Ssanchez LR Final
Ssanchez LR Final
Ssanchez LR Final
Embryonic Stem Cell Re earc!: A Re"ie# o$ t!e Literature Sandra Sanc!e% &ni"er ity o$ Te'a at El (a o
Embryonic tem cell !a"e been u ed in t!e &nited State to re earc! cure $or di ea e uc! a Al%!eimer) * Ty+e , -iabete * Ty+e . -iabete * and (ar/in on) 0 T!i literature re"ie# #ill in$orm t!e reader about t!e de$inition o$ an embryo* t!e bene$it and ri / t!e mot!er encounter * t!e e$$ecti"e alternati"e * a #ell a t!e !i tory o$ #!ere t!e go"ernment tand on t!i i ue0 Stati tic $rom c!olarly article a #ell a an online ur"ey #ill be u ed to contribute in$ormation on embryonic tem cell re earc!0
EMBRYONIC STEM CELL RESEARCH Embryonic Stem Cell Re earc!: A Re"ie# o$ t!e Literature Stem cell are cell in t!e !uman body t!at !a"e t!e ca+ability o$ becoming any ty+e o$ cell t!at t!e body mig!t need0 Since t!e ,123 doctor and cienti t !a"e been re earc!ing t!e e tem cell to ee i$ t!ere i a +o ibility to $ind a cure to $atal di ea e uc! a cancer or Al%!eimer) 0
Re earc!er e'tract t!e tem cell $rom embryo t!at are donated by t!e mot!er0 E"en a$ter all t!e re earc! doctor and cienti t !a"e not $ound a cure $or any di ea e u ing embryonic tem cell 0 Embryonic tem cell re earc! i contro"er ial bet#een +olitician * +ublic* and c!olar 0 T!ere are t!o e #!o ay it i a medical e"olution t!at #ill tri"e t!e creation o$ a ne# ub tance and $urt!er our medical tec!nology* !o#e"er t!e ot!er ide o$ t!e +ublic tate t!at t!i i a $orm o$ abortion0 T!e $ollo#ing 4ue tion #ill be ob er"ed to under tand t!e to+ic in an e$$icient #ay: ,0 5!at i an embryo6 .0 Ho# doe t!e embryonic tem cell re earc! a$$ect t!e mot!er and are t!ere real bene$it to !er6 70 Are t!ere ot!er e$$ecti"e alternati"e 6 80 5!ere doe t!e &nited State go"ernment tand6 T!i literature re"ie# #ill +ro"ide t!e de$inition o$ an embryo* in$ormation about t!e e$$ect and bene$it o$ t!e mot!er* t!e e$$ecti"e alternati"e * and in$orm about t!e +olicie and la# t!e &nited State go"ernment !a +laced0 What is an embryo? It i im+ortant to under tand t!e de$inition o$ t!e #ord embryo to under tand $urt!er embryonic tem cell re earc!0 According to t!e c!olarly article 9Embryo and tem cell re earc!
EMBRYONIC STEM CELL RESEARCH in t!e &SA: a +olitical !i tory: #ritten by -orot!y C0 5ert% an embryo i a 9Human indi"idual de er"ing o$ re +ect and re$er to t!e !al$;do%en or o $ro%en < ur+lu ) embryo t!at !a"e been ado+ted and broug!t to birt! by cou+le #!o are not t!eir genetic +arent : =,88* -orot!y C0 5ert%>0 5ert% "i ion o$ an embryo re$lect t!at o$ Anna ?ie ling in 95!at i an Embryo6:0 In t!i article ?ie ling tate t!at an embryo !a++en #!en you 9@bring toget!er t!e e t#o !ig!ly +eciali%ed cell = +erm and egg> $rom t#o uni4ue indi"idual in order to continue t!e +ecie in t!e $orm o$ a ne# !uman being demand t!e utmo t re +ect and anctity0: =,327;,328* ?ie ling> In t!i e'cer+t it can be een t!at !e re$er t!e de$inition to conce+tion0 T!e dictionary de$inition o$ an embryo i t!at o$: 9a !uman or animal in t!e early tage o$ de"elo+ment be$ore it i born* !atc!ed* etc0: =Merriam;5eb ter -ictionary> In an online ur"ey +eo+le age ,A;83 $rom di$$erent demogra+!ic #ere a /ed i$ t!ey /ne# t!e de$inition o$ an embryo0 5ert% al o continue to ay t!at* 9@embryo !a"e intrin ic "alue0: =,82* 5ert%> T!e re ult !o#ed t!at 1031B did not /no# t!e de$inition o$ an embryo = ee Cigure ,>0 T!e re t o$
t!e 1301,B /ne# t!e de$inition o$ an embryo0 E"en t!oug! t!e e number only re$lect t!e re +on e o$ $i$ty +eo+le #e could u e t!e re +on e to conclude t!e re +on e $rom a larger cale +o+ulation0 9T!e notion i o$ a truggling ne# being t!at #ill gain inde+endence i$ im+ly allo#ed to +rogre unim+eded and #it! a++ro+riate u++ort $rom ociety0: =,322*?ie ling>
T!i 4uote by ?ie ling re$lect t!e "ie# t!at many +eo+le not only !a"e to#ard embryo but al o a embryonic tem cell re earc!0
=CID&RE ,> E"en t!oug! t!e e number only re$lect t!e re +on e o$ $i$ty +eo+le #e could u e t!e re +on e to conclude t!e re +on e $rom a larger cale +o+ulation0 T!e debate t!at t!at i $ound bet#een +artie i t!at many +eo+le belie"e it i not yet a !uman being0 Yet on t!e ot!er ide t!o e li/e ?ie ling belie"e t!at it i not +ro+er to /ill a !uman being0 9T!e notion i o$ a truggling ne# being t!at #ill gain inde+endence i$ im+ly allo#ed to +rogre u++ort $rom ociety0: =,3E7* ?ie ling> Are there benefits to the mother and does embryonic stem cell research affect her? Many young #omen 9donate: t!eir embryo $or t!e +ur+o e o$ re earc!0 In return $or 9donating: t!ere embryo i a little money0 Becau e elling embryo i banned in certain area o$ t!e #orld many #omen cro border to ell t!eir embryo $or at mo t F.230 =G* Bee on* unim+eded and #it! a++ro+riate
Li++man> Since #omen recei"e ca ! in e'c!ange $or t!eir embryo it i con idered elling and a tran duction0 Many o$ t!e e are young #omen attend college or are recently college graduate 0 T!e e #omen #!o are in debt or in need o$ money !a"e become im+regnated #it! t!e ole idea o$ elling t!eir embryo to re earc!0 But not at all time !a"e t!e e #omen #anted to ell t!eir
EMBRYONIC STEM CELL RESEARCH embryo0 According to t!e c!olarly article* 9Egg !ar"e ting $or tem cell re earc!: medical ri / and et!ical +roblem by -r0 -iane Bee on and -r0 Abby Li++man* 95!en t!e clinician and re earc!er are t!e ame +er on* a i o$ten t!e ca e #omen are le$t "ulnerable to +re ure to +ro"ide egg ;e +ecially #!en +ayment o$ any /ind i o$$ered0:=8* Bee on* Li++man> T!e e #omen !a"e been +eer;+re ured to ell t!eir embryo $or doctor and re earc!er o#n bene$it0 9@no amount o$ bene$it to +er on already born Hu ti$ie de troying a "alued unborn +er on* e"en i$ t!at +er on #ill ne"er de"elo+ beyond t!e $ir t $e# cell : !uman dignity mu t not be denied0: =,82*5ert%> T!ere #a a ca e in C!ina #ere a re earc!er !ad aid t!at !e !ad $ound a cure to a di ea e #it! u ing only one embryo0 Later on t!e go"ernment $ound out t!at t!e 9000re ult $raudulent@ H#ang u ed #ell o"er .333 egg @ re"ealed +ayment* coercion* and lying #a u ed to ac4uire t!e egg 0 =Steinbroo/* .33E>>00: =8* Bee on*Li++man>0 T!i i not t!e $ir t time t!at t!i !a !a++ened to #omen0 5omen !a"e been $ound to $ace medical ri / a$ter t!ey donate t!eir embryo to t!e re earc!er0 According to -r0 -iane Bee on and -r0 Abby Li++man* 9@mo t o$ t!e +rocedure !a"e been conducted in +ri"ate $ertility clinic #it!out inde+endent o"er ig!t and* until recently* #it!out y tematic "oluntary re+orting e"en o$ eriou ide o$ e$$ect 0: =.* Bee on* Li++man>
T!e +atient i e'+o ed to an immediate ri / o$ O"arian Hy+er timulation Syndrome =OHSS> T!e mild $orm o$ OHSS include abdominal +ain* diarr!ea* "omiting* and nau ea0 I$ t!e +atient i a$$ected by OHHS in t!e long run t!e +atient #ill gain #eig!t* encounter re +iratory +roblem * and #ill begin to accumulate $luid in t!e Hoint 0 I$ t!e +atient encounter OHHS in a e"ere $orm t!e +atient #ill be !o +itali%ed due to !emorr!age o$ t!e o"arie due to ru+ture0 Anot!er ri / t!e +atient i e'+o ed to i to o"arian cancer0 =.* A* Li++man> Scienti t and re earc!er !a"e gained +ublic) u++ort by +romi ing a +o iti"e outcome
EMBRYONIC STEM CELL RESEARCH o$ a cure to $etal di ea e 0 Yet e"en a$ter e"eral year and t!ou and o$ embryo t!ere !a been no cure to any $etal di ea e0 -r0 Bee on and -r0 Li++man e'+re t!ere concern in t!ere
c!olarly article* 9I$ embryonic tem cell #ere to +ro"e u e$ul in medical treatment * omet!ing not yet accom+li !ed e"en #it! +roo$;o$; +rinci+le laboratory re earc!* countle more egg
#ould be needed $or t!e many million o$ +eo+le #it! condition t!at t!e treatment #ill u++o edly cure0: =E*Bee on* Li++man> According to a ur"ey t!at #a conducted #!en t!e +o+ulation #a a /ed i$ t!ey belie"e t!ere #ere bene$it to t!e mot!er * 2,B an #ered t!at t!ey belie"ed t!at t!ey did not !a"e any bene$it 0 =Cigure .> T!i ur"ey #a a /ed to 7E indi"idual $rom di$$erent age 0 In t!e ame
ur"ey t!e +o+ulation #a a /ed i$ t!ey #ere /no#ledgeable t!at #omen #ere becoming +regnant #it! t!e only +ur+o e to donate t!eir embryo* GG0GAB an #ered t!at t!ey #ere una#are t!at #omen #ere becoming +regnant $or t!at +ur+o e0 =Cigure 7>
=CID&RE .>
=CID&RE 7> Are there other effective alternatives? Stem cell re earc! u e t#o ty+e o$ tem cell * embryonic and adult tem cell 0 Adult tem cell !a"e !el+ed medicine in !el+ing to generate medicine $or di ea e 0 Adult tem cell !a"e been $ound to be more e$$icient and e$$ecti"e0 Not only are t!ey medically better but al o t!e adult tem cell are not et!ically contro"er ial0 On t!e ot!er !and according to 9T!e -i abled Ie u ; A (arent Loo/ at t!e Logic Be!ind (renatal Te ting and Stem Cell Re earc!: by Eli%abet! R0 Sc!lit%* 9(o+e Benedict JKI aid: LAdultM tem;cell re earc!@ de er"e a++ro"al and encouragement #!en it $elicitou ly combine cienti$ic /no#ledge* t!e mo t ad"anced
tec!nology in t!e biological $ield and et!ic t!at +o tulate re +ect $or t!e !uman being at e"ery tage o$ !i or !er e'i tence0 T!e +ro +ect o+ened by t!i ne# c!a+ter in re earc! are $a cinating in t!em el"e * $or t!ey gi"e a glim+ e o$ t!e +o ible cure o$ degenerati"e ti ue di ea e t!at ub e4uently t!reaten t!o e a$$ected #it! di ability and deat! 9=,*Sc!lit%>0 S!e continue to tate t!at t!e di tinction bet#een bot! t!at cau e t!e adult tem cell to be et!ical i t!at t!e* 9embryonic tem cell re earc! doe not +o e a 9+o ible: or 9+robable: ri / to t!e
EMBRYONIC STEM CELL RESEARCH embryo in"ol"ed0 Rat!er* it de troy t!e embryo0: =,* Sc!lit%> Re earc!er !a"e aid t!ey #ill $ind a olution to not de troy t!e embryo but it i nearly im+o ible $or t!at to be done0 Adult tem cell are e'tracted $rom adult and t!ey do not !arm anyone0 Where does the United States government stand? -ue to t!e $act t!at tem cell re earc! i a contro"er ial t!e &nited State go"ernment !a made di$$erent la# t!roug!out !i tory0 According to 5ert%* 9Since ,1G7* #!en electi"e abortion became legal* t!e go"ernment !a re$u ed to $und t!era+eutic re earc! $or $ear it #ould encourage abortion 0: =,87*5ert%> Ci$teen year later t!e embryo tem cell re earc! i ue #ent into "oting0 T!e bill #a +a ed to $und embryonic tem cell re earc! #a $ully $unded by t!e &nited State go"ernment0 T!e bill aro e great contro"er y a many aid it #a a ty+e o$ abortion becau e it #a /illing t!e embryo0 T!e go"ernment tated t!at becau e it mig!t !el+ medicine it #ould be e+arated $rom abortion0 According to 5ert%* 9Con er"ati"e argued t!at t!i #a encouraging murder0:=,82* 5ert%> Cor t!i on Augu t 1* .33, Bu ! gi"e a +eec! attem+ting to bene$it bot! ide o$ t!e ituation0 T!ere #ould be $ederal $unding $or t!e embryo t!at #ere e'creted be$ore Augu t 1* .3,, but a$ter t!at date t!ere #ould be no $ederal $unding on $uture embryo re earc! and it #ould be le$t to +ri"ate ector 0 Since t!at day embryonic tem cell re earc! !a not been $unded0 In a ur"ey conducted t!e +ublic #a a /ed i$ t!ey belie"e t!at t!e go"ernment !ould $und embryonic tem cell re earc!* 2202EB an #er t!at t!e go"ernment !ould $und t!e go"ernment but #it! limitation 0 =Cigure 8>
Conclusion Embryonic tem cell re earc! !a been a contro"er ial to+ic0 In an online ur"ey it #a !o#n t!at +eo+le could not ta/e a tance becau e t!ey #ere not #ell in$ormed about embryonic tem cell re earc!0 It can be een t!at and embryo i con idered a !uman being under cienti$ic de$inition and t!at indeed a !uman being i being /illed but t!at t!ere are ot!er e$$ecti"e alternati"e * uc! a adult tem cell re earc!0 E"en t!oug! t!e go"ernment !a to++ed $unding
embryonic tem cell re earc! t!ere i a commotion about t!e go"ernment $unding it com+letely once again0
EMBRYONIC STEM CELL RESEARCH References Bee on* -0* N Li++man* -0 =.33E>0 Egg harvesting for stem cell research: medical risks and ethical problem0 =-octoral di ertation>* A"ailable $rom EBSCO0 Sc!ilt%* E0 =.33G* Marc! ,.>0 T!e di abled He u 0 America Staging0 Retrie"ed October .1* .3,7* $rom !tt+:OOamericamaga%ine0orgOi ueOE3EOot!er;t!ing Odi abled;He u ?ie ling* A0 =n0d0>0 7E Connecticut La# Re"ie# .337;.3380 36 Connecticut Law Review !!3" !!#0 Retrie"ed October .A* .3,7* $rom !tt+:OO!einonline0orgOHOLOLanding(age6 !andleP!ein0Hournal Oconlr7ENdi"P72NidPN+age Sanc!e%* S0 =n0d0>0 Embryonic tem cell re earc! 0 Surve$%onke$0 Retrie"ed October 73* .3,7* $rom !tt+ :OO###0 ur"eymon/ey0comOanaly%eOA-QR3dR.BdKyGHHK!$,t $S4gcrDlD%2K+n +HR.BR.BGMSR.Bo8R75ert%* -0 =n0d0>0 Trend in Molecular Medicine ; Embryo and tem cell re earc! in t!e &SA: a +olitical !i tory0 &rends in %olecular %edicine " Embr$o and stem cell research in the 'SA: a political histor$0 Retrie"ed October .A* .3,7* $rom !tt+:OO###0 ciencedirect0comO cienceOarticleO+iiOS,8G,81,83.3..G33 embryo0 =n0d0>0 %erriam"(ebster0 Retrie"ed October .A* .3,7* $rom !tt+:OO###0merriam;#eb ter0comOdictionaryOembryo