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Purdue GTLD

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Twice Exceptional: Gifted and Learning Disabled

Presented by: Rebecca L. Mann rlmann@purdue.edu

Definition of Giftedness:

United States Office of Education definition of Gifted and Talented Students "those who have outstanding abilities, are capable of high performance and who require differentiated educational programs (beyond those normally provided by regular school programs) in order to realize their contribution to self and society."

Characteristics of Giftedness
Reasons well Excellent memory Compassionate Morally sensitive Learns rapidly Long attention span Perfectionistic Strongly curious Extensive vocabulary Sensitive Intense Perseveres in interests Wide range of interests Concerned with justice Vivid imagination

High degree of energy Prefers older people Great sense of humor Mature judgment Highly creative Avid reader Keen observer

Tends to question authority

Definition of Learning Disabilities

Public Law 94 - 142 "a child has a severe discrepancy between achievement and intellectual ability in one or more of the following areas: (I) oral expression (ii) listening comprehension (iii) written expression (iv) basic reading skill (v) reading comprehension (vi) mathematics reasoning "disorder in one or more of the basic psychological processes involved in understanding or using language, spoken or written, which may manifest itself in an imperfect ability to listen, think, speak, read, write, spell or do mathematical calculations."

A Learning Disability is a neurological/physiological difference in the way the brain is organized.

A neurological disorder that affects the brains ability to receive, process, store and respond to information At least average intelligence Difficulty in acquiring basic academic skills
(National Center for Learning Disabilities)


Differences in the structure and functioning of the brain

(National Dissemination Center)

Neurological dysfunction may be presumed or suspected, but learning disabilities have a variety of possible causes.

(Curry School of Education)

A leading theory among scientists is that learning disabilities stem from subtle disturbances in the brain structures and functions.

(Curry School of Education)

A learning disability is a neurological disorder that affects the brains ability to receive, process, stores and respond to information.

(National Center for Learning Disabilities)

Since the term learning disability does not describe a single disorder, there is no since cause that has

Characteristics of Twice Exceptional Learners

Signs of Giftedness ~excellent long-term memory
~extensive vocabulary ~oral vocabulary more sophisticated than written ~ excels in reading comprehension ~struggles with decoding words ~excels in mathematical reasoning ~does poorly at computation ~advanced verbal skills in discussions ~refuses to do written work ~facile with computers ~handwriting is illegible ~grasps abstract concepts ~has difficulty with spelling and phonics ~performs better with challenging work ~struggles with easy, sequential material ~thrives on complexity ~difficulty with rote memorization

Signs of Learning Disabilities

~poor short-term memory

Signs of Giftedness

Signs of Learning Disabilities ~often inattentive in class ~emotions can overpower reasoning

~highly creative, imaginative

~reasons well ~is a keen observer ~may have acute hearing

~poor auditory memory

~poor listening skills ~has very interesting ideas, extremely curious ~weak in language mechanics ~had high degree of energy ~may be unable to learn unless interested ~perceptive ~performs poorly on timed tests ~insightful (seems "wise") ~hopelessly disorganized ~excellent sense of humor ~finds clever ways to avoid weak areas ~may excel at art, science, geometry, mechanics, technology, or music ~may fail at foreign languages and subjects emphasizing audition, sequencing, memory

Strengths vs. Deficiencies

Strengths Thinking Abilities High Creativity Long-term Memory Abstractions Deficiencies Self Expression Organizational Abilities Short-term Memory Sense Perceptions (distractibility, static on the auditory channel, sensori-motor) Social Interactions Self-esteem (Coleman, 1996) Thoughts going in Thoughts coming out Stuff Time

Problem Solving Insight

Organizational Difficulties can be:

Im a man of few words

he realized at a really inopportune time. Hows the essay coming, Jeremy?

Speling no Spellin no Sepling no I got it!


Spelling Test Time!!! For your spelling test today, use the symbols in the shaded box to write your words. In other words, the word tar would be spelled Tap and the word vary would be spelled Bapbl.


Bb Dd Ee Ff

Pp Rr Ss Sh sh

Hh Ii Ll

Uu Vv Yy

Indicators of Ability - Achievement Discrepancy

Look beyond test scores. Look for kids whose performance varies significantly in different areas.
WISC Studies have shown no consistent pattern in GTLD students There may be a discrepancy between VCI and PRI (Verbal Comprehension Index and Perceptual Reasoning Index) It is important to look at the subtest discrepancies also. There is a tendency for twice exceptional children to have: Trouble with: Arithmetic, Digit Span, Coding sometimes: Picture Completion High scores in: Comprehension, Vocabulary often: Information, Similarities, Picture Arrangement, and Block Design Divergent answers bring down the score. Twice exceptional children tend to elaborate during testing as that is their way of demonstrating their knowledge or creativity.

Categories of Twice Exceptional Learners

Identified Gifted and Unidentified Learning Disabled

Unidentified Gifted and Unidentified Learning Disabled

Unidentified Gifted and Identified Learning Disabled


Identified Gifted and Unidentified Learning Disabled good verbal skills poor spelling and/or handwriting disorganized in their classwork discrepancies between strengths & weaknesses widen as they grow older often viewed as "underachieving" if identified LD - tremendous weight lifted off their shoulders often passed over for LD support as they are achieving at grade level

Unidentified Gifted and Unidentified Learning Disabled bright enough to compensate for their learning disability usually appear as average students usually recognize their giftedness and disability as adults need occasions where they can show their superior thinking in creative ways LD masks gifts and gifts mask LD often gifts emerge in specific content areas or in learning environments where non-traditional methods are used

Unidentified Gifted Identified Learning Disabled

~usually excel in an area of interest ~first noticed for what they cannot do ~disability depresses their intellectual performance ~good reasoning and thinking skills detected by teachers and/or parents ~most "at risk" because the LD label tends to have a focus on deficits ~often have incredible projects in the works at home ~focus is so much on their disability it is difficult for them to give themselves credit for their abilities

Its time for your weekly math time test!

What every learning disabled child would love to ask

Gifted Learning Disabled or Underachievement?

Just because a gifted student is not producing does not mean he or she is learning disabled.


Other reasons for underachievement: Unrealistic expectations by others May seek rewards in different environments Im looking for something to tell me how to be totally Social or emotional problems unique without anyone being Student's self-expectations can be too able to tell. high (a task may never be able to be

completed to perfection)
Student may have a conflict with school value system i.e. grades are trivial May not have learned study skills due to ease of curriculum in earlier grades Motivation, interest, and specific aptitude influence the amount of effort

ADHD vs. Gifted

ADHD (DSM-IV, 1994) ~difficulty with sustained attention, daydreams

~failure to concentrate unless one-to-one ~failure to complete independent activities ~ability to listen attentively seems diminishes ~messy, disorganized environment

G/T (Silverman, 1993) ~poor attention, often due to, boredom, daydreams
~lack of persistence on tasks in that seem irrelevant ~task completion often reliant on personal interests ~often appears bored during discussions ~possible disinterest in organization

~impulsivity, poor judgment

~problems adhering to rules for regulating behavior ~activity level often heightened ~trouble following directions

~judgment lags behind intellect

~intensity possibly leading to struggles with authority ~frequently high activity ~questions rules, directions

~often fails to finish tasks, especially those demanded externally ~distractible but not in all situations ~frequent shifts in activities ~does not appear to listen ~daydreams ~misplaces items needed for work completion ~difficulty organizing work ~needs a lot of supervision in order to meet deadlines ~excessive activity ~often engages in challenges without considering consequences ~frequently acts without thinking

~broad range of interest often prohibits task completion ~great attention in self-selected work ~adaptable and sometimes erratic ~hypomanic to the point of not listening ~imaginative ~so preoccupied as often to overlook the concrete ~finds order amidst chaos ~freedom of spirit that rejects externally imposed limits ~high energy level ~willing to take risks in order to satisfy plans for creative pursuits ~often impulsive in actions

~solitary activities often preferred

~social interactions may be negative ~talks while tackling tasks ~prone to rapid changes in mood

~independent often preferring to be alone

~little interest in relationships ~self-talk during creative work ~often experiences emotional variability
Crammond, 1991

Categories of Specific Learning Disabilities

LD Terminology
Disability Dyslexia Area of difficulty Processing language Symptoms include trouble with Reading, writing & spelling
Computation, remembering math facts, concepts of time & money

Example Letters and words may be written or pronounced backwards Difficulty learning to count by 2s, 3s, 4s Illegible handwriting, difficulty Trouble with scissors, buttoning, drawing


Math skills

Dysgraphia Dyspraxia

Written expression Fine Motor Skills

Handwriting, spelling Coordination, manual dexterity

Information Processing Disorders

Auditory Processing Disorder Visual Processing Disorder Interpreting auditory information Interpreting visual information Language development, reading Reading, writing, and math Difficulty anticipating how a speaker will end a sentence Difficulty distinguishing letters like h and n

Other Related Disorders

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (AD/HD) Concentration and focus Over-activity, distractibility & impulsivity Cant sit still, loses interest quickly

Twenty-third Annual Report to Congress on the Implementation of IDEA, US Department of Education, 2001

Reading Fluency Test Time!

Groups of two One person is the recorder and one is the reader.

When we say begin the reader will have one minute to read as much as he or she can of the passage in orange print.
The recorder will make a mark on the white paper each time the reader incorrectly reads a word. The recorder will write down the number of words the reader was able to read during the one minute time frame and subtract the number of errors. The resulting score is the readers fluency score. The reader and the recorder will reverse roles and go through the same process with a new reading

Is it ADHD or Giftedness?
Does the child show these behaviors at home?
Could a lack of interest or relevancy play a part? Is the child unable to concentrate even when interested in the subject? Have any curricular modifications been made in an attempt to change the behaviors? Has the child been interviewed? What are his or her feelings about the behaviors? Does the child feel out of control? Do the parents perceive the child to be out of control? Has the child been taught strategies to limit stimuli and deal with stress? Has the child been taught appropriate social skills? Can the "inattentive" child repeat the instructions? Do the behaviors occur at certain times of the day, during certain subjects, with certain teachers, in certain environments and not in other circumstances? Is the child getting the appropriate amount of teacher attention? Does the child demand constant attention from the teacher? Is the child just demonstrating his or her personality, type of giftedness, or intensity?
(Silverman, 1994)

Strategies for Teaching the Twice Exceptional Student NURTURE GIFTS, RESPECT CHILD Curricular Needs Differentiation Challenging material at advanced level Interdisciplinary Don't make everything a secret Language Arts lesson

Make the curriculum relevant

Provide individually paced curriculum in areas of giftedness & disability

Using strengths to compensate for weaknesses

Find a mentor in the childs area of interest who likes child Find the childs interest area and use that area to remediate Love sharks + poor reader = start with books about sharks

Strategies for Teaching the Twice Exceptional Student

Accommodations Books on tape AlphaSmart or other word processor Spell checker/spelling guide Inspiration software

Teaching Strategies
More Accommodations Assisted note taking Computers for instruction Study guides Highlight in different colors Yellow for spelling errors Pink for grammar errors Gather information through interviews, videos, experiments Options for communicating ideas Slides, models, speeches, mime, mural, video production Avoid rote memorization and timed tests Tape lectures Calculator Oral tests Abbreviate written assignments Allow extra time for assignments and tests

Equate success with effort

Teaching Strategies

Promote active inquiry involving discussion & experimentation Provide open-ended challenges that require divergent thinking

Offer options that enable child to use his strengths and

learning style
Incorporate projects that investigate real

problems & real audiences

Highlight abstract thinking Design enrichment activities to circumvent

Provide options to all students so child isnt singled out Encourage looking for relationships and patterns

More Teaching Strategies

Create a supportive environment

Model celebrating individual differences Minimize "teacher talk" Use mnemonics for concepts requiring recall Encourage visualization

Get eye contact before speaking

Teach goal setting Independent Projects in area of interest

Teach child how to break down project into parts

Allow child opportunity to share with class and/or to

showcase the talent

Counseling Provide emotional support Teach child to be his or her own advocate

If possible, have child work with other GTLD students

Help child become aware of strengths and weaknesses Teach social skills Find role models Organizational Strategies Color code book covers and notebooks Graphic organizers Create flow charts Colored stickers on desk Red = turn in homework Yellow = put homework in backpack Blue = take lunchbox home

Time management How long do you think it will take? Have student time himself or herself. Use egg timer Get watch with alarm Strategies for parents Take photos of things to remember - tape to the back of the door or mirror Rearrange room to make it practical Find tutor - don't be homework heavy - celebrate child's gifts Work with the school to create a supportive team Be a role model Focus on effort, not grades Do not allow child to use learning disability as an excuse Expect child to use skills; have child do practical tasks (i.e. thank you notes)

Summers over kids! Now, all you round pegs get back into your square holes!

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