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Course Outline DM F13

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Department of Computer Science

Mohammad Ali Jinnad University, Islamabad


Data Mining (CS-5343) Course Objectives

A first course in data mining based on the text book and conducted through the slides of same book. Core concepts of data mining along with the data mining techniques will be discussed in the class. Students experience on databases or data warehouse will be shared/revised during the class. At the successful completion of the course students should be able to identify data mining tasks apply data mining algorithms and evaluate their application.

Course Outline
!. Introduction" a. #hat is data mining$ #hat makes it a new and unique discipline$ b. %ind of data to be mined c. &ata ob'ects and attribute types d. (asic statistical description of data e. &ata visuali)ation 2. Data Preprocessing a. #hy data preprocessing b. &escriptive data summari)ation c. &ata cleaning d. &ata integration and transformation e. &ata reduction f. &ata discreti)ation 3. Mining frequent patterns, associations and correlations a. (asic concepts b. *requent itemset mining methods c. +nteresting patterns 4. Classification and Predictions a. +ssues in classification b. &ecision tree induction c. Statistical based algorithms d. ,ule based algorithms e. -odel evaluation and selection 5. Cluster Analysis a. Cluster analysis b. .artitioning methods

c. /ierarchical methods d. &ensity0based methods e. 1rid0based methods

*ollowing activities are included in evaluation" -id 2erm 3xam *inal 3xam 8ui))es Assignments .resentations Class .articipation 456 756 !96 !56 !56 596 ::: 1ood ;uck <<<

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