Head Injury
Head Injury
Head Injury
The more severe the injury is, more brain damage occurs This is the result of tear in one of the bridging veins
with more axonal injury. This would be associated with between the surface of the cortex and the dural
higher morbidity and mortality. sinuses.
The blood collects gradually and slowly as the bleed is of
Penetrating injury venous origin.
High velocity or slow velocity injury as a result of Their outer edge is convex, while their inner border is
penetration with sharp objects. usually irregularly concave.
The base of the skull is thin bone and could easily be Subdural hematomas are not limited by the intracranial
penetrated especially in children. suture lines; this is an important feature that aids in
their differentiation from epidural hematomas.
This result in skull base fracture and damage to the brain They can also arise from cortical lacerations or bleeding
overlying that area. from the dural venous sinuses.