s7 Instru
s7 Instru
s7 Instru
(instrumentation) Semester- 7
Subject: Advanced control system
Period/ week Lectures: 4
1 period of 60 mins Practical: 2
Tutorial: -
Detailed Syllabus:
1.Nonlinear control system and analysis.
Definition of nonlinear system,approaches to the analysis ans design of nonlinear control
systems,common physical nonlinearities,difference between linear and nonlinear
systems,characteristics of nonlinear systems,
Phase Plane Analysis:
Phase plane method –basic concepts,trajectories,phase portraits,singular points and their
classification,limit cycle and behavior of limit cycle. Graphical methods for construction
of trajectories-isocline,delta.phase plane analysis of nonlinear systems.
Describing function(DF) Analysis:derivation of general DF,DF for different
nonlinearities,application of DF for prediction and stability of limit cycle ,investigation of
stability of nonlinear systems.
Robust control system and system sensitivity,analyisis of robustness,systems with
uncertain parameters,the design of robust control systems,design examples,robust internal
model control systems.
3. Adaptive control-1
Study the different schemes of adaptive control and their applications (each one).
Each student shall appear for at least one written test during the term. Journal should
consist of at ;east 10 assignments as per list given above properly recorded and graded as
well as assessed test paper. Some or all assignments must be done using simulation
software like MATHCAD/MATLAB or similar one. The above term work will carry 25
marks: 10 marks for journal, 10 for test and 5 for attendance.
Text books:
1. Chang C. Hang, Tong H. Lee and Weng K. Ho, “Adaptive control”, ISA, 1993.
2. Bernard Friedland,”Advanced control system design”,Prentice Hall Inc., 1996.
3. M. Gopal, “Modern control system theory”, Wiley eastern Ltd., New delhi, 1993.
4. Karl J. Asron, B. Wittenmark, “Adaptive control”, 2nd edition, Pearson education
Asia, First Indian Reprint, 2001.
Reference Books:
1. Shankar Shastry, Marc Bodson, “Adaptive Control”, Prentice Hall of India (P)
ltd., 1993.
2. R.C. Dorf, R.H. Bishop, “Modern Control Systems”, 8th edition, Addison Wesley,
3. K. Ogata, Modern Control Engineering”, Prentice Hall of India (P) ltd., New
Delhi, 1984.
4. Petros A. Joannou and Jing Sun, Robust Adaptive Control”, Prentice Hall Inc,
5. D’Azzo, J.J., and C.H. Houpis, “linear control system analysis and design”, 3rd
edition, McGraw Hill Book Co., New York, 1988.
Detailed Syllabus:
1. Project Planning: Guidelines for Project preparation –project report and its utility
compliance report, project report format, concept of project work, function in
project planning, PERT, CPM techniques.
2. Project engineering:
Field Instrument Engineering:
1. Preparation of instrument schedule.
2. Preparation of instrument datasheet.
3. Preparation of tender document.
4. Tender evaluation
5. Technical/Techno commercial evaluation reports for placement of order.
6. Vendor engineering review.
Preparation of instrument installation diagram and bill of material for the instrument
erection and commission, Factory inspection.
3. Project implementation:
1. Introduction to instrumentation Interface with other schedules (e.g. site selection,
factory Ly, plant layout, lighting), trail run, erection, testing and commissioning.
2. Counting of analog and digital inputs and outputs.
3. Preparation of control input/output schedule giving complete details of each tag.
4. Preparation of logic diagrams.
5. Preparation of closed loop diagrams.
6. Preparation of mimic diagrams.
7. Preparation of junction box schedule.
8. Preparation of cable schedule.
9. Preparation of interconnection schedule.
10. Preparation of cable tray layouts.
11. Diagrams for instrument grounding. (electronic grounding.)
12. Vendor engineering review of control.
13. Factory acceptance test and site acceptance test for control.
TERM-WORK: Each student shall appear for at least one written test during the term.
The journal should consist of at least 8 assignments based on above syllabus and
industrial visit report relevant to above syllabus. T/W will carry 25 marks,
distribution of marks: 10 marks for Journal, 10 marks for test and 5 marks for
Text books:
1. Project management: Vasant Desai (Himalaya Publishing House 2nd revised
edition. 1999)
2. Industrial Organization and Engineering Economics: Banga and Sharma (Khanna
Publishers 20 ed. 1994.)
3. Industrial management: M.E. Tukaram Rao (Himalaya Publishing House 2nd
revised ed. 1999)
4. Projects Planning (Analysis, Selection, Implementation and Review):Prasanna
Chsndra (TMH 4th edition. 5th reprint 1996).
5. Andrew Williams: Guide Lines -1, 2, 3.
Class: B.E. (Instrumentation) semester-7
Subject: Industrial Process Control
Period/ week Lectures-3
1 period of 60 mins Practical-2
Tutorial -
Detailed Syllabus:
1. Interaction and decoupling in MIMO systems: relative gain analysis and its
2. Process Control System.
Boiler control, combustion control, drum level control, furnace pressure control.
Furnace control: Start-up heates, fired reboilers, process heaters and vapourizers.
Distillation column: Basic features of composition and product combination, pressure
Heat exchangers:
Types of heat exchangers, various control schemes for heat exchangers, bypass
Crystallizers control: Process of crystallization, types of crystallizers control of
evaporating crystallizer, cooling of crystallizers, vaccum crystallizers.
Dryer control: Process of drying, types of dryers, control of batch dryers, continuous
Evaporator control: Types of evaporator, control system for evaporator, steady state
model for evaporator.
Reactor control: Reactor characteristics, various schemes of temperatures control of
pH control: Nature of pH process, two sided feedback control of pH, cascade control
of pH, feed forward-feedback control of pH, ratio control of pH.
Compressor control: Surge characteristics of compressor, compressor surge control
valves, overheard controls.
Each student shall appear for at least one written test during the term. Journal should
consist of 6 assignments graded as well as assessed test paper and report of industrial
visit. The report should consist of
1. Complete flow sheet from any of the industries listed in chapter 3.
2. Process and control simulation on distillation column and heat exchanger etc.
The term work will carry 25 marks. Distribution of marks: 10 for journal 10 for test
and 5 for attendance.
Text books:
1. W.L. McCabe and Julian Smith “Unit operation and chemical engineering”
McGrawHill 5th edition.
2. Bela G. Liptak “Instrumentation in process industry” Chilton book company-1st
Reference books:
1. M. Chindambaram, “Complete Control of Processor”, Narosa Publishing House.
2. Douglas M. Concidine” Process infustrial instruments and controls handbook”
McGraw-Hill-4th edition.
3. George T. Austrian “Shreve’s chemical process industries” McGrawHill- fifth
4. George Stephenopoulos, “Chemical process control”, PHI-1999.
Term work:
It should include reports on atleast 8 practicals performed and assignments given.
The teacher concerned shall give atleast one class test. The answer paper
dulyevaluated shall be presented as a part of the term work. This will be presented to
the examiners to be given marks of maximum of up to 25. Distribution of marks: 10
for Journal, 10 for test and 5 for attendance.
Text books:
1. A.V. Oppenheim and R.W. Scheifer, “Discrete signal processing”, (PHI) 1999
2. Johny Johnson, “Introduction to D.S.P.”, (PHI) 1996.
3. Rabnier Gold, “Theory and application of DSP”, (PHI EEE edition) 1996.
4. Proakis and Manoliakis,” Digital signal processing”, (PHI 3rd) 1997.
Reference books:
1. Sanjit. K. Mitra, “computer aided approach to DSP”, TMH, 1998
2. A. Antonion, “digital filter analysis, design and application”, TMH pub. 2 ed.
3. B.Vankatarmani and M. Bhaskar, “digital signal processors”, Tata McGraw Hill,
4. Emmanual C., Barrie W. Jervis, “digital signal processing”,Pearson.Education,
2nd edition, 2000.
5. Ashok Ambardar, “analog and digital signal processing” Thomson learning, 2nd
ed., 1999.
6. Thonas J. Cavicchi, “digital signal processing”, John Wiley, 2000.
Detailed Syllabus:
1. Introduction to DCS- Evaluation of DCS, DCS flow sheet symbols, functions
block diagram of DCS.
2. Introduction to hierarchical control and memory: Task listing, higher and lower
computer level tasks.
3. Supervisory computer tasks and DCS configurations- Supervisory computer
functions, control techniques, supervisory computer algorithms, DCS and
supervisory computer displays, advanced control strategies, computer interface
with DCS.
4. DCS data highways, field buses, MAP/TOP and network protocols.
5. SCADA systems- Remote sensing terminal units, control/ master control station
and system interfacing, man machine interface, alarms and applications of
6. Biological Neural Networks: Neuron physiology, Neural diversity, specifications
of the brain, Eye’s Neural Network.
7. Artificial Neural Networks: Neural attributes, modeling, basic model of a neuron,
learning in artificial neural networks, characteristics and parameters of ANNs,
ANN topologies, learning algorithms, ANN discrimination ability.
8. Neural Network Paradigms: MC Culloh- Pitts model, perception, ADALINE and
MADALINE models, winner-Takes-All learning algorithms, back propogation
learning algorithm, adaptive resonance theory paradigm, Hopfield model, real-
time models.
9. Fuzzy Logic: Prepositional logic, the membership function, Fuzzy logic, Fuzzy
rule generation, defuzzyfication of fuzzy logic, time dependent fuzzy logic,
temporal fuzzy logic.
10. Fuzzy-Neural Networks:
11. Fuzzy artificial neural networks, Fuzzy- neural example, neuro-fuzzy control and
applications of fuzzy logic, neural network and fuzzy- neural networks.
Term work:
Each student shall appear for at least one written test during the term. Journal should
consist of 8 assignments and graded as well as assessed test paper. The term work will
carry 25 marks. Distribution of marks: 10 for journal, 10 for test and 5 for attendance.
Text books:
Bela G. Liptek, “Instrument Engineer’s Hand book- Process control”, Chilton Company,
3rd edition, 1995.
Stamatios V. Kartalopoulos, “Understanding Neural Networks and Fuzzy Logic”, PHI-
Reference books:
1. Neil and Linkon, “Fuzzy- Neural control”, PHI-1998.
2. Klir and Yuan, “Fuzzy sets and logic”, PHI-2002.
3. Bart Kosko, “Neural networks and fuzzy systems”, PHI-2002.
4. C.F. lugar and W.A. Stubblefield,” Artificial Intelligence and Design of Expert
system”, Addison Wesley- 1986.
5. Technical Manuals for different DCSs.
Detailed Syllabus:
1. Introduction:
Definitions and meaning of optimization, need for optimization, conventional versus
optimum design process, optimization problem formulation- statement of an
optimization problem, terminology, design variables, cost function, constraints,
Lagrange multipliers, iteration, convergence, classification of optimization problem.
4. Optimization Methods:
General algorithm for constrained and unconstrained minimization methods- descent
step size, convergence and rate of convergence of algorithm, one-dimensional
minimization- problem definition, reduction of a single variable, numerical methods
to compute step size- Equal interval search (Line search), Golden section search,
polynomial interpolation- Quadratic interpolation, cubic interpolation.
Gradient of a function, properties of a gradient vector, steepest- descent gradient
(Fletcher-Raves), Quasi-Newton, Broydon Fletcher Goldfrab and Shanno(BFGS),
Devidon-Fletcher-Powell(DFP), Least square, Grauss Newton, Engineering
Basic concepts related to algorithm for constrained problem, constrained status at a
design point, potential constraint strategy, decent function and convergence of an
algorithm, linearization, Sequential Quadratic Programming(SQP), Quadratic
Programming subproblem, constrained steepest descent method, constrained Quasi-
Newton method, engineering applications.
Each student shall do 10 assignments and at least one case study based on practical
engineering problem. Some of these assignments must be done using simulation
software like MATH CAD/MATLAB/SCILAB etc. Case study can be done from the
1. Boiler
2. Distillation Column
3. Unit operation
4. Dryer.
Term work:
Each student shall appear for at least one written test during the term. Journal should
consist of 10 assignments+ 1 case study properly recorded and graded as well as assessed
test paper. The term work will carry 25 marks. Distribution of marks: 10 for journal, 10
for test and 5 for attendance.
Text books:
1. S.S. Rao, “Optimization”, 2nd edition.
New age international(P) ltd. publishers, New Delhi, 1995.
2. Jasbir S. Arora, “Introduction to optimum design”, McGraw Hill book company,
New York, 1989.
3. T.E. Edger and D.M. Himmeblaue, “Optimization of Chemical
Processes”,McGraw Hill International editions, 1989
Reference books
1. Kalyanmoy Deb, “optimization for engineering design”,
Prentice hall of India(p) ltd., New Dehli ,1998
2. Ashok d. Belegundu , “Optimization concepts and applications in engineering “,
Pearson education ,2002
Detailed syllabus:
List of experiments:
1. 3 phase HW and FW rectifier with different types of lloads.
2. 3 phase half controlled converter fed DC motor drive and study of torque speed
with and without feedback.
3. Study of different types of inverter circuits.
4. Study of high frequency inverter circuits.
5. Induction motor control using current fed drive and voltage fed drive.
6. PWM drive for induction motor using IGBT.
7. Speed control of brushless DC motor.
8. Stepper motor controller using thyrister.
9. Microcontroller based closed loop induction motor drive.
10. At least two circuit simulations based on p-spice/Matiab or similar software.
Term work:
Term work will consist of at least 8 experiments and 1 class test based on the above
syllabus. Laboratory work recorded in journals and assignments given by the teacher
duly graded shall by counted as term work. Distribution of marks: 10 for journal, 10
for test and 5 for attendance.
Text books:
P.C. Sen, “Power electronics”, TMH- 1997.
G.K. Dubey, S. Doradla, A. Joshi, Sinha, ”Thyristorised power controllers”, Wiley
W. Shepherd, Hulley and Liang, “Power electronics and motor control”, Cambridge
Unv. Press 1998.
Reference books:
The students are expected to take up a project under the guidance of a teacher from the
institute/ expert from the industries, to be completed in sem:7 and sem:8.
This may include:
1. Experimantal analysis/ verification.
2. Development of design methods and verifications.
3. Design and fabrication of a model or circuit.
4. Developing a software for analysis and / or design or decision making during
engineering and management practice.
The students may be asked to work individually or in a group having not more than 4
students in a group.
Basic study through review of literature on the topic selected shall be completed in sem 7.
The scope of the project, identification of necessary data, source of such data, etc should
be submitted as report. The report should include objective of the project, methodology
and the review of the literature.
A term work examination shall be conducted at the end of the sem-7.Due weightage will
be given to the report and its presentation.
Detailed Syllabus:
1. Human body system overview: Structure of cell, respiratory system, nerve muscle
physiology, circulatory system.
2. Cell activity and origin of bio-potential: Origin of biopotential, electrical activity
of cell, action potential and its propogation, Origin of EMG, EEG, ERG, EOG.
3. Measuremnent of biochemical and bioelectric potential: Biochemical
measurements- pH, PO2, PCO2, different types of electrodes, electrode-
electrolyte interface, biopotential amplifier and its characteristics, measurementof
biopotential using EEG, EMG, ECG (block diagram based).
4. Cardiovascular measurements: Blood flow, blood pressure, plethysmograph and
their types, cardiac output, pxymeter, heart sound measurement.
5. Therapeutic Instruments: Pacemaker, defibrillator, heart lung machine and
dialysis system, surgical machine, incubator, ventilator.
6. Imaging Techniques: X-ray generation and X- ray machine, CT- Scanning,
ultrasound imaging, magnetic resonance imaging, nuclear medicine (gamma
camera) and their applications.
7. Significance of electrical danger: Physiological effect of electrical current, Shock
Hazardous and accidental prevention.
1. To study ECG.
2. To study EMG
3. TO study EEG
4. To study Phonocardiaograph
5. To measure blood pressure
6. To study heart rate indicator
7. To study X-ray machine
8. To study dialysis machine
9. To measure plethysmograph
10. To measure heart rate.
Term work:
Each student shall appear for one written test during the term. Journal should consist of at
least 6 experiments/ assignments properly recorded and graded as well as assessed test
paper. The term work will carry weightage of 25 marks. Distribution of marks: 10 for
journal, 10 for test and 5 for attendance.
Text books:
1. Leslie Cromwell, “Biomedical Instrumentation andMeasurements”, 2nd edition,
Pearson Education, 1980.
2. R.S. Khandpur, “Biomedical Instrumentation”, TMH, 1994.
Reference books:
1. Richard Aston, “Principles of Biomedical Instrumentation and Instruments”,
2. Joseph J. Carr and John M. Brown, “Introduction to Biomedical Equipment
technology”, PHI/ Pearson Education, 4th edition 2001.
3. John G. Webster, “ Medical Instrumentation”, John Wiley and Sons, 1999.
Detailed syllabus:
1. Introduction od digital control systems, examples of discrete data and digital
control systems.
2. Signal conversion and processing: Digital signals and coding, data conversion and
quantization, sample and hold devices, sampling period considerations, sampling
as impulse modulation, sampled spectra and aliasing, reconstruction of analog
signals, zero order hold, first order hold, frequency domain characteristics,
principles of discretization- impulse invariance, finite difference approximation of
derivatives, rectangular rules for integration.
3. Representation of digital control systems: Linear difference equations, pulse
transfer function, input-output model, examples of first order continuous and
discrete time systems, signal flow graph applied to digital systems, mapping
between S- plane and Z- plane. Bilinear transformation.
4. Stability of digital control systems in z-domain: Jury’s method, R.H. Criteria root
locus technique, frequency response method.
5. Time-domain analysis: Comparison of time response of continuous data and
digital control systems. Steady sate analysis of digital control systems. Effect of
sampling period on transient response characteristic.
6. State space analysis: Discrete time state equations, state diagram, similarity
transformseigen values, eigen vectors, first and second comparison form,
diagonalization, Jordan Canonical form, solving discrete time state equation, state
transition matrix, discretization of continuous time system.Liapunov’s stability
analysis, definitions, theorems, concept of equilibrium state.
7. Pole placement and observer design: Concept of reachability, controllability,
constructability. Design of controller via pole placement method. State observer
design, concept of duality.
Term work:
Each student shall appear for at least one written test during the term. Journal should
consist of 10 assignments/ experiments out of which 5 must be done with the help of
simulation software MATLAB/MATHCAD/PSPICE/SCILAB or similar one. Term work
will carry weightage of 25 marks. Distribution of marks: 10 for Journal, 10 for test, 5 for
Text books:
1. M. Gopal, “Digital control and state variable methods”, Tata McGraw Hill, 2nd
edition march 2003.
2. K. Ogata, “Discrete time control systems”, pppPearson Education Inc., 1995.
3. B.C. Kuo, “Digital control systems” Saunders College Publishing, 1992.
Reference books:
1. Richard J. Vaccaro, “ Digital Control” McGraw-Hill Inc.,1995.
2. Ashish Tewari, “Modern Control System design with MATLAB”, John Wiley,
feb. 2002.
3. Joe H. Chow, Dean K. Frederick, “Discrete Time Control Problems using
MATLAB”, Thomson Learning,1st edition 2003.
4. Eronini Umez, “ System Dynamics and control”, Thomson Learning, 1999.
5. Franklin Powel, “Digital control of dynamic systems”, Pearson Education, 3rd
edition, 2003.