Ast 1
Ast 1
Ast 1
Planets. Rahu and Ketu are malefic planets for all Zodiac Signs. Least number of malefic planets are for Gemini Ascendant. Most number of malefic planets are for Taurus, Virgo and Pisces ascendant. Whenever in the nativity benefic planets are weak due to strength, placement, affliction, they tend to cause delay, denial, difficulties, dissatisfaction, obstructions, emotional setbacks, etc. And whenever in the nativity benefic planets are well placed, strong, unafflicted they tend to provide happiness, gains, success, fulfillment of desire in life and early settlement in life. In addition to that whenever malefic planets are afflicting and afflicted they tend to cause obstructions, accidents, miseries, humiliation, serious setbacks, death like situation. The Benefic and Malefic planets are categorized as per list below.