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Mil-A-12560h G

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The document specifies requirements for wrought steel homogeneous armor plate for use in combat vehicles and ammunition testing. It describes different classes of armor plate based on their heat treatment and intended application. Thickness ranges and ballistic performance criteria are provided.

The three classes of armor plate specified are Class 1 for maximum resistance to penetration, Class 2 for maximum resistance to shock, and Class 3 for evaluation of armor defeating ammunition with specific hardness and impact values.

Thickness ranges of 1/4 to 6 inches are covered for armor plate use in combat vehicles, and 1/4 to 12 inches for use in proof and acceptance testing of armor defeating ammunition.

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28 November 1990
15 August 1984




This specification is approved for use by the Materials Technology

Laboratory, Department of the Army, and is available for use by all
Department and Agencies of the Department of Def en$e.


1,1 q. This specification covers wrought-steel homogeneous armoc

plate in thicknesses from 1/4 to 6 inches inclusive for use in combat-vehicles
and 1/4 to 12 inches inclueive for use in.proof and acceptance testin9 of
armoz defeating ammunition (see 6,1 and 6.4.3 ].

1,2 Classification. wrought armor shall be of the following classes as

specified (see 6.1).

1,2,1 class 1. wrought armor plate which iS heat treated tO develOp

maximum resistance. to penetration.

1.2.2 class 2. Wrought armor plate which is heat treated to develop

maximum resistance to shock.

1.2.3 class 3. Wrought armor plate which is heat trea~ed to develop

specific hardness and impact values for evaluation of armor defeating
ammunition only. ‘I’hisclass armor is not intended for use in combat-vehicles”.
To meet the thickness tolerances of this class armor special sUrf aCe finishing
may be required.


2.1 Government documents.

2.1.1 Specifications, standards, and handbooks. The following

specifications, standards, and handbooks form a Part of this document to the
extent specified herein. .Unless otherwise. specified, the issues of these
documents are those listed in the issue of the Department of Defense Index of
Specifications and Standards (DODISS) and supplement thereto, cited in the.
solicitation (see 6.2).

Beneficial comments (recommendations, additions, deletions) and any pertinent

data which may be of use in improving this “document shOuld be addressed to:
Director, U.S. ArMY Laboratory Command, Materials Technology Laboratory,
ATTN : SLCMT-MEE, Watertown, WA U2172-0001 by using the Standardization
Document Improvement Proposal (DD FOrm 1426) appearing at the end of this
document or’by letter.



-. .—
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MI L-sTD-367 - Armor Test Data Reporting

MIL-STD-41O - Nondestructive Testincl Personnel Qualification and

(Unless otherwise indicated, copies of federal and military

specifications, standards, and handbooks are available from ,the
Standardization Documents Order Desk, Sldg. 4D, 700 Robbins Avenue,
Philadelphia, PA 19111-5094. )

2.1.2 Other Government documents, drawings, and publications. The

following other Government documents, drawings, and publications form a part
of this document to the extent specified herein. Unless otherwise specified,
tbe issues are those cited in tbe solicitation.

USATECO14 TOP 2-2-710 - Ballistic Tests of Armor Materials

QSTAG 335 - Certification of Personnel for Ultrasonic Inspection

(Application fOK cOPieS should be addressed to the Director, Defense

Technical Information Center, ATTN: DDR, Cameron Station, Alexandria, VA
22314 )

2.2 Non-Government publications. The following documents fOKm a part of

this specification to the extent specified herein. Unless otherwise
specified, the issues of the documents wbicb are DoD adopted are those listed
in the issue of the DODISS cited in the elicitation. Unless otherwise
specified, tbe issues of documents not listed in the DODISS are the issues of
the documents cited in the solicitation (see 6.2) .


ASTM A578 - Straight-Seam Ultrasonic Examination of Plain and Clad Carbon

Steel Plates for Special Application
ASTM A751 - Methods, Practices, and Definitions fOK Chemical Analysis of
Steel Products
ASTM E1O - Srinell Hardness of Metallic Materials
ASTM E18 - Rockwell Hardness and Rockwell Superficial Hardness of
Metallic Materials
ASTM E23 - Notched Bar ImDact Testinq of Metallic Materials
ASTM E11O - Test Method fo> Indentati&r Hardness of Metallic Materials by
Portable Hardness Testers under ASTM E23 - Notched Sar Impace
Testing of Metallic Materials

(Application for copies should be addressed to the American Society for

Testing and Materials, 1916 Race Street, Philadelphia, PA 19103. )

(Tachnical aOCietY and technical association specifications and standards

are generally available for reference from libraries. They are also
distributed among technical groups and using Federal agencies. )

2.3 order Df precedence, In the event of a conflict between the text of

this document and the references cited herein, the text of this document takes
precedence. Nothing in this document, however, supersedes applicable laws and
regu~ationsunless a specific exempti On has been ~bta!ned:,

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3.1 First article. When specified in the’ contract or purchase order (see”, 6.2, 6.9 and 6.11), a sample or samples of the specified item shall
be.made available to the contracting officer or his authOKized representative
for approval in accordance with The approval of the first article
samples authorizes the commencement of shipment but does not relieve the
supplier of responsibility for compliance with all applicable provisions of
this specification. The. first article samples and test plates shall be
manufactured by the process proposed for use on production armor. The
manufacturer’s declared chemical analysis must be submitted to the contracting
agency and to the ballistic test agency. The ballistic test agency will
record tbe first article ballistic test plates submitted, showing the dates

3.1.1 First time producer, First time producers wishing to qualifY to

this specification should follow the instructions of 6.8.

3.2 Acceptance requirements.

3.2.1 Materials.

3.2,1.1 Structure. Processes of manufacture shall be such as to produce

steel plate having, as nearly as practicable, a homogeneous structure

3.2.2 Chemical composition. The product analysis of all plates. within a

heat shall conform to tbe requirements .of table I unless otherwise negotiated
between the steel supplier and the contractor (see 6.12) . All limits as
specified in table I (including any deviations negotiated) shall be submitted
in advance to the procuring activity. The contractor may establish and submit
separate limits for each thickness of plate to be furnished (see 6.5). A
statement showing the Product analysis Of each melt and cOmPlete details of.
the heat” treatment of each lot shall be furnished for the files of the
procuring activity at no cost to the procuring activity. All elements of
chemical composition shall be shown. in the statement. The chemical
composition range established by tbe producer and the chemical analysis of the
material submitted shall be reported in accordance with MI L-STD-367, (see
6.2.2 and 6.7. )

3,2.3 Heat treatment. All plates in each lot, including sample6, shall
receive the same heat tceatment except for such variations in tempering
temperature as may be necessary to produce the prescribed hardness. The
austenitizing temperature for production plates may varY within a ran9e Of
50° above the temperature used for test plates, but in no case shall it
exceed 17000F (see 6.13) .

3.2.4 Processing controls. Heating. Stress relieving the plates, local or gi?neral, shall be

allowed after final quenching and tempering. at a maximum temperature of 500F
below the tempering temperature. Plates shall not be ‘stress relieved in a
temperature range of 600-800° F. After stress relieving, the plates shall be
tested for hardness and shall meet the requirements of table II.

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NIL-A-12560 H(MR)

TABLE I. Chemical composition (product analysis). ~1


cARBON 0,10 0,30 up to 2“ thick, incl.

0.33 over 2“ up to 4“
0.35 over 4“

0.30 -.
Up to 1.00% incl.
0.40 --
Over 1.00%


-- O,(I15
Up to 0.60% incl. 0,20
0.30 --
Over 0.60% to 1.00% incl.
Over 1.00% 0.40 --

0.50 _-

0.30 --
Up to 1,25% incl.
Ovec 1.25% 0.4U --

Up to 0.2U% incl. 0.07 --
0.15 --
Over U.20%

0.10 --
-- -- y
COPPER -- 0.25 ~/
TITANIUM -- 0.10 y
zIRCONIUM .- 0.10 y
ALUMINUM -- 0,10 y
LEAD -- 0.01
TIN -- 0.02 y
ANTIMONY -- 0,02 y
ARSENIC -- 0.02 y

&/ This table lists the maximum range for elements of the manufacturer’s
established chemical composition.

~/ When the amount of boron is specified in the alloy, its content so

determined by heat analysis shall not exceed 0.003 percant.

L33 When the amount of an element i6 less than 0.02 percent the analysis may be
reported as 0.02 percent+

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I Repairing. Unless otherwise approved by the procuring activity,
weld repairs shall not be made on any plates. Forming. Forming after the final quenching and tempering

operations shall not be done except when authorized by the procuri%lg activity. Grinding. Grinding is not ~equi~ed but maY be perfOrmed tO

remove minor defects not affecting the serviceability” of the material provided
that,’ unless otherwise authorized by the procuring activity, the grinding does
not result in the reduction of the plate thickness in tbe ground aKea to less
than the tolerances specified in tables III, IV, or V as applicable.

3.2.5 Mechanical properties. surface hardness. The average surface hardness of each plate

including first article samples shall be within tbe SB range shown in table 11
for the applicable class and thickness. . The diameters of Brinell hardness
impressions on any individual plate “shall not vary by more than 0.15 mm.’ u. Tbe Charpy V-notch impact test results of armor plate

submitted shall meet the requirements shown in table VI for the applicable
hardness and thickness. The Charpy V-notch impact specimens shall be obtained
in botb the TL orientation (i.e., transverse to the major direcbion of rolling
with the notch perpendicular to the plate surface so that tbe crack will
propagate in the longitudinal direction) and the LT orientation “(i.e.,
parallel to the major direction of Lolling). Bend test. When specified in the contract or order a bend test
shall be performed. Bend test criteria shall be agreed upon by tbe supplier
and fabricator.

3.2.6 Ballistic requirements. Ballistic requirements for class 1 and

class 3 wrought homogeneous armor shall be in accordance with the Appendix
of this specification. class 2 armor shall not be subject to ballistic test

3.2.7 Dimensions and tolerances. Dimensions. Classes 1 and 2 armor plate shall. comply with tbe
dimensions and tolerances specified on applicable drawings or in the contract
(see 6.2). Class 3 armor tolerances on length and width dimensions shall be
plug 1 1/2 inches and minus zero. Thickness.

3.2.7 .2.1 Thickness Measurements (ClaSS 1 and Cla SS 2 “AKMOK). Three

thickness measurements will be taken along each side of the length of each
plate (one near each end and one in the middle) and two thickness measurements
will be taken on each end (about 1/3 of the distance from each edge) for a
total of 10 measurements. Measurements will be made in accordance with
4.5..2. The acceptance of each plate will be based on these measurements
meeting the thickness requirements set forth in table III or IV as applicable.

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TABLE 11, Hardness requirements.

Brinell Brinell
Specified nominal hardness indentation Rockwell C
thickness of plate Armor range (BHN) diameters hardness (HNC)
(inches) class (3000-Kq load) (millimeters) range
~ To and

0.250 0.499 l&3 341-3ss 3.30-3.10 36.6-41.8

0.500 0,749 l&3 331-375 3.35-3.15 35.4 -40.5
0.750 1.249 l&3 321-375 3.40-3.15 34.3-40.5
1.250 1.990 l&3 293-331 3.55-3.35 30.9 -35.4
2.000 3.990 163 269-311 3.70-3.45 27 .7-33.0
4.000 6.000 l&3 241-277 3,90-3,65 22.7-28.7
6.001 6.999 3 241-277 3.90-3,65 22,7-28.7
7.000 8.999 3 223-262 4.05-3,75 19,2-26.7
9.000 12.000 3 212-248 4.15-3.85 16.4-24.2
0.250 1,250 2 277-321 3.65-3,40 28,7 -34.3

3.2.7 .2.2 Thickness Measurements (Class 3 Armor). The thickness of all

Class 3 plates shall be determined by measurements made one foot on centers
over the entire surface of each plate. The measurements will be to the
neatest thousarrdtb of an inch. The acceptance of each plate will be based on
these measurements meeting tbe thickness requirements of table v for Class 3

3.2.7 .2.3 Thickness Tolerances. The thickness tolerances of each plate,

after final treatment, shall be in accordance with tables XII and IV for
Classes 1 and 2 armor or with table V fOr Class 3 armor.

3.2. 7.3 FldtneSS. Unless otherwise specified in the contract or order,

(see 6.2) the flatness tolerance of each plate shall be within the
requirements specified in table VII. Tighter tolerance requirements may be
specified in the contract or order and shall be as agreed upon between the
contractor and the procuring activity.

3 .2.7.4 Waviness. Unless otherwise specified in the contract or order,

(see 6.2) the waviness tolerance of each plate shall be within tbe
requirements of table VIII for the applicable. thickness.

3.2.8 Identification marking. Identification marking and records shall

be such as to ensure positive identification of all plates, including test
samples and specimens, with the lot and corresponding heat fIom which they
were produced. First article and acceptance ballistic test plates shall alSO
be marked with the manufacturer ‘a name or trademark, the number of this
specification; and tbe ordered plate thickness in inches. First azticle
plates shall be marked ‘PRE”, acceptance plates ‘ACCW and retest plates will
be marked “RI” and ‘R2*. If a second set of retest plates are submitted they
shall be marked “RR1” and ‘RR2n. Tbe marking shall be approximately 1/16 inch
deep and approximately 1/2 inch high and located along the edge with the
lifting hole, if present, and shall be stamped into tbe surface unless the

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plate hardness makes painting necessary: All plate markings shall be

highlighted with a highly visible yellow or orange border such as fluorescent
paint or highlighted with a special white paint intended to delineate and
highlight stamping. The primary plate rolling direction shall be identified.
Manufacturers supplying armor to be used for proving ground testing of
ammunition are required to:

a. Mark each class 3 plate with one foot square blocks showing thickness
at the center of each block. The acceptance of each plate will be based on
these measurements meeting the thickness requirements set forth in table V.

b. stamp each plate ‘HOMO, CLASS 3, MIL-A-12560, plate No. _, heat

No,._. m Stamping shall be approximately 1/2 inch bigb letters to a depth
approximately 1/16 i.ncb. Location of stamping for all plates will be in tbe
upper right hand corner.

3 .2.9 Information required. A statement showing the product analYSiS 0<

each melt and complete details of the heat treatment of each lot shall be
furnished for the files of the procuring activity. All elements of the
chemical composition ehall be shown in the statement, including special
additives or hardening agents, whether shown in table I or not.

3.2.10 Workmanship. Surface imperfections. Tbe top and bottom surface of each plate
shall be free from the following surface defects: slivers, laps, checks,
seams, blisters, snakes,” cold shuts, cracks, burning, and laminations (see
6.4). The surface of each plate shall be such that mill scale or oxidation
product shall not. interfere with determination of acceptability.
Imperfections listed above which are of such a nature as to affeCt the
fabrication of the material, are rejectable.

3.2.10 .1.1 Depth of imperfections. ‘lbe depth of rolled-in scale, scale

pitting, mechanical gouges, or snakes shall not exceed 0.015 inch.and shall
not reduce tbe steel thickness below the allowable minimum. Isolated
individual pits over 0.015 inch deep but not over 0.03 inch deep and not
within 6 inches of each other and which do not violate tbe minimum allowable
thickness, as specified in the applicable drawings and fabrication documents,
are acceptable. Edqe preparation. Thermal cutting shall be permitted after

final heat treatment provided the procedure, which may include grinding after
thermal cutting, is such that no cracks develop on any thermally cut edge
whether detected by nondestructive inspection, or as agreed upon in the
contract. Tbe heat affected zone of thermally cut plates (uP to and inclrrding
l/2-inch in thickness) shall not exceed 152 times the plateS thickness froio
the cut edge. FrJrplates OVeI. l/2-inch thick, the heat affected zone shall
not exceed 5/8-inch from” tbe cut edge. In order to have the heat affectsd
zone exceed these limits approval shall be obtained from the procuring

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idd-+.+-immm”m mmcnmmrnm.nm. wmcom. ka

Immmmmmmmwe -*-3*mmnmwnww w.wt. b
;~ooooooooo 000.000000 Ooyo aa
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .!.

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TABLE IV, Thickness tolerances for Class 1 armor plates over 2“ thick.

Thickness tolerances in inches over and under ordered thickness for single plate
~ over 2 inches in thickness when ordered to thickness in inches.

Specified Tolerances over and under specified thickness for widthe qiven
thickness Under 60’ 60” to S4” 84” tO 120” 120’ to 132m 132” and
inches excl. excl. excl, excl. over

—From ~
1“ 2
6- S, incl. ~/ .091 .091 .098 .107
8 - 10, incl. ~/ .107 .107 .122 .138
10 - 12, incl. ~/ ,13s .138 .144 .160

~ When plates under 60” are rolled double width, the equivalent wider plate
~ tolerances shall apply .

TABLE V. Thickness tolerances for ClaSS 3

armor plate,~/

Permissible variation
Specified plate thickness plus nr minus
(Inches) (Inches)

g To and includinq

0.250 0.500 0.015

0.500 1.125 .020
1.125 1.499 .025
‘ 1.499 1.749 .030
1.749 1.999. .035
1.999 2.999 .040
2.999 4.000 .045
4.000 6.000 .075
6.000 8.000 .0s3
8.000 10.000 .098 ““
10.000 12.000 .122

~[ This armnr is not intended for use in combat vehiclds.

To obtain these thickness tolerances special surfacing
finishing may be required.
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TABLE VI. MiniMUM charpy v-notch impact requirements

(at -40° F. + 20F) ~/

Brinell Plate Minimum impact values

hardneas (BHN) thickness (avera9e of two or more
averaqe (inches) test specimens), ft. lbs.
Specimen Size
Standard 3/4 width 1/2 width

207 4-12 incl. 65

212 m 63
217 . 61
223 . 59
229 “ 57
235 . 55
241 53
248 50
255 47
262 “ 44
269 “
277 .
285 .
262 1/4 to less 55
269 than 4 51
277 . 47 36 24
285 . 43 33 22
293 . 39 30 20
302 . 35 27 18

311 31 24 16
321 28 21 14
331 “
25 19 13
341 .
22 17 11
19 15 10
363 .
17 13 9
375 “
16 12 8
388 .
16 12 8

~/ ASTM E140 shall be UBed to convert HRC readings to HS equivalents.

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MI L-A-12560 H(MR)

TABLE VI 1. Permissible variations for flatness, in.

Specified Variations from a flat surface for specified widths, in.

~ thickness, i!. Under 48 to 60 to 72 to 84 to 96 to
48 60 excl. 72 excl. 84 excl. 96 excl. 108 excl.

1/4 to 3/8 excl. 3/4 15/16 1-1/8 1-3/4 1-7/8

3/8 to 1/2 e%cl. 1/2 9/16 5/8 3/4 7/8
1/2 to 3/4 excl. 1/2 9/16 5/8 3/4 7/8
3/4 to 1-1/4 excl. 1/2 9/16 5/8 3/4 7/8
1-1/4 to 1-5/8 excl. 3/8 1/2 1/2 5/8 3/4
1-5/8 to 3 excl. 3/8 3/8 7/16 1/2 5/8 3/4
3 to 4 excl. 3/8 1/2 1;2 5/8 3/4 3/4
4 to 6 excl. 1/2 5/8 5/8 3/4 7/8 7/8
6 to 8 excl. 9/16 11/16 11/16 13/16 15/16 15/16
8 to 10 excl. 5/8 3/4 3/4 7/8 1 1
10 to 12 excl. 11/16 13/16 13/16 15;16 1-1/8 1-1/8

NOTE : The above variations apply to plates up to 12 feet in length, or to any

12 feet or longer plates. Edge condition. Plate, edge on plates delivered after heat

treatment shall be free of cracks. The supplier shall PraCtiCe such necessarY
process controls to prevent this condition. Internal soundness. All plates l/2-inch and greater in thickness

shall be ultrasonically examined for internal soundness in accordance with
4.6.5, The steel supplier shall institute process Controls such that any edge
of any cut part shall comply with the requirements of

3.2 ,10.4.1 Acceptance criteria.

3.2.10 .4.1.1 Single linear indications. In any four inches of length a

single linear indication shall not exceed twice the plate thickness.

3 , Multiple linear indications. Multiple linear indications

shall not, exceed 1-1/2 times the plate thickness’ if,two or more lie in the same
plane. The total length of indications in one plane, in any four inch length,
shall not exceed twice the plate thickness. No more than ten indications,
whether in one plane or ‘multiple planes, are permitted in any four inch length.

3.2.10 .4.1.3 _. All cracks are rejectable.

3.2.10 .4.1;4 Removal of large indications. Large indications shall be

re”moved by the manufacturer nr processor by grinding, provided the resulting
cavity does not exceed l/4-inch.

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TABLE VIII. Waviness tolerances for Plates.

tolerance When number of waves in 12 ft is:
from 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
table VII

5/16 5/16 l/4 3/16 1/8 1/8 1/16 1/16

3/8 3/8 5/16 3/16 3/16 1/8 1/16 1/16
7/16 7/16 5/16 1/4 3/16 1/8 1/8 1/16
1/2 1/2 3/8 5/16 3/16 3/16 1/8 1/16
9/16 9/16 7/16 5/16 1/4 3/16 1/8 l/B
5;B 5/8 1/2 3/8 l/4 3/16 1/8 1/8
11/16 11/16 1/2 3/8 5/16 3/16 3/16 1/8
3/4 3/4 9/16 7/16 5/16 1/4 3/16 1/8
13/16 13/16 5/8 7/16 5/16 1/4 3/16 i/8
7/8 7/8 11/16 1/2 3/8 i/4 3/16 1/8
15/16 15/16 11/16 1/2 3/8 5/16 1/4 3/16
1 1 3/4 9/16 7/16 5/16 1/4 3/16
1-1/8 1-1/B 7/8 5/8 1/2 3/8 1/4 3/16
1-1/4 1-1/4 15/16 11/16 1/2 3/8 5/16 1/4
1-3/8 1-3/8 1-1/16 3/4 9/16 7/16 5/16 1/4
1-1/2 1-1/2 1-1/8 7/B 5/8 1/2 3/8 1/4
1-5/8 1-5/8 1-1/4 15/16 11/16 1/2 3/8 5/16
1-3/4 1-3/4 1-5/16 1 3/4 9/16 7/16 5/16
1-7/8 l-7/8 1-7/16 1-1/16 13/16 9/16 7/16 5/16
2 2 1-1/2 1-1/8 7/8 5/8 1/2 3/8
2-1/8 2-1/8 1-5/8 1-3/16 ?/8 11/16 1/2 3/8
2-1/4 2-1/4 1-11/16 1-1/4 15/16 11/16 9/16 3/8
2-3/8 2-3/8 1-13/16 1-5/16 1 3/4 9/16 7/16
2-1/2 2-1/2 l-7/B 1-7/16 1-1/16 13/16 9/16 7/16
2-5/8 2-5/8 2 1-1/2 1-1/8 13/16 5/B 7/16
2-3/4 2-3/4 2-1/ 16 1-9/16 1-1/8 7/8 5/8 U 2

NoTE 1. Waviness denotes the deviation of the top or bottom surface from a
horizontal line, when the plate is resting on a flat surface, as measured in
an increment of.less than 12 ft of length. Tbe waviness tolerance is a
function of tbe flatness tolerance as obtained from table VII.

NOTE 2, When the flatneSs tolerance is l/2-inch or less for plates l/2-inch
or less in thickness, the waviness tolerance shall not apply.

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4.1 Responsibility for inspection. Unless otherwise ‘specified in the

contract or purchase order, the contractor is responsible fo~ the performance
of all inspection requirements (examinations and tests ) as specified herein.
Except as otherwise specified in the contract or purchase order, the
contractor may use his own or any other facilities suitable for the
performance of the inspection requirements specified herein, unless
disapproved by the Government. The Government reserves the right to perform
any of tbe inspections set forth in this specification where such inspections
are deemed necessary to ensure supplies and services. conform to prescribed

4.1.1 Responsibility for compliance. All items shall meet all

requirements of sections 3 and 5. The inspection set forth in this
specification shall become a part of the co,ntractoc’s overall inspection
system or quality program. .The absence of any inspectio? requirements in tbe
specification shall not relieve the contractor of the responsibility of
ensuring that all products or supplies submitted to the Government for
acceptance comply with all requirements of the contract. Sampling inspection,
as part of manufacturing operations, is an acceptable practice to ascectain
conformance Eo requirements, however, this does not authorize submission of
known defective material, ei tber indicated or actual, nor does it commit tbe
Government to accept defective material.

4.2 classification,

4.2.1 Classification of inspection. Tbe inspection requirements

specified herein are classified as follows:

a. First article inspection.

b. QualitY cOnfOrmance in?PectiOn (acceptance) ? First article inspection. When required, the first article

samples submitted in accordance with 3.1, shall be examined for ail the
provisions of this specification applicable to end item examination.

4.2.1 .1.1 First article tests. First article tests (see 6.2) shall consist
of all the tests specified in 4.6.

4.2.1,1.2 First article ballistic test. Unless otherwise specified (see

3.1, 6;2, and 6.11), the first article ballistic test shall not be required
provided (a) the manufacturer, within 37 months, has produced acceptable
platee within the sama nominal thickness ranges of table IX, and (b) his
production conditions are the same as’for previously accepted plates. A
supplier wbo has previously met the first article requirements w“ill furnish
tbe procuring activity the firing record of the ballistic test plate abd other
pertinent data relative to complaince with first article. Neither first
article nor acceptance ballistic tests will be required for plates ordered to’
thicknesses of mor,e than 6.25 inches. Acceptance of these tbir!ker plates will
be based on meeting the other requirements of the specification.

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4.2.1,2 Quality conformance (acceptance) inspection. The acceptance

examination under 4.5 and the tests under 4.6 shall serve as a basis for the
acceptance of individual production lots.

4,3 —Lot. A lot shall consist of all production and ballistic test plates
of the same melt of steel, of the same thickness, having the mme treatment,
and heat-treated with the same thermal cycle in the same production
furnace in the seine facility. When Specified by the procuring activity
(see 4.3.1), production and ballistic test plates may be allowed to be
heat-treated separately. The test plate shall be heat-treated in a production

4,3.1 Separately heat treated ballistic test plate. When the procuring
activity allows a ballistic test plate to be heat-treated separately from the
production plates it represents, (see 6.2) it will be so stated in the data to
be supplied in accordance with MIL-STD-367 (see 6 .13).

4.4 SamplinQ.

4.4,1 First article sampling. Chemical composition. Samples for chemical analysis shall be

taken from each plate selected for the ballistic tests. Impact samples. At least one impact test sample Ghan he taken
from each submitted test plate in accordance with or and each
ehall consist of enough material for four impact specimens.

4,4.1.3 Ultrasonic examination. Each submitted test plate 3/8 inch in

thickness and thicker, shall be ultrasonically examined in accordance with
4.6,5. Ballistic test plates. Three ballistic test plates for each
thickness ranoe (see table Ix) shall be randomly selected and
submitted for ballistic test. Any thickness within the range may be chosen to
represent any other thickness in the range but the three plates submitted must
be of the same ordered thickness. Unless otherwise sPecified, the average
thickness of each test plate shall be determined at the teat site by the test
agency as indicated in,

4.4.2 Sampling for quality conformance inspection. For chemical analysis. At least One sample for chemical analysis
shall be taken from each heat in accordance with the applicable IIethod
specified in ASTM A751 (Bee 6.6).

4.4,2,2 For hardness test. The Brinell hardness of each plate as heat
treated in each lot up to 1 1/2” thick shall be measured in two places, one at
each end of a diagnal on one plate surface. The Brinell hardness of each
plate as beat-tzeated in each lot over 1 1/2” thick shall be measured in four
places, one at each end of a diagonal on both plate surfaces.

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MIL-A-12560H(MR) For Charpy V-notch impact tests. At least one sample shall be
taken from a plate representing each lot for Charpy V-notch impact tests. The
sample shall be the same thickness as the plate they represent and large
enough to obtain at least two specimens, in each direction, from each sample
in accordance with 4.6.3.

4.4,2.4 Ultrasonic examination. All plates over 1/2 inch in thickness

shall be examined ultrasonically. Tbe ultrasonic examination shall be
performed in accordance with 4.6.5.

4,4.2.5 For ballistic acceptance SamPleS. Unless otherwise specified in

the contract or order, one test plate shall be submitted from each lot. Tbe
minimum plate size shall be as shown in table IX.for the applicable
thickness. unless otherwise specified, the average thickness of. each test
plate shall be determined at the test site by taking the average of four
thickness measurements. Measurements shall be made at least 1 inch from each
edge but preferably at random in. the intended imPact area. Thickness
measurements for plates .UP to and includin9 2.?50 inch shall be read tO the
nearest 0.001 inch. Plates over 2.750 inch shall be read to the nea~est 0.01
inch. If a producer submits plates outside the specified plate tolerances
(see tables III, IV and V) the procuring activity shall be notified. A check
list, Format I of MIL-STD-367 (see 6.7), shall be completed and submitted with
each ballistic test plate.

4.5 Examination.

4.5.1 Visual. All steel plate shall be subject t~.visual inspection for
compliance -he requirements for surf ace conditions’ (see 3.2.10. 1), edge
quality (see and and identification marking (see 3.2.8).

4.5.2 Dimensions. All steel plates shall be subject to inspection for

compliance with dimensional and tolerance requirements (3.2.7 ). Each class 1
and class 2 plate shall be inspected using a calibrated micrometer at three
evenly distributed points 3/8 to 3/4 inches’ in from the longitudinal edge and
at two evenly distributed points along each transverse edge. Each class 3
armor plate shall be divided into one foot squares painted on one surface and
the results of each. thickness measurement shall be painted in the square in
which it was taken.

4.5.3 Preparation for shipment. Examination shall be made to determine

compliance with the requirements for preparation for shipment (see section 5 ).

4.6.1 Chemical analysis. Chemical analysis shall be conducted in

accordance with the applicable method specified in ASTM A751 (see 6.6). The
analysis shall comply with the declared composition established in accordance
with the requirement of table I (see 3.2.2).

4.6.2 Hardness tests. Brinell hardness tests shall be conducted in

accordance with either ASTM E1O or ASTM E11O using a 10 mm carbide ball and a
3000 kilogram load. surface scale and decarburization shall be removed from
the areas where the tests are to be made. Hardness tests may be made on the
surfaces of pieces cut from the plate after heat treatment.

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TABLE IX. Ballistic test plate sizes and corresponding test projectiles
for first article and acceptance testing.

Nominal thickness Minimum SiZe (a) Of Test projectile

range (iIICheB) test plates (inches) and obliquity

0.25 to 0.565 incl. 12 X 36 Cal .30AP, )42 at 0°

0,565 to 1,125 incl. 12 X 36 Cal .50AP, M2 at 0°

1.126 to 2.750 incl. 12 X 36 20-mm APIT, M602 at 0°

2.751 to 3.500 incl, 60 X 60 90-mm APC, M82 at 450

.3.501 to 3.999 incl. 60 X 60 90-mm APC, M82 at 30°

4.000 to 6.250 incl 60 X 60 90-mm AP, M318 at 0°

Over 6.251 (b)

NOTE: (a) Other sizes may be submitted for the convenience of the manufacturer
if approved by the ArmOK Vulnerability Divi8ion, USAcs!rA, Aberdeen Proving
(b) No ballistic test required.

4.6. 2.1 Hardness teets on impact test specimens. Except as provided in

4,6,2,2, each sample from which impact test specimens are taken shall have a
hardness check made upon it as follows: For samples 1/4 to 1/2. inch inclusive
the hardness check shall be made on the surface. For samples of 1/2 inch upto
4 inches in thickness, at least two hardnees tests shall be taken from
anadjacent location, midway between the surfaces of the plate. Fox samples of
4 inches in thickness or greater, at least six hardness tests shall be made at
equal intervals across the plate thickness. Rockwell bardnese tests on impact specimens. At the option of

tbe contractor at least two Rockwell C hardness tests may be made on each
impact test specimen sampled from each lot. The test specimens shall be
prepared and tested in accordance with ASTM E18. The average shall not exceed
the maximum requirement for thickness specified in table II.

4,6,3 Charpy V-notch impact tests. At leaSt two Charpy V-notch impact
test specimens shall be taken in each direction from each sample as obtained
in accordance with or, and shall be prepared and tested in
accordance with ASTM E23. For samples’ less than 4 inches in thickness. Charpy v-notch

impact test specimens from samples less than 4 inches in thickness shall be
taken in both tbe TL orientation and in the LT (see orientation from
a location midway between the top and bottom surfacea of the plate and at
least 4 inches or 2T, whichever is less, from any quenched edge as well as
outside the heat affected zone of any thermal-cut edge. When tbe amount of
material available ia insufficient to obtain standard specimens, tbe largest

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attainable subsize Charpy V-notch impact specimens shown in figure 4 of ASTM

E23 shall be used, and the results compared to tbe applicable requirements of
table VI.
I For samples 4 inches or greater in thickness. Charpy V-notch
impact test specimens from samples 4 inches or greater in thickness shall be
taken from a location such that the centerlines of the specimens are
approximately 1 inch below the surface of the plate and at least 4 inches from
any quenched edge as well as outside the heat-affected zone of any thermally-
cut edge.

4.6.4 Ballistic Tests. Ballistic testing of armor plate shall be

conducted at a Government test facility specified in the contract or order “or
at a test facility aPProved by tbe Government. Testing shall be conducted in
accordance with the requirements of the Appendix.

4 .6.5 Ultrasonic examination.

4.6,5.1 Inspection equipment. The ultrasonic soundness inspection

equipment Bhall conform to ASTti A578. Procedure. Unless otherwise specified (see 6.2) the ultrasonic

examination shall be carried out in accordance with ASTM A578 with the
following exceptions:

(a) Scanning shall be continuous over 100% of the plate surface.

(b) Scanning rate shall be at a speed where recordable discontinuities
can be detected.
(c) The testing frequency shall be a minimum of 2 megahertz (MHz).
(d) AnY area within a plate where a discontinuity produces a ccmti”uous
total lass of back reflection accompanied by continuous indications
on the same plane that cannot be encompassed within a circle whose
diameter is l-in. shall be cause for rejection of that plate. All
discontinuities will be evaluated using a frequency of 2 megahertz
(MHz). Certification of inspection’ personnel. Unless otherwise

specified (see 6.2), personnel performing ultrasonic inspection shall comply
with the qualification requirements of MIL-sTD-41O, level 1, or equivalent, as
determined by QSTAG 335. Personnel making accept/reject decisions in
accordance with the process described by this specification shall be qualified
to at least a level II per MIL-sTD-41O or equivalent, as determined by QSTAG

4.6.6 Reduced testing. At the discretion of the procuring activity, the

amount of testing may be reduced provided the results on consecutive@ lots
indicate that a “satisfactory uniform product meeting the testing requirements
is being produced (see 6,2) . Reduced teeting shall be in accordance with a
system previously approved or established by the procuring activity involved.

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4.6.7 Rejection and retest.

4.6 ,7.1 Rejection, Unless otherwi8e specified in the contract or order

(see 6.2), failure of the first article samples to meet the requirements of
this specification shall he cause for rejection of the process, and failure of
the acceptance samples to meet the requirements of this specification shall be
cause for rejection of the lot (see -. Unless a specific retest. procedure is specified in the

contrack or order (see 6.2), two retest samples shall be submitted for each
failed sample. Failure of either of the retest samples (plates) shall be
cause foc rejection of the material. First article retests shall not be
permitted until the supplier has made the necessary corrections in the
processing of the material to tbe satisfaction of the procuring activity.

4.6.8 Hardness traverse test. Prior to production to assure compliance

to paragraph, the size of the heat affected zone for thermally cut
edges shall be determined by takin9 Rockwell c hardness tests at 1/16 inch
increments from the edge. Surface scale and decarburization shall be removed
from the test surface. The distance at which there is no change in surface
hardness shall be considered the depth of the heat affected zone. The
contractor ehall document the test results for each thickness and thermal
cutting method used in production. The contractor is also responsible fOr
documenting all heat input controls to assure the cutting process is under
control. Re-verification of heat affected zone size for subsequent production
lots is not required provided there is no change in the cutting method or heat
input from that previously tested. Tbe records shall he available for KeVieW
by the cognizant government representative.


5.1 Preservation and packagi”n~. Unless otherwise specified in the

contract or order, preservation and packaging shall be level” C (see 6.2).

5.1.1 Level C. Cleaning, drying, preservation, and packaging shall be in

accordance with manufacturer’s commercial practice.

5,2 Packing. Unless otherwise specified in the contract or order,

packing shall he level C (see 6.2).

5.2.1 Level c. All plates shall be packed for shipment in such a manner
‘as to ensure acceptance and safe delivery by tbe carrier for the mode of
transportation employed.

5.3 Markinq. In addition to any special marking specified in the

contract or order, shipments shall be marked in accordance with the
requirements of the cognizant activity.


(This section contains information of a general or explanatory nature that

may be helpful, but is not mandatory. )

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I MIL-A-12560H(MR)

6.1 Intended use. The armor specified herein is intended for use on
combat vehicles and proof and acceptance testing of armor defeating
ammunition. but mav also be applicable to armor for emplacements, shields,
pill boxes: testin~,, and the i~ke.

~ 6.1.1 Class 1, Class-1 wrought armor is intended for use in those areas
where maximum resistance to penetration by armor piercing types of ammunition
is required.

6.1.2 Class 2. Class-2 wrought armor. is intended for use in those areas
where maxim-stance .to failure under conditions of high rates of shock
loading is required and where resistance to penetration by armor piercing
ammunition is of secondary importance. It is intended for use as protection
against anti-tank land mines,. hand grenades, bursting shells, and otbec blast-
producing weapons,

6.1.3 Class 3. Class 3 wrought armor is intended for use in the proof
and acceptance testing of armor defeating ammunition. This class is not
intended for. use in combat vehicles. Lift hole requirements for class 3 armor
will be specified by the procuring activity.

6.2 Ordering data. Procurement documents should specify:

6.2.1 Procurement requirements.

a. Title, number, and date of this specification.

b. Class of steel.
c. If first article eample is required (see 3.1) ,
d, If local or general heating is permitted (see
e. If weld repairing is permitted (see
f. Dimensional IegUirementS (see 3.2.7 ).
9. Name of inspecting agency when inspection shall be performed
by other than the contractor (see 4.1) .
b. When a special first article ballistic test is required
(see 3.1, 4.2.1,1.2 and 6.11).
i. If ballistic test plates may be separately heat-treated from the
production plates it represents, (see 4.,3.1).
j. If ballistic acceptance samples should be other than in
k. If ultrasonic examination is to be different than
1. If certification of inspection pereon.nel is different from 4,6.5.3.
m. If rejection and retesting differs from 4.6.7.
n. Tbe reduced testing plan when applicable (see 4.6.8).
0. Preparation for delivery if different than specified in.
section 5.
P. If lifting holes are required (see 6.1.3).

6.2.2 Consideration of data requirements. The following data

requirements should be considered when this specificat.io” is applied on a
contract. The applicable Data Item Descriptions (DID’s) should be reviewed in
conjunction with the specific acquisition to ensure that only essential data
are requested/provided and that the DID’s are tailored to reflect the
requirements of the specific acquisition. To ensure correct contractual
aPPl ication of the’ data Sequi Zemen!s, a Contract Data Requirements List (DD
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~ MIL-A-12560H(MR)

Form” 1423 ) must be prepared to obtain the data, except where DOD FAR
Supplement 27.475-1 exempts the requirement Ear a DO Form 1423.
I Reference Para. DID Number DID Title

3.1 UDI-T-23790 Report, FiKat Article ---

3.2.9 UDI-T-23264 Certification Data Report ---
3,2.2 DI-MISC-80073 Armoc Material Test Reports Format I

(copies of data item descriptions related to this specification, and

identified in section 6 will be approved and listed as such in DOD 501O.12L,
Vol. 11, AMSDL. Copies of data item descriptions required by the contractors
in connection with specific acquisition functions should be obtained from the
Standardization Documents OrdeK Desk, Sldg. 4D, 700 Robbins Avenue,
Philadelphia, PA 19111-5094

6.3 Thickness. The symbol ‘T” is used throughout this specification to

indicate the nominal thickness of the plate under consideration.

6,4 Definitions.

6.4.1 Contractor. The contractor is the company which has a direct

contract from the Government to furnish an end item - usually a vehicle. Also
knows as the prime contractor.

6.4.2 Contracting officer. The term “contracting off icer” means the
person executing a contract on bebalf of the Government and any other officer
or civilian employee who is properly designated contracting officer; and the
term includes, except ae otherwise provided, the authorized representative of
a contracting officer acting within the limits of his authority.

6.4.3 Homogeneous rolled armor. Homogeneous rolled a~m?r is armor having

uniform composition and heat treatment throughout.

6.4.4 Manufacturer. The manufacturer is defined as the company producing

the steel alloy plate.

6.4.5 Procuring activity. The term ‘procuring activity” iS that aCtiVitY

of the Government which actually initiates the request for procurement and
maintains tbe records of the procurement.

6.4.6 Slivere. An imperfection coneiating of a very thin elongated Piece

of metal attached by only one end to the parent metal into whose surface it
has been worked.

6.4.7 ~. A surface imperfection with the appearance Of a seam,. caused

by hot metal, fins or sharp corners being folded Over and thus being fOrged Or
rnlled into the surface but without being welded.

6.4.8 _. Numerous very fine cracks at tbe aurfac~ Of a metal Part.

Checks may appear during processing or during service and are most often
associated with thermal cycling or thermal treatment. Also called check
markg, checking, heat check8.

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I MIL-A-12560H(MR)

6.4.9 g. An unwelded fold, or lap that appears as a.crack, usuallY

resulting from a discontinuity on a metal surface.
6.4.10 Blisters. A raised area, often dome shaped, resulting from
~ delamination under pressure of expanding gas trapped in a metal in a near
sub-surface zone. Very small blisters may. be called pinhead blishers OK
pepper blisters.

6.4.11 =. Any crooked surface imperfection in a metal plate,

~ resembling a Snake,

6.4.12 Cold shuts. Freezing of tbe top surface of an ingot before mold
is full.

6.4,13 Burning. Permanently damaged metal due to overheating enough to

cause incipient melting or intergranular oxidations. Note: This condition is
usually obscured by normal cleaning methods and would require deep pickling
and/or metallography to note tbe continuous oxidation (chicken wire effect) of
the enlarged grain boundaries.

6.4.14 Lamination. A type of discontinuity with separation or weakness

generally aligned parallel to direction of the worked surface of the Metal and
way be tbe result .of pipe, blisters, seams, inclusions, Or ae9re9ati0nj
elongated and made directional by working.

6.4.15 ~. A cavity or depressed area on tbe surface of “a plate.

6.4.16 Linear indication. For nondestructive eXaIhinakiOn purposes, a

linear indication is evidence of a discontinuity that requires interpretation
to determine its significance.

6.5 Changes in composition. Changes in composition shall not necessarily

be cause for retesting but shrill be subject to review by the procuring
activity to determine whether additional ‘first article testing is required.

6.6 Chemical Analysis. Suggested ASTM instrumental Methods that can be

used are chemical analysis E415, E282, E484 and E322. ASTM A751 should be
consulted for a complete list of methods.

6.7 MIL-STD-367 . Format I of MIL-STD-367 replaces POKm MIL12560 and TAC

Form 3983,

6.8 Potential suppliers. Potential suppliers who have not previously

supplied armor plate to ‘MIL-A-12560 and wish to have their’ material
ballistically tested, may do so at their own expense. It is recommended that
inquiries for such testing be directed to Commander, US Army CSTA, AT2Ti:
STECS-LI-A,. Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD 21005-5059.

6.9 New contracts sponsored by government agencies. At tbe time that a

new contract is initiated for the production. of combat vehicles, the
contractor’s supplier is to ‘estimate the number, size and delivery schedule of
the ballistic test plates which are to be submitted for first article or
acceptance testing. A lead time of 60 days after tbe contract has been signed
is to be allowed prior to shipment of the first ballistic test plate(s) to AFG

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to insure that all administrative functions for the establishment of a new

TECOM pto]eCk have been completed in preparation for the teat, The
contracting government a9ency is to initiate the new project through a letter
to Commander, US Army TECOM, ATTN: AMSTE-TA-0, APG, MD 21005-5055 requesting
a cost estimate for the ballistic testing of the applicable number of sizes of
plates. In the case of increases in scope of existing projects, similar
correspondence is needed.

6.10 Metric units. When metric dimensions are required, units for inch,
foot, foot-pounds and feet Psr second may be converted to the metric
equivalent by multiplying them hy the following conversion factors:

To go from TO get
English Multiplv by Metric S1 unit
inch 0.0254 metre (m)
foot 0.3048 metre (m)
foot-lb 1.3558 joule (J)
feet/see 0.3048 metre per second (m/s)

NOTE: COnVer SiOn faCtOKS Can be associated with ASTM E380 entitled ‘Metric
Practice Guide. m

6.11 Special first article ballistic test. Special first article

ballistic tests are required when tbe manufacturer changes either the melting
procedure or heat treatment or the declared chemistry of tbe armor.

6.12 Fabrication. The armor plate covered by this specification is

eubject to fabrication involving cutting, drilling, forming and welding. It
is intended that selection and control of chemical composition, cleanliness,
and plate processing will be ouch that the armor will be suitable for
fabrication under procedures and controls such as specified fn MIL-STD-1941,
Metal–Arc Welding of Homogeneous ArIiIOr.

6.13 Production plates. Material made to this specification has a

tendency to develop stress cracks if not tempered as Boon as possible after
austenizing treatment. TO avoid this situation all plates should be left in
the hot-rolled or tempered condition while waiting for the ballistic test

6.14 Subject term (key word) Iistinq

AKMOK plate 0.30 caliber AP, M2 projectile

Steel 20 mm AP-T, M602 projectile
Homogeneous 5 mm AP, M70 projectile
Ballistia limit 90 mm AP, M318 projectile
0.50 caliber API M2 projectile 90 mm AP, M82 projectile

6.15 Changes from previous issue. Marginal notations are not used in this
revision to identify changes with respect to the previous issue due to the
extensiveness of the changes.

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Custodian: Preparing activity:

Army - NR Army - MR

Review activi ties: Project 9515 -A057

Army - AR, Al’, AV, TE
DLA - 1S


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10.1 This appendix covers the requirements for ballistic testing of

wrought homogeneous steel armor plate.


20.1 Fair impact.

20.1.1 Caliber .30 AP through 20 mm tests. A fair impact 16 an impact

resulting from tbe striking of the test plate by a projectile in normal flight
(KKOeXCeSSiVe YaWin9 or tumbling) and separated from another impact or the
edge of the plate, hole, crack or spalled area by an undisturbed area of at
least two test projectile diameters.

20 ,1.2 57mm AP and larger calibers. A fair impact is an impact resulting

from the striking of the test plate by a projectile in normal flight (no
yawing or tumbling) and separated frDm anothez impact or from the edge of
plate, hole, crack or spalled area by at least one test projectile diameter of
undisturbed area.

20.2 witness plate. A witness plate is nDrmally a 0.014 inch thick sheet
of 5052 aluminum alloy (or a 0.020 inch thick sheet of 2024-T3 aluminum alloy
placed 6 inches (~ 1/2 inch) behind and parallel to tbe test plates or other
ballistic sample,

20,3 Complete penetration, protection, CP (P).

20.3.1 For caliber .30AP M2 through 20mm API-T M602. A protection

complete penetration occurs when the projectile oc one or more fragments of a
projectile or plate pass beyond the back of the test plate and perforates the
witness plate.

20.3.2 For Projectiles larger than 20mm. A protection complete

penetration occurs when one ‘or more fragments of a projectile or plate has
been ejected from the rear of the plate as determined by visual inspection.

20.4 Partial penetration, protection, PP (P). ‘A partial penetration is

any impact that is not a complete penetration.

20.5 ~. The difference in velocity between the high partial

penetration velocity and the low complete penetration velocity used in
computing the ballistic limit where the high partial penetration velocity is
lower than the low complete penetration velocity.
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20.6 Protection ballistic limit, BL(P).

20.6.1 Caliber .30 AP, M2 caliber .50 AP M2, 20NN API-T M602 penetration
=. The BL(P) shall consist of an equal number of fair impact complete and
partial penetration velocities attained by the up-and-down firin9 method. All
EL(P) ‘s shall be computed using the highest partial penetration velocities and
the lowest complete penetration velocities. Firing shall continue until
either a 4 round BL(P) having a maximum velocity spread of 60 fps or a 6 round
BL(P) having a maximum .velocity spread of 90 fps has’been attained, whichever
comes first in the normal .vequence of firing. If both occur simultaneously,
the 6 round BL(P) will be reported. f.

20.6 .1.1 In the event that the zone of mixed results (difference between
the high partial penetration velocity and the low complete penetration
velocity, the PP(P) velocity being bigber. than the low CP(P ) VelOCitY) exceeds
90 fps, the firing data will be compared. with the specification minimum
~ ballistic requirements. If the lowest complete penetration VelOCitY iS eqUal
to or above the minimum specified ballistic limit velocity for the plate
thickness, the ballistic limit will be computed on the basis of 4 or 6 rounds
using the smallest possible velocity spread. If the lowest. complete
penetration velocity is below tbe m“inimum allowable ballistic limit velocity
then testing will continue until a ten round ballistic limit has been attained
using the smallest possible velocity spread.

20.6.2 57mm AP, M70 and larger caliber projectiles. For the purpose of
this specification, the protection ballistic limit is the average of four fair
protection criteria impact velocities comprising tbe first two lowest
velocities in the firing order resulting in complete penetrations and the
first two highest velocities in the firing order resulting in partial
penetrations which meet the condition that the velocitY spread fOr the 4
rounds shall not exceed 100 fps.

20.6.3 Reduction of large velocity gap in borderline cases. If the

ballistic limit which has been determined is within ~ 10 fps from the minimum
allowable ballistic .limit and a gap exists which is greater that 25 fps, then
another round, or rounds, will be fired to reduce the gap to 25 fps or less.
The ballistic limit will then be recomputed using the criteria of paragraphs
20,6.1 or 20.6.2 as applicable. The recomputed BL(P) will be reparted as ‘tie
BL(P) of tbe plate (in borderline cases a reduction of the gap between the
high partial penetration velocity and the low complete velocity should result
in a better evaluation of the BL(P) .


30,1 Resistance to peiletration. The minimum acceptable ballistic Iimi ts

shall be in accordance with the values shown in tables X through SVII.

30,1.1 For class 3 armor plate, upper ballistic limit (maximum) values
shall be as specified in the applicable footnotes of tables X through XVII.

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. .

30.2 Back spallinq,

30,2.1 Plates 1/2 to 11/16 inch in thickness. Plates of these ordered

thickness shall bs .vubjectsd to a backspall test consisting of firing two
rounds of 20 mm AP M95 ammunition at a 0° obliquity at the test 91ete. The
striking velocity shall be in the velocity range of 2500-2550 fps. The
maximum allowable backspall dimension shall be 1 5/8 inches.

30.2.2 Plates 3/4 inch and greater in thicknsss. Spalling shall not
exceed 2.0 tsst projectile diameters after proof firing at normal obliquity in
accordance with the appropriate table of the Appendix, and shall not exceed
2.5 test projectile diameters in the case of oblique psnstration tests.

30.3 Crackinq.

30,S.I 00 ~ b ~iq uity a tt a c k. Immediately after ballistic testin91

plates subje=ted to 0° obliquity attack shall not develop any crack which,
when measured from the center of impact, extends outside a circle having a
radius equivalent to twice the test projectile diameter.

30.3.2 Oblique attack. Immediately after ballistic testing, plates

subject to oblique attack shall not develop any crack which, when meaeured
from the center’ of impact, extends outside a circle having a radius equivalent
to three test pro jsctile diameters.

30.4 Rejection. Failure to meet any of the ahove requirements shall be

cauee fOK plate rejection.


40,1 Ballistic teStB. v50 ballistic tests shall be peffOrm@d in

accordance with USATECOM TOP 2-2-710, Ballistic Tests of Armor Materials to
determine compliance with the requirements of tables X through XVII.

40.1.1 Plate thickness as measured by the ballistic test agency shall be

used to detecmine the required ballistic limit for the plate. The required
ballistic limit will be determined by interpolation of the tabled”’in the
AppendiX, if necessary.

40,1.2 Lift hole requirement for test plates.

40,1.2.1 Ballistic acceptance testing plates.

a. Ballistic acceptance test plates far either class 1 or armo~ which are
less than 2.751 inches ordered thickness are to be supPlied without a lifting

b. Ballistic acceptance test Plates for either Class 1 or 3 armor which

are inches through 6.25 inches thick shall be provided with 3-inch
diameter lifting holes, one in each of two adjacent sides an showh in figure 1.

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I MIL-A-12560H(MR)


~ 40.1.3 Rejection and retest of ballistic plates.

‘ First article tests (rejection). Unless noted otherwise in the

contract or order, failure of any one or more of the three first article”.test ..?<
plates to meet the minimum’ ballistic requirements as specified “in the APPendix
to this specification indicates failure of the product and process. First artiCle (Ket&tS). Resubmission of ballistic retest plates

shall not be made until the manufacturer has made the necessary corrections in
the processing of the material to the satisfaction of the procuring activity.
Three retest plates must “be submitted for first article testing and all three
I must pass. Acceptance tests (rejection) . Unless otherwise noted in the

contract OK order, failure of a test plate tO.meet the ballistic requirement
indicates failure of the lot, however, the final decision will depend on the
outcome of retests,. if submitted.

40.1,3.4 Acceptance tests (retests). If a test plate representing a lot

fails to meet the ballistic requirement, the manufacturer has the following
options: Immediately upon notification of the failure, he may:

(1) At his Own expense submit two additional test plates from the same
lot for ballistic retest, or

(2 ) He may first re-beat treat (quenching. and tempering] the lot and
then submit a test plate from the re-treated lot, or

(3 ) He may scrap the lot and submit a plate representing a new lot for

If he chooses any one of these options and the ballistic. retest plate (or
plates) meet the requirements then the lot represented is acceptable. If he
, chooses option (1) and one or both of tbe retest plates fail, the manufacturer
may ce-heattreat the lot and submit a test plate from tbe retreated lot. If
this plate fails tbe lot is rejected. If he chooses option (3) and the test
plate fails, he may again resort to any one of the ‘three options.

40.1,4 Disposition of ballistic test plateS. First article test plates. upon request of the applicant within
15 days after ballistic testing, first’ article plates will be returned “as isn
to the applicant, at bis expense, unless the plates were destroyed in testing.

40,1.4,2 Acceptance test plates. Acceptance test plates that comply with
the requirements of this specification are considered as part of the lot of
steel they represent and ownership of them passes to tbe Government with tbe
acceptance of that lot. Acceptance test plates that fail to comply with the
requirements of this specification are considered as part of the lot they
represent and remain tbe property of the producer just as the rejectable lot
does. The failed plates will be returned, upon request, as in

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NIL-A-12560 H(MR)


TABLE X. Minimum required ballistic limits (protection criteria)

firing obliquity: OO; projectile: Caliber .30AP, M2.

Thickness, Required Thickness, Required Thickness, Required

inchss BL(P), fPS inches BL(P), fDS inches BL(P), fps

0,230 1509 0.355 1994 0.480 2385

.235 1532 .360 2011 .485 2400
.240 1554 .365 2028 .490 2414
.245 1575 .370 2045 .495 2428
*.250 1596 .375 2062 .500 2442
.255 1618 .380 2u78 .505 2456
.260 1638 .385 2095 .510 2470
,265 1659 .390 2111 .515 2484
,270 1679 .395 2127 .520 2498
.275 1699 ,400 2143 .525 2512
.280 1719 .405 2159 .530 2525
.285 1739 .410 2175 .535 2539
,290 1758 .415 2191 .540 25S2
.295 1778 .420 2206 .545 2566
.300 1797 .425 2222 .550 2579
.305 1815 .430 2237 .555 2593
.310 1834 .435 2252 .56o 2606
.315 1853 .440 2267 **,565 2619
.320 1871 .445 2282 ,570 2632
.325 1889 .450 2297 .575 2645
.330 1907 .455 2312 .580 2658
.335 1925 ,460 2327 .585 2671
.340 1942 .465 2342 .590 2684
,345 1960 .470 2356 .595 2697
,330 1977 .475 2371 .600 2710
*Specification requirements begin for this ordered tbicknese.
**specification requirements end for this ordered thickness.

NOTE 1: Tabulated values on either side of the specification requirements

are for interpolation of BL(P) requirements on undersize or over-
size plates.

NOTE 2: For Class 3 armor the upper ballistic limit (maximum) shall not be
greater than 141 fps above tbe required lower ballistic limit

Downloaded from http://www.everyspec.com

MI L-A-12560 H(MR]


TABLE XI. Minimum required ballistic limits (protection criteria)

firing obliquity: OO; projectile: Caliber ..50 AP, M2.

Thickness, Required Thickness, Required Thickness, Required

inches EL(P), fps inches “BL(P), fps inches t3L(P), fps
0.550 1901 9.765 2305 0.985 2658
.555 1911 .770 2314 0.990 26b5
.560 1922 .775 2322 0.995 2673
.565 1932 .78IJ 2331 1.000 2680
*.566 1934 .785 2339 1.005 2688
.570 1942 .790 2348 1.010 2695
.575 1952 .795 2356 1.015 2702
.580 1962 .800 2365 1.020 2710
.585 1972 .805 2373 1.025 2717
.590 1982 .810 2382 1.030 2724
.595 1992 .815 2390 1.035 2732
,600 2002 .820 2398 1.040 2739
.605 2012 .825 2406 1.045 2746
.610 2022 .830 2415 1.050 2754
.,615 2031 .B35 2423 1.055 2761
.620 2041 .840 2431 1.o6o 2768
.625 2051 .845 2439 1.065 2775
.630 2060 .850 2447 1.070 2782
.635 2070 .855 2455 1.075 2790
.640 2079 .860 2464 1.080 2797
.645 2089 .865 2472 1.085 2804
.650 2098 .870 2480 1.090 2811
.655 2108 .875 2488 1.095 2818
.660 2117 .880 2496 1.100 2825
.665 2126 .885 2504 1.105 2832
.670 2136 .890 2511 1.110 2839
.675 2145 .895 2519 1.115 2846
.680 2154 ..900 2527 1.120 2B53
.685 2163 .905 2535 **1.125 2860
.690 2173 .910 2543 1.130 2867
.695 2182 .915 .2551 .1,135 2874
.700 2191 .92o 2559 1.140’ 2881
.705 2200 .925 2566 1.145 2888
..710 2209 .930 2574 1.150 2895
.715 2218 .935 2582 1.155 2902
.720 2227 .940 2590 1.160 2909
.725 2235 .945 2597 1.165 2915
.730 2244 .950 2605 1.170 2922
.735 2253 .955 2612 1.i75 2929
.740 2262 .96o 2620 1.180 2936
.745 2271 .965 2628 1.185 2943
.750 2279 .970 2635 1.190 2949
.755 2288 .975. 2643 1.195 2956
.760 2297 .980 2650 1.200 2963
*Specification requirements begin for this ordered thickness.
**s~ecification requirements en: for this ordered thickness.
NOTE 1: Tabulated values on either side of the specification requirements are
for interpolation of BL(P) requirements on undersize or oversize plates
NOTE 2: For Class 3 armor tbe upper ballistic limit (maximum) shall not be
Vgreaterthan 146 fps above the required lower ballistic limit (minimum).
Downloaded from http://www.everyspec.com



TABLE XII , Minimum required V50 ballistic limits (protection

criteria) firing obliquity 0° , projectile caliber
20mm AP-T, M602.

ThicknesB Required Thickness Required Thickness Required

Inches BL(P) ,FPS Inches BL(P), FPS Inches BL(P), FPS

1.100 1933 1.370 2234 1.650 2505

1.110 1945 1.380 2244 1.660 2514
1.120 1957 1.390 2254 1.670 2524
*1.126 1964 1.400 2265 1.680 2533
1.130 1969 1.410 2275 1.690 2542
1.140 1981 1.420 2285 1.700 2551
1.150 1993 1.430 2295 1.710 2560
1.160 2004 1,440 2305 1.720 2568
1.170 2016 1.450 2315 1.730 2586
1.180 2027 1.460 2325 1.740 2595
1.190 2039 1.470 2335 1.750 2604
1,200 2050 1,480 2344 1.760 2613
1.210 2061 1.490 2354 1.770 2613
1.22(I 2073 1.500 2364 1.780 2621
1.230 2084 1.510 2374 1.790 2630
1.240 2095 1.520 2383 1.800 2639
1.250 2106 1.530 2393 1.810 2647
1.260 2117 1.540 2403 1.820 2656
1.270 2128 1.550 2412 1.830 2664
1.280 2139 1.560 2422 1.840 2673
1,290 2149 1.570 2431 1.850 2681
1.300 2160 1.580 2440 1.860 2690
1.310 2171 1.590 2450 1.870 2698
1.320 2181 1.600 2459 1.880 2707
,1.330 2192 1.610 2468 1.890 2715
1.340 2203 1.620 2478 1.900 2723
1.350 2213 1.630 2487 1.910 2732
1.360 2223 1.640 2496 1.920 2740

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TABLE XII , Minimum required V50 ballistic limits (protection

criteria) firing obliquity 00, projectile calibei
20mm AP-T, M602. (Continued)

Thickness Required Thickness Required Thickness Required

Inches BL(P), FPS Inches BL(P), FPS Inches BL(P), FpS

1.930 .2748 2.250 3000 2.570 .3231

1.940 2757. 2.260 3008 2.580 3238
I 1.950 2765 2.270 3015 .2.590 3245
I 1.960 2773 2.280 3023 2.600 3252
.. . 27S1 2.290 3030 2.610 3259
1.980 27S9 2.300 3038 2.620 3265
1.990 2798 2.310 3045 2.630 3272
2.000 2S06 2.320 3052 2.640 3279
2.010 2S14 2.330 3060 2.650 3286
2,020 2822 2.340 3067 2.660 3293
2.030 2S30 2,350 3075 2.670 3299
2,040 3838 2.360 3082 2.680 .3306
2,050 3S46 2.37o 3089 2.690 3313
2.060 2854 2.380 3096 2.700 3320
2.070 2862 2.390 3104 2.710 3326
2.080 2870 2.400 3111 2,720 333.3
2.090 2877 2.410 .3118 2.730 .3340
2.100 2885 2.420 3125 2.740 3346
2.110 2S93 2.430 3132 ** 2.750 3353
2.120 2901 2.44o 3140 2.760 3360
2.130 2909 2.450 3147 2.770 3366
2.140 2916 2.46o 3154 2.780 3373
2.150 2924 2.470 3161 2.790 3380
2.160 2932 2.480 316S .2.800 3386
2.170 2940 2.49o 3175 2.810 3393
2.180 2947 2.500 3182
2.190 2955 ‘2.51O 3189
2.200 2963 2.520 3196
2.210 2970 2.530 3203
2.220 2978. 2.540 3210
2.230 29S5 2.550 3217
2.240 2993 2.S60 3224

* Specification requirements begin for this ordered thickness.

**specification requirements end for this ordered thickness.

NOTE : Tabulated values on either side of the specification requirements are

for interpolation of, BL(P) requirements on undersize or oversize plates.

Downloaded from http://www.everyspec.com



TABLE XI IA. Upper ballistic limits for class 3 armor firing

obliquity O degrees, projectile 20 mu AP-T, M602.

!rhiokness Required Thickness Required Thickness Required

Inches BL(P), FPS Inches BL(P), FPS Inches BL(P), FPS

1.100 2042 1.490 2501 1.s90 2902

1.110 2055 1.500 2512 1.900 2911
1.120 206S 1.510 2523 1.910 2921
*1,126 2076 1.520 2534 1.920 2930
1.130 2081 1.530 2544 1.930 2939
1.140 2094 1.540 2555 1.940 2948
1.150 2106 1.550 2565 ‘1.950 2958
1.160 2119 1.560 2576 1.960 2967
1.170 2131 1,570 25S6 1.970 2976
1.180 2144 1.580 2597 1.980 2985
1.190 2156 1,590 2607 1.990 2994
1.200 2169 1.600 2617 2.000 3003
1.210 2181 1.610 2628 2,010 3012
1.220 2193 1.620 2638 2.020 3021
1.230 2205 1.630 2648 2.030 3030
1.240 2217 1.640 265S 2.040 3039
1.250 2229 1.650 2668 2.050 3U48
1.260 2241 1.660 2678 2.060 3057
1.270 2253 1.670 2689 2.070 3066
1.280. 2265 1.680 2699 2.080 3075
1.290 2277 1,690 2709 2.090 3084
1.300 2289 1.700 2719 2.100 3093
1.310 2300 1.710 2728 2.110 3102
1.320 2312 1.720 2738 2.120 3H0
1.330 2323 1.730 274S 2,130 3119
1.340 2335 1.740 275S 2.140 3128
1.350 2346 1.750 2768 2.150 3137
1.360 2358 1.760 277s 2.160 3145
1.370 2369 1.770 27S7 2.170 3154
1.380 23S0 1.780 2797 2,180 3163
1.390 2392 1.790 2807 2.190 3171
1.400 2403 1.s00 2816 2.200 3180
; 1,410 2414 1.810 2826 2.210 3188
1.420 2425 1.820 2836 2.220 3197
1.430 2436 1.830 2845 2.230 3206
1.440 2447 1.s40 2855 2.240 3214
2.450 245S 1.s50 2S64 2.250 3223
2.460 2469 1.860 2874 2.260 3231
2.470 2480 1.870 2883 2.270 3240
2.480 2491 1.880 2892 2.2B0 3248

Downloaded from http://www.everyspec.com

I MIL-A-12560H(MR)


TABLE XI IA. ‘~er ballistic limits for class 3 armor firing obliquity
~ O degrees, projectile 20 mm AP-T, M602. (Continued)

Thickness Required Thickness Required Thickness Required

Inches BL(P), FPS Inches BL(P), FPS Inches .BL(P),FPS
2,290 3257 2.470 3405 2.650 3548
2.300 3265 2.480 3413 2.660 3556
2,310 3273 2.490 3421 2.670 3563
I 2.320 3282 2.500 3429 2.680 3571
2.330 3290 2.510. 343-1 2.690 3579
2.340 3298 2.520 3445 2.700’ 3586
2.350 3307 2.530 3453 2.710. 3594
2,360 3315 2.540 3461 2.720 3602
~ 2.370 3323 2.550 3469 2.730 3610
2,380 3331 ‘2.560 3477 2.740 3617
2.390 3340 2.570 3485 ** 2.750 3625
2.400 3348 2.580 3493 2.760 3632
2.410 3356 2.590 3501 2.770 3640
2,420 “3364 2.600 3509 2.780 3648
2.43(I 3372 2.610 3516. ‘2.790’ 3655
2.440 3381 2.620 3524 2.800 3663
2.450 3389 2.630 3532 2.810 3670
2.460 3397 2.640 3540.

* Specification requirements begin for ‘this ordered thickness.

** specification requirements end for this ordered thickness.

Downloaded from http://www.everyspec.com



TABLE xII 1. Minimum re~red V50 ballistic limits (Protection criteria ),

firing obliquity 450, projectile caliber 90 mm APC, M82.

Thickness, Required Thickness, Required Thickness, Required

(inch) BL(P), fPS (Inch) EL(P), fps (inch) BL(P) , fPs

2,700 2095 2,980 2260 3.270 2420

2.710 2101 2,990 2265 3.280 2425
2.720 2107 3.000 2271 3,290 2430
2.730 2113 3.010 2277 3.300 2436
2.740 2119 3.020 ,2282 3.310 2441
2,750 2125 3.030 2288 3.320 2446
*2.751 2126 3.040 2294 3.330 2451
2.760 2131 3,050 2299 3.340 2457
2.770 2137 3.060 2305 3.350 2462
2.780 2143 3.070 2310 3.360 2467
2.790 2149 3.080 2316 3.370 2472
2.800 2155 3.090 2322 3.380 2478
2.810 2161 3.100 2327 3.390 2483
2..820 2167 3.110 2333 3.400 2488
2,830 2173 3.120 2338 3.410 2493
2.840 2179 3.130 2344 3.420 2498
2.850 2185 3.140 .2349 3.430 24o4
2.860 2190 3.150 2355 3.440 2509
2.870 2196 3,160 2360 3.450 2514
2.880 2202 3.170 2366 3.460 2519
2.890 2208 3.180 2371 3.470 2524
2.9oO 2214 3,190 2376 3.48o 2529
2.910 2220 3.200 2382 3.490 2534
2.920 2225 3.210 2387 **3.500 2540
2.930 2231 3.220 2393 3.510 2545
2.940 2237 3.230 2398 3.520 2550
2.950 2243 3,240 2404 3.530 2555
2.960 2248 3.250 2409 3.540 2560
2.970 2254 3.260 2414 3.550 2565
3.560 257o

* Specification requirements begin at 2.751 inch ordered thickness.

** specification requirements e“d at 3.500 inch ordered thickness.

NOTE : For class 3 armor the upper ballistic limit (maximum) shall not be
greater than 293 fps ahove the required lower ballistic limit

Downloaded from http://www.everyspec.com



TABLE XIV. Minimum required V50 ballistic limits (protection criteria) ;

firing obliquity: 3130: projectile: 90mm APC, M82.

Thickness, Required Thickness; Required Thickness, Required

inches. BL(P) , fPs inches BL(P), fps inches BL(P), fps

3.425 1924 3.62o 2007 3.820 2089

3.430 1926 3.625 2009 3.825 2091
3.435 1929 3.63o 2011 3.83o 2093
3.440 1931 3.635 2013 3.835 2095
3,445 1933 3.640 2015 3.840 2097
3$450 1935 3.645 2018 ,3.845 2099
3.455 1937 3.650 2020 3.B50 2101
3.460 1939 3.655 2022 3.855 2103
“3.465 1942 3.660 2024 3.860 2105
3.470 1944 3.665 2026 3.865 2107
3.475 1946 3.67o 2028 3.870 2109
3.480 1948 3.675 2030 3.875 2111
3.485 1950 3.680 2032 3.880 2113
3.490 1952 3.685 2034 3.885 2115
3.495 1954 3.690 2036 3.89o 2117
3.500 1957 3.695 2038 3.895 2119
* 3.501 1957 3.700 2040 3.900 2121
3,505 1959 3.705 2042 3.905 2123
3.510 1961 3.710 2044 3.910 2125
3.515 1963 3.715 2046 3.915 2127
3.520 1965 3.72o 2048 3.920 2129
3.525 1967 3.725 2051 3.925 2131
3.530 1969 3.730 2053 3.930 2133
3.535 1971 3.735 2055 3,935 2135
3.540 1974 3.740 2057 3.940 2137
3.545 1976 3.745 2069 3.945 2139
3.550 1978 3.750 2061 3.950 2141
3.555 19B0 3.755 2063 3.955’ 2143
3.560 1982 3.760 2065 3.960 2144
3.565 1984 3.765 2067 , 3.’965 2146
3.570 1986 3.770 2069 3.970 2148
3.575 1988 3.775 2071 3.975 2150
3.580 1990 3.7B0. 2073 3.98o 2152
‘.3.585 1993 3.785 2075 3.985 2154
3.590 1995 3.790 .207.7 3.990 2156
3.595 1997 3.795 2079 3.9.95 2158
3.600 1999 3.800 2081 ** 3.999 2160
3.605 2001 3.805 20B3 4.000 2160
3.610 2003 3.810 2085 4.005 2162
3.615 2005 3.815 2087 4.010 2164

Downloaded from http://www.everyspec.com


TABLE XIV . Minimum required V50 ballistic limits (protection criteria) t

firing obliquity: 30° ; projective: 90mm APC, M82. (Continued)

Thickness, Required Thickness, Required Thickness, Required

inches BL(P), fps inches BL(P), fps inches BL(P), fps

4.015 2166 4.035 2174’ 4.055 2181

4.020 2168 4,040 2176 4,060 2183
4,025 2170 4.045 2178 4.065 2185
4.030 2172 4.050 2179 4.070 2187

* specification requirements begin for this ordered thickness.

** specification requirements end for this ordered thickness,

I NOTE 1: Tabulated values on either side of the Specification CeqU1rementS are.

for interpolation of EL(P) requirements for undersize or oversize

NoTE 2: For Class 3 armor tbe upper ballistic limit (5% rejection) shall not
be greater than. 192 fps above the required lower ballistic limit.

Downloaded from http://www.everyspec.com



TABLE XV. Minimum required V50 ballistic limits (protection criteria) :

firing obliquitv: O ; projectile: 90mm Ap, M318, Al.

Thickness, Required Thickness, Required Thickness, Required

inches BL(P), fPS inches EL(P), fPS inches BL[P), fps

3.940 1583 4.340 1725 4..740 1856

3.950 1586 4.350 1728 4.750 1860
3.960 1590 4.360 1731 4.760 1863
3.970 1594 4.370 1735 4.770 1866
3.980 1597 4.380 1738 4.780 1869
3.990 1601 4.390 1742 4.790 1872
* 4.000 1605 4.400 1745 4.8LI0 1875
4.010 1608 4.410 1748 4.810 1878
4.020 1612 4.420 1752 4.820 1882
4.030 1616 4.430 1755 4.83o 1885
4.040 1619 4.440 1758 4.840 1888
4.050 1623 4.450 1762 4.85o 1891
4.060 1627 4.460 1765 4.860 1894
4.070 1630 4.470 1768 ‘4.870 1897
4.080 1634 4.480 1772 4.880 1900
4.090 1637 4.490 1775 4.890 1903
4.100 1641 4.500 1778 4.900 1907
4.110 1644 4.510 1782 4.910 1910
4.120 1648 4.520 1788 4.920 1913
4.130 1652 4.530 1792 4.930 1916
4.140 1655 4.540 1795 4.940 1919
4.150 1659 4.550 1798 4.950 1922
4.160 1662 4.560 1783 4.960 1925
4.170 1666 4.570 1801 4.970 1928
4.180 .1669 4.580 1805 4.980 1931
4.190 1673 4.590 1808 4.990 1934
4.200 1676 4.600 1811 5.000 1937
4.210 1680 4.610 1815 5.010 1940
4.220 1683 4.620 1818 5.020 1943
4.230 1687 4.630 1821 5.030 1946
4.240 1690 4.640 1824 5.040 1950
4.250 1694 4.650 1827 5.050 1953
4.260 1697 4.660 1831 5.060 1956
4.270 1701 4,670 1834 5.070 1959
4.280 1704 4.680 1837 5.080 1962
4.290 1708 4.690 i840 5.090 1965
4.300 1711 4.700 1844 5.110 1968
4.310 1714 4.710 1847 5.110 1971
4.320 1718 4.720 1850 5.120 1974
4.330 1721 4.730 1853 5.130 1977

Downloaded from http://www.everyspec.com



TABLE XV, Minimum required V50 ballistic limits (protection criteria) J

firing obliquity: O ; projectile: ,Omm AP, M318, Al. (Cont!d)

Thickness, Required Thickness, Required Thicknes8, Required

inches BL(P) , fps inches BL(P), fps inches i3L(P), fps.

5.14D 1980 5.530 2093 5.920 2201

5.150 1983 5.540 2096 5.930 2204
5.160 1986 5,550 2099 5.940 2207
5,170 1989 5.560 2102 5.950 2209
5.180 1992 5.570 2105 5.960 2212
5.190 1995 5.580 2107 5.970 2215
5,2oo 1998 5.590 2110 5.980 2217
5,210 2001 5.600 2113 5.990 2220
5.220 2003 5.610 2116 6.000 2223
5.230 2006 5.620 2119 6.010 2226
5.240 2009 5.630 2121 6.020 2228
5.250 2012 5.640 2124 6.030 2231
5.260 2015 5.650 2127 6.o4O 2234
5,270 2018 5.660 2130 6.050 2236
5.280 2021 5.670 2133 6.060 2239
5.290 2024 5.680 2135 6.070 2242
5,300 2027 5.690 2138 6.080 2244
5.310 2030 5.700 2141 6.090 2247
5,32o 2033 5.710 2144 6.100 2249
5.330 2036 5.720 2147 6.110 2252
5.340 2039 5.730 2149 6.120 2255
5.350 2042 5.740 2152 6.130 2257
5.360 2045 5.750 2155 6.140 226o
5.370 2047 5.760 2158 6.150 2263
5.380 2050 5.770 2160 6.160 2265
5.390 2053 5.780 2163 6.170 2268
5.400 2056 5.790 2166 6.180 2272
5.410 2059 5.800 2169 6,190 2273
5.42o 2062 5.810 2171 6.200 2276
.5.430 2065 5.820 2174 6.210 2278
5,440 2068 5,830 2177 6.220 2281
5.450 2070 5.840 2180 6.230 2284
5.460 2073 5.850 2182 6.240 2286
5.470 2076 5,860 2185 ** 6.250 2.289
5,48o 2079 5.870 2188 6.260 2291
5.490 2082 5,880 2190 6.270 2294
5.500 2085 5.890 2193 6.200 2297
5,510 2088 5.900 2196 6.290 2299
5.520 2090 5.910 2199 6.300 2302

* Specification requirements begin for this ordered thickness.

** specification requirements end for this ordered thickness.
NOTE .1: Tabulated values .on either side of the specification requirements are
for interpolation of BL(P) requirements on undersize or oversize
NoTE 2: For ClaSs 3 armor the upper ballistic limit [5% rejection) shall nOt
be greater than 202 fps above the required lower limit (minimum).

Downloaded from http://www.everyspec.com


4a~ .L,

JJ ..
FIGURE 1. Lifting holes for ballistic acceptance test
plates 2.751 through 6.25 inches thick.


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