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Oct 28-Nov 5

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5R HOMEWORK PROGRAME WEEK of Oct 28th- Nov 5thth

Student Name : Grade : 5 Date issued: 28th October

Unit 2 . Central Idea

Class : 5R Date Due: 5th Nov

Lines of Inquiry : There are organisational
systems used in our community. Different systems are important for organisations to function. There are different responsibilities within systems to make them function.

Organizations have syste s to anage their in!ivi!"a#s an! reso"rces$

The concepts that are assigned to this unit are !NCT"ON and R#S$ONS"%"&"T'( Can )ou e*plain +h) these have been chosen( Discussion +ill be at Thursda) class meeting time(

'N() O* (N+'(R,
, This +ee- )ou +ill start our .irst /#%0!#ST( 1ere is the lin-(( http:22+++(3unal(com2+eb4uest(php5+678798 "n class )ou +ill be put into groups o. : to complete this( Some in,class time +ill be given on /ednesda) and Thursda) but most should be completed .or 1ome+or-(

&earn the 79 +ords that )ou too- do+n in )our spelling boo-s( 'ou +ill have time in class on /ednesda) to learn these( ,

#ach evening this +ee- ;<on,Thur=> )ou +ill be emailed an article relating to our unit( Read this and ma-e a comment on the shared document( Narrative +riting should be completed b) rida)( $lease +or- on at home as )ou +ill onl) have ? periods this +ee- to +or- on it(


,Complete the nightl) 29( /e +ill mar- these each morning( ,Complete the problem solving sheet(

(MPOR)AN) NO)(%E. $lease send an) cand) donations to <iss Tat3@s o..ice b) this Thursda)(

.PE%(A-(.) %-A..E. /rite in belo+> home+or- that an) o. the specialist teachers have given )ou( , , ,

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