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Compressible Flow

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The key takeaways are that compressible flows involve changes in density and compressible flows are modeled using the continuity, momentum and energy equations.

The main equations used to model compressible flows are the continuity equation, momentum equation and energy equation. The energy equation can take two forms depending on if the gas is modeled as an ideal gas or not.

The speed of sound (c) is the speed at which small pressure disturbances propagate through a fluid medium. It depends on the properties of the fluid and is directly proportional to the square root of the ratio of absolute temperature to specific heat capacity. The Mach number (M) is the ratio of flow velocity to local speed of sound.


Occur when the density changes are significant between two points on a streamline. Not all gas flows: flow around automobiles, in hurricanes, around aircraft during landing and takeoff, and around buildings are incompressible flows the density of the air does not change more than 3% Density does change significantly airflow around aircraft that fly faster than a Mach, through compressors, jet engines, etc.

The continuity equation, the momentum equation, and the energy equation (no work or heat transfer)

If the gas can be approximated as an ideal gas, then the energy equation takes either of the following two forms

Thermodynamic relations

The entropy change

An isentropic process ( s = 0)

Speed of Sound
A pressure wave with small amplitude is called a sound wave and it travels through a gas with the speed of sound, denoted by c. The wave create a small differential change in the pressure, the temperature the density, and the velocity in the gas

Speed of Sound
The control volume surrounding the wave

Speed of Sound
Combining the continuity and momentum equations

The lower-frequency (less than 18 000 Hz) sound waves travel isentropically so that p/r k = const

The speed of sound for such waves is then

Speed of Sound
High-frequency waves travel isothermally resulting in a speed of sound of

The Mach number

The propagation of sound waves from a source

Speed of Sound

a) stationary source of disturbances, the sound waves are shown after three time increments

Speed of Sound

b) the source is moving at a subsonic speed, which is less than the speed of sound so the source announces its approach to an observer to the left

Speed of Sound

c) The flow is sonic. If you were positioned to the left of the moving point source, you would not hear the point source until it was coincident with your location.

Speed of Sound

c) The source moves at a supersonic speed, so an observer is unaware of the sources approach if the observer is in the zone of silence, which is outside the Mach cone shown

Speed of Sound

Speed of Sound

Isentropic Nozzle Flow

A steady, uniform, isentropic flow is a good approximation in numerous aerodynamics application flow through a jet engine, flow through the nozzle of a rocket, flow past the blades of a turbine.

Isentropic Nozzle Flow

The continuity equation between dx
neglecting higher-order terms

The energy equation

neglecting higher-order terms

Isentropic flow

Isentropic Nozzle Flow

Combining the continuity and energy equations

For a subsonic flow : in an expanding conduit (M < 1 and dA > 0), the flow is decelerating (dV < 0) diffuser in a converging conduit (M < 1 and dA < 0), the flow is accelerating (dV > 0) nozzle For a supersonic flow : in an expanding conduit (M > 1 and dA > 0), the flow is accelerating (dV > 0) nozzle in a converging conduit (M > 1 and dA < 0), the flow is decelerating (dV < 0) diffuser

Isentropic Nozzle Flow

At a throat where dA = 0, either M = 1 or dV = 0 (the flow could be accelerating through M = 1, or it may reach a velocity such that dV = 0).

Supersonic nozzle

Supersonic Nozzle
Apply the energy equation and by using several thermodynamic relations

zero subscript refers to a stagnation point where the velocity is zero, such as in the reservoir

Supersonic Nozzle
Apply the energy equation and by using several thermodynamic relations

zero subscript refers to a stagnation point where the velocity is zero, such as in the reservoir

At the throat (the critical area signified by an asterisk (*) superscript, where M = 1)

For air with k = 1.4 : T* = 0.8333To ; p* = 0.5283po ; * = 0.6340 o

Supersonic Nozzle
The mass flux through the nozzle

using previous relation

If the critical area is selected where M = 1

Supersonic Nozzle
Equating two previous equations, then :


Supersonic Nozzle

Supersonic Nozzle
Further observation :
If the reservoir pressure is held constant and the receiver pressure reduced M at the exit of the nozzle will increase until Me = 1 is reached After Me = 1 is reached at the nozzle exit for pr = 0.5283 p0, the condition of choked flow occurs and the velocity throughout the nozzle cannot change with further decreases in pr This is due to the fact that pressure changes downstream of the exit cannot travel upstream to cause changes in the flow conditions.

Supersonic Nozzle
Further observation :
When the reservoir pressure is increased and the receiver pressure is held constant When Me = 1, the condition of choked flow also occurs The mass flux will continue to increase as p0 is increased Exit pressure pe is able to be greater than receiver pressure pr. The streamlines of a gas can make a sudden change of direction at the exit and expand to a much greater area resulting in a reduction of the pressure from pe to pr .

Converging-diverging nozzle
Allows a supersonic flow to occur, providing the receiver pressure is sufficiently low.

Converging-diverging nozzle
Curve A Curve B receiver pressure pr is equal to the reservoir pressure p0, no flow occurs pr is slightly less than p0, the flow is subsonic throughout, with a minimum pressure at the throat

Curve C

Curve D

As the pressure is reduced still further, a pressure is reached that results in M = 1 at the throat with subsonic flow throughout the remainder of the nozzle pr is substantially below that of curve C that also results in isentropic flow throughout the nozzle, however after the throat the flow is supersonic

Normal Shock Waves

Shock waves: large-amplitude waves that travel in a gas emanate from: wings of a supersonic aircraft, a large explosion, a jet engine, ahead of the projectile in a gun barrel Can be oblique waves or normal waves

Normal Shock Waves

Shock waves: Very thin, on the order of 104 mm, Large pressure changes occur Enormous energy dissipation
Continuity equation Energy equation

Momentum equation

Normal Shock Waves

Solutions commonly use Mach number: Continuity equation

Energy equation

Momentum equation

Normal Shock Waves

Substituting energy equation and momentum equation into continuity equation:

Pressure ratio

Temperature ratio

Normal Shock Waves

For air, k = 1,4

If M1 = 1, then M2 = 1 and no shock wave exists. If M1 > 1, then M2 < 1 and supersonic fl ow is always converted to a subsonic flow when it passes through a normal shock wave. If M1 < 1, then M2 > 1 and a subsonic flow appears to be converted to a supersonic flow. This is impossible since it results in a positive production of entropy, a violation of the second law of thermodynamics

Normal Shock Waves

Normal Shock Waves

Flw with shck waves in a nzzle

Normal Shock Waves

If pr /p0 = a, a normal shock wave would be positioned somewhere inside the nozzle If the receiver pressure decreased further, pr /p0 = b that would position the shock wave at the exit plane of the nozzle Pressure ratios c and d would result in oblique shockwave patterns. Pressure ratio e is associated with isentropic flow throughout Pressure ratio f would provide an exit pressure greater than the receiver pressure resulting in a billowing out, of the exiting flow, as seen on the rockets that propel satellites into space

Oblique Shock Waves

Formed on : leading edge of a supersonic sharp-edged airfoil a corner axisymmetric projectiles A steady, uniform plane flow exists before and after the shock wave

Oblique Shock Waves

Turns the flow so that V2 is parallel to the plane surface leading edge of a supersonic sharp-edged airfoil the angle through which the flow turns, is introduced

wedge angle or deflection angle q oblique shock wave makes an angle of b with V1

Oblique Shock Waves

The components of the velocity vectors are shown normal and tangential to the oblique shock. Continuity equation tangential velocity does not cause fluid to flow into or out of the control volume

Momentum equation pressure forces act normal to the control volume and produce no net force tangential to the oblique shock

Oblique Shock Waves

The components of the velocity vectors are shown normal and tangential to the oblique shock. Continuity equation tangential velocity does not cause fluid to flow into or out of the control volume

Momentum equation pressure forces act normal to the control volume and produce no net force tangential to the oblique shock (tangential)

Oblique Shock Waves

Momentum equation (cont)
(normal) Energy equation

Solution is obtained from normal shock wave by replacing V1 and V2 with V1n and V2n

Oblique Shock Waves

To simplify a solution, we relate the oblique shock angle b to the deflection angle q

Combining the previous two equations :

This relationship the oblique shock angle b can be found for a given incoming Mach number and wedge angle q

Oblique Shock Waves

blique shck wave angle b related t wedge angle q and Mach number M1 fr air

Oblique Shock Waves

For given Mach number M1 and wedge angle q there are two possible oblique shock angles b. the larger one is the strong oblique shock wave the smaller one is the weak oblique shock wave For a given q there is a minimum Mach number for which there is only one angle b. If the Mach number is less than the minimum for a particular q, but M1 > 1, the shock wave is detached for a given M1 there is a sufficiently large q that will result in a detached shock wave The required pressure rise determines if a weak shock or a strong shock exists The pressure rise is determined by fl ow conditions

Oblique Shock Waves

For a detached shock wave around a blunt body or a wedge, a normal shock wave exists on the stagnation streamline; the normal shock is followed by a strong oblique shock, then a weak oblique shock, and finally a Mach wave

Expansion Waves
Recall Supersonic flow exits a nozzle

The Mach waves that allow the gas to turn the corner are sometimes referred to as expansion waves An infinite fan of Mach waves, called an expansion fan, emanating from the convex corner

Expansion Waves
An expansion fan

apply our fundamental laws, and then integrate around the corner

Expansion Waves

Mach relation :

Energy Equation :

Expansion Waves
Combining two previous equation :

Relation between q and M

differential equation
integrated from q = 0 and M = 1 to a general angle q and Mach number M

Prandtl-Meyer function

Expansion Waves

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