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Lesson Plan 3 Pumpkins

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Teacher Candidate: Jordan Gates Lesson # ___3___ Subject/Grade: Science/1st Date and Time of Lesson: October 29, 2013 Learning Objective: Students will be able to identify 3 out of the 6 stages in the life cycle of a pumpkin. Alignment with Standards: Summarize the life cycle of a pumpkin. (Seed, sprout, vine, flower, green pumpkin, pumpkin) Developmental Appropriateness or Cross-curricular connections: My learning objective is appropriate for my students because it is so close to Halloween that students are already excited about pumpkins. Students need to know the life cycle of a pumpkin, especially this time of year when they go to look at pumpkins. Assessment(s) of the Objectives: Pre: This lesson as a whole will be used for a pre assessment. During: For a during assessment I would teach more about the life cycle of a pumpkin and I would assess the students by doing an anecdotal record sheet to see if the students now would know 4-5 out of the 6 stages of the life cycle. Post: For the post assessment of the life cycle of a pumpkin, I would have the students create a booklet that had each of the stages of the life cycle in order. Lesson Objective Assessment of the Objective Use of Formative Assessment Students will be able to Students will be assessed by I will use the data that I identify 3 out of the 6 an anecdotal record sheet. I collected from my stages in the life cycle of a will check off on how many assessment to form pumpkin. stages of the life cycle of a how I will teach the life pumpkin the students know. cycles of animals later in the year. I can learn from what I am doing here, and modify it to teach later on. Accommodations: For students who are visually or hearing impaired, I will sit them closer to the front of the rug. For students with behavior problems, I will seat them in a seat where they are less likely to get into trouble. Materials: One Large Pumpkin One Large Spoon Garbage bags x2 Bowl of Seeds Student Computers Procedures: 1. I will start off my lesson by calling my students to the rug. 2. I will tell them that we are going to sit in a circle on the rug. Depending on how well the students do on their own, I might have to have students hold hands to make a circle and then sit down.

Rev. 2013

3. The students will take turns touching and getting a closer look at the pumpkin. 4. While the students are taking turns touching and getting a closer look at the pumpkin, I will ask them, What does the pumpkin feel like? What does the pumpkin look like? 5. I will ask the students, Why do you think that pumpkins have seeds? 6. This is where I will begin to introduce the life cycle of a pumpkin. 7. I will give the students a chance to tell me why they think pumpkins have seeds. 8. After everyone has had a chance, I will begin to explain the life cycle of a pumpkin. 9. I will go through the stages in order (seed, sprout, vine, flower, green pumpkin, and pumpkin). I will show them a visual of the stages of the life cycle as I am explaining it. 10. After we have talked about the life cycle of a pumpkin, we will begin our dissection. 11. As we go through the dissection I will talk to the students about what they see. 12. I will also let the student feel the goop of the pumpkin. I will ask students, What does the inside of the pumpkin feel like? 13. I will pull all of the goop out of the pumpkin and place it aside. 14. I will keep the goop and seeds to use for my next lesson. (Math: CCSS.Math.Content.1.NBT.A.1 Count to 120, starting at any number less than 120. In this range, read and write numerals and represent a number of objects with a written numeral.) Activity Analysis:

Anecdotal Record Sheet: This record sheet will have each of the stages of a pumpkin life cycle listed on it. I will be able to check off which of them the students know. I will also keep an anecdotal record sheet that I will check off behavior, following directions, and working well with others. If time allows, I will have students go to back computer to do pumpkin game.

References: Vogan, B. (2013). Pumpkin patch tv. Retrieved from http://www.pumpkinpatchtv.blogspot.com/2012/09/thats-how-pumpkin-grows.html

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