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The article discusses tips for preparing for the data interpretation section of the CAT exam from a top scorer and instructor, Munira Lokhandwala.

The article provides tips on how to prepare for the data interpretation (DI) section of the CAT exam from Munira Lokhandwala, a repeat top scorer in CAT.

Some tips mentioned for preparing for DI include practicing sample questions, reading the questions carefully, and fiddling with numbers to understand the concepts.


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How to Prepare for Data Interpretation for CA T

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How to Prepare for Data Interpretation for CA T by Munira Lok handwala - Friday, 30 January 2009, 12:45 PM

Munira Lokhandwalas name needs no introduction to C AT 2009 aspirants. An IIM C alcutta alumnus, Munira has over six years of experience in teaching math and finance. She has been a consistent star performer in C AT with huge percentiles piled up year after year- 2004 (99.99%ile), 2005 (100%ile), 2006(99.99%ile), 2007 (99.99%ile) and a phenomenal score of 290/356 (100%ile) in C AT 2008. Munira is the founder of CATalyst Group Tuitions, Mumbai and Tesseract India, Mumbai where she coaches students for MBA and C FA, respectively. She is also a puzzle enthusiast and have stood 17th in the all India National Puzzle C hampionship, Sept 2007 and sixth Indian in the international online sudokucup held on 17th Jan 2009. Munira has consented to write a series of articles on DI for TG.com. Here, we present the first article in the series- How to prepare for DI

Students are requested to practice the tips proposed by Munira and ask any queries they have thereof. She will answer them personally.Total Gadha

How to prepare for DI




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Re: How to Prepare for Data Interpretation for CA T by Ashwin A - Friday, 30 January 2009, 01:55 PM W ow!! This is a surprise !!
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Re: How to Prepare for Data Interpretation for CA T by m ihir pande - Friday, 30 January 2009, 03:00 PM good to se e m unira lok handwala he rse lf at TG.... TGis turning out to be the supe r-brain hub it se e m s
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Re: How to Prepare for Data Interpretation for CA T by Dagny Taggart - Friday, 30 January 2009, 05:09 PM

Hi Munira, Welcome to TG.Com It has been a long time that I hav e done any calculations, this article has surely raised some alarms. :P I hav e read it twice and hav e fiddled with numbers as well. It is working. Thank y ou. Dagny
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Re: How to Prepare for Data Interpretation for CA T by O nThe Go _Gadha - Saturday, 31 January 2009, 12:49 AM

Tats a sh eer u l ti m atu m ...

CA T 09' aspi ran ts h as a l on g way to go



Sh ree

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Re: How to Prepare for Data Interpretation for CA T by ritik a bajaj - Saturday, 31 January 2009, 11:37 AM thank you so m uch m a'am what a wonde rful he lp. thank s a lot re gards ritik a
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Re: How to Prepare for Data Interpretation for CA T by raul dk we l - Saturday, 31 January 2009, 02:44 PM Thank s a lot ! inform ative
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Re: How to Prepare for Data Interpretation for CA T by m ohd huzaifa - Saturday, 31 January 2009, 11:34 PM hi m am , ve ry inform ative . m am i would lik e to ask you a que stion that can anybody from scie nce (bio) back ground pre pare for C AT on its own and can crack C AT. Is it possible . I will be ve ry thank ful to you if you plz give m e the answe r of m y que stion. I am in m y grad 4th se m . Is tim e for 09 cat is sufficie nt for cat pre p from now ?
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Re: How to Prepare for Data Interpretation for CA T by Anurag R ai - Sunday, 1 Fe bruary 2009, 01:28 PM a love ly article . lol

re ally inte llige nt

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Re: How to Prepare for Data Interpretation for CA T by Adam Adam - Monday, 2 Fe bruary 2009, 11:18 AM De ar Munira, It's ve ry C ritical of your inte llige nce that you aprprox im ate that W ay. C e rtainlly,this article se rve s it's purpose we ll -the y are is no de nying . W e W ould hope m ore from you ,in que stions (lik e C ritical R e asoning ) Ke e p up the good work . Be st R e gards Adam

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Re: How to Prepare for Data Interpretation for CA T by Nik hil R ajagopalan - Monday, 2 Fe bruary 2009, 12:17 PM Nice article
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Re: How to Prepare for Data Interpretation for CA T by ujjawal k um ar - Monday, 2 Fe bruary 2009, 05:21 PM



Hi m am ,

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Good to se e u he re . R e ally a nice article , and waiting for m any m ore for the sam e . Thank s.
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Re: How to Prepare for Data Interpretation for CA T by Gowri Nandana - Monday, 2 Fe bruary 2009, 08:53 PM Munira Ma'm , Thank you so m uch for the wonde rful article . It fe e ls re ally good to have you as a part of our Gadha fam ily

W e have be e n taught the se cond m e thod of aprx m tn at our coaching ce ntre . But the first one is so sim ple e sp so be cause m ost of the tim e s we ne e d only an approx im ate answe r. The e x planation give n for the que stion is so lucid. I actually took ne ar to 8 m ts to find the answe r of that particualr que stion during C AT. But with your m e thod it tak e s le ss than a m inute . Thank you for sharing the tips to crack C AT DI. TG is an e x ce lle nt site for C AT quant and ve rbal pre paration. W ith your arrrival, we can tam e DI as we ll. Ex pe cting m ore article s from you R e gards, Gowri

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Re: How to Prepare for Data Interpretation for CA T by saye k ire n ravindran - Monday, 2 Fe bruary 2009, 11:38 PM good article .. thanx
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Re: How to Prepare for Data Interpretation for CA T by B a D r I Life Is sO bEauTifUL - Tue sday, 3 Fe bruary 2009, 06:59 PM

Hi Munira...whe n we e x pe ct ne x t article ..too e age r to k now.....

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Re: How to Prepare for Data Interpretation for CA T by srik anth bask aran - W e dne sday, 4 Fe bruary 2009, 12:37 PM hi m unira how u approx im ate d 557/900 as 2/3..thank s srik anth
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Re: How to Prepare for Data Interpretation for CA T by Harpinde r Kang - Monday, 9 Fe bruary 2009, 08:47 PM De ar Munira thank s Its e x ce lle nt art you are sharing..k indly guide for the m ate rial i can ge t for 3rd factor of good practice ..
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Re: How to Prepare for Data Interpretation for CA T by Abhishe k Dutta - Tue sday, 10 Fe bruary 2009, 04:26 PM The article provide d by u was awe som e but I would also lik e to k now from u how to handle que stions on Data SUffice ncy. Eage rly waiting for anothe r wonde rful article . Thank u ve ry m uch for the wonde rful article on Data Inte rpre tation for C AT.
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Re: How to Prepare for Data Interpretation for CA T by Munira Lok handwala - Thursday, 12 Fe bruary 2009, 11:46 AM

totalgadha.com/mod/forum/discuss.php?d=4448 6/11


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From mid Feb y ou hav e more than enough time for y our CAT prep; just ensure that y ou put in 3 hours ev ery day . Y our background (arts/science/commerce) does not play a role in y our cat prep. It is y our aptitude, attitude and self discipline that is more important.

Take Care, Munira.

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Re: How to Prepare for Data Interpretation for CA T by Munira Lok handwala - Thursday, 12 Fe bruary 2009, 11:51 AM

That approx imation is a v ery v ery approx imate number that y ou can see without any calculation. So here y ou can see that 557 /900 is close to 600 / 900 so 2/3.
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Re: How to Prepare for Data Interpretation for CA T by Swati Tange rala - Friday, 13 Fe bruary 2009, 11:57 PM can any1 e x plain m e .... also the 10% growth for wom e n will tilt towards 10%... why?...
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Re: How to Prepare for Data Interpretation for CA T by bhargav ch - Monday, 16 Fe bruary 2009, 10:32 PM

sim ply awe som e ...e spe cially coz C AT give s que stions which ne e d in de pth calculations...this re ally is gonna he lp...! Thank s m am ....
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Re: How to Prepare for Data Interpretation for CA T by Musk an Tayal - Sunday, 22 Fe bruary 2009, 05:39 PM your article was inde e d he lpful.. can yo throw som e light on the book s which can he lp m e in di othe r than the all India m ock pape rs.. am we ak in di.. and re ady to practice to any e x te nt.so k indly te ll m e som e book s for it
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Re: How to Prepare for Data Interpretation for CA T by ravi puri - Sunday, 22 Fe bruary 2009, 08:26 PM gre at!1!! Thank you ve ry m uch... Ple ase Do k e e p guiding us m a'm ........
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Re: How to Prepare for Data Interpretation for CA T by shilpi garg - W e dne sday, 25 Fe bruary 2009, 12:57 PM Your article is re ally inte re sting and ope ns ne w gate s of think ing proce ss. I am e age rly waiting for your ne x t post.....
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Re: How to Prepare for Data Interpretation for CA T by Dignifie d Madne ss - Saturday, 28 Fe bruary 2009, 01:25 AM Munira W hy do u waste a se at for C AT aspirants e ve ry ye ar!!! Had u not m ark e d ur answe rs, 1 aspirant could have gotte n a GD PI call. I k now it doe snt sound a big de al, but this cud have be e n an opportunity of a life tim e for that one pe rson. Ple ase think about it!!!! It is a re que st
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Re: How to Prepare for Data Interpretation for CA T by R itayan Muk he rje e - Tue sday, 3 March 2009, 02:38 PM com e now dignifie d.....this is not cool. I have se e n Munira's re sult this tim e and she had no IIM calls. Pe rhaps the ovals for colle ge se le ction in the C AF we re le ft blank . So ple ase re frain from m ak ing such com m e nts unle ss u are aware of the facts.
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Re: How to Prepare for Data Interpretation for CA T by shank jos - W e dne sday, 4 March 2009, 04:35 PM HI TG Te am can u ple ase te ll m e whe re shall i start pre paring in this forum . can any one guide m e which thre ad to re ad first .. its to confusing to start .. Thank s jos
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Re: How to Prepare for Data Interpretation for CA T by Am it Jain - W e dne sday, 4 March 2009, 05:21 PM W he n can we e x pe ct ne x t part of this article ?
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Re: How to Prepare for Data Interpretation for CA T by Manohar Karanam - Sunday, 8 March 2009, 11:15 PM Hi Munira,

Tak e a bow for the e x ce lle nt article . W aiting for the ne x t one e age arly.....
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Re: How to Prepare for Data Interpretation for CA T by dilpre e t se thi - Monday, 9 March 2009, 01:53 AM he y! wat about starting da pre p for cat '09 from m id m arch? how m uch tym do i have 2 give e ve ryday?......k indly he lp!...... thank u!
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Re: How to Prepare for Data Interpretation for CA T by Gk cham p C ham p - W e dne sday, 18 March 2009, 06:34 PM Hi Munira, W hy have not dire ctly calculate d the pe rce ntage of Europe ans from 2010 and 2003 ? I m e an to say, que stion doe sn't spe cifically say that we ne e d to go into the de tails of Me n and W om e n, It has just ask e d about the %.
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Re: How to Prepare for Data Interpretation for CA T by saurabh tibre wal - Sunday, 22 March 2009, 11:08 PM 557/857.. we can sim ply approx im ate by raising 20% in de nom inator as we ll as in num e rator.. 20%of 857=857/5=170 20% of 557=557/5=110 (557+110)/(857+170)=667/1020====66%(approx ..)
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Re: How to Prepare for Data Interpretation for CA T by Ank ita C howdhury - W e dne sday, 25 March 2009, 02:16 PM



Hi TG Sir,

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C an you ple ase sugge st a book for Q uant for JMET, whe re the re will be Highe r le ve l m aths as we ll to solve ....

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Re: How to Prepare for Data Interpretation for CA T by sam ir ahm e d atashbajiwala - Sunday, 29 March 2009, 03:14 PM he llo, i want som e tips for cat e x am ination. about se ction ask e d in cat. and course ask e d in cat e x am ination. can you give m e the book s nam e which are be st in D.I. thank s
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Re: How to Prepare for Data Interpretation for CA T by Sank e t S - Friday, 3 April 2009, 08:23 PM De ar Munira m am , I could not find way to contact you, the re fore , ask ing the que ry this way. Hope you dont m ind. I found the following article on ork ut stating that quie t le ss we ighttage is give n to C AT in the se le ction proce ss for IIM-A. If this is the case , am i wasting m y tim e in trying with m y tooth n nail to m ak e it into IIM-A?

CAT not the way to IIM-A

IIM-A is the dre am de stination of e ve ry MBA aspirant in India BUT its re ally dishe arte ning to say that e ve n crack ing the toughe st e ntrance e x am -C AT cannot assure you a call for e ve n GD/PI. According to this,final we ightage give n to C AT score is only 27.27%.re st 72.72% has alre ady be e n de cide d by ur 10th and 12th score s(talk ing abt ge ne ral cate gory). In sim ple words suppose Mr. A crack e d C AT 08 with 100%ile ove rall and 99+%ile in all 3 se ctions,has a work -e x of 10 yrs. in finance , with 90% in graduation,89% in 10th and 79% in 12th..THEN he wud not hav got a call this yr. EVEN AT THIS PR O FILE !!! using the form ula give n by IIM-A C .S score wud b 16 which is le ss than cut-off C .S. score ... So m uch we ightage has be e n give n to PAST acade m ic pe rform ance that m ore than 2 lak h of the pe ople who fille d form s could hav ne ve r qualifie d for C AT e ve n if the y toppe d it!
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Re: How to Prepare for Data Interpretation for CA T by Pranav Baj - W e dne sday, 8 April 2009, 06:33 AM he y m unira thnx for this m e sm e risin walk to re m e m be r in DI...m pre tty uncom fortable with fractions n ll sure ly try ur approach k p e nlightnin us tc Pranav
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Re: How to Prepare for Data Interpretation for CA T by Mahe ndra Awasthy - Friday, 10 April 2009, 05:07 PM

hi this is re ally work ing !!!!!!

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Re: How to Prepare for Data Interpretation for CA T by Anuj Das - Tue sday, 14 April 2009, 10:11 AM THANX A LO T....
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Re: How to Prepare for Data Interpretation for CA T by arnab qwe - W e dne sday, 15 April 2009, 11:43 AM ple ase sugge st som e study m ate rial for di




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Re: How to Prepare for Data Interpretation for CA T by ank it vijay - Tue sday, 21 April 2009, 01:21 PM i m a 2nd yr e ngg stude nt..m y 4th se m is ne arabout to com ple te .. i have a ve ry huge inte re st in pre paring for cat e x am and wanna ge t se le cte d at any cost for one of the re spe cte d iim 's.m am would u plzzzzzz guide m e for if its the right tim e 2 start the pre paration what i should do to start work ing towards m y am bition.your rply will provide a good he lp to m e ...thank s
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Re: How to Prepare for Data Interpretation for CA T by sidharth k hare - Friday, 24 April 2009, 07:06 PM Hi Mam ,the article is a gre at le arning and inspirational in itse lf.Mam m any hrs a day. i am a work ing e x e utive how should i plan m yday for cat 09? I m e an how
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Re: How to Prepare for Data Interpretation for CA T by pank aj jaiswal - Friday, 24 April 2009, 07:40 PM thanx m a'am .. u r the cham p....
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Re: How to Prepare for Data Interpretation for CA T by pank aj jaiswal - Saturday, 25 April 2009, 05:31 PM hi m a'am ple ase te ll how to pre pare for DI...
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Re: How to Prepare for Data Interpretation for CA T by De e pik a Khande lwal - Monday, 25 May 2009, 05:13 PM re ally gud article !!!!!
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Re: How to Prepare for Data Interpretation for CA T by nak ul k othari - Saturday, 1 August 2009, 12:25 AM de ar tg, I re ad the article by m unira m am ....no doubt about he r cre de ntials......but whe re m am has gone ......I m e an look ing at the post the re has not be e n one afte r 25 m ay'09.....and also som e of the que rie s are le ft unanswe re d....che ck this out!!!!!
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Re: How to Prepare for Data Interpretation for CA T by R avi Sharm a - Friday, 7 August 2009, 10:31 PM Hi Munira Ma'm Ple ase Te ll us whe n will you post your ne x t article .C at is k nock ing our doors.Ple ase fulfill your prom ise . W aiting e age rly for your re sponse
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Re: How to Prepare for Data Interpretation for CA T by aashita ve rm a - Saturday, 29 August 2009, 11:53 PM Hi.... A ve ry he lpful article . C an u plz te ll m e whe re are the solutions for DI quiz on totalgadha ??? i re ally ne e d the solutions....
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Re: How to Prepare for Data Interpretation for CA T by sadhanandhan n - Saturday, 5 Se pte m be r 2009, 03:18 PM it's supe rb...!!
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Re: How to Prepare for Data Interpretation for CA T




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by Ne tra Me hta - Sunday, 6 Se pte m be r 2009, 12:33 AM

Hi Munira Mam ! C an u plz e x plain m e the 2nd DI se t base d on pie chart.. I dint ge t it fully.. Plz te ll the answe rs to the que stions too..i m e an the approach.. Thnx ..
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Re: How to Prepare for Data Interpretation for CA T by nice Sm ile - Tue sday, 29 Se pte m be r 2009, 10:42 AM Hi TG/Munira, Ple ase le t us k now whe n u guys are planning for the ne x t article on DI. W e are e age rly waiting for ur ne x t post on DI
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Re: How to Prepare for Data Interpretation for CA T by Pank aj Kum ar - Sunday, 11 O ctobe r 2009, 06:57 PM Thank s for the article , with crisp and use ful inform ation. Look ing for the ne x t article in follow-up of sam e , lik e short and e asy solution approach to solve diffe re nt k ind of se ts. Thank s again
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Re: How to Prepare for Data Interpretation for CA T by R ajyavardhan Mishra - Saturday, 14 August 2010, 08:20 AM he y... whe n are we ge tting the se cond installm e nt of this article
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Re: How to Prepare for Data Interpretation for CA T by m isty hue - Saturday, 14 August 2010, 11:49 AM Hi, Ple ase can som e one e x plain m e the re asoning be hind the first DI que stion. I ne e d to unde rstand the logic for that approx im ation..How can we approx im ate growth rate as 7% and the n 7*7= 49%.C an we m ak e such assum ptions..ple ase e x plain...
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Re: How to Prepare for Data Interpretation for CA T by sam ar sam ar - W e dne sday, 27 O ctobe r 2010, 08:09 PM yaar sank e t plz give m e the link to this article plz..... i ve look e d for m inim um crite ria for iim -a call and it says cat m in-99% 10th/12th >=70% that's it
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