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Ibrahim M. Habib

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Ibrahim M. Habib

Applied Geography, M.Sc.

Institute of Arab Research & Studies

Department of Geographic Research & Studies

ibrahimhabibfrj@hotmail.com :

Dr. Radwan J. El-Kelani

Earth Sciences & Seismic Engineering Center
An Najah National University

P.O. Box (7), Nablus, Palestine
- . )(7
radwan@najah.edu :




The Dead Sea and Sodom People

Abstract: The origin, the salinity and the relation of the Dead Sea to Sodom
People have been controversial among researchers for many decades.
Recently, the crustal structure of the Dead Sea Transform (DST), which
forms a part of largest Tertiary rift system, has been well studied and
documented. But the controversy still exists on the kind of punishment that
was inflicted on Sodom People. Most interpretations attribute the torture to
supernatural miracles. The present study discussed the relation between the
origin of the Dead Sea and Sodom people from different points of view. An
attempt was made to establish a scientific scenario and imagine the torture
in the context of the available religious information and geological facts.
What had happened to Sodom People was related to natural phenomena
which could be explained and understood by human beings.
: .



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