Sales Process Worksheet Sample
Sales Process Worksheet Sample
Sales Process Worksheet Sample
End Stage
10% Qualify lead/opportunity Qualify budget Qualify time commitment to process and implementation Qualify people are available to process and implementation Verify there is a problem to solve, results to achieve Understand the decision process Develop and agree on evaluation plan
solution development plan call-meeting plan opportunity summary sheet sponsor letter and eval plan pre-discovery letter pre-discovery checklist (10 questions)
20% Develop customer requirements and establish sponsor relationship Discovery to determine optimum solution sponsor letter/eval plan Develop requirements with additional meetings/calls solution development plan Develop and agree on evaluation plan Develop Solution Development Plan to capture steps needed
interview profile interview question checklist pre-discovery checklist (10 questions) discovery findings and planning (DF&P) objection/issue statements solution development plan opportunity summary sheet
40% Develop and suggest solution which exceeds customer needs Consider solution options Review Summary Requirements with prospect Prioritize requirements with prospect Confirm what needs to be seen in demo Confirm who will attend presentation Determin Optimum Solution and what will be needed to present Update eval plan 60% solution/requirements summary DF&P solution/requirements summary attendee - 3 issues eval plan solution presentation planning guide opportunity summary sheet
Now at
MICROSOFT CONFIDENTIAL. FOR MPN PARTNER INTERNAL BUSINESS USE ONLY. This material is provided for informational purposes only and Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied and hereby disclaims all such warranties, including, without limitation, any warranties of a particular result arising from use hereof. 2011 Microsoft, Inc.
Benefit to Client
best use of time - do we have something to talk about and should we keep talking
Stage Name
Proof Stage
End Stage
PowerPoint decks presentation agenda
PowerPoint deck - MS story PowerPoint deck - Partner Intro PowerPoint deck - Partner Services solution visuals for tell-show-tell presentation agenda opportunity summary sheet
80% Conduct negotiations and finalize contract Discovery for services estimating/fine tuning Negotiations Deliver initial/final contracts Set expectations of next steps, handoff to consulting
standard proposal partner contracts MS contracts project plan - preliminary, revised opportunity summary sheet
100% Finalize deployment plan and execute. Finalize support plan, execute and monitor progress Sales to consulting handoff - document key issues, roi, etc PowerPoint deck - the project Win/loss analysis - summary for future use thank you package Win-wire status reports Ask for referral project management documents Send welcome/thank you for your business win wire Give recognition to lead source Determine if repeatable and appropriate mktg target Post Go-live: Measure or restate obj, achievement Post Go-live: case study Post Go-live: Prepare Case Study, story for use in other opportunities
win loss factors implementation issues oppty summary case study quesitonnaire
Benefit to Client
demonstrate the solution meets/exceeds needs
finalize plans and contracts that will govern relationship and insure successful project
Stage Name
End Stage
annual review report
On-going Measurements
lead gen measurement sales activity measurements self review - what went well/needs improvement win/loss data
Benefit to Client