Smart School V1.1
Smart School V1.1
Smart School V1.1
SMART SCHOOL CONCEPT IS A NEW SMART-G4 SOLUTION Waste-less Classroom Healthy Classroom
Simply Plug And Play Solution That Allow The Following Logical Energy Saving And Functional Control On Demand: 1- If Sun is Shining, then Save Lighting Energy. 2- If No One in Classroom after Class Hours then Save Energy (lights and AC off ). 3- If temperature is below (Cold) = Warm up Classroom. 4- If Temperature is above (hot) = Cool Down Classroom. 5- If Occupied & Teacher command by Remote or iPhone, then Turn Lights & AC temperature as Needed. 6- If Motion By Janitors or after School hours then Light up, then when no more activity = Save energy. 7- Optional Central Management and Remote Ministry Notional Consumption analysis and logging.
Smart School
The 8in1 Sensor with the Swave are the Best Friend and almost complete solution for Universities, Colleges and School classrooms