Design Manual
Design Manual
Design Manual
Chapter 11 Installation
11-1 General ………………………………………………………… 81
11-2 Unloading from Truck ………………………………………… 81
11-3 Storage ………………………………………………………… 82
11-4 Trenching ……………………………………………………… 82
11-5 Previous Excavation …………………………………………… 83
11-6 Drainage of Trench …………………………………………… 83
11-7 Pipe Laying……………………………………………………… 83
11-8 Valve Installation ……………………………………………… 84
11-9 Backfilling ……………………………………………………… 84
Chapter 12 Jointing
12-1 General ………………………………………………………… 86
12-2 Type of Joint …………………………………………………… 86
12-3 Jointing Procedure …………………………………………… 88
12-4 Deflection of Joints …………………………………………… 94
12-5 Connection with Other Kinds of Pipe ………………………… 97
12-6 Rubber Gasket ………………………………………………… 98
Chapter 1 Foreword
Ductile iron pipe is widely used for water supply pipelines, sewage pipelines,
industrial water pipelines, as well as agricultural water pipelines. Ductile iron
pipe is highly accepted because of its excellent strength, durability and laying
workability. However, appropriate piping design and installation are necessary
so that each of these characteristics may be used to full advantage.
In this manual, as the “standard manual of piping design”, the design rocess
of ductile iron pipeline with examples and references is reviewed to aid in the
correct design of ductile iron pipelines. This booklet is not a textbook for
pipeline design but is intended to be a good practical guide to the design of
ductile iron pipelines, mainly for water works. Therefore, basic and theoretical
considerations will be left to standard books.
We hope this manual is helpful in some way to those who are dedicated to
the design of ductile iron pipelines.
Note: In this booklet, the dimensions and mechanical properties of ductile iron pipe and fittings are based
on International Standard (ISO) and British Standard (BS EN). For pipe and fittings of other
standards such as American Standard (ANSI) and Japanese Standard (JIS), it is necessary to
amend the dimensions and mechanical properties.
Chapter 2 General Pipeline Design
2-1 Types of Pipeline 2-1-1 Gravity pipeline system
Systems Pipeline can work by gravity if its starting point is higher than the discharging point
plus the pressure drop resultant from frictional loss between these two points,
expressed in meter of water head.
This system has following characteristics:
(1) No power required
(2) Economy in facility cost, operation cost, maintenance cost and so forth
(3) Good serviceability with trouble-free operation
Chapter 2 General Pipeline Design
2-2 Pipeline Routing Pipeline route should be decided under the following considerations.
(1) Pipeline must be designed and laid so that all points in the pipeline come below
the minimum hydraulic gradient. (See Fig. 2-1 and 2-2)
(2) With map and actual surveys on several possible pipeline routes, a decision must
be made based on composite considerations of adequacy in hydraulics, economy,
maintenance, etc.
(3) Acute deflection, whether horizontal or vertical, in the pipeline should be avoided.
When it is inevitable for the pipeline to pass above the minimum hydraulic
gradient, the pipe shall be increased in diameter to reduce frictional loss to a
certain stretch on the upstream side so as to raise the minimum hydraulic gradient
above the pipeline. Thereafter, the pipe size can be reduced on the downstream
Example of improperly designed pipeline Fig. 2-3
Chapter 2 General Pipeline Design
(4) Dual-pipeline may be desirable in such sections where recovery of hydraulic
gradient seems difficult because of lack of connections with other pipelines in
emergencies, or throughout the entire route.
(5) Pipeline route should be decided so that the pipeline is not laid in unstable
locations as far as practical, such as where landslide might be expected, a steep
ascent and immediate foot and edge of slope, etc.
When it is unavoidable to lay pipeline in such areas, the following steps should be
taken along with a sufficient survey on the geological formation of the site in
1) On a slope, along with adequate protection, a means of removing surface
water, seepage water and ground water should be constructed to prevent
erosion and collapse of the slope.
2) If pipeline must be laid quite close to or even in acutely sloped or landslide area,
the least possible amount of cutting and banking of earth should be allowed.
Banking or cutting of trees and bamboos often leads to collapse of sloped land.
In such locations, building of aqueduct with piers or abutments, or exposed
pipeline design is desirable instead of buried one.
3) For poor ground conditions such as embankments, reclaimed ground, etc,
ground improvement or piling work will be required prior to pipe laying.
Foundation improvement techniques include replacing of soil, lowering of water
table by well-point in sandy ground, compaction of trench bedding, etc.
Technique to be employed must be selected after adequate geological surveys
and tests. Where a change in foundation conditions is possible and where
extreme uneven settlement is expected to result, a collar which has high
flexibility should be used for the irregular subsidence of the ground.
In a weak foundation, water table may be high in many cases, the pipe would
be liable to float because of buoyancy forces. Countermeasures against this
tendency should be devised. (See Table 11-2)
(6) Distribution pipeline should be designed, as a rule, to form a network. In areas
with remarkably large differences of ground elevation, the distribution system
should be divided into several pressure zones. This arrangement will ensure the
required pressure in each zone and the distribution pipeline is not stressed
beyond this rating.
2-3 Location and In deciding the pipe location and its laying depth, the followings should be considered.
Laying Depth 2-3-1 Location
If pipe is to be laid under a public road, the location and depth of pipe laying should
be in conformity with all relevant laws as well as federal, state, and local regulations.
In particular, distribution pipeline should be, in principle, laid under public roads only
after giving thorough consideration to ensure it presents to future maintenance
In general, the location and depth of underground facilities should correspond to the
category of road and should be agreed upon between the road authority and the
owners of the facilities.
Chapter 3 Layout of Pipeline
3-1 General The problems involved in surveying and planning the pipeline route are affected by
both the size of the pipe and its location. More attention to details and precautions is
necessary as the pipe size increases and when the pipeline passes from rural to
urban areas. In general, plan and profile together with certain other details are
necessary for any water pipeline route selection.
These should show:
1) Horizontal and vertical distances, either directly or by survey station and elevation
If slope distances are given, this fact should be stated.
2) Location of bends and their angles, both horizontal and vertical (points of
intersection preferred)
3) Angle of bends, degree or radius of curves, tangent distances on curves, or
external distances if clearance is required
4) Points of intersection with pipe centerline for tees or other branches, together with
direction (right or left, up or down) or deflection angle of flow viewed from inlet
5) Location and size of all valves, pumps or other on-line fittings
6) Location of adjacent or interfering installations or structures
7) Tie-ins with property lines, curb lines, road or street centerlines, and other
pertinent features necessary to define right-of-way and locate pipe centerline
8) Details or descriptions of all specials together with other required data
9) Details, dimensions, and class designation or other description of all flanges
10) Any special requirements affecting the manufacture of the pipe or installation
Investigation of soil conditions may be necessary to determine the external protective
coating requirements, excavation procedures, allowable bearing capacity of the
ground, or design of thrust blocks. The location of the water table may affect the
design and installation of the pipe. Soil boring may be desirable where large and
heavy water pipelines are involved.
3-2 Pipeline Facilities Once the pipeline route and operation conditions are established, it is important to
choose and correctly install the various kinds of valves and other facilities which will
ensure the reliable and economical operation of the pipeline.
Chapter 3 Layout of Pipeline
Positions of valves Fig. 3-1
2) Double-orifice air relief valve or rapid-exhaust air relief valve is recommended for
DN400 and larger pipes.
For DN800 and larger pipes, use of tees with DN600 flanged branch and flanged
cover incorporated with air relief valve would prove convenient from the
maintenance standpoint. Even for pipes smaller then DN400, use of double-orifice
air relief valve is recommended if the passage of air is considered.
If pipe size is exceptionally large, special devices should be considered.
3) With air relief valve, isolating valve should be installed, if necessary, for
convenience in replacement or repairs of the air relief valve.
4) If pipes are buried underground, a protecting valve box should be provided. When
valve box is installed in where groundwater table is high, connecting pipe of
sufficient height should also be installed to protect the air relief valve from
backflow of contaminated water. The valve box may be of reinforced concrete or
reinforced concrete blocks with iron cover and should afford access to repairmen.
The foundation should be constructed so as to avoid the direct contact with the
main. (Refer to Appendix 2)
In cold regions, valve box cover should be of double wall construction to prevent
freezing of the valve, and the box should be filled with suitable thermal insulation
Chapter 3 Layout of Pipeline
4) The revetment near the discharge outlet should be thoroughly protected from
erosion and damage by discharged water.
If there is a fear of the area near the discharge outlet being eroded or broken up
by large amounts of discharged water, protection should be devised using
concrete structures, wire cylinders, gravel, etc. For temporary use, steel sheet
piling, rafted timber, etc. should be used. There is another method in which catch
pit is built of reinforced concrete. In such construction, the water discharged from
the wash-out is allowed to dash against the wall to kill the force of water. In this
case, the overflow outlet should be enlarged in width to the greatest possible
extent to reduce the flow rate.
It is recommended providing fences around the outlet facility for safety.
Chapter 3 Layout of Pipeline
3-2-7 Manholes
For DN800 and larger pipeline, it is recommended providing manholes where needed
for pipe inside inspection and maintenance.
Manholes should be provided at locations where problems are liable to occur, such as
aqueducts, inverted siphons, stop valves, etc., and where there are obvious
topographical or geological variations and at other locations considered to be
required. Also where earth cover is deep, inspection and repair from pipe outside is
difficult, and providing manholes at these locations is in order.
Manhole should, in general, be DN600 in size and closed with blank flange,
incorporated usually with air relief valve. There is a possibility of manhole chamber
being filled with toxic gases or lack in oxygen, so prior to entering, atmospheric
condition in the manhole chamber must be checked with detectors.
Chapter 4 Pipe Diameter Selection
4-1 General The volume of water delivered through a pipeline depends on the following factors:
1) Head (or pressure) of water available at the source, i.e. pump or reservoir
2) Difference of elevation between source and discharge point
3) Diameter of pipeline
4) Friction head loss caused by pipeline
5) Friction head losses caused by fittings, valves, etc.
The diameter of the pipeline is thus selected based on the head (pressure) loss.
4-2 Calculation of The head loss of the pipeline is expressed as a function of pipe diameter, pipeline
Head Loss length and flow velocity of water in the pipeline by the general formula:
h=fL V
D 2g
The coefficient “f” is a function of the flow velocity, the liquid conveyed and
characteristics of the pipeline (diameter and surface condition of the pipe).
There are numerous formulas for the calculation of “f”.
Chapter 4 Pipe Diameter Selection
Flow calculation chart by Hazen-Williams formula (CH = 150) Fig. 4-1
Chapter 4 Pipe Diameter Selection
Flow calculation chart by Hazen-Williams formula (CH = 130) Fig. 4-2
Chapter 4 Pipe Diameter Selection
4-2-2 Colebrook-White formula
Other than Hazen-Williams formula, Colebrook-White formula is used.
1 = -2log K + 2.51
f 3.7D Re f
This formula has a disadvantage of being difficult to use. For this reason, calculation
charts shown in Fig. 4-3 and 4-4 are commonly used.
V = 1 R2/3I1/2
Where, n : Coefficient
For cement mortar or epoxy lined ductile iron pipe, an n value of 0.0010 to
0.0013 can be used.
R : R = A/P (m)
A : Sectional area of pipe (m2)
P : Circumferential length of pipe to be contacted with the fluid (m)
Chapter 4 Pipe Diameter Selection
Flow calculation chart by Colebrook-White formula (K = 0.03) Fig. 4-3
Chapter 4 Pipe Diameter Selection
Flow calculation chart by Colebrook-White formula (K = 0.1) Fig. 4-4
Chapter 4 Pipe Diameter Selection
4-2-4 Losses through fittings and valves
The minor head losses due to fittings such as bends are occasionally ignored in long
pipelines, and losses in water mains which include relatively small quantities of fittings
can be calculated as straight pipelines using the coefficient value CH = 130 in Hazen-
Williams formula or K = 0.1 in Colebrook-White formula. However, the head losses
through fittings might be significant and should be taken into consideration in short
pipeline with a high flow velocity.
The head losses through fittings can be calculated from the following formula:
(1) Head loss due to flowing-in water
hi = fi V
Where, hi : Head loss due to flowing-in water (m)
fi : Coefficient of loss due to flowing-in water
Chapter 4 Pipe Diameter Selection
(2) Head loss due to bend
hb = fb V
Fig. 4-5
Notes: (1) The Weisbach formula well conforms with the smooth round pipe of R/r<6, but when it is rough
the value becomes about double what is obtained from the formula.
(2) The “fb” is inclusive of the friction loss of the bent parts.
Chapter 4 Pipe Diameter Selection
(3) Head loss due to change in section or diameter
1) In the case of gradual expansion
hge = fge
Fig. 4-7
Chapter 4 Pipe Diameter Selection
2) In the case of gradual contraction
2 2
hgc = fgc V2 -V1
Fig. 4-8
hn = fn V
Where, hn : Head loss due to branching (m)
fn : Coefficient of loss due to branching
V : Flow velocity before branching (m/s)
Fig. 4-9
Chapter 4 Pipe Diameter Selection
Fig. 4-10
Chapter 4 Pipe Diameter Selection
(6) Head loss at pipe ends
he = fe V
At the discharge outlet, due to the resistance of water in the tank, the energy of
running water is exhausted and changed into pressure head, therefore fe is set to
fe ≒1.0.
Fig. 4-11
Fig. 4-12
Chapter 4 Pipe Diameter Selection
Discharge: Q = 120 m3/h = 33.3R/s
Allowable loss of head due to the difference in elevation and required head at the
delivery point: 145 – (75 + 20) = 50 m
Equivalent loss of head (i.e., hydraulic gradient) I:
l= 50 = 12.5m/1000m
From Fig. 4-1, the point of intersection of two straight lines projected from the axis at
Q = 33.3R/s
I = 12.5m/1000m
lies, respectively, between the inclined lines which represents the pipe diameter DN =
150 and 200.
In this case, DN200 should be selected.
Fig. 4-13
l= 10+12-3 = 4.75m/1000m
H = Ha+hR+ Vd +
2g γ
Chapter 4 Pipe Diameter Selection
Where, Ha : Actual head (m)
hR : Total head loss (m)
Vd : Flow velocity at the end of the discharge piping (m/s)
Vd2/2g : Discharge velocity head (m)
Pd : Pressure exerted on the discharge water surface (MPa)
Ps : Pressure exerted on the suction water surface (MPa)
γ : Specific weight of pumped liquid (kN/m3)
Fig. 4-14
When both the suction and discharge water surfaces are open to the atmosphere, the
total head of the pump is obtained by the following equation.
H = Ha+hR+ Vd
H = Ha+HR
Where, HR: Total head loss including the discharge velocity head (m)
Chapter 4 Pipe Diameter Selection
4-4-2 Required power of pump
The required power of pump is obtained by the following formula.
P=C ηpηt (kW)
=C (HP)
The pump efficiencyηp varies depending on the type of pump, capacity, head, rotating
speed and other conditions. It is difficult to define the value ofηp in a general manner
or to calculate it by a simple equation. Fig. 4-15 shows the approximate values ofηp
for reference.
Approximate pump efficiency, ηp Fig. 4-15
Chapter 4 Pipe Diameter Selection
4-5 Allowable Flow The recommended allowable flow velocity in ductile iron pipes, for design purpose, is
Velocity shown in Table 4-6 and no more than 5 m/s.
Water passing through the pipeline at a high velocity will abrade the lining. High flow
velocity will increase the head loss in the pipeline and requires larger pipe diameter or
higher pump head. It is recommended in many cases adopting a large pipe diameter
even though the initial cost is higher, because the difference of the material cost and
operation cost will be fully compensated by lower operation cost.
Recommended flow velocity Table 4-6
In case that water contains solid particles such as sand and soil to some extent, it is
necessary to adopt a lower flow velocity to prevent the abrasion of the lining, however
to prevent the sedimentation of them in the pipeline, the flow velocity should be not
less than 0.3 m/s.
4-6 Economical Pipe Determining the pipe diameter using hydraulic-flow formulas exclusively may not
Diameters result in the best size to use. The diameter of the pipe used should be the one which
results in the lowest capitalized cost. The capitalized cost is based on the costs of
initial material and equipment, pipe installation, operation, pumping, maintenance,
interest on the investment, and replacement. On extensive projects, it is customary to
design a number of alternative pipe diameters and select the most economical and
practical one.
Chapter 4 Pipe Diameter Selection
4-7 Pipe Size for It is desirable to design distribution pipes in a well-balanced network to provide
Distribution Network uniform pressure and uninterrupted service to the customers. For design of network
system, Hardy-Cross method is primarily used for manual calculation purpose. This
method is based on Hazen-Williams formula, and originates from the concept that the
water head loss at a certain point is proportional to the square of the flow volume, i.e.,
h = kQ2, where, k is coefficient. This calculation is to be made for each pipeline, with
the water head loss initiating in the counter-clockwise direction called positive (+) and
in the reverse direction, negative (-). When the pipeline is arranged in the form of
network, Σh = 0.
With this method, it is rare that the correct value is obtained from a single set of
calculations, and in many instances the original value, which is simply estimated, is
modified slightly and the relevant calculations are repeated over and over to bring it
closer to the correct value. The sequence of calculation is:
1. The overall pipeline network is divided into a number of sub-networks.
2. Provisionally set the flow volume Q and direction of the flow for each pipeline. In
normal instances, set the counter-clockwise direction as (+) and the reverse as (-).
3. Obtain h for Q of each pipeline. h and Q are the same sign.
4. Workout h/Q = hf Qn-1 for each pipeline, where hf is friction head.
5. Workout Σh for each sub-network.
6. Obtain Σhf Qn-1 = Σh/Q for each sub-network and further calculate
nΣhf Qn-1 = nΣh/Q.
7. For each sub-network, calculate the modified valueΔQ of the flow volume.
ΔQ = - Σh
8. Set each assumed flow volume Q, to whichΔQ is added, as the primary modified
flow volume of the sub-network.
9. Work out h for the primary modified flow volume and obtain Σh .
10. If Σh is not equal to 0, calculate the secondary modified flow volume according to
the same method as mentioned above. Then obtain h for it.
11. Then as these calculations are repeated h will begin to approach 0. Repeat these
calculations until h becomes close enough to 0 so that further calculations result
in no significant change in the value of h. Calculations can then stop at this stage.
Use the value of Q and h obtained in the last set of calculations as the final
Chapter 5 Water Hammer
5-1 General When the flow velocity of water in the pipeline is abruptly changed, a violent change
of water pressure occurs. This phenomenon is called “water hammer”. Water hammer
can take place either in gravity pipeline or pumping pipeline. Examples of transient
phenomena of water hammer are shown in Fig. 5-1 and 5-2.
Examples of transient phenomenon of water hammer in gravity pipeline Fig. 5-1
Precautions must be taken not only against pressure increase (maximum pressure)
but also pressure decrease (minimum pressure).
If the minimum pressure at any point along the pipeline goes below the saturated
vapor pressure of water, the pipeline will be exposed to a dangerous situation
because of the possibility of water column separation. This water column separation
should be avoided by using either surge tank, air chamber or other means. Pipeline
shall be designed so that expected minimum negative pressure in the pipeline by
water hammer is not lower than minus (–) 0.5 bar.
Chapter 5 Water Hammer
If the diameter and wall thickness of the pipe are not uniform throughout the whole
length of the pipeline, calculate a1, a2,···an for the lengths L1, L2,···Ln of the parts of
pipeline whose diameter and wall thickness are identical. Then work out the average
value for the total length of the pipeline according to the following formula.
a= L
(2) Simplified calculation method of water hammer by rapid valve opening or closing
(in case of T<2L/a)
In this case, Joukowsky formula is used.
H-H0 = - a (V-V0)
(3) Simplified calculation method of water hammer by slow valve opening or closing
(in case of T>2L/a)
The approximation formula which is quite close to Allievi formula is based on the
assumption that from the time the first reflected wave returns to the valve until the
valve is fully closed, the pressure remains unchanged and that the effective
opening area of the valve is changed rectilinearly.
H =1+ n (n± 2 )
H0 2 n +4
In this formula, (+) causes rise of the pressure at valve closing and (-) causes drop
at valve opening.
n = LV0
Where,L : Length of pipeline (m)
T : Time for valve closing or opening (sec)
Chapter 5 Water Hammer
(4) Simplified calculation method of water hammer in pumped pipeline
In this case, there is direct or iterative calculation method based on differential
equations, diagrammatic calculations, etc., which involves a considerable amount
of tedious work. To obtain a rough idea, simplified Parmakian diagrams in Fig. 5-3
to 5-6 are handy and convenient.
Parmakian diagram for water hammer in pumping pipelines
Chapter 5 Water Hammer
Notes to Parmakian diagrams:
Note 1.
K 2L = 1.79×106 Q20H0 2 2L
a GD η0N0 a
Where, H0 : Normal head of pump (m)
Q0 : Normal flow volume of pump (m3/s)
GD2/4g : Moment of inertia of the revolving parts (kgf-m·s2)
N0 : Normal revolution of pump (rpm)
L : Length of pipeline (m)
a : Velocity of pressure wave (m/s)
η0 : Normal effective ratio of pump
2ρ : = aV0/gH0 (when material and diameter of pipe are all identical)
= Q0Σ(Ln/An)/gH0Σ(Ln/an) (when they are different)
V0 : Normal flow velocity (m/s)
A : Sectional area of pipe (m2)
Note 2.
Moment of inertia of the revolving parts is mostly from GD2 of motor and the revolving parts of pump
contribute only about 10% of total. GD2 of motors varies depending on the type of motor and the
5-3 Prevention of The fundamental measure for water hammer prevention is to make the change of flow
Water Hammer velocity as slow as possible during the transitional period. Almost all devices for water
hammer prevention measure are designed for this purpose. Those devices can be
classified into the following three groups.
(1) to slow down the change of flow velocity
(2) to prevent the pressure drop
(3) to limit the pressure rise
Regarding the actual device for water hammer prevention, a simple device may be
adequate in some cases and complicated devices may be required in other cases.
Regardless, very careful investigation is required to make sure if it suits a particular
pipeline. Here, only basics for design are given in Table 5-1.
Water hammer prevention measure Table 5-1
Chapter 6 Pipe Laying Conditions and External Loads
6-1 Earth Pressure Case A: Prism formula
due to Earth Cover Fig. 6-1
This formula is recommended where
earth cover depth is 2m or less.
Wf = 0.001γH
Where,Wf : Earth pressure due to earth
cover (MPa)
γ : Unit weight of backfilling soil
H : Depth of earth cover (m)
Wf = (1-e-2k tanφH/B)B
2k tan φ
Where, B : Width of trench at the top of
pipe (m)
φ : Internal friction angle of
backfilling soil (deg.)
1- sin φ
k : k=
1+ sin φ
Wf = 0.001CcγD
Fig. 6-4
Chapter 6 Pipe Laying Conditions and External Loads
Case D: Marston's formula for negative-projection condition
Fig. 6-5
This formula is recommended under
negative-projection embankment
Wf = 0.001CnγB
Where,Cn : Coefficient (See Fig. 6-7)
B : Width of trench (m)
Chapter 6 Pipe Laying Conditions and External Loads
6-2 Earth Pressure 6-2-1 Truck load
due to Vehicle Load Earth pressure due to truck load is calculated by Boussinesq formula.
Wt = 10FαP
Chapter 6 Pipe Laying Conditions and External Loads
6-2-2 Caterpillar load by bulldozer
Earth pressure due to caterpillar load by bulldozer is calculated by the below formula.
Fig. 6-10
b b
WB =
b+2H tanθ
Where, WB : Earth pressure due to caterpillar load (MPa)
n : Number of caterpillars affects on the pipe (n = 1 or 2)
H : Depth of earth cover (m)
θ : Distribution angle of caterpillar load (normally θ= 45° )
i : Impact factor (i = 0.2 for weak ground and i = 0 for others)
b : Width of caterpillar (m)
qB : Vertical pressure of vehicle (MPa) (See Table 6-1)
Table 6-1
Chapter 7 Design of Ductile Iron Pipe
7-1 General Pipelines laid underground are subjected to many kinds of loads during in service,
and these loads should be taken into account in the stress analysis of the pipe. ISO
10803 and national standards are available for the design of ductile iron pipe.
In ISO 10803, the pipe wall thickness is designed to provide adequate strength
against the internal pressure and against the effects of external loads due to backfill
and traffic. The pipe wall thickness required for the internal pressure (t1) is checked by
hoop stress and that for external pressure (t2) by vertical deflection, and the nominal
wall thickness is the larger of t1 and t2 plus the manufacturing tolerance.
t1 =
Where, t1 : Minimum pipe wall thickness to resist the internal pressure (mm)
p : Internal pressure (MPa)
D : Pipe external diameter (mm)
Rm : Minimum tensile strength of pipe (= 420 MPa according to ISO 2531)
SF : Design safety factor (= 2.5 for the maximum allowable operating
pressure and 3 for the allowable operating pressure)
The allowable pressures of K9 and K10 pipes, derived from the above equation, is
given in Table 7-1.
Chapter 7 Design of Ductile Iron Pipe
7-2-2 Design for external load
Pipe wall thickness to resist the external loads shall be determined to limit the pipe
diametral deflection within the allowable maximum value by using the following
Where, Δ : Pipe diametral deflection to the external diameter D (%) (See (1))
Kx : Bedding coefficient (See Table 7-3)
q : Vertical pressure due to external loads (MPa) (See (2))
S : Pipe diametrical stiffness (= E I/(D - t2)3) (MPa)
D : Pipe external diameter (mm)
E : Modulus of elasticity of pipe (= 170,000 MPa)
I : Second moment of area of pipe per unit length (= t23/12) (mm3)
E’ : Modulus of soil reaction (MPa) (See Table 7-3)
t2 : Minimum pipe wall thickness to limit the diametral deflection caused by
external loads (mm)
Chapter 7 Design of Ductile Iron Pipe
(2) Vertical pressure due to external load: q
q = q1+q2
q1 = 0.001γH
β -4
q2 = 0.04 (1-2×10 DN)
Where, β : Traffic load factor (= 1.5 for main roads, 0.75 for access roads, and
0.5 for rural area)
DN : Nominal diameter of pipe
Chapter 7 Design of Ductile Iron Pipe
7-2-3 Determination of pipe wall thickness
The minimum pipe wall thickness t is the larger of t1 and t2.
The required nominal pipe wall thickness is determined by adding the tolerance
specified in ISO 2531 (i.e. 1.3 + 0.001DN mm) to the minimum pipe wall thickness t,
the appropriate standard pipe wall thickness class can thus be selected.
Allowable depth of earth cover for K9 pipes under main road (β= 1.5) Table 7-5
Chapter 7 Design of Ductile Iron Pipe
7-3 Kubota's Design Kubota Corporation has different design method which is based on Japan Water
Method Works Association Standard. In this method, tensile stress due to the internal
pressure and bending stress due to the external loads are checked and the sum of
them shall be less than the minimum tensile strength of ductile iron pipe.
Furthermore, vertical deflection of pipe is also checked.
σt =
Where, σt : Tensile stress due to internal pressure (MPa)
P : Internal pressure (MPa)
DN : Nominal pipe diameter (mm)
t : Net pipe wall thickness (mm)
In accordance with ISO 2531, t = T – (1.3 + 0.001DN)
T : Nominal pipe wall thickness (mm)
Chapter 7 Design of Ductile Iron Pipe
Assuming earth pressure distribution as Fig. 7-1, bending moment on pipe wall Mt
can be calculated by the following equation.
Mf = kfwf
Where, kf : Coefficient of moment due to earth cover
Coefficient kf Table 7-6
For design purpose, the following pipe supporting angles can be assumed depending
on backfilling conditions.
For normal soil condition only. Pipes laid on a hard trench bottom will be supported with a smaller angle.
On the other hand, pipes laid on a soft trench bottom will be supported with a larger angle.
Accordingly, bending stress on the pipe wall due to earth cover can be calculated by
the following equation.
Mf 6kfwf
σbf = = 2
Z 4t
Where, Z : Modulus of section per unit length (= t2/6) (m2)
The calculation of the stress should be made at both the crown and the bottom of
Chapter 7 Design of Ductile Iron Pipe
7-3-3 Bending stress due to truck loadσbt
Earth pressure distribution on ductile iron pipe due to truck load can be assumed as
shown in Fig. 7-2.
Earth pressure distribution on ductile iron pipe due to truck load Fig. 7-2
Bending moment and bending stress on the pipe wall due to truck load Mt can be
calculated by the following equations.
Mt = ktwt
Where, kt : Coefficient of moment due to truck load
kt = 0.076 at pipe crown and 0.011 at pipe bottom
Mt 6ktwt
σbt = = 2
Z 4t
Chapter 7 Design of Ductile Iron Pipe
7-3-4 Total stress
Bending stress on the pipe wall can be converted into tensile stress by multiplying
0.7. Then, total stress on the pipe wall which will experience internal pressure and
external loads simultaneously can be calculated as below
σ = σt+0.7(σbf+σbt)
PDN 1.05(kfwf+ktwt)
= + 2
2t t
Sf =
Where, σD : Minimum tensile strength of pipe (= 420 MPa according to ISO 2531)
(2) Calculation:
1) Earth pressure due to earth cover: wf
wf = 0.001γ H = 0.001×18×2
= 0.036MPa
2) Earth pressure due to truck load: wt
wt = 10FαP = 10×1.5×2.17×10-5×100
= 0.033MPa
3) Total stress in the pipe wall:σ
PDN 1.05(kfwf+ktwt) 1×600 1.05×(0.223×0.036+0.011×0.033)
σ= + 2
DN2 = + 2
2t t 2×8 8
= 37.5+49.6 = 87.1MPa
4) Safety factor: Sf
σD 420
Sf = = = 4.8>2.0
σ 87.1
Chapter 7 Design of Ductile Iron Pipe
7-5 Diametral 7-5-1 Diametral deflection due to earth load:δ f
Deflection wfDN4
δf = k
Where, k : Coefficient of deformation
Coefficient k Table 7-8
The total deformationδ should be not more than 3% of the nominal diameter of pipe.
Chapter 8 Thrust Anchoring
8-1 General Thrust forces in water mains are created when the pipeline changes directions (at
bends and tees), stops (at pipe ends), or changes in size (at reducers).
To keep the pipeline intact, while there are several methods of restraint available, the
most popular of which are the use of thrust blocks and restrained joints.
2) At tee
Fig. 8-2
P = pa
3) At reducer
Fig. 8-3
P = p(A-a)
4) At pipeline end
Fig. 8-4
P = pA
Chapter 8 Thrust Anchoring
Thrust force at 0.1 MPa pressure, in kN Table 8-1
DN 90°bend 45°bend 22-1/2°bend 11-1/4°bend Pipe end
80 1.067 0.577 0.294 0.148 0.754
100 1.547 0.837 0.427 0.214 1.094
150 3.210 1.737 0.886 0.445 2.270
200 5.474 2.963 1.510 0.759 3.871
250 8.339 4.513 2.301 1.156 5.896
300 11.804 6.388 3.257 1.636 8.347
350 15.870 8.589 4.379 2.200 11.222
400 20.442 11.063 5.640 2.834 14.455
450 25.591 13.850 7.061 3.547 18.096
500 31.436 17.013 8.673 4.358 22.229
600 44.787 24.239 12.357 6.208 31.669
700 60.495 32.740 16.690 8.386 42.776
800 78.746 42.617 21.726 10.916 55.682
900 99.190 53.681 27.366 13.749 70.138
1000 121.991 66.021 33.657 16.910 86.261
1100 147.404 79.775 40.669 20.433 104.231
1200 174.941 94.678 48.266 24.250 123.702
1400 237.410 128.486 65.501 32.909 167.874
1500 272.040 147.227 75.056 37.709 192.362
1600 309.027 167.244 85.260 42.837 218.515
1800 390.488 211.330 107.735 54.128 276.117
2000 481.467 260.568 132.836 66.740 340.448
2100 520.139 281.497 143.506 72.100 367.794
2200 577.397 312.485 159.303 80.037 408.281
2400 671.071 363.181 185.148 93.022 474.519
2600 800.147 433.037 220.760 110.914 565.790
Note: To determine the thrust force at the pressure other than 0.1MPa, multiply it by the thrust force in the
For example, the thrust force on DN600 45 degree bend at 0.5 MPa is;
24.239×5 = 121.195 kN
8-3 Anchoring by Concrete block should be designed with sufficient resistance to withstand the thrust
Concrete Blocks force under all conditions, taking into account laying and ground conditions, size and
weight of the block, weight of cover soil on the block, passive soil pressure at the
backside of the block and friction force at the bottom of the block.
For soft ground, the soil surrounding the block should be replaced with sand or any
other appropriate material which will provide sufficient passive soil reaction.
The bearing capacity of the ground should also be checked carefully. If the bearing
capacity is not enough, either the base area of the block should be enlarged or piles
to support the block should be employed.
There are several types of concrete block. Some blocks cover the whole bend or tee
and others do not.
Chapter 8 Thrust Anchoring
8-4 Design of This type of block includes whole body and joints of fittings so that the forming work
Concrete Block for casting concrete is easy, but it is impossible to access the joints of fittings. It is
essential to check and ensure the reliability of the assembled joint.
(Fittings encased)
8-4-1 Design of concrete block for horizontal bend
Fig. 8-5
E= Ceγ(h22-h12)R
Ce : Coefficient of passive earth pressure
Ce = tan2(45°
+ )
φ: Internal friction angle of soil
γ: Unit weight of soil
R: Projection length of the block
Note: When concrete block is constructed under the water table, buoyancy should be taken into
consideration for the design.
Chapter 8 Thrust Anchoring
8-4-2 Example of design
(1) Design conditions
Bend: DN600×45°
Pipe outside diameter; D = 635 mm (pipe wall thickness T = 9.9 mm)
Maximum internal pressure; p = 1.0 MPa (=1000 kN/m2)
Depth of earth cover; h1 = 1.2 m
Unit weight of soil; γs = 16 kN/m3
Unit weight of concrete; γc = 23 kN/m3
Internal friction angle of soil; φ= 30°
Friction coefficient; μ= 0.5
P1 = P sin <μ(W-P2)+E
・Against the vertical component of the thrust force
P2 = P cos <W+F
F = 2F' = ' s(h22-h12)2(B+R)μ
Where, B : Width of the block
R: Length of the block
Ce’: Coefficient of active earth pressure
Ce' = tan2(45°
Note: When concrete block is constructed under the water table, buoyancy should be taken into
consideration for the design.
Chapter 8 Thrust Anchoring
8-4-4 Design of concrete block for downward vertical bend
Fig. 8-8
P1 = P sin <μ(W+P2)+E
・Against the vertical component of the thrust force
P2 = P cos
σ= <σa
Where, σ: Required bearing capacity of the ground
σa : Allowable bearing capacity of the ground
When the allowable bearing capacity of the ground is not sufficient, a number of piles
or other countermeasure should be required.
Note: When concrete block is constructed under the water table, buoyancy should be taken into
consideration for the design.
8-5 Design of The concrete block, in which whole bend or tee is not embedded and its joints are
Concrete Block exposed, allows accessing the joints during and after the field hydrostatic pressure
(Joints exposed) An example of the design is presented in "Manual of Water Supply Practices –
Ductile-Iron Pipe and Fittings" by American Water Works Association (AWWA M 41).
In this manual, the design procedure of concrete block on horizontal bend is given as
Chapter 8 Thrust Anchoring
Fig. 8-9
Resistance is provided by transferring the thrust force to the soil through the larger
bearing area of the block such that the resultant pressure against soil does not
exceed the bearing strength of the soil. Design of thrust blocks consists of
determining the appropriate bearing area of the block for a particular set of conditions.
The followings are general criteria for bearing block design.
- Bearing surface should, where possible, be placed against undisturbed soil. Where
it is not possible, the fill between the bearing surface and undisturbed soil must be
compacted to at least 90 percent Standard Proctor density.
- Block height h should be equal to or less than one-half the total depth to the bottom
of the block HT, but not less than the pipe outside diameter D.
- Block height h, should be chosen such that the calculated block width b varies
between one and two times the height.
Ab = hb = SfP/Sb
2SfpA sin(θ/2)
Chapter 8 Thrust Anchoring
Unit weight and internal friction angle of soil Table 8-3
8-7 Thrust Anchoring Restrained joints can be used to protect bends, tees or tapers from the thrust forces
by Restrained Joints caused by the internal pressure of the pipeline. Restrained joints are useful where
space is limited for concrete blocks, where soil behind the bends or tees will not
provide adequate support, or when there is insufficient time to set and cure the
concrete blocks.
Chapter 8 Thrust Anchoring
Kubolock-T is applicable to pipes and fittings with our T-type push-on joint ranging
from DN80 to DN600.
Note. Kubolock-T of DN 700 to DN1200 may be available upon request.
The allowable hydraulic pressure and deflection angle of Kubolock-T are shown in the
below table.
Table 8-5
Kubolock-K is applicable to pipes and fittings with our K-type mechanical joint ranging
from DN80 to DN600.
The allowable hydraulic pressure and deflection angle of Kubolock-K are shown in the
below table.
Table 8-6
Chapter 8 Thrust Anchoring
8-7-3 TF-type restrained joint
TF-type joint is rigid type restrained push-on joint ranging from DN400 to DN1600.
TF-type restrained joint Fig. 8-12
Lock ring is placed in the grooves provided on the socket and spigot. TF-type joint is
of moment-bearing type and the deflection angle is zero for the design purpose. The
sealing portion of TF-type joint is the same as that of push-on T-type joint.
The allowable bending moment and hydraulic pressure of TF-type joint are shown in
the below table.
Table 8-7
8-8 Restrained 8-8-1 Required restrained length for Kubolock (-T and -K)
Length The required restrained length of the pipes at each side of horizontal bend is so
decided that the friction force and passive earth pressure on the restrained pipes are
larger than the thrust force caused by the internal pressure. As these restrained joints
are non-moment-bearing type so that the passive earth pressure is expected on only
the first pipe adjacent to the each side of bend.
Chapter 8 Thrust Anchoring
(1) Forces at horizontal bend
The thrust force and resistance forces at horizontal bend are illustrated below.
Fig. 8-13
Wf = γHc
Where,Wf : Earth pressure by backfill (kN/m2)
γ: Unit weight of backfill (kN/m3)
Hc : Earth cover depth to the center of pipe (m)
Hc = H1 + D/2
H1 : Earth cover depth to the top of pipe (m)
D : Outside diameter of pipe (m)
- Marston’s formula
Wf = (1-e-2KtanφH /B)B
2K tan φ
Where, K : Constant
φ: Internal friction angle of soil (degree)
B : Width of trench at the top of pipe (m)
Chapter 8 Thrust Anchoring
(3) Passive earth pressure
Fn = fnLp cos
Where, Fn: Passive earth pressure (kN)
fn : Passive earth pressure per unit length of pipe (kN/m)
fn = ' (H22-H12)R
Ce’ : Coefficient
Ce’ = tan2(45°
H2 : Earth cover depth to the bottom of pipe (m)
R : Reduction ratio due to circular section of pipe (= 0.5)
Lp : Nominal length of pipe (m)
Fs = 2fsL sin
Where,Fs : Friction force (kN)
fs : Friction force per unit length of pipe(kN/m)
fs = μWπ
f D
P ≦ (Fs+Fn)/Sf
Where, Sf : Safety factor (= 1.25)
- In case of L≦Lp
In this case, Lp is replaced by L.
2fs sin(θ/2)+fn cos(θ/2)
- In case of L>Lp
SfP-Lpfn cos(θ/2)
2fs sin(θ/2)
Chapter 8 Thrust Anchoring
The required restrained lengths on each side of bend for Kubolock at 1.0 MPa are
tabulated in Table 8-9.
Required restrained lengths for Kubolock at 1.0 MPa Table 8-9
Calculation conditions;
- Internal pressure: 1.0 MPa
- Earth cover depth: 1.2 m
- Unit weight of soil: 16 kN/m3
- Internal friction angle of backfill soil: 30°
- Friction coefficient: 0.3
- Pipe length: 4 m (DN80), 6 m (DN≧100)
The required restrained length of pipes L1 for the resistance forces is given by the
below equation.
L1 ≧
2fs sin(θ/2)+fn cos(θ/2)
At the same time, the required restrained length of pipes L2 for the bending moment is
given by the below equation.
Chapter 8 Thrust Anchoring
P2/2+ (P2/2)2-4fnMa/3
L2 ≧
Where, P2 : P2 = P cos(θ/2) (kN)
Ma : Allowable bending moment (kN-m)
The required restrained length of pipes shall be the larger one of L1 and L2.
The required restrained lengths on each side of bend for TF-type joint at 1.0 MPa are
tabulated in Table 8-10.
Required restrained lengths for TF-type joint at 1.0 MPa Table 8-10
Calculation conditions;
- Internal pressure: 1.0 MPa
- Earth cover depth: 1.2 m
- Unit weight of soil: 16 kN/m3
- Internal friction angle of backfill soil: 30°
- Friction coefficient: 0.3
(1) Use of collars at each end of the restrained pipeline is recommended.
(2) In case that the total restrained length is over 100 m at one portion, combination of restrained joint and
concrete block is recommended because unexpected bending moment beyond the allowable value
might be applied to the joint by ground movement and so forth.
Chapter 9 Corrosion Protection
9-1 Internal Corrosion 9-1-1 Cement mortar lining for pipes
Protection Cement mortar lining is the most common corrosion protection method for the internal
surface of ductile iron pipes for water supply. Pipes are lined with cement mortar by
centrifugal method.
The standard lining thickness is shown in Table 9-1.
Table 9-1
1) Type of cement
Cement will be ordinary Portland cement or sulfate resisting cement and the limit of
the use is given in Table E.1 of BS EN 545 Annex E as below.
Table 9-2
2) Seal coating
In case of soft water supply, newly installed ductile iron pipes with cement mortar
lining may cause the hardness-increasing (i.e. pH rising) problem due to the
leaching of alkali components form the mortar lining. Even though this problem will
be ceased in early stage, seal coating on the cement mortar lining may be effective
to prevent it to a certain level. Bitumen or synthetic resin (e.g. epoxy or acrylic)
paint is commonly used as a seal coating material.
Chapter 9 Corrosion Protection
9-1-3 Aggressive fluids
When aggressive fluid for cement mortar lining will be transported through the pipe,
special care shall be taken. Aggressive fluid for cement mortar lining will be:
1) Acid water (see Table 9-2)
2) Soft water (i.e. water with low contents of calcium and magnesium salts)
As an evaluation method of the aggressiveness of water to cement mortar lining,
Langelier Saturation Index will be commonly used (see Appendix A).
3) Sewage
When temperature is high (e.g. more than 20℃), flow velocity is extremely low
(e.g. below 0.3 m/s) and flow does not fill the pipe, sulfides in the anaerobic
sewage will be reduced to hydrogen sulfide (H2S) and finally to sulfuric acid
(H2SO4) by bacteria which will damage the pipes and other facilities. These
phenomena are observed on not only gravity sewer line but also pumping main at
summit portions in the pipeline and at the discharge portions to the tank.
Chapter 9 Corrosion Protection
Table 9-3
9-3 Electrolytic There are two major causes of electrolytic corrosion, namely by stray current and long
Corrosion Protection line current.
Stray current is common near electric railroads, structures with cathodic protection
and large D.C sources such as generators. Electric current leaked from such sources
into the underground metallic pipeline and at where electric current flow out into the
ground, pipeline is severely corroded.
Long line current is caused on the metallic pipeline which is laid through the different
type soils. The difference of the ground causes the difference of electric potential
which leads the flow of electric current and at where the current flow out, pipe is
These stray current and long line current are serious problem for weld-jointed steel
pipeline. Ductile iron pipeline has inherently electrolytic corrosion resistance because
it is insulated at every 6 or 9 meters by rubber gasket at each joint and does not form
an electrically continuous body. Therefore normally special protection is not
necessary when a pipeline is laid across or in parallel to a railway for electric car by
direct electric current.
However if there is a risk of electrolytic corrosion, one of following measures should
be taken.
1) to change the pipeline route to be sufficiently apart from cathodically protected
underground facilities
2) to isolate the pipeline with steel sheathing pipe, polyethylene sleeve, or isolative
coating such as polyethylene or polyurethane.
9-4 Cathodic Protection The use of cathodic protection systems for ductile iron pipeline is not recommended
because there is more effective and economical protection system, e.g. polyethylene
sleeving. However, if cathodic protection is designed on ductile iron pipeline, pipes
should be coated with a sophisticated coating (e.g. polyethylene or polyurethane
coating) and each joint must be over-bonded with strap(s).
Chapter 9 Corrosion Protection
Appendix A: Langelier Saturation Index (LSI)
Chapter 10 Pipeline Drawings
10-1 Drawing Fig. 10-1 shows the procedure for drawing the piping diagrams with examples.
Procedure of Piping Flow chart for drawing procedure of piping diagrams Fig. 10-1
Chapter 10 Pipeline Drawings
10-2 Confirmation of An example of DN200 pipeline is shown in Fig. 10-2 and 10-3.
Piping Conditions
Survey drawing for DN200 pipeline (plan) Fig. 10-2
Chapter 10 Pipeline Drawings
The following pipeline conditions are verified in accordance with the design
Table 10-1
10-3 Selection of As for pipes, Class K-9 is normally used. In certain situations however, pipes with
Pipe and Fittings other class will be used depending on the working condition or laying condition; for
example, when the earth cover is extremely deep or shallow, or working pressure is
extremely high or low. (Refer to Chapter 7)
As for fittings, various kinds of fittings are available from standard production. As far
as practically possible, these standard fittings should be employed in the piping
design. Fittings designed for special purposes are available as well, however they
may be more expensive than standard one.
10-4 Selection of Joints should be selected from the standpoint of their function. (Refer to Chapter 12)
Chapter 10 Pipeline Drawings
10-5 Determination An example of piping composition determination is shown in Table-10-2.
of Piping Composition Table 10-2
Chapter 10 Pipeline Drawings
Table 10-2
Chapter 10 Pipeline Drawings
10-6 Determination Calculation sheet for pipe arrangement (Table 10-7) is necessary to decide on the
of Bends use of bends.
Table 10-3
Chapter 10 Pipeline Drawings
Table 10-3
Chapter 10 Pipeline Drawings
Table 10-3
Chapter 10 Pipeline Drawings
10-7 Determination Piping methods for the straight pipeline portions, fittings portions and valve chamber
of Piping Method portions are determined as shown in Table 10-4. An example of pipe arrangement in
valve chambers are shown in Appendix-2.
Piping examples for each portion Table 10-4
Chapter 10 Pipeline Drawings
10-8 Anchoring of Fittings such as bends and tees are affected horizontally or vertically by thrust forces
Fittings caused by internal pressure of the pipeline. Consequently, fittings may move and
joints be separated. Such fittings must be anchored against the thrust forces. For
anchoring, various methods may be employed, including concrete block and
restrained joints. A combination of the concrete block and restrained joints can be
applied. (Refer to Chapter 8)
Chapter 10 Pipeline Drawings
10-10 Use of Collar Basically collars are used at the following points.
(1) Connection of two pipelines laid from opposite sides
(2) Connection to structures such as valve chamber
(3) Where a large deflection angle is necessary such as where uneven settlement is
(4) Both sides of a long pipeline composed only of restrained joints
(5) Other sections where required from an installation viewpoint
Application example of collar for connecting two pipelines Fig. 10-37
Application example of collar at long pipeline with restrained joints Fig. 10-40
Chapter 10 Pipeline Drawings
10-11 Drawing Referring to Fig. 10-41 and 10-42, valves, fittings, cut pipes and structures are
Piping Diagrams indicated by symbols. For congested sections, it is preferable to prepare detailed
drawings. Preferable scale of the drawing is 1/200 to 1/500.
10-12 Bill of Quantity Bill of quantity of the piping materials is determined by calculating the materials
of Materials according to the pipeline drawings. Careful calculation without omission is imperative.
Cut pipes should be described in an attached table.
Calculation chart for pipe arrangement Table 10-6
Note: Cut pipe(A) refers to socket and spigot cut pipe. Cut pipe (B) refers to double spigot cut pipe.
Chapter 10 Pipeline Drawings
DN200 pipeline (plan) Fig. 10-43
Chapter 10 Pipeline Drawings
DN200 pipeline (section) Fig. 10-44
Chapter 11 Installation
11-1 General This chapter offers recommendations for appropriate trench conditions for ductile iron
11-2 Unloading from Pipes shall be unloaded by lifting with crane or forklift. When crane is used pipes shall
Truck be lifted with wire ropes or nylon slings. In this case ensure the pipes are correctly
balanced. Pipes should not be lifted with a single wire rope. Use of hooks covered
with rubber sheets or cloths are recommended to prevent the damage of the external
coating and internal lining of the pipe. Each fitting shall be lifted with wire rope or
nylon sling passed through it. In this case coverage should be provided to the wire
rope or nylon sling at each end of the fittings to prevent rapid abrasion.
Fig. 11-1
Fig. 11-2
Chapter 11 Installation
11-3 Storage Pipes shall be stocked on the level ground. Timbers, having enough height to prevent
direct contact of the pipe with the ground, shall be placed so that each end of pipe
protrudes about one meter from the timbers. The number of the timbers will be 3 for 4
or 5 m long pipe, 4 for 6 m long pipe and 6 for 9 m long pipe. Pipes shall be secured
with chocks before releasing wire ropes otherwise pipes may fall off.
Pipes should be stacked on timbers within the recommended tiers in Table 11-1.
Recommended stacking tiers Table 11-1
11-5 Previous If the trench passes over a sewer or other previous excavation, the trench bottom
Excavation should be confirmed to other specified standards by Authorities and sufficiently
compacted to provide support equal to that of the native soil.
11-6 Drainage of Prior to pipe laying, any water remaining in the trench such as storm water or
Trench underground water should be removed with a sump pump. In this case, the pump
should be placed in small pit provided to collect the water. If necessary, well point
should be employed.
11-7 Pipe Laying For jointing and convenient work performance, proper implements, tools and facilities
should be provided. All pipes, fittings, valves and hydrants are laid along the trench
on the opposite side from the excavated earth.
Chapter 11 Installation
11-7-3 Pipe ends
All lumps, blisters and excessive coating should be removed from the outside of
spigot end and inside of socket at where rubber gasket will be set. These portions
should be wiped clean and dry, and be free from dirt, sand, grit or any foreign
materials before pipes and fittings are laid.
11-8-2 Placement
DN300 and larger valves should be provided with special support such as treated
timbers, crushed stone or concrete pads, or laid on sufficiently compacted trench
bottom so that pipes connected to the valve will not be required to bear the weight of
the valve. Valves should be installed in closed position.
11-9 Backfilling Backfilling shall be accomplished in accordance with the special laying conditions
when such conditions are taken into the design of ductile iron pipe (see chapter 7).
Chapter 11 Installation
11-9-2 Compaction
Backfill materials shall be fed in the trench carefully to avoid the movement and
damage of the pipe. Generally special compaction is not necessary for ductile iron
pipe. Backfill materials should be compacted to not cause the future settlement by
earth pressure and traffic loads. In case of sand ground, water-binding will be
When special backfill compaction procedures are required, they shall be
accomplished in accordance with project specification or national or local regulations.
Note. Pipe is of Class K-9 of ISO 2531 and lined with cement mortar.
Chapter 12 Jointing
12-1 General There are many types of joints for ductile iron pipes and fittings such as flexible type,
restrained type, self-anchoring flexible type and flange type.
These joints except for the flange type have the following general features.
(1) Because of the "self-sealing effect" of the rubber gasket, joints have excellent
water tightness.
(2) Pipe jointing work can be carried out in narrow trenches and even in places where
a small amount of water exists.
(3) Pipe installation work is fast compared to other pipeline with welded joints, and
pipe backfilling work can be carried out immediately after jointing.
Chapter 12 Jointing
Push-on joint requires no accessories other than the rubber gasket. Push-on joint is
assembled by pushing the spigot into the socket beyond the rubber gasket. The
rubber gasket compressed radically by the spigot provides the joint excellent water
tightness. Pipes with push-on joint are available from DN80 to DN2000 and fittings
DN80 to DN1600.
Mechanical joint is assembled by compressing the rubber gasket in the stuffing-box of
the socket through the gland by tightening the bolts and nuts. Pipes and fittings with
mechanical joint are available from DN80 to DN2600.
Chapter 12 Jointing
Flanged joint (RF-type) Fig.12-5
(1) Clean the groove in the socket thoroughly. Set the rubber gasket while checking
that it faces correct direction and is properly seated.
1) Rubber gasket setting (Small to medium diameter size)
Form the rubber gasket into heart- or guitar-shape and set it on the socket
inside as shown in Fig. 12-7-2 and 12-8-2. Confirm that the rubber gasket is set
in the groove all around the circumference of the socket.
DN80 - DN600 Fig. 12-7-1 Fig. 12-7-2
Chapter 12 Jointing
DN700 - DN900 Fig. 12-8-1 Fig. 12-8-2
(2) After cleaning, remove dirt or foreign material from the spigot end, then apply
lubricant to the spigot end and the rubber gasket in the socket.
Chapter 12 Jointing
(3) Align the spigot to the socket of the pipes and insert the spigot end to the socket.
Fig. 12-11
(4) Set the jointing tools. Use fork for DN150 and smaller pipe, one lever block for
DN200 to DN600, two for DN700 to DN1200 and three for DN1400 to DN2000
(5) Operate the jointing tools and pull the spigot end into the socket of the pipe. Keep
the pipes straight during pulling.
Chapter 12 Jointing
(6) After the white line painted on the spigot end comes to the socket end, confirm the
proper position of the rubber gasket by using a feeler gauge all around the
circumference of the pipe.
Fig. 12-14-3
(1) Clean socket inside and spigot end. Apply lubricant to them and also to the inside
of rubber gasket. Place the rubber gasket following to the gland on the spigot end
while checking that they face correct direction.
Chapter 12 Jointing
(2) Insert the spigot into the socket, then push the rubber gasket firmly and evenly
into the socket Keep the joint straight during assembly.
Fig. 12-16
(3) Pull the gland toward the socket and push the rubber gasket. Attach T-head bolt
and hand- tighten nuts.
Fig. 12-17
(4) Tighten the bolts to the normal range of bolting torque as indicated in Table 12-1
while at all times maintaining approximately the same distance between the gland
and socket flange at all points around the socket. This can be accomplished by
partially tightening the bolt at the bottom first, second the top, then the both sides,
and finally remainings. Repeat this process until all bolts are within the appropriate
range of torque. For large size pipes, five or more repetitions may be required.
Fig. 12-18
Chapter 12 Jointing
(5) Check tightness of all bolts and nuts. It is recommended to use torque wrench to
check the bolting torque. The bolting torque is specified in Table 12-1.
Fig. 12-19
(2) Mate two flanges. Align bolt holes and insert the bolts, then hand-tighten nuts.
Tighten the bolts to the normal range of bolting torque as indicated in Table 12-1
while at all times maintaining approximately the same distance between two
flanges at all point around the flange.
(3) Check tightness of all bolts and nuts. The recommendable bolting torque is shown
in Table 12-2.
Chapter 12 Jointing
Recommendable bolting torque for RF-type flange Table 12-2
Chapter 12 Jointing
12-4-2 Procedure of pipe jointing in deflection
(1) Make the trench wider appropriate for the amount of deflection.
(2) Assemble the joint in a straight line, then deflect the joint up to the allowable angle
shown in Table 12-3.
(3) In case of push-on joint, whole two white lines on the spigot should not be visible
all around the pipe body after deflected.
In case of mechanical joint, bolts shall be tightened slightly after deflected, then
completely tightened to the specified bolting torque.
Fig. 12-20
Offset: S
S = L sinφ
Radius of curve: R
2 tan(φ/2)
Chapter 12 Jointing
Table 12-4
DN Allowable Maximum offset S (m) Radius of curve R (m)
angular Pipe length Pipe length
deflection 4m 5m 6m 9m 4m 5m 6m 9m
80 5°00' 0.35 46
100 5°00' 0.35 0.52 46 69
150 5°00' 0.44 0.52 57 69
200 5°00' 0.44 0.52 57 69
250 4°00' 0.35 0.42 72 86
300 4°00' 0.42 86
350 4°00' 0.42 86
400 3°30' 0.37 98
450 3°00' 0.31 115
500 3°00' 0.31 115
600 3°00' 0.31 0.47 115 172
700 2°30' 0.26 0.39 137 206
800 2°30' 0.26 0.39 137 206
900 2°00' 0.21 0.31 172 258
1000 2°00' 0.21 0.31 172 258
1100 2°00' 0.21 0.31 172 258
1200 2°00' 0.21 0.31 172 258
1400 2°00' 0.21 0.31 172 258
1500 2°00' 0.21 0.31 172 258
1600 2°00' 0.21 0.31 172 258
1800 2°00' 0.21 172
2000 2°00' 0.17 143
Table 12-5
DN Allowable Maximum offset S (m) Radius of curve R (m)
angular Pipe length Pipe length
deflection 4m 5m 6m 4m 5m 6m
80 5°00' 0.35 46
100 5°00' 0.35 46
150 5°00' 0.44 57
200 5°00' 0.44 57
250 4°00' 0.44 57
300 5°00' 0.52 69
350 4°50' 0.51 71
400 4°10' 0.44 82
450 3°50' 0.40 90
500 3°20' 0.35 103
600 2°50' 0.30 121
700 2°30' 0.26 137
800 2°10' 0.23 159
900 2°00' 0.21 172
1000 1°50' 0.19 187
1100 1°40' 0.17 206
1200 1°30' 0.16 229
1400 1°30' 0.16 229
1500 1°30' 0.16 229
1600 1°30' 0.16 229
1800 1°30' 0.16 229
2000 1°30' 0.13 191
2100 1°30' 0.10 0.13 153 191
2200 1°30' 0.10 0.13 153 191
2400 1°30' 0.10 153
2600 1°30' 0.10 153
Chapter 12 Jointing
12-5 Connection with When ductile iron pipe is to be connected to other kinds of pipes, specially designed
Other Kinds of Pipe change collars, change spigots or stepped couplings are employed to accommodate
the change in diameter.
In case of steel pipe, spigot ring, which adjusts the outside diameter, is commonly
welded on the spigot end.
Ductile iron change-spigot pieces have spigots for connection with ductile iron pipe
socket at one end and with other kinds of pipe at the other side.
Change-spigot pieces are suitable for use where significant thrust force due to the
difference of pipe diameter is encountered. However, anchoring should be considered
where the smaller spigot end is connected with collar and there is an appreciable gap
between the spigot ends in the collar.
Chapter 12 Jointing
12-5-3 Stepped coupling
Anchoring may be required.
Fig. 12-23
12-5-5 Note
When change collars, change-spigot pieces, stepped couplings on double flanged
change pieces are ordered, please specify clearly the dimensions of the pipes and/or
flanges to be connected with ductile iron pipes.
12-6 Rubber Gasket There are many materials of rubber gasket for ductile iron pipes such as SBR
(Styrene Butadiene Rubber), NBR (Acrylonitrile Butadiene Rubber) or EPDM
(Ethylene Propylene Rubber). General applications of these rubbers are shown in
Table 12-6.
Kubota's standard rubber gasket is of SBR.
Chapter 13 Field Hydrostatic Test
13-1 General A newly installed pipeline may be tested to check the reliability of its performance
before being brought into service.
Field hydrostatic test for ductile iron pipeline is specified in ISO 10802.
13-2 Flow Chart of The flow chart of the field hydrostatic test is shown below.
Hydrostatic Test Flow chart of field hydrostatic test Fig. 13-1
Chapter 13 Field Hydrostatic Test
13-3 Details of Each 13-3-1 Decision of test section
Step The test section should be decided on after considering piping conditions and site
situations, for example, ups and downs of pipeline, position of stop valves and air
relief valves, space for testing, availability of water for the test, numbers of joints, and
other factors. While the test section is being determined, the position of the valves
and valve chambers should be considered, because they may be useful as terminal
points for the ends of the test section as shown in Fig. 13-2.
Example of terminal point for the end of test section Fig. 13-2
cf. ISO 10802, Sec. (for pressure pipeline) and 5.2.2 (for non-pressure
pipeline) The test pressure at the lowest point of the test section shall be not less than
the limit specified in a) or b), whichever is greater.
a) for working pressure less than or equal to 10 bar: 1.5 times the working
for working pressure greater than 10 bar: the working pressure plus 5 bar;
b) the maximum working pressure
The test pressure shall not exceed
- the maximum test pressure specified in the standards applicable to pipes,
fittings, flanges and accessories, or
- the design pressure of the restraining or anchoring devices. The test pressure at the highest point of the test section shall not be less than
the working pressure at this point.
Chapter 13 Field Hydrostatic Test
5.2.2 Unless maximum water tightness is essential, the test pressure shall not
0.4 bar at the crown of the pipe adjoining the upstream manhole,
1 bar at the crown of the pipe adjoining the downstream manhole, unless
otherwise specified.
5.2.3 When maximum water tightness is essential, for instance owing to the presence
of a high water table, springs or wells, a test pressure of up to 5 bar may be
Chapter 13 Field Hydrostatic Test
(2) Other thrust protection
An example of the thrust protection method other than that in valve chamber is
shown in Fig. 13-4.
Example of thrust protection Fig. 13-4
For low pressure or small diameter pipeline, portable steel plate with reinforced
beams or wooden timbers can be used instead of concrete blocks as shown in Fig.
Care should be taken to the strength of the thrust protection.
Example of thrust protection Fig. 13-5
Chapter 13 Field Hydrostatic Test
13-3-4 Water filling
Water filling shall be carried out slowly verifying that air is being released from the
pipeline. It is very important to make sure that air is actually being released during the
water filling. Insufficient ventilation will lead the test to fail and compressed air by the
water pressure is very dangerous.
If leakage is found during the water filling, leaked point should be repaired
The pipeline should be left in the water-filled condition for at least 24 hours to stabilize
the pipeline.
Chapter 13 Field Hydrostatic Test
13-3-6 Testing
The pressure test should be carried out referring to the international standard or
national standard.
13-3-7 Judgement
The judgement for the pressure test should be done referring to the international
standard or national standard.
13-3-8 Drainage
After the completion of the test, water should be drained from the pipeline. If the
adjacent pipeline section is to be tested, the water may be available for the next test.
Chapter 13 Field Hydrostatic Test
13-3-10 Connection to adjacent pipeline
After the adjacent pipeline has been tested, the test section should be connected to it.
Examples of the connection are shown below.
Example of connection at valve chamber Fig. 13-7
Chapter 14 Piping in Soft Ground
14-1 General When pipes are laid in extremely soft ground consisting of hydrous and porous soil or
in reclaimed land, special care should be taken to minimize the effect of ground
movement on the pipeline.
Generally, soft ground is prone to subside for various reasons, for example,
consolidation caused by pumping out underground water, banking for road-widening,
loads and vibrations of vehicles, and effects of other constructions.
Therefore, pipelines to be installed in soft ground are required to be able to adapt to
ground movement.
Sectional view of typical strata of soft ground Fig. 14-1
14-2 Investigation Ground studies on the planned pipeline route should be made well in advance. The
investigation of properties in each stratum should be made vertically to obtain
samples by boring, to carry out soil tests, to measure N-values, etc.
Horizontally, it is desirable to set up test points taking the followings into
1) geographical features and formation process of soft ground,
2) long intervals where the stratum of the ground is equal, and
3) short intervals in irregular places, for example at the transitional point between
solid ground and soft ground
It is also very effective to refer to the soil study results of previous construction work
carried out in the same vicinity.
Chapter 14 Piping in Soft Ground
14-3 Calculation of The assumed amount of settlement at each point of the planned pipeline route should
Settlement Amount be checked on the basis of soil investigation results.
There are three calculation formulas for the settlement.
Δ= H
Δ = mvΔPH
Δ= H log
1+eo P
ΔP = lσΔW
Chapter 14 Piping in Soft Ground
(2) Calculations
1) Weight of excavated soil
2.2×3.0×10 = 66 kN/m
Chapter 14 Piping in Soft Ground
Deflection of joint Fig. 14-3
δ = L sinθ
Note. As for Amount of deflectionδ and deflection angleθ of the joints, see Table 12-4 and 12-5.
n-1 n+1
δ = L(2tanθ+2tan2θ+2tan3θ+...+2tan θ+tan θ)
2 2
The maximum expansion of push-on joint and mechanical joint is shown in Table 14-2
and Fig. 14-5.
Chapter 14 Piping in Soft Ground
Maximum expansion of joints Table 14-2
Fig. 14-5
Chapter 14 Piping in Soft Ground
14-4-2 Uneven settlement
Settlement differences of pipeline will occur;
1) in areas that have a variety of thickness in lower consolidation strata,
2) at the boundary of structures which do not subside and soft ground, and
3) where solid ground changes to soft ground.
In case of uneven settlement, it is first necessary to estimate the settlement
differences. It is especially important to make calculations based on data obtained
through soil studies as mentioned earlier. Countermeasures should be implemented
as follows according to the results of the calculations.
Chapter 14 Piping in Soft Ground
14-5 Self-anchoring When it is required that the joint is capable of preventing slip-out and allowing an
Flexible Joint angular deflection, self-anchoring flexible TS-type joint can be employed. TS-type
joint allows an expansion until it is locked when pipeline is settled, and can withstand
the slip-out force within its allowable maximum restrained force. Therefore the joint
must be selected so that the amount of estimated settlement of the ground to be less
than the amount of estimated settlement of the pipeline.
Pipes with TS type joint are available ranging from DN400 to DN1600. The allowable
angular deflection and maximum pressure under deflected condition are given in
Table 14-4.
TS-type joint Fig. 14-6
Table 14-4
DN Allowable angular deflection Allowable maximum pressure
under deflected condition (MPa)
400 1°45' 2.1
450 1°30' 2.1
500 1°25' 2.1
600 1°10' 2.0
700 1°10' 2.0
800 1°00' 2.0
900 1°00' 1.6
1000 1°00' 1.3
1100 1°00' 1.3
1200 1°00' 1.3
1400 1°00' 1.1
1500 1°00' 1.1
1600 1°00' 1.1
TS type joint can be used as a conventional flexible push-on joint if lock-ring is not set
and spigot pipe with no groove for TS type joint is not used.
Note. When expansion joints are employed in a ductile iron pipeline, a well-balanced design should be
executed giving full consideration to the characteristics of the expansion joints and those of ductile
iron pipe joints, i.e., rigidity of bending and expansion-contraction, slip-out prevention capability, and
so on.
Chapter 14 Piping in Soft Ground
14-6 Curved Parts of Pipelines invariably have vertically or horizontally curved stretches in the main or
Pipeline branch pipeline. These deflected points cause thrust force due to the internal
pressure therefore is protected with concrete blocks in principle. However in
extremely soft ground, concrete blocks might cause uneven settlement of the
pipeline. Consequently, it is necessary to arrange the design so that the weight of
these parts is equal to that of straight parts of the pipeline. A design using restrained
joints should be made as described in Chapter 8.
14-7 Precaution for The followings are very important points to be considered when laying pipes in soft
Pipe Laying ground.
14-7-2 Backfilling
Pipeline settlement is particularly great during and just after backfilling so that it is
important to backfill pipes evenly and carefully. In some situations, it may be
necessary to suspend pipes by wire ropes during backfilling. After the completion of
backfilling, it is advisable not to place excavated soil, heavy machines or mechanical
equipment over the pipes so as to prevent irregular pipeline settlement.
Chapter 15 Piping under Special Conditions
15-1 Pipe Jacking Pipe jacking method can be used to install a pipeline in the ground without trench
excavation. This method is applicable for negotiating obstacles such as roads,
railways, canals and rivers.
Chapter 15 Piping under Special Conditions
General arrangement of pipe jacking equipment Fig. 15-3
W 26.5
H2 ≧ = = 0.29 m
qaB 100×0.9
Where, B: Width of the block (B = DN + 0.3 m = 0.9 m)
Select the larger of H1 and H2 and set the safety factor 2.0. Then, H = 0.58 m.
Specify 0.6 m for the thickness of the block.
Chapter 15 Piping under Special Conditions
15-3 Aboveground It is recommended that aboveground piping with socket and spigot pipes be provided
Piping with one support per pipe. The pipe support should have a supporting angle of
between 90°and 120°and positioned just behind the socket of each pipe.
Pipes should be secured to the supports with steel straps and rubber band so that
axial movement due to expansion and contraction caused by temperature change is
absorbed at individual joint in the pipeline.
Fittings, such as bends and tees, which will produce thrust force due to internal
pressure, should be protected with anchorage.
Example of aboveground piping Fig. 15-5
Chapter 15 Piping under Special Conditions
15-4 Piping in Tunnel For piping in tunnel, internal mechanical joint (U-type joint) offers following
(1) All jointing works can be done at pipe inside so that the space between the inside
of tunnel and outside of pipes can be made minimal. This means pipe diameter
can be made maximum.
(2) Jointing work uses no fire or welding, therefore pipes can be jointed safely in the
(3) Assembling of mechanical joint is easy.
(4) U-type joint is flexible, therefore it will be possible to lay pipes according to the
curvature of the tunnel.
Pipes and fittings with U-type joint are ranged from DN700 to DN2600 and
manufactured in accordance with Japanese standard (JIS).
U-type joint Fig. 15-7
Chapter 15 Piping under Special Conditions
15-5 River Crossing There are two possibilities for river or channel crossing, i.e., over-crossing and under-
crossing. Over -crossing is by hanging the pipeline on a bridge or by water-bridge.
Under-crossing is by open-cut after shut the flow, pipe jacking, or shield method.
Example of aqueduct over bridge Fig. 15-9
Note. An air release valve should be provided at the highest point in the aqueduct.
Chapter 15 Piping under Special Conditions
Example of river-bed crossing Fig. 15-11
15-6 Railway and In recent years, when a water main is required to pass underneath a railway or road,
Road Crossings pipe jacking method or shield method is often employed to minimize the disturbance
of train or road traffic.
Pipes to be laid under a railway should be encased in protective devices such as
closed conduit, casing pipe, etc. to prevent direct impact or railway load and
Chapter 15 Piping under Special Conditions
15-7 Piping Inside Hanger or support for piping inside buildings shall be properly designed to prevent the
Buildings pipeline from deflection.
Example of hangers and supports for low pressure pipeline and high pressure
pipeline are shown in Fig. 15-13 and Fig. 15-14 to 15-16 respectively.
Example of horizontal piping (low pressure) Fig. 15-13
Chapter 15 Piping under Special Conditions
Example of horizontal piping (high pressure) Fig. 15-15
Chapter 15 Piping under Special Conditions
Fittings should be protected from thrust force caused by internal pressure.
Examples of anchoring for fittings are shown in Fig. 15-17 and 15-18.
Example of anchoring at bend Fig. 15-17
Chapter 16 Service Connections
16-1 General Service connections vary in size from small services supplying individual homes to
large outlets for industrial and other users. Service connections in common use on
ductile iron pipes include using direct tapping into the pipe wall or using saddles on
the drilled pipes. Large outlets can be provided using tees in the pipeline. Service
connection work can be carried out on non-pressurized mains or pressurized mains
using specially designed machines.
16-2 Type of Service The recommended branching method for Class K-9 ductile iron pipe is shown in the
Connections below table.
Branching method for Class K-9 ductile iron pipe Table 16-1
16-3 Direct Tapping A tap of tapered thread should be made into the pipe wall using a tapping machine,
and inlet connection having the same tapered thread should be screwed into it. The
angle of taper and type of screw threads may vary depending on connections from
different manufacturers. When fully tightened, the treaded inlet of the connection
provides both an anchorage and a leak-tight seal. To ensure water-tightness of the
connection, the use of some sort of sealing material, such as sealing tape or sealing
paste is strongly recommended. Use of saddle instead of direct tapping can also be
Example of direct tapping Fig. 16-1
Chapter 16 Service Connections
16-4 Tapping Saddle A tapping saddle consists of one or two segments curved to match the outside
diameter of the main pipe, linked by bolts or U-bolts. Saddle has a threaded hole into
which a threaded inlet can be screwed.
Pipe may be drilled before or after the installation of the saddle.
Example of tapping saddle Fig. 16-2
16-5 Insertion of Tee Tees for branching can be installed into the existing pipeline according to the
into Existing Pipeline following procedure:
(2) Cut the pipe at the three positions. Remove and discard the cut out short pipe.
Remove but save the longer pipe.
(3) Chamfer the cut ends of the existing pipes and taken out the pipe. Set the tee into
the planed position and connect it to the spigot end of the existing pipe.
Chapter 16 Service Connections
(4) Insert the collar with the gland and rubber gasket temporarily onto another spigot
of the existing pipe.
Fig. 16-4
(5) Position the plain-ended pipe and connect it to the other side of the tee.
Fig. 16-5
(6) Insert the gland and rubber gasket for the collar onto the plain-ended pipe. Set the
collar between the plain-ended pipe and spigot of the existing pipe, and assemble
the joints.
Fig. 16-6
Chapter 16 Service Connections
(2) Connect a stop valve to the branched flange of the special tee. The valve should
be fully opened.
Fig. 16-8
(3) Mount a drilling machine on the flange of the valve and drill a hole in the pipe wall.
Fig. 16-8
(4) After completion of the drilling work, withdraw the cutting head of the machine and
close the stop valve completely. Then disassemble and remove the drilling
Appendix 1 Conversion Table−S.I., Metric And Imprerial
Appendix 1 Conversion Table−S.I., Metric And Imprerial
Appendix 2 Pipe Arrangement in Chambers
Air Relief Valve
Chamber (1)
Appendix 2 Pipe Arrangement in Chambers
Air Relief Valve
Chamber (2)
Appendix 2 Pipe Arrangement in Chambers
Air Relief Valve
Chamber (3)
Appendix 2 Pipe Arrangement in Chambers
Valve Chamber (1)
Appendix 2 Pipe Arrangement in Chambers
Valve Chamber (2)
Appendix 2 Pipe Arrangement in Chambers
Wash-Out Facility
KUBOTA Corporation
Pipe Export Department
Ductile Iron Pipe Division
1-3, Nihombashi-Muromachi 3-chome, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 103-8310, JAPAN
Phone: (81) 3-3245-3245 Fax: (81) 3-3245-3830
Website: E-mail:
· Beijing Office:
Rm. 1551, New Century Office Tower, No. 6,
Southern Road, Capital Gym., Beijing,
CHINA 100046
Phone: 849-2277 Fax: 849-2280