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Behaviour and Classroom Management Exam Questions

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PART B (40 marks)


Teacher is a classroom manager who has leadership characteristics and effective in his/ her profession.


Elaborate two aspects in classroom management.




- Refer to syllabus to determine

the learning objectives and outcomes, to determine the approaches, to design activities/ work, and evaluation

ii. Handling/ Conducting - Give clear instructions, inform rules and routines, organize activities


Observation, to make sure that stduents are comfortable and given sufficient learning materials. Guidance and advice are given to students with learning problems. ldentify students with learning problems for remedial purpose.

iv. Reflection

- Analyze and evaluate

the effectiveness of the application (strategies, approaches, methods and techniques) for students work and activities . Posses open quality.

v. Establishing relationship teachlstudents- Teacher is dominat. Determine the expectations from students. Offense of rules and consequences. Teachers aware of children with special needs.


As an effective teacher, explain how do you apply competence teaching and learning in classroom? Answer:

i. ii. iii. iv.

Ensure that the concept, structure, subjek prinsip is taught deeply become meaningful learning experience to stduents Learn/get to know new things

relevant and contemporary knowledge

Knowledgable about the subject sistamatic ideas

skillful in explaining and deliver

Consider student difference in learning and inculcate student learning interest

Use variety of stimulations

short, focus in order to Skillful in questioning techniques- Accurate, and mastery for the understand students' level of understanding subject Able to judge and evaluate students' learning

Aware/ sensitive to students' need


is an ongoing social process that require Establish a good relationship with students teacher's effort.


uses to establish good relation Elaborate three strategies that teacher between teacher-students'

name correctly Remember student name and calltheir classroom Cultivate sense of loving to the class/ Distribute responsiblity equally and fair Set realistic exPectation Show teacher concern lnsert humour elements in the communikation


of group dinamic' Explain two factors that influence the forming




- homogenous'

ii.Religion/races-avoidracismandsensitivity iii.Statusofsosialandekonomi(SES)-maycauseseparation.
Teacher has to avoid this element'

iv'Academicachievementbase-Separationbetweenhighandlow achiever. Teacher has to avoid this element



- lntrovert and extrovert'


learning environment can be For effective classroom management, conducive implemented if the classroom routine is supervised'


Explain the concept of classroom discipline'

A set of rules imposed towards the students

to control

and acquire the


AccordingtoModelRealityTherapyGlasser,howcanyouhelpthestudents by them self? understand their action and choices made


Statetheconsequentinrealityorwhichischosenfromthestudent them self and not from the teacher'

their behavior' State the plan to help the students to manage




to capability and personality require teachers The difference among the students' goals, effective classroom environment' look into various factors in order to pian an



i . Time Management

Studentslearningprocesscanbeoptimizedfollowwithtimetable' a good memorize' Students can p[ocess the information and have


Chances of Learning Divide the students equally among them' students in classroom Give chance to communicate/ involve the


Concern towards the students Follow classroom routine

Self Management
Students able


to manage them self'


classroom lt is an intrinsic motivation' planning classroom management' Explain 4 components that can be used for

Answer: i.Teaching-Explainteachingplanandthestyleofyourteaching.
ii. Prevention
routine classroom routine activity with students' Patch classroom as motivation and memory'

- lmplement

iii. Gorrection

- Discuss the strategy and consequent

to teaching and not to Punishment'

from misbehaviour' lt is more


- Practise to be positively firm and fair to all the student.

Arrange which is liked and comfortable. show the way of furniture arrangement' Have the space for comfortable learning Process'

v. Physical environment


Answer only two questions from this section'


ability to stimulate students' and concentiate on learning This environment has the part of the teaching process and interest and passion to learn. Assessment is also a management' the implementation of procedures can help the classroom

are able to engage, participate lf the learning environment is conducive, the students

students' interest in Discuss how a conducive learning environment can stimulate learning and explain two process that involved in the assessment.

Gonducive learning environment stimulates student interest

interest and Conducive learning environment has the ability to stimulate students' the atmosphere passion to continue to learn. Climate that motivates students refer to goals' This learning the or culture that can create a motif in pupils to act to achieve managing, controlling involves teaching approach, communication patterns, skill in personality' ln this students and activities in the classroom and the teacher's own has a sense of environment, students are aware of the advantages of self-reliance, teachers responsibility and willing to learn. ln effort to create the right environment, emotional need to take into account the physical characteristics of a classroom, implemented' factors and social environment as well as the rules and routines chairs' learning Physical characteristics include the arrangement of tables and lighting and spaces that are available, the equipment available in the classroom, ventilation classroom.

Another argument that suPPorts:

. .

interest and To create a healthy social environment and to stimulate student his emotional effort towards learning, teachers should have knowledge about andsocialdevelopmentofchildrenandtheirneeds. if students Rules and routines facilitate the learning process in the classroom and important understand and know their responsibilities. So a clear, concise knowledge' rules should be displayed in the classroom for students

teaching style of the Physical layout of the classroom can reveal the authority, sense of belongings and enable interaction in the teacher, create classroom, neat and clean can give comfort to the

classroom. Regular students and they want to be in the room' they still require Pupils in primary schools began to be independent but given by the teacher and monitoring. At th; stage they will love the attention prizes' An effective show a positive response when given incentives or classroom in order to teacher will make up the rules and procedures in the reduce interference and improve learning'

2.Thecontractsysteminbehaviourmodificationmustbeagreedbytheteacherand thechild.Explainindetailsbyusingacontractsysteminbehaviourmodification

Refer to the rubric attached

StePs to construct modification'

teacher in the contrac' The some steps must be taken by the teacher. students and The teacher should seeks teacher should explain why contrac is used rationaly. programme'Motivation must others teacher and the children parents to support the

taken and the frequency are recorded"
Steps to suPPort:

o r . . 3.

contrac should suitable for the student to attain success' Teachers must lnforcement and token shoul be given and agreed both side' must used token in a suitable manner for an effective contrac.Teacher good behaviour' ' mention the time, place, frequency needed to get the fast at the lnforcement and tokeh should be given regularly and very beginning of the contrac system' Everybody involved in the programme should sign the contrac'

in details the Many characteristic can be conected with autisme child' Explain to overcome the problems in charac teristic of autisme child and how the teachers manage the class.

Refer the rubric attached.

autisme child Autisme spectrum Disorder (ASD ) accour in child development'The problems' Some of showed problem in interaction, communications and behaviour dand communications the charecteristic detach from their peer groups, social skills such as heading their are very weak. They always using body language movement

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child always head to offten. The chird very good in respon using their sensory.the development' The concentrated on what they are doing. They are slow at child can seek the other teacher must be open mind to recieve the autistic child. Teachers make investigate the child to coporate. The teacher must be patient and always good learning invironment and a autisme child and over come the problems. A equipment ' A strategic of condusive situation are important. Try to avoid dangerous are good' Give them a chance behaviour management and given token to the child

to study in a small



Other supports

o o o

communication Very difficult to trace the charecteristic of the child in

A patience teacher is very important learning Teacher should apply learning in a small group or an individual


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