MIL-H-19886, 1988 Helmet, Ground Troops, Parachutists, Steel, M-1
MIL-H-19886, 1988 Helmet, Ground Troops, Parachutists, Steel, M-1
MIL-H-19886, 1988 Helmet, Ground Troops, Parachutists, Steel, M-1
18 April 1975
MILITARYSPECIFICATION ; PARACHUTISTS, STEEL,M-1 HELMET, GROUNDTROOPS This specification is approvedfor use by all Departments and AgenciesOf the Department of Defense. 1. SCOPE 1.1 Scope.. ..,~~s documentcoverssteel helmetsidentified as M-1, with chin etrap. 1.2 Classification.The helmetsshall be of the followingtypes,as specified(see 6.2). Type I Type II
2.1 Governmentdocuments.
2.1.1 Specificat,$ons, standards, and handbooks. The following specifications, standards, and handbooksform a part of this specification to the extent specifiedherein. Unless otherwisespecified,the issuesof these documenteehall be those listedin the issue of the Department of Defense Index of Specifications and Standards(DODISS ) and supplement thereto, cited in the solicitation. SPECIFICATIONS FEDERAL w-s-766 - Steel Plates,Sheets,and Strip - Corrosion Rasisting
Beneficialcomments (recommendations, additions,deletions)and any pertinent data which may be of uee in improving this document ehould be addreesedto: 0.S. Rrmy Natick Research, Development, and EngineeringCenter,Natick, MA 01760-5014by using the Self-addressed Standardization Document Improvement t Propoeal (DD Form 1426) appearingat the end of this document or by letter.
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MIL-H-1988G PPP-B,-636 PPP-C-1797 ;MILITARY MIL-T-704 - Treatment and Painti!Iq of Material MIL-A-1 3259 - Armor, Steel: Sheet, Strip, and Fabricated Forms; Rolled, Non-Magnetic;for H.elmets.and PersonnelArmor Requirements ?iIL-L-35078 - Loads, Unit: Preparationof Semiperishable MIL+-43841 MIL-S-43912 MIL-c-46168 STANDARDS FEDERAL !?ED-STD-595 - Colors MILITARY - Sampling Procedures and Tables for Inspection byAttributes .HIL-STD-129 - Marking for Shipment and Storage . MILJ3TJjL147 - PalletizedUnit Loads .,MIL+STD-414 - Sampling Procedures and Tables for Inspectionby Variables for Percent @feCtive MIC-STD-65-2. - Ballistic Test for Armor ~~~ :(Copie$ of e@ecifications, standards, and handbooks required by Contract.o+$ ;?< ~noonnecti~nwith specific acquisition functions should be obtained from the ~~ :;contiracting activity or es direoted by the contractingactivity.) . . ./:;
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- Strap, Chin; Ground Troops Helmet, Steel, !4-1:. - Strap, Chin, Parachutists;Helmet, Steel, %., - Costing, Aliphatlc Polyurethane,Chemical Agent Resistant
2,1.2 ,Other Government documents,drawings, and publications. The ; ,; :fOllOwin&qtherGovernment doouments,drawings, and publications form a P@ .. bf, thiS siwciffcaticn to the extent aPeciSied herein. Unless otherwise g~clfiedi the issues shall be those in effect on the date of the
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MIL-H-1988G DRAWINGS U.S. ARMY NATICK RESEARCH,DEVELOPMENT,AND ENGINEERINGCENTER 2-1-87 2-1-88 4-1-438 - Helmet,Ground Troops;Parachutists, Steel, M-1; Types I and 11 Assemblies - Helmet,Ground Troops;Parachutists,Steel, M-1; Contourand Dimensions - Helmet,Ground Troops;Parachutists, Steel,M-1; Hinge Loop Assembly
and other Governmentdocumentsrequiredby (Copiesof drawings,publications, contractorsin connectionwith specificacquisitionfunctionsshould be obtained from the contractingactivityor as directedby the contractingactivity.) 2.2 Other publications. The followingdocumentsform a part of this specification to the extent specifiedherein. Unless otherwisespecified,the issuesof the documentswhich are DOD adopted shall be thoee listed. in the issue of the DODISS specifiedin the solicitation. Unless otherwisespecified,the issuesof documentsnot listed in the DODISS shall be the issues of the nongovernment documentswhich are currenton the date of the solicitation. AMERICANSOCIETY FOi TESTING AND MATERIALS A 580 - Stainlessand Heat ResistingSteel Wire c 117 - MaterialsFiner Than 75- m (No. 200) Sieve in Mineral Aggregatesby Washing C 136 - Sieve Analysisof Fine and Coarse Aggregates (Copiesshould be obtained from AmericanSociety for Testing and Materials, 1916 Race Street, Philadelphia, PA 19103-1187.) (Nongovernment standardsand other publications are normallyavailablefrom the organizations which prepareor which distributethe documents. These documentsalso may be availablein o? through librariesor other informational servicee. ) 2.3 Order of precedence. In the event of a conflictbetween the text of this cited herein, the text of this specification specification and thepreferences however, shall supereede shall take precedence. Nothing in this specification, applicablelaws and regulationsunless a specificexemptionhas been obtained.
3.1 First article. When specifiedin the contract or purchaseorder, a ected to first article inspection (see 4.3, 6.2, and 6.3). sample shall be subj
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n 3.2 MatePtalsand components. All materials and componentsshall be as ~s,peclfied herein or on the applicabledrawings. !..: 3.2.1 Armor, steel. The steel armor for the helmet shelI and edgings~all The thicknessfor the helmet shell shall be a,e ~~ : specifiedin for the edging as speciFiedon.Drawing2-1.-87. . <: steel ; *. 3.2.2 Wire, corrosion-resisting.The corrosion-reeisting {the hlnge:loop. shall be stainleassteel conditionA, round, type 4300f, j : ASTM A 580.. The diameter shall be as apeoitledon Drawing 4-1-438. ~ ~~ :;,,,. ~ ,,, . . . ,. ., .,,. ,..3.2.3 Sheet and, strip, corrosion-resisting eteel. The loop hin~,sh?ll~bej~..: fatkicated: from corrosion-resisting steeI sheet or strip. The steelsheet;. j , shall conform to class 430, conditionA, finish number 2D ofQQ-s-766. l%ej:$;; steel gtiip shall conform to class 430, conditionA, cold rolled, finish , number 1 of QQ-S-766. The thicknessshall be as specifiedon Drawing, 4-l;-~36./ ,.. l,. .!: : 3.2.4 Strap,chin,type I helmet. The chin strap awiembly forthe.typeX : ,.~~~ shall ,conform to MIL-S-43B4f. helmet ,. ..3.2.5 ,St?ap,chin, parachutists, type 11 helmet. Theohin +trap asse;bly ,.,.. helmet shall conform to MIL-S-43912. ~~~~ for the type ,.,.:
.;:. ~ 3.2.6, Sand aggregate. The aggregate for sand texturingshall be bsndihe. .silicasand, water washed and kiln dried, free of salts and deleterious ~~ . .. hatter;and containingnot more than 1.5 percent of dirt or foreign, mstter:.i; . ::The gandaggregate shall be that .knOWnCommerciallyaSNO. 70 <aVeraS@:8fZe) ,. .snd have a screen analysis ae specifiedin table I. The ooating-sandmixture,;. shall ctin,tain 6 pounds of sand to one base gallon of coating and shallb.e!( :;. .~reducedto sprayingconsistency. ...
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MIL-H-1!X18G f in~ for finishingthe helmet shell (see 3.4.?) 3.7.7 (Wat. . {nfl.The coat, CO1or 01iVP Drab 34087 or FEf)-3TD-i9L. nhal 1 t?onrorm to MT1.-C-4fil(jfl, shall conformin all respectsto the 3.3 Construction. The construction drawingslisted in section2 and as specifiedherein. The finishedhelmet shell be free of cracks, checks,wrinkles,dents, depressions, and rough and sharp edges. The type I and type II helmetsshall consistof the following: a. Type I helmet - Assemblyof helmet shell,edging and 2-hinge loop assemblies,togetherwith the attached chin strap assemblyconformingto 3.2.4.
Type II helmet - Assemblyof helmet shell, edging and 2-hinge loop assemblies, togetherwith the attached chin strap assemblyconformingto 3.2.5.
3.3.1 Spot welding. All spot welding shall be as specifiedon the drawings. Materialsto be welded shall be clean and free of rust, scale, corrosion,oil, water, and othar foreignmatter. Spot welds ehall be free from pits, burn through,and flash. When tested in accordancewith 4.h.3. JJ, the spot welds shall pull a nugget or button from the spot welded test specimenswithoutany evidenceof failureof the veld. 3.3.2 Helmet shell. Prior to assemblingthe edging to the helmet shell, the helmet shell brim edge shall be trimmedand ground square to the shape shown on Drawings2-1-87 and 2-1-88. The helmet shells shall be formedso as to be free Prom stress risers and stress concentrated areas. When tested in accordancewith 11.u.3.1, the helmet shells shall show no evidenceof splitting or cracking. Helmet shell thickness. The average thicknessof the helmet shell prior to fi~ e not ess than 0.033 inch with no single thickness m=surement less than 0.031 inch when tested ae specified in Helmet shells conformingto the above ehall meet the ballisticresistance requirementspecifiedin 3.5. 3.3.2 .1,1 Alternatehelmet shell thickness. As an alternative, the average thicknessof the helmet shell prior to finishingshall be not less than O.O34 inch with no single thicknessmeasurementless than 0.029 inch, when testedas specifiedin Helmet shells conformingto the above are not required to be ballistically tested. Helmet shell heat treatmentlot number identification.The suppliershall incise or Indent the steel suppliers heat treatmentlot number on each helmet shell. The charactersshall be legibleand visibleon the inside surfaceof the finishedhelmet.
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.:, :.,., .,
:., .::.3. 3~~ Helmet shell edging. The helmet shell edging shall conform to the>:, ;, thicknesk;.w,i~th:; and configurationshown on Drawing 2-1-87. The edgiri,ahal~ ,beepanked tothehelmetshell as shownon Drawing 2-1-87 with the inside and ,outside;,$nne+ edgeq:,fiiwnly pressed against thehelmet shell so that the e.@@$~ ~, are ~ncontact k?i.hh.the helmet shell around the entire periphery. ,;, 3.4,: ,Fln$sh of helmet shell. + .,,~g~.l: gupfl,ace..$reparation. The inside and outside surface of the.helm$..~; :she~~and edging and:the>surfaces of the,hingeloops shall be cleaned, .,,;. &&at. ed,, and primed in accordancewith tYPe F of UIL-T-704. The final ~rYl!M:., :.operationshall be conduotedin such a manner as to ensure thoroughdrylri& :: ., ,within .theedgingand hinge 100PS.
., ,,:, ,.
~.:. 3.4.2 .Finish. Following the surface preparatlohand priming specified,iri.;: .3 .4,1,. thxre helmet shall be coated with the coating speoi~ied,ih,3c2j7.; Acoat of.the same coating containingthe aggregate specified in 3.2.6.shall.. then bq;applieduniformlyon the outside ?urface of the helmet stkll and ::: , edging. Thereshallbe no sand Particles onthe inside of the helmet shell...or,: edg$pg., After drying and curing, the finish Uniformin texture ..arid,;; .: :!ap~e;rance andf?ee of=ags,,runs, wrinkles~ chips, blistering~flakingpo?k:, peeling. . .,., ~.~,galli.gtio.resistance. Helmet shells conforming to the,thickness , ,:+, ,.requiti.e~nt of-3i.3*2..l shafl have a VP 50 bsllistic resi8@nce1imit of not:, :.. .,.lei&:;.than9OO feet, pir second when tested as specified in 4.4.30?.!elmet ;Y.. shells conforming,to.,the alternate thickness requirement..of arenot., ,. L..requi,red tegted for ballistic resistance. ;.: ,: 3.6 Weight. The weight of the finished helmet, cOMPlete with chin.etr.aP, .:{., assernblzll.not exceed the weights indicated below. The weight :of$th.e, &ijeirnetS.hall. be determinedby means of a scale thathas l/8ouncegra@atfons,.~, .tiinimtim and is accurate to 1/8 ounce minimum. Type I Helmet - QO_l/4 ounces -40-1/8 ounces ?ype II,Hel,met
. 3;7. Workmanship.. The Finished helmet shall conform to the quality of,, j $~duct establishedb~.:,th$s documant and the occurrenceof defiotsShall not, :exceedthe a~pli~ble ,,aoceptable quality levels.
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u. QIJALITY ASSURANCE PROVISIONS 4.1 Responsibilityfor inspection. Unless otherwise specified in the Contract or Durchase order. the contractor is reSDOILSible for the Performance of all inspe&.ionrequirementsas specified herei~. Except as otherwise specified in the contract or purchase order, the contractor may use his own or any other facilitiessuitable for the performance of the inspection requirementsspecified herein, unless disapproved by the Government. The Government reserves the right to perform any of the inspectionsset forth in this document. where wch inspectionsare deemed necessary to assure supplies and services conform to prescribed requirements.
4.?.1 Responsibility For compliance. All items uust meet all requirements of sections 3 and 5. The inspection set forth in this document shall become a part of the contractorsoverall inspection system or quality program. The absence of any inspection requirement in the document shall not relieve the contractor of the responsibilityof assuring that all products or supplies submitted to the Government for acceptance comply with all requirementsof the contract. Sampling in quality conformance does not authorize submission of known defective material, either indicated or actual, nor does it commit the Government to acceptance of defective material.
4.1.2 Responsibilityfor dimensional requirements. Unless otherwiee specified in the contract or purchase order, the contractor is responsible for aseuring that all specified dimensions have been net. Uhen dimensions cannot be examined on the end item, inspection shall be made at any point or at all po~nt.sin the manufacturing procens necesn,ary to assure compliance with all dimen.ninn:ll requlroment.t. 4.2 ClassificationOr inspections. The inspection requirements speciried herein are classified as follows: a. b. First article inspection (see 4..3). Quality conformance inspection (see 4.4).
4.3 First article inspection. when a first article is required (see 6.2), it shall be examined for the defects specirled in 4.4.4 and 4.U.5. The presence of any defect shall be cause for rejection of the first article. 4.4 Quality conformance inspection. Unless otherwise specified, sampling for inspection shall be performed in accordance with MIL-STD-105. U.Q.I Component and material inspection. In accordance with 4.1, components and materials shall be inspected in accordance with all the
requirements of referenced documents unless otherwise excluded, amended, or qualified in this document or applicable purchase document.
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MIL-H-1988G ,, ~~~~~ 4.4:.1.1Testi,ng of sand.aaregate. The eand aggregate, shall be tested:;;in accordance with table II. The lot shall be the amount of sandaggregate.: ~requiredfor.use in onebatch of enamel. ,:, .TABLE .11. Testing of sand aggregate
,.., . ...
Ch,aracter- Requirement Test $$tia$ para~raph method ,... .Cleanness 3-2.6 3.2.6 ASTM c 117 Mm! c 136
Number of Results: .; ~~ determinations. .reporte@;:as.:, per sample unit pass on::faZl~.. >.,.. .,, ,. . ,..
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x , -, .:,
analysis . .
.4.4.2. In-process inspection. Examinationshall be made during the knuflicturimg prooess forrequirements speoified intable 111to estibliih,~:j}
that no,,deviationis made from the specified requirements. .,~enqver. is noted, correctionshall be made to the affeoted items and!.~~ nonconformance ,..
.:.., PF~fngan~.?~nitfalco~ting of enamel to inside ?:!jaridouttiide, surface o f.heln?e.t shell ,: ;,,.,:,,:.. Uin4eloopdimensions
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MIL-H-1988G 4.4.3 Intermediatetesting and inspection. Unless otherwise specified, visual defects shall be scored on an individualtiasis(i.e., each crack, wrfnkls,spot weld defect, etc.). Testing of helmet shells. After forming,trimming,and edge grinding,helmet shells shall be tested for the applicablecharacteristics indicatedin table IV. The lot for ballistictesting and alternate thickness testingshall consfat of helmet shells formed from armor steel of the same heat treatment lot number and with the same nominal thickness. The lot for other characteristicsshall be all helmet shells offered for inspectionat one time. TABLE IV. Testing of helmet shells
. _ .
Requirement paragraph
helmet shell
I I I 3.5 0.5.4
1 helmet shell
helmet shell
Sampling for inspectionper MIL-STD-414 (unknownvariability,standard deviationmethod sampling plans, acceptabilitycriteria form 2).
21 Ballistic resistancetesting is not required when helmet shells conform to the alternativethickness requirementspecified in
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4.4..3c2 Visual examinationof helmet shells. After forming,,t rimmingand ,: shells +ha.l!: .. .gri,ndin~o perakionsl and beFore attachmentof edging, the hel@iSt beexarninedand the defects shall be classifiedin accordance.with:,tab~p,,?.$i Thelot size shsllbe expressedin units of helmet shells. The aample unit:! shallbe one.helrnetehell. The inspectionlevel shall be II and the :, acceptable. quality level (AQL), exwesaed in terms of defects per hun@?;;ij units; stidl be 2.5 for major defects and 6.5 for total de,fec$s. ,, . ,,:.,
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,: .,.
Any crack, check, or fracture Form marks clearly noticeable without magnification Surface wrinkle or corrugation Edge of.brim not ground smooth and square, I.e., sharp fin, burr, notch, nick Any void or cavity other than minute surface irregularities Not identifiablewith a steel lot Missing or illegible Not located on inside surface of helmet shell
102 103
~~ Examinationof helmet shell shape. After forming and grinditi i: <$$; : .,drawr.helrnet shell shall be examined for shape. The shape of the helmet;sh~~l;,:: ,eonfotimto profile gages and the brim edge shall be the propersbapearourid the.periphi?r~. The lot size shall be expressed in units of formed helmet; , .,shellsi., The sample unit shall be one formed helmet shell. Profile giiges:of the brlrn edge, curves AOZ and MOM, and planes 10, 14, and 18 shall be fabricated in accordance with the data on Drawing 2-1-98. The helmet sheli: shall be examined using the profile gages, on the brim edge and the applicable :curve cir.plane; Anydeviation from the Profilegage along the Brim. edge.. ex6eedi~.1/16 inoh or any deviation from the profile gage(a) for.theourves and planes exceeding 1/1 6 inch shell be scored aa a defect. The f*pect*o~, ;lqye,l ahall,,beS-2 and the AQL, expressed In terms of defects per.hundred, ,, units, shall be 4.0. .,,, ,;,, 10
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MIL-?{-1988G Testingof spot welds. At least one spot weld test specimenshall be made and tested in accordanceuith 4.5.1 at each of the following intervals: a. At the beginningOf each welding shift and at intervalsnot greater than one hour during production. b. Upon replacement, adjustment,or dressingof electrodes. c. Each time a change is uade in the welding scheduleor procedure. has been Productionepot weldingshall be commencedonly after a determination made that the test specimens,made and tested at the prescribedintervals, conformto 3.3.1. ti.4.3.5Visual examinationof helmet sheIl after spot welding. After attachment~ng, the formed helmet shell shall be examinedfor defects in table VI. The lot size shsll be expressedin units of spot welded helmet shells. The sample unit shall be one spot welded,helmet shell. The inspectionlevel shall be II and the AQL, expressedin terms of defectsper hundred units, shall be 2,5 for major defectsand 6.5 for total defects. TABLE VI. Visual defects for spot welded helmet shells
Classification Major
Butt joint at ends open more than 1/64 inch Not spanked to provideflush fit to body; opening exceeds 1/64 inch Spot weld burn resulting in s hole or noticeablereductionin thickness Spot weld misplaced (i.e.,not confinedon edging) Pin head hole in ueld over 1/16 inch in diameter Pin head hole in weld over 1/32 inch but not over 1/16 inch in diameter Crack or fracturetotalingmore than 1/4 inch in Iength Crack or fracturetotaling1/4 inch or less in length
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TABLE.,. vi.:,,. Visual derect~ for spot welded helmet shells - Continued ,, .,. ,.. ,..
Classiffatl.kii ..:, ..:!:.
14Ej@ , .,*::~
Edgitig - eoht$nued
Joined to helmet shell with less than specifiednumber of welds: - less than one on each, side and front and lese than two (one on 104 each aide of butt joint) on back less than twelire but more than ,, five (at least five weldsehell ~ be spaced as indicatedfor the major defect classification above)
,.., :206;
.Spqtweld burn resultingin a hole or noticeablereductionin thickness .105 106 Cracked or fractured Spot welds omitted: , (applicableeach hinge looP assembly) 207: - one 107 : (- - two or more :,208 Spot weld misplaced
., .
; ,4,.4.4 End item visual examination. The end item shell be..examined for.t,he.: defectslisted intable VII. The lot size shall be expressedin Units of :,. cornple,tely. assembledand finishedhelmets. The eample unit shall be one, , helmet... The Inspectionlevel shall be II and the AQL, expressedin termti of ~defectaper hundred units, shall be 2.5 for major defects and 6.5 for .tOtal ,. :(rnajor and minor combined)defects. ,. TABLE VII. End item visual defects
&amine ., . :. Heimet,.:,60undnea:,, :, . .,
Dent or depressio~,such as a sharp niok OF dig, or deformation,affecting surface contour or outline: - greater than 1/9 inch in depth - 1/8 inch or less in depth 12
,:. ;201,.
MIL-H-1988G TA91,E VIT. End item visual defects - Continued . . --..---.-- Defect - -. . . Classification . Major Helmet exterior finish 102 Finish wet or tacky to the touch Color characteristicof finish not asspecified Lusterlesscharacteristicof finish not as specified 103 Enamel-sandaggregate omitted Snamel-sandaggregate not uniformly distributed 1/ ~lemish, such-as peeling, blistering, or flaking not exposing base metal, affeCting an area more than I/q $quare inch or in several areas the combined areas of which exceeds l/Q square inch Foreigz matter embedded in or appearing on the finish, such as soil, stain, dirt, oil or grease, affecting an area more than one square inch or in several areas the combined areas of which exceeds one square inch 1/ Any ar=a of base metal exposed: 1/ all areas except along outer =dge 104 of edging along outer edge of edging Finish abraded, scratched or chipped, not exposing the base metal, aFfecting an area more than 1/4 square inch Or in SeVeral areas the combined areas of which exceeds 1/4 square inch 1/ Not a =mooth, uniform coating (i.e., run.or sag affecting an area more than one square inch) 1/ Minor
Examine ._-..-.-
208 209
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MIL-H.l~98G TAgLE VII, End item visual defects - Continued. ., -... . .Defect ,,., :,.
. . :
;Examine ~~. .
Finish wet or tacky to the touch Enamel finish omitted Any area of base metal exposed ~1 Blemish, such as peeling, blistering or flaking, or abracle.d, scratchedor chipped finish, not exposing base metal,affectinganarea more than one square inch or in several.areas the combined areas of which exceeds one square inch Foreign matter embedded in or appearing on the finish, such as soil, :.: stain, dirt, oil or grease., aFfecting an area more than one square inch 1/ EnamelZsand aggregate overrun affecting an area which extends beyond the edge 3/8 inch ormore inany one area ?Jota smooth, uniform coating (i.e., run or sag affecting an area more than one square inch) 1/ Omitted Sharp or rough edge (includingweld flash not removed) Om+tted Any componentdamaged or malformed, affecting proper functioning Loop does not move freely within hingewhen manual force is applied .Sharp or rough edge (includingweld flash not removed) Area of no finish, exposing base metal for an area greater than 1/4 inch in longest dimension,except at moving joint surfaces that are subject to friction
:;;21.2 .21:3.
109 110
,,21,4,,, .:>1,5.:,
,, 14
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Defect -
omitted Any componentdamaged or malformed, affectingproper functioning Type I assembly attached to helmet shell in reverse position Type II assembly reversed (i.~., long strap on left hand hinge loop and short strap on right hand hinge loop) Chin strap clips attached to helmet shell in reverse position resulting in chin strap assembly being attached in reverse (i.e. , release hardware faces inside of helmet) (applicable to type 11 assembly) Chin strap clips on type 11 assembly not secured a.sspecified Kncorrectchin strap
.-.________-__ .---.
1/ For these defects the helmet shall be examined from a distanceof approximately3 feet.
4.4.5 End item dimensionalexamination. The end item shall be examined for the defects listed in table VIII. The lot size shall be expressed in units of completely assembledand finishedhelmets. The sample unit shall be one helmet. The inspectionlevel shall be S-3 and the AQL, expressed in terms of defects per hundred units, shall be 4.0.
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MIL-H-1988G ,~JilI,F, v~lr. F,nditem dimensionaldeKectn _~ .. . ..-...--- -.---- Defect --- -- --.--- - ... . -. ___ ~--,
Ex,arn.i ne . : -r .,, ---- Edging.,, ,. ,-iinge ~ooi a.+seinbly, ~ Type IIchin strap .< assembly
- .-.-
. ,.
Edging does not extend equal distanceon both iides; of brim by more than ,1/16 inch Joint misplaced (i.e.,not at rear center line by.: more than 1/4 inch) Rot locatedas specified,exceeding tolerance.-. Ends of.long and short straps (snap fastenerendi) not locatedas specifiedexceeding toleranc~,:j
-. -
, ,.
4.,4.6. :Weight examination. The finishedhelmet shall be examined for,., hew eigti& compliai,ce with the specifiedweig!it in 3.6. Any weight exceedingt The lot .sfzeshall be expre:ied,::~ Ifmitationsiiall be classifiedas a defect. in,,units $of~ini,shed helmets. The sample unit sh~ll be one helmet. The inspecti,on. level shallb~.5-3 and the AOL, expressed in terms.ofdefects!P&., huhdrid.unitsi shall be 4.0.
4~4.~fackaging examination. The fully packagedend items:shallbe,.,1, examine~ for the defects listed below. The lot size shall be expressed iri The sample unit shall be one ShiPping COg,@ip+~ units ofshippingcontainers. fully packaged. The inspectionlevel shall be S-2 and the AQL, exPress&d!+n.. terms ofdefects per hundred units, shall be 2.5. :,;:Exarnine : Defect .. !.,,,..,. .,, ,Marking(:exterior Omitted; incorrect;illegible;of.improper :. size, location,sequence,, or method of :;. and interior) application .:,., .Materials Any componentmissing,damaged, or specified
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MIL-H-1988G i!orkmanship Inadequate applicationof components, such as incompletesealing or closure of flap, improper tapinfl, loose r.trappinfl, or stapling Pulged w distorted container Number per container is more or less than required
4.U,8 palletizationexamination. The fully packaged and palletizedend items shall be examined for the defects listed below. The lot size shall be expressed in units of palletizedunit loads. The sample unit shall be one palletized unit load, fully packaged. The inspection level shall be S-1 and the AQL, expressed in terms of defects per hundred Units, shall be 6.5. Examine Finished dimensions PdlletIzation Weight qarking 4.5 Test methods. 4,5.1 Weld test. Test specimens shall be used to validate the adequacy of productionspot welds. The test specimens shall be any convenient shape and size, compatible with the testing machine employed. A test specimen shall consist of one piece of the same material and thickness as the helmet body, and one piece of the same material and thickness as the hinge. Spot weld the two pieces together in the same machine and in the same manner to be used in production spot welding. Separate t-hetest specimens by applying tension forces in opposite directions to determine compliance with 3.3.1. 4.5.2 Stress concentrationtest. Completely submerge formed helmet shells processed through draw, trim, edge grinding, cleaning, and drying in a vessel containing a 5 percent phosphoric acid solution for 24 hours Z 1/2 hour. After the prescribed immersion period, remove the helmet shell, rinse it with tap water, and examine the etched surface to determine compliancewith 3.3.2. 4.5.3 Thickness measurement. After forming but prior to painting, the helmet shell shall be measured for averge thickness using the following procedure: Defect Length, width, or height exceeds speci?ied m~ximuro requirement ?allet pattern not as s?ecified Load not bqnded as specified F.xceeds maximum load limits Omitted; incorrect; illegible; of improper , .or method of application size, .loc2tion, sequence
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.,, ,
b,:Draw four c~ncentriccircles forming five Circumferential .zone..onon j<.::. !.leasu~e the circle radii from the center point, ;fl ;<~tie:he,lrnet shell ,surface. ~ocatedin (a). Thetop circle shailhave a radius of 1-1/4 inches, ,The,: . circlesh~~~.;j ;~, ,secondcircle shall have a radius of 2-1/2 inches. The third. :ha,vea::r.adius,o~ 3-3/Q snches, and the bottom circle shallhave a radiuSO:f::: .5incheS.:. . ,. . .... ,,<; c. Subdividethesecond, third, and fourthzones into drawing line% from ,thefront to the rear and fromside to side through ttje. :; ,, :. L-,.. the helmet into four equal quadrants. .uppermo$t;.center pcintdividing .
. d; Number the twelve zones. The numerical sequence shall be!clockw:se(~.,pumber 1 being in the lower right front section., Locate twelve,~iq,tS:S::y teach,,, ,.one at the centerof each zone. Measure the helmet shellthickness,a obint. record the values and oomvute the average thickness to detemiirie - ..:: , ~ornpl~an.ce with The thickness gage shall have an anvi~radiu&no&to~~ exc@ed:lj8inch. ,: ,.
, Altertiate thickness measurement. After forming, but prior to~;:~ pain.tirig, the helmet$hellshall be measured for average thickness u%ing.{t,he,;, ,;;:: followitigp rocedu,re: ,,! ,,, . . ,,. ,, ,. ,a.. Locate theeenter of the uppermost point of the helmet Shell shown;:i .iriDrawIng2 -l-88, .~ ,. ,.:,,,, :
b. Draw five concentric circles forming Six circumferential Zonesuon, :~~j ~hehelrne~shellsurface.Measure the circle radii from the centerPoinE. inches. T:he .located+n:(a. );, The top circle shall have a radius of 1-1./4 third circle shall.,;~, second. ,c,ircl.e ?hallhavea radiusof 2-1/2 inches. .fhe aradiu+[.oC.3-3/~ inches. The fourth circle shall have aradius o~:;.: ., ;,.:, 5inches,anclthe bottom circle shall have a radius of 6-1/4ineh~s. {:; .,: .: ::::( ~~ . :, C:O Subdivide the second, third, fourth, and fifth zones intosix~ti$n:~~~~ izonesby,,drawing ,linea fromthe front to the.rear and from sidi to s,tde:::;:i~ ;throyghth~gppermtist centerpoint dividing the helmet into !our equal;;i~~~~~. . . :quadrant? .,, , .. .. . . ,.. ... .,. ,. ... ,,.
, :,, ..,.,
,d.. Nu,mberthe sixteen zonea. The numerical sequence a@ll be.cloc~i$$~ with number~;belng in the lower right frent $ection. Locate sixteen p,oint,a;;;.. :.? ~oneat,the .center. of each zone. Measure the helmet shell thich%$s ate+?h. $o~nt,..~ecordthe:values,s, and compute the average thickness to determine,~,::; compl$an.ce with 3Y3.2:.l.l. ,, The thicknessgage shall have an anvil ?ad$Usnot:, ,.., +.o..eveeed 1/8 .i.neh,:
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G.5.4 Ballistic test. After forming, trimming,and edge grinding of helmet shells has been done, tests to determine compliancewith the ballistic resistancerequirementof 3.5 shall be performed in accordancewith MIL-STD-662,except that the weight of armor test material requirementin MIL-STD-662shall not apply. Testing shall be accomplishedby firing one shot each into at least ten of twelve sections,starting with the lower right Front section and continuingclockwisearound the lower zone and proceedingwith each next higher zone in the same manner until the required number of sections have been tested. If additionalshots are required; testing shall be continued by repeating the firing sequence and stopping when sufficientdata have been obtained to per~it calculationof the Vp 50 limit. Target area. Rigidly mount the helmet so that the area subjected to impact shall be normal to the line of fire. The area to be tested is designatedas follows: Using as a center the uppermost point of the helmet as shown on Drawing 2-1-88, draw four concentriccircles 1-1/4 inches apart, measured along the surface. The top zone is not to be fired. Further subdivide each of the remaining three zones into four sections by drawing meridional lines through the uppermost center point. This will divide the helmet into quadrants. yp 50 calculations.The Vp 50 limit for each test helmet shall be
the average of the velocitiesrecorded for ten fair impacts, consistingof rive lowest velocities recorded for complete penetration,and of the five highest velocities recorded for partial penetration,provided the spread for the ten velocitiesused is not greater than 125 feet per second. In cases where the spread is greater than 125 feet per second, the Vp 50 limit shall be the average of fourteen fair impactvelocities, consistingof seven lowest complete penetrationvelocitiesand.the seye.n highest partial penetration velocities. All velocitiesused in thesecalculations shall be striking velocitiescalculated at the point of initial contact with the test helmet. A fair impact results when a projectilestrikes an.unsupportedarea of the test helmet at a distance of at least 1-1/4 inches from any other point of impact.
5.1 Preservation. Preservationshall be level A. 5.1.1 Level A. Five helmets of one type only, with the long and short chin straps placed on the outside of each helmet except t,he straps shall be inside for the bottom helmet, shall be nested compactly, together in a stack with a separator between each helmet. The separator shall be made of embossed or indented paperboardhaving a basis weight of not less than 48 pounds per 1,000 square feet after embossing or indentation,or the equivalent (i.e., Shocksorb,Waffleboarc!, or Trunk Wrapper). The separatormay alsobe made of l/8-inchminimum thicknesscushionin~material confortninR to PPP-C-1797. The separator shall-be a disc of approxi~ately17 inches in ~iameter, slotted at 90-degree intervalsaround the perimeter so that the disc will fold to the
Source: -- Downloaded: 2013-07-11T06:56Z Check the source to verify that this is the current version before use.
MIL-tI-1988G the helmet. Prior to nesting, the hinge loop assemblies on t~~. ;;,, inside o.!:each helmetshall be completelycovered with clothbacked pressure :sensitivetape.
, ..,.,:: ,
.. . . .. . . . k ,,:..5.~.,7 ,LevelApaoking. Twenty helmets of one type only, DreSerVedas, ?Spectf.iedin5.1;a hall be packed in a fiberboardsl?ipPing containe~ : [con~ormlngto style RSC-L, grade V2S of PPP-B-636. The inside of each,. t,. .. . ,. j: flb,erboardcontainershall be.Pitted with a box liner conforming,totype!CF,. ;(,:, cl~s.q,:weather.resistant, variety SW, grade V3C of PPP-B-636. In additignp:{ ;~~ ., ,~each. :c,on.tainer shall be provided with a full-height, half-slottedstyle .: ,, inteb,locking partitionor full-heightscored and folded fiberboardsheets.:,<;j~: fabricated of the same material as the box liner to form fourc.ellskikh.~rikhe.?~ doritainer.Each nested stack of five helmetsshall be Packed uPrif3ht (ctioufis:@ oF, h@lrnetsu p)within each of the four cells. The,inside dimensionsof.the~,;,:,:j :j:; ihippingco titiainer shall be approximately23 inches in length, 19-3/4 inch6k:;,. and. 13-3/4inches in depth, Approximatedimensionsarefurni?h,ed.:a;s, .a,guldeonly.. Each fiberboardcontainershall be closed inaccordance wi~~~::}~ rnektiod 111, .waterproofed in.accordancewith methodV, and reinfo.rced;ag y):.$;~; ! ~pecifjed in the appendixof PPP-B-636excePt that theinsPe@ti.on shallbe;im::,:~ accord$ncew.ith 4.4.7. Shippingcontainersshall be ar~angedinunit{. ,accordance with MIL-L-35078for the type and class of load speciiied (se~:::v::; fj.2). When unitlga~s are strapped;strappingshall be limited to nontiet~l~ic~. ~~ 9t:rappingi .except. for type 11, clasg F loads.,,
5.2.2 Level ,8pack~qg. Twenty helmets of one type only, preserved:as to .Specified,.in 5.1, shall be packed in a fiberboardoontainerconformirig .e.t,yle RSC-L, t.ypeCF (varietySW) or SF, class domestic, grade ,350of ,:; P?P-B-636.:?tie insideof each fiberboardcontainershall be fitted with a,,box ..liner coriform~ng to type CF, class domestic,variety W, grade 200 of .:::;:! .Pl?P-B-636., .In.addition, each containershall be providedwith a full-heigh~~; half-slottedstyle interlockingpartitionor full-heightscored and folded ~~~ :fiberboarda heetifabricated of the same material as the box liner to forin ~totir.ti ells within thecontainer. Each nested stack of five helmets.shall:,,be, packed,,,upr+ght: (cnowns of helmets up) within each of the four cells.. In.@de ,.. dimension?of each shippingcontainer shall be approximately23 inches, ~ri, ~ length, 19-3/~.,inches in width, and 13-31Q inches in depth. Approximate ~ :, dimensionsa~e furnishedas aguide only. Each Fiberboardcontainer? ~. closedln: accordance with method II as specifiedin the appendix of PPP-B-636~: ., ,except.that the inspectionshall be in accordancewith b.4.7. * 5.2;2.. l:Weather-res$btant container. When specified (ace 6.2), the .: tiontaig?r.:e hall be a grade V3C, V3S, or V~s Fiberboardbox fabr$ea.t@k!A: Inaccordance wfthPPP-B-636and closed in accordancewith method 111 as specifi80f,n the appendix of .PPP-B-636 except that the inspectionshallbe @
;accot?darice with.,4.U.7.,
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5.3 Palletization. When specified (see 6.2), helmets of one typeonly, packed as specified in5.2.2, shall be palletizedon a 4.way entry pallet in accordancewith load type Iaof MIL-STD-1U7. Pallet type shall b~ type I (4way entry), type IV or type V in accordancewith MIL-ST9-147. Each prepared load shall be bonded with primary and secondary straps in accordancewith bondingmeans K and L or film bonding means O or P. Pallet pattern shall be number 90 in accordancewith the appendix of MI~-STD-147. 5.U Marking. In addition to any special marking required by thecontract cm purchaseorder,shipping containers,and palletizedunit loads shall be marked in.accordance with MIL-STD-129. 6. NOTES 6,1 Intended use. The helmets are intended for use with the Liner, Ground Troops Helmet (Combat)per MIL-L-41800. The type I helmet is for use by ground troops and the type 11 helmet is for use by parachutists. 6.2 Ordering dat~. Acquisitiondocuments should specify the following: a. Title, number, and date OF this document. b. Type required !see 1.2). When a ?irst article is required (see 3.1,. 4.3, and 6.3). :. Selection of applicable level of packing (see 5.2). e. Type and class of unit load required (see 5.?.1). r grade fiberboardshipping containersare .. When weather-resi.stant required for level 3 packing (see E. When p~lletizationis required (see 5.3).
6.3 First article. When a first article is required, it shall be inspected and approved under the appropriateprovisionsof FAR 52.209. The first article should be a preproductionsample. The contractingofficer should specify,theappropriatetype of first article and the number of units to be furnished. The contractingofficer should include specific instructionsin all acquisitioninstrumentsregarding arrangementsfor selection,inspection, and approval of the first article. 6.4
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..,&~5 ,Change~&om previousissue. The margins of this document areaia@ec&!v~
with an asteri,sk (?) to indicatewhere changes(additions,m?difications+ .!;i; ..This was.,dcvi~+$,$~~ :,.:cor.rect.ions~ de~etlons.,), from the previousissue were made. ~.convenience gnlii. arid..the Government assumesno liabilitywhats?everF or: a~x Bidders and contractorsare caqtionedti&l& flfl : inaccuracies in these notations. ... ;; evaltite the re.guirernents of thi? document baeed on the.entire .com~e?ti~a?;!j: :.titiitten,.i~ re,sp,~ctive of the mar8inal notations and. relationsh,i~ @ths.,l~:!,. !.. ,,..: ~$re~$ouais?ue.?, . ,,., :.,,, ,. ,,, ,.. ,.. , .clls$,ti~i,an~: ..1 Preparingactivity &Ar;$-:ck. :;;.Najy..-,,Nu .! ,., i.: Air. Force. - 99 , . .,-, . . .. . . ;,;:Re:view activ~.ties: ,: ,.,.,,. :. -:,MD Air Foqc.e -.82. ,: Fs ,, .DPSC:;-!
.Usei, activiti~k:
,,, ,
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Helmet; Ground Troops ; Parachutists, Steel, M-1 MIL-H1988G q, Tv*C OF0nG4Nl ZA110M lmara WI ,NAME OP SUe W1lll HGO*C+!zAT~ON
OTMEn (s-cm).
b. R9cOf,.m.d.a Wc.dne:
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