Valiant B.7, which has passed out of service with the RAF in the face of enhanced European air defences. In RWAF service the Valiant has been given a stand-off role for point attack, depth battle support and maritime strike. Several Valiant's have been modified for photographic and electronic intelligence gathering. The mainstay of the tactical strike squadrons are the Vickers-Foss Hunter FGR. 5. Another older aircraft that is due for replacement soon, with the VF Tempest being the front runner. The venerable Hunter is still effective in its close support and ground attack roles but is hopelessly outmoded as a fighter aircraft. Mosquito RB.1 No. 916 Squadron RWAF New Scampton, Colenso Valiant B.7 No. 917 Squadron RWAF New Scampton, Colenso No. 918 Squadron RWAF New Scampton, Colenso Hunter FGR.5 No. 908 Squadron RWAF Byng, Point Sterling No. 909 Squadron RAF St Peters, St Peters No. 914 Squadron RAF St Peters, St Peters No. 911 Squadron RWAF Yellow Forest, New Birmingham No. 912 Squadron RWAF Whitestone, Dartmoor Coastal Command Coastal Command is in charge of the maritime protection of Wellon, given the size of the continental area to be covered this is no small task. Coastal Command has two main roles, maritime reconnaissance and strike and search and rescue. The VF Artemis MRS.2 is the key asset in both roles. This medium sized, long ranged aircraft is equipped with an impressive sensor suit and heavy weapon load. It is capable of prosecuting all surface and sub-surface targets, and has a good defensive suit. Its sensors and communications equipment also make it a key unit in long range SAR operations. The dedicated SAR squadrons are equipped with two types of aircraft. Short range SAR is concentrated around the major ports, and even with the long range De Havilland Wellon Albatross tiltwing cannot range far beyond these areas even to respond to emergencies. For these kinds of emergencies the other SAR squadrons are equipped with a range of Livingstone Air Industry LTA airships. Like its British counterpart Coastal Command has joint air force and navy crews.
Artemis MRS.2 No. 940 Squadron RWAF Oates, Knightsbridge No. 941 Squadron RWAF Byng, Point Sterling No. 943 Squadron RWAF Kells, MacMahoney No. 946 Squadron RWAF Myasi, Colenso No. 947 Squadron RWAF Alexandra, Victoria No. 948 Squadron RAF St Peters, St Peters Albatross R.1 (SAR squadrons have detachments away from main bases) No. 934 Squadron East and South New Albion No. 935 Squadron West New Albion and New Scotland Various LTA No. 942 Squadron East and South New Albion No. 945 Squadron West New Albion and New Scotland Transport Command Transport Command provides Wellon forces with a range of services. Tactical and strategic airlift, VIP transport, air-to-air refuellers and orbital lift. Tactical airlift capacity is quite limited and would be severely stretched in anything other than a minor emergency. Strategic airlift squadrons are equipped with converted airliners and are similarly overstretched. The tanker squadrons are concentrated in support of Bomber Command's heavy units at Colenso. Lander squadrons operate from the various spaceports around Wellon, and normally run a military service up to Hawking Station. Other elements of Transport Command are concentrated at the MacMahoney complex near New Glasgow until required at other bases. One further unit comes under the aegis of Transport Command. No. 999 Squadron is a special unit that provides aircraft and pilots for Combat Search and Rescue and Emergency Rescue Team duties. The CSAR flights are concentrated at RAF St. Peters and at the Colenso complex and fly the Osprey R.3 tiltwing. The ERT flight is dispersed around the various spaceports, and flies the civilian specification BEx 359 space plane. Atlas C.3 No. 925 and No. 936 Squadrons Lincoln C.2 No. 927, No. 928 and No. 929 Squadrons Lincoln T.1 No. 930 and No. 931 Squadrons VIP aircraft No. 921 Squadron Fife IC.2 No. 950 Squadron Sword IC.3 No. 949 Squadron Special duties No. 999 Squadron Training Command The RWAF's Training Command is responsible for all training conducted by the RWAF. All of which is conducted at the giant Colenso training areas. Training Command also has responsibility for those parts of the area used by the British for their Joint Air Warfare School. Royal Wellon Aerospace Force College, Myasi The RWAF College at Myasi is that service's unified training facility. It trains all recruits from all branches of the RWAF, it also conducts all officers, NCO and flight training. RWAF College Myasi is located on the coast of the Golden Bay, some
100 km south of New Capetown and is a part of the massive Colenso facility, which includes a further five airbases in the area. (The near perfect flying weather is the reason for the concentration of facilities.) The RWAF College is itself a sizable, modern facility which was constructed in 2285 to replace the old RWAF College at RAF Narvik near Victoria. The other services' derogatory nickname for the RWAF, 'The Ice Cream Boys' is due to the tans most recruits acquire during their time at Myasi. Myasi is very much at the heart of the RWAF's operations. RWAF Regiment The RWAF Regiment is descended from the locally raised RAF Regiment Defence Squadrons, who were created to provide a security force for the RAF's Tiranean bases. Since the creation of the RWAF the RWAF Regiment has changed substantially, becoming a highly trained field force and is no longer responsible for simple guard duties. The RWAF has three roles. The provision of static and mobile ASAT resources in defence of Wellon as part of the Wellon Air Defence Area, and providing point air defence for RWAF air bases and forward operating bases. The last role is one of the most glamorous in the Wellon Armed Forces, the Air Commandos. The Air Commandos are highly trained soldiers who can operate as infantry in wartime, but also provide detachments for CSAR and the ERT. As Wellon covers such a huge areas some emergencies occur far from help. The ERT are teams of 10 Air Commandos who are delivered to accident sites by space plane (free-falling in if necessary) to begin giving immediate aid to victims. The most famous ERT missions have included the aftermath's of plane crashes in the New Albion Rain Forest and Blight areas. Both of which were later dramatised and made into major films. ASAT Units No. 101 Squadron No. 103 Squadron No. 107 Squadron No. 109 Squadron No. 105 and No. 106 Squadron Point Air Defence Units No. 104 Squadron No. 111 and No. 112 Squadron Field Units No. 102 (Air Commando) Squadron No. 108 (Air Commando) Squadron No. 110 (Air Commando) Squadron Royal Wellon Navy Northern Fleet - New Scapa Naval Base HMWS Achilles (Escort Carrier) 1703 NAS FGR.5 Sea Hunter 1704 NAS FGR.5 Sea Hunter 1708 NAS F.3 Sea Fury HMWS Churchill (CA) Eastern Fleet - Vectis Nova Naval Base HMWS Ajax (Escort Carrier) 1702 NAS FGR.1 Sea Tempest 1709 NAS F.3 Sea Fury 1710 NAS FGR.1 Sea Tempest HMWS Tiger (BC) HMWS Gladstone (CA) HMWS Peel (CA) Southern Fleet - Vectis Nova Naval Base HMWS Ocean (Fleet Carrier) 1700 NAS F.3 Sea Fury 1701 NAS F.1 Sea Storm 1705 NAS F.3 Sea Fury 1712 NAS FGR.1 Sea Tempest 1716 NAS FGR.1 Sea Tempest HMWS Agamemnon (Escort Carrier)
1706 NAS FGR.5 Sea Hunter 1711 NAS FGR.5 Sea Hunter 1714 NAS F.3 Sea Fury HMWS Lion (BC) HMWS Disreali (CA) HMWS Wellington (CA) Western Fleet - Princess Alexandra Naval Base HMWS Atlas (Escort Carrier) 1715 NAS FGR.5 Sea Hunter 1718 NAS F.3 Sea Fury 1719 NAS FGR.5 Sea Hunter HMWS Burton (CA) HMWS Lloyd-George (CA) Arctic Flotilla - New Scapa Naval Base Southern Flotilla - Vectis Nova Naval Base Amphibious Flotilla - Princess Alexandra Naval Base The Amphibious Flotilla is part of Wellon's long range power projection assets, it exists to deploy troops and logistics far from Wellon. It works primarily with Royal Wellon Marines 7 Commando Brigade, and occasionally with other Wellon Army units. The centrepiece of the Flotilla is the newly commissioned New Britannia, but the older Hermes is still in service alongside several logistics ships. Unfortunately the Flotilla lacks the shipping to carry the whole brigade in one lift without calling up merchant navy vessels. HMWS New Britannia (Amphibious Warfare Ship) 1734 (Commando) NAS TR.2 Osprey-C 1735 (Commando) NAS TR.2 Osprey -C HMWS Hermes (Commando Carrier) 1738 (Commando) NAS TR.2 Osprey-C 1739 (Commando) NAS TR.2 Osprey-C RN Tirane Squadron The Royal Navy maintains a vestigial 'flag showing' presence on Tirane that frequently operates alongside the Eastern Fleet. It also insures the security of the equatorial Halfway Island (located between Wellon and NP) that remains under British sovereignty. During the 'exercise season' the Tirane Squadron commonly operates as an OPFOR for the RWN. HMS King George V (CG) HMS Swansea (DD) HMS Alacrity (Warrior FF) HMS Ambuscade (Warrior FF) HMS Tireless (U Class sub)
I/1e Rgiment de Tirailleurs d'Aurore (I/1e RTAu) I/1e Rgiment de Ligne d'Aurore (I/1e RLA) II/1e Rgiment de Ligne d'Aurore (II/1e RLA) III/1e Rgiment de Ligne d'Aurore (III/1e RLA) I/1e Rgiment des Rservistes d'Aurore (I/1e RRA)
Tanstaafl Defence Force The small independent colony of Tanstaafl has faced a severe struggle to survive, and has only done so through the largesse of larger nations such as America, Germany and Texas. However the spirit of the local population combined with the skill of the mercenary TFL should not be overlooked. The pluck of the Tanstaaflians has brought many human nations into the Kafer War who would have otherwise turned their back on 'France's Problem.' The TDF is an infantry-heavy division sized formation. The backbone of the force are the part-time battalion sized Militia Regiments. However the mercenary Free Legion and the foreign regulars from Texas and America (under the command of the 4th US Marine Brigade) as well as a small German force provide much of the fighting power. The force also lacks much in the way of artillery and other combat support and rarely acts as an entire formation but more often in ad-hoc columns or Task Forces. The Tanstaafl part of the force is around 14 000 strong. Overall the TDF has a strong reputation for its stalwart resistance against the Kafers. However it is incapable of large scale co-ordinated operations and is administratively and logistically weak. In addition there is strong ill-feeling between the military and civilian leadership.
Tanstaafl Free Legion (TFL) The TFL is the mercenary cornerstone of Tanstaafl's defences. Manned by a mixture of off-worlders and natives it is one of humanity's most famous fighting forces. It comprises over twenty company sized units, most of which operate under the command of one of three regional HQs. There are also a number of independent Commandos which provide rapid reaction forces, including the famous Ramrods, across Tanstaafl. Central Region HQ Northern Region HQ Southern Region HQ Tanstaafl Regional Defence Paramilitary Militia The Tanstaafl RDPM comprises the Tanstaafl militia and police forces. It was the RDPM who bore the brunt of the early fighting against the Kafers and still provide the bulk of the colony's fighting forces. The force is organised into company groups which come under the command of regional Regimental HQs. Most of the Militia are part-timers who can be called out at short notice, however there are also Commandos assigned to each regiment who are held at higher readiness. 1st Militia Regiment 2nd Militia Regiment 3rd Militia Regiment 4th Militia Regiment 5th Militia Regiment 6th Militia Regiment 4th Marine Brigade (Provisional) - (USA) The 4th Marine Brigade is the main USMC combat force on the French Arm which saw significant action in both the invasion and liberation of Kimanjano. Most of its component battalions have been assigned to independent Marine Interface Units and for its service on Aurore it has been reinforced by US Army and Texan formations. The brigade is used as a reserve for the TDF but its battalions are often deployed to areas of the colony under threat. The brigade is never used simply to hold ground, rather to operate against Kafer formations. 6th Marine Infantry Bn Troop L, 3rd Sqdn, 11th Cavalry Regiment, US Army Task Force Alamo, Republic of Texas Army KampfGroup Hochbaden - (Germany) KampfGroup Hochbaden is a tragic remnant of a once thriving colony. A company strength light infantry force drawn from the garrison of Kolonie Zwei deployed to Tanstaafl it avoided the destruction of the colony by its presence on Aurore. Already a highly trained force the KampfGroup is implacable in its hatred of the Kafers and fights with a steely fanaticism. Operationally it is frequently linked with the marines of the Bismarck and Guderian when they are deployed on Aurore or more usually it has an independent role. There is much debate in the German high command as to the fate of the KampfGroup. 1 Kompanie, Jger Bn 342
1st Bn, The Royal Strathy Highlanders (1 RSH) 2nd Bn, The Royal Strathy Highlanders (2 RSH) 7th Regiment, Royal Artillery of Alicia (7 RAA) th 5 Brigade The 1st Alician Light Horse (1 ALH) 1st Bn, The Alician Light Infantry (1 ALI) 2nd Bn, The Alician Light Infantry (2 ALI) 2nd Regiment, Royal Artillery of Alicia (2 RAA) nd 2 Division Support Group The 2nd Alician Hussars (2 AH) Recce 3rd Regiment, Royal Horse Artillery of Alicia (3 RHAA) 2nd Med Regiment, Royal Alician Engineers rd 3 (UK) Armoured Division 3rd Division Command Group 3 Armoured Command Regiment 3 Armoured Regiment, Royal Engineers (3 ARMD RE) 103 Armoured Tactical Sqn, Royal Electronic Warfare and Security (103 REWS) 8th Armoured Brigade 9th/12th Lancers (9/12 L) 5th Bn, The Light Infantry (5 LI) 2nd Bn, The Connaught Rangers (2 CR) 8 Regiment, Army Air Corps (8 AAC) 10th Armoured Brigade 4th (Queen's Own) Dragoons (4 D) 1st Bn, The Royal Scots Fusiliers (1 RSF) 1st Bn, The Gordon Highlanders (1 GORDONS) 10 Regiment, Army Air Corps (10 AAC) 79th Armoured Brigade X Sqn, 10th/11th (Prince of Wales' Own) Hussars (X/ 10/11 H) 7th Royal Tank Regiment (7 RTR) 3rd Bn, The Coldstream Guards (3 COLD GDS) 2nd Bn, The Royal Welch Fusiliers (2 RWF) 79 Regiment, Army Air Corps (79 AAC) 3rd Division Recce Group 14th/20th (King's) Hussars (14/20 H) 4th Bn, The Yorkshire Regiment (4 YORKS) rd 3 Division Artillery Group 6 Hvy Regiment, Royal Artillery (6 RA) 24 Med Regiment, Royal Artillery (24 RA) 38 Med Regiment, Royal Artillery (38 RA) 79 Med Regiment, Royal Artillery (79 RA) 47 Air Defense Regiment, Royal Artillery (47 RA) 7th (Marines) Brigade 1st Bn, Royal Alician Marines (1 RAM) 3rd Bn, Royal Alician Marines (3 RAM) 4th (Reserve) Bn, Royal Alician Marines (4 RAM) 5th (Marine) Regiment, Royal Horse Artillery of Alicia (5 RHAA) th 8 (Alicia) Brigade detached to 11th (Commonwealth) Armoured Division II (Commonwealth) Corps, CEF Regional Divisions The regional Divisions are part-time volunteer formations, predominantly composed of infantry. Originally raised in the face of continuing tension in the Ramadenthian Archipelago, the volunteers came of age during the Kafer War. Faced with the catastrophic loss of Beta Canum Venaticorum, the ADF mobilized the Field Forces. Problems in the first days were rife, but were soon ironed out. Cadres of ex-regulars were brought in from Earth and other places and the Field Forces were whipped into shape. The key roles for the volunteers were urban and guerrilla warfare, and they swiftly became skilled in these roles. Esprit de corps was fostered and many units changed their names to reflect the areas they were raised in, or benefactors who had purchased new equipment on their behalf. One major change was the establishment of divisional headquarters for the Field Forces which took place in April of 2302. However the outcome of the Battle of Beowulf has led
to the demobilization of the volunteers, much to the relief of many captains of industry and the Alician economy in general. However training still remains at a high level than pre-war, and most of the units contain a core of men and women whose skills benefited greatly from the period of mobilization. 3rd (Western) Division 1st Field Force 1st Bn, Western Volunteers (Alician Black Watch) 2nd Bn, Western Volunteers 3rd Bn, Western Volunteers (Beowulf Canadians) nd 2 Field Force 4th Bn, Western Volunteers (MacDonald's Own) 5th Bn, Western Volunteers (Strathy Cameronians) 6th Bn, Western Volunteers rd 3 Field Force 7th Bn, Western Volunteers 8th Bn, Western Volunteers (McAlister's Raiders) 9th Bn, Western Volunteers (Strathy Lowland Rifles) th 4 (Central) Division 4th Field Force 1st Bn, Central Volunteers (Vandeleur's Own) 2nd Bn, Central Volunteers 3rd Bn, Central Volunteers th 5 Field Force 4th Bn, Central Volunteers 5th Bn, Central Volunteers 6th Bn, Central Volunteers th 6 Field Force 7th Bn, Central Volunteers 8th Bn, Central Volunteers (Gloucester Volunteers) 9th Bn, Central Volunteers th 5 (South-West) Division 7th Field Force 1st Bn, Eastern Volunteers (South Islanders) 2nd Bn, Eastern Volunteers (North Islanders) 3rd Bn, Eastern Volunteers (Spencerton Rifle Volunteers) th 8 Field Force 4th Bn, Eastern Volunteers (Queen Alice's Volunteer Grenadiers) 5th Bn, Eastern Volunteers (Paget's Own) 6th Bn, Eastern Volunteers th 9 Field Force 7th Bn, Eastern Volunteers 8th Bn, Eastern Volunteers (Aliceport Dragoons) 9th Bn, Eastern Volunteers th 6 (North-West) Division 10th Field Force 10th Bn, Eastern Volunteers (Herot Light) 11th Bn, Eastern Volunteers (Grendal's Own) 12th Bn, Eastern Volunteers (Herot Light) th 11 Field Force 13th Bn, Eastern Volunteers (Avonmouth Volunteers) 14th Bn, Eastern Volunteers (Herot Light) 15th Bn, Eastern Volunteers (Smith's Own) th 12 Field Force 16th Bn, Eastern Volunteers (Coastal Fusiliers) 17th Bn, Eastern Volunteers (Taine Valley Volunteers) 18th Bn, Eastern Volunteers (Four Lakes Rifles)
Commonwealth Expeditionary Forces Headquarters, Commonwealth Expeditionary Forces (HQ CEF) Heorot, Alicia, Beowulf 1 (Wellon) Light Brigade C Squadron, Wellon Reconnaissance Regiment (C/ WRR) 1st Bn, The Royal Victoria Rifles (1 RVR) 1st Bn, The Royal Highland Regiment of Wellon (Wellon Black Watch) (1 RHW) 2nd Bn, The New Scottish Rifles (2 NSR) 12 Light Regiment, Royal Wellon Artillery (12 RWA) 4 Squadron, 2 Field Regiment, Royal Wellon Engineers (2 RWE) 6th (UK) Assault Brigade Group 1 Pathfinder Group 'Arnhem' 7 (Assault) Recce Group Assault Brigade Storm Troop 2nd Bn, The Parachute Regiment (2 PARA) 6th Bn, The Parachute Regiment (6 PARA) 7th Bn, The Parachute Regiment (7 PARA) 7 Parachute Regiment, Royal Horse Artillery (7 RHA) 6 Assault Fire Support Group 9 Parachute Squadron, Royal Engineers 67 Commando Landing Squadron, Royal Engineers 16 Airborne CS Regiment, Royal Logistics Corps 2 Assault Support Company, Royal Space Corps 2701 Independent Parachute Tactical Troop, Royal Electronic Warfare and Security (2701 REWS) 6 Commando Brigade, RM 62 Commando, RM (62 Cdo) 63 Commando, RM (63 Cdo) 69 Commando, RM (69 Cdo) reforming 1 Commando, Royal Alician Marines (1 Cdo RAM) 6 Commando Fire Support Group 65 Independent Commando Squadron, Royal Engineers 66 Commando Landing Squadron, Royal Engineers 4 Commando Logistics Regiment (4 CLR) 1 Assault Support Company, Royal Space Corps 7 (Royal Alician Marine) Brigade 1st Bn, Royal Alician Marines (1 RAM) 3rd Bn, Royal Alician Marines (3 RAM) 4th Bn (Reserve), Royal Alician Marines (4 RAM) th 13 Brigade, Australian Expeditionary Brigade Alderhorst 54th (Heavy) Sqn, Armour Regiment of New Canberra (54H-ARNC) 4th (Assault) Bn, Australian Rifles (4A-RIFLES) 3rd (Light) Bn, Parachute Regiment of Australia (3L-PARA) 14th (Light) Bn, Parachute Regiment of Australia (14L-PARA) J-Force, 13th Flotilla, Fleet Command
101e Division Legere Blindee I/2e Rgiment de Cavalerie Coloniale (I/2e RCC) II/2e Rgiment de Cavalerie Coloniale (II/2e RCC) III/2e Rgiment de Cavalerie Coloniale (III/2e RCC) I/4e Rgiment d' Infanterie Coloniale (I/6e RIC) II/4e Rgiment d' Infanterie Coloniale (II/4e RIC) III/4e Rgiment d' Infanterie Coloniale (III/4e RIC) 1e Division Aeromobile Legere II/4e Rgiment Etranger d' Infanterie (II/4e REI) I/5e Rgiment d' Infanterie Coloniale (I/5e RIC) 1e Demi-Brigade d'Infanterie de Marine II/22e Rgiment d' Infanterie de Marine (II/22e RIMa) II/5e Rgiment d' Infanterie Coloniale (II/5e RIC) 207e Division d'Infanterie Groupement Mobile de Milice de Nouvelle Europe (GMMNE) I/1e Rgiment de Tirailleurs Nouvelle Europen (I/1e RTNE) II/1e Rgiment de Tirailleurs Nouvelle Europen (II/1e RTNE) III/1e Rgiment de Tirailleurs Nouvelle Europen (III/1e RTNE) 1e Groupement de Fusiliers-Marins de Nouvelle Europe (1e GFMNE) 2e Groupement de Fusiliers-Marins de Nouvelle Europe (2e GFMNE) Gendarmerie de Nouvelle Europe The Gendarmerie has raised a profusion of paramilitary units over the years and recently has reorganised these. As a result three types of paramilitary reserve Gendarmerie exist. Compagnie de Scurit Gnral de la Rserve (CSGR), Compagnie d' Appui de la Rserve(CAR) and Compagnie de Soutain de la Rserve (CSR). CSGR are paramilitary support companies who also have riot training. CAR have a number of specialist sub-units and whose official raison d'tre is providing disaster relief support to the CSGR. CSR are logistical and command unit, equipped with a range of communications systems and logistical vehicles. Cynics in Alicia point out the large number of military weapons also held by these Gendarme reservists and the 3:1:1 ratio in numbers which looks suspiciously like a battalion formation. The French colonists in turn point to the large and well equipped Alician military which exists on the other side of the Ramadenthian Sea. The number of reserve Gendarme companies is unconfirmed, but Alician defence analysts claim at least 18 battalions could be assembled in time of war.
DK Lift Panzergrenadier Bn 22 DK Lift Panzer Bn 23 DK Lift Panzer Bn 24 3 Deutscher Kontinent Reserve Lift Panzergrenadier Brigade DK Lift Panzergrenadier Bn 31 DK Lift Panzergrenadier Bn 32 DK Lift Panzer Bn 33 DK Lift Panzer Bn 34 Kolonial Jger Division zvB This special purpose division has some of Germany's finest light soldiers in its ranks. Although it has a rapid response role on Beta Canum it is also a strategic reserve for the rest of the French Arm. 36 Jger Brigade Jg Bde 36 is a formation from the IX Corps assigned to the tactical control of the Kolonial Jg.Div zvB. Jger Bn 361 Jger Bn 362 Jger Bn 363 245 Deutscher Kontinent Airborne (Fallschirmjger) Brigade 'Lammergeier' The German Continent Parachute Brigade was formed in the early 2230's as a Group attached to the 24th Jg Division. It was used as a rapid reaction force for the colony including no few 'bug hunts'. The unit saw action in the War of German Reunification contesting off-shore islands of the German Continent with raiding French forces in the low key conflict. The unit also launched its own raid on a French coastal radar installation. Expanded to brigade strength after the war the unit has a strong reputation for fitness, aggression and tactical ability. It is both para trained and air assault capable. It is well equipped and considered the equal of most Kolonial Corps Jger units. 1 Airborne (Fallschirmjger) Bn 2 Airborne (Fallschirmjger) Bn 3 Reserve Airborne (Fallschirmjger) Bn 242 Deutscher Kontinent Mountain (Gebirgsjger) Brigade 'Ludwigberge' The centre of the German Continent is dominated by high mountains, and early in the continent's history veterans of Bavaria's mountain infantry established a militia unit in the area. Later this was expanded to Group size and brought within the organisation of the 24th Jgers. 1 Gebirgsjger Bn 'Kahl' 2 Gebirgsjger Bn 'Rickensdorf' 3 Reserve Gebirgsjger Bn Colonial Special Purpose Unit (Kolonial Sonderverband) 2 The DKK reserve forces are composed of two mechanised brigades based in the two major cities and three Jger Brigades formed the old 24th Jger Division. These formations are a mixture of reservists and volunteers and are equipped with older equipment. 72 Deutscher Kontinent Reserve Panzergrenadier Brigade DK Panzergrenadier Bn 721 DK Panzergrenadier Bn 722 DK Panzer Bn 723 DK Panzer Bn 724 73 Deutscher Kontinent Reserve Panzergrenadier Brigade DK Panzergrenadier Bn 731 DK Panzergrenadier Bn 732 DK Panzer Bn 733 DK Panzer Bn 734 241 Deutscher Kontinent Reserve Jger Brigade 1 Jger Bn 2 Jger Bn 3 Jger Bn 243 Deutscher Kontinent Reserve Jger Brigade 1 Jger Bn 2 Jger Bn 3 Jger Bn
A Squadron B Squadron C Squadron Commonwealth Expeditionary Forces II (Commonwealth) Corps II Corps has held the responsibility for major British expeditionary deployments since its formation, and it was the body responsible for the full liberation and mopping up of Beta Canum-4 with Commonwealth, French and German forces under command. It has now re-organised with 2 armoured divisions (7th British and 11th Commonwealth) and three independent brigades (British, Canadian and New African). It has taken the 'Commonwealth' tag because of its multi- national nature. II Corps Recce Group 3rd Light Dragoons (18th Hussars) (3 LD) 1st Bn, The Royal Greys (1 R GREYS) 2 Strategic Regiment, Royal Electronic Warfare and Security (2 REWS) II Corps Artillery Group 10 Hvy Regiment, Royal Artillery (10 RA) 28 Hvy Regiment, Royal Artillery (28 RA) 12 Air Defense Regiment, Royal Artillery (12 RA) 36 Orbital Defense Regiment, Royal Artillery (36 RA) 7th Armoured Division - newly formed from Independent Armoured Brigades 7th Division Command Group 7 Armoured Command Regiment 7th Armoured Brigade Group (The Desert Rats) B Sqn, 1st Recce Bn, Huzaren Prins van Oranje (B/1 NL RECCE) Royal Netherlands Army 2nd (Royal Scots Greys) Dragoons (2 D) 1st Bn, The Cheshire Regiment (1 CHESHIRE) 3rd Bn, The Queen's Regiment (3 QUEENS) 7 Regiment, Army Air Corps (7 AAC) 17 Med Regiment, Royal Artillery (17 RA) 29 Independent Armoured Squadron, Royal Engineers 2007 Armoured Tactical Troop, Royal Electronic Warfare and Security (2007 REWS) 9th (Guards) Armoured Brigade Group Y Sqn, 10th/11th (Prince of Wales' Own) Hussars (Y 10/11 H) 3rd (King's Own) Dragoons (3 D) 1st Bn, The Grenadier Guards (1 GREN GDS) 1st Bn, The Irish Guards (1 IG) 9 Regiment, Army Air Corps (9 AAC) 11 Med Regiment, Royal Artillery (11 RA) 1st Royal German Legion (RGL) Brigade Group B Sqn, 1st RGL Hussars (B 1 RGL H) 1st RGL Dragoons 'KampfGroup Reinhardt' (1 RGL D) 1st RGL Line 'KampfGroup Paterson' (1 RGL L) 3rd RGL Line 'KampfGroup Jansen' (3 RGL L) 1st RGL Air Regiment 1st RGL Medium Artillery Regiment 1st RGL Engineer Squadron 2010 Armoured Tactical Troop, Royal Electronic Warfare and Security (2010 REWS) 7th Division Recce Group 1st RGL Hussars (1 RGL H) (-B Sqn) 1st RGL Jaegers (1 RGL J) detached 1st RGL Light Company th 11 (Commonwealth) Armoured Division 1 (Wellon) Armoured Brigade 6th Wellon Armoured Regiment (6 WAR) 2nd Bn, The Wellon Guards (2 Wellon Gds) 1st Bn, The Royal Southern Regiment (1 R SOUTH R) 1 New Africa Armoured Brigade
The Tiger Hussars (TH) 2nd Bn, The New African Light Infantry (2 NALI) 1st Bn, The Mavericks (New Middlesex Irish) (1 MAV) th 8 (Alicia) Brigade (The Nightfell Wolves) 1st Bn, The Duke of Alicia's Own Regiment (1 DAO) 2nd Bn, Royal Alician Marines (2 RAM) 1st Bn, The Dragon Regiment of Alicia (1 DRAGON) th 11 Division Recce Group The Lord Woolf's Dragoon Guards (LWDG) 1st Bn, The Scottish Rifles (1 SR) st 1 (Guards) Armoured Brigade Group 1st Life Guards (1 LG) 1st Royal Tank Regiment (1 RTR) 2nd Bn, The Coldstream Guards (2 COLD GDS) 2nd Bn, The Scots Guards (2 SG) 101 Bn, Guarde Regiment Fusiliers Prinses Irine (101 NL GDS) Royal Netherlands Army 1 Canadian Armoured Brigade Group Lord Strathcona's Horse (Royal Canadians) (LStH) 1st Bn, Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry (1 PPCLI) 3rd Bn, Princess Louise's Canadian Fusiliers (3 PLCF) 1 New African Special Duties Brigade 15 Commando (15 Cdo) Westmark Rifle (WEST RIFLES) 1st (Chasseur) Bn, The New African Legion (1 NAL) 3rd (Hunter) Bn, The New Africa Legion (3 NAL) V (New Africa) Corps New Africa, Beta Canum Venaticorum-4 V Corps, often referred to in the New African press as the Vengeance Corps, has been recently created in order to provide dedicated defensive capacity for the British Continent. It also has an overview remit in relation to the reserve and volunteer formations of the New African Defence Forces. However its primary mission is the conduct of operations against the residual Kafer presence in the K-Zone. In pursuit of this aim the Corps is composed of two infantry heavy Light Divisions, who conduct high intensity patrolling and Fireforce counter-Kafer operations. V Corps also has three International Brigades under OPCON who also take part in patrolling operations in the K-Zone and in providing reaction forces against Kafer sallies from the K-Zone. 1st (Commonwealth) Light Division 2nd (UK) Light Brigade Group 5 Recce Group 'Salamanca' 1st Bn, The Royal Green Jackets (1 RGJ) 1st Bn, The Black Watch (1 BW) 2nd Bn, The Yorkshire Regiment (2 YORKS) 51 Lt Regiment, Royal Artillery (51 RA) 79 Field Sqn, 29 Regiment, Royal Engineers 1st Gurkha Brigade Group 1 Gurkha Recce Group 1st Bn, The Royal Gurkha Rifles (1 RGR) 3rd Bn, The Royal Gurkha Rifles (3 RGR) 5th Bn, The Royal Gurkha Rifles (5 RGR) 48 (Gurkha) Lt Regiment, Royal Artillery (48 RA) 1 Field Sqn, Royal Gurkha Engineers 1 (Wellon) Airmobile Brigade A (Airmobile) Sqn, Wellon Reconnaissance Regiment (A/WRR) 3rd Bn, The Parachute Regiment (3 PARA) 101st Bn, The Royal Wellon Airmobile Regiment (101 RWAR) 103rd Bn, The Royal Wellon Airmobile Regiment (103 RWAR) 209 Airmobile Regiment, Royal Wellon Horse Artillery (209 RWHA) 22 Independent Parachute Sqn, Royal Wellon Engineers Commonwealth Division Recce Group 3rd Royal Tank Regiment (Commando) (3 RTR Cdo)
The Tarakiwa Rangers New Zealand Army Commonwealth Division Support Group 59 Hvy Regiment, Royal Horse Artillery (59 RHA) 5 Regiment, Army Air Corps (5 AAC) 3rd (New African) Light Division 1 New African Light Brigade 1st Bn, The New African Light Infantry (1 NALI) 1st Bn, The New Middlesex Scottish (1 NMS) 3rd Bn, The New African Regiment (3 NAR) 2 New African Light Brigade 1st Bn, The New African Regiment (1 NAR) 4th Bn, The New African Regiment (4 NAR) 6th Bn, The New African Regiment (6 NAR) 3 New African Light Brigade 1st Bn, The Royal Volunteer Rifles Corps of New Africa (1 RVRC) 2nd Bn, The New African Regiment (2 NAR) 7th Bn, The New African Regiment (7 NAR) New African Recce Group Jameson's Scouts (J SCOUTS) 1st (Pan-African) Brigade 'C' Coy, Mtondo Scouts (Malawi) 9th 'Kasungu' Ranger Battalion (Malawi) 1st/2nd Askari za Dunia Regiment (1st/2nd AzD) (Tanzania) 2nd Bn, The Kenyan Rifles (2 KR) (Kenya) nd 2 (Pan- African) Brigade 1 Commando Battalion (Zimbabwe) Combat Group 12 (Namibia) 2 Batalhao Cacadores Para-quedistas Especial (Angola) 17th (Indian States) Brigade 1st Bombay Armoured Regiment (Hodson's Horse) (Bombay) 6th Bn, The Guards (Rajahstan) 2nd Bn, The Sikh Regiment (Punjab) 1st Bn, 5th Independent Gorkha Rifles (Royal Fronter Force) (Nepal) Commonwealth Air Forces Joint Tactical Air Group-3 (JTAG-3) (UK) New Africa Air Group No.20 Squadron Tempest GR.1 No.56 Squadron Fury F.3 C Flight, 617 Squadron Mosquito RB.1 Joint Tactical Air Group-4 (JTAG-4) (UK) New Africa Air Group No.1 (Strike) Wing No.1 (F) Sqdn Tempest GR.1 No.100 Sqdn Fury F.3 A Flight, No.8 Sqdn Guardian AEW.2 Joint Tactical Air Group-341/Wellon (JTAG-341/W) (Wellon) Air Group JTAG-W's Air Group is composed of five squadrons of warplanes and a flight of AEW aircraft. There are four squadrons of tactical aircraft, modern Fury and Tempests, and one of strategic interdiction and recce aircraft. 906 Squadron Fury F.3 1714 Naval Air Squadron Sea Fury F.3 914 Squadron Tempest FGR.1 1702 Naval Air Squadron Sea Tempest FGR.1 916 Squadron Mosquito RB.1
A Flight, 920 Squadron Guardian AEW.2 Defence Group The Defence Group includes protection for the Air Group, in the shape of point defence and field squadrons from the RWAF Regiment. It also includes engineering support tasked for airfield repair, manoeuvre support for the logistics group and provision of dispersed operating sites. The normal Wellon Engineer Squadron is supported by a regiment of New African Pioneers greatly easing the job of the Wellonese sappers whilst also contributing as fighting troops. 111 Squadron, RWAF Regiment 108 (Commando) Squadron, RWAF Regiment 9 Squadron, 3 Air Support Regiment, Royal Wellon Engineers (3 RWE) 4 Pioneer Regiment, New African Engineers
I/ Rgiment Etranger d' Aero-Infanterie (I/REAI) I/21e Rgiment d' Infanterie de Marine (I/21e RIMa) IV/10e Rgiment d' Infanterie Coloniale (IV/10e RIC) 102e Division Legere Blindee 3e Rgiment de Cavalerie Coloniale (3e RCC) 8e Rgiment de Cavalerie Coloniale (8e RCC) 10e Rgiment de Cavalerie Coloniale (10e RCC) I/10e Rgiment d' Infanterie Coloniale (I/10e RIC) V/10e Rgiment d' Infanterie Coloniale (V/10e RIC) VI/10e Rgiment d' Infanterie Coloniale (VI/10e RIC) 103e Division Legere Blindee Rgiment de Cavalerie de la Milice de Beta Canum 'Blanche' (Cavalerie Blanche) Rgiment de Cavalerie de la Milice de Beta Canum 'Rouge' (Cavalerie Rouge) Rgiment de Cavalerie de la Milice de Beta Canum 'Bleue' (Cavalerie Bleue) Batallion d' Infantrie de la Milice de Beta Canum 'Noire' (Milice Noire) Batallion d' Infantrie de la Milice de Beta Canum 'Jaune' (Milice Jaune) Batallion d' Infantrie de la Milice de Beta Canum 'Orang' (Milice Orang) 206e Division d'Infanterie Rgiment de Cavalerie de la Milice de Beta Canum 'Noire' (Cavalerie Noire) Batallion d' Infantrie de la Milice de Beta Canum 'Rouge' (Milice Rouge) Batallion d' Infantrie de la Milice de Beta Canum 'Grise' (Milice Grise) Batallion d' Infantrie de la Milice de Beta Canum 'Bleue' (Milice Bleue) Batallion d' Infantrie de la Milice de Beta Canum 'Fauvre' (Milice Fauvre) Batallion d' Infantrie de la Milice de Beta Canum 'Pourpre' (Milice Pourpre) 213e Division d'Infanterie Rgiment de Cavalerie de la Milice de Beta Canum 'Jaune' (Cavalerie Jaune) Batallion d' Infantrie de la Milice de Beta Canum 'Blanche' (Milice Blanche) Batallion d' Infantrie de la Milice de Beta Canum 'Verte' (Milice Verte) Batallion d' Infantrie de la Milice de Beta Canum 'Brune' (Milice Brune) Batallion d' Infantrie de la Milice de Beta Canum 'Violette' (Milice Violette) Batallion d' Infantrie de la Milice de Beta Canum 'Bleu Ciel' (Milice Bleu Ciel) L'Arme de Libration 19e Corps - Pais Francais, Beta Canum Venaticorum, Beta Canum Venaticorum-4 19e Corps was formerly the FAREM, the tactical HQ formed from the Force d' Action Rapide on Earth. It was the first element of the Arme de Liberation and spearheaded the liberation of Kimanjano and was responsible for clearing Fromme. It was then transferred to BCV to co-ordinate the clearance of the Continent Franais. Its has since had the lead responsibility for the defence of the Continent Franais while the local forces re-build. 19e Corps specialises in assault and offensive operations and would be tasked to lead any operations beyond Arcturus or counter-attacking any renewed incursion into the Eta Bootis Finger. 1e Division Legere Blindee 2e Regiment de Spahis (2 RS) Recce 3e Regiment Etranger de Cavalerie (3 REC) 3e Regiment Lanciers (3 RLB) 507e Regiment de Chars de Combat (507 RCC) I/3e Regiment Etranger d'Infanterie (I/3 REI) 11e Regiment de Tirailleurs Algeriens (11 RTA) I/3e Regiment d'Infanterie de Marine (I/3 RIMa) 11e Division Parachutiste (Les Paras Bleues) 1e Regiment de Hussards Parachutiste (1 RHP) Recce I/1e Regiment de Chasseurs Parachutiste (I/1 RCP) I/3e Regiment de Chasseurs Parachutiste (I/3 RCP) Combat Walker II/3e Regiment de Chasseurs Parachutiste (II/3 RCP) I/4e Regiment de Chasseurs Parachutiste (I/4 RCP) II/9e Regiment de Chasseurs Parachutiste (II/9 RCP) Combat Walker Tabor de Goums Parachutiste (TGP) (Morocco)
2e Division d'Infanterie Marine 6e Regiment de Chars de Marine de Tirane (6 RCMaT) I/13e Regiment d'Infanterie de Marine (I/13 RIMa) II/13e Regiment d'Infanterie de Marine (II/13 RIMa) III/13e Regiment d'Infanterie de Marine (III/13 RIMa) 3e Division de Marche Coloniale Rgiment de Marche d'claireurs de Marine (RMEMa) 1e Rgiment Colonial de Spahis (1e RCS) 6e Rgiment de Cavalerie Coloniale (6 RCC) I/10e Rgiment d'Infanterie Coloniale (I/10e RIC) II/2e Rgiment tranger d'Infanterie (II/2e REI) I/ Rgiment de Marche de la Libration 'Chasseurs Coloniaux' (I RML) II/ Rgiment de Marche de la Libration 'Chasseurs Coloniaux' (II RML) Division Europa The Division Europa is one of the most colourful formations in the Arme de Libration and is composed of units from across Europe and from Tirane. Originally foreign units were integrated directly into French divisions, a state of affairs which often led to their efforts being overshadowed by their French colleagues. Consequently for political reasons several of these units were grouped into a single Divisional command, the Division Europa, late in 2302. The division is still under the influence of the French with much of its command, support and logistics back-up being provided by that nation. The unit is equipped with French kit and uses French doctrine however the division has a much higher media profile than before, satisfying most of the home governments. Although superficially resembling a French Division de Marche the unit has a number of additions, including an Italian airborne assault unit and ad-hoc special forces element. Some of the more unusual units include a Freihafener KampfGroup including many Bavarian exiles and a Lgion trangre battalion formed from volunteers from the Serb and Croatian militaries. 1e Regiment de Lanciers (1 RL) Recce II/6e Regiment Etranger d'Infanterie (II/6 REI) Gruppo Incursore 'Arditi', Brigada Paracaddutisti 'Folgore' (Italy) 14o Bersaglieri (Italy) 5 Tercio Aero-Armada 'Francisco Franco', La Legion Espanola (Spain) I Zaszloalj, 30. Pancelezred 'Imry Nagy', 3. Pancelbrigad (Hungary) Lift Panzer Group 12 (Freihafen)
Joi Southern Defense Command Joi, 61 Ursae Majoris Britain's New Cornwall and Azania's Lubumbashi colonies are collocated on the same southern continent and have long enjoyed a close working relationship, with the larger Azania colony making much use of the excellent British infrastructure. In the aftermath of the Invasion these two ESA and Commonwealth partners have decided to pool defensive resources and infrastructure. This has resulted in the formation of the Southern Defence Command, a tri-service body jointly controlling all military assets on the continent. Although not yet fully operational the initial signs are good. The Command controls 3 manoeuvre brigades in addition to air forces, coast guard, militia and civil defence forces. 31 Mechanized Brigade (Azania) Combat Group 310 Combat Group 311 Combat Group 312 Mechanized Field Force, Azanian Colonial Police Force Police Hunter Group 10 Police Combat Group 11 Police Combat Group 'Tundukubwa' 3rd (UK) Light Brigade Group 6 Recce Group 'Vittoria' 1st Bn, The Cameron Highlanders (1 C HLDRS) 3rd Bn, The Royal Regiment of Wales (3 RRW) 1st Bn, The Royal Ulster Rifles (1 RUR) 1st Bn, The Duke of New Cornwall's Light Infantry (1 DNCLI) 41 Lt Regiment, Royal Artillery (41 RA) 80 Field Sqn, 29 Regiment, Royal Engineers (29 RE)
Heidelsheimat Heidelsheimat Command, Bavarian Army Heidelsheimat Kommando, Bavarianesheer Land Forces (Bavarianesheer) Ready Defense Command Jger Brigade 229 - Steinfurt Company 4, Bavarian Space Naval Infantry Bn 178 - Orbital Station Neupassau Jger Bn 229(-) - Steinfurt 1st Company - Gerollsbock Mining Facility, DM -56 328 II Jger Bn 1 - Kreutzal Jger Bn 2 - Oberstaufen Artillery Bn 3 - Steinfurt, detachments at Oberstaufen and Kreutzal Pioneer Bn 1 - Steinfurt Flak Bn 4 - Steinfurt, detachments at Kreutzal, Oberstaufen, and Kulmbach Recon Bn 7 - Steinfurt, detachment in Kulmbach Lift Panzer Bn 100 - Steinfurt Home Defense Command ("The New Army") Freischtzen Division 10 - Steinfurt Freischtzen Division 20 - Kulmbach Freischtzen Division 30 - Oberstaufen Freischtzen Division 40 - Kreutzal Reserve Defense Command Freischtzen Division 50 - Oberstaufen Freischtzen Division 60 Steinfurt Aerospace and Interface Forces - (Bavarianes Luftwaffe) Aufklarungsgeschwader 1 (AufG-1) (4 Albatros patrol aircraft, 6 surveillance satellites) Fighter Wing (Jagdgeschwader) 202 (JG-202) (12 Fafnir Scramjet fighters) Fighter Wing (Jagdgeschwader) 211 (JG-211) (12 Fafnir Scramjet fighter) Space Forces - (Bavarianes Sternkriegsmarine) Baden (Wrttemberg-class Destroyer) - Neupassau Orbital Facility Hof (Aconit-class Frigate) - Neupassau Orbital Facility Eine Freie Volk (Necessite-class Auxiliary Cruiser) - Neupassau Orbital Facility Ein Souvern Land (Necessite-class Auxiliary Cruiser) - Neupassau Orbital Facility SternFighter Wing (Jagdgeschwader) 18 (SJG-18) (6 Siegfried-class naval fighters) - Neupassau Orbital Facility Foreign Forces Japanese Colonial Self Defense Force Military Mission, Heidelsheimat Steinfurt Provisional Company 1 (Air Defense) Provisional Company 2 (Light Infantry Tactical Training) Heidelsheimat Command, Freihafen Free Army Steinfurt Heidelsheimat Bn 'Neuheidelberg Uhlans', Lift Panzergrenadier Group 42 (K8/ I9) Combat Training Bn 1 'Panzer und Jger Lehr'
British Forces, Nous Voila Nous Voila, Beta Comae Berenices 4 Commando Brigade Group, RM OPCOM to II Polish Expeditionary Corps, French L'Armee de Liberation 2 Recce Squadron, RM 40 Commando, RM (40 Cdo) 42 Commando, RM (42 Cdo) 45 Commando, RM (45 Cdo) 1st Marine Bn, Royal Netherlands Marine Corps (1 RNLMC) 401 Assault Squadron, RM 46 Commando Regiment, Royal Artillery (46 RA) 4 Commando Air Group (4 CAG) 60 Independent Commando Sqn, Royal Engineers 2 Commando Logistics Regiment (2 CLR) Commonwealth Forces, Dunkelheim Dunkelheim, DM+36 2393 92nd Bn, Regimento de la Tierra Negra (2 Coys) (92P-RTN) (Australia) 1st Royal German Legion Jaegers (1 RGL J) (UK) 2nd (Jaeger) Bn, The New African Legion (2 NAL) (New Africa)