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Running head: Playing winds with a cleft palate

Is it possible to play a wind instrument with a cleft palate? Ashley M. Glover lorida International !niversity

P"A#I$G %I$&' %I() A *"+ ( PA"A(+ Abstract

(his paper goes into detail of what a cleft palate,cleft lip is and the issue of whether or not children with cleft palate,lip can play wind instruments. It will inform on how different groups of instruments are played and what limitations children with a cleft palate,lip could possibly face in trying to play said instruments.

P"A#I$G %I$&' %I() A *"+ ( PA"A(+

Is it possible to play a wind instrument with a cleft palate? What is a Cleft Palate/lip? A cleft lip and cleft palate are openings or splits in the upper lip- the roof of the mouth .palate/ or both. *left lip and cleft palate result when developing facial structures in an unborn baby don0t close completely. .http:,,www.mayoclinic.com,health,cleft1palate,&'22345/. (his birth defect is very common and is highly treatable- )owever- even with surgery the palate is not shaped typically which may result in speech difficulties and trouble playing wind instruments.

History. *left palate,lip- being one of the most common defects- has been around for many millennium and has played 6uite the big part in history. In Ancient times many cultures believed children born with the cleft to be possessed by demons or other evil spirits. )owever according to +gyptian fol7lore children born with a cleft palate were believed to posses supernatural powers. .)((P:,,www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov,pmc,articles,PM*858929:, /

Soft Palate %hen children have a cleft palate they essentially have a hole in mouth that connects to the nose. (his hole can range from being ;ust in the soft palate to e<tending through the hard palate and lip. Although- a defect in the soft palate is considered minor cleft- it could possibly spell disaster for a child hoping to play a wind instrument. %hen playing an instrument you must be able to control air pressure and 7eep a constant air flow. %hen there is a defect in the soft palate it is very difficult to 7eep the air

P"A#I$G %I$&' %I() A *"+ ( PA"A(+ from flowing through the mouth and the nose. Velopharyngeal Insufficiency(VPI).=PI occurs when the soft palate fails to completely close the oronasal cavity while attempting to blow air through the mouth- resulting in air escaping from the nose..+vans-Ac7ermann->&riscol- 82?2/ (his defect could completely hinder a child0s chances of being able to get a sound out of an instrument without a hissing sound coming out of their nose.

Choosing an Instrument Wood inds %hen a child has a cleft lip- playing a woodwind instrument can prove to be 6uite acheivable. or the reed instruments- all you must be able to do is create an airtight seal around the mouthpiece. A common choice for students with a cleft palate is the sa<ophone because it has a looser embouchure.mouth position/ than all of the other woodwind instruments. !lute. lute is also another common choice for students with a cleft. It has an atypical embouchure compared to other wind instruments. (he student must blow over the opening in order to ma7e the sound come out. "rass Many children with a more severe cleft palate,lip have much more difficulty with getting sound out on brass instruments. 'ound is created in brass instruments by vibrating the lips against each other inside of a metal mouthpiece. or children with a cleft lip- the amount of control necessary for sound production is nearly impossible. )owever- for students that do not suffer from a ma;or cleft palate,lip they are more li7ely to be able to achieve success on the lower brass instruments.e.g. +uphonium-trombone-tuba/.

P"A#I$G %I$&' %I() A *"+ ( PA"A(+ Conclusion# Can students ith a cleft palate/lip play ind instruments? #es. Although the ;ourney may be difficult- it is 6uite possible for a student with a cleft palate,lip to successfully play a wind instrument.

P"A#I$G %I$&' %I() A *"+ ( PA"A(+ References Ac7ermann-@.-+vans- A.-&riscoll-(..822:/ The role of the soft palate in woodwind and brass playing. Retrieved &ecember 9- 82?4 http:,,www.legacyweb.rcm.ac.u7,cache,fl22?:::2.pdf Mayo *linic .n.d/ *left lip and *left palate .n.d/Retrieved &ecember 9- 82?4. http:,,www.mayoclinic.com,health,cleft1palate,&'22345,&'+*(IA$Btreatments1and1drugs Ac7ermann-@.-+vans- A.-&riscoll-(.82?2/Functional Anatomy of the Soft Palate Applied to Wind Playing. Retrieved &ecember 9- 82?4 http:,,embouchure.nl,bestanden,+vansC82Ac7ermann.pdf '. @hattacharya- =. Dhanna- and R. Dohli Cleft lip: The historical perspective..n.d./ Retrieved &ecmber 9- 82?4.http:,,www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov,pmc,articles,PM*858929:,

Dids)ealth by $emours Cleft lip and Cleft Palate n.d.! "etrieved #ecember $%&'() http:**+idshealth.org*+id*health,problems*birth,defect*cleft,lip,palate.html

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