System Software and Operating System Lab Manual
System Software and Operating System Lab Manual
System Software and Operating System Lab Manual
: 10CSL58 ghjklzxcvbnmqwertyuiopasdfgh Lab Manual jklzxcvbnmqwertyuiopasdfghjkl zxcvbnmqwertyuiopasdfghjklzx cvbnmqwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcv bntName:ertyuio payuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmqwert yuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmqwertyu iopasdfghjklzxcvbnmqwertyuio
1. a) Program to count the number of characters, words, spaces and lines in a given input file. %{ #include<stdio.h> int wc,cc,lc,sc; %} word[^\n\t]+ line[\n] space[\t] %% {word} {wc++;cc+=yyleng;} {line} {lc++;cc++;} {space} {sc++;cc++;} %% int main(int argc,char * argv[]) { if(argc!=2) { printf("\n\t Usage:./a.out filename\n"); return 0; } yyin=fopen(argv[1],"r"); yylex(); printf("\n Number of lines=%d",lc); printf("\n Number of words=%d",wc); printf("\n Number of character=%d",cc); printf("\n Number of spaces=%d\n",sc); return 0; } Output:
1. b) Program to count the numbers of comment lines in a given C program. Also eliminate them and copy the resulting program into separate file. %{ #include<stdio.h> int flag=1,count=0; %} %% "/*"[^ .]* {flag--;} "*/" {flag++;count++;} "//".*\n {count++;} .|\n {if(flag) fprintf(yyout,"%s",yytext); } %% int main(int argc,char *argv[]) { if(argc!=3) { printf("\n\tUsage ./a.out<file.c><file.c>\n"); exit(1); } yyin=fopen(argv[1],"r"); if(!yyin) { perror("open"); exit(1); } yyout=fopen(argv[2],"w"); if(!yyout) { perror("open"); exit(1); } yylex(); printf("\n Number of comment lines:%d",count); return 0; } Output:
2. a) Program to recognize a valid arithmetic expression and to recognize the identifiers and operators present. Print them separately. %{ #include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> int na,ns,nm,nd,id,pc,oc; char s[25][10]; %} %% [(] {if(oc!=0) yyerror("System Error"); pc++; } [)] {if(pc==0 || oc!=1) yyerror("Syntax error"); pc--; } [a-z A-Z 0-9]+ {if(oc!=0) yyerror("Syntax Error"); oc++; strcpy(s[id++],yytext); } [+] {oc--;na++;} [-] {oc--;ns++;} [/] {oc--;nd++;} [*] {oc--;nm++;} [ \n\t]+ ; . { yyerror("Invalid"); } %% yyerror(char *s) { puts(s); printf("\n\t Invalid Expression.\n"); exit(1); } int main() { int i; printf("\n\n\tEnter an Expression:\n"); yylex(); if(pc!=0 || oc!=1) printf("\n\t Invalid Expression.\n"); else
} return 0; } Output:
printf("\n Valid Expression."); printf("\nNumber of addition=%d\tNumber of Substraction=%d",na,ns); printf("\nNumber of Multiplication=%d\nNumber of division=%d",nm,nd); printf("\n Number of id=%d",id); for(i=0;i<id;i++) printf("\nID_%d=%s",i+1,s[i]);
%{ #include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> int flag=0; %} space [ \n\t]+ %% {space}(([aA][nN][dD])|([bB][uU][tT])|([oO][rR])){space} {flag=1;} .; %% int main() { printf("\n Enter a Statement:"); yylex(); if(flag) printf("\nIt is compound statement."); else printf("\nIt is a simple statement."); return 0; } Output:
3. a) Program to recognize and count the number of identifiers in a given input file. Lex Part %{ #include<stdio.h> int count=0; %} %% "int" | "float" | "char" | "double" {char ch; ch=input(); while(1) { if(ch==',') count++; if(ch==';') {count++;break;} //if(ch=='\n') break; ch=input(); } } .|\n ; %% int main(int argc,char *argv[]) { if(argc!=2) { printf("\t\nUsage:./a.out c.file"); exit(1); } else { yyin=fopen(argv[1],"r"); if(!yyin) { perror("Open"); exit(1); } yylex(); printf("Number of ID=%d\n",count); } return 0; }
Design, develop, and execute the following programs using YACC: 4. a) Program to recognize a valid arithmetic expression that uses operators +, -, * and /. Lex Part %{ #include "" %} %% [a-z A-Z 0-9]+ {return OPER;} [\t]; \n {return 0;} . {return yytext[0];} %% YACC Part %{ #include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> %} %token OPER %left '+''-' %left '*''/' %% expr:e; e:e'+'e | e'-'e | e'*'e | e'/'e | OPER | '('e')' ; %% main() { printf("Enter an Expression:"); yyparse(); printf("Valid Expression\n"); } yyerror() { printf("Invalid Expression\n"); exit(0); }
4. b) Program to recognize a valid variable, which starts with a letter, followed by any number of letters or digits. LEX Part %{ #include "" %} %% [a-zA-Z] {return L;} [0-9] {return D;} . {yyerror ("SE");} [\n] {return 0;} %% YACC Part %{ #include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> %} %token L D %% S:L X X:L X|D X| ; %% int main() { printf("Enter Variable:"); yyparse(); printf("Valid Variable."); return 0; } int yyerror(char *S) { printf("%s is a Invalid String.\n",S); exit(1); }
5. /.
LEX Part %{ #include "" extern int yylval; %}%% [0-9]+ {yylval= atoi(yytext); return NUM;} [\t]; [\n] {return 0;} . {return yytext[0];} %% YACC Part %{ #include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> %} %token NUM %left '+''-' %left '*''/' %% expr:e{printf("Result = %d\n",$1);} e:e'+'e {$$=$1+$3;} |e'-'e {$$=$1-$3;} |e'*'e {$$=$1*$3;} |e'/'e {$$=$1/$3;} |'('e')' {$$=$2;} |NUM {$$=$1;} ; %% int main() { printf("Enter the Expression:"); yyparse(); printf("Valid Expression."); return 0; } yyerror() { printf("Invalis Expression\n"); exit(1); }
5. b) Program to recognize strings aaab, abbb, ab and a using the grammar n n (a b , n>= 0). LEX Part %{ #include "" %} %% [a] {return A;} [b] {return B;} . {yyerror("SE");} [\n] {return 0;} %% YACC Part %{ #include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> %} %token A B %% S: A S B |; %% int main() { printf("Enter the string m:"); yyparse(); printf("It is a valid string."); return 0; } int yyerror(char *S) { printf("Invalid String."); exit(1); } Output:
LEX Part %{ #include "" %} %% [a] {return A;} [b] {return B;} . {yyerror ("SE");} [\n] {return 0;} %% YACC Part %{ #include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> %} %token A B %% S:A A A A A A A A A A X B; X:A X |; %% int main() { printf("Enter the valid string:"); yyparse(); printf("Valid string:"); return 0; } int yyerror(char *S) { printf("Invalid String."); exit(1); }
7. a) Non-recursive shell script that accepts any number of arguments and prints them in the Reverse order, ( For example,if the script is named rargs, then executing rargs A B C shouldproduce C B A on the standard output). echo "Input string:$*" for x in "$@" do y=$x" "$y done echo "Reversed string is:$y" Output:
7. b) C program that creates a child process to read commands from the standard input and execute them (a minimal implementation of a shell like program). You can assume that no arguments will be passed to the commands to be executed. #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <unistd.h> int main() { char str[10]; int pid; pid =fork(); if(pid==0) { printf("child process\n"); printf("enter th ecommand\n"); scanf("%s",str); system(str); printf("finished with child\n"); } else { wait(); printf("\n parent process\n"); } return 0; } Output:
8. a) Shell script that accepts two file names as arguments, checks if the permissions for these files are identical and if the permissions are identical, outputs the common permissions, otherwise outputs each file name followed by its permissions. f1=`ls -l $1 |cut -c 2-10` f2=`ls -l $2 |cut -c 2-10` if [ $f1 == $f2 ] then echo "File $1 and $2 have common file permission:$f1" else echo "File $1 has permission:$f1" echo "File $2 has permission:$f2" fi Output:
8. b) Program to create a file with 16 bytes of arbitrary data from the beginning and another 16 bytes of arbitrary data from an offset of 48. Display the file contents to demonstrate how the hole in file is handled. #include<stdio.h> #include<sys/types.h> #include<sys/stat.h> #include<unistd.h> #include<fcntl.h> int main() { char buf1[]="1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F"; char buf2[]="G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U"; int fd; fd=creat("t.txt",O_WRONLY|777); write(fd,buf1,16); lseek(fd,48,SEEK_SET); write(fd,buf2,16); } Output:
9. a) Shell script that accepts file names specified as arguments and creates a shell script that contains this file as well as the code to recreate these files. Thus if the script generated by your script is executed, it would recreate the original files(This is same as the bundle script described by Brain W. Kernighan and Rob Pike in The Unix Programming Environment, Prentice Hall India). #To unbundle sh this file echo a.txt cat>a.txt<< End of a.txt echo b.txt cat>b.txt<< End of b.txt Output:
9. b) C program to do the following: Using fork( ) create a child process. The child process prints its own process-id and id of its parent and then exits. The parent process waits for its child to finish (by executing the wait( )) and prints its own process-id and the id of its child process and then exits. #include<stdio.h> #include<sys/stat.h> #include<sys/types.h> #include<unistd.h> int main() { int pid; pid=fork(); if(!pid) { printf("\nThe child process"); printf("\nThe child PID:%d",getpid()); printf("\nThe parent PID:%d",getppid()); } else { wait(); printf("\n\nThe parent process"); printf("\nThe child PID:%d",getpid()); printf("\nThe parent PID:%d\n\n",pid); } return 0; } Output:
Operating Systems: 10. Design, develop and execute a program in C / C++ to simulate the working of Shortest Remaining Time and Round-Robin Scheduling Algorithms. Experiment with different quantum sizes for the Round- Robin algorithm. In all cases, determine the average turn-around time. The input can be read from key board or from a file. #include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> struct proc { int id; int arrival; int burst; int rem; int wait; int finish; int turnaround; float ratio; }process[10]; struct proc temp; int no; int chkprocess(int); int nextprocess(); void roundrobin(int,int,int[],int[]); void srtf(int); void main() { int n,tq,choice,bt[10],st[10],j,i; for(;;) { printf("Enter your choice\n"); printf("1.Round Robin\n2.Shortest Remaining Time First\n3.Exit\n"); scanf("%d",&choice); switch(choice) { case 1: printf("Round Robin scheduling\n\n"); printf("Enter number of processes:"); scanf("%d",&n); printf("\nEnter burst time for sequences:"); for(i=0;i<n;i++) {
} printf("\nEnter time quantum:"); scanf("%d",&tq); roundrobin(n,tq,st,bt); break; case 2: printf("Shorest Remaining Time First\n"); printf("Enter the number of process:"); scanf("%d",&n); for(i=0;i<n;i++) { printf("Input Arrival time of process %d\n",i+1); scanf("%d",&process[i].arrival); printf("Input Burst time of process %d\n",i+1); scanf("%d",&process[i].burst); process[i].rem=process[i].burst; } srtf(n); break; case 3: exit(0);
scanf("%d",&bt[i]); st[i]=bt[i];
void roundrobin(int n,int tq,int st[],int bt[]) { int tat[10],wt[10],i,count=0,swt=0,stat=0,temp1,sq=0; float awt=0.0,atat=0.0; while(1) { for(i=0,count=0;i<n;i++) { temp1=tq; if(st[i]==0) { count++; continue; } if(st[i]>tq) st[i]-=tq;
} //SHORTEST REMAINING TIME FIRST int chkprocess(int s) { int i; for(i = 0; i < s; i++) { if(process[i].rem != 0) return 1; } return 0; } int nextprocess() { int min,l,i; min = 32000; for(i=0;i<no;i++) { if(process[i].rem!=0&&process[i].rem<min) {
} for(i=0;i<n;i++) { wt[i]=tat[i]-bt[i]; swt+=wt[i]; stat+=tat[i]; } awt=(float)swt/n; atat=(float)stat/n; printf("Process_No\tBurst time\tWait time\tTurn around time\n"); for(i=0;i<n;i++) printf("%d\t\t%d\t\t%d\t\t%d\t\t\n",i+1,bt[i],wt[i],tat[i]); printf("Avg wait time is %f\nAvgTurn Around time is %f\n",awt,atat);
} if(n==count) break;
} return l;
min = process[i].rem; l = i;
while(chkprocess(n) == 1) { if(process[no].arrival == time) { no++; if(process[j].rem==0) process[j].finish=time; j = nextprocess(); } if(process[j].rem != 0) { process[j].rem--; for(i = 0; i < no; i++) { if(i != j && process[i].rem != 0) process[i].wait++; } } else { process[j].finish = time; j=nextprocess(); time--; k=j; } time++;
} process[k].finish = time; printf("\n\n\t\t\t---SHORTEST REMAINING TIME NEXT---"); printf("\n\n Process Arrival Burst Waiting Finishing turnaround Tr/Tb \n"); printf("%5s %9s %7s %10s %8s %9s\n\n", "id", "time", "time", "time", "time", "time");
for(i = 0; i < n; i++) { process[i].turnaround = process[i].wait + process[i].burst; process[i].ratio = (float)process[i].turnaround / (float)process[i].burst; printf("%5d %8d %7d %8d %10d %9d %10.1f ", process[i].id+1, process[i].arrival,process[i].burst,process[i].wait, process[i].finish,process[i].turnaround, process[i].ratio); tavg+=process[i].turnaround; wavg+=process[i].wait; printf("\n\n"); } tavg/=n; wavg/=n; printf("Turn Around average time is %f\nWaiting average time is %f",tavg,wavg); } OUTPUT:
11. Using OpenMP, Design, develop and run a multi-threaded program to generate and print Fibonacci Series. One thread has to generate the numbers up to the specified limit and another thread has to print them. Ensure proper synchronization. #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <omp.h> void Usage(char prog_name[]); int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { int thread_count, n, i; long long* fibo; if (argc != 3) Usage(argv[0]); thread_count = strtol(argv[1], NULL, 10); n = strtol(argv[2], NULL, 10); fibo = malloc(n*sizeof(long long)); fibo[0] = fibo[1] = 1; # pragma omp parallel for num_threads(thread_count) \ schedule(static,1) for (i = 2; i < n; i++) fibo[i] = fibo[i-1] + fibo[i-2]; printf("The first n Fibonacci numbers:\n"); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) printf("%d\t%lld\n", i, fibo[i]); free(fibo); return 0;
} void Usage(char prog_name[]) { fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s <thread count> <number of Fibonacci numbers>\n", prog_name); exit(0); }
12. Design, develop and run a program to implement the Bankers Algorithm. Demonstrate its working with different data values. #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> struct da { int max[10],a1[10],need[10],before[10],after[10]; }p[10]; void main() { int i,j,k,l,r,n,tot[10],av[10],cn=0,cz=0,temp=0,c=0; clrscr(); printf("\n ENTER THE NO. OF PROCESSES:"); scanf("%d",&n); printf("\n ENTER THE NO. OF RESOURCES:"); scanf("%d",&r); for(i=0;i<n;i++) { printf("PROCESS %d \n",i+1); for(j=0;j<r;j++) { printf("MAXIMUM VALUE FOR RESOURCE %d:",j+1); scanf("%d",&p[i].max[j]); } for(j=0;j<r;j++) { printf("ALLOCATED FROM RESOURCE %d:",j+1); scanf("%d",&p[i].a1[j]); p[i].need[j]=p[i].max[j]-p[i].a1[j]; } } for(i=0;i<r;i++) { printf("ENTER TOTAL VALUE OF RESOURCE %d:",i+1); scanf("%d",&tot[i]); } for(i=0;i<r;i++) { for(j=0;j<n;j++) temp=temp+p[j].a1[i]; av[i]=tot[i]-temp; temp=0; }
printf("\n\tRESOURCES\tALLOCATED\tNEEDED\tTOTAL\tAVAIL"); for(i=0;i<n;i++) { printf("\nP%d\t\t",i+1); for(j=0;j<r;j++) printf("%d",p[i].max[j]); printf("\t\t"); for(j=0;j<r;j++) printf("%d",p[i].a1[j]); printf("\t"); for(j=0;j<r;j++) printf("%d",p[i].need[j]); printf("\t"); for(j=0;j<r;j++) { if(i==0) printf("%d",tot[j]); } printf("\t"); for(j=0;j<r;j++) { if(i==0) printf("%d",av[j]); } } printf("\n\n\t AVAIL BEFORE\T AVAIL AFTER "); for(l=0;l<n;l++) { for(i=0;i<n;i++) { for(j=0;j<r;j++) { if(p[i].need[j] >av[j]) cn++; if(p[i].max[j]==0) cz++; } if(cn==0 && cz!=r) { for(j=0;j<r;j++) { p[i].before[j]=av[j]-p[i].need[j]; p[i].after[j]=p[i].before[j]+p[i].max[j]; av[j]=p[i].after[j];
} if(c==n) printf("\n THE ABOVE SEQUENCE IS A SAFE SEQUENCE"); else printf("\n DEADLOCK OCCURED"); getch(); } Output1:
} else { cn=0;cz=0; } }
p[i].max[j]=0; } printf("\nP%d\t\t",i+1); for(j=0;j<r;j++) printf("%d",p[i].before[j]); printf("\t\t"); for(j=0;j<r;j++) printf("%d",p[i].after[j]); cn=0; cz=0; c++; break;