Ps 9276 Wind Energy Conversion Systems
Ps 9276 Wind Energy Conversion Systems
Ps 9276 Wind Energy Conversion Systems
UNIT I INTRODUCTION 9 Components of WECS-WECS schemes-Power obtained from wind-simple momentum theory-Power coefficient-Sabinins theory-Aerodynamics of Wind turbine UNIT II WIND TURBINES 9 HAWT-VAWT-Power developed-Thrust-Efficiency-Rotor selection-Rotor design considerations-Tip speed ratio-No. of Blades-Blade profile-Power Regulation-yaw control-Pitch angle control-stall control-Schemes for maximum power extraction. UNIT III FIXED SPEED SYSTEMS 9 Generating Systems- Constant speed constant frequency systems -Choice of Generators-Deciding factors-Synchronous Generator-Squirrel Cage Induction GeneratorModel of Wind Speed- Model wind turbine rotor - Drive Train model-Generator model for Steady state and Transient stability analysis. UNIT IV VARIABLE SPEED SYSTEMS 9 Need of variable speed systems-Power-wind speed characteristics-Variable speed constant frequency systems synchronous generator- DFIG- PMSG -Variable speed generators modeling - Variable speed variable frequency schemes. UNIT V GRID CONNECTED SYSTEMS 9 Stand alone and Grid Connected WECS system-Grid connection Issues-Machine side & Grid side controllers-WECS in various countries TOTAL : 45 PERIODS REFERENCES 1. L.L.Freris Wind Energy conversion Systems, Prentice Hall, 1990 2. Ion Boldea, Variable speed generators, Taylor & Francis group, 2006. 3. E.W.Golding The generation of Electricity by wind power, Redwood burn Ltd., Trowbridge,1976. 4. S.Heir Grid Integration of WECS, Wiley 1998.