Electric Drives Syllabus
Electric Drives Syllabus
Electric Drives Syllabus
Module 1: Choice of Electrical Drives Dynamics of Electrical Drives, Stability, Concept of Multi quadrant operation, Components of load torques, Effect of gearing, Selection of motor power rating. Module 2: Review of conventional DC drives: Different methods of speed control and methods of breaking of series and separately excited dc motor, Ward Leonard speed control. Converter control of dc motors: Analysis of separately excited dc motor with single phase and three phase converters, dual converter. Module 3: Stator voltage control of induction motor Torque slip characteristics, operation with different types of loads, Operation with unbalanced source voltages and single phasing, Stator frequency control: variable frequency operation, V/F control, controlled current and controlled slip operation, PWM inverter drives, Multi-quadrant drives. Rotor resistance control: Slip-torque characteristics, rotor choppers, torque equations, constant torque operation. Slip power recovery scheme: torque equation, torque slip characteristics, power factor, methods of improving power factor, limited sub synchronous speed operation, super synchronous speed operation. Module 4: Speed control of synchronous motors: Adjustable frequency operation of synchronous motors principles of synchronous motor control Voltage Source Inverter Drive with open loop control self controlled synchronous motor with electronic commutation self controlled synchronous motor drive using load commutated thyristor inverter. Principle of Vector control. References: 1. R. Krishnan, Electrical Motor Drives, PHI-2003 2. G.K.Dubey, Power semi conductor controlled drives, Prentice Hall- 1989 3. G.K.Dubey, Fundamentals of Electrical Drives, Narosa- 1995 4. S.A. Nasar, Boldea , Electrical Drives, Second Edition, CRC Press - 2006 5. M. A. ElSharkawi , Fundamentals of Electrical Drives , Thomson Learning -2000 6. W. Leohnard, Control of Electric Drives,-Springer- 2001 7. Murphy and Turnbill, Power Electronic Control of AC motors, Pergamon Press 8. Vedam Subrahmaniam, Electric Drives, TMH-1994 9. P C Sen; Thyristor D C Drives, John Wiley 10. Bimal K Bose; Modern Power electronics and A C Drives, Person Education Ltd.